
Sand cakes. Sand cake - recipes for crumbly desserts

Step 1: Prepare the dough for the sand cake.

Combine chicken eggs with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar in a deep bowl, mix thoroughly and beat with a mixer or blender until a white mass is formed. After that add room temperature margarine, beat everything together again. Add the baking powder for the dough, gradually add the flour, sifted through a fine sieve. Mix everything and start kneading a soft, non-sticky dough.
Carefully roll the finished dough into a bun, cover the bowl with cling film on top and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Step 2: Prepare the cream for the cake.

While our dough is resting in the refrigerator, we will prepare the cream. To do this, combine room temperature butter with vanilla sugar, add pre-boiled condensed milk (you need to boil it over medium heat in a saucepan with water so that the can of condensed milk is completely covered with water, at least 2-3 hours). Mix all the ingredients and beat with a mixer or blender until a light homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 3: Roll out and bake the cake layers in the oven.

Now that the dough has completely rested, take it out of the refrigerator, remove the film, divide into 4 approximately identical parts. Sprinkle the working surface of the table lightly with flour, lay out one piece of dough and roll it out with a rolling pin into a rectangular layer. Trim the edges of the dough with a sharp knife to form a round cake. Put the dough scraps aside, we will need them a little later. Do the same with the other 3 parts of the test.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and use a rolling pin to carefully transfer the dough onto it. Preheat oven to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet in it and leave for 15 minutes bake. The cooking time for cake layers also depends on the individual characteristics of each oven, so it may take a little more or less time to bake.
When the cake is browned, remove the baking sheet, transfer the cake to a cutting board, and transfer a new cake to the baking sheet. Keep doing this until you have baked all 4 cakes. Fold the finished cakes on top of each other so that they can be slightly steamed from each other and soften. After that, put one cake on a serving plate in which you will serve the dish to the table, spread it with plenty of cooked cream, cover it with a second cake on top and so on, spread all 4 cakes.

Step 4: Make grapes and leaves from scraps of dough.

Combine the dough scraps into one ball, divide it into 2 approximately identical parts. From one part, pinch off small pieces of dough and roll in your hands into small grapes. Place them at a distance from each other on parchment paper, which you then carefully transfer to a baking sheet and bake in the oven at the same temperature until browned. For the preparation of grape leaves, we need thick paper template. Cut out a grape leaf from a sheet. Roll out the second part of the dough and, using a ready-made template, cut out three grape leaves with a sharp knife. Also make veins on the leaves with a knife. Put the leaves on parchment and also bake until browned.

Step 5: Decorate the cake with balls, leaves and hot chocolate.

Break the chocolate bar into pieces, put in a small container and melt in a water bath. After with a regular toothpick dip into it while it is still hot half of the total number of dough balls (grapes) and fold them on a flat surface covered with cling film. Leave them to dry until the chocolate hardens completely. After that, lay out two bunches of grapes from chocolate and plain balls on the last creamy layer of the cake. Arrange grape leaves randomly. Melt the remaining chocolate again in a water bath, pour it into a pastry bag (if you don’t have one, you can replace it with a tight plastic bag with a small hole in one of the corners). And we draw a grape branch, antennae and veins on the leaves on the cake.

Step 6: Serve a simple shortbread cake.

It is better to place the finished cake all night in the refrigerator for impregnation. During this time, the cakes will have time to soak well with the cream, and the cake will acquire an unforgettable taste. Enjoy your meal!

If you did not find a bag of baking powder for the dough, then it can be replaced with ordinary baking soda, slaked with vinegar or lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon.

Vanilla sugar can be replaced with vanilla, but it should be used in a smaller proportion, on the tip of a table knife.

Flour for kneading dough may need a little more or less than indicated in the recipe.

Sand cakes are special! They are not like the rest, they are very tender, crumbly and are rarely sold in stores. So, there is a reason to cook dessert yourself. Moreover, there are so many interesting recipes!

Sand Cake - General Cooking Principles

Shortbread dough is always based on fat. This is usually butter or margarine, and eggs are often added. Maybe sour cream or milk can go according to the recipe, but in a small amount. The extra moisture makes the dough stiffer and less crumbly. Often soda is added for softness and porous structure, but the cake in this case will be much higher. Cakes are usually baked in the oven on several baking sheets. But there are recipes for cooking in a pan, one of them can be found below.

For a layer of sand cakes, you can take absolutely any cream. Moreover, the base goes well with fruit fillings. Even the most ordinary jam will perfectly fit into a dessert. The main thing is that it is not liquid and does not flow around the edges. All shortbread cakes require time to soak, after which they will become tender, melting in your mouth. It is advisable to keep the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 10-12 hours.

Leningrad sand cake (recipe with boiled condensed milk)

The recipe for the Leningradsky sand cake, which is prepared from the simplest and most affordable ingredients. You can put margarine in the dough if there is no butter.


Half a kilo of flour;

0.5 tsp soda;

0.28 kg of butter (margarine);

2 large eggs;

0.2 kg of sugar.

0.2 kg of oil;

A handful of nuts;

0.2 kg of powder;

20 g cocoa;

0.4 kg boiled condensed milk;

2 spoons of liquor;

300 g apricot jam or orange jam.


1. Cut margarine or butter into pieces, let it thaw in a warm room, then add granulated sugar and beat with a mixer, preferably until the grains dissolve. But if a little sugar remains, then it's okay. Add eggs, add flour and pour slaked soda. You can take a ripper, then you don’t need to extinguish it, in this case the portion is doubled.

2. Knead a soft, but not runny shortbread dough. If there is not enough flour, then you can add a little more. Divide into three parts, roll into balls and put in the freezer.

3. Roll out cakes from each ball (diameter 22-25 cm), you can immediately on parchment, attach a lid of a suitable size, cut a circle. Bake alternately in the oven, temperature 180. The trimmings are also baked, they will fit for crumbs.

4. While the dough is baking and cooling, you need to make a cream. Here, butter cannot be replaced with margarine. Beat it for a couple of minutes, add condensed milk, powder, cocoa and add liquor. But it is possible without it. You can also skip the powder if you don't like very sweet cakes. We put the cream in the refrigerator for a while.

5. Rub the jam until smooth.

6. Lubricate the cake with jam, then cover with cream, the third part should go. Similarly, we work out the second cake, top and sides of the cake.

7. Sprinkle the sides with chopped scraps. Scatter nuts on top. On the classic cake there is an inscription "Leningradsky". You can apply it with jam or cream.

Sand cake: recipe with jam

A recipe for a sand cake for every day, which is layered with any thick jam. You can use marmalade or jam.


0.4 kg flour;

350 g of jam;

0.15 kg margarine/butter;

120 g sugar.


1. Put the chopped margarine in a bowl. Add flour and sugar. Now we rub it all with our hands. If the margarine is frozen, then chop the mass with a knife. Should be a crumb.

2. Add eggs, knead the dough. We divide into 4-5 parts. Cool in the freezer for fifteen minutes.

3. Roll out cakes, cut. We lay out all the excess next to the baking sheet.

4. We bake sand cakes at 200 degrees until golden brown, do not overdry.

5. Coat with jam.

6. Grind the trimmings, sprinkle the cake on top. You can also sprinkle the sides, but not necessary.

Sand cake: recipe with curd cream (soufflé)

A cake with a wonderful curd filling, which resembles a soufflé, is prepared with gelatin. To make the filling tender, it is better to take fatty cottage cheese.


140 g flour;

90 g of oil;

2 yolks;

50 g sugar.

Curd soufflé:

140 g of milk;

400 g of cottage cheese;

200 g cream for whipping;

Juice from? lemon

18 g of gelatin;

150 g sugar.


1. Rub butter and sugar with flour, add eggs, make dough, and make two balls from it. Put in the freezer so you can roll it out thin.

2. We take out the dough, roll it into two cakes, suitable in diameter to the existing detachable form. Bake until done at medium temperature.

3. One cake must be immediately cut into sectors, as a finished cake is usually cut.

4. Pour gelatin with milk, leave for a while to swell.

5. Beat cottage cheese with sugar, add lemon juice. Separately, beat fresh cream until fluffy, combine with cottage cheese.

6. Heat milk with gelatin, add to curd cream.

7. We put one sand cake, which is whole, on the bottom of the detachable form.

8. Now spread the curd mass with gelatin. If desired, you can add berries, pieces of fruit or dried fruits to it: prunes, dates, dried apricots.

9. Now, on top of the soufflé, lay out the sand cake, cut into sectors. Press lightly.

10. Leave the cake in the refrigerator for five hours, longer if possible. If desired, it can be doused with chocolate or smeared with condensed milk on top, but after removing the split ring.

Sand cake: a recipe for the famous anthill

Anthill is a classic sand cake, which turns out to be very juicy, interesting, sweet, but it does not require much time for preparation and decoration. Nuts for decoration are optional, you can cook without them.


A glass of sugar;

360 g flour (about 3 cups);

190 g butter;

Ch. l. soda;

Cream and decoration:

Bank of condensed milk;

250 g butter;

120 g nuts;

0.5 chocolates.


1. Chop the butter and flour, pour out the sugar, stir. We break the eggs and in the process of mixing we introduce slaked soda. We make cool dough.

2. Divide the whole mass into small balls, the size of an ordinary egg or a little smaller. Put in the freezer for 15 minutes.

3. We take out the meat grinder, scroll through the frozen balls, transfer the straws to a baking sheet.

4. We bake the base of the anthill at 200 degrees.

5. Mix condensed milk with butter.

6. We break the cooled shortbread dough with our hands into pieces, but not to small crumbs.

7. Add cream, stir. If the mass is liquidish, then let it stand in the refrigerator for a while, then put it on the “Anthill” dish in the form of a slide.

8. Chop the nuts, rub the chocolate. Sprinkle the cake with this mixture. But you can melt the chocolate bar and apply droplets on top of the cake sprinkled with nuts. The anthill is not completely covered with glaze.

Sand cake: a recipe for cooking in a pan

Sand cake according to this recipe can be easily prepared in a pan. Great option for those who can't use the oven.


1.3 Art. Sahara;

0.2 kg of margarine or butter;

5 g of soda;

3 art. flour.

0.25 kg of sour cream;

0.12 kg of powder;

1 st. nuts.


1. The dough for this cake is kneaded the simplest shortbread. Beat butter with sugar, add one egg at a time, add flour and ripper, soda is used in this recipe. We'll definitely turn it off.

2. Divide the dough into 4-5 parts, depending on the diameter of the pan. Roll into round balls and refrigerate.

3. Heat up the pan.

4. We take out the lumps, roll out the cakes. Fry on both sides until golden brown, like pancakes. There is no need to grease the pan.

5. We lay the finished cakes on top of each other, cover with a lid from the pan or a plate that is suitable in diameter.

6. We take a sharp knife and cut off all the excess, giving the cakes a perfect shape. Let it cool down well.

7. Mix sour cream with powder. But you can use any other cream, it turns out delicious with butter and boiled condensed milk.

8. Chop the nuts, fry in a pan, cool.

9. Coat the prepared cakes, stack on top of each other. Top the cake with nuts.

Sand cake: recipe with custard and berries

A recipe for a wonderful sand cake that can be prepared with any berries. But if they are with bones, then we take them out in advance.


4 yolks;

0.75 st. Sahara;

0.2 kg of oil;

2 tbsp. flour;

1 tsp ripper.

200 ml of milk;

0.2 kg of sugar;

1 egg + 50 ml of milk;

1.5 tablespoons of flour;

150 g of oil;

1 st. l. starch;

Berries 0.6 kg.


1. Mix the yolks with sugar. Rub butter with flour. Merge. Add soda slaked with lemon juice. Knead the dough.

2. Divide into three balls, roll out cakes and bake in the oven.

3. Mix all the ingredients of the cream, except for the oil. Put the saucepan on the stove and cook a thick mass, resembling semolina in consistency. Cool down.

4. Wash the berries, be sure to dry them. Cut up large specimens.

5. Add softened butter to the cooled cream, mix.

6. Lubricate the cold cakes with creams, scatter some berries between the layers.

7. Lubricate the top with cream too, go through the sides. Decorate the cake with berries, you can additionally sprinkle with coconut.

Soda is always quenched with acid before being added to the dough, otherwise the dessert will have an unpleasant aftertaste. The ripper is simply mixed with flour, it does not need to be quenched.

Shortbread dough does not like heat, so after cooking it must be removed in the refrigerator.

It is convenient to roll out the layers on parchment, then transfer them to a baking sheet together with paper.

Sand cake with custard

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The recipe is not to say that the original, shortbread cake does not look as impressive as modern desserts. And yet, love at first bite is guaranteed. Because this is an ageless culinary classic, adored by many sand cake with custard, a recipe with a photo step by step, it is very easy to repeat it at home. In the distant Soviet times, where the delicious sand cake comes from, almost all recipes were developed in accordance with GOST for mass production. They were quite simple and cheap. At the same time, the taste of the cakes is excellent, whatever recipe you take is a masterpiece. And we will cook one of them today.

Shortbread Ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 2.5-3 cups + 0.5-2/3 cups for rolling cakes;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sour cream 10% fat - 150 g;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp with a small slide;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.

For the custard you will need:

  • eggs - 6 pcs;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet (weight 2 g);
  • butter - 100 g.

How to make shortbread custard cake

The cooking process consists of three stages: we need to bake the cakes, cook the custard and assemble the cake. It doesn't matter what you do first - cakes or cream, in this shortbread cake recipe with custard, the sequence of actions can be any. I sometimes cook a cream in the evening, the next day I bake cakes. Or vice versa. Do what is more convenient for you.

Cooking shortbread cake

Sift three cups of flour, add sugar. Mix everything with a spatula. With regards to flour, we come across it in terms of quality, each time the proportions are slightly different. My advice - first sift 2.5 cups, then, as the dough is prepared, it will be clear: you need more or enough.

Butter should be very, very cold, not frozen, but well chilled. You can put it in the freezer for half an hour, as I do. We plan cold butter into a mixture of flour and sugar.

Now we quickly grind all the components with our palms to get an oily crumbly crumb. The faster you do this, the less flour the dough will take. When the butter under your hands begins to melt, the dough will become sticky, you will have to add flour. If everything is done quickly, then it will not have time to melt, it will take less flour.

Add chilled sour cream. I take not very thick, 10% fat.

Sprinkle sour cream with crumbs and add soda quenched with vinegar.

We begin to mix with a spoon so that the butter melts less. Add vanillin or vanilla sugar.

We knead with our hands, quickly, rolling the dough into a bun. If it sticks, add flour, but a little, so that it remains soft and rolls out easily. We tighten the bowl with cling film, remove the dough for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

On a floured board, cut the dough in half and then each half into three pieces. We leave one piece for rolling, put the rest in a bowl, return it to the refrigerator.

Pour a little flour on the board, roll the dough into a bun so that it is soft, but not sticky. We flatten and roll out with a rolling pin into a thin circle about 1 cm thick, with a diameter of just over 20 cm. You don’t need to cut the workpiece, I do it on the finished cake as soon as I take it out of the oven. Trimmings go to sprinkle the top or sides.

Sprinkle the baking sheet with a thin layer of flour. We fold the workpiece in half and transfer it to the flour. Unfold, pierce the cake with a fork. Be sure to do this, otherwise the dough will swell during baking.

Shortcakes for a sand cake are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 8-10 minutes. Their color remains light, you can slightly gild, but not to a ruddy color. We cover with a suitable dish (plate, lid or put a baking dish), circle with a knife. We put the scraps in a bowl, transfer the blank for the shortcrust pastry cake to a flat surface (on a table, board). We leave to cool. We bake the rest of the cakes in the same way.

Cooking custard for sand cake

I advise you to cook custard with a margin, because someone will want to try it, but it’s very difficult to stop - I know from myself. That's why I cook for a liter of milk. I break six eggs into a cauldron, pour a full glass of sugar there.

Beat with a whisk until foam appears. You can use the mixer, I can manage without it. Two minutes - and a lush foamy mass is ready.

Add flour, after sifting through a sieve. All at once or in portions - there is no difference. Well proportioned, this is a classic custard recipe from an old cookbook. Never failed.

Beat thoroughly, very thoroughly. So that even the smallest lumps of flour are not observed. Otherwise, when heated, they will brew and the finished cream will become dense lumps.

Pour in a liter of cold milk, stirring with a whisk.

We put the cauldron on a fire slightly weaker than average, the same one on which you boil milk. Stirring constantly, cook the cream until the cream thickens. I used to mix with a spoon, but somehow I tried it with a whisk - it turned out to be much more convenient. Long handle, more grip of the cream, breaks all the lumps that begin to form when the mass thickens. Cooking time is about 12-15 minutes, also focus on the time it takes to boil a liter of milk. If you stop stirring the cream, it will burn, the sweet thick mass will instantly stick to the bottom.

To cool the custard faster, place the cauldron in a large bowl of water or in the kitchen sink. When warm, add room temperature butter and vanilla. Stir until smooth. Let cool or leave until the next day.

Assembling and decorating a shortcrust pastry cake

When the cakes and custard have cooled to room temperature, you can start assembling the cake. The sand cake will be soaked for at least 12 hours, but it is better to leave it for a day. We take a flat dish, lay the first cake, shaking off the remaining flour from it with a brush. We spread a portion of the custard, spreading it in an even layer. For each cake will take 3 tbsp. l. cream or more. Do not forget to leave for coating the sides and top of the cake.

So we coat all the cakes. Smooth the cream on the top layer of the cake with a spatula or the flat side of a knife. On the sides of the cream we apply with a brush, filling all the voids. And then go through with a knife or a culinary spatula to level and remove excess. We pass the scraps of cakes through a meat grinder so that there are pieces of different sizes. Sprinkle the sides of the cake. Cover, leave for a day, give time to soak the sand cake.

How to decorate the top of the cake is a matter of taste. You can just sprinkle with crumbs like the sides. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and lay out pieces of fresh pineapple, cocktail cherry, as I did this time. Cook chocolate icing for a homemade sand cake, beat whites with sugar - choose any option or come up with your own.

Well, our handsome cake is ready! As you can see, making a delicious shortbread cake with custard at home is quite a doable task. There is nothing complicated, and not so much time is spent. I would be glad if you prepare a sand cake and share your impressions or photos. Have a delicious cake and bon appetit! Your plush.

And now, after reading the recipe, you can watch a shortcrust pastry video that I found on the Internet.

But such creams are an ideal layer for dry shortbread cakes.

Preparing custard is easy if you strictly follow the recommendations given in. To do this, in a small, better enameled, saucepan, sugar, starch or flour, eggs are thoroughly mixed, then milk is poured in and heated.

At the same time, stir almost continuously and make sure that the mixture does not burn. The fire can be turned off when the porridge "chuffs". For one and a half glasses of milk or fresh, they usually take 4 eggs or 8 yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and an incomplete glass of sugar.

There are many options for diversifying this cream. When the mass is almost ready, you can squeeze out the juice of a lemon, or put some almonds at the beginning of heating.

Perfect for sand cake cream. To do this, just replace the sugar with caramel. As a result, the familiar taste of the classic custard will sound in a new way.

And if cream is used instead of ordinary milk, they get an amazing velvety taste and a fairly dense cream consistency.

Custard recipes often stipulate that milk can be replaced with water. Do not do this, otherwise the taste will be spoiled.

Cream on cream

By default, for such creams, cream with a fat content of 35% is taken, unless otherwise specified in the recipe.

Less fat cream will not give the required density when whipping and.

When using a cream prepared on the basis of cream from natural cow's milk, it should be borne in mind that in finished form such a product does not hold its shape well, spreads and quickly turns sour. But it is extremely soft and delicious.

To make it easier to cook, the cream is strongly cooled, to the point that they are whipped without removing the dishes from the ice, and they use equipment specially chilled for this purpose.

If the recipe provides for the addition of butter, it is placed first. In the process of whipping, without turning off the mixer, add powdered sugar in portions and, if necessary, fruit filler or sweet wine / cognac.

If berries are used, they are boiled for several minutes in very concentrated sugar. The readiness of the semi-finished product is checked by dripping from a spoon onto a saucer.

If wrinkles appear on the drop, and in the air it becomes covered with a thin film, then confiture can be added to the cream. Naturally, before that it is cooled.

The main thing in a sand cake is thin cakes. The thinner they are, the better they will be saturated with cream, and the more tender the finished cake will turn out.

Homemade sour cream

As a rule, such young housewives are inherited from mothers and grandmothers. And for good reason they are so carefully stored in home notebooks. Despite the seeming simplicity of preparation, such creams are very tasty and are often used in holiday cakes.

Light, with a barely perceptible sourness, sour cream favorably emphasizes the taste of shortbread cakes.

According to the classic, in order to prepare a delicious, not sugary-sweet sour cream, take 600 g of sour cream and 450 g of powdered sugar or granulated sugar.

If the sour cream is too liquid, it can be thickened with gelatin. Dissolved according to the instructions, it is added at the end of whipping.

Often cream is added to sour cream (a 250-gram pack of butter is taken for the indicated amount of sour cream).

An unusually tasty and fragrant cream is obtained by adding boiled condensed milk to sour cream. Thanks to this, it becomes more saturated and thick. Lemon zest also adds a special charm.

You just need to try not to touch the white flesh when scraping off the yellow crust, otherwise the zest in the cream will be a little bitter.
Fans add dried apricots, prunes passed through a meat grinder.

Sour cream is a universal base that goes well with many products - bananas, peaches, raspberries.

Cake with sour cream is best done the day before so that it has time to soak well. Then it will literally melt in your mouth.

What cream is best for the cake? It would seem that the best companion for a fragile, but rather fatty dough would be a light and airy partner.

On the other hand, it can be a moist custard that can soak the cakes well, or rich butter. The final choice depends on what effect you want to achieve as a result.

Cooking instructions

40 minutes Print

    1. Butter or margarine should be soft, if frozen, leave to warm up at room temperature.

    2. Turn on the oven to heat up to 200 degrees. Tool Oven thermometer

    3. Rub butter or margarine with sugar and vanilla sugar.
    Add 1 egg to it and mix.
    We take 2 eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks, we do not need proteins, we put them in the refrigerator.
    And add the yolks to our dough and mix thoroughly.

    Crib How to separate whites from yolks

    4. We measure the flour and add the baking powder to it.
    Pour into our mass and mix thoroughly.
    The dough should be thick, not a lot of spread, but not tight! (If tight, add 2-3 tablespoons of milk or water).

    5. We prepare a deep form, as the dough will rise 2-3 times.
    Or small molds to make shortcakes.
    If silicone, then it’s good, you don’t need to do anything with it, if it’s the usual form, then grease with oil and sprinkle with flour in a thin layer. Tool Silicone baking molds Silicone forms are more convenient than metal ones: they do not need to be lubricated with oil, food does not burn in them, and they are easy to clean. Plus, they bend, and therefore it is easier to remove them from the finished cake.

    6. Pour the dough into our form or molds, level it (if these are small molds, then only spread them halfway). We bake small molds for 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, a large form 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand, which is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grate. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

    7. Check for readiness, pierce the cake with a wooden stick (for example, a toothpick), if there is no raw dough left on the stick, then everything is ready.

    8. Cool, remove from the mold.
    Happy tea!
