
A fruit similar to a potato from Thailand. Useful properties of rose apple

When planning a trip to hot countries, you want to find out the most up-to-date information and be fully equipped so as not to get lost among the variety of impressions on the spot. For example, why not explore the fruits of Thailand with photos and names? Our review will help you with this.

During a trip to any, the most modest local market in the Land of Smiles, your eyes run wide from the abundance of unusual, bright, amazing fruits. These are fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans - sometimes it is not immediately clear. It is not surprising that the question often arises among tourists: which fruits can be eaten, so to speak, without preparation, and which ones are better - with instructions?

Below you will find a photo with the names of the most delicious and popular fruits in Thailand.

Most Popular Fruits


This fruit is characterized by tender, moderately sweet and juicy bright yellow flesh. The taste is a bit like a peach, but without the characteristic sourness and with a thick sweet aroma. Mangoes are often sold unripe, in which case the flesh is firmer and its color varies from light green to yellowish white. The skin of a mango can be of different colors depending on the degree of maturity. You can find fruits with a dark green skin, but the sweetest and most delicious specimens are those that are painted in a pale orange sunny color. The fruits of Thailand will delight you with their variety, and every person who has a rest here chooses for himself a couple of favorite delicacies. Mango leads the list of popular delicacies: it is used not only to make milkshakes, but also to prepare many amazingly tasty and unusual additions to local dishes: salads, rice and desserts.


Guava is best characterized by the following description: in shape and color, it resembles a large round green apple, for example, Antonovka. However, its surface is slightly rougher and bumpier than that of an apple. Guava pulp can be either firm (if the fruit is not yet fully ripe) or very tender, almost like a mango. Guava tastes a bit like feijoa. If you cut it and leave it on a plate, then the whole room is filled with a surprisingly pleasant fruity aroma. There are two types of guava: white-fleshed and red-fleshed.

sugar apple

This fruit is similar in appearance to the guava, but it is even more bumpy and has a surface divided into many "scales" or "bumps". Its scientific name is Annona scaly, and the Thais call the sugar apple Noi Na. The fruit pulp tastes like sweet applesauce. Very tasty desserts and sweets are prepared from this fruit.

Mangosteen (mangosteen)

The unusual appearance of this fruit and its dark purple tough skin hide the true essence of the mangosteen, for which both locals and visitors to Thailand buy it. Inside, the mangosteen is a bit like a white mandarin: if you cut and peel the skin, you will see white, watery slices. They are the ones that are eaten. Mangosteen also tastes like tangerine, but it is not so sour, more tender and sweet.

Below are even more unusual fruits of Thailand with photos and descriptions.


Exotic furry red balls at first glance do not look very edible, although unusual. Rather, they remind an inexperienced tourist of an original souvenir, somehow wormed its way among appetizing and understandable mangoes, bananas, pineapples and watermelons. However, locals buy rambutan in kilograms (and this fruit is very light in weight), and sometimes the most daring and curious tourists also decide to try it. Under the shaggy funny skin, translucent balls of surprisingly regular shape are hidden. The taste of rambutan is unusual, a bit like a pomelo, but it is not so pronounced. To some, the pulp may seem completely tasteless. But you should at least try it to make your own impression!

rose apple

In shape, this fruit really most of all resembles a slightly elongated red apple. However, the taste of a pink apple is completely different: crispy, translucent, light and very juicy. Sour and slightly bitter tart flavors are only slightly complemented by sweet notes. Many people love the rose apple for its beauty, juiciness and pleasant texture of the pulp.


This is an amazing creation of nature, so desired by buyers due to its pleasant delicate taste, which is sold much more than all other fruits. And this is despite the fact that the strong unpleasant smell of this fruit contrasts sharply with the divine taste of the pulp. Durian is so smelly that it is forbidden to carry it in vehicles. Beginners wonder how you can buy fruit with such a repulsive "aroma". And those who have tasted durian do not regret at all that they once took this risk and allowed their curiosity to overcome instinctive disgust. Outwardly, the durian resembles a spiky dirty green melon, and inside, under the inedible thick peel, the light and soft part of the fruit is hidden, for which it is harvested. Durian is consumed not only raw: it is used to make delicious marshmallows, sweets and other sweets.


The rather heavy fruits with amber flesh and greenish-orange peel are a low-calorie source of many vitamins, fiber and minerals, and therefore are popular with those who plan to lose weight with the help of a fruit diet. Papaya is often used to make delicious juice with pulp, not only in color, but also in taste reminiscent of pumpkin. True, papaya juice is more sweet and more delicate texture.

Pitaya (dragonfruit, Dragon fruit)

The dragonfruit got its name for its bright appearance: its smooth pink skin densely covers the fruit with large uniform scales and resembles an egg of a fabulous lizard. Inside, the dragonfruit contains a white, friable, watery pulp with numerous black grains. It resembles kiwi in smell and texture, but tastes a bit bland. Buyers are always tempted by its bright appearance, but there are few avid fans of dragonfruit among tourists.


In appearance and taste, this representative of citrus fruits resembles the well-known mandarin. However, its peel, unlike mandarin, does not turn a uniform orange color, but remains dark green, even when the fruit is ripe and ready to eat. The most popular use of tangerine is found by street vendors selling freshly squeezed bright orange juice bottled in about 200-300 ml bottles. Juice bottles are hermetically sealed and cooled in transparent "aquariums" with ice. Buying one on a hot afternoon, uncorking it right there, on the street, and quenching your thirst with icy sweet and sour juice with a slight bitterness is a real pleasure!

A pineapple

If a hundred years ago Mayakovsky and Severyanin mentioned this "bourgeois" fruit in their poems as a sign of a prosperous life, today you will not surprise anyone in Russia with pineapple, because it is sold both in food markets and in supermarkets. However, the prices for pineapples are still “biting”, so many of our compatriots allow themselves such a purchase only for the holiday, and even as part of a fat-burning diet.

But in Thailand, locals grow pineapples in their own gardens, like potatoes, and sometimes sell them at ridiculous prices. If you want to buy a kilogram of pineapples for the price of a package of salt or a box of matches, go to the local market, where the Thais themselves buy goods. Such an economical purchase of pineapples in large quantities is especially relevant for those who want to lose weight, but do not dare to switch to a pineapple diet at home.


Also, it would seem, "painfully familiar" thing. Since the 90s of the last century, bananas have been regularly supplied to Russia. However, Thailand will delight lovers of this sweet fruit with a variety of varieties available. Not to mention that you will see bunches of bananas right on the streets, as banana trees are often planted to decorate the exterior of hotels, residences, restaurants and large spas.

In addition to bananas that are 20-30 centimeters long, which are familiar to us, Thais are accustomed to eating micro-bananas, a huge bunch of which (10-20 pieces) weighs no more than a kilogram, and the size of an individual fruit does not exceed 10 cm. Try this unusual kind of familiar delicacy.


The top three familiar fruits, which still should not be ignored when relaxing in the resorts of the Land of Smiles, is closed by a watermelon. If in Russia we are used to looking forward to August and buying ten-kilogram weighty watermelons (preferably from Astrakhan) for future use, then Thailand gives you a great opportunity to enjoy a juicy berry without burdening yourself with a heavy purchase. The local watermelons are surprisingly small - from 500 g to one and a half kilograms. In addition, watermelon cuts of 200-300 g are sold on every corner. Red ones are the most common, but watermelons with unusual yellow flesh can often be found.


This fruit looks a bit like a peanut, only on a larger scale. Dark brown "velveteen" pods, 10-20 cm long, hide round, sweet tamarind fruits, which are used in many confections and added to spicy seasonings in Thailand. Tamarind is considered medicinal, it is used to cure many diseases and as a general tonic. The taste of tamarind berries is slightly reminiscent of the well-known prunes.

Coconut and fresh coconut juice

Walking along the beach or sitting in the shade of tall palm trees to admire the seascape and take a break from the scorching sun, be careful: examine nearby palm trees for coconuts. In the busiest places, the administration usually orders that all nuts that threaten the safety of passers-by be cut down. But it's still better to be safe. Coconuts in Thailand usually look like huge light green balls. The dark brown, hard coconuts we are used to are the "seed" of a large green coconut. In any cafe, supermarket, as well as in markets and beaches, you can enjoy a refreshing sweet juice from fresh coconut, which is cut with a special knife right in front of you.

fruit season

We hope that the names and photos of exotic fruits in Thailand in our article have become a source of necessary information for you.

There is no shortage of fruit in Thailand, but the official month for the start of the most intensive harvest is May. All summer, until September, a huge amount of all kinds of fruits are sold in Thailand. Starting in October, some of them may disappear from the shelves: this applies to rambutan, lychee, mangosteen, durian and some other Thai fruits. Tangerines, papaya, dragon fruit, rose apple are harvested and sold all year round.

How to bring home

If you are on fire with the idea to please your loved ones with an exotic treat, then a few tips will come in handy:

  1. Decide in advance what kind of fruit, in what quantity and in what container you will be lucky. Choose a hotel on a hard skin so that it does not spread in your luggage. If you decide to bring mangoes, then buy them slightly unripe and place them in a warm place at home so that the fruit “reaches its condition”. The same goes for guava and dragonfruit. Choose mangosteen, rambutan, lychee and tamarind without flaws, dents and dark spots on the peel.
  2. Be sure to wrap each fruit individually in dry paper: food paper bags, which can be purchased at supermarkets, are suitable for this purpose.
  3. Try to pack fruit in a solid container: a plastic bowl, a cardboard box, or a cut-off five-liter bottle of drinking water will do.
  4. First of all, upon arrival at home, take out the fruits and put them in the refrigerator (if the fruits need ripening, place them in a warm place after a day).

Considering that a flight from Thailand to Russia can take you from 10 hours to several days (with transfers), try to get a fruit treat as late as possible, a couple of hours before departure to the airport. If you follow the rules of careful transportation, you will provide yourself with a pleasant "aftertaste" of vacation for a long time. Fragrant fruits will remind you of a distant and hospitable resort, where you will definitely return. And your loved ones will undoubtedly appreciate such a surprise much more than standard magnets!

Price table

FruitPrice (baht)/quantity
Watermelon (dengmo) - large65-95/piece
Watermelon (dengmo) - small35-45/piece
Melon (Tangmo)45-60/piece
Pitaya (geow mangon)40-50/kg
Coconut (ma phrao) - large12-15/pcs
Coconut (ma phrao) - small6-10/pcs
Rambutan (ngaw)45-60/kg
Durian (durian)65-100/kg
Mangosteen (mangkhud)35-50/kg
Mango (mamuang)30-50/kg
Sugar apple (noi naa)55-65/kg
Papaya (malakor)20-35/kg
Pomelo (som oh)15-25/pcs
Longkong (long kong)25-45/kg
Longan (lamyai)50-70/kg
Guava (farang)25-35/kg
Bananas (Kluai)25-45/kg
Tamarind (Makham Thad)85-145/kg
Sapodilla (La moot)30-55/kg

Fruits of Thailand - from this article you will learn almost everything about exotic fruits growing in Thailand. I will tell you where they are sold, how much they cost, their useful properties, and, of course, do not forget about their names. And for dessert, I will give advice on places where it is cheaper to buy them.

Fruit of Thailand

In exotic Thailand, tourists are fascinated by absolutely everything: nature, architecture, weather, culture, the cheerful nature of the Thais, and also local fruits. An incredible amount of them grows here, starting with the well-known bananas (there are more than 10 types of them, there are even seeds) and ending with the mysterious rambutans and sapodillas. On the one hand, I want to try everything, but on the other, questions arise: how to eat them, what is the use of this or that fruit, where to buy them, how much do they cost and can they be eaten at all? Below you will find answers to these questions.

Pineapple (Thai Sa-pa-rot)

Description. The Thais pronounce it as SapaLot, for those who forgot why, let's go to, where I wrote about it. The “appearance” of a pineapple is familiar to everyone, but in Thailand, pineapples of different varieties are grown, including those that, when mature, have a greenish peel, which often confuses tourists. Pineapples grown in Thailand are considered almost the best in the world. They are very sweet and never leave a mouth on edge. You should choose pineapples by touch - a good ripe fruit is slightly crushed under your fingers. If the fruit is too pliable, the fruit is likely rotten. The most delicious and sweet is considered a small, yellow pineapple from Chiang Rai, but it is much more difficult to buy it, since it is often sold only in some markets.

Beneficial features. Pineapples are rich in vitamins C and A, phosphorus, calcium, and bromelain, a high-fiber element. These delicious fruits can be a good help in the fight against colds, low blood pressure. They improve digestion and promote the breakdown of fats, which means they help in the fight against excess weight.

Season: all year round, the peak is in December, January and the period from April to June.

Prices: from 10 baht per piece, from 20 baht for peeled and chopped (the price does not change during the year).

Description. The origin of this fruit (more precisely, berries), of course, is not Thai, but in Thailand, watermelons are grown on almost every plantation. Two varieties of watermelons are common in the country - with the usual red flesh for us and with exotic yellow. The taste of yellow watermelon is almost no different from red, you can buy it at the BIG C shopping center or, in the markets and in the city, this is rarely found.

Beneficial features. Watermelon pulp contains a set of easily digestible sugars (fructose, sucrose, glucose), vitamins C, B1, B2, PP and many other useful substances. Watermelon has a beneficial effect on the functions of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine glands. A well-known property of watermelon is its diuretic effect.

Season: all year round.

Prices: the average price in the markets and around the city is from 25 baht for a whole, small watermelon (2-4 kg) (the price does not change throughout the year).

Description. Many varieties of bananas are grown in Thailand, from the miniature, thin-skinned finger bananas Kluai Khai to the long Kluai Hom. A whole book can be written about the use of bananas in Thai cuisine: green bananas are eaten with spices, mid-ripe fruits are cut and dried in the sun, mature bananas are boiled in coconut milk, deep-fried or in syrup - and this is only a small fraction of the possible options.

Beneficial features. Bananas contain vitamins B, A and C, iron, calcium and potassium. These fruits are rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Bananas are of particular health value due to the content of tryptophanome, a substance necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.

Season: all year round.

Prices: the average price of small, finger bananas is 25 baht per armful (8-12 pieces), a little more from 30-35 baht, large ones from 40 baht (from 4-8 pieces) (the price does not change during the year)

Description. The guava fruit looks like an apple with rough, wrinkled skin. Inside, the loose white flesh of the guava is filled with hard, light-colored pits. In general, guava is a rather tasteless fruit, it lacks acids. Despite this, guava is very popular in Thailand, the Thais cut it into slices and eat it with sugar and chili pepper. In addition, peeled guava fruits are soaked in sugar syrup, and then served chilled. Such fruits have a bright green or bright pink color, you can buy them from street vendors or in the BIG C shopping center.

Beneficial features. Guava is recommended to be used to stimulate the heart and improve digestion, it has more vitamin C than oranges.

Season: all year round.

Prices: average price per 1 kg. 40 baht, the price may vary depending on the size of the fruit. (the price does not change during the year).

Jackfruit (Kha-Nun)

Description. The fruit of the jackfruit resembles the shape of a durian, only its thorns are smaller and larger in size. Jackfruit is one of the largest fruits in the world, the weight of this fruit often reaches 40 kilograms. As the jackfruit peel matures, it turns from green to brown, and the thorns lose their sharpness. The pulp is dense, juicy and has a sweet taste, inside the fruit there are starchy bones.

On your own, without having special skills, it is almost impossible to extract edible pulp from the fruit. Therefore, jackfruits in Thailand are sold already peeled and with the stones taken out. Outwardly, the ready-to-eat fruit looks like a giant flattened corn kernel that tastes like marshmallow. Jackfruit seeds are sold separately in baked or boiled form, they taste like beans and chestnuts at the same time. Jackfruit is my favorite fruit!

Beneficial features. Jackfruit fruits are very nutritious. The fruit is recommended as a source of vitamin A, sulfur, calcium and phosphorus.

Season: from January to May.

Prices: The fruits of this fruit are usually not sold by weight, they are wrapped in special. packaging, which is subsequently sold, the average price of a package is from 30 baht. During the ripening season, the price can drop to 20 baht.

Description. Durian is an impressive fruit in every way. Its fruits sometimes reach a weight of 5-7 kilograms, have a hard, thorn-covered peel. Inside, the fruits are usually divided into five or six sections. Durian is the most famous and perhaps the most controversial fruit. Durian, like Jackfruit, is not sold in the shell, since not everyone can cut it. Usually the pulp is packed and put up for sale. Whatever epithets he was awarded: “king of fruits”, “heavenly taste and hellish smell”, etc. The discrepancy between the rich and pleasant tart-sweet taste and the disgusting smell, at best, reminiscent of the “flavor” of a mixture of onions and turpentine, brought durian a scandalous reputation. The smell has led to the fact that in Thailand it is forbidden to bring durian into hotels and any public places.

It is advisable to eat durian pulp with a spoon - if you do it with your hands, the disgusting smell will remain on them for a long time. Thais usually drink durian with salted water, pouring it into half of a giant shell.

Useful properties and contraindications. Thais consider durian to be an excellent aphrodisiac, but this has not been proven by science. But the fact that durian greatly increases blood pressure is known for sure, so it should not be consumed with alcohol.

Season: from May to August.

Prices: starts from 70-90 baht per package, in the off season it is more problematic to buy durian, so its price rises by about 30%.

Description. The fruits of carambola, in size, shape and even color - green or yellow - resemble bell peppers, and if you look at them from below or from above, they have the shape of a star. The pulp of ripe carambola is very juicy, has a pleasant, not very sweet, flowery taste. If carambola is sour, then it is immature. Carambola in Thailand is used for making juices, soft drinks, salads, sauces, canned food. The fruits do not need to be peeled, they are simply cut into pieces.

Beneficial features. Carambola is the richest source of vitamin C.
Season: October to December
Prices: This fruit is not very popular, so it is not always possible to find it on sale, the average price for it is from 50-70 baht.

Lychee (Thai Lin-Chi)

Description. This fruit with red skin and white flesh, with a delicate aroma and delicious tart-sweet taste, was brought to Thailand from southern China around the 17th century. Now lychee is grown on many farms in the northern regions, but the prices for them are higher than for most other Thai fruits. In Thai markets, you can find about 20 varieties of lychee.

Beneficial features. Lychee is the richest source of B vitamins, as well as iron and phosphorus. In traditional oriental medicine, lychee is used as a tonic and is considered an effective remedy for anemia (anemia).

Season: from April to June.
Prices: price from 60-80 baht per kg.

Longan (in Thai Lam-Yai)

Description. Longan has small, nut-like fruits with a thin, easily peeled cinnamon-colored skin, under which there is an aromatic, juicy and sugar-rich white pulp. Inside the fruit is a bone. Longan came to Thailand from China (its name comes from the Chinese "long yang", which means "dragon's eye") and is grown in the north of the country. In Thailand, longan is especially loved: it is usually eaten fresh, sometimes served with ice cream in restaurants.

Beneficial features. Longan contains vitamin C, iron, calcium, phosphorus and many acids that are beneficial for the skin. Due to the high sugar content, this fruit gives strength during illness, but too much of longans can cause a fever.

Season: from mid-July to mid-September.

Prices: average price from 60 baht per 1 kg.

Longkong (Thai Long-Gong)

Description. Longkong are grape-like, round, small fruits with soft, pale yellow skin. Very similar in appearance and taste to longkong is another Thai fruit - langsat, which is distinguished by a slightly lighter skin, as well as sticky milky juice that stands out during cleaning. The peeled longkong fruit is somewhat reminiscent of a small head of pickled garlic. The translucent white pulp of the fruit has a sweet taste with a slight sourness.

Beneficial features. Longkong is recommended as a source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C.
Season: from July to September.
Prices: average price from 40-50 baht per kg.

Description. Mango fruits are oval and smooth, with a yellow, green or red surface and a thin skin. The taste of juicy and fragrant pulp depends on the variety of mango and varies from sour to sweet. For its huge popularity, mango was nicknamed the "apple of the tropics." In Thailand, mangoes are sold all year round, but this fruit is most delicious during the peak season - from April to June.

Beneficial features. Mango is a source of vitamins A, B and C, as well as iron and phosphorus. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and the digestive system, it is useful for inflammation of the gums and oral cavity. But it is advisable not to overdo it with mango: in large quantities, it can cause a laxative effect.

Season: from April to June.

Prices: from 70 baht per 1 kg. in the season and from 100 and above in the off season.

Description. Thailand is the world leader in the cultivation of mangosteen, an extremely tasty tropical fruit. Outwardly, the mangosteen resembles a small round eggplant. Rounded fruits in diameter are from 5 to 10 centimeters. Sometimes in a mangosteen, more than half of the volume is accounted for by the peel. Inside - from three to five white slices. The taste of these slices is magical: a little oily, sweet, but not cloying. To some, mangosteen tastes like grapes, peach, or even creme brulee.

Beneficial features. Mangosteen is very rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins C and B. It is believed that mangosteen has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Season: from May to October.
Prices: In season, the price of this fruit can reach 15 baht per 2 kg or 7.5 baht per kg, but out of season it rises to 50-80 baht, and it becomes problematic to buy it.

Mandarin (Thai Som)

Description. Thai tangerines differ from Western varieties in their smaller size and thinner yellowish-green skin. In Thailand, tangerines with an excellent sweet and sour taste are most often used to make juice, which are sold literally on every corner from street stalls.

Beneficial features. There are a lot of various vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, PP, P) and essential oils in tangerines. Due to the high content of phytoncides, these fruits have an antimicrobial effect.
Season: all year round, the peak is from September to February.
Prices: price from 25 baht per kg.

Noina or sugar apple (Thai Noi-Na)

Description. The round fruits of noina are similar to apples, only they have a bumpy surface. In its unripe form, noina resembles an apple and tastes like a very sweet apple (this explains one of the variants of the name). When the fruits are fully ripe, their "sugar" pulp becomes so soft that it is eaten with a spoon. In Thailand, this fruit is consumed raw, sometimes with spices. In addition, delicious ice cream is made from noina.
Beneficial features. Noina is rich in vitamin C, calcium and amino acids.
Season: from June to September.

Description. Papaya fruits have an oblong shape, reach 30–35 centimeters in diameter, and can be up to half a meter long. The taste of papaya changes with the ripening of the fruit. Thais use unripe tart-sour papaya in salads and add it to meat dishes (the fruits contain papain, an enzyme that breaks down tough meat fibers and makes it soft). Som tam, a green papaya salad, is a popular Thai dish. Ripening, papaya acquires sweetness and is already used as a dessert.

Beneficial features. Papaya is high in vitamins B, C, A, D and iron. The fruit contributes to the normalization of the liver, blood sugar levels and stomach acidity. The use of papaya has a good effect on the digestive process.
Season: all year round.

Prices: From 20-30 baht per fruit (the price does not change during the year).

Description. Pitahaya is native to Australia but is widely accepted in Thailand. I must say that pitaya is not a fruit, but is the fruit of a cactus. Dragon fruit (or dragon's eye) fruits come in pink, red, and yellow. They have a very unusual appearance: the “petals” of the peel, bent in a bizarre way, resemble the scales of a fairy-tale dragon. The edible pulp of pitaya is white or burgundy and contains many small black seeds. The taste of pitaya is most similar to kiwi.

Beneficial features. Dragon fruit stimulates blood circulation and is very useful for cardiovascular diseases. In addition, Thai doctors recommend this fruit for violations of the thyroid gland.

Season: all year round.

Prices: from 60-80 baht per kg.

Description. Pomelo is the largest fruit in the citrus family. Outwardly, it is very similar to a large grapefruit, and tastes more like an orange. Thai people eat pomelo by dipping the pieces in a mixture of sugar, salt and red pepper. Foreigners find this tradition strange at first, but once they taste it, most are delighted with the combination of the sweet and sour taste of the fruit with the bitter and spicy taste of the spices.

Beneficial features. Pomelo contains a special lipolytic enzyme that promotes the breakdown of fats. Therefore, this fruit is often made the basis of a weight loss diet. The high concentration of antioxidants makes pomelo a good tool for the prevention of cancer. In addition, pomelo contains ascorbic acid, vitamin C and essential oils, making it suitable for the prevention of colds.

Season: all year round, the peak season is from August to November.

Prices: usually in shopping centers and markets pomelo is sold in sliced ​​form, the price is from 50-60 baht per pack. (the price does not change during the year)

Rambutan (Thai Ngo)

Description. Rambutan fruits are walnut-sized balls with an elastic orange-green or green-red skin. The surface of rambutans is strewn with long and hard, sometimes green, and sometimes pink, hairs. The very name of this fruit comes from the word "rambut", which means "hair" in Indonesian. The pulp of the fruit is a white gelatinous mass, it tastes pleasant and sweet, usually rambutan with pink hair is much sweeter than its counterpart, but you can only find this in local markets in Thailand, it is usually sold only with green ones in stores. There is an edible bone inside the rambutans, but I have never tried it.

Beneficial features. The pulp of rambutan contains many proteins, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin C. It is very beneficial for the skin.

Season: from May to September.

Prices: the price depends on the size of the fruit and its color, in the season you can buy rambutan for 15 baht 2 kg., in the off season the price rises to 60-80 baht per kg.

Description. Like a number of other exotic fruits, which, by some misunderstanding, began to be called "apple", this fruit has absolutely no resemblance to a real apple. In shape, the fruits of a rose apple resemble bells. The thin skin of a rose apple hides a crisp, crumbly flesh that spreads a sweet smell, a bit like the aroma of roses. The fruits are eaten fresh or used in the preparation of desserts.

Beneficial features. The pulp of a rose apple in oriental medicine is endowed with antimicrobial properties. It is also believed that this fruit normalizes blood pressure.

Season: from April to June.

Prices: price from 50-70 baht per kg.

Sala or snake fruit (Thai Ra-Kum)

Description. The fruits of lard are covered with a skin of rich red-brown color, dotted with small spines. This peel resembles the skin of a snake, for which lard is often called snake fruit. Before use, this fruit must be peeled, because of the abundance of thorns, only the most true connoisseurs of the taste of lard can repeat this procedure several times. Sala has an intense sweet and sour taste that is difficult to compare with anything else. Some describe the flavor as being both strawberry and valerian at the same time.

Beneficial features. Fat pulp is rich in tannin, which relieves inflammation on the intestinal mucosa and kills some types of pathogenic microflora.

Season: from June to August.

Prices: the average price for 1 kg is from 35-50 baht. In the shopping center out of season, this fruit is almost never found.

Sapodilla (Thai La-Mut)

Description. Outwardly, the sapodilla is very similar to a plum, its surface has a dark brown or light yellow color and is completely devoid of “hairs”. Sapodilla fruits have a sugary milky-caramel taste. Fruit in Thailand is most often used to prepare various drinks, desserts and sauces.

Beneficial features. In oriental medicine, sapodilla is used to normalize low blood pressure.

Season: from September to December.

Prices: this fruit is one of the most expensive in Thailand, out of season it is almost nowhere to be found, and in season the price reaches 200 baht per 1 kg.

Tamarind (Thai Ma-Kham-Wan)

Description. Outwardly, tamarind resembles large brown beans, the length of the fruit is 10-15 centimeters. Inside the tamarind are hidden dark hard stones, covered with a sticky dark cherry shell, which is edible. This pulp has a sour-sweet, tart taste. In Thailand, tamarind is boiled to produce an interesting and refreshing drink, and is also eaten fresh. When choosing tamarinds, you should pay attention to the fact that the fruits are firm to the touch, with a smooth, not wrinkled skin. Before use, the fruit can be cut lengthwise. Take out the pulp and remove the seeds. Note: another variety of tamarind grows in Thailand - sour, Thais prepare sauces from it.

Beneficial features. Tamarind is rich in calcium, vitamins B, A and C and a whole range of minerals. The fruit is widely used by Thais as an effective yet mild laxative.

Season: from December to March.
Prices: 30-50 baht per kg.

And here they sell: coconuts, passion fruit, santol, palm fruits, physalis and much more. In addition to local fruits and berries, you can find many imported from China and New Zealand here.

Where to buy fruit in Thailand

Well, here we come to the main question, where to buy them. In fact, you don’t have to go far, they are sold almost everywhere. If you come to a resort town or an island, then you will not have any problems with the search.

On the beaches. Boys and girls walk along the beach and sell already cut pineapples, rambutans, etc. The price is 30-40 baht per pack.

On the streets in tents. Here you can buy them by weight, as well as sliced ​​​​in the package. A little cheaper than on the beach. Such tents are located almost throughout the city.

In macaroons. These are mobile motorcycles or carts. Here you can choose from a dozen of the most popular fruits, usually sold individually or in slices. The price for almost all types is 10 baht, for some instances 20. Similar mopeds can be found on crowded streets, near shopping centers, as well as in beach areas.

Farmers from wagons. At the peak of ripening, farmers harvest their crops and come to the cities to sell their goods. Since not everyone wants to spend money on renting places in the market, some stop along the road and sell from a van. Often it is much cheaper than in shops, tents, beaches or markets for tourists. But the choice is limited, as one farmer concentrates on one, maximum two fruits.

In supermarkets Big C, Tesco Lotus, etc. These are some of the most popular and not very expensive places to buy. There is a large selection, reasonable prices, sometimes there are promotions, and, of course, do not forget about the evening sale of chopped fruit.

In the evening, at about 20:00 in large shopping centers such as Big C, Tesco Lotus, in order to sell today's cuts or pastries, the shopping center drops prices by 2 or even 3 times, so if in the morning half a watermelon cost 30 baht, then in the evening it can cost 10.

Markets for foreigners. One of the most popular is the market opposite the Mike Shopping Mall, prices here are much higher than anywhere else, perhaps due to the popularity of the area, as well as a large selection. For example, on 06/11/2013 I bought 2 kg of rambutan in the Thai market for 15 baht. Arriving here, they tried to sell me 1 kg for 50 baht. Although during this period in the city the average price for 1 kg is 25 baht. The sellers are very smart, they do not post the price of their goods, and accordingly, for each foreigner, it can be different.

in Thai markets. These are markets that foreigners hardly know about, usually they are located in not the most successful areas of the city and only Thais visit them. Accordingly, the prices here for certain goods are attractive.

In my opinion, the most profitable places to buy fruit are: Thai market or BIG C and Tesco Lotus. If you are not going to eat a lot of fruits, then you should not look for these places, just buy them in the nearest stall and enjoy.

How and in what to transport fruits

To begin with, I would like to answer the question “Is it possible to export fruits from Thailand?” — Yes, you can, there are no export restrictions. The main thing is to keep within the total weight of your luggage 25 kg. including hand luggage.

But it should be remembered that the Federal Law “On Plant Quarantine” is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 13
In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to prevent the entry into the territory of the Russian Federation and (or) the spread of quarantine objects in the territory of the Russian Federation, regulated products (quarantine material, regulated cargo) may be withdrawn, destroyed or returned upon instructions of officials of the state supervision body and customs authorities in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, our customs can legally seize your food. But as practice shows, such cases are rare.

As fruits for transportation, I would recommend:

  • rambutan,
  • a pineapple,
  • mango not very ripe (not very yellow),
  • longan,
  • mangosteen.

In my opinion, they are stored longer, are one of the most delicious and interesting.

IMPORTANT! Durian is prohibited for export.

It is easier and more convenient to take out in special plastic baskets, as in the photo below.

Firstly, they are not very heavy, and secondly, they are quite strong and reliable. You can buy them in almost all places where fruit is sold. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to take such baskets with you on the plane, they are only in your luggage.

Another option for exporting fruits is to pack them in a suitcase with things. The main thing is to seal them more securely so that they do not stain your things. This option is the safest in terms of import to Russia, since customs is unlikely to pay attention to an ordinary suitcase, and, accordingly, the chances of giving gifts to “friends” are reduced.

That's all! Share your impressions and leave feedback on the fruits that you liked the most!

The fruits of Thailand are one of the reasons to visit this unique country. They come here for various reasons, because in addition to the fact that there is quite comfortable housing and quality service, tourists are waiting for low prices for everything, including food. You can talk a lot about the quality and cost of street food and the local celebrity - "macashnitsa", but no one will argue with the fact that in Thailand you can try the most delicious fruits. They are sold everywhere, and you can often buy "exotic" for a symbolic price. However, not every fruit is loved by tourists, and the appearance or taste of individual specimens causes, to put it mildly, misunderstanding.

Features of the climate of Thailand, as a guarantee of a good harvest

Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that has retained its independence from European countries, and at the very time when the French and British ruled in neighboring countries, the state followed its own path of development. Thais, like their distant ancestors, were engaged in agriculture and collected a rich harvest of fruits. Their increased growth is facilitated by a variety of climatic conditions - in the north the climate is tropical, in the center and south - subequatorial, and on the border with Malaysia - equatorial. It rains from late spring to mid-summer, after which the “dry” season begins, which lasts until February. After that, the real summer begins, while the humidity of the air increases as the rainy season approaches.

It is easy to imagine how this diversity of climate affects the development of agriculture, and Thailand is among the leaders in the supply of rice. The treasury also receives large incomes from the sale of exotic fruits, and some of them are harvested all year round. In the south of the country, pineapples and coconuts grow well, farmers receive significant profits from the sale of durian, which is known as the “royal fruit”. By the way, it was in Thailand that they learned to cultivate it, despite its whimsicality. In addition to these well-known names, Thais offer tourists unfamiliar exotics, and it is difficult to understand the variety of colors and tastes.

Fruit seasons by month and where to buy

One of the reasons for the popularity of Thai resorts is that you can relax here all year round. If one of the goals of your visit is the desire to try exotic fruits, and culinary tours are far from uncommon here, you should remember about the seasonality of the harvest for one or another exotic. Undoubtedly, in the menu of restaurants and hotels you can try whatever your heart desires all year round, but affordable prices for many fruits will only be available during the harvest season. The best purchase option is local markets where farmers and local peasants take their products. The prices here are also “folk”, and you can try the following fruits at different times:

  • From January to February you will be offered at affordable prices pineapple, tamarind (Indian date) and passion fruit, resembling a large plum in yellow or dark purple.
  • From February to March, you can continue to enjoy the taste of passion fruit and tamarind, at the same time, jackfruit, a close relative of breadfruit, begins to appear on the shelves.
  • March is the harvest season for the "miracle of the tropics" mangoes.
  • April is also the time for mango picking, the season for lychee (Chinese lychee) picking, is also the best time for the local "celebrity" durian.
  • Between May and June, tourists can taste rambutan, the queen of fruits, mangosteen (mangosteen), kumquat, or fortunella.
  • In June, you can also find mangosteen, kumquat on the market, salak (“snake fruit”) and noina are also added to them.
  • July is rich in exotics, when there is no end to sellers offering to buy langsat (longkong), the collection of mangosteen, herring, lychee and rambutan also continues. The santol season is about to begin.
  • In August, the pomelo harvesting season (sheddok) begins, everyone also collects herring and lychee, noina becomes especially in demand, since by this time it is fully ripe.
  • Pomelo continues to be harvested in September, and at the same time you can see sapodilla (“oil tree”) on the shelves.
  • In October, the incredible beauty and taste of carambola, or “star fruit”, is added to sapodilla and pomelo.
  • In November, fresh pineapple can be seen again in supermarkets and market vendors, and rose apple (“Malabar plum”) is added to the already familiar sapodilla and carambola.
  • December is a real "paradise" for pineapple lovers (they are especially cheap), you will also meet our "old friends" - sapodilla and carambola, the new tamarind season begins.

Looking at our peculiar calendar, it is easy to understand that whenever you come to Thailand, there is always something exotic. It is also worth remembering that some fruits are harvested here all year round. You can always try rambutan, pitahaya, coconut, guava, papaya and banana here.

TOP 20 best Thai fruits

Despite such a variety, not all exotic fruits can suit your taste, there are even such “copies” among them, the consumption of which, due to an unpleasant smell, is prohibited in public places. The taste of some fruits also does not suit many tourists, but it is known that they do not argue about tastes. Even if you are offered “something” at a very attractive price, you should not risk your health and train your taste buds, it is better to use the advice of “experienced”. It will help you understand what is worth trying and what is better to refrain from, and our "twenty" best fruits from Thailand.

This exotic fruit, originally from "sunny" Brazil, also referred to as crested and real pineapple, has taken root well in Thailand. He gained wide popularity after the "visit" of America by Christopher Columbus, who found this unique plant in Guadeloupe. If you create ideal conditions for it, you can grow fruit even in the northern regions of Russia, but its main suppliers on the world market are the countries of North Africa, Australia, Hawaii and Thailand, of course. By the way, a social survey, if any, would most likely show that many people think that pineapples grow on trees, but, oddly enough, this is a perennial herbaceous plant with large fruits, and the weight of some specimens reaches 15 kilograms.

Until now, there are disputes as to whether it is a fruit or a berry, but it does not matter, because we are more interested in sweet and sour taste and indescribable aroma. For a long time, these fruits have been used to make delicious desserts, although pure pineapple is already a dessert. It is also used for preparing salads and second courses, drinks based on it are well refreshed. The rich mineral and vitamin composition is also appreciated, where the presence of iron, magnesium and potassium, which support the work of the heart, is especially appreciated. In addition, this is a real dietary product, so it is often recommended for organizing a diet for weight loss. It is eaten fresh and canned.

On the shelves of our stores, these yellow tropical “beauties” are far from uncommon, but only tourists who have visited Thailand can appreciate their real taste. They are offered here in a wide variety of species, many of which you will hardly see at home. Many of the fruits that we and our children love are in fact no more valuable than zucchini and cucumbers, but are used exclusively for making sauces and adding to vegetable salads. There are also varieties used for feeding animals (plantains). If you want to experience the real taste of a banana, pay attention to miniature green "species" dotted with brown spots.

By the way, a banana is not a palm tree, but also a perennial grass, although it reaches a height of 9 meters. The composition of the fruit is also rich in vitamins and minerals - what does potassium cost, and 100 grams of the product contains up to 300 ml of a microelement, and this is quite enough to keep the heart muscle normal. Of particular note is the fact that the consumption of bananas stimulates the production of the “happiness hormone”. Perhaps you did not pay attention that after eating 2-3 bananas, a person's mood changes for the better.

It is difficult to understand how this foul-smelling fruit, namely, it is forbidden to eat in public places, can have such a unique taste. The most interesting thing is that the taste of fully ripened fruits is better than unripe ones, but the unpleasant smell becomes more expressive. If you decide to take a chance, choose fruits that deform somewhat when pressed. You should not take unripe fruits, but it is better not to buy fruits that are too “pliable” to pressing, as they may be spoiled. If you decide to lose weight, then refrain from consuming durian, as it is very high in calories - 100 g. The product contains 150 kcal. It is worth noting, however, that it does not contain harmful cholesterol. The taste of the fruit resembles custard with an admixture of vanilla and papaya flavors. You can eat it with your hands, slightly breaking it, but it is better to use a spoon for this. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it is forbidden to export durian outside of Thailand.

Locals adore rambutan, while the attitude towards this exotic fruit among visitors is ambiguous. You can even say that they look "terrible", while tasty inside. The fruits are covered with a prickly skin of yellow, red and even brown color, and under it is a sweet and sour jelly-like pulp surrounding a dense inedible bone. It is best to buy red fruits with greenish spines, although among tourists it does not enjoy fame. There are some difficulties when eating rambutan, although the Thais eat them as quickly as we eat seeds. The fruit has a mild aroma of tea rose, so it does not interrupt other flavors and is often used to prepare various dishes. There are up to 30 fruits on one bunch, and it is in this form that they are most often sold. Rambutan pulp has a good effect on skin health, it improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.

In cooking and cosmetology, this exotic fruit has been used successfully for a long time. Many consider it a nut, but in fact it is a stone fruit, which is also difficult to call a fruit, so there will be constant debate about this. We are more interested in the taste of the fruit, and coconut flakes are indispensable in the preparation of desserts and confectionery. Its white pulp contains a large amount of fiber, a lot of protein and organic acids in it. Meanwhile, it is not worth including it in the diet every day, since this product is high in calories.

Brown fruits should not be eaten, which is what we are used to seeing on the shelves. The locals make coconut oil out of them and use them for kindling. You need to eat unripe fruits, while you can drink the juice by making a hole with a hard object, split it in half and use a spoon to eat the white pulp. By the way, the quantity and quality of the contents does not depend on the size of the fetus.

Pitahaya, and it is also called "prickly pear", "dragon fruit" or "dragon heart", is the fruit of a liana-shaped cactus. It is used mainly in its raw form, and dry roasted fruits are used to prepare aromatic seasonings. The yield of the fruit is amazing, and from 1 hectare you can collect more than 30 tons of this exotic in a season. It is used for organizing dietary nutrition, as it contains a minimum of calories. According to its taste, it resembles an unripe and tasteless, respectively, kiwi fruit. Despite the inexpressive taste, this is a very healthy product and, in practice, the only fruit that can be included in the diet of diabetics. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and immune system, and the tonin contained in the bones improves vision. It is desirable to eat it chilled, cut in half. You can use a spoon, although it is quite often peeled and cut into pieces.

Another "dark horse" for our tourists is noina, also known as a sugar or cream apple. Judging by the last name, it is easy to assume that the taste of this exotic fruit resembles custard, so the fruit is often used to make desserts and confectionery, ice cream and creams. If there is an unripe noina, then it strongly resembles an apple, which is why locals and experienced tourists eat it like an apple. Fully ripened fruits are cut in half, and the contents are eaten away with a spoon. Amino acids, vitamins B and C, calcium - this is not a complete set of "usefulness", and in Thailand they also believe that this fruit is an ideal remedy for worms. It is for this reason that the locals are especially respected by the locals, who are often forced to live in unsanitary conditions.

Among the fruits growing in Thailand all year round is guava. This evergreen shrub, which, by the way, can be grown on a windowsill, is somewhat reminiscent in appearance of a stale green apple. Sometimes the fruits resemble a pear, and you can recognize them by their pleasant rich aroma, and even tobacco smoke can drown out their smell. As for taste, the opinions of gourmets differ here. It is believed that this is a sweet fruit, although many believe that its taste is inexpressive, and there is not enough sweetness, but in any case there is not a single sour note in them.

You can buy guava fresh and drenched in syrup. In any case, it normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, and if you eat it with the peel, you can get rid of problems with the digestive organs. It is necessary to consume guava in reasonable quantities, since its excessive amount will affect the figure, besides, indigestion is not uncommon, which is not accustomed to such food. You can eat guava in different ways: some sprinkle the cut fruit with sugar, others love it with salt and hot spices.

There is a lot of talk about the origin and relationship of another exotic fruit that can be tasted in Thailand, although this has not been a shortage on the shelves of our stores for a long time. It is represented by a wide variety of species, but it is always tasty and healthy. These rather large fruits, reminiscent of grapefruits in appearance and taste, actually contain little edible, since the large size is visibility, and a thick peel occupies most of the space. Gourmets, meanwhile, prefer grapefruit pomelo to a mild taste. As for the beneficial properties, the pomelo can be called a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Due to its diverse composition, the fruits are able to normalize blood pressure and improve heart function, besides, they are ideal for organizing dietary nutrition.

This unique fruit, also known as the Indian date, grows in the hot countries of Africa, Australia and South America, although this is far from uncommon in Thailand. In appearance, it resembles a bean, and in taste it is closer to a date, which is where the second name comes from. It is mainly used for making delicious sauces and pasta. Fresh tamarind is sold, you can also find it in dried form, candied fruits also have good taste. Nutritionists, meanwhile, do not advise abusing tamarind, because 100 grams of it contains almost 250 kcal, which is even more than durian.

In the meantime, cardiologists strongly recommend its consumption, as it contains elements very useful for the heart - potassium, magnesium and sodium, but the fruit is especially valued for its large amount of calcium, which is good for bones and joints. The vitamin composition of tamarind is also rich, and this is a storehouse of B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene and other vitamins. Tamarind is eaten fresh, added to confectionery and sauces, including the popular Worcestershire sauce.

Unlike mango, avocado and other exotics, it is difficult, and even impossible, to meet on the shelves of our stores, since this fruit is capricious and quickly deteriorates. Meanwhile, you can enjoy its unique taste, being in Thailand, where several varieties of passion fruit grow. In appearance, the fruit resembles a plum, only unripe fruits have a smooth skin, a ripe passion fruit is somewhat wrinkled, and this must be taken into account when buying. In addition, ripe fruits smell "exotic" and unripe ones have no smell. To save more juice, it is not worth cutting the fruit completely - it is only cut and then broken by hand. You can eat with a spoon, leaving a tasteless bitter skin.

Jackfruit is considered the largest tree fruit today, and the weight of some specimens exceeds 30 kilograms. Therefore, walking under the trees on which these giants ripen is prohibited, and this is quite understandable. Outwardly, the jackfruit resembles a durian, and when ripe, it also has a not very pleasant smell, but the locals do not wait for it to fully ripen, plucking it unripe. The taste of this exotic fruit is a cross between a banana, pineapple and mango, but the roasted seeds are very reminiscent of chocolate. It is often eaten raw, and in fact it is tasty, it is also boiled and steamed, added to main dishes, salads and desserts.

In the market, you will be offered already cut jackfruit, since it will be difficult for an unprepared person to get to its juicy and tasty berries. The fact is that the space inside the fruit is filled with fruit latex, which sticks to everything, besides, the remaining stains are poorly washed. With the help of this fruit, you can normalize blood pressure by replenishing the deficiency of ascorbic acid, carotene and B vitamins, as well as magnesium, in the amount of which it is second only to figs from the exotic.

Few people know that the “dragon eye”, which is how langsat is translated from Chinese, can be grown at home, but why do it if it’s easier to do it by visiting Thailand. When cut, it is very similar to garlic, since the hard shell hides 5 cloves, which contain a juicy jelly-like liquid that tastes like good grape varieties. Actually, it is also sold - in clusters, as a rule. From infections, birds and insects, the fruit is protected by a rather dense shell, which is well removed, which is especially pleasing. They eat it like ordinary fruits, add it to sauces, meat and fish dishes, it is also indispensable for making desserts.

Langsat can be cooked and preserved, but it is always not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains a large amount of essential organic acids, a large amount of iron and calcium are also valued - microelements that are indispensable for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Like many other exotic fruits, it contributes to the production of the “hormone of happiness”.

It is not difficult to buy a mango today, but if you have not tried this fruit in Thailand or another exotic country, you have not tried it at all. Unfortunately, unripe fruits that do not have that original taste get into our stores. By the way, you can talk about the taste qualities of the “miracle of the tropics” for a long time, since different species, and in Thailand there are a lot, have their own taste, but believe me, it’s hard to find a tasteless fruit. Pitted mangoes are considered especially tasty (you heard right), although they are no less tasty with bones. They are eaten fresh, added to meat, and as a marinade they are especially in demand, to fish, salads and desserts. The vitamin and mineral composition also deserves attention. It is sold cut into slices and whole.

You can talk a lot about the healing properties of mangosteen, and it is also called in Thailand "the queen of fruits. Eastern healers have long used it to treat many diseases, and this is a real natural antioxidant. In addition, mangosteen has a unique taste, these fruits are juicy and quench thirst well. Remotely, their taste resembles grapes of sweet and sour varieties, and the presence of a peach is also felt. After peeling the fruit, you will see several cloves resembling garlic, but do not rush to attack them when you hear the alluring aroma, as there are inedible seeds inside. Only the pulp goes into food, and getting to it is easy: cut the fruit in the center and press until you hear a click, or simply turn the halves in different directions.

Santol, or "wild mangosteen", also contains five slices filled with juicy pulp, enveloping a rather large bone. You should not eat the bones, as this will badly affect your stomach, while in unripe fruits it is difficult to separate, so you need to buy only ripe fruits. On the market you can find two types of santol - with brown and pink skins, and it is better to choose fruits that have a brownish tint, because a pink or red counterpart releases an unpleasant sticky liquid.

By the way, the taste is also different - the latter has sour shades, and brown santol is sweet and somewhat reminiscent of mangosteen, although it significantly surpasses it in the number of useful components. Fruits are rich in carbohydrates, contain a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Despite its name, the pink or Malay apple is more like a pear in appearance, and the color can vary from green to pale pink and even red. As for the taste, when it is consumed, a double feeling is created, since it is both sweet and somewhat reminiscent of the taste of coniferous tree branches, but you quickly get used to it. They eat it whole, prepare juices from a rose apple, add it to cocktails and other refreshing drinks. As for the benefits, it is an ideal diuretic and a good antiseptic.

Salak, known as "snake fruit" is a real exotic, and you need to be able to handle it. It has a dense prickly skin, so when cleaning it can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, if you decide to try it for the first time, buy already peeled fruits, but do not rush to eat them whole, as an unpleasant surprise awaits you inside in the form of a large bone. It is worth choosing fruits with a brown skin, but even in this case it is difficult to say what “it” looks like.

On the one hand, the taste of Baltic herring resembles strawberries, on the other hand, it resembles a nut, and the presence of valerian notes can complete the description. Meanwhile, this fruit is useful, as it contains tonin, which contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the body. It contains almost no calories, so do not be afraid to get better, it does not cause a fetus and allergies. As nutritionists would say, eat and lose weight.

If you have not been to Thailand, it is highly likely that you have not heard anything about lychee - another Thai celebrity. These exotic fruits grow in clusters, so they are often sold in the market in this form. Under the dense skin is a transparent pulp, which has a sweetish taste with a tart tinge. This is an independent dish and an indispensable ingredient for light salads and the most complex desserts. Constant consumption of lychee will make your blood vessels strong, they will help in strengthening the immune system and in normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The taste of sapodilla is a cross between figs and dates. This exotic fruit from Thailand has a delicate aroma and a unique sweet taste. In appearance, and sometimes in taste, sapodilla is similar to persimmon, but unlike it, it is tart and cloyingly sweet. This applies, however, to mature fruits, but if you have not learned to choose, then instead of pleasure, irritation awaits you, because unripe sapodilla has a bitter astringent taste, and besides, it contains sticky latex that is difficult to wash off. You need to choose only smooth and not hard fruits, and you need to eat the cut fruit in 1-2 days, since the sapodilla quickly disappears and starts to smell bad. 100 grams of fruit pulp contains 80 kcal, it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

As you can see, in Thailand you will find not only macarons, all-inclusive hotels, gorgeous beaches and local attractions, but also a large assortment of fruits that are real exotic for our tourists. And since the stomach of a European is not accustomed to these "goodies", do not rush to eat exotic in large quantities, as your body may not like it. Ask "experienced" tourists, but rather talk to your nutritionist and remember that with unreasonable consumption, even the best medicine turns into poison. Bon appetit.

From this article you will learn about the most popular exotic fruits that are sold in Thailand. And also: how much fruits cost, what they taste like, how to eat them and how to take them out.

Of course, you have already tried some exotic fruits. But "herring" and "sapodilla" for us, for example, have become a discovery)

Definitely worth trying them all and finding your favourites.

1. Salak (Snake Fruit, Snake Fruit)

Form: Oval, elongated. Often sold by branches (~ 8-10 fruits each). Thorns on the skin.

Color: Purple-brown-red-brown, reminiscent of snakeskin

pulp: Light, yellowish, juicy, slightly fibrous, with large brown pits. Inside it is divided into 2-3 slices.

Taste: Honey-sweet, sour

How they eat: Remove the skin with a knife and eat. Cleaning is not easy, because. there are thorns on the peel and the peel itself is quite dense.

Season: May-August

Price: 40-60 baht per kg (~80 RUB or $1.33)

Our impression: We liked the fruit! But it is difficult to clean and the bones are very large. After a couple of days of storage in the refrigerator, the herring skin becomes dry and less cleanable. So it is better to eat fruit fresh.

2. Longan (Longan, Dragon Eye, Dragon Eye)

Form: Small round fruits. Sold on twigs in a bunch or without twigs, in a box. Longan looks like a small potato.

Color: Light brown (potato)

pulp: Transparent white, juicy, watery. The texture is similar to a ripe plum. Inside is a large, black, round bone. Therefore, the name is “dragon's eye”.

Taste: Not very pronounced, delicate, sweet and sour, can be remotely compared with strawberry.

How they eat: Clean and eat. Outside, the longan has a rather thin, but dense peel. It will have to be cut to clean the fruit. Separates easily.

Season: May-August, but also in March they were :)

Price: 90 baht for a bundle or 50 baht (~100 rubles or $ 1.66) for a box

Our impressions: We liked the fruit. It's weird, juicy, and easy to clean.

3. Sapodilla (Lamut, Sapodilla)

Form: Small oval fruit, about the size of a small chicken egg.

Color: Brown. Looks like a bald kiwi :)

pulp: Brownish, in consistency - comparable to persimmon or ripe pear. Inside 2-3 small black elongated bones.

Taste: Honey caramel, incredible! Very sweet.

How they eat: Remove the skin, eat, spit out the pits

Season: September-December, in March it is very rare - but you can also find

Price: 65 baht per kg (~ 130 rubles or $ 2.1)

Our impressions: This fruit is awarded the second place! (First place is occupied by mango). Sapodilla is an incredibly tasty thing. The only negative is that it spoils quickly.

4. Mangosteen (Garlic, Mangosteen)

By the way, that’s right - “Mangosteen”, and not “Mangosteen” :)

Mangosteen looks like this:

Form: Round shape, about the size of a tangerine. Above is a small twig and a couple of small leaves.

Color: The skin is dense, dark brown on the outside, purple on the inside.

pulp: White, watery, sweetish. It is divided into segments, which makes the mangosteen look like garlic. Bones are found inside large lobules.

Taste: Sweetish, sour, not bright.

How they eat: Peel the skin (with a knife) and eat the inside

Season: April-September

Price: from 50 baht per kg (~ 100 rubles or $ 1.7)

Our impressions: In Thailand, this thing is called the “queen of fruits”, but we did not understand its charms. It's worth trying once.

5. Mango

Form: Oval, tapered on one side

Color: Light, yellow-orange

pulp: Soft, tender, not fibrous. The pulp of ripe fruit melts in the mouth. The bone is rather flat.

Taste: Mango in Thailand, unlike mango from Moscow stores, has a less intense (not so sharp) taste. Sweet, honey. mango flavor :)

How to eat: Peel thin skin and enjoy.

Season: April-July. Out of season also sell, but more expensive

Price: Mango is not cheap in Thailand (in March), 80 baht per kilogram (~ 160 rubles or $ 2.5). You can bargain for 70 baht. Can be found for 60, but small and broken.

Our impressions: incredibly delicious! Eat there. In our stores, this delicacy is expensive and it is not often possible to find good options.

Still sometimes fruit stalls sell green mangoes. These are the same mangoes, only not ripe, and therefore cheaper. They are edible but hard. Ripe mangoes are, of course, tastier.

Probably the one who came up with the design of the Nokia 7610 ate a lot of Thai mangoes :) Here is my first association:

Mangoes from Thailand should be stored in the refrigerator. Our fruits lasted well for a week. Maybe they would have lain longer, but they ended :)

6. Pitahaya (Pitahaya, Dragon fruit, Dragon fruit, Pitahaya, Dragon Friut)

Form: Oval fruit, slightly larger than a large apple.

Color: Bright raspberry skin with green scales

pulp: White, with black seeds. Seeds the size of poppy seeds.

Taste: Without a pronounced taste, a little sweetish, the seeds crunch on the teeth. The consistency is comparable to kiwi, only more grainy.

How they eat: Cut into two halves and eat with a spoon. Or peel and cut into slices.

Season: all year round

Price: 90 baht per kg (~180 rubles or $ 2.8)

Our impressions: Beautiful, bright, interesting, but .. tasteless. Buy once, at least your eyesight will be happy - the combination of colors is simply incredible!

7. Carambola (Star fruit, Start Fruit, Carambola)

Form: Small, rather light, oval. It has the shape of a five-pointed star in cross section. The size of this star fruit can be compared to a large pear.

Color: yellow-green, yellow-orange.

pulp: Pulp can be compared with thick-walled pepper: crispy, juicy.

Taste: Tastes like a pea pod. Herbal, watery, sweetish. Something like a pepper.

How they eat: cut into slices, do not peel.

Season: May-August

Price: 90 baht per kg (~180 rubles or $ 2.7)

Our impressions: Try it once, just for fun. I'm pretty sure you won't want it again :)

8. Passionfruit (Passion Fruit)

Form: This is an oval-shaped fruit, about the size of a chicken egg. A ripe passion fruit does not look appetizing - like a dried plum.

Color: Burgundy brown

pulp: Yellow, with small flat black pits

Taste: Rich, sour, passion fruit taste) You probably also tried peach-passion fruit yogurt? So, a fruit with such a taste really exists.

How they eat: Cut into halves, eat out the contents with a spoon

Season: January-April

Price: 120 baht per kg (~ 240 rubles or $ 3.7)

Our impressions me: A very sour fruit, you can't eat a lot of it. Interesting to try.

9. Pineapple

Delicious in Thailand pineapples. They are sweeter and smaller.

It is not convenient to peel them, but in almost every fruit shop you can ask to peel a pineapple or even cut it into small pieces.

Price: 40 baht per piece (~ 80 rubles or $ 1.2)

We also tried watermelon, not impressed. Astrakhan watermelons are tastier :)

Bananas in Thailand they sell, basically, only small ones, because. large bananas are considered fodder here.

Tastes like delicious bananas

The forbidden fruit in Thailand is durian. But it is forbidden except for storage in a hotel. Sell ​​durians in ordinary fruit shops. They say that you need to eat it 5 minutes after opening, otherwise it will start to stink terribly and this smell cannot be washed off with anything. We did not get this miracle fruit. Probably not the season. To be honest, we didn't search very well.

Worth a try coconut. Or rather, coconut milk.

Coconuts in Thailand are sold unripe. Those. inside you will find not a dense nut, with an edible wall thickness of about 1 cm, but only a slimy layer of 3 millimeters. But it is also tasty and you can eat it with a spoon.

Price: 40 baht for a coconut (~ 80 rubles or $ 1.3). For this cost, they will open it for you, give you a straw, a bag.

I will also answer a popular question:

Is it possible to export fruits from Thailand and how to carry them?

It is possible and necessary :) Carry in hand luggage. You can buy a special plastic carrier for fruits, you can just put it in your bag.

You can not take out only durian, coconut, watermelon and melon. Why - said in

There are a lot of fruit stalls in Phuket, they are almost at every turn and do not differ much from each other. So you can safely buy in the first available.

As you can see, fruit prices in Thailand are quite reasonable. When I think that before the crisis it all cost half as much, I begin to regret that I didn’t go earlier :)

Do you have any questions? Ask, I will try to answer) I will be glad to any comments and remarks.

Happy travels to you!

Thailand's most global fruit review - everything I've personally tried. A detailed description and photo: what is it called, how much it costs, what it tastes like, what is useful and how it should be eaten. Mango, papaya, durian, dragon fruit, guava, sapodila, lychee, mangosteen, etc. * Prices for all these fruits vary depending on the season, but in general everything is quite affordable. One pineapple can be bought for 25 baht, a large guava for 10 baht, a bunch of bananas for 30-70 baht, etc.

How to choose. Mangoes in Thailand are juicy, yellow (or green) and sweet. In any case, it is worth choosing fruits that are already a little soft, and not hard as a rock. . Even dark green mangoes can be sweet if the fruit is soft.

How to peel and eat mango. I have tried different ways of eating this fruit, but this way is my favorite so far. You need to cut the mango in half, cut off the bone and be sure to gnaw it: if the fruit comes across good, then the nectar of divine taste at that moment will flow down your teeth directly from the bone. Then we cut the pulp into cubes from both halves and then it will be convenient to eat these cubes with a fork separately or in a fruit salad. It is also convenient to eat the pulp with a spoon.

You can eat two green mangoes a day (no more than two!) - Wikipedia says that this relieves diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids and disinfects the liver. Even from green fruits, the elasticity of blood vessels improves. Ripe fruits have a good effect on the organs of vision and improve immunity. And to lose weight, you need to sit on a mango diet.

mango price in Thailand it depends on the season: in November-January, mangoes can cost 70-200 baht per 1 kg, and in April - from 40 baht.

Papaya (malako)

It tasted like zucchini and pumpkin, but soft, orange and sweet. If you choose a whole fruit, then it should be slightly soft, partly it may even be spoiled.

How to eat papaya. Cut in half, remove the bones and cut into cubes. I read here that the main value of papaya pulp is the papain enzyme, which improves digestion. And it’s true - I just wanted to write that I somehow don’t like papaya itself, but I love the feeling in my stomach after it, so I try to eat. At least it goes well with mango, banana and blueberries (cut into cubes and enjoy). Or you can make necks: milk, frozen banana and papaya, beat on a blender.

Benefit. In addition, papaya contains vitamins B, A, C, D, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and anabolic substances that stimulate protein synthesis in the body and bone tissue calcification. Anabolics are what athletes add as a dietary supplement. So you need to eat more of it.

For some reason, the most delicious papaya is sold on street fruit carts - when the seller cuts the fruit himself and sells them in bags of 10-30 baht.

Longan and Lychee (Thai: Lom-yai, lam-yai)

These light brown balls, the size of a small walnut, are sold by brooms, like bunches of grapes. The skin of the longan is thin and dense, easily peeled off, bursting when biting. The color varies from brown to yellowish red. It grows in clusters on evergreen trees, the height of which can reach from ten to twenty meters. Blooms with yellow-brown flowers.

The fruit is transparent white, sweet, juicy with a hint of musk. Bone inside. Fruits can be “clicked like seeds”, but you can’t overeat, because. this can lead to an increase in body temperature.

Longan contains a lot of sugar, vitamin C, calcium, iron and phosphorus, as well as many bioacids that are good for the skin. The skin of a ripe fruit should be dense, without cracks. Longan is considered more ripe, which has lain down for some time after being removed from the tree. Before buying a longan, it is better to try it so as not to buy a whole broom of sour fruits.

The first mention of longan dates back to 1896, when a traveler from China brought five longan seedlings as a gift to the wife of the King of Thailand, Chulalongkorn. Two seedlings were planted in Bangkok and the rest in Chiang Mai.

Lychee fruit very similar in taste, but they have balls of red-pink color.

Langsat (in Thai Longkong, Longkong, Lonngkong)

These are the same balls as longan, only slightly larger and smoother. They are slightly sour and the fruit consists of cloves - like garlic. Longkong personally seems to me tastier than longan. Longkong fruits are rich in calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and vitamin C.

Mangosteen (or mangosteen). How to choose

It looks like a small spherical eggplant. But inside are soft white slices. Very sweet, the taste is slightly reminiscent of citrus and peach. This is one of my favorite fruits. One problem - it takes up a lot of space (more precisely, its skins).

Benefits of Mangosteen. Mangosteen is called the queen of fruits, which allegedly expels the bad smell of the king of fruits, durian. But most importantly, mangosteen contains xanthones - which contribute to the self-destruction of cancer cells, and a bunch of all sorts of useful substances. Biological additives, medicines are made from mangosteen and used as a basis for cosmetics. In general, you can eat, eat and eat.

And on the basis of mangosteen, you can prepare a face mask. Take a couple of slices of mangosteen and drip two drops (orange, strawberry, grapefruit, etc.). Apply the mask for 5-10 minutes and rinse with water.

How to choose mangosteen. The main thing is that the fruits should be soft, or rather, the mangosteen shell easily sags when pressed. If the fruit is hard, at least even partially, then in this place it will already be inedible, and you will not be able to cut it.

Durian (Durio zibenthinus)

The king of fruits (that's what they call him). The whole fruit is about the size of a soccer ball. To begin with, it is better to buy it and try it in a small piece, because its smell may remind someone of rotten onions. Some public places have signs banning durians (look at the photo). It is, however, quite tasty. And not just as he is the king of fruits - he is very, very useful, healing and very satisfying. You can eat a slice instead of a whole meal. Durian is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. The pulp contains many B complex vitamins, and the amount of vitamin C is much higher than in an orange.


A guava can look like a small green apple - it is an unripe fruit that I personally liked more than a ripe one. Ripe ones look like an elongated friable apple, they are softer, but also less saturated with sweet and sour taste.

Guava has antimicrobial, astringent, bactericidal and antispasmodic effects. She is also super-duper useful, not as super as a mangosteen, but almost. It is also used for medicinal purposes. Guava contains five times more vitamin C than an orange, it is very useful for nursing mothers and babies, plus it improves digestion, stimulates the heart and normalizes blood pressure. If you eat guava with seeds, then it is very good for constipation.

Pomelo (som-o)

It tastes like a grapefruit, only sweeter and bigger. In Thailand, pamelo is sometimes accompanied by a bag of sweet-salty-spicy seasoning. There are fruits with yellow, orange and red flesh.

Pitaya or dragon fruit

I cut it in two and eat it with a spoon. It tastes like boiled beets crossed with kiwi. This species has the color of boiled beets, but the dragon's eye is white inside.

Plants that grow pitaya (dragon fruit) are climbing epiphytic vine-like cacti, common in Mexico, Central and South America.

Medical studies have shown that the use of pitaya helps to get rid of stomach pains, it is useful for those suffering from diabetes and other endocrine diseases.


(with emphasis on the latter, A), or salak. The skin is easily peeled off, inside the soft sweet fruit is a bone. Maybe someone can explain its taste, I have no associations, just a little bit like citrus. It is definitely worth trying this fruit, but you are unlikely to use it often. In the markets, it is also sold already peeled - this is much more convenient, because its skin is rather prickly. If you clean it yourself, then the fingers will be in micro-scratches.


Rambut means hair in Malaysian. There are several varieties of rambutan found in Thailand. It can be round, with bright red skin and greenish hair tips. The pulp of round rambutan is very sweet. There is also an egg-shaped rambutan, its skin and hairs are pinkish, and the flesh is as sweet as a round one.

Rambutan contains vitamins C, B1 and B2, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and nicotinic acid. It is believed that the fruit is very good for weakened and sick people, because it has cleansing properties and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

I somehow did not like this fruit, although I tried.

Sapodilla (Lamut or scientifically ACHRAS SAPOTA)

Something between a persimmon and a pear. Very soft fruit, inside the stone, like a persimmon. The taste is sugary-sweet-caramel. It is stored for a maximum of several days, quickly deteriorates. You need to choose soft (but not rotten) fruits and eat them in the next couple of days.


The fruit is sweet and sour. It is not necessary to clean, it is necessary to cut into slices-stars and eat. The fruit is rich in oxalic acid and the taste of this acid is slightly felt. Carambola decorates dishes, because when cut it looks like very beautiful stars.

sugar apple

Delicious, sweet, soft inside. I read somewhere that a sugar apple restores energy. I have not found anything special about this fruit. The seeds of a sugar apple cannot be eaten.

rose apple

The rose apple looks more like a bell pepper than an apple. Taste - if you mix bell pepper with an apple, you get it. You can eat a lot of it - the fruit is very watery, with a mild taste.

Jackfruit (Nangka)

It is the world's largest fruit growing on a tree. It can weigh up to 30 kg. If you cut the jackfruit yourself, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with sunflower oil or wear rubber gloves, because the surface of the fruit contains sticky latex.

There is something sugary-sweet in the taste of jackfruit, there is something from melon, chewing gum, marmalade. In general, this taste is difficult for me to describe. I don't think I will eat it again.

I found very little about the benefits and composition. Jackfruit pulp is low in calories and is a good source of potassium and vitamin A.

Sweet tamarind (Ma-kam-van)

At first I thought it was walnut nets. It turned out to be a fruit. Tamarind is also called the Indian "dried date".

Inside the peel is red-brown, fibrous, sweet flesh with dark brown seeds. It really looks like a date. Tamarind grows in clusters on tall trees.

The tamarind tree, according to the Thais, brings good luck to the owner of the site on which it grows. Tamarind branches are resilient and flexible, the Thais call them "sticky". It is believed that money will “stick” to a person who has a “sticky tree” in his garden. Durable wood is used to make furniture.

The fruits contain vitamin A, organic acids, including tartaric, citric and lactic acids. The tea, made from the bark of the tree, alleviates the symptoms of fever, has astringent properties, and tamarind flowers help reduce blood pressure. Laxatives are obtained from the pulp of the tamarind, and the overcooked seeds of the ripe fruit are used to treat infections with nematodes, tapeworms and dysentery.

The tamarind fruit should be firm to the touch, with a smooth, even skin that is not wrinkled or discolored. The fruit can be cut lengthwise with a knife. We came across some kind of dry version of the fruit, with dark flesh (in theory, it should be white) and a thin peel that burst easily when pressed with fingers.

passion fruit

Very tasty and juicy, but in Thailand it rarely comes across for sale. The taste is sweet-sour, sometimes very sour.

Physalis (Thai)
