
Compote from grapes for the winter with twigs. Compote of grapes with sugar

Currently, you can buy virtually any factory-made drinks, but it is very difficult to find products of high quality and taste among them, and grape drinks are not common at all. Therefore, home-made drinks always enjoy the attention of the family. Homemade compotes are not too troublesome, while there are a lot of positive aspects. The main thing is natural ingredients, canning without industrial chemicals, the ability to save berries and fruits for the winter.

Grape compote tastes like juice, it is one of the most concentrated and delicious compotes. It is suitable for the festive table and for everyday use. Children love him very much! In the presence of grapes in the garden, harvesting berries in this way is a sign of good taste!

Compote is cooked from grapes according to different recipes, using the knowledge of some technological nuances:

  1. prepare a drink both with sterilization of cans and without it;
  2. they put grapes in a jar with individual berries or whole brushes (the branch gives astringency), however, the branches are often cut off, as dirt or insects can get with them;
  3. in some cases, the berries are pitted;
  4. grapes can be an independent drink ingredient or combined with other fruits (plums, apples, pears, apricots, peaches, raspberries and other seasonal fruits);
  5. compote is brewed from both varieties of black and light grapes (for a rich color, cherry leaves and chokeberry are added to green berries);
  6. for the appearance of a spicy taste, add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, vanillin (0.5 teaspoon per 1 kg of berries) or lemon (orange) zest;
  7. this product is used not only for drinking, but also for making jelly, mousses;
  8. to improve the taste for 1 kg of berries add 30 ml of madeira or port wine;
  9. citric acid is put not only for the appearance of sourness, it makes the color brighter and richer, many people put a slice of lemon instead;
  10. virtually all grape varieties are suitable for making compote - sweet or sour (there is an opinion that it’s not even the variety that matters, but ... the beauty of the grape branch), from a utilitarian point of view, small blue grapes are best: they are not suitable for food, but for compote perfect! Usually they use varieties that are used for making wines ("Isabella", "Dove", "Lydia", "Kishmish", "Moldova").

Some facts:

  • regardless of the canning method, compote is stored all winter at room temperature;
  • the average calorie content of this drink is 77 kcal per 100 grams;
  • advantage of compote in relation to juice: juice is a product of direct extraction, can cause allergies, like grapes themselves, compote is a product of “cooking”, this is a softer and more balanced drink.

cooking recipes

Without canning

The recipe is quite simple, even a child can cook such compote.

Ingredients: 700 gr. grapes, 200 ml sugar, 2 l. water, 2 gr. citric acid (optional).

Progress: pour water into the pan, put the washed berries in it, bring the compote to a boil, then leave it on low heat for up to half an hour (or boil for 8 minutes, then put to cool). Compote is cooked with the lid closed. As for sugar, options are possible: you can put it during cooking or later, in each mug. If you put sugar right away and do not drink compote in two days, the drink may deteriorate; the absence of sugar slows down this process.

Without sterilization

I. : 1 kg of grapes, 150-200 gr. sugar, 2.5-2.8 liters. water, 2 gr. citric acid.

Progress: grapes are removed from the brush, spoiled berries are removed, washed thoroughly, placed in a sterilized jar. Berries should take up about half the volume of the jar, for a three-liter jar 1/3 is enough.

Next, sprinkle with sugar; if the berries are sweet, for a three-liter jar we put 4 tablespoons of sugar and citric acid, if the selected grapes are sour, we put 5-6 tablespoons of sugar, and you can not add citric acid.

Pour boiling water over the jar (so that it overflows a little), roll up the lids, taking them out of boiling water, shake the jar to dissolve the sugar and put the lid down. Usually, banks are “wrapped” before cooling, for example, in a blanket.

II. Option with "double filling".

Ingredients for a three-liter jar: grapes - a third of the capacity (1 kg), a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid (optional), water - 2.5 liters.

Progress: grapes are cleaned of branches and spoiled berries, washed, allowed to dry, laid out in sterilized jars.

Then boiling water (syrup) is poured back into the pan and brought to a boil again, adding citric acid; if it was boiling water, then add sugar. For draining, a nylon lid with holes is usually used.

Again, the syrup is poured into the jars to the very top (so that a little liquid flows out), rolled up with boiled metal lids, turned over, covered until cool.

A third option is possible: after the initial sterilization, sugar is poured into a jar and poured with boiled water for the second time.

With sterilization

I. During sterilization, the technology used for any home-made preparations is preserved (jars are washed and sterilized, lids are boiled).

Ingredients for a three-liter jar: 1 kg of grapes, 150-350 gr. sugar (for an amateur), 2.5 liters. water.

Progress: grapes are cleaned of spoiled berries, washed, allowed to drain water. Berries are laid out in jars, they occupy a third of the volume.

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, mix. After boiling, boil the syrup for 10 minutes, stirring (so as not to burn).

Jars are filled with ready-made syrup, sterilized for 30 minutes, and then rolled up with lids. Sterilization is possible in the oven or in containers with water - at the discretion of the hostess.

In any case, the recipes presented are not the ultimate truth. Each housewife eventually comes to her own methods of preparing the most beautiful and delicious compote. The industrialization of the food industry has led many to abandon home-made preparations for the winter. Therefore, the ability to preserve at home is priceless today! Compote from grapes is simple, and in winter it is magical!

With the onset of the cold season, our body begins to suffer due to a lack of fruits, berries and vegetables. But thanks to the preparations, this situation can be corrected, for this you just need to take a little care about it in the fall.

And now all grape lovers have a recipe for delicious grape compote especially for you. For harvesting, you can use any grape variety, but it is better to buy black or purple, it will give a beautiful color and a special aroma to the compote. You can also use additives according to your taste, for example, cinnamon, cardamom, etc. I did not use any additional flavors, only grapes with its delicate aroma, I must say right away that it turned out very tasty. And I also wanted to draw your attention to the fact that the color of grape compote will become more saturated with each day of storage. Therefore, do not be afraid that immediately after rolling the compote will still be transparent. Over time, it will darken and acquire a beautiful dark color. The amount of sugar also depends on the sweetness of the berries, you can vary the amount. The recipe is for one two-liter jar.

Ingredients for making grape compote:

  • grapes (dark) - 500 grams,
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams,
  • water - 2.3 - 2.5 liters.

Grape compote recipe without sterilization

Sort through the grapes, pluck the berries from the twigs, and select only whole grapes. Rinse the berries thoroughly in cold water.

Arrange clean and dry grapes in clean sterilized jars. The number of grapes can be increased according to your desire.

Boil water and dissolve sugar in it. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour the boiling syrup over the jars of grapes. Cover with lids, which must be sterilized, and leave to infuse for 15 - 20 minutes.

After draining the water into the pan, use a sieve or a lid with holes. Boil the syrup again, boil for a couple of minutes and pour into jars again.

Close the jars with lids, roll them tightly with a special machine or key. Turn the jar over to check if the lid is tightly rolled up, if the jar remains dry near the neck, then everything is in order, you can send the jars for further storage.

Store prepared compote from grapes without sterilization in a cool room for at least a month, during which time the grapes will completely give off the aroma and color of the drink. Thanks to this drink, a piece of summer will be on your winter table.

Grapes are one of the oldest crops that man began to use. Found images of grapes on the frescoes, which are already 7 thousand years old! From these fruits, a very long time ago, a person learned to make wine, dry berries - cook raisins. We have expanded our culinary experiments and make jam from grapes, prepare compotes, prepare syrup, confiture, etc. for the winter.

Compote is a fairly popular way to preserve berries and fruits at home for the winter. On the one hand, it is a drink, and on the other hand, it is an opportunity to use berries and fruits for various needs. Fruits can be used to make desserts, decorate sweet dishes, and just eat.

To prepare green grape compote for the winter, you will need (per 1 liter jar):

  • green grapes - bunch
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - 300 g

Green grape compote for the winter - recipe with photo:

Ripe and juicy fruits are selected for compote. You can use both green grapes and black or purple. It is important that the drink retains the taste, aroma, color and appearance of fresh berries. Remove the berries from the stems and wash thoroughly.

Let's sterilize jars and lids.

In the meantime, let's do the filling for the compote. For pouring, dissolve sugar in water and boil the resulting syrup.

Fill sterilized jars with green grapes. The best option is a third of the jar so that the jar contains a sufficient amount of both the drink and the berries. You can fill the jars as you like, but the level of the fruit should be a few centimeters below the shoulders.

Filling for compote is ready.

Fill jars with syrup all the way to the top.

Cover the jar with a sterilized lid.

Next, we need to sterilize the green grape compote for the winter in a water bath. We put a stand on the bottom of the pan, fill the pan with water, heat the water to a warm state. We put a jar on a stand and sterilize liter jars for 16 minutes, three-liter jars for 20.

After the sterilization procedure, we roll up the cans with a key or twist them if twist-off cans are used.

We turn over.

Grape compote for the winter, for a 3 liter jar, for 1 liter jar

I am sure that such a drink will appeal to everyone: both small and large members of your family. It will perfectly cope with thirst quenching, which will replace purchased juices and carbonated drinks, the composition of which leaves much to be desired…

Just like plum compote, canned apple-grape drink has a wonderful taste and wonderful fruity aroma. In winter, it can be used both as part of the everyday menu and served at the festive table. If this drink is on the table, I am sure that your guests will not even look towards store-bought sodas and juices. Before you start preparing compote from grapes and apples for the winter, you need to prepare containers and lids.

To do this, the jars need to be thoroughly washed and sterilized in any way convenient for themselves: pour them with a small amount of boiling water, hold the top upside down over boiling water, in the oven or in the microwave. And the metal lids with which you will roll up the cans should be boiled for several minutes.

How to close compote in a 3 liter jar of grapes for the winter

Tasty and healthy homemade compotes for the winter are made from a variety of fruits and berries. Today I decided to cook grape compote from black (or blue) grapes. For this blank, I take the Dove or Isabella varieties.


  • grape,
  • water,
  • sugar 1 cup

Of these, grape compote always turns out with rich color, pleasant delicate taste. My step-by-step photo recipe will tell you in detail how to quickly, easily and simply prepare a healthy canned drink for the winter.

For a 3 liter jar for harvesting, you also need a glass of sugar and water. Grapes I take such an amount to fill a third of the volume of the jar.

So, I’ll tell you in detail how I prepare grape compote for the winter.

Carefully, but carefully, wash the berries. I separate from the branches.

I do this carefully so as not to crush the tender grapes.

I boil 2.5 liters of water.

I fill a jar sterilized, for example, in the oven, with grapes by a third.

I pour boiling water over the berries. First I pour a little, then - to the top. I cover with a clean metal lid. I wait, approximately, 13-15 minutes.

I pour water into a saucepan.

To do this, use a plastic cover with holes. I put the pot on the fire.

While the water drained from the grapes comes to a boil, I add sugar to the jar of grapes.

I pour the boiled water back into the jar. It is desirable that the water overflows a little through the neck to the outside.

I sterilize the metal lid by boiling and roll up a jar of grape compote. I turn it over and wrap it up, I wait a day.

Now, I send a quick and tasty compote from dark grapes to be stored in a cool place. I always put such homemade blanks in the basement. And in winter, in frosty cold, I offer a very tasty, fragrant, sweet drink with a slight sourness to adults and children. It reminds us all of the warm days of late summer!

Grape compote recipe for the winter

For a 3 liter jar.


  • 700 g grapes
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 lemon

How to make compote from grapes for the winter

  • 1. Pour water into a saucepan (2 liters of water per 3-liter jar) and bring to a boil.
  • 2. Rinse the grapes. Put the berries in prepared jars to 1/3 of the height.
  • 3. If the grapes are too sweet, add 2 slices of lemon to the jar.
  • 4. Pour boiling water into a jar of grapes to the very brim and close with clean lids. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
  • 5. Now carefully drain the water from the jars into a saucepan and bring to a boil again. Pour 1 tbsp of sugar into each jar.
  • 6. Boil the lids with which you will roll up the compote.
  • 7. Put the jar on a plate and pour boiling water into it to the top, so that part of the water is glassed into the plate. Roll up with a sterilized lid.
  • 8. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket for the night.

Bon appetit!

Compote from grapes for the winter for 1 liter jar

When choosing grapes, it must be borne in mind that the presence of age spots and brown dots on it does not indicate poor quality. The main requirement is that the berries must be whole and not spoiled. Dark varieties are most useful, guaranteeing an amazing color in the finished product.

Citric acid or juice will help extend the shelf life of the drink and restore the shade. Grape compote requires additional sterilization measures: rolled up jars should be carefully wrapped. Whole bunches prepared will surprise your guests and become the main decoration of the festive table.


You will need for 1 liter container:

  • 300-350 g grapes
  • 0.5 st. granulated sugar
  • 1 pinch of citric acid or 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 700 ml hot water


  • 1. Pick the grape berries from the brush and wash them in warm water. Then pour into a saucepan or saucepan
  • 2. Pour a small amount of water and blanch, place a container with berries on the stove. It will take about 2-4 minutes from the moment the water in the container boils. Keep an eye on the berries - as soon as some of them burst, immediately drain the water and fill the container with cold water. This is done in order to clean the berries from those bacteria that cause fermentation.
  • 3. After that, pour granulated sugar on the steamed berries, add citric acid or lemon juice. Pour in the indicated rate of water and place the container back on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook compote for about 10 minutes over medium heat. At this time, sterilize the jar in the oven, in a water bath, or simply scald with boiling water along with the lid.
  • 4. Pour the boiled compote into it, substituting a knife or a wooden spatula under the jar so that the container does not crack. Screw the lids on the jars with a special preservation key and turn the jar upside down. Wrap with a blanket or warm towel and leave to cool completely.

Then move the preservation to storage in the pantry or cellar, taking it out in the winter and treating all your relatives with compote. Compote is stored for about 1 year if the grapes are with stones, and more than 1.5 years if you used the sultana variety for rolling.

Recipe for grape-apple compote with sterilization for a 3 liter jar

The method of preservation by sterilization is very reliable. Using it, you can not be afraid that the cans of compote will “explode”.

So, to prepare a delicious drink from grapes and apples for the winter, for one 3-liter jar we need to stock up on the following:

  • bunches of grapes - one large or several small;
  • small apples - 4-5 fruits;
  • sugar - 2 two hundred milliliter cups;
  • water - about 2 liters.

You can use any grapes, even the cheapest, for example, the Isabella variety.

If you stock up on dark grape varieties, they will give the drink a beautiful rich color.

Apples should be taken in such a size that they crawl into the neck of the jar. Otherwise, they will have to be cut into slices, but not everyone likes pieces of this fruit floating in compote, which tend to spread.

When preparing compote, use intact, ripe fruits.

Wash apples and grapes thoroughly before use, then sort through the berries, getting rid of the spoiled ones.

Cooking process

  1. We proceed directly to the process of preserving the compote: We put the required number of apples on the bottom of each jar.
  2. Now carefully place the grapes on top of the apples (see that the grapes, along with the apples, take up about two-thirds of the volume of the jar). Then you should prepare the syrup. To do this, pour the required amount of water into the pan (for a 3-liter jar - 2 liters) and add sugar: for each liter of water - a glass of sugar. That is, if the water is 2 liters, you need to add 2 cups of sand.
  3. Stir sugar in water until it is completely dissolved and keep the mixture on fire until it starts to boil. As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the heat.
  4. Immediately after that, pour the apples and grapes in the jar with syrup and cover each jar with a prepared metal lid.
  5. If the syrup is not enough, you can add boiling water to the jar. And if it remains, it can be used to make compote in a saucepan, adding any available fruits or berries to it. We begin the sterilization process: we take a large saucepan, place a wooden grate on its bottom (you can use a piece of cloth) and put jars there.
  6. If the pan is not very roomy, you will have to sterilize the jars one at a time. Pour hot water into a pot with jars (its temperature should be about 70 degrees) so that the water reaches the top of the jar.
  7. After the water starts to boil, sterilize the compote for 15 minutes. After that, we take the cans out of the pan and immediately roll them up using the seaming key.


When removing hot cans from the water, be very careful not to burn yourself with boiling water. The best way to get jars out of a pot of boiling water is with a special tool sold in hardware stores - tongs. The last thing to do before sending the compote for storage is to let the jars cool completely by turning them upside down and wrapping them well on top.

Everything, delicious and fragrant compote of grapes and apples for the winter according to this simple recipe is ready! It remains to determine the place of storage for him, placing it in a dark place at home or in the cellar.

Method for making compote without sterilization

  1. If you do not have a large pot for sterilization, or for some other reason you want to close the drink without sterilization, you can use another option for making compote.
  2. The beginning of the process will be the same: we prepare the container by sterilizing it, boil the lids, carefully wash the fruits and sort them out, put them in the same amount in a jar.
  3. The next step is to fill the fruit jars with boiling water to the very top. Let them rest for 20 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan. Add sugar there, based on the calculation of 1 liter of water - 1 glass of sand.
  4. Stir the syrup so that the sugar is completely dissolved in the water, and bring it to a boil.
  5. Pour the prepared boiling syrup into jars and roll them up with lids.
  6. We give the jars to cool in the same way as in the first version of compote preparation, and send it for storage. It should be noted that making the drink in this way, the appearance of the drink suffers a little, since when the water is drained from the cans, the grapes can be slightly crushed.

But this will not affect the taste in any way, so it’s up to you to choose which option to use apple and grape compote for the winter.

Now you know that it is very simple to make a compote of apples and grapes for the winter, for a 3-liter jar of which you need very little fruit.

  • Seedless grape jam for the winter - a simple recipe
  • Grapes for the winter

Use these recipes and prepare a drink that will help you out more than once in the cold season and remind you of summer.

Step-by-step recipes for making grape compote for the winter with and without sterilization: options for rich compote from green and dark grapes with citric acid, honey, lemon, mint

2018-07-25 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


10 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: Grape compote for the winter - a classic recipe

Technologists and chemists have been puzzling over new compositions of drinks for decades, but nothing better than compotes can still be done. It almost doesn’t matter which berries you fill with syrup, but if you sort through the recipes, grape compotes among them are a special honor. Natural juices, with all their taste and benefits, cannot quench their thirst and refresh like a mug of cold compote. And to be even more frank, a modest home-made compote will almost certainly turn out to be more natural than even expensive juice from a box.


  • a large bunch of ripe dark grapes;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water - two and a half liters;
  • acid, citric.

Step-by-step recipe for dark grape compote for the winter

The number of grapes in a jar, and, consequently, the volume of water depends on the variety of berries and your taste preferences. The more aromatic the grapes, the less it is needed to get a delicious drink, on the other hand, if you cook a more concentrated compote, the more it can be subsequently diluted with water. We will count on half the volume of a three-liter bottle, and, accordingly, on a kilogram bunch, if the drink seems cloying, just dilute it when serving a canteen with carbonated mineral water.

Without rinsing at first, we cut off the berries from the bunch, simultaneously removing the spoiled ones. Fold those selected for compote in a colander and rinse under the tap, sorting through again and removing all suspicious grapes. Pour raw water into the jars, with your finger not reaching the rim of the neck, then collect in a saucepan and put on the stove. As it warms up, add and dissolve the sugar while stirring, pour the boiling syrup over the grapes laid out in jars.

After waiting fifteen minutes, we return the syrup to the pan and heat it up again, after boiling, boil for two minutes and pour citric acid into it. Stir, after dissolving the crystals, pour the syrup into jars and immediately cork with lids prepared by boiling. We compensate for the lack of additional pasteurization of compote by keeping it under a blanket. Turn the bottles over and wait for the compote to cool, then be sure to check that the lids are not swollen.

Option 2: Sweet grape compote for the winter - a quick recipe without sterilization

We do not turn off the fire under boiling water until the lid on the last jar is rolled up. The recipe is not in vain classified as fast, there is little trouble with it, but you will have to act without delay, this is due to the lack of sterilization in hot water. The variety of grapes is unimportant, both table and dessert ones are suitable, and by combining berries of different colors, you will achieve a different color of the drink. Moreover, it is not forbidden to do this even in different bottles, please your home with a variety of tastes and a whole palette of colors of the drink.


  • sugar, refined - five hundred grams;
  • purified water - 4 liters;
  • two kilos of grapes of any variety.

How to quickly prepare a beautiful and tasty grape compote for the winter

Without disassembling the bunches, dip them whole in a bowl of cold clean water, let them soak a little and put them in a colander. Sort the berries carefully, the compote will not be sterilized, so you should remove all the grapes that do not inspire confidence in you. Inspect them for debris, especially cobwebs, such unwanted “add-ons” will irrevocably spoil the compote.

Put the selected grapes in a colander, you can immediately lower it into another bowl of water, it will not hurt, juicy berries will not absorb it. Run a colander under running water and rinse the grapes again. Banks must be absolutely sterile, for the same reasons of long-term storage of the product. Wash them with a saturated baking soda solution and heat them in the microwave or oven, or steam them.

We lay out the grapes in bottles and immediately fall asleep with sugar, the berries can be sorted by variety or prepared assorted. There are no restrictions, be guided only by taste. We boil water for compote with a margin, the amount in the recipe is indicated for reference, fill it with berries in bottles to the very base of the neck. You don't need to stir anything, the sugar will dissolve just fine. We set the jars on the lids, wrap them very tightly. If you preserve a large amount of compote at once, and the jars are tight, they may need more than a day to cool.

Option 3: Refreshing grape compote for the winter (bunch)

There are few berries that can compete with Isabella aroma. It is so strong and unlike other varieties that even in wines, simpler grapes are often added to Isabella. For us, for compote, such berries are just a gift - there will be more space in the water bottle. Mint is put in compotes in order to give a fresh touch to the drink, but this time it has another role: the fresh mint taste is in harmony with the astringency that grape seeds give to the compote. Replacing the grape variety in the recipe is quite difficult, but if you are planning a refreshing dark-colored compote, take Cabernet or Moldova, they are also tasty and fragrant.


  • a large bunch of grapes, Isabella;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a spoonful of fresh mint leaves;
  • boiling water;
  • lime wedge.

How to cook

Putting a spray bottle on the cold water faucet, wash off dust and debris from the bunch, holding it under the jets by the upper tip. Pay special attention to the inspection of berries and twigs, remove debris, bad or green grapes. The size of the bunch may be large so that it can be placed in a jar through the neck without separating it. Break off large parts, so the compote will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Sterilize the container ahead of time, tear the mint leaves from the sprig and, after scalding them in a glass of boiling water, lower them to the bottom of the bottles. Lime, and in its absence an ordinary lemon, is also scalded and cut into slices along with the peel, clean only the seeds from it with the tip of a knife. We put a piece of citrus in a bottle and fill it up to half with parts of grapes. Please note, since we did not sort the grapes into individual berries, outwardly they will take up a larger volume.

We fill the bottles with syrup boiled from water and sugar over the top of the hangers, be sure to slightly shake the container several times and release the air remaining between the berries. We immediately roll up the banks and wrap them up, turning them upside down.

Option 4: Honey compote from grapes for the winter (from white nutmeg)

In the absence of the specified grape variety, we replace it with any light one, change the sour citrus for two fragrant ones, and reduce the amount of vinegar to a spoon.


  • honey - one kilogram;
  • a quarter cup of grape vinegar;
  • five sticks of cloves;
  • small sour lemon;
  • a spoonful of grated cinnamon;
  • three liters of water;
  • 3500 grams of muscat grapes (white).

Step by step recipe

We do not disassemble the clusters into individual grapes, rinse them whole and put them in steamed jars. Of course, only undamaged berries should remain on the branches, remove all spoiled ones. Fill the bottles with tap water, then, measuring the volume, pour into a saucepan and count the amount of the rest of the compote ingredients.

Boil the water and boil the spices and lemon peels in it, then quickly dissolve the honey and vinegar. Covering the jar necks with gauze, pour this composition into the berries and soak for half an hour. Then drain back and boil again, this time adding the juice squeezed from the lemon.

After boiling the syrup for no longer than two minutes from the moment of boiling, pour into jars, immediately roll up the lids and put them under the covers.

Option 5: Amber grape compote for the winter with lemon

Luxurious color and incomparable taste compote will come out even from nameless grape varieties, only the ripeness of the berries is important. You can, within any limits, keeping only the total mass, change the proportions of varieties, this will affect not only the taste, but also the color of the drink.


  • white grapes - two hundred grams and half as much as dark;
  • 800 milliliters of water;
  • 80 grams of sugar;
  • a couple of lemon slices.

How to cook

We select only ripe grapes for compote. We do not separate the clusters, but cut them with scissors into small branches - no more than a dozen berries. We scald the lemon, dissolve it with beautiful slices, be sure to remove the seeds!

Boil the syrup by dissolving sugar in water and boiling for a couple of minutes, pour hot into jars. Immediately upon filling, we send the jars to a saucepan with warm water and heat it to maximum heat. A grate or a thick cloth should be lowered to the bottom of the pan, excluding the contact of cans with metal.

We sterilize the compote with a moderate boil of water in a saucepan for up to fifteen minutes, the jars should be covered with boiled lids. We seal the compote hermetically, keep it under a thick layer of blankets or warm clothes for at least a day.
