
Carrot cream soup with spicy butter. How to cook classic carrot cream soup with cream and spices

which are grown by man. It is a storehouse of important vitamins and minerals. The bright orange root vegetable contains beta-carotene, which, when ingested, turns into vitamin A, which is necessary for the prevention of visual impairment, as well as potassium for stable heart function, calcium for bone growth, etc. 100 grams of carrots contain only 32 kcal, so it deservedly should be included in weight loss soups.

Step by step recipe for creamy carrot soup

This is a classic version of carrot soup. Thanks to the cream, the taste of the dish is rich and delicate in structure. For everyone who is recommended dietary nutrition, just such a carrot soup is ideal.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. The onion is fried in butter until transparent, then chopped carrots (700 g) and 100 g of celery (root) are added to it.
  2. Vegetables are sautéed for 7 minutes, after which meat broth (0.5 l) must be poured into the pan.
  3. After 15 minutes, salt, spices to taste and garlic (4 cloves) are added.
  4. The broth is drained into a separate container, and the vegetables should be pureed with a blender to a homogeneous paste.
  5. Cream (200 ml) and a decoction in which vegetables were cooked are added to the chopped vegetable mass.
  6. The soup is sent to the stove, brought to a boil and cooked for another 5 minutes.

Like ginger soup

This is an ideal dish for a cold and wet winter, pleasantly warming with its warmth from the inside. This soup contains two important spices: ginger, which helps to get rid of digestive problems, and turmeric, which is an ancient broad-based anti-inflammatory agent.

Before you cook carrot soup according to this recipe, you need to prepare spices: ½ tsp. turmeric, ¼ tsp cinnamon, ginger root (a piece the size of a finger). You will also need carrots, peeled and cut into 2 cm thick pieces, butter (50 g), onion, garlic and parsley leaves for decoration before serving.

First, in a saucepan for cooking soup in butter, you need to fry the onion, then add dry spices, as well as ginger, garlic and salt (½ tsp). Saute for about 5 minutes until a strong aroma appears. Then it is necessary to add water to the pan (5 cups) and send chopped carrots there. After about 20 minutes, the soup can be mashed with a blender. Then put the pan back on the fire for 10-15 minutes - and you can serve it to the table, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Carrot soup with chickpeas

This is an amazingly delicious soup-puree of bright orange color with a rich nutty flavor. Crispy chickpea garnish adds zest to a healthy dish. Many recognized gourmets rightly believe that this is the best puree carrot soup recipe in existence.

At the very beginning of the cooking process of this dish, it is necessary to boil the chickpeas (200 g) until tender. Put half of the peas in a mold and bake it in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees (30 minutes). At the same time, peel and cut carrots (500 g), put them in a refractory form, sprinkle with thyme and also put in the oven for half an hour.

After baking, the carrots should be transferred to a saucepan, add the second half of the chickpeas, broth (1 l), salt and lemon juice (1 tsp). Cook everything together for 7 minutes, after which the carrot soup needs to be pureed with a blender. Before serving, sprinkle some crunchy chickpeas and a sprig of thyme on each plate.

French carrot curry soup

In the south of France, when preparing carrot soup, they use such a fragrant ingredient as a bouquet garni - a bunch of fragrant herbs tied with kitchen string. The composition of the bouquet may include bay leaf, thyme, parsley, etc. According to French chefs, it is these herbs that make the taste of the dish brighter. The bouquet garni is removed from the soup before serving.

According to the French recipe, carrot soup is prepared in the following sequence: first, onion is fried in butter, then diced carrots (5 pcs.) And potatoes (1 pc.) Are added to it, and after another 10 minutes, the vegetable mass is poured with broth (2 l) . Then add a bunch of garni, (1 teaspoon) and sea salt. Then you need to cover the pan with a lid and cook the soup for another 12 minutes. After that, pull out a bunch of garni, and puree the vegetables with a blender.

Carrot which is presented above, it turns out tasty and fragrant. Before serving, it is recommended to decorate the dish with sour cream and herbs.

carrot soup recipe for kids

Soup puree for babies, prepared on the basis of carrots, can be given to children from 1 year old, since this vegetable is a fairly strong allergen. But if after the first acquaintance with him there were no allergic reactions, then you can safely cook such a dish for children at least once a week.

To prepare the soup, you will need 1 large carrot, a piece of butter, as well as milk, water or vegetable broth to bring the dish to the desired consistency. The vegetable must be thoroughly washed, and then peeled and cut into rings 1 cm thick. Put the carrots in a double boiler and cook for 10 minutes. Then the vegetable must be chopped with a blender, adding liquid as it is whipped. Carrot puree soup is quite sweet in taste. Adding sugar to it is not recommended.

In addition to carrots, other vegetables can be used in cooking, such as onions or potatoes, which are also pre-cut into pieces and boiled in a double boiler.


This hearty dessert can be included in the list of the most delicious carrot soups. To prepare it, you will need a powerful blender and a double boiler, which will allow you to save a maximum of useful substances in carrots. The remaining ingredients of the dish will be added to it raw, after preliminary grinding.

So, 1 large carrot must be peeled, cut into cubes and sent to a double boiler for 10 minutes. Grind pre-soaked (for 12 hours) hazelnuts (30 g) in a blender, adding a little water or apple juice. Grind the ginger root on a grater. Add pieces of boiled carrots, a fresh apple, peeled and cut into slices, a teaspoon of grated ginger and cinnamon powder, a tablespoon of honey to the chopped hazelnuts in a blender. Whisk all ingredients together, adding water as needed. Serve garnished with fresh apple slices.

Carrot soup prepared according to this recipe has a calorie content of 76 kcal per 100 grams. The dish has a high nutritional value and deservedly can be included in the menu when losing weight.

Soup puree from carrots in a slow cooker

To prepare this soup, peel carrots (500 g), potatoes (2 pcs.) And onions (1 pc.), Cut into pieces and put in a multicooker bowl. Pour vegetables with water (1.5 l) and set the cooking mode.

After the carrots, potatoes and onions become soft, it is necessary to drain the broth, and transfer the vegetables themselves to the blender bowl. Add salt, spices to taste, butter (cream) here. Then beat all the ingredients in a blender at high speed, topping up, if necessary, the broth in which the vegetables were boiled. When the soup is the right consistency, it is poured into bowls and served with sour cream and herbs.

For anyone who is just about to cook carrot soup, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations for its preparation:

  1. For soup, it is better to choose bright orange carrots of sweet varieties without any external damage.
  2. Butter or any vegetable oil, cream or milk is necessarily added to carrot soup, since vitamin A is absorbed by the body only with the simultaneous use of fats.
  3. Carrots should not be boiled for more than 20 minutes, otherwise there will be almost no useful substances contained in it.

For every taste. Did you know that carrot puree soup is one of the favorites of the diet menu. Vegetarians love it too. And if you want to lose weight, then you can eat such a soup for at least a whole day and you won’t get anything for it ... I mean weight.

Carrot puree soup is very tender, with a sweetish aftertaste. Cream or milk introduced into the soup will add even more subtlety to the soup. In addition to carrots, you can also add boiled rice, potatoes, carrots and other vegetables to the puree soup. And in order for the beneficial substances of carrots to be absorbed, you can season the carrot puree soup with oil.

Carrot soup with rice.

Ingredients: 800g carrots, ¾ cup rice, 2 tbsp. butter, 2 cups milk, 1 tsp. Sahara.

Preparation: cut the carrots into slices, pour in ¼ cup of water, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil, salt, sugar. After 10 minutes, add half a cup of rice, pour 5 cups of water, close, cook for 50 minutes over low heat. Set aside 2 tbsp. boiled rice, wipe the remaining soup through a sieve. Dilute puree soup with hot milk, salt. When serving, season the soup with oil, add boiled rice.

Carrot soup with cheese.

Ingredients: 300g processed cheese, 5 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 garlic clove, dill and parsley, 4 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 bay leaf, 1.5 l filtered water, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt.

Preparation: boil water, dilute melted cheese in it, bring to a boil, add potato slices, salt. Grate the carrots, chop the onion, sauté in vegetable oil, pour in the soy sauce, simmer for another 3 minutes. After the potatoes are ready, add the browning to the soup, put the bay leaf, cook for 5 minutes. Crush the soup, add crushed garlic and finely chopped greens.

Carrot Soup with Ginger and Orange Juice

Ingredients: vegetable broth - 800 gr., carrots - 0.5 kg., onions - 1 pc., orange juice - 1 tbsp. (2-3 fresh oranges), heavy cream - 100 ml., ginger (root ~ 1 cm.), curry, salt, pepper to taste, vegetable oil.

Preparation: cut carrots and onions randomly and lightly fry in vegetable oil, add broth and simmer carrots until soft. Put in a blender, add a little broth and bring to a puree state. Put in a saucepan. Squeeze the juice from the oranges, add the remaining broth, season with curry, finely grated ginger, salt, pepper to taste, mix, gently add cream to the soup, mix and bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat. Serve with crackers and herbs.

Carrot cream soup

Ingredients: pumpkin - 250 g; carrots - 400 g; water - 0.5 l; processed cheese - 1 pc.

Preparation: in a saucepan, pour water and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and throw in the diced cream cheese. Then add the carrots cut in advance into thin strips, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. While the carrots are cooking, let's take care of the pumpkin. We process it, cut it into identical cubes and add to the carrots. When all the contents of the pan become soft and boiled, salt to taste and carefully grind with a blender until a homogeneous creamy mass. Pumpkin and carrot cream soup is ready. Bon appetit!

Carrot Soup with Ginger

Ingredients: vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons; onion - 1 pc.; carrots - 1 kg; ground ginger - 2 teaspoons; vegetable broth - 3 tbsp.; cream 10% - 2 tbsp.; salt, pepper - to taste.


Pour the oil into the pan, put the finely chopped onion and simmer, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Then add finely chopped carrots, ginger, vegetable broth and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, cool, transfer to a blender and grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We shift the puree back into the pan, pour in the cream, season with salt and pepper and heat thoroughly.

Carrot-potato puree soup

Ingredients: butter - 1 tbsp. spoon; carrots - 2 pcs.; onion - 1 pc.; potatoes - 2 pcs.; vegetable broth - 2 tbsp.; cream 33% - 0.5 tbsp.; salt, pepper - to taste.


Place butter in a small saucepan and place over medium heat. When the butter is melted, add finely chopped carrots and onions. Simmer all vegetables in oil for about 15 minutes. Then add the potatoes cut into strips and pour the broth. Bring everything to a boil, lower the heat and cook until all the vegetables are fully cooked. Then, remove the pan from the stove and carefully strain the liquid into another container. We put the boiled vegetables in a blender and pour in a silent broth. Grind until smooth vegetable puree and put back into the pan. Add heavy cream, salt, pepper to taste and heat a little. Immediately pour into bowls and serve.

Carrot puree soup for children

Ingredients: Carrots - 1 pc., Rice - 1 tablespoon, water - 1 cup, milk - ½ cup, butter - 2 teaspoons, sugar syrup - 1 teaspoon, salt

Take one large carrot. It must be thoroughly washed, cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then they need to be put in a saucepan, add a little boiling water, as well as butter and cooked sugar syrup. All this should be heated to a boil in a sealed container and simmer until tender. After the carrots are ready, they, along with pre-cooked rice, will first need to be rubbed through a sieve, and then diluted with hot milk and salt solution.

Before serving, put a little butter in the soup puree.
This puree soup can be prepared from several types of vegetables.

Carrot soup with celery

Ingredients: large carrots - 1 pc, celery root - the same as carrots, onions - 1 pc., milk - 1 cup, basil, salt, pepper - to taste, ground almonds - 1 tbsp. l., olive oil - to taste.

Preparation: coarsely grated carrots, chop the onion, chop the celery into thin strips. Pour carrots and celery with milk, bring to a boil, add basil leaves, salt, pepper and olive oil and puree with a blender. Serve immediately, sprinkled with ground almonds.

Carrot Curry Soup

Ingredients: 2 tbsp oil, 1 large onion, 1 tbsp curry seasoning, 1 liter vegetable broth, 1 kg carrot, 1-2 tbsp lemon juice, ¼ tsp pepper, 2 tsp salt
Preparations: Sauté the onion in a cauldron or heavy-bottomed saucepan, in hot oil, add curry seasoning, salt, pepper there until the onion is soft for about 5 minutes. Pour the broth into a saucepan, dilute it with 3 tablespoons of water and bring to a boil. Cut the carrots into large pieces of 2 cm each and boil the carrots until they become soft (about 20 minutes). Put everything in a blender and grind to a puree state. Return the mashed potatoes to the saucepan, if you are not satisfied with the thickness of the soup, add a little more hot water. Season the soup with lemon juice and reheat before serving.

Caution: Hot liquids expand when whipped, so never overfill the blender. In order for the soup not to “explode” outward, leave the hole in the blender lid open and cover with a kitchen towel, then the steam will come out.

Soup - carrot puree with coconut milk

Ingredients: 400-500 g peeled pumpkin, 400 g carrots, 1 onion, 1 liter vegetable broth, 1-2 tbsp. butter (can be vegetable), 400 ml of coconut milk, 2 cm of ginger root (+ -, to taste), salt, pepper to taste. You can add: cilantro to taste, lemon juice

Preparation: Cut everything into small cubes. Fry them for 5 minutes in butter. Add the broth and cook over medium heat for 20-30 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Puree the soup in a blender. Add coconut milk, salt and pepper to taste. you can add cilantro and lemon juice. Warm up the soup, pour it into bowls and serve. Top with fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!


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Puree soup is a very popular first course in Europe. Here they began to prepare it several centuries ago, turning boiled vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and even meat into a tender puree-like mass. At first, these products were passed through a sieve, but with the invention of the blender, everything became much easier, and the popularity of such soups has increased incredibly.
The famous Italian puree soup, which is made from carrots, has become widespread in our country. This is largely due to the ease and simplicity of preparation, as well as the available set of ingredients. Carrot puree soup is based on carrots, onions and potatoes, some housewives also add melted cheese, celery root, cream and milk, fennel and ginger, orange, cinnamon and many other products.

Carrot and potato soup

We offer a classic version of carrot puree soup. The recipe with a photo will clearly show you the simplicity of its preparation, the dish turns out to be very tasty and nutritious. Excellent for cooking on frosty winter days, it is an ideal first course option for children and the elderly. Carrot-potato puree soup preserves all the beneficial properties of each of the root crops, saturates the body with strength and energy, and thanks to its bright color gives a good mood. It is also a great option for those who observe church fasts.

Taste Info Puree Soup / Vegetable Soup


  • water - 2.5 l;
  • potatoes (medium) - 4 pcs.;
  • carrot (large) - 2 pcs.;
  • onion bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 3/4 tsp;
  • pepper - on the tip of a spoon;
  • fresh parsley - to your taste.

How to make Carrot and Potato Soup

First of all, put a pot of water on the fire.
Remove the skin from the potato and cut it into small cubes.

Cut the carrots into circles, and then divide each of them into 4 more parts.

Salt and pepper boiled water, send carrots and potatoes into it.
Cut the onions into 8 pieces and also add to the soup.

Boil soup until all ingredients are soft.
Then let the soup cool slightly and grind it into a puree with a blender at high speeds.

Puree soup with vegetables is ready, pour it into bowls, sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired and serve.

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Carrot soup with cheese

Another version of the soup, which even a child can probably cook, everything is so easy to do. Melted cheese gives a delicious puree soup a special tenderness. Pro-vitamin A, which is so necessary for the human body, which is contained in carrots, can only be fully absorbed in the presence of fats. So, with the help of such a soup, absorption occurs at 100%, the role of fat here is played by cheese. This diet soup is well suited for those who adhere to dietary restrictions in the fight against excess weight.


  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bulb bulb - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • processed cheese - 1 pack (100 g);
  • thyme - 1/2 tsp;
  • ground black pepper and salt - to your taste;
  • parsley and dill - 1/2 small bunch each.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled and washed onion (it can be quite large cubes) and fry in a pan with olive oil until golden brown.
  2. Send the carrots cut into circles in a frying pan with onions and simmer until semi-soft.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, set on fire and let it boil (instead of water, you can use vegetable or meat broth).
  4. As soon as the water boils, put finely chopped processed cheese into it, stir until it is completely dissolved. Now transfer the contents of the pan to the pan, add salt, pepper and thyme, cook until the carrots are soft (it will take about 15-20 minutes).
  5. Puree the finished soup with a blender and serve to the table, pouring into plates and sprinkling chopped herbs on top.

Carrot cream soup with cream

Creamy carrot soup with cream is a very tasty, healthy and attractive dish. Such a soup is certainly on the menu of the most expensive French restaurants. Give your family a little piece of France, make this soup, it's very easy to make. And be sure to put fennel, it sets off the carrot flavor and gives the finished dish a special sophistication and sophistication. Although cream is used for cooking, the dish still turns out to be very light and well suited to all supporters of proper and healthy nutrition.


  • carrots - 650-700 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • fennel - 50-60 g;
  • olive oil - 30-40 ml;
  • chicken broth - 0.5 l;
  • fat cream - 200 ml;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and wash the carrots, cut into 3-4 parts, put in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers the carrots. Put on a small fire and cook under the lid until the carrots are soft.
  2. Cut the peeled and washed onions, fennel and garlic (large). Fry them in a skillet with hot olive oil until soft.
  3. When the carrots are ready, transfer the contents of the pan to it in a saucepan and use a blender to puree everything together until smooth so that there are no lumps or pieces left.
  4. Heat the chicken broth and pour it into the carrot puree, add also the cream and salt, mix everything well. Now bring this mass to a boil and immediately turn off the heat.
  5. The incomparable carrot and creamy cream soup is ready.

Carrot Soup with Ginger

Such a soup is especially suitable at that time of the year when it is cloudy, cold, raining outside the window and you don’t want to leave the house anywhere. Its wonderful orange color will cheer you up, and the ginger taste will pleasantly warm you. Let’s say right away that ginger is still an amateur product, so if you don’t respect it very much, then put less in the soup than indicated in the recipe.


  • carrots - 800-900 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • ginger - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 40-50 g;
  • meat broth (preferably chicken) - 1.5 l;
  • milk (fat content 2.5-3.2%) - 1 cup;
  • ground black pepper and salt - to your taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare all the vegetables - clean them and wash them. Cut the onion and carrot into arbitrary pieces, as you will chop them with a blender anyway.
  2. Chop the garlic finely or pass through a garlic press.
  3. You can use dried ginger or grate ginger root.
  4. Heat oil and butter in a frying pan, put the onion and fry for a couple of minutes. After that, add the carrots and fry for 5 minutes. Now transfer the ginger and garlic to the vegetables, mix and fry for 7-8 minutes.
  5. Pour the broth into a saucepan, transfer the contents of the pan there and cook on low heat for 30 minutes until the carrots are completely soft.
  6. Puree the contents of the pot with a blender, add salt and pepper to your taste, pour in the milk, mix and let the soup boil again. Boil for a couple of minutes and the carrot-ginger puree soup is ready, you can call everyone to the table.

Helpful Hints

  • Serve carrot puree soups with a fresh baguette, croutons or small crackers.
  • Adjust the thickness of the soup to your liking by adding more or less broth (water).
  • Traditionally, carrot puree soups are served hot, put a spoonful of good thick sour cream or cream and sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs, chopped nuts.
  • At your discretion, you can add other vegetables to such soups, such as sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, lentils, mushrooms, pumpkin-carrot puree soup is especially tasty and healthy.

Cream soups are a favorite dish of many European countries. In each national cuisine they are prepared in their own way. Carrot cream soup is considered an Italian classic, although there are many variations in Israeli, German, even Russian manners. Here we give a classic carrot cream soup recipe with a few refinements.

What you need: basic ingredients for carrot soup

  • Carrots: 2-3 medium-sized pieces.
  • Olive oil: 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons.
  • 1 bulb.
  • 200 ml cream.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Favorite spices (usually put thyme, pepper, cinnamon, dry parsley).

Tip: carrot cream soup with cream is very useful, especially for children, but not every child likes the taste of boiled carrots, so as not to spoil his impressions, add a stalk of celery to the broth. It will bring an interesting flavor accent, and the carrot will not “feel” that way. Coriander and ginger also look good in this ensemble.

How to cook cream soup

Before you cook cream soup, you need to decide on the broth. To prepare a diet option, you only need water and onions. But in Russia, performances on meat or chicken broth are more popular. If you prefer the "adapted" version, make the broth first (chicken breast or beef/pork ribs work).

  1. Add 2 liters of water to the pot.
  2. Meat/chicken is placed in cold water.
  3. When the water boils, it must be salted, add celery.
  4. Follow the foam.
  5. You need to cook the meat until fully cooked, you can with onions and garlic (we throw them away later).

If the dish is with potatoes, then it can be added 15-20 minutes after boiling. Many people like to add melted cheese or butter (they should be put in 5 minutes before cooking).

Cooking vegetables for carrot cream soup

While the broth is cooking:

  • Chop the carrots into rings / half rings.
  • In a heated pan (in olive oil) add carrots. Simmer over medium heat for 3-5 minutes until soft.
  • In the finished broth (without removing it from the heat), add spices and carrots (the onion can already be thrown away). Cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  • Drain the broth into a separate container, chop the carrots with a blender in 2-3 stages. First, carrots are added without broth and frayed. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of broth to the porridge-like mass and grind again. If necessary, repeat the procedure, adding a little more broth.
  • We return the cream-carrots to the broth, put on a small fire, add the cream and bring to a boil.

Everything, carrot cream soup can be poured into bowls, like traditional ones, and decorated with greens.

Step-by-step recipes for original carrot puree soups: vegetable, chicken, cheese, children's

2017-10-24 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 gr.

2 gr.


5 gr.

38 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Carrot Puree Soup (Vegetable)

No broths are used in a vegetable dish, but if you wish, you can take a mushroom or meat broth, it will turn out even tastier. Recipe for light carrot soup. It can be used in dietary and baby food. To prepare a lean dish, vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) is used.


  • 400 g fresh carrots;
  • 350 g potatoes;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 25 g dill;
  • salt pepper.

Step by Step Recipe for Classic Carrot Soup

Boil water (liter) in a saucepan. Add chopped potatoes to it. Since the vegetables will still be chopped, the shape of the pieces does not matter.

Put the oil in a frying pan, turn on the stove, let it warm up.

Chop the onion. Just crumble into large pieces, for example, half rings, put in oil.

Peel all carrots, cut into slices, you can circles. Sprinkle immediately over the onions. Fry the vegetables in a pan for exactly three minutes, stir. They should not brown or soften too much.

Transfer the carrots and onions to the boiled potatoes, add salt, cook the soup for twenty minutes. All ingredients should be soft.

Remove soup from stove. Pour some of the broth into a bowl, about a glass, puree the rest. If it turns out too thick, then dilute with the liquid that was immediately removed.

To taste. Add salt, pepper, sprinkle the dish with herbs when serving.

Like all other chopped soup options, this dish goes well with croutons. It is not necessary to buy them, it is better to cut and dry white bread yourself or fry the pieces in a pan. It will turn out even tastier if at the end add grated garlic, herbs to the croutons, drizzle with oil, cover and shake.

Option 2: Quick Recipe for Ginger Carrot Soup

This dish is prepared very simply and quickly, you can take water or broth as the basis. The essential ingredient is ginger. If there is no fresh root, then you can replace it with dried powder from a bag, but reducing the amount by 4-5 times.


  • 800 g carrots;
  • 50 g of oil;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 10 g of ginger;
  • 200 ml cream 10%;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, paprika.

How to quickly cook carrot soup

Peel carrots, chop or grate, you can use a food processor. Put in a saucepan, pour boiling water so that it covers the contents by three centimeters, send to the stove.

Put a frying pan with oil on another burner, melt it.

Chop the onion, send it to the pan. Fry until transparent.

Add grated ginger and put chopped garlic, fry for a couple more minutes, add sweet ground paprika, turn off.

Carrots will cook quickly, after about ten minutes you can add vegetables from the pan to it. Stir, turn off the stove.

Puree vegetables, add cream, salt. Put back on the stove, boil. If desired, supplement the soup with herbs, crackers.

If there is no cream, then whole milk can be used for the dish. You can also add other spices if you wish. Curry seasoning will fit perfectly here, it will turn out delicious with the addition of tomato paste, besides, it will emphasize the color of the carrots, make the puree soup brighter.

Option 3: Carrot cream soup with curds

For the preparation of carrot puree soup, ordinary processed cheese will be used. With them, the dish is prepared tasty and simple, it acquires a pronounced creamy taste. But if you wish, you can take ordinary hard cheese, which melts well.


  • 3-4 carrots;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 50 g of oil;
  • 90 g of cheese;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • parsley, spices.

How to cook

Cut the potatoes into slices, pour 500 ml of water, send to cook on the stove.

Chop the onion into arbitrary slices, put in oil, fry, but do not brown.

Peel, cut carrots, add to onions. Cook together over medium heat for about three minutes. Transfer vegetables to potatoes, stir.

Boil milk, add to saucepan. Now salt everything, cover, cook until the carrots are soft.

Puree vegetables in milk. Add more spices to taste, return to the stove.

Cut melted cheese into cubes. You can just rub them. Add to saucepan, stir. Heat the soup on the stove until all the pieces are dissolved. Add fresh parsley to the finished dish.

If there is no milk, then it's okay, you can cook the dish only on water. In this option, you need to immediately pour not 500, but 700-750 ml of liquid. To shorten the cooking process, it is convenient to use boiling water from the kettle.

Option 4: Chicken Carrot Soup

A hearty and nutritious chicken soup option. According to the recipe, the thigh is used, if necessary, it can be replaced with other parts of the carcass. In the dietary version, you can use breast without skin.


  • 1 chicken thigh;
  • 400 grams of carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 0.8 l of water;
  • 70 g of processed cheese;
  • 200 g of onion;
  • thyme, pepper, oregano, salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

Pour water over the chicken thigh, put on the stove, remove the foam when boiling. Cook for a quarter of an hour. If the bird is domestic, then 25 minutes.

Cut onions and carrots. Lightly fry in oil, transfer to the chicken. Cook everything together for another 20 minutes, until the vegetables are soft.

Take out the boiled thigh. Add melted cheese to vegetables, salt, add a pinch of oregano and thyme, pepper. Boil a couple of minutes.

Puree the soup, pour into bowls.

Cut the chicken meat into small pieces, add to each serving, garnish with herbs.

If you have a powerful blender, then part of the boiled chicken can be chopped together with vegetables to a smooth puree. The taste of the dish will become more intense.

Option 5: Baby Carrot Soup with Zucchini

A variant of a light carrot puree soup that can be used not only in baby food, but also for complementary foods from 8 months of age. Vegetable oil is used, most often sunflower or olive is added to a children's dish.


  • 150 g carrots;
  • 150 g zucchini;
  • salt;
  • 10 ml of oil;
  • 0.3 bulbs.

How to cook

Cut the zucchini into cubes, put in a saucepan. Add grated carrots. Chop the onion and add to the total mass.

Pour water over vegetables. To shorten the cooking time, you can immediately use boiling water. You don’t need to add a lot of liquid, about 1.5 centimeters above the level of the products.

Puree the dish, add a small pinch of salt, pour in the oil, stir.

If the dish is prepared for a child older than one year, then broth can be used instead of water. It is also not forbidden to replace zucchini with other ingredients: broccoli or cauliflower, potatoes, a very bright soup is obtained with the addition of pumpkin.

Option 6: Carrot and Lentil Soup

The best way to make this soup is to use red split lentils. It cooks quickly, tastes good, goes well with carrots. You don't need to pre-soak anything. But if there is no such lentil, then other types can be used.


  • 300 g carrots;
  • 0.5 st. lentils;
  • 50 g red onion;
  • 1 tsp basilica;
  • 0.5 tsp mint;
  • 20 ml of oil;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • nutmeg, salt;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

Step by step recipe

Cut the red onion into small cubes. Chop the garlic into random pieces. Put in hot oil, fry for a minute.

Add basil and mint to the pan, stir, heat for a few seconds, then transfer it all to the pan.

Peel and cut the carrots, add after the onion. Pour in water, boil for a minute.

Rinse the lentils, sort out, add to the pan. Stir, cover, cook until soft. It takes about twenty minutes, but a lot depends on the variety.

Add salt to the carrot soup, pour a pinch of nutmeg, remove the pan.

Puree the soup with a blender. If suddenly a lot of water has boiled away, the dish turns out to be thick, then add liquid, bring to a boil. Before serving, throw a basil leaf or mint directly into the bowl.

The same dish can be prepared with tomato paste. But you need to add it at the end after preliminary frying in a pan. If you immediately put the product in a pan with other ingredients, then the cooking time of lentils will increase significantly.
