
Delicious blackcurrant jelly - recipes and step-by-step instructions for the winter: no cold cooking, five minutes with gelatin. How to make ripe blackcurrant jelly »

Black currant, which is so valued for its high content of vitamins, often ends up on the table of housewives. Delicious, healthy and beautiful blackcurrant jelly is easy to prepare at home. The delicacy can be served with pancakes, cheesecakes and just for tea.

Currant berries contain pectin, so you do not need to use special thickeners. To prepare a delicious dessert, you need to use only ripe berries.

Jelly-like currant jam in glasses - for 11 glasses

It turns out fragrant, healthy currant jelly.
Blackcurrant - 11 glasses
Sugar - 14 cups
Water - 2 glasses

Sort the blackcurrant, rinse and let the water drain.

Pour 2 cups of water and 7 cups of sugar into a saucepan.

Boil the syrup - the sugar should completely dissolve.

Put all currants into boiling syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from fire.

Pour the remaining sugar, stir for 10 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour hot into jars. Keep refrigerated. Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter video recipe

This recipe always makes a delicious dessert.

Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter five minutes

1 l fresh juice
1 kg sugar
Wash the berries in cool water, dry, scattering a thin layer on paper or a clean cloth. Rub in a wooden bowl with a wooden spatula. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth. Combine juice with sugar. Place in the refrigerator for three hours. Grind (preferably in earthenware) with a wooden spatula until thickened.

Transfer the prepared mixture into jars, close the lids. Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jelly recipe for the winter

Black currant berries - 1 kg
Sugar sand - 300 gr

Sort currant berries, rinse and dry on a towel.

Mash the berries with a crush, place them in a saucepan and, bringing to a boil over low heat, cook for 10 minutes.
Cool the boiled berry mass a little and squeeze the juice out of it. Pass through the juicer, and twice, i.e. Press the cake obtained for the first time again.

Dissolve the sugar in the squeezed juice and cook for 20 minutes.

Pour hot jelly into dry sterile jars. Jelly turns out wonderful - elastic, keeps its shape and no gelling agents! Bon appetit!

On a note
The cake left over from the berry can be put to good use. We spread it on a baking sheet and dry it, then store it in a glass jar. In winter, it makes an excellent fragrant tea.

The original recipe for a delicious and healthy blackcurrant fruit drink with cinnamon

Video recipe for a refreshing drink for hot weather - blackcurrant juice with cinnamon. The original recipe for a delicious and healthy fruit drink. How to cook juice quickly at home. Useful compote for children. This soft drink is loved by both children and adults.

Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter a simple recipe

Prepare fragrant jelly-like jam according to this recipe, which will definitely not leave any household indifferent!
You will enjoy delicious jelly - it can be used in pies, and in layers of cakes, but in many places you can.
10 cups blackcurrant
10 cups of sugar
2.5 cups of water

Sort and wash the berries for currant jam.

Put them in a basin or enameled pan, pour in water and bring to a boil over medium heat.
Three minutes after boiling, add sugar, bring to a boil and cook for about 5-6 minutes over medium heat.

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

Next, the jars need to be turned over, wrapped in a thick towel and waited for complete cooling - usually it takes about a day. Wonderful tasty currant jam-jelly with a huge amount of vitamins for tea is ready!

Bon appetit!

I hope the blackcurrant jelly preparation recipes from the article will help you in preparing this wonderful dessert for tea. And this delicacy will decorate your table. All year round, and especially on winter evenings, with a cup of tea, the aroma of blackcurrant will cheer you up. I wish you a pleasant tea!

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Currant grows in almost every garden plot, ripens in mid-summer, and breeds densely. This allows not only to enjoy the berry in season, but also to make some preparations for the winter. It is very common, in addition to jam, to make blackcurrant jelly, as well as redcurrant jelly. If any currant grows in your garden, jelly just begs for the table. Both types of currants are great for making jelly, because. in these berries the ability to gelling is increased. More acidic redcurrant, brighter jelly, but not as sweet-tart as blackcurrant. Jelly is made from it more often, but both of them are equally popular. Thanks to a unique set of necessary substances, currant jelly can be cooked without gelatin at all, some chefs even prefer a recipe for currant jelly without cooking. When using this option, more useful substances are stored in the jelly, but such a blank should be stored in a cold place.

Currant jelly is a favorite dish for both children and most adults. You can simply enjoy this dessert with tea, or you can use it in culinary experiments. Harvesting currant jelly for the winter allows you to do this all year round, and without prejudice to the figure, since the calorie content of this product is extremely low.

In the summer season, you should think about preparing currant jelly, its recipe is very simple. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what kind of currant you have: redcurrant jelly - the recipe is as simple as blackcurrant jelly. You need to study the recipe on the site, use it as a base, and then enrich it with your experiments and innovations. In particular, some spices (cinnamon, cloves) can be used to give different flavors. But keep in mind - not all spices are suitable for a sweet dish. In winter, you will definitely praise yourself for these preparations, and will be happy to drink tea with your family with currant jelly. The recipe for the winter suggests that it is better to boil it, so it will last longer.

The no-boil recipe keeps slightly less and requires refrigeration.

For you - a few tips for cooking currant jelly:

Before bottling in jars, the jelly should be strained to avoid the ingress of unwanted solids;

The traditional ratio of berries and sugar is one to one and a half. But a deviation is possible depending on the sugar content of the crop;

In the process of cooking jelly, it must be constantly stirred in order to prevent the formation of a film that prevents the evaporation of moisture;

The jelly cooking process lasts about 45 minutes, and up to an hour;

Hermetically sealed jars can be stored at room temperature;

The jelly can also be closed leaky with a simple plastic lid. But in this case, you need to put a piece of paper soaked in vodka on the jelly, it will not allow mold to form;

After wiping the product, the liquid fraction goes to jelly, and the remaining solid mass can be used in parts for cooking compotes. These parts can be stored in the freezer wrapped in cellophane.

Appetizing currant jelly is great for treating guests. Children will love to eat it too. But currant berries contain many vitamins that help maintain immunity in the winter cold and forget about the common cold. You can cook delicious sweets both without boiling berries, in a cold way, or step by step with preliminary boiling of currants. Each of the proposed photo and video instructions has its advantages. For example, it will help to make a translucent blackcurrant jelly recipe with grinding berries and straining the juice. But you can also make quick jelly with berries using the proposed five-minute recipe with the addition of gelatin. Any of the described preparations for the winter, regardless of the method of processing berries, is useful and vitamin.

Delicious blackcurrant jelly for the winter - a recipe with step by step photos

Unusual black currant jelly is quite easy to prepare, if you know how to properly prepare the juice, add sugar to it. Experienced housewives recommend using softened and water-saturated berries in work, rather than fresh dense currants. They are much easier to grind and give a lot of liquid. You can find out how to cook delicious blackcurrant jelly and get a large amount of product in the recipe below.

Ingredients according to the recipe for black currant delicious jelly for winter

  • currant - 2 kg;
  • sugar - according to the amount of juice extracted from the berries.

A recipe with step-by-step photos of cooking currant delicious jelly for the winter from black berries

  • Clean the collected currants from twigs, leaves and dried tails. Rinse the berries thoroughly from dust.
  • Transfer the currants to a saucepan and fill with water to the top. The water level above the berries should be high (about 3-5 cm above the layer of berries). Put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook for 20-25 minutes.
  • Grind the finished berries with a potato masher or a regular fork until the mixture becomes almost homogeneous (no whole berries remain).
  • Transfer the cooled currant puree to a bag of gauze or fine mesh, put on a special tripod (you can replace it with a colander) and leave overnight. During this time, the juice from the berries will drain completely. Then measure the amount of juice obtained. For each liter, take 1 kg of sugar and add to the juice. Put the mixture on the fire and after boiling with minimal heating, boil for 20 minutes. Pour the hot jelly into clean jars and roll them up.
  • How to make blackcurrant jelly for the winter - step by step instructions with photos

    The use of berries of two colors when cooking currant jelly allows you to get a more colorful and original sweetness. For example, you can combine red and black berries or lighten black by adding white currants. The main condition is only the maturity of the berry. Otherwise, experimentation with the proportions of fresh ingredients used is allowed. How to make blackcurrant jelly or a mixture of berries of different colors can be found in the following recipe.

    List of ingredients for preparing blackcurrant berry jelly for the winter cold

    • currant - 0.5 kg (you can use 250 g of red and 250 g of black);
    • lemon juice - 100 ml;
    • sugar - 0.5 kg;
    • pectin - 50 g.

    Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for currant jelly from black berries for the winter

  • Sort currant berries, remove their tails and twigs. Rinse the berry and place it in a thick-walled saucepan, add lemon juice. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Grind the prepared berries through a strainer.
  • Add sugar to the mixture and bring to a boil. Cook at a temperature of about 82 degrees for 10 minutes. Then pour the finished jelly into jars and roll them up. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Unusual blackcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking - recipe with photo instructions

    Pre-boiling the berries allows you to extract as much juice from them as possible. But in the absence of time for such preparation of ingredients, you can cook blackcurrant jelly without boiling berries. Gelatin will act as a thickener. But to dissolve the additive, you still have to warm the mixture: otherwise, the jelly will not be thick and dense.

    Ingredients according to the recipe for currant unusual jelly for winter from black berries without cooking

    • currant - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • sheet gelatin - 20 g.

    Recipe with a photo of winter harvesting jelly without cooking from black currant berries

  • Rinse currant berries thoroughly, clean from dried tails. Grind with a blender and put the juice to drain overnight.
  • Soak leaf gelatin in water. Add it along with sugar to currant juice and put on a slow fire. Cook the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then pour into jars and roll up.
  • Store the finished jelly in the refrigerator.
  • Fragrant blackcurrant jelly for the winter - five-minute photo recipe

    Adding gelatin is not the only option for thick jelly. You can replace this ingredient with pectin. A vegetable thickener will make it just as easy to get a delicious sweetness that will be elastic. The following recipe will tell you how to cook blackcurrant jelly for five minutes with pectin.

    The list of ingredients for berry flavored jelly for the winter from ripe blackcurrants

    • currant berries - 2 kg;
    • water - 5 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 10 tbsp.;
    • pectin - 4 sachets (200 g).

    Five-minute recipe for winter preparation of black fragrant jelly from ripe currants

  • Sort the collected berries, clean from twigs, leaves, tails. Rinse well in water and transfer to a bowl. Add water and bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 20 minutes.
  • It is good to squeeze the juice and leave it to drain from the berries for 12-16 hours.
  • Mix the finished juice with sugar and put on fire. After boiling, gradually introduce pectin. Cook, thus, the mixture for about 30 minutes, stirring it constantly.
  • Before rolling, check the condition of the jelly: it should become slightly dense and viscous. With such a consistency, it can be safely poured into jars and rolled up.
  • How to cook blackcurrant jelly with gelatin - a detailed photo recipe

    The addition of gelatin to the jelly is optional, but allows for a denser texture of sweetness. Without such thickeners, jelly will only hold its shape when constantly cooled. If you cook blackcurrant jelly with gelatin, then even with room storage it will remain elastic.

    Ingredients for the recipe for making black jelly with gelatin with grated currants

    • blackcurrant berries - 2 kg;
    • sugar - about 1.3 kg;
    • gelatin - 14 g;
    • water - 0.5 l.

    A detailed photo recipe for cooking currant jelly with the addition of black berry gelatin

  • Prepare berries for use. Transfer them to a saucepan, cover with water and boil for 25 minutes after boiling.
  • Transfer the boiled berries to a strainer or cheesecloth.
  • Leave the berries for a day to drain the juice.
  • Additionally squeeze the berries to get the maximum amount of liquid. The berries themselves can be ground with sugar or added to tea.
  • Put currant juice on fire, add sugar. Soak leaf gelatin in water. Bring the juice to a boil, add gelatin and cook the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the finished jelly into clean jars and roll up.
  • Sweet jelly from fresh blackcurrant for the winter in a cold way - a recipe with video

    Cooking jelly in a cold way involves a simple and quick rolling of sweets. But at the same time, the resulting product will not be as dense as when adding a large amount of sugar or thickeners. How to make blackcurrant jelly in the easiest way can be found in the following video instructions.

    Video instruction for cooking currant sweet jelly for winter from black berries in a cold way

    The recipe for making blackcurrant jelly, discussed below, makes it very quick and easy to make a sweet preparation for the winter. In addition, due to the lack of heat treatment, all useful vitamins will be preserved in it. But keep in mind that such jelly must be stored in a refrigerator or basement. The following recipe describes the process of preparing jelly in a cold way step by step:

    Original blackcurrant jelly five minutes - step by step recipe with photo

    It is not necessary to spend a lot of time preparing jelly if you use both juice and berry puree when cooking. This recipe allows you to quickly prepare a fragrant sweetness that will have an attractive appearance. How easy and quick you can make blackcurrant jelly is described in the following recipe.

    The list of ingredients for a five-minute blackcurrant jelly recipe

    • currant - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 700 g;
    • sheet gelatin - 7 g.

    A step-by-step recipe for currant original five-minute black berry jelly

  • Wash the berries thoroughly. Remove stems and twigs.
  • Use a potato masher to crush the berries.
  • Put the finished puree with juice on the stove, bring to a boil, add soaked gelatin and sugar. Boil the mixture for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Arrange jelly with berries in jars and roll them up.
  • Cooking blackcurrant jelly does not always take a lot of time. The hostess can prepare vitamin sweetness very quickly in a cold way without cooking or by simply adding gelatin to the boiled billet. With the proposed photo and video instructions, it will not be difficult to easily make fragrant jelly for the winter. A five-minute recipe with step-by-step tips will help you cook blackcurrant jelly correctly. It is optimal for harvesting a large amount of sweetness with a minimum investment of time and effort.

    Post Views: 86

    Red and black currant jelly for the winter, recipe with photo

    In the hot summer season, almost every day you need to either harvest berries, fruits and vegetables and engage in canning in order to prevent the fruits of the earth from crumbling or simply spoiling.

    We will talk about the conservation of red and black currant jelly for the winter.

    Of course, saving their time and effort, housewives choose recipes for canning that require minimal time. And if we talk about currant preparations, then many refuse to make black and red currant jelly for the winter just because the recipe seems too laborious. But, we live in the age of modern technology, and with modern kitchen appliances in the house, cooking time can be significantly reduced. In any case, making at least a small jar of currant jelly for the winter is a must!

    Jelly can be made from any currant - black, red, white, and a mixture of all available species will do. True, there is an opinion that jelly turns out better from early currant berries, and late berries can gel worse.

    Ingredients for making red and black currant jelly for the winter:

    1 kg currants (red and black currants are fine, we have a mixture),

    500 grams of sugar.

    Recipe for currant jelly for the winter:

    It is better to start with the preparation of jars for jelly, or rather, with their sterilization, any sterilization method is suitable for you, which seems more convenient and faster for you. By the time the jelly needs to be laid out in jars, they should be perfectly clean and dry.

    Rinse the berries, if necessary, and then sort through, removing debris and stalks.

    Now you need to squeeze the juice from the berries. There are several ways. If you have a modern juicer, of course, you need to use it. The second way is to squeeze the juice using gauze folded in several layers, the third way is to rub the berries through a sieve using a wooden pusher. Naturally, after squeezing the juice, the pulp from the berries will remain, in the future it will come in handy for cooking, for example, compote.

    The resulting juice can be filtered, or you can leave it as is. It is better to weigh the juice at this stage in order to accurately measure the amount of sugar.

    Pour juice into a saucepan and add sugar, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Make sure all the sugar has dissolved and remove the pan from the heat.

    And that's the end of the jelly! Pour it into jars and tightly close or roll up.

    As soon as the contents of the jars have completely cooled down, there is no doubt that the currant juice has completely gelled. Currant jelly keeps well and just in a cool dark place, it is not necessary to store it strictly in the refrigerator.

    Blackcurrant blanks for the winter

    Blackcurrant is a berry that contains a high amount of pectin. Thanks to this, various sweet preserves can be preserved from it, which are prepared in a cold, “five-minute” way. If you follow all the rules for preparing a dessert dish, you will certainly get a special consistency that differs from ordinary jam or jam.

    This delicious delicacy can be used as a layer in cookies, cakes, pies or simply served at the tea table. Suffice it to recall that currants contain approximately eight percent sugar (with a predominance of glucose and fructose) and a low amount of tannins. Blackcurrant is one of the best sources of ascorbic acid and vitamin C, besides it has citrine and a small amount of carotene. The berry is rich in potassium salts and contains phosphate and iron salts. As you can see, blackcurrant is a useful berry, it has an incredible taste and reminiscent of the aroma of a warm summer.

    This recipe is good for storage as the treat is kept at room temperature. This is convenient for those who do not have a special place to store conservation. Plus, this recipe is very quick and easy. For him, we need only currants and granulated sugar.

    Berries preparation.

    There is an assumption that the best quality jelly is obtained from unripe currant berries. However, it is not.

    Before harvesting, the currants are sorted, the remains of the sepals are cut with scissors, washed in small proportions in a colander under a small pressure of water with gentle shaking. Washing should be carried out in running drinking water. Then dry the currant. Proportions must be observed for a successful classic taste. If you do not have a kitchen scale, the following information will be useful to you: a liter jar holds about 700 g of currants.

    Choice of dishes.

    In order to make a blackcurrant delicacy, you need to know some secrets. For example, you need to choose the right dishes for cooking it. To do this, we use a special copper basin for cooking jam or a wide dish with a thick bottom to avoid burning the food. Remember that you can not use enamelware, as the jelly in it will definitely burn! The next secret: the layer of currant berries must be small so that excess water can quickly evaporate through the vast open surface of the dish or basin. If there is no proper volume of dishes, then the currants need to be cooked in batches.

    blackcurrant jelly recipe


    One kilogram of currant berries;
    - two glasses of cold water;
    - one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar;


    Pour currants with cold drinking water so that they are slightly covered. For 1 kg of berries, we need 2 tbsp. water. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, and reduce to a lower boil for 15 minutes, add 1 cup of granulated sugar. Remember that you need to remove the foam and stir the berries. After half an hour, add the rest of the norm of granulated sugar to the berries, stir well and bring to a boil again. Boil the jelly for 15 minutes, while stirring the mass and removing the foam. Do not raise the alarm when the jelly begins to stick to the walls of the dish. You should not worry about the loose consistency, because after cooling the jelly becomes thick. Remove from the stove, put the mass in jars, cork them with lids and cool without turning the jars over.

    Blackcurrant jelly

    Another option for blackcurrant preservation. Having prepared currant jelly using this method, you will be pleasantly surprised. Berries are soft and tender. Since, having opened a jar of current treats, you will feel the delicate aroma of summer and an unforgettable taste.


    Water 1 glass;

    Sugar 2 cups;

    Blackcurrant 1 liter jar;


    Wash currants under running water. Dry. Then boil the currants and 1 glass of water for five to seven minutes.

    Take it off the stove and add 2 cups of granulated sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Pack the hot mass in jars and preserve.

    Blackcurrant jelly

    This is a delicious dessert for kids. In this recipe, it is not necessary to remove all the branches, since we are dealing with jelly. Thanks to unripe berries, jelly acquires a jelly-like consistency.


    2.1 kilograms of sugar;

    More than 5 glasses of water;

    About 3.5 kilograms of berries;


    We wash the blackcurrant and put it in a colander or sieve, let the excess water drain. Pour the berries into a basin with a thick bottom and fill with water. Place on a small fire, bring to a boil, boil for ten minutes. As a result, the berry will become soft. We place a sieve in a deep pan and gradually spread the hot mass. The mass must be rubbed with a sieve and strain the rest of the juice.

    We shift the resulting pulp into another dish, it will come in handy for us.

    Pour dense juice with pulp into a basin and bring to vaporization.

    Gradually add sugar.

    Reduce the consistency by 1/3 of the mass. The main task is to stir the mass so that a film does not form. As soon as a thick film appears, it means that our jelly is ready.

    The process of making jelly on fire is from forty minutes to an hour.

    Remove from the stove, pour the jelly into dry jars and seal with lids.

    Banks must be placed in the “upside down” position to form a vacuum, after half an hour return the banks to their original position.

    Blackcurrant jelly recipe

    This is a fragrant dessert dish from a distant childhood. The technology of preservation of this delicacy is reminiscent of childhood. My grandmother always used this recipe. At first she made juice from currants.

    Clean and wash the berries.

    Blackcurrant berries were placed in a copper basin, put on fire and heated until steam was formed. Hot berries in a warm state were rubbed through a sieve with a wooden spoon, without pressing hard on the currant, so as not to crush the grains.


    1 liter of thick juice with pulp;

    1.5 kg of sugar;


    Pour sugar into thick juice with pulp, put on the stove, bring to a boil, remove from heat for 15-20 minutes, remove the foam, put on the stove again, let it boil strongly and set aside for 20 minutes, then put and boil until until foam stops coming out.

    Put the hot mass (temperature about 90 0 C) into heated jars and leave them open for a day, then seal them hermetically or cover them with parchment paper and tie them with an elastic band. Jelly is stored in a cool place.

    Blackcurrant jelly jam

    Currant jam for the winter is a dessert dish that children and adults adore. If you were “generously” treated to such a berry, by all means prepare a dessert dish.

    Most importantly, this delicacy is very tasty and has an unusual smell.


    1.5 tbsp water;

    13 tbsp granulated sugar;

    11 tbsp blackcurrant;


    Pour 1.5 tbsp of water and 11 tbsp of currant into the bowl where the blackcurrant jam will be cooked, then put it on the stove. Turn on medium fire. It is necessary that the mass boil quickly, cook for ten minutes. Then take the dishes from the fire, add 13 tablespoons of granulated sugar, mix with the mass and cool. After cooling, pour the jam-jelly into jars and cork with plastic lids. From the protection of mold, the jam will be preserved thanks to a mug of parchment paper, which was moistened with vodka.

    How to prepare blackcurrant jelly?

    This blank is assorted, as we will prepare such a raspberry jelly. Think: how many vitamins are in this preservation, and what a fragrant aroma! It's nice to open a jar of jam to the tea table.


    Black currant;


    We combine the sorted and washed currants with the same amount of prepared raspberries. The mixture is placed in a bowl, the berries are covered with water, and the mixture is cooked until softened. Filter the purchased juice, let it brew, and then drain. It is boiled down by half, constantly removing the foam, sugar is added and cooked until tender.

    Pack the finished mixture in dry jars and close with clean, dry lids. Ready for storage.

    For 1 liter of juice you need 700 g of sugar.

    Blackcurrant jelly "five minutes"

    This unusual dessert is very easy to prepare. We will spend more than five minutes preparing it (twelve minutes after boiling), one way or another, this delicacy is on the quick hand of the hostess. Water and currant berries in syrup are added to it. In order for the jelly to harden well, it is necessary to boil the syrup longer - to evaporate excess water. You can check the readiness with a drop of jelly on a saucer, the drop should not spread.


    1 liter jar of berries;

    6 tbsp sugar;

    2 tbsp water;


    Combine half a serving of sugar with water and let it boil, add the berries and boil for seven minutes, while stirring a little. Remove the formed foam. After that, add the last sugar and boil for another five minutes.

    Pour the hot mass into heated jars and close with dry lids. Refrigerate and store in a cool place.

    Blackcurrant juice jelly

    With the help of blackcurrant jelly, we can strengthen our immunity, as we get the vitamins contained in the berry. It is necessary to eat about twenty currant berries a day to get vitamin C. The dessert contains this vitamin, as a result, we get it in winter with the help of blackcurrant jelly.


    300-350 grams of granulated sugar;

    1 kilogram of currant berries;


    Transfer the prepared and washed berries to a bowl and crush well with a wooden pestle. Put the resulting puree mass on a stove with medium heat. When the mass boils, it is necessary to boil the eye for ten minutes. Strain the resulting mass through a sieve, while squeezing the berries well with a wooden spoon.

    Pour the consistency into another bowl, add sugar and place on the stove. When it boils, boil the jelly for ten minutes. Divide the hot mixture into jars and seal with lids.

    Black currant jelly

    At the end of summer, every housewife is engaged in conservation. Thus, we preserve the vitamins and benefits of each berry and fruit. I propose to cook a delicious and unusual jelly from blackcurrant berries.


    Blackcurrant berries - eleven glasses;

    Water - three and a half glasses;

    Sugar - fourteen glasses;


    Prepared and washed blackcurrants should be dried. Pour water into a bowl, add seven cups of sugar, stir until dissolved and put on the stove. When the syrup boils, add currant berries and cook for ten minutes. Remove the mass from the stove, add the rest of the sugar and stir well until dissolved. Arrange in sterilized jars without lids. When the berry jelly has cooled, close the jars with plastic lids (previously scalded with boiling water). Jelly is ready.

    Black raspberry jelly

    A beautiful berry is called black raspberry, that is, black currant. For colds, we use it as a medicine, it has a pleasant and unusual aroma.


    1 kilogram of black raspberries;

    200-300 grams of granulated sugar;


    Wash and dry black raspberries. Place in a prepared dish, bring to a boil over moderate heat. Cook for ten minutes, then squeeze out the juice. Bring the resulting juice to a boil over moderate heat, add sugar and mix well. Boil the consistency for no more than twenty minutes over medium heat. Place hot in jars and seal with lids.

    Blackcurrant jelly

    Pleasant aroma, unusual taste, blackcurrant possesses this. Any housewife will be able to prepare jam-jelly, while she will be delighted with the result. Guests will be delighted and will visit you often. Prepare jam jelly according to this method. With this variant of jam harvesting, it is recommended to undercook this improves the quality of the product.


    1 kg of currant berries;

    1.5 kg of sugar;

    500-600 g of water;


    To make the currant tender, it is blanched in boiling water for five minutes or in a juice cooker for three minutes.

    After blanching, let the water drain and transfer to a bowl. On water, after blanching, prepare a syrup of 70% concentration, bring to vaporization, and filter through three layers of gauze. Strained juice is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and blanched currants are added. Jam is boiled in 1 step, removing the foam. Ready jam is poured hot into heated jars, closed, turned over and allowed to cool.

    Blackcurrant jelly photo

    Blackcurrant jelly is a simple and affordable dessert loved by adults and children alike. Currant jelly is the most delicious dessert. Of course, the berry is a little sour, but it is beneficial. This summer treat is super easy to make at home.


    150 g of currant berries;

    25 g food gelatin;

    4 tbsp Sahara;

    3 art. drinking water;


    Take ½ cup of drinking water, pour in edible gelatin and leave for 40 minutes to swell.

    Rinse the prepared berries and grind through a sieve.

    Set aside the currant juice. Pour the pulp with drinking water, and bring to a boil.

    The boiled juice is filtered, and the pulp is transferred to another bowl. Pour sugar into the juice and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Then add the swollen gelatin and boil until it dissolves.

    When the gelatin dissolves, remove from the stove and cool. In a chilled consistency (about 40 0 ​​C), add the pureed currants, and stir thoroughly. Then pour the mixture into silicone moulds.

    We put it in the cold. When the jelly is frozen, you can try.

    Bon appetit.

    Delicious currant jelly

    When the hostess has learned all the secrets of preserving currant jelly, it will be very easy for her to make jelly according to this recipe.


    Blackcurrant juice;


    Pour the prepared fresh blackcurrant juice into a bowl, place on the stove and boil, constantly removing the foam. When the juice rate becomes 2 times less, add sugar and boil the jelly until tender. Pour and seal.

    Preservation of blackcurrant jelly takes a minimum of time. But in the end, it turns out an unusual festive color, and the aroma is fragrant and resembles a sunny summer.


    One kilogram of fresh currants;

    Seven hundred grams of sugar (and a few spoons for final processing)


    Pour the prepared berries into a bowl and mash with a spatula (make a puree). Add 50 g of drinking water. Put on the stove. Bring the mixture to steam, set aside from heat. Place the sieve in a bowl and rub the resulting mixture through the sieve.

    While constantly stirring, add the sugar in batches. Spread the homogeneous mass into jars, after 2-3 hours sprinkle sugar on top and close the lids.

    Raw blackcurrant jelly.

    It is not necessary to stand near the stove and boil this delicacy. You can preserve currants raw. In this case, the jelly is stored until the next harvest.

    Blackcurrant jelly fast


    1 liter of fresh juice;

    1 kg of sugar;


    Wash the berries in cool water, dry, scattering a thin layer on paper or a clean cloth. Rub in a wooden bowl with a wooden spatula. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth. Combine the juice with sugar, place in the refrigerator for three hours, grind (preferably in earthenware) with a wooden spatula until thickened. Transfer the prepared mixture into jars, close the lids.

    Frozen blackcurrant jelly

    By freezing the berry for the winter, we can prepare a blackcurrant jelly dessert


    300 g frozen berries;

    150 g of sugar;

    20 g of edible gelatin;

    650 g of drinking water;


    Makes 10 servings.

    Dip gelatin in 150 g of cold water to swell for an hour.

    Grind the berries in a blender or in a meat grinder.

    We rub through a sieve.

    Add 0.5 l of cold drinking water, sugar and heat until sugar dissolves.

    Introduce gelatin into a consistency, bring vaporization. Do not boil, otherwise the jelly will not be transparent.

    Pour into molds and leave to cool (about 6-8 hours).

    Blackcurrant jelly calories

    The calorie content of this jelly is 175 kcal, as well as protein - 3.1 g, fat - 3.4 g, carbohydrates - 33.1 g. This is great for people who follow their figure.


    Currant berries - 350 g;

    Sugar - 120 g;

    Orange - ¼ part;

    Lemon - ¼ part;

    Gelatin granulated - 1 tsp;

    Vanillin - a pinch;


    Pour the prepared currants with sugar, and leave for a while. Pour granulated gelatin into 100 g of cold water, let it brew for 2-3 hours. Finely chop the orange and lemon, combine with berries, place on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes. Add a pinch of vanilla, swollen gelatin and bring to a boil again. Remove from stove. Pour the cooled jelly into a sterilized jar and close.

    Red currant preparations for the winter

    Redcurrant is a berry that grows in every homestead and garden. Redcurrant is a relative of blackcurrant. From it you can cook a variety of desserts, delicacies, preservation for the winter. This section is for redcurrant treats. Many gardeners plant red and black currants on the plot. Of course, the red currant has a slightly sour taste, but its aroma is incredible. Due to the significant consistency in gelling compared to blackcurrant, not only jam is often made from this berry, but also desserts, jellies and jams.

    The berry itself is very useful, and preservation has a great taste and aroma. The composition of the red berry includes organic acid, vitamin C and P, fructose. In former times, it was used in folk medicine as an anti-febrile, hemostatic, diuretic drug, and the berry also improves metabolism in diabetes and gout. As a result, a variety of preserves from this berry will become an excellent natural doctor who will treat colds and illnesses, removing signs of the disease, and improves the condition. It also needs to be consumed between seasons to boost immunity.

    In Germany, this berry is used in desserts as a filler for custard cakes, and in Scandinavia - a component of fruit soups and puddings. Currant nectar quenches thirst well on hot summer days.

    Red currant jelly

    Delightful jelly from red currant berries has an attractive appearance and an unusual aroma. Jelly is prepared without thickeners (starch, edible gelatin), as a result we get a natural product without any preservatives. Recall that you can make an excellent compote from pulp or pulp.

    We will need:

    525 g sand-sugar;
    - 300 g of red currant berries;


    Wash the sorted berries, dry them. It is necessary to take a heat-resistant dish and pour the berries, close the lid and place in a preheated oven for ten minutes. This is necessary to soften the berries, because after that we will squeeze the juice out of them.

    Squeeze the juice from the softened berries through a juicer. If you do not have a juicer, a sieve will do for you (grind the berries through it).

    Pour the resulting juice and granulated sugar into the dishes. We place on the stove, and boil until the sugar dissolves (approximately five minutes). You will have a thick consistency. Then pour the consistency into bowls and put in the cold (1-2 hours). Unusual dessert is ready to eat.

    red currant jelly recipe

    Jelly is a common dessert in every country. It has a pleasant taste and a transparent color. It attracts with its taste and speed in cooking.


    Mix hundred grams of currants;
    - four glasses of drinking water;
    - half a glass of sugar;
    - two tablespoons of granulated gelatin;


    Rinse the prepared currants under running water. Pour sugar into the berries, if you want to make the dessert sweeter, then pour a little more of it. Use a wooden spoon to crush the berries. Pour water into the puree and boil. Then filter the resulting mixture through gauze. Get a bright red berry juice. Pour juice into the prepared gelatin, mix well until a homogeneous consistency. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and send to the refrigerator. After three hours, the dessert is ready. Garnish with fresh currant sprigs when serving.

    Red currant jelly

    Jelly is a juicy, sweet dessert for every housewife. It is suitable for a festive or ordinary table and will become a delicious "decoration".


    500 g currant berries;
    - 700 g of sugar;
    - 100 ml of water;
    - 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;


    Carefully sort the berries, wash in a colander, let the water drain. Pour the currants into a bowl, pour water, close the lid and simmer over moderate heat until the berries soften. Pour the juice into a clean saucepan, and rub the berries through a sieve. Combine juice, sugar and put on the stove, cook until sugar dissolves. Add the resulting early puree in portions to the liquid while mixing thoroughly. Bring the consistency to steam, pour in the lemon juice and stir. Put in deep bowls and cool.

    Redcurrant jelly recipe

    Every housewife wants to please her family and friends with a delicious dessert. Today we provide an excellent dessert not only for small gourmets, but also for adults.

    We have to:

    Currant one hundred and fifty grams;
    - food gelatin fourteen grams;
    - drinking water three hundred and fifty milliliters;
    - granulated sugar half a glass;


    Dissolve edible gelatin in water (there is an instruction on the package of this product) for 45 minutes, leave to swell. Drain excess water. Remove the berries from the remnants of sepals, remove twigs and rubbish. Rinse under cold water in a colander with gentle shaking. Place clean berries in a saucepan, pour 350 ml of boiling water, put on high heat and cook for ten minutes. Grind the mass through a sieve. Pour the resulting juice into a clean bowl and boil, add granulated sugar, mix until dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in gelatin until smooth. Put on fire, boil the mass while stirring continuously. Pour the finished jelly into beautiful molds, cool and place in the refrigerator (if you put it in a warm state, it can go bad).

    Make redcurrant jelly

    This berry has become a champion among citrus fruits, because. contains slightly more vitamin C. This dessert can be prepared by alternating layers of blackcurrant and redcurrant jelly. This is an excellent delicacy for the festive table, which will refresh and invigorate guests.


    Currant - 150 grams;


    We clean the currants from twigs and small litter. Rinse in cold running water. Drain in a colander or sieve to drain excess water. Pour gelatin with cool water for forty-five minutes. Pour boiling water over the berries and put on a strong fire, boil for five minutes. If you do not like berries in jelly, then you need to grind through a sieve. Pour in the granulated sugar and let the mixture boil again. Remove from stove and add gelatin. We put it back on the stove and boil with continuous stirring so that the gelatin does not take lumps. Pour the slightly thickened liquid into beautiful bowls and refrigerate for six hours.

    Make redcurrant jelly

    This dessert is tasty and healthy, as it is prepared from healthy berries. This delicacy is prepared all year round: in summer from fresh berries, and in winter from frozen berries or from special preparations (grated currants with sugar).


    Currant - 150 grams;
    - granulated sugar - 100-110 grams;
    - purified water - 350 milliliters;
    - granulated gelatin - 13 grams;


    Pour gelatin with tepid broth from berries, and leave for a while. Then we introduce granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Pour into bowls and refrigerate.

    Redcurrant jelly gelatin

    Regular jelly with gelatin from red currants. A similar jelly can be prepared with other berries (for example: raspberries or black currants).


    Redcurrant - 1 glass;
    - purified drinking water - 2 glasses;
    - sugar - 1 glass;
    - food gelatin - 15 grams;


    Makes about ten servings.

    Sort currants, remove rubbish and twigs. Rinse with water and dry. Pour the berries into a bowl, pour water and simmer until steaming for five minutes. Rub the mass through a sieve.

    Gelatin must be pre-filled with 83 g of water to swell.

    Send sugar to the currant broth and boil until vaporization. Turn off the stove, add gelatin while stirring constantly. Stir until gelatin dissolves. Place the hot mixture in beautiful cream bowls. Cool and refrigerate for three hours.

    Redcurrant jelly jam

    It is very pleasant to open a jar of berry jam and feel the delicate aroma of the warm summer sun. Dive into pleasant memories... We offer you to plunge into the memories of summer with the help of redcurrant jelly jam.


    One kilogram of berries;
    - one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar;
    - three hundred and fifty purified water;


    Rinse the berries in cold water, pour into an enamel basin and pour hot (80 0 C) sugar syrup of sixty-five percent concentration, while it must be filtered through 3 layers of gauze. Soak the berries in syrup for about ten hours. Then, in one step, cook the jam until cooked, pour into dry jars in a boiling state, tightly cork with lids, turn down the throat and cool.

    Make redcurrant jelly

    Delight your little and adult gourmets by making redcurrant jelly.


    Sugar - 1 kg;
    - currant juice -1 l;


    Sort and wash the berries. Extract the juice using a juicer or sieve.

    Add sugar, mix until smooth, boil for 10 minutes. Pack hot in dry jars, cool.

    Preparation of redcurrant jelly

    Currant jelly treat is unusually tasty.


    Edible gelatin for 500 ml of water (see packaging instructions);
    - granulated sugar;
    - currant berries 100 g;
    - profilter

    We continue to stock up. You can enjoy fresh red currants at the height of summer. And in order to enjoy the taste of these berries all year round, you should not only freeze them, but also cook them by boiling them with sugar. Thus, wonderful desserts are obtained in the form of jam, marmalade, preserves, jelly.

    In combination with any cream, currant jelly can be a filling for cakes, pastries, a layer for pies and sour cream.
    Currant berries contain vitamin C, it is ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of many organs and body systems. It allows you to strengthen the immune system and increase defenses. It is enough to eat a couple of spoons a day to avoid colds.

    Redcurrant jelly recipe for the winter

    Red currant - 1 kg
    Water - enough to cover the currant
    Sugar - 2 kg (twice as much currant puree)

    Sort the berries, rinse, remove the stalks.

    Pour the berries with water and bring to a boil.

    Rub hot berries through a sieve.

    Mix the resulting currant puree with sugar. The proportions of berries and sugar are approximate. Remember that sugar will need twice as much currant puree. To do this, it is convenient to use a glass, measuring the amount of puree and sugar until the sugar crystals dissolve.

    Arrange the resulting jelly in sterilized jars, let cool. Cover with lids and store in a dark, cool place.
    You can use this jelly for baking, as well as ice cream, yogurt and drinks. Yes, and with a cup of tea, currant jelly is very fragrant! Help yourself!

    Redcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking

    How is your harvest of red currants? When there is a lot of it, you can make jelly without cooking from this miracle berry. Would you like a quick recipe for this recipe? Then get to know him.
    200 g redcurrant juice (from 510 g berries)
    250 g sugar or powdered sugar
    Mix the juice with sugar until it is completely dissolved (about 2-3 minutes), leave it and after 12 hours you will get a great jelly.

    Bon appetit!

    Redcurrant and watermelon jelly for the winter

    Watermelon - 1 kg
    Red currant - 1 kg
    Sugar - as much as glasses of red currants

    Sort the currants, crush with sugar, add the pulp of watermelon, cut into pieces and mix.
    Bring to a boil and cook for 35-40 minutes.

    Rub the hot mass through a sieve. Cool and arrange in jars. Close with capron lids.
    The aroma and taste of watermelon will not kill the taste of red currant, you will get only a light watermelon shade. The taste is unusual. Try it too, you'll like it!

    According to the same recipe, you can cook jelly with bananas. Replace watermelon pulp with 5 bananas. You will get a delicate taste with a banana aroma. Bon appetit!

    On a note
    Do not use aluminum containers, as harmful substances are released during oxidation.

    Redcurrant jelly with vanilla for the winter

    Jelly is a great addition to pancakes, pancakes. It is good to use for a layer of cakes and pastries. Or you can just dilute it with water and drink.
    1 kg sugar
    1 kg red currant
    0.5 l water
    1 vanilla pod


    Sort the red currant berries, separating them from the twigs. Rinse, put in a bowl for cooking jam, pour the berries with cold water, put on medium heat. Bring the mass to a boil and immediately turn it off until it begins to boil.

    Strain the solution by discarding the berries on a sieve. Grate the berries with a wooden spoon. Hold the sieve over the filtered solution so that all the juice flows into it. Put the cake in cheesecloth, folded in three or four layers, and squeeze thoroughly.

    When the resulting liquid has cooled, strain it again through several layers of gauze. After that, add sugar, and put the pan on the fire. Bring the mass to a boil over medium heat, add the halved pod and vanilla seeds. And cook the jelly over low heat with a slight boil for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    Remove the vanilla pod and pour hot jelly into prepared sterilized jars. Seal jars tightly with sterile lids.

    Turn the jars upside down for 5-10 minutes, then put them with the lids up. Wrap and leave the jars to cool completely.
    Store in a cool dry place.

    Jelly turns out to be very fragrant, a maximum of useful substances is preserved, thickens and has a pleasant sourness. This method is suitable for all fruits and berries rich in pectin: cranberries, currants, gooseberries, peaches, plums, etc. Bon appetit!

    On a note
    So that the jelly does not run away, it is recommended to grease the edges of the container with vegetable oil.

    Redcurrant jelly five minutes

    Berries 1 kilogram
    Purified water 1.5 cups
    Granulated sugar 1.7 kilograms
    Sorted and washed currants are poured into a pre-prepared syrup. Boil in syrup for five minutes. Remove from the stove and pack the hot liquid into jars and store.

    Bon appetit!

    Redcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking video recipe

    Bon appetit!

    Blackcurrant jelly five minutes

    1 l fresh juice
    1 kg sugar
    Wash the berries in cool water, dry, scattering a thin layer on paper or a clean cloth. Rub in a wooden bowl with a wooden spatula. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth. Combine juice with sugar. Place in the refrigerator for three hours. Grind (preferably in earthenware) with a wooden spatula until thickened.

    Transfer the prepared mixture into jars, close the lids. Bon appetit!

    On a note
    The cake left over from the berry can be put to good use. We spread it on a baking sheet and dry it, then store it in a glass jar. In winter, it makes an excellent fragrant tea.

    Since red currants are sour for normal consumption, it is better to preserve them in the form of compote, jam, jam or jelly. Such a delicacy will be eaten with pleasure not only by adults, but also by kids.

    Red currant jelly

    Red currant - 1 kg
    Water - 1 glass
    Sugar - 1 kg

    How to make redcurrant jelly


    Rinse the berries, peel them from the roots and pour into a deep enameled pan. Add a glass of water to the currant.
    Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over moderate heat for another 3-5 minutes. During cooking, a sufficient amount of juice is formed.

    Remove the currant jam from the heat, chop with a blender or grind through a sieve. In the second option, the finished product will be devoid of small bones and skin residues. Return the mass back to the pan, add sugar and cook for another 30-40 minutes.

    Sterilization of jars

    Sterilize clean half-liter jars in any convenient way. If there is no special device, you can use the old grandmother's method: place a container over boiling water on improvised items (wooden spatulas).

    Distribute the hot gelated jam into jars and cork with metal lids using a seaming key.

    As it cools, the jam will thicken and harden. Mark the finished preservation with a label with the date of preparation and hide until winter in a dark, cool place.

    Knowing how to make redcurrant jelly, you will not only start feeding your loved ones a tasty and healthy treat for tea, but you will also be able to use such preservation in the preparation of various types of desserts and pastries. Bon appetit!

    Redcurrant jelly for the winter a simple recipe

    red currant berries
    Sugar (1.5 kg per 1 liter of juice)

    Place the berries in an enamel bowl, put on fire and heat until steam appears. Heated berries in a hot state, wipe through a sieve with a wooden spoon.

    Add sugar to the pureed mass (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of juice). Put on fire, bring to a strong boil. Remove from heat for 15-20 minutes, remove the foam.

    Put on fire again. Let it boil strongly and set aside for 20 minutes.

    Then we put the basin on the fire and cook until the foam ceases to stand out.

    Pour hot jelly into hot jars and leave open for 24 hours. After that, seal them hermetically with heated lids or cover with parchment paper and tie them.

    This jelly is stored in a cool place. Bon appetit!

    For lovers of savory dishes, I offer the following recipe.

    Redcurrant and green pepper jelly

    Green jalapeno pepper - 2 pcs.
    Red currant puree - 200 g
    Water - 175 ml
    Sugar - 50 g
    Lemon - 1/2 pc.
    Green food dye - 4 drops (or chlorophyll complex, water-soluble)
    Agar-agar - 1/2 tsp


    Heat the red currant in the microwave at maximum power for 4-5 minutes.

    Rub it thoroughly through a sieve.

    Pour sugar, put on the stove. And cook after boiling, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes.

    Set the jar at an angle and pour currant jelly into it. Leave in the cold for a day, the currant will gel without gelling substances.

    The next day, we make jalapeno jelly. Remove the stalks, membranes and seeds from the peppers and chop very finely.

    Add lemon juice and sugar to the water, boil for 5 minutes.

    Before laying the pepper, be sure to tint the water with green food coloring or water-soluble chlorophyll. Otherwise, the hot pepper will lose its color and then even the dye will not help. So, first we tint the syrup, then add pepper and boil for 2-3 minutes.

    Pour agar-agar, mix and cook again for 3-5 minutes. We take it off the fire.
    Let the pepper jelly cool down a bit until it starts to thicken a little. And pour a thin layer over red currants. Thin, because if you pour everything at once, the layers can mix. We put it in the freezer for 5 minutes so that the jelly grabs faster.

    We take out and add now all the remaining green jelly, cool. Be sure to store in the refrigerator!

    Such an original blank will come in handy both for the New Year's table and as a gift.

    Save the jar for the New Year's table, for hot and cold cold cuts. Bon appetit!

    As you can see, preparing a delicious and healthy currant dessert is very simple. Try one of the cooking options. Bon appetit!

    Also for the home collection of blanks for the winter

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