
Carob instructions for use. Exotic product from Cyprus carob - what are the benefits and harms of this product and where to use it

Carob (Ceratonia siliqua, Carob tree) is a deciduous tree or shrub. It is a very slow growing species belonging to the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Lives and bears fruit for up to 100 years. In the past it was an important source of sugar until the advent of sugar cane and sugar beets. It is grown mainly for its medicinal and nutritional value its pods. Historically, the tree has been cultivated in the Middle East for at least 4,000 years. From there, due to its exceptional value for food and medicine, it spread to Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and North Africa.


The carob tree is about 15 meters tall, with a round or hemispherical crown and a stem covered with a thin brown, rough crust that cracks with age. Develops healthy clones. Its leaves are simple, with a rounded bud shape and a rich, dark green upper side and a grayish side below. In autumn the leaves turn color yellow. They have a length of 10 to 20 cm and are located opposite the branches.

The plant is dioecious and male trees do not bear fruit. Flowers are multiple in a spiral inflorescence. They bloom for about a month in the fall. Typical of the carob tree is cauliflory - flowers and then fruits are located directly on the old branches and trunk of the tree. It is believed that they become more available for pollination.

The fruit is flat, reddish-brown, and is a bean pod about 10 centimeters long and about 2 centimeters wide. It has 8 to 10 elliptical, dark brown, hard shells. The fruit takes a year to ripen. The carob tree begins to form after reaching the age of six. At the age of two, the plant can produce 50 kilograms of fruit. As the tree grows, the amount of fruit it produces increases and can reach 120 kilograms. After ripening, the pods fall out of the trees, which are already used to feed livestock (goats, sheep, cows).


The carob tree is characteristic of the Mediterranean region - the Mediterranean and South-West Asia. It is distributed in southern Portugal, southern Spain and Cyprus, the Middle East. There it grows at an altitude of 1000 meters. It blooms in early spring - April, before the leaves appear. It grows in different climatic conditions - warm, temperate, subtropical climates, moisture and warmth, as well as drought. Carob can also grow on rich nutrients soil. It does not provide full shade. It is often planted to protect banks from soil erosion,

Useful part of the carob tree. Useful parts The plants are its fruits (seed pods) and bark.

Chemical composition

The pods contain 70% inositol, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chromium, nickel, copper, manganese, iron, flavonoids, fats, starch, protein, vitamins, tannins, vitamin B2. They have 3 times more calcium than cocoa, more vitamin B1 than strawberries, and more vitamin A than asparagus. The extract contains three main carbohydrates - sucrose, fructose and glucose.

The composition of the pulp is as follows: high content sugar (48-56%), sucrose (32-38%), glucose (5-6%), fructose (5-7%) and maltose. In addition, it contains about 18% cellulose and hemicellulose. Her mineral composition includes potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc. Supports the same amount of lipids - saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Five amino acids are found in the extracts (alanine, glycine, leucine, praline and valine), as well as tyrosine and phenylalanine. Untreated wood pods contain large amounts of condensed tannins (16-20% dry weight).

Carob seeds are rich in proteins and antioxidants. Nutrient gum is also extracted from it and used as a stabilizer and thickener. The galactomannan they contain is composed of mannose and galactose, which is very viscous in water over a wide range of temperatures and pH. Carob oil contains many fatty acids.

Medicinal properties and uses of carob

Due to the high pectin and tannin content of the pods, they are used to make herbal medicines against diarrhea. Carotene gums help lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels to help diabetic patients. The raw fiber helps in the loosening process and the powder from its pods is non-inflammatory and inflammatory diseases prostate gland.


  • astringent;
  • relief and calming of abdominal discomfort;
  • laxative.

Effects of carob

  • Antitumor effects - In an in vitro study using a mouse hepatocellular carcinoma (T1) cell line, two carob extracts show a marked change in T1 cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, reaching maximum effect at a concentration of 1 mg/ml. In addition, the extracts were able to induce apoptosis in T1 cell lines after 24 hours of treatment through appropriate mediator effects. These effects can be attributed to gallic acid, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, and epicatechin-3-gallate in the pod and leaf extract. Highly proliferating cells are more prone to growth inhibitory properties than cells with lower growth and division rates, which may be due to mechanisms of stress-responsive enzyme induction. Evidence suggests induction of cellular defense systems. Pods and leaves, especially young leaves, contain substances that may act on peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in an in vitro study suggesting possible use leaf extracts as chemotherapeutic agents.
  • antidiabetic effects. In one study, supplementation with an oral solution for a glucose tolerance test significantly reduced hypoglycemia dependence. In a clinical trial, carob gum significantly reduced the glycemic index in patients with type 2 diabetes when consuming foods with high glycemic index. The resin slightly reduces insulin levels in patients;
  • antidiarrheal effects - in laboratory research 20 of 36 bacterial strains isolated from duodenum infants with diarrhea respond to carrot soup, to which carob extract is added;
  • Antioxidant effects - An in vitro study of antioxidant properties, the urea fraction of polyphenols shows a stronger inhibitory effect against free radicals than other polyphenolic compounds such as catechins and procyanidins. In an in vitro study using ultraviolet lipid peroxidation, carob gum demonstrated antioxidant effects.
  • antiviral effects - in an in vitro study, carob polysaccharides appear to block the replication stage of the rubella virus followed by attachment to the virus;
    gastroesophageal reflux effect in children infancy- Research data is not rich, but it has been found that carob gum can reduce reflux (vomiting and spitting up breast milk).
  • effects on digestion - the resin has been found to affect the viscosity and structure of nutrient masses in the stomach and, therefore, the degree of digestion of starch during digestion. This does not particularly affect the transit time of food through the intestinal tract, although there is an increase in the total dry weight of feces. This finding was confirmed by another clinical trial in children. In a subsequent clinical study, adding carob gum to semi-solid foods greatly slowed the rate of bowel movements in healthy people. The resin significantly reduces serum uric acid concentrations and, to a lesser extent, iron absorption;
  • Hyperlipidemic effect - The lipid-lowering effect of insoluble dietary fiber from the pulp has been investigated in various clinical trials. It is believed that by themselves or with others dietary fiber are an effective and safe approach to combat hyperlipidemia and useful addition to dietary management high cholesterol in plasma in adults and LDL cholesterol in children and adolescents with elevated plasma LDL cholesterol levels. These results are also supported by animal studies.

Carob helps and is used mainly for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a number of stomach disorders. It looks contradictory, but it works both against diarrhea and as a laxative, depending on how it is prepared - the decoction is used to cleanse and relieve irritation in the intestines, and the bark, which is a strong astringent (fastening action), is used to treat diarrhea .

The pulp in the seeds is very nutritious, as its high sugar content has sweet taste and weak laxative properties. However, the pulp in the pods has a strengthening property and is used in a decoction to treat diarrhea, and also helps cleanse the intestinal tract and relieve irritation in the intestines. These effects of carob seem contradictory, but they are an example of how the body reacts to different herbal remedies, depending on how it is prepared and what specific medical problem. Its seeds are also used to treat cough. Flour from ripe seeds is a moisturizing and softening agent. Used to treat diarrhea.

Carob is used as food additives for acute eating disorders, diarrhea, dyspepsia, enterocolitis, celiac disease (gluten), as well as normal infant vomiting or cough with nausea.

Seed flour is used in the production of gluten-free bread and to control vomiting during pregnancy, celiac disease and obesity. Research shows that carob can help control diarrhea in infants.

Carob fruits are also high in inositol, which has a positive effect on people with insulin resistance and polycystic ovaries.

The ligands, estrogen-like substances, also called phytoestrogens, found in the plant are thought to have antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They may be useful in combating some cancer diseases associated with estrogens. At the same time, they can also be used as an estrogen replacement during and after menopause.

Carob is traditionally used to remove warts, treat constipation, heartburn and cough.

Early research in France suggests that carob may be beneficial in stimulating kidney function, including chronic kidney disease, but more research is needed to confirm this benefit.

The powder obtained from the pods is widely used in herbal cosmetics to cleanse and tone the facial skin.

The plant's seeds are a popular cocoa substitute. They contain less calories, do not contain caffeine and are not addictive. Additionally, they do not prevent the absorption of calcium from the body, unlike cocoa and chocolate.

How to use carob

Carob is taken in the form of tea, extract or capsules, available in pharmacies. When used as a medicine for diarrhea, the usual adult dose is about 20 grams per day, and for children, 15 grams per day. It should always be taken with plenty of water.

Culinary use

In many Mediterranean countries, its fruits are used in popular drinks and confectionery. The dried pods are ground and the resulting powder is often available as a cocoa substitute, especially in stores healthy food. Carob powder is used to make chocolate, cakes and pastries. In Western countries, it is a natural sweetener with a chocolate flavor and appearance.

In Cyprus, Crete and Malta, popular drinks are made from it. In Cyprus the drink is called “black gold”. In Turkey, Sicily, Portugal, Spain and Malta, the pods are used to make syrups and liqueurs.

The protein-rich seeds can be baked and used as a juice substitute. They are used as flour for baking various confectionery products. In this case, the seeds are peeled off to remove their dark and hard shell with chemical and thermally. Processed by one of these methods, the seeds are used to produce a white powder (flour) after grinding.


The resin is extracted from the core of the seeds. This White powder and contains galactomannan. It is used as a low-cost thickener stabilizer in the culinary and, more specifically, confectionery industries. An excellent stabilizer is made for ice cream because it has the ability to absorb water and swell. Provides smoothness of the product and is resistant to heat treatment. This inexpensive stabilizer does not affect the lactic acid and calcium salts in the product it contains, without changing its taste. It also acts as a binder and stabilizer in sausages. This gives them a thicker texture, better homogeneity and prevents weight loss during storage. In production soft cheeses The resin accelerates coagulation, increases the yield of hard cheese by approximately 10% and promotes the formation and separation of curds. The resulting curd has a good structure and the separated whey is purple.

Thus, the resin is used as a stabilizer, thickener and binder in many finished products, soups, sauces and vegetable and fish dishes. It is used to stabilize cream, mayonnaise, ketchup and salad sauces.

  • In ancient Egypt, carob pods were mixed with oatmeal, honey and wax to treat diarrhea. Carob was included in recipes for worms and to treat eye infections and poor vision.
  • In the 1st century, Discoridis wrote that carob was good for relieving stomach pain and digestive disorders.
  • Carob is also known in the rituals of the early Christian church.
  • Carob has become better known as a chocolate substitute, although the flavors are not exactly similar.
  • The carob tree was valued in the past for its edible pods, which were an important source of sugar before the spread of sugar beets and sugar cane.
  • The dried, unopened pods can be used as a musical percussion instrument similar to the Maracas. The sound is produced by the beans inside them when shaken.
  • On the Jewish holiday - Tu Bi Shevat, they eat dry pods, and on the Turkish Ramadan, it is customary to drink juice.
  • Today, the seeds are added to cosmetic products, tobacco processing and paper production.
  • The seeds are identical, so they were used in the past as a unit of weight - the carat.


Carob is considered safe. There is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction to it, but such cases are very rare. At the same time, there are no known interactions between medicinal herbs and other medications and carob at the same time.

Use by children is also considered safe, but must be dosed, monitored and constantly consulted with a doctor or herbalist.

In studies of diabetic rats, it was found that when treated with a hydroalcoholic extract obtained from the seeds, their blood sugar levels were significantly reduced. However, other clinical studies have shown that the carob component does not have a significant effect on glycemic status in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Carob seeds can be consumed by patients with diabetes, but should be consulted and justified with a doctor first.

The carob tree is a real fairy-tale tree on which sweets, cupcakes and drinks grow; recipes for preparing its fruits are common. The fruits of this tree are simply a substitute for cocoa beans. The fruits of this plant have beneficial and medicinal properties for human health. Take carob (this is carob) and cook Tasty food, this is the source healthy eating.

The plant is used to make a powder that resembles cocoa and to make a syrup that replaces sugar. Both products are called "carob". Where it grows, it is used in national cuisine and folk medicine, in the West - in vegan dishes. The largest supplier of carob is Spain. Carob can be consumed by people suffering from migraines and vegetative-vascular dystonia. The composition of the product does not promote the absorption of calcium, therefore it is recommended for patients with kidney stones.

Benefits of carob

This is not a processed product, a natural sugar substitute, it contains no chemicals or dyes, and does not affect the nervous system. It does not contain caffeine and does not harm people who have heart problems like cocoa. It tastes twice as sweet as sugar.

This tree syrup is used to sweeten coconuts. confectionery, the powder is used in making sweets.

This natural sweetener is not harmful to children with diathesis - all children love chocolate, but with such a diagnosis it is not allowed, and carob will satisfy the child’s taste buds. The powder can be added to fruit puree even the smallest ones.

Product properties

The fruits of the tree contain:

  • 49 g carbohydrates;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 4 g protein.

In 100 grams of product, a person receives only 220 kcal, much less than with cocoa, which means fewer calories and food containing carob rather than cocoa powder. Carob is used by those who are on weight loss diets.

Vegans use carob because it does not contain animal components. Sometimes present in regular chocolate butter, and vegans, not vegetarians, do not eat even this kind of animal fat, since it is made from milk, which a cow produces only after the birth of a calf, and this occurs in conditions of artificial raising of livestock for slaughter for the supply of meat. Animal fat is not used in carob confectionery products.



1 tbsp. soy flour, 30 g ground carob beans, agar-agar (extract seaweed). Dissolve agar-agar in water in the proportions according to the instructions on the factory packaging - it is a dough thickener. Separately, in a small amount of water, so that it is like liquid sour cream, mix soy flour with carob. Add agar-agar and beat with a mixer for 3-5 minutes. Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate for 4–5 hours. There is no need to bake - this dish is eaten natural, raw.

Carob oil

Everyone is familiar with chocolate butter. With carob it turns out no less tasty than with cocoa. If you manage to buy carob, you can cook with it, but you need coconut oil. It will turn out healthier and more interesting: 30 g of bean powder and 100 g coconut oil. Dissolve the oil in a water bath. Add carob and stir thoroughly. Cool the mixture. Eat a little warm.


You will need 30 g of powder, several dried dates, 150 g of fresh blackberries and a glass nut milk, and better - . Mix all products in a blender at high speed. Instead of snacks, eat sandwiches and cottage cheese.

Candies with carob

Take dried fruits - you can use ordinary ones: dried apricots and prunes. Will be needed walnuts or hazelnuts. Pass through a meat grinder. Add carob powder to the mixture and form it into candies of any shape. Even children will like the fruit and nut mass with a chocolate smell. This great option sweets for those on a diet, and children will not spoil their teeth with caramels and will receive a lot of vitamins, vegetable fats and minerals.

Chocolate drink

Prepared according to the cocoa principle. Carob beans do not bind calcium contained in milk; it is not very useful for people after 30 years of age - it ceases to be absorbed and accumulates in the body in the form of slag deposits, and milk fats are harmful. But many people love its taste; together with carob, milk is safe, and taste sensations- weight.

Curd casserole with carob

300 g cottage cheese, 100 g sour cream, 3 tablespoons sugar. Add carob powder to the mixed mixture. You can add fresh or dried fruit to this chocolate casserole.

Carob syrup

There are two types of it: squeezed and evaporated. Glucose is added to the evaporated one. It can be added to tea and other drinks instead of sugar for people with diabetes. Many sweets for diabetics are prepared based on carob syrup - this is a natural sweetener that does not have characteristic taste artificial.

Carob syrup is sold in vegetarian stores and diabetic food aisles.

Carob, like any other food product, is also harmful to health. Any food should be eaten wisely: for example, carob syrup contains a lot of carbohydrates. It should be added to food in moderation. It is not suitable for those on a low-carb diet.

Vegans use carob for ethical reasons - this product is simply rarely used in foods prepared with animal fats; it does not taste well with them. And on my own, how herbal ingredient, carob has no independent benefits - it is simply a flavor enhancer for sweet dishes.

Indications and contraindications

Nursing mothers who love chocolate can drink drinks with carob - with breast milk it will not harm the baby like cocoa, will not cause allergies or diathesis, and does not contain caffeine. The taste of the product itself does not require sugar - it is sweetish.

The product is easily digestible. Does not increase blood sugar levels. Recommended for those who strive to comply healthy image life, and loves the taste of chocolate. And for those who would like to try something new, tasty and harmless. Carob is absolutely harmless to human health, but, like any plant, it is amazing and edible.

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Carob syrup is a little-known product in our country, which is produced from the fruits of Ceratonia capita. He not only has pleasant taste, but also extensive healing effect. Having studied beneficial features and contraindications, as well as how to use carob syrup, you can buy tasty treat, helping in the fight against colds, flu, loss of strength, gastrointestinal dysfunction and other health problems.

From this article you will learn:

Carob syrup: what is it?

Carob syrup is made from the fruit of an evergreen tree that grows in the Mediterranean - Ceratonia capita. At the end of the season, each tree is hung with dark brown fleshy pods up to 25 cm long. These beans are very soft and contain sweet pulp inside. True, in its raw form, the sweetness of the fruit is interrupted by tannins, which give the product bitterness. Each pod also contains several dozen tree seeds. Externally, the pod resembles the Caucasian churchkhchela - the same long “sausage” with sticky sweet flesh.

To prepare syrup, the ripest and most ripe ones are selected from the harvest. juicy fruits. First, the edges are cut off, because many bitter components are concentrated in the tips, and the seeds are removed from the inside. Next, the beans are cut into small pieces and sent to a container with water for evaporation. As a result of this processing, a thick dark brown liquid is obtained, more than 3/4 of which is carbohydrates.

Where is the best carob syrup made: Türkiye, Cyprus?

Almost the entire Mediterranean coast of Europe and Africa serves as a natural habitat for Ceratonia pods. In one form or another, its fruits are used in all countries surrounding the sea, but the tradition of syrup production is characteristic of European shores. Now the most active production of this sweet liquid, with an emphasis on imports, is carried out in Turkey and Cyprus.

The climatic conditions in these countries are the same, so carob fruits are no different from each other. Good producers there are on both shores of the Mediterranean Sea, so when choosing, you should rely on reviews and recommendations from people.

On Russian market syrup brands from Turkish companies, which is why it is often referred to as Turkish carob syrup. Products from this country may be offered under the name pekmez, which is the Turkish word for any condensed juice or syrup of plant origin.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 grams of carob syrup is equal to 320 kilocalories, which is equal to 16% of the average daily norm adult consumption. This volume of product contains the following proportions of basic nutrients:

  • 2.5 g proteins;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 76.2 g carbohydrates.

The bulk of carbohydrates are simple compounds that are absorbed very quickly. For this reason, consuming pekmez in large quantities can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels.

Vitamin and mineral composition of syrup:

Thiamine (B1)0.05 mgMagnesium45 mg
Riboflavin (B2)0.4 mgSodium25 mg
Choline (B4)5.9 mgCalcium100 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)0.05 mgPotassium107 mg
Pyridoxine (B6)0.03 mgManganese0.51 mg
Ascorbic acid (C)0.2 mgPhosphorus60 mg
Tocopherol (E)0.4 mgCopper7.7 mcg
Niacin (PP)1.5 mgZinc0.8 mg
Iron12.61 mg

The health benefits of carob syrup are largely due to the presence of these substances. So, a large amount of iron promotes health of cardio-vascular system, and potassium improves muscle tone and maintains healthy water-salt balance. Iron, copper and vitamin E provide complex antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process of tissues and preventing the development of oncology.

Beneficial properties of carob syrup

In addition to the listed substances and compounds, carob syrup contains organic acids, pectin, and phenolic substances. Their useful action manifests itself in the following:

  • harmful microflora of fungal, viral and bacterial nature is destroyed;
  • inflammation from tissues is relieved;
  • blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease;
  • prevents the appearance cancerous tumors, already affected cells are inhibited;
  • metabolic efficiency increases;
  • the astringent properties of pectin and phenols have a positive effect on intestinal motility.

In folk medicine of countries where ceratonia capita grows freely, the syrup of its fruits has been used since ancient times. Its main purpose is to strengthen the body's protective abilities. The product is added to the diet when a person is fighting a cold, virus, infection, or when he has already overcome the disease, but the weakened body needs support.

A varied composition stabilizes the condition nervous system, therefore, pekmez is used for irritability, emotional exhaustion, severe sleep and wakefulness disorders, depressive states and anxiety. Here, the use of syrup has an effect similar to that of herbal balms and tinctures.

Regular consumption of syrup in moderate amounts helps fight persistent health problems: unstable heart rate, increased blood pressure, high cholesterol in blood vessels, shortness of breath, migraines and headaches. This therapy is approved for both women and children. But in any case, before taking carob syrup for immunity and prevention, you should consult your doctor. During the first doses, you need to be careful to immediately notice a possible negative reaction.

Reviews from people who regularly buy and use the syrup indicate a mild diuretic effect. It is due to the high potassium content. The microelement facilitates the outflow of moisture from the body and removes swelling.

Modern scientists believe that a diet containing vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps prevent hemeralopia, known as night blindness, and cataracts.

How to use carob syrup: adult and pediatric dosages

If the product is used to maintain the general tone of the body, for the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, or to stimulate the elimination of waste and toxins, the following restrictions should be adhered to:

  • children aged two to five years - 1 tsp. in a day;
  • children aged from five to 12 years - 1 tsp three times a day;
  • adults and children over 12 years old - 4-5 times a day, 1 tbsp.

It is better to drink the syrup 30-40 minutes before meals. It is better not to give this product to children under 24 months.

How to drink carob syrup for medicinal purposes

For cough, flu or cold symptoms and respiratory viral infections you need to dilute 1 tbsp 5-6 times a day. syrup in a glass boiled water with a temperature of 50-60ºC.

Because of large quantity easily digestible sugars, people with diabetes should avoid consuming large amounts of syrup. 1-2 doses of 1/2-1 tsp will be enough. in a day.

How to take pekmez for those who are struggling with overweight? To do this, you should take a glass of water a quarter of an hour before lunch and dinner. room temperature with the addition of 1 tbsp. syrup and lemon juice (from one slice). After two weeks of such therapy, you can turn on morning reception before breakfast. It should be understood that syrup itself is a high-calorie food with an abundance of simple carbohydrates. This is not a dietary product. However, stimulation of metabolism and dulling of the feeling of hunger help the body more efficiently absorb incoming food, require less of it and remove ballast better.

Cosmetological properties

At the moment, there is no widespread practice of using carob syrup for cosmetic purposes. The reason for this lies in both the low availability of the product and its cost. But chemical composition suggests that in masks, creams, lotions and other forms it can have an antioxidant (anti-aging + anti-carcinogenic), tonic (stimulating blood flow, improving the removal of toxins), nourishing (due to B vitamins) effect on the skin. But without professional advice Again, it is better not to undertake such procedures from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Carob syrup: benefits and harms: use in cooking

In home and industrial cooking, ceratonia fruit syrup can be used in the same way as analogues from any other plant material. On the European shores of the Mediterranean Sea, it has been used since ancient times as:

  • topping for cakes and desserts;
  • baking and confectionery ingredients;
  • sweet dressing for fruit slices and salads.

Like jam or honey, this product goes well with pancakes, pancakes, pastries or ice cream, making these dishes tastier and healthier. It is also suitable for use as a topping for coffee, tea, cocoa and cocktails.

Using syrup you get tasty candy from carob (flour from the ground carob pulp), nuts, dried fruits and seeds. With pronounced chocolate taste they are many times more healthy and lower in calories than sweets based on cocoa beans.


While studying the beneficial properties of carob products, how to take and what to use the syrup for, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. By the way, they are quite modest. This liquid very rarely provokes allergies. But those who are encountering the product for the first time should try a small amount, up to 1/3 tsp. If there is no negative reaction, you can gradually move on to standard doses.

Despite its popularity as an aid in weight loss, the syrup itself is not a friend to overweight people and diabetics. You should be careful and reduce the dosage, focusing on your own body.

How much and how to store

Manufacturers of carob pekmez recommend storing it in its original packaging and consuming it within 24 months from the date of manufacture. To prevent external conditions from affecting the quality of the product and shortening the shelf life, the bottle of syrup should be kept in a cool, dry place without direct contact. sun rays. Thickening of the lower layer due to settling and the formation of a small dark sediment is natural and safe.

Nice fruity taste and beneficial properties have made it one of the most popular products both in its homeland and far beyond its borders. It resembles in taste and color chocolate syrup, however, it does not contain stimulants, such as caffeine, and it is absolutely hypoallergenic.

Beneficial features

Syrup can be used to treat any disorder. gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the nervous system, sleep disorders. In addition, it perfectly removes toxins and waste from the body.

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The beneficial properties of carob syrup from Cyprus are almost limitless. It prevents the occurrence of tumors in the body and promotes rejuvenation of the body. Its extract is added to various cosmetic products that work real miracles: get rid of wrinkles, improve complexion and will prolong youth.

Due to the presence of pectin, tannins, organic acids and vitamins in the product, it perfectly helps with problems respiratory tract. And for heavy smokers and people with weak bronchi, this is just what the doctor ordered. Men who have passed a certain age should also take the syrup. It helps maintain potency and men's health generally.

Carob syrup has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. This remedy should be used with caution for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver. Before you start using it, it is better to consult your doctor. People who are overly sensitive to fructose should not drink it. In addition, it is better to avoid this product for those who have an individual intolerance to syrup.

Carob syrup from Cyprus - application

Carob does not contain toxins or carcinogens, but is extremely rich in tannins and organic acids. It also contains starch, pectin, protein, B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, sugar. For what diseases is carob syrup from Cyprus useful?


When making syrup, no sugar is added at all, since carob pods are sweet in themselves. Therefore, it is indicated for diabetes, although in moderate doses, no more 1 tsp twice a day.


The syrup should be drunk at the first signs of ARVI, as well as during cough and sore throat. For children from 2 to 5 years old, dilute 1 tsp in a glass hot water and give before meals, about half an hour. From 5 to 12 years old, 1 is recommended dessert spoon, and adults can enjoy a whole tablespoon delicious medicine. It is better not to rush to give syrup to children from 0 to 2 years old without consulting a doctor.

Heart and blood vessels

Due to the high content of potassium and sodium in the product, it is excellent regulates blood pressure, and is also effective for heart diseases.

Future mothers and children

Carob syrup strengthens teeth and bones, and also normalizes intestinal motility. In this product great amount vitamins and microelements, so it recommended for children and expectant mothers.

For a slim figure

Carob syrup from Cyprus and its use for weight loss is a separate interesting topic. It's hard to imagine, but women often use carob syrup to become slimmer. Why? Yes, because there is not a single gram of sugar, despite the fact that the liquid is very sweet.

Everyone knows that sweets before dinner are very suppresses appetite well. Carob syrup has a similar effect, but even stronger: it not only suppresses the appetite, but also creates the effect of a full stomach. In addition, carob contains sufficient quantity iron, calcium and magnesium, the replenishment of which leads to normalization of metabolism, decreased appetite, and, as a result, weight loss.

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Take 1 tbsp of syrup 10-15 minutes before meals, and you will eat half as much. The product can be diluted with water and, for greater effectiveness, add lemon. You can start with two times a day, and then drink this miraculous remedy before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Where to buy carob syrup in Cyprus? You can buy this miracle product at any supermarket. Bottle cost (250 ml) 4 euros.

Not many people know about these healthy products foods such as carob and carob syrup. They are made from the fruits of the carob tree, which is grown in Cyprus. Kerob is a powder made from the fruits of this tree; it is a cocoa substitute and is used to make confectionery products. The syrup is used as a natural sweetener and is recommended to replace sugar. In Cyprus, carob products are actively used in Food Industry, but in our country only fans of healthy eating and paleo diets know about them.

Carob: beneficial properties

People like kerob because it is completely natural product and does not include outsiders chemical substances and preservatives. Unlike cocoa, carob products do not stimulate the central nervous system and do not increase blood pressure. Kerobe does not contain caffeine and theobromine, which are found in coffee and cocoa, so it can be given even to children under one year old. People with heart disease, blood vessels and high blood pressure should replace the consumption of coffee and chocolate with carob dishes. And for those with diabetes, it will be useful to give up sweeteners and switch to carob syrup.

Kerob in the form of powder and syrup is convenient to add to baked goods and confectionery; in this case, you do not need to add regular sugar, because the kerob itself is 2 times sweeter. Scientists have found that carob does not contain oxalates, cholesterol and phenylethylamine, so it is useful for people who suffer from migraines and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If you have kidney stones, and doctors have forbidden you to eat sweets and confectionery, you can safely consume kerob. It will not affect the absorption of calcium from food. Allergic reactions in children - current problem Nowadays. Even small amounts of chocolate can cause a rash. Children love sweets very much and you can prepare them yourself using carob. By the way, in baby purees, cocoa and sugar are usually replaced with carob products.

The main beneficial properties of kerob:

  1. Restores normal intestinal function.
  2. Improves metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Prevents the onset of symptoms of hypertension.
  4. Increases the overall tone of the body.
  5. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
  6. Promotes rapid recovery from viral infections.
  7. Saturates the body with calcium (there is 3 times more of it in kerobe than in dairy products) and vitamin E.
  8. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
  9. Saturates the body with iron and treats anemia.
  10. Helps heal wounds, especially those in the oral cavity.
  11. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  12. Helps remove heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body.
  13. It is recommended to use kerob in the treatment of allergies and breathing difficulties due to allergic reactions.
  14. Speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite, useful for weight loss.
  15. Strengthens the body's immune defense.
  16. Has a mild diuretic effect.

Chocolate counts high-calorie product, but 100 g of carob contains only 220 kcal, 1 g of fat, 49 g of carbohydrates and 4 g of protein. Therefore, if you decide to follow a diet to lose weight, replace chocolate products dishes with carob. Carob can be used to make delicious drink who will become a great alternative cocoa. The powder must be dissolved in water at a temperature of 90 degrees; there is no need to add sugar or honey; the kerob itself is very sweet. You can supplement the drink with milk; it will not bind calcium and interfere with the absorption of milk fats. Are very useful homemade candy from dried fruits and nuts, in Lately they became very popular. If you watch your diet and want to eat food free from chemicals and preservatives with dyes, prepare the candies yourself, adding healthy carob to them. Such sweets can be given even to very young children.

Carob powder and syrup goes well with cottage cheese, coconut and fruits. It can be added to any homemade confectionery and baked goods. Carob syrup can be added to coffee and tea, various drinks and desserts; many sauces and gravies are prepared on its basis, especially in oriental cuisine.

Carob syrup has virtually no contraindications. Absolutely everyone can eat it, regardless of age and health status. Only in very rare cases does individual intolerance to carob products occur.

Carob syrup: instructionsby use

Carob syrup can be purchased in some organic stores clean eating and pharmacies, this product is also now sold on the Internet. Carob syrup is a brown liquid similar in thickness to regular sugar syrup. Syrup is prepared from fruits that are crushed into small pieces and soaked in water and then evaporated. This is done in huge industrial scale, the syrup that we sell is made mainly in Cyprus. In addition to the food industry, the product is used by cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies.

The most common ways to use carob syrup:

  • Carob syrup contains a high content of pectin, organic acids, starch, tannins and vegetable protein. In addition, this product contains a lot natural sugar, microelements and B vitamins. In this regard, it is widely used for the production of pharmacological agents. The syrup will perfectly help you recover from a cold and restore your work digestive system, get rid of nervous disorders and sleep disorders, insomnia. It cleanses the body and removes waste products from it.
  • Kerob in the form of powder and syrup is recommended for use for diarrhea and other digestive disorders. It is taken 30 minutes before eating 3-4 times a day. Single dose of syrup - 1 tbsp. l. Children can also be given this product, but only from 2 years of age.
  • For coughs, flu and acute respiratory viral infections, the syrup is taken by first dissolving it in water at a temperature of 60 degrees. Syrup mixed with 1 tbsp. warm water I drink 4 times a day until complete recovery. You should not increase the single dose of kerob; if you want to speed up the effect, drink it 6 times a day.
  • The remedy also helps well with headaches and migraines that were caused by neurological disorders and are accompanied by sleep disturbances. In such situations, the syrup is taken 6 times a day for 3 months. A single dose should be no more than 1 tbsp. l. then they take a break of 2 weeks and resume the course. The optimal number of courses is 2.
  • To prevent various disorders and prevent diseases, it is recommended to replace sugar with carob syrup. The syrup can be added in required quantities to tea, coffee and other drinks. The gum, which is found in large quantities in carob, is used in the manufacture of many cosmetics. Kerob can be added to small quantities into homemade masks and scrubs for face and body.
  • Keroba syrup is wonderful dietary supplement to food. It is recommended to drink it every day. Powder or syrup in the amount of 1 tbsp. l diluted in 1 tbsp. warm clean water and drink before meals. Taking kerob will make it easier to diet or fast.
  • Scheme for weight loss. Drink syrup no more than 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l for 1 dose. Optimally 1 dose before lunch, and 2 before dinner. After 2 weeks, the 3rd dose is administered in the morning before breakfast.
