
Salad "Pomegranate bracelet" with mushrooms and chicken: a new touch.

"Pomegranate bracelet" can become a decoration of the festive table, thanks to its unusual design with bright red pomegranate seeds. You will find the classic Pomegranate Bracelet salad recipe, as well as several other variations of its preparation, below.

Classic Salad Recipe Pomegranate Bracelet

For the "Garnet Bracelet" in the classic version, you will need:

  • 2 pomegranate fruits;
  • 0.3 kg chicken fillet;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • 1 onion;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • black pepper;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • mayonnaise;
  • walnuts - 70 g;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

First you should boil eggs, potatoes, beets. All three separately on a grater. The meat also needs to be boiled in slightly salted water, cut into small cubes. Chop the onion, marinate for a quarter of an hour in vinegar marinade with sugar, salt. Three carrots, if necessary, remove excess juice.

Now it remains to “collect” the salad - put a glass in the center of the dish for the convenience of forming a ring. Layer the ingredients around it: potatoes, half a serving of beets, carrots, chopped nuts, half a brisket, onions, eggs, brisket again and beets again. We remove the glass so as not to damage the walls of the bracelet, grease the salad with mayonnaise. Gently spread the pomegranate seeds over the entire surface. To prevent the salad from “floating”, it must be covered with cling film, put in the cold for 1-2 hours.

How to cook with smoked chicken?

Smoked chicken fillet will give the dish a richer taste. The recipe for smoked chicken pomegranate bracelet has a rather original taste and it has fans.

What products will be needed:

  • 2 potatoes;
  • smoked ham - 3 pcs.;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 g nuts;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 1 carrot;
  • bulb;
  • sunflower oil;
  • 1 pomegranate;
  • pepper, salt.

Boil eggs, carrots. You should also boil potatoes, but not peeled, but in their uniforms. We wrap the beets in food foil, send for half an hour in a preheated oven (1800C). After cooling, the root crops need to be peeled, coarsely grated. Also three other ingredients. The onion needs to be chopped, a little fry in sunflower oil. We clean the legs from the peel, separate the meat from the bones. The resulting fillet is cut into small pieces.

The layering is as follows - half a serving of smoked chicken fillet, carrots, potatoes, 1/3 chopped nuts, again potatoes, onions (excess oil from frying should be removed), the second half of the chicken fillet, eggs, beets. It is necessary to compact the layers, but not to allow them to spread. So that the layers do not crumble, they need to be smeared with mayonnaise. We mix beets and eggs separately with mayonnaise, and when the turn comes to them, they are laid out not as a layer, but cover the entire salad. Let the dish rest in the cold for a while. We decorate the entire surface of the dish with pomegranate seeds.

On a note. If desired, the chicken can be seasoned with black pepper.

With added nuts

"Pomegranate bracelet" is more often prepared in the winter season and will quite pass for the signature dish of the New Year's festive table.

Let's prepare the products that are needed according to the recipe:

  • 2 beets;
  • half a glass of nuts;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • 1 pomegranate;
  • 0.3 kg breast (chicken).
  • carrots - 2 pcs.

Cook separately eggs and vegetables, potatoes can be slightly salted, grated, divided into two portions. Walnuts are the most commonly used, but you can also mix a few of your favorite types. They need to be crushed, also divided into two portions. We spread the salad in layers, while lubricating the layers with mayonnaise - potatoes, grated beets, carrots, chopped nuts, pieces of breast, a layer of finely chopped onions (optional), finely chopped boiled eggs. Now repeat the layers in reverse order. The highlight of the dish is the decoration with pomegranate seeds.

With mushrooms

For a change, you can cook a "Pomegranate Bracelet" with mushrooms:

  • 0.3 kg of fresh mushrooms (champignons);
  • breast (chicken) - 200 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • drain oil. - 50 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 0.3 kg of carrots (Korean);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • green salad - 50 g;
  • 50 g nuts;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • ripe pomegranate.

Fry chopped onions and sliced ​​mushrooms in butter. Three jacket potatoes and cheese, nuts need to be chopped. We prepare the sauce from mayonnaise and chopped garlic. We assemble the dish in layers - put potatoes in layers on clean lettuce leaves, then chicken fillet, Korean carrots, mushrooms, onions. Coat the layers with garlic sauce. Next, sprinkle with cheese, nuts, grease with sauce again. The business card of the recipe is pomegranate seeds as a decoration.

Salad with beef

To make the dish more nutritious, you can add a layer of fried or boiled beef to it. Pomegranate bracelet with beef can be prepared both as a festive dish and as a variety of everyday menu.

  • potatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.3 kg of beets;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 0.3 kg of beef;
  • nut crumb - 100 g;
  • 2 grenades.

As in previous recipes, vegetables should be boiled, just like meat, grated. The meat can be fried if desired. Layers are laid out - potatoes, carrots, diced beef, beets, chopped nuts. Coat the layers with mayonnaise, decorate with pomegranate seeds on top. In order for the dish to be well soaked, it is recommended to hold it in the cold for a couple of hours.

Cooking without adding beets

If you do not like boiled beets, then it can be successfully replaced with other products, for example, an apple.

To prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad without beets, you will need:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • chicken breast;
  • 1 pomegranate;
  • bulb;
  • 1 apple;
  • mayonnaise;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • egg;
  • 50 g nuts;
  • salt.

Boil the brisket. Grind the potatoes with a large grater. Chop the onion, fry a little. Eggs and carrots (boiled) are also chopped on a grater. The sequence of laying out the salad is as follows - potatoes, carrots, diced brisket - smear the layers with mayonnaise. Next, we apply onions, eggs, chopped nuts. Grind the apple with a grater and put it on top of the nuts. Decorate with pomegranate seeds.

On a note. To make the salad more convenient to eat without thinking about pomegranate seeds, it is better to decorate the dish with seeds of pink pomegranate without seeds.

With prunes

A pomegranate bracelet with meat will acquire an even more original taste if prunes are present in the combination of products.

For such a spicy salad you will need:

  • prunes - 100 g;
  • ripe pomegranate;
  • mayonnaise;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • 4 eggs;
  • half a kilo of meat (veal, beef);
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • 4 cucumbers (fresh);
  • salt.

Boil potatoes, salt, grind on a grater. Boil and cut the meat into small cubes. We cut cucumbers into strips, three eggs and carrots. Prunes need to be steamed, cut into cubes. Sequence - potatoes, boiled meat, cucumbers, chopped eggs, carrots, prunes. Lubricate the layers with mayonnaise, and lay pomegranate seeds on top of the prunes.

It is ideal to use homemade mayonnaise of your own preparation. It contains a minimum of components, but the taste is not worse than a store product.

Beautiful, luxurious, piquant and daring - these delightful words can be listed indefinitely, but why words when you can surrender to sensations. Emotions of delight will cause you this time not a man, but a salad - “Pomegranate Bracelet” with smoked chicken, with which you will win the heart of that one.

All women know perfectly well what the path to the heart of a man lies through, so if you decide to conquer, write down the recipe and get down to business, and Cupid will not keep you waiting.

Have you ever wondered why Eastern women so excite the imagination of men? Maybe because they have a certain mystery that the stronger sex has to solve anew each time. Ordinariness is lost, only interest and delight remain. The situation is the same with the Pomegranate Bracelet salad.

All the most important is hidden under a layer of pomegranate seeds, and in order to find out the contents of the dish, you need to open it for yourself, absorbing layer by layer. Sounds bewitching? Then let's start cooking without delay, because it takes a lot of time to create a beautiful riddle.

Oriental salad "Garnet bracelet" with chicken


  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • Walnuts - 50 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - for frying + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -

Recipe for Pomegranate Bracelet Salad with Smoked Chicken

Preparing salad ingredients

  • Boil eggs and carrots until tender.
  • The most delicious potatoes are obtained in uniform. To do this, carefully wash it, put it in a saucepan with cold water, salt, bring to a boil and cook until it becomes soft. We clean it as soon as it cools down a bit.
  • I also carefully wash the beets, wrap each tuber in foil and send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the vegetable. The principle is like that of a potato: when the knife gently enters, then the fruit is ready, take it out, cool it a little and clean it.
  • Separately chop the onion, but not too finely. It should be felt in the salad. Fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring constantly.
  • We clean the smoked chicken from the skin and bones, cut the meat into pieces of medium size.

We collect the original salad "Garnet Bracelet"

  • To do this, we take a flat dish of a suitable size and put a glass in the center of the plate - this will be the basis of the culinary composition. Try to keep the glass even in width, otherwise the whole salad will be broken when you take out the glass.

  • For the first layer, lay the chicken tightly and lightly crush it with your fingers. There will be many layers in the salad, therefore, so that it does not crumble when served, we compact each of them well. If you like spicy dishes, mix ground black or allspice into the bird.
  • We lay the carrots in the next layer, also tightly. Lightly season with mayonnaise on top.
  • Peeled potatoes, like other vegetables, rub and spread on top of carrots. Then we separate about a third of the walnuts and sprinkle them over the potatoes. Again a thin layer of mayonnaise.

If you are using store-bought mayonnaise, do not use the dispenser. Just cut off the free corner of the bag to make a small hole. So the mayonnaise will be squeezed out little by little and will not be smeared over the salad, which means that the layers will turn out to be more accurate.

  • It's time for the fried onions. If it turned out to be too greasy, first put it on a napkin so that the oil is glassed, and only then add it to the salad.
  • Place the second piece of chicken on top. Do not forget to crush each layer well, and again sprinkle everything with nuts.
  • Mix the eggs in a separate container with one or two tablespoons of mayonnaise and spread on the salad. Be careful, this time we are not making another layer, but simply covering the entire surface, as if sealing all the lower layers into one dome.
  • By the same principle, we lay the beets: mix the grated vegetable with mayonnaise, if necessary, lightly season it with pepper and distribute it over the entire surface of the salad.

Insist salad in the refrigerator

  • If time permits, wrap the salad with cling film and refrigerate. Like many boiled vegetable dishes, this salad is much tastier if the ingredients are allowed to soak in each other's flavors. If there is no time, just skip this step and start decorating.

Decorate salad with smoked chicken

  • We clean the pomegranate from the skin. The most convenient way to do this is to cut the skin 3-5 mm (circularly), at a distance of 3 cm from the inflorescence, and then remove it like a hat. Now we can see how it is more convenient to break the grenade.
  • We break it, collect the grains and decorate them with an appetizer over the entire surface.

Salad "Pomegranate Bracelet" with smoked chicken is ready. You can serve it to the table and delight your beloved man or your dear guests with an exquisite cold appetizer. Everyone will be delighted with such a dish. Believe me, you will be known as a wonderful hostess, and your dish will become a crown treat for many years.

Bon appetit!

Salad Pomegranate bracelet (with smoked chicken, puff)

Garnet bracelet with chicken

Delicious, hearty and spectacular salad with pomegranate, which will decorate any festive or New Year's table!

The pomegranate bracelet consists of layers and is prepared using a glass or a narrow long cup, around which a delicious bagel of this savory salad with pomegranate seeds is formed.

What to cook from(4-6 servings):

    Onion (preferably red) - 1 head;

    Potatoes - 2 pcs. medium size;

    Parsley - half a bunch;

    Eggs - 2 pcs.;

    Hard cheese - 50 g;

    Smoked leg (or smoked breast) - 300 g;

    Garlic - 2 cloves;

    Beets - 1 pc. small;

    Pomegranate - 0.5 pcs.;

    Walnuts - a handful;

Cylindrical glass; flat and rounded dish or large plate.

From these very simple products, we will prepare a delicious and original salad!

How to make a garnet bracelet

    Cook eggs, potatoes and beets in their uniforms (possible in one pan). Cool, clean.

    Chop salad ingredients: grate on a fine grater (each product separately): potatoes, 1 egg, cheese, garlic, beets. The second egg - cut into thin strips (egg in half and halves finely chopped), onion finely chopped, parsley leaves - medium, chicken (with skin) - in small cubes.

    mix potato, cheese and garlic mass with soft and lifting movements, keeping the airiness of the mass.

    Assembling the salad: put an inverted glass in the center of the plate (if you have it even, not expanding, you can not turn it over) and lay out the layers of lettuce, stepping back from the edge of the plate 4-5 cm - with each new layer, the free space between the edge of the salad and the dish will shrink.

    Give pomegranate salad stand a little, Then unscrew the glass from lettuce (as if you were unscrewing the cork from a bottle) so as not to break the lettuce.

    The finished garnet bracelet should stand for 30-40 minutes for impregnation. Then - you can serve to the festive table!

Layers of garnet bracelet

    half an onion;

    half a mixture of potatoes, cheese and garlic;

Spread with mayonnaise, gently, without trampling;


    egg, cut into strips;


    the second half of the bow;

    grated egg;

    half a mixture of potatoes, cheese and garlic;

Spread with mayonnaise just as carefully, keeping the layers of the Garnet bracelet airy;

    beetroot (spread it over the surface of the mayonnaise, lightly, with your fingertips, barely pressing it so that the mayonnaise takes it, captures this beetroot puree and therefore, when combined with mayonnaise, it will not dry out).

    pomegranate seeds, walnuts (garnish).

Stages of cooking salad Pomegranate bracelet in pictures

First layer - onion

The second layer is now smeared with mayonnaise, carefully spreading it with light movements

Sprinkle mayonnaise on top with herbs

Lay the egg slices on top of the parsley.

Sprinkle with chicken pieces

Sprinkle the smoked chicken with the rest of the onion.

Particles of beet puree should melt into this mayonnaise layer, not just lie on top, but connect so that the beets do not dry out

After decorating the salad with pomegranate seeds and nuts, we unscrew the glass

Features of preparation and taste

What is the secret of the Garnet Bracelet salad?

First secret of this salad in glass assembly technology, which gives it an unexpected shape.

Second- in luxurious pomegranate seeds that explode when bitten into sweetish-tart juice, flavoring the salty and dense salad with light piquant notes.

AND third: combination of ingredients. Under the facade of a pomegranate bracelet, any salad can be hidden, the components of which are harmoniously combined - both among themselves and with a pomegranate.

This is what the salad looks like Garnet bracelet inside

Therefore, you can cook another delicious salad in the form of a pomegranate bracelet. And not just pomegranate. He can be amber- with corn or bright yellow paprika (and hide the simplest crab stick salad underneath). Malachite bracelet you can become salad Olivier, decorated with peas and / or greens, meat salad with kiwi, sprinkled with pieces of this green sweet and sour fruit. Coral bracelet may be sprinkled with slices of scarlet sweet pepper or tomatoes.

And if you love the mineral charoite, then lilac (red Yalta onion) will help you cook even charoite bracelet.

In general, the principle of assembling a salad Garnet bracelet is the basis for creativity in the preparation of any salads.

What to do with pomegranate seeds - they are with seeds!

I know those who, eating a pomegranate, crack the seeds, collect particles of juice and spit out the seeds. Friends, is this really the case? I think it's like living by half! Even a third or a quarter...
I even feel sorry for people who do this and cannot get the full enjoyment of the taste of pomegranate. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

In general, pomegranate should be eaten (chewed) with grains and this does not spoil the taste of the dish at all, on the contrary, it adds spice to it. Pomegranates are mixed with salad and you won’t feel any seeds as you eat them, unless, of course, you specifically look for pomegranate seeds and their seeds.

Here is such a tasty and pretty salad Pomegranate bracelet!

Our Pomegranate Seed Salad is very crumbly and airy (so no squashing the layers when cooking, no food violence!). Pomegranate juice greatly refreshes its wintery, hearty taste.

This is how the garnet bracelet crumbles on a plate

If there is no smoked chicken, you can take regular, boiled or fried.

Pomegranate bracelet is a great New Year's salad or a salad for special occasions and holidays! A very tasty, intricate and original dish made from simple ingredients!

Appetizing salad "Garnet Bracelet" is famous not only for its original taste, but also for its attractive appearance. Such an appetizer will become a real decoration of the table. An obligatory component of the salad is usually fresh pomegranate seeds.

classic salad recipe

Ingredients: 3-4 potato tubers, medium beets, large pomegranate, 2 carrots, 280 g chicken, 60 g walnut kernels, salt, light mayonnaise.

  1. The meat for the salad is processed first. Its pieces can be boiled until cooked with a lot of spices or fried until golden brown in butter or ghee.
  2. Potatoes, beets and carrots are baked in foil in the oven until tender. After cooling, they are crushed using a coarse grater. It is baking that makes vegetables especially tasty and healthy.
  3. The first layer of salad will be pieces of chicken, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise. The product is laid out in the form of a ring with a hole in the middle.
  4. Next is salted grated potatoes, as well as a mayonnaise net.
  5. Next, carrots, finely chopped nuts, beets are laid out in turn, and again - a mayonnaise net with salt.
  6. The treat is decorated with pomegranate seeds.

This classic Pomegranate Bracelet salad recipe can be slightly modified to your liking. For example, choose a different sauce for it or experiment with vegetable combinations.

How to cook with smoked chicken?

Ingredients: large pomegranate, 2 pcs. beets, carrots, potatoes and small onions, 260 g of smoked chicken, salt, 2 chicken eggs, spices, mayonnaise.

  1. All vegetables, except for onions, are boiled together with eggs until tender. Next, they need to be cooled in cold water, peeled and randomly cut. It is convenient to grind them with a medium grater.
  2. Smoked chicken is chopped into miniature cubes.
  3. The onions are finely chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil.
  4. The pomegranate is disassembled into grains.
  5. Lettuce is collected in layers. You need to start the assembly with anointed with mayonnaise and salted potatoes. Next, fried onions, chicken, carrots, eggs, beets are laid out. To taste, these layers are also seasoned with mayonnaise with spices. They are laid out around a faceted glass.

Chicken salad is garnished with pomegranate seeds. Before serving snacks to the table, the glass is removed.

With added nuts

Ingredients: whole ripe pomegranate, large beetroot, purple onion, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, 270 g chicken meat, 4 eggs, 80 g walnut kernels, salted mayonnaise for dressing.

  1. All waxes, except for onions, are boiled directly in the peel. Together with them, eggs are cooked to a hard yolk. Further, the prepared products are arbitrarily finely chopped.
  2. Chicken is boiled in salt water with any spices. Then the meat is divided into fibers.
  3. The onion is finely chopped.
  4. Nuts must first be calcined in a dry frying pan, and then finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  5. All prepared products are mixed, seasoned with sauce and laid out in the form of a wide bracelet.

The appetizer is sprinkled with fresh pomegranate seeds on top.

With mushrooms

Ingredients: large chicken breast, whole pomegranate, beets, 2 carrots, 3 potatoes, 320 g of fresh champignons, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. Mushrooms are cut into small pieces, salted and lightly fried in any fat.
  2. The breast is boiled until tender, cooled and divided into fibers.
  3. Vegetables are boiled until soft and rubbed on a fine grater.
  4. A glass is placed on a wide plate. Around it, first, grated vegetables are laid out alternately in any order. These layers are salted and smeared with mayonnaise.
  5. Next, chicken and fried mushrooms are distributed.

The top of the appetizer is decorated with pomegranate seeds.

With cheese - step by step recipe

Ingredients: 220 g of chicken, 140 g of hard cheese (you can take spicy), 60 g of walnut kernels, purple onion, 2 chicken eggs, beets, whole pomegranate, salt, mayonnaise, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Chicken is boiled in salt water, then cooled, cut into small pieces, smeared with mayonnaise with salt and pepper. It will be the first layer of the appetizer.
  2. Onion half rings are sautéed in oil, after which they are laid out on meat.
  3. Grated cheese and chopped boiled eggs are alternately distributed on top. We must not forget about salt and mayonnaise.
  4. It remains to distribute finely chopped nuts, grated beets and pomegranate seeds over the surface of the treat.

An appetizer is served immediately.

Salad with beef

Ingredients: 270 g of boiled beef pulp, 2 potatoes, 1 onion each, carrots, beets, 2 chicken eggs, whole pomegranate, salt, light mayonnaise.

  1. All vegetables, except for onions, are boiled until soft, then rubbed on a coarse grater.
  2. The onion is cut into small cubes.
  3. A wide glass is placed on the plate, around which the boiled beef disassembled into fibers is laid out in the first layer in the form of a bracelet. From above it is covered with a grid of salted mayonnaise.
  4. Next, grated vegetables and onion cubes are alternately distributed. A mayonnaise net is also drawn on all of them.
  5. The last are grated boiled eggs and pomegranate seeds.

Such a salad with beef, before serving, is left for a couple of hours in the cold for impregnation.

Cooking without adding beets

Ingredients: large chicken breast, medium carrot, 4 potato tubers, onion, sweet and sour apple, 2 chicken eggs, whole pomegranate, 60 g walnuts (kernels), fine salt, fat mayonnaise.

  1. First of all, the breast is boiled in salt water with any seasonings and lavrushka. Next, the cooled chicken is cut into medium cubes across the fibers.
  2. All vegetables, except for the onion, are boiled directly in the peel until tender, after which they are randomly chopped. You can just finely chop them with a knife or grate them.
  3. Onions are sautéed in butter or vegetable oil.
  4. Eggs are boiled, cooled and rubbed finely.
  5. Walnuts are crushed in a mortar.
  6. Apples without peel and seeds are cut into thin sticks.
  7. All prepared ingredients are salted, seasoned with sauce and mixed well. Then they are laid out on a plate in the form of a bracelet.

It remains to decorate the appetizer with pomegranate seeds.

"Pomegranate bracelet" with prunes

Ingredients: 350-370 g of chicken breast, a couple of carrots, large potatoes, a whole pomegranate, medium beets, 2-3 chicken eggs boiled to a hard yolk, 110 g of walnut kernels, 90 g of pitted prunes, table salt, any mayonnaise. The following describes how to prepare a salad with prunes.

  1. All vegetables declared in the recipe are boiled until cooked, after which they are cleaned and randomly chopped. Most often, housewives do this with a grater.
  2. Chicken meat is boiled in salt water with spices and divided into fibers.
  3. Prunes are washed, poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes and cut into cubes.
  4. Nuts are finely chopped with a knife, and boiled eggs are cut into small cubes.
  5. All components are combined, salted, dressed with mayonnaise and laid out in the form of a bracelet on a plate.

Pomegranate bracelet salad has long won a place on the festive table. Most often it is prepared in winter - for the New Year, Christmas. It looks very bright and festive. And of course, there are a lot of options for this salad. Today I will tell you about a salad with smoked chicken breast.


600 g potatoes

Smoked chicken breast

1 large beetroot

200 g shelled walnuts

1 pomegranate (large) or 2 small

Let's start making the salad.

I have been preparing a pomegranate bracelet for 10 years already. For those who do not know, the distinguishing feature of this salad is the presence of an “empty” place in the middle of the salad bowl, and a pomegranate decorating the surface of the salad.

We start cooking the salad by boiling the beets and potatoes. Beets are cooked for about 1.5-2 hours, depending on the size and variety. Boil the potatoes in their skins and separately from the beets - about 20 minutes - until tender. Cool down.

Let's start putting together the salad. We clean the potatoes and three on a coarse grater, mix with mayonnaise and add. On a large round dish, lay out the culinary ring (glass or bottle), as even as possible in relation to the center. Around it, we begin to lay out the first layer - half a serving of potatoes with mayonnaise.

The second layer is finely chopped smoked chicken breast. Even half of the breast was enough for me, the second part of the breast was “stuffed” into. Put some mayonnaise on top of the chicken meat.

The third layer is walnuts, which must first be coarsely chopped.

The fourth layer is again potatoes with mayonnaise. By this time, the salad takes on a beautiful “bracelet” shape.

The fifth layer is beets. This is the most "dirty hands" layer. Grate the pre-boiled beets on a coarse grater (I will not remind you that the beets also need to be peeled), mix with mayonnaise, put in an even layer on a layer of potatoes, covering the entire surface of the salad without exception.

Yes, I was wrong, peeling a pomegranate and pulling out seeds from it is also a very “dirty” job. It splashes a lot of juice, and if you want the perfect beauty of a salad, each grain must be laid by hand (and not sprinkled over the salad). Garnet bracelet can be decorated with onion/radish roses. I was pressed for time, so I stuck in only a fresh basil leaf that grows on my window.

Carefully take out the ring / glass / bottle. By the way, if you put a glass, it often “sticks” to the plate and it is sometimes very problematic to lift it, so I now use a culinary ring.

That's all for today - until we meet again at!
