
Pitted cherry jam: recipes for thick cherry jam with whole berries for the winter. The most successful cherry jam recipes

I prefer to cook seedless cherry jam so as not to be distracted by them when drinking tea. But in the article I will talk about different options - including with bones.

The first time in my life I made cherry jam when I was 25 years old. I was just learning the science of conservation and not everything worked out. I cooked with bones. At that time, I did not know that they could be extracted and, of course, did not know how. There were no removal tools.

Now I have several different ones and even almost automatic ones. It looks, approximately, like a manual meat grinder (remember, there were such before in every family). Berries are thrown into the funnel, they go down the tunnel to a certain place. Then you press the handle, which, like a hole punch, makes a hole in the cherry and at the same time pushes the stone out. Very convenient and saves a lot of time.

Cherries are useful both fresh and canned. She helps:

  • With cardiovascular diseases;
  • Strengthens the immune system, so it is useful to use it during the cold season;
  • Increases hemoglobin and is useful for anemia;
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels.

Cooking with bones is quite simple. First, we prepare the berry - we wash it under running water, let it drain and dry it on a towel.

For jam, we take a kilogram of berries and a kilogram of granulated sugar. Usually they also take water. But I think you can do without it. Cherries contain a lot of water, and the jam can be too thin. I don't like that.

I pierce the fruit with a toothpick. This is necessary so that the skin does not wrinkle, and the berries look beautiful. If you do not care about the outside, then you can immediately start cooking jam - save time.

I fill the cherry with sugar, you can layer it and let it stand for a while to extract the juice. If you are in a hurry, you can skip this step and start cooking right away.

You can speed up the process of extracting juice using a conventional potato masher. Squeeze the berries lightly with it - the juice will stand out, which means it's time to start cooking.

I put it on a slow fire and stir the sugar (otherwise it may burn) with a wooden spatula. I remove the resulting foam at the very end of the process.

Boil in boiling mode for twenty minutes. As you can see, a lot of liquid turned out without adding water. While the berries are cooking, prepare the jars. We wash with soda, calcined in the oven or microwave.

Spread the jam hot. So that the jars do not burst, put them in a cup, and then pour the delicacy. We seal with lids.

Cherry jam Pyatiminutka with pits

Five-minute jams are my favorite. It takes much less time, but it turns out delicious.

For 1 kg of cherries we take 900 g of sugar

  • We separate garbage, twigs from berries, wash and drain;
  • Mix the berries with sugar and let it brew until the juice appears;
  • We heat the container with the mass to a boil and keep it on the stove for five minutes over low heat;
  • Set aside to cool;
  • Then boil again for five minutes and cool;
  • We do this three times;
  • After the last time, cool slightly and pour into jars, roll up the lids.

How to make cherry jam so that it is thick

Since I found a device for extracting seeds, I began to cook only seedless jam. Of course, it takes more time, but in the end the time spent is justified.

We clean the cherries from debris, wash and dry.

We extract the bones in any way possible.

Let the cherry stand for half an hour. She will give you juice. We put it on fire, bring it to about 70 degrees (it's about like hot tea), remove from heat. Drain the liquid through a colander. Juice can be drunk immediately or rolled up for the winter. It turns out pretty well.

To get a thick jam, get rid of excess juice. This will reduce the cooking time.

We weigh the pitted cherries and take the same amount of sugar.

We fall asleep berries with sugar, mix and see that there is a lot of juice again.

We put the container with the mass on the fire and bring to a boil.

Boil for 15 minutes over low heat, pour into prepared jars hot. We close with nylon lids, cool on the table.

Thick pitted jam for the winter with color retention

In order for the jam to turn out thick, and the berries to retain their beneficial properties to the maximum, you can make jam according to the following recipe.

Berries and sugar are taken in the same amount.

  • The fruits are freed from leaves and twigs, washed, dried. If necessary, you can remove the bones;
  • Add half of the granulated sugar to the cherry and leave overnight until the juice is released;
  • We put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, cool;
  • Drain the juice, add the remaining half of the sugar to it and cook further without berries;
  • Boil the syrup until tender. How to check readiness? Pour some syrup into a cup of cold water. If the drop does not spread, then it is ready;
  • After the syrup is ready, pour the berries into it, mix and roll it into jars.

If you want to get thick cherry jam, then the proportions of sugar to berries are 2 to 1. In this case, the syrup is thick.

Frozen Cherry Jam

Cherries can be frozen. How? Read below. And throughout the year you can enjoy fresh jam. Depending on what kind of cherry you have in the freezer - with or without seeds, we will cook such jam.

For a kilogram of berries, 700 grams of sugar is enough. It won't be so sickening.

  • Pour the frozen berries with sugar in layers and put on a calm fire, stirring constantly so that the mass does not burn;
  • After boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes.

Now there are options. If you cook without stones, you can kill the mass in a blender and boil again for 10 minutes. If with bones, then immediately pour into jars.

By the way, to enhance the taste, you can add cinnamon at the end of cooking.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

Jam in a slow cooker is the easiest recipe for cooking. For a kilogram of cherries we take a kilogram of sugar and 100 ml of water.

  • Put sugar and cherries into the multicooker bowl, pour water and mix;
  • Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for one hour;
  • Pour into sterilized jars.

You can store seedless jam for 2-3 months longer than with seeds.

Cherry jam with gelatin

Cherries do not have a high gelling property, such as gooseberries or currants. Therefore, in order to make jam, you must add either another berry or gelatin. I'll give you two options.

For cooking, you will need 400 grams of sugar, 100 grams of water and 20 grams of gelatin for 800 kilograms of pitted cherries.

Prepare the berry and cover it with sugar, wait until the juice appears. One hour will be enough.

Punch with a blender and put the pan with the grated mass on the fire.

Put gelatin to swell in 100 grams of water for half an hour. Strain if necessary.

Bring the mass to a boil, boil for 20 minutes. The resulting foam must be removed from the surface.

Then add the bloomed gelatin in a thin stream with constant stirring.

Boil literally 1 minute and pour into jars. Otherwise, the gelatin will seize during solidification, and it will no longer be possible to pour it.

Cherry and gooseberry jam recipe

Gooseberries act as a gelling agent. We take 200 grams of gooseberries for 1 kg of cherries, 1 kg of sugar and a few tablespoons of water.

  • We sort out cherries and gooseberries, wash them separately, dry them;
  • We punch cherries in a blender or scroll in a meat grinder (if there is a lot of it), cover it with sugar and put on fire;
  • Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and boil for 15 minutes;
  • Pour gooseberries with cold water and heat. When the peel bursts, wipe through a sieve. We use only juice;
  • Add the juice to the mass of cherries and boil until tender.

cherry leaf liqueur

I prepare this liquor in the fall, when the chokeberry ripens.


  • 100 grams of chokeberry
  • 100 grams of cherry leaves
  • 800 grams of granulated sugar
  • 800 - 1000 ml of water
  • 2 tsp citric acid
  • 0.5 l vodka


  • Rinse chokeberry and cherry leaves, dry and crush;
  • Pour the mass with water and boil for 10 minutes;
  • Add sugar, citric acid to the resulting syrup and boil for another 20 minutes;
  • Cool, strain through cheesecloth and pour in vodka. Mix everything.
  • I bottle it and send it to storage in a closet. Stores well at room temperature.

Cherry compote

It's nice to open a jar of compote in winter. It can be made from one cherry or mixed with different berries. I take a glass of sugar for a three-liter jar.

  • We clean the berries, wash, dry. I usually pierce cherries with a toothpick so that they do not burst. But you can not do this;
  • I pour a berry (or a mixture of different ones) into half a jar, pour boiling water over it and let it stand for a couple of minutes;
  • Drain back into the pan and add sugar;
  • I bring the syrup to a boil, pour the berry a second time and roll it into sterilized jars.

How to freeze cherries

I use frozen cherries for filling pies or bake an open pie with it. Vareniki, compote, desserts are also very tasty.

I prepare the berries, remove the seeds and put them in containers, sprinkled a little with sugar. I send it to the freezer.

Now you know several options for cherry jam. I hope you take my advice. If you have your own family recipe, share in the comments. Have a delicious summer!

You can also listen to a song about cherry jam.

Cherry jam in the old days it was called "royal" because of its excellent taste, with which no berry could compete. Indeed, cherries are tasty and fragrant, but the process of making jam from them is quite laborious and lengthy (especially the preparation of cherries). Therefore, quick five-minute recipes and methods for preserving pitted cherries were invented. But the usual recipes should not be neglected. After all, it is in the rich cherry jam and confiture that all the charm is contained.

Cherry jam is prepared in different ways. For example, with or without bones. Of course, the second option is considered better and safer; since with seeds, the shelf life of jam does not exceed one year. Jam is made from ripe and overripe cherries, but the most successful varieties for preservation are Zakharyevsky cherries, Turgenevka, Shubinka and other southern varieties. It is best to select maroon cherries, and the darker they are, the tastier and richer the winter dessert will turn out.

Preparing cherries for jam

For making cherry jam the most important step is the preparation of the berries. Cherries are subjected to the following processing. If you plan to cook pitted jam, then you will need to remove them with a hairpin, pin or a special device, thanks to which the cherries will lose less juice when peeling. To make jam with seeds, each berry must be pierced so that it is better saturated with sugar syrup. Alternatively, instead of piercing the cherries, you can blanch at 90°C for about 1 minute. And be sure to cut off the tails and leaves from the cherries, which are absolutely not needed in delicious cherry jam.

"Cherry jam" recipe with bones

Such methods without pre-cleaning fruits and berries are. There is no hassle with them, and they take much less time. The secret of this jam lies in the proper preparation of the berries for cooking. So, for jam with seeds, 0.5 kg of sugar and 800 ml of water are taken per 1 kg of cherries.

Cherries need to be washed and pricked with a pin or needle. Whole berries will be more slowly soaked in syrup, and as a result, they may shrink and the jam will turn out not so beautiful and, accordingly, of poor quality. And it is not recommended to cook them for a long time. Therefore, it is worth paying attention and chopping the berries, after which they are transferred to an enamel basin or a stainless steel pan and poured with sugar syrup made from 300 g of sugar and 800 ml of water.

Cherries are aged in syrup for about 3-4 hours, and then boiled over moderate heat for 7-10 minutes. Then the cherry syrup is decanted and boiled separately for another 5 minutes. Cherries are again laid in hot syrup, 200 g of sugar are poured into them and the jam is boiled until cooked by bringing to a boil and removing from heat in 2-3 calls. Ready cherry jam is laid out in sterilized glass jars and sealed with boiled lids.

Pitted Cherry Jam Recipe

Unlike the "" recipe, for cooking 1 kg of peeled berries you will need 1.2 kg of sugar. Cherries for harvesting are freed from stones, transferred to a bowl for cooking and sprinkled with sugar. The berries must be allowed to brew for 2-3 hours, let the juice in and so that the syrup is formed. Another 1 cup (200 ml) of water is added to the berries with syrup and they are simmered over low heat, stirring regularly so that the grains of sugar are completely dissolved in the jam.

Then the fire should be increased, bring the jam to a boil and remove it from the stove. This procedure is repeated several times, making sure that the cherries do not burn. The foam that forms on the surface during cooking must be removed. After the last cooking, the jam should cool down and you can transfer it to glass jars, close the lids and store it in a cool place.

Recipe "Thick Cherry Jam"

Thick cherry jam is more like cherry jam or jam. It does not spread over the surface and is great as a decoration for desserts, and can also be cooked cherry jam pie recipe. The ingredients that you will need for harvesting are as follows:
- 1 kg of cherries,
- 1.5 kg of sugar,
- 1 cup (150-200 ml) of water.

The jam turns out to be thick - as lovers say, so that there is a "spoon" in it - due to the high sugar content in it, as well as a certain variety of cherries (it is better to select fleshy, dense, not watery berries for jam). For thick jam, cherries do not have to be pitted; This is at the discretion of the owner. Prepared cherries are placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar and left to infuse for 3 hours. After that, the dishes with cherries in syrup are placed on a low fire, 1 glass of water is poured into it and the jam is warmed up, stirring constantly. Cherry jam is boiled until the syrup becomes homogeneous. Then the fire must be increased, stir again and bring the jam to a boil. The workpiece is brought to a boil and removed from heat to cool to room temperature 3-4 times, and you can roll the jam into jars.

Recipe for cherries

In a slow cooker, cherry jam can be prepared in several ways. The next two are the most popular ones. For the first jam recipe in a slow cooker, you will need:
- 0.6 kg pitted cherries,
- 1.2 kg of sugar,
- ? tsp citric acid.
Pitted cherries are placed in a saucepan with a volume slightly smaller than the multicooker bowl (so that it freely enters the device), covered with sugar and about 150 ml of water is poured into them. The berries are left for 5 hours, after which they are thoroughly mixed. Next, water is poured into the multicooker to the first mark, and a saucepan with cherries is inserted. Additionally, a clean cloth or silicone mat should be placed on the bottom of the bowl. The slow cooker turns on the "Soup" mode for 4 hours.

After the specified time, the multicooker lid must be opened and citric acid diluted with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 is added to the jam. The jam is mixed, the device closes, and the workpiece is boiled for another 8-10 minutes. Ready cherry jam must be allowed to brew in a warm place and cool (approximately 10-12 hours). During this time, the berries will have time to soak in sugar syrup, and you can put the jam in jars and roll it up.

For the second recipe in a slow cooker for 1 kg of cherries, you need to take 1 kg of sugar. Cherries are carefully sorted, washed, transferred to a slow cooker and mixed with sugar. They also have some water on them. The multicooker closes and turns on for 60 minutes in the "Extinguishing" mode. During this hour, every 10 minutes, the jam should be stirred and the resulting foam should be removed. Ready cherry jam is poured into jars and stored in a cool place. The proposed two methods for a multicooker are very convenient to cook. With cherry jam cooked in a slow cooker, you can make excellent desserts, decorate pastries with them.

Recipe " Cherry jam with pits five minutes"

The ingredients needed for five-minute cherry jam are as follows:
- 1 kg of cherries,
- 0.5 kg of sugar.
For a quick jam, the cherries are washed under cold water and poured into a saucepan. It is not necessary to clean the berries from the stones. Cherries are sprinkled with sugar in layers; in this way 4-5 layers are made. The saucepan with cherries is covered with a towel (so that the berries can “breathe”) and left for 2-3 hours so that the cherries release the juice in which they will be boiled; because water is not added to quick jam. After 3 hours, the saucepan with the cherry preparation is put on a slow fire to boil, kept on it for 5 minutes with a quiet boil and removed from the heat. Jam is laid out in sterilized dry jars and closed.

Recipe " "

To make cherry jam you will need:

1 kg cherries,
- 0.5 kg of sugar,
- 1 sachet of gelfix.

Washed cherries are pitted and poured into an enamel pan. Gelfix is ​​mixed with 2 tbsp. sugar and poured to the berries in a saucepan. Everything is thoroughly mixed and put on fire to boil, stirring. As soon as the mass boils, the remaining sugar is poured into it, and the workpiece is mixed again. Having brought the confiture to a boil, it should be poured into glass jars, closed with lids and turned upside down until cool. Cherry confiture is stored in a cool dark place.

Recipe "Cherry jam in chocolate for the winter"

So chocolatey cherry jam calories has a higher than a simple workpiece. But the amazing taste of such a delicacy justifies all the extra calories eaten with cherry seaming. Cherry in chocolate jam can be used as a “spread” for sweet sandwiches, as a chocolate-cherry paste, as a filling for cakes and pastries, as an addition to yogurt, ice cream or jelly ... You can prepare a treat from:
- 1 kg of fresh ripe cherries,
- 1 kg of sugar,
- 1 dark chocolate bar
- 100 g cocoa.

Cherry berries are pitted, stacked in a wide bowl and sprinkled with sugar. When they start up the juice, the dishes are put on a moderate fire and, stirring gently, the cherries in syrup are brought to a boil. After harvesting, it is necessary to give time to stand, and the berries to be fed with syrup. Then the cherries are removed from the syrup with a slotted spoon or colander. The syrup is separately brought to a boil and cherries are lowered into it in a colander and left to cool. This procedure is repeated 4-5 times. During this time, the cherries will already be well soaked in sugar syrup and become dense. If there is too much syrup, you can pour it into a separate jar or make a delicious compote from it.

The last time the cherries are dipped into the syrup, they are carefully transferred to a bowl. Grated dark chocolate and cocoa powder are added to them. All this is mixed and cooked over low heat for 5 minutes. Chocolate cherry jam is laid out in sterilized small (250 ml) jars and rolled up with metal lids. The workpiece can be stored at room temperature.

Recipe " Cherry strawberry jam»

Like all "gifts of nature", cherries can be combined with other fruits and berries when making jam. They are combined with black and red currants, raspberries, gooseberries, apricots, etc. But the cherry-strawberry tandem gives the best result. It is this jam that is obtained with an amazing aroma; especially if vanilla is added to it at the end of cooking. You can prepare cherry-strawberry jam from the following products:
- 0.5 kg of cherries,
- 0.5 kg of strawberries,
- 1 kg of sugar.

Washed cherries are sorted, cleaned of ponytails, leaves and seeds. The strawberries are washed and the sepals are removed from them. Then the berries are transferred to a bowl and covered with sugar. They need to be allowed to stand. Cherries with strawberries should release juice, and as soon as it appears, you can put the bowl on the fire.

The jam is cooked over low heat, stirring it from time to time and removing the foam with a spoon. If cooked, then the cooking time is significantly reduced. On average, the berries are boiled for 30-40 minutes. And in order to keep their shape, it is better to bring the jam to a boil, cool and boil again (and so on 3-4 times). The finished cherry-strawberry jam is transferred to pre-sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

Useful tips "How to cook cherry jam":

Cherry berries for jam do not need to be cooked for a long time, otherwise they become “wrinkled” and dark spots appear on them, which negatively affects the quality of the finished product.

The foam that forms on the surface during the cooking of cherry jam consists of coagulated proteins that are subject to souring and fermentation. Therefore, the defoaming process is very important. This increases the shelf life of the jam.

Cherry jam with cognac. Photo

At the height of the summer season, when a variety of fruits and berries are ripe, many people make jam. Especially tasty and fragrant, it is obtained from cherries. Moreover, jam is prepared not only from pitted cherries, but also with pits together. They give the dessert a special almond flavor.

In this article, we will share with you two simple recipes and teach you how to make delicious cherry jam. How to cook, how to sterilize containers, how to pour syrup into jars and, finally, how to store this delicious sweet, you will learn from our story. So, let's start preparing an amazing dessert for the winter.

how to cook it at home (pitted)

We bring to your attention a simple recipe for jam. To prepare it, you will need 4 kg of cherries and 5 kg of sugar. First, sort and remove the stalks, and then rinse the berries well under running cool water. Now we move on to peeling the cherries from the pits. This can be done using a special tool - a bone squeezer, or using improvised means, such as a pin or hairpin.

After carrying out all the preparatory procedures, you can start cooking. We place the berries in a large container and cover them with sugar. We leave for several hours until all the sugar is saturated. After that, gently mix the berries and put the pan on the fire. We boil for 20 minutes our How to cook? Do not cover the pot with a lid. Cook over medium heat and stir occasionally. After that, remove the jam from the heat and let it cool down a bit. We take pre-sterilized jars and pour syrup with berries over them. We also pre-boil the lids thoroughly. Close jars and turn over. Everything, our tasty and healthy cherry jam (seedless recipe) is ready. You can store it in a cool dark place. How pleasant it is to please yourself with juicy, sweet berries on winter evenings!

Cherry jam: how to cook berries with seeds

This dessert has a special rich taste, which has an almond hue. Making cherry jam with pits is also not particularly difficult. According to our recipe, the sweetness is thick, fragrant and healthy. You will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • cherry - 3 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.

To begin with, we will prepare the berries - we will select good, ripe fruits, without dents. Remove stems and wash cherries thoroughly.

Now let's get to the syrup. Put a pot of water on the fire, after the liquid boils, add 2.5 kg of sugar to it. Let's simmer for a minute. Now fill the berries with hot syrup and leave them alone for at least 10 hours. After we put the container with berries and syrup on the fire, put the remaining sugar there and let it boil for 5 minutes over low heat. After that, remove the pan from the heat and leave it alone again for 10 hours. Again, put the pan on the fire, boil for 5 minutes, removing the foam with a spoon. Again we leave the jam to "reach" for 10 hours, after which we boil for the third time for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. We will pre-sterilize the jars, as well as wash and boil the lids. After boiling three times, you can pour the dessert into jars, close them with lids and quickly turn them upside down. Everything, delicious cherry jam is ready!

The other day I already shared with you a recipe for cherry jam for the winter, which we prepared with a bone. Today I offer another version of this amazing berry delicacy - we will prepare pitted cherry jam. It turns out just as tasty, fragrant and beautiful. By the way, due to the absence of these very seeds, such cherry jam will become not only a wonderful dessert, but also a filling for excellent homemade pastries.

The color of the finished jam will be fantastically saturated, and its taste will be simply magical. So that the berries do not fall apart during the cooking process and remain intact in the finished cherry jam, we will heat the raw products in three steps and for a very short time. By the way, it is precisely due to this procedure that this cherry jam is also called a five-minute (berries are boiled in syrup for no more than 5 minutes).

Despite the fact that the preparation of cherry jam will take 2 days, our work itself is actually minimal. The most laborious thing is to remove the seeds from the berries, but most of the time the cherry is infused and soaked in syrup, and we just wait, minding our own business. But as a result, you will get about 1.2 liters of amazing homemade cherry jam, in which whole sweet berries are bathed in a fairly thick and rich berry syrup.


Cooking step by step with photos:

To make homemade cherry jam for the winter, we need fresh ripe cherries and granulated sugar. In general, we need 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries, but we will prepare seedless cherry jam, so I give a mass of 200 grams more (taking into account the weight of the removed seeds).

Wash the cherries and let the water drain. After that, we take out the bones in any way - I use such an ancient device, but you can use a pin, hairpin, teaspoon or just your fingers.

As a result, from 1.2 kilograms of fresh cherries, I get exactly 1 kilogram of pitted berries. We immediately put the cherries in a bulk dish in which you will cook the jam. It should be large so that it is more convenient to shake the berries.

In this state, cherries with sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, during which it is important not to interfere, but to slightly shake the contents. Thus, the berries will not be crushed, and the sugar will disperse faster. If you have the desire and time, you can cover the berries with sugar in the evening and leave them until the morning.

When most of the sugar has dissolved and turned into syrup, put the dishes on a quiet fire and let the granulated sugar with cherry juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid for this time. It is advisable not to interfere with the berries and sugar with a spoon, but only slightly shake the dishes from side to side. This is necessary so that the cherry retains its integrity.

Bring the contents of the bowl to a boil and simmer over low-medium heat for about 5 minutes. Don't forget to take off the foam. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and allow the pitted cherry jam to cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush, so you can leave the delicacy to rest for at least 5, at least for 12 hours.

During this time, the cherry will give even more juice, and the berries will thicken, due to which they will keep their shape. Then heat the jam a second time and cook again for 5 minutes. Let cool completely.

Bring everything to a boil and cook the cherry jam for the last 5 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam. That is, cook the jam in three steps for 5 minutes. Fragrant and rich jam with whole berries is ready, it remains only to close it for the winter.

Pour the still boiling cherry jam into pre-prepared jars, not reaching the edge of about 1-1.5 centimeters. Each hostess has her own favorite method, and I do it in the microwave - I wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml of cold water into each. I steam in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 jars at once, 7-9 minutes will suffice. I boil the lids on the stove for five minutes too.

Fragrant, with a delicate sourness, with caramelized berries, which has many shades, from soft pink to ruby. And what a useful! Cherry jam. It gets so different. For every taste. But few people refuse to cook a few jars of such jam for the winter after the next cherry harvest.

Cherry jam

Housewives take cherries for jam either with or without a stone. Removing the stone from the berries is a laborious task. But there is an opinion that jam from such berries turns out to be the most fragrant. Yes, and eating it, when you do not have to clean the berries in your mouth from stones, is much more pleasant and convenient.

You can cook cherries for the next variety of jam for five minutes (you get a five-minute jam), or longer to increase the thickness of the jam. You can make jams, jams, marmalade, dietary jam options that are low in sugar from cherries.

To prepare classic pitted cherry jam sugar should be taken in equal amounts in relation to the berries. That is 1:1. And for every kilo of sugar you need a glass of water. We cook a syrup from sugar and water, in which the sugar should completely dissolve. In the syrup that boils on the stove, pour the cherries prepared in advance (peeled from the leaves, stalks, washed in a colander and dried on paper napkins) and immediately turn off the fire under the pan. Let the cherry stand in syrup for seven hours.

Next, we take the berries out of the syrup with a slotted spoon, bring the latter to a boil again, dip the berries into it again and let it stand for seven hours. We bring the jam to a boil now, without removing the berries from it and turn it off if we want the cherry to retain more vitamins. If there is a desire to make the jam thicker, cook until tender over low heat, checking the syrup with one drop on a saucer. It shouldn't spread.

Cherry jam

Using the example of pitted cherry jam, we present the following method of its preparation. You can cook in this way both cherries and sweet cherries. To prepare such a jam, you will need a little more sugar than in the previous version. For a kilo of pitted berries, you need to take 1.2 kg of sugar and a glass of water, as well as a teaspoon of citric acid, which will add thick jam and a pleasant sourness.

We clean the berries from the stone. You can do this with an ordinary female hairpin. Next, cook the berries in the same way as in the first version with seeds. Citric acid is added at the very end of the preparation of jam. Roll into sterile jars. Ready!
