
Do-it-yourself lemonade in 5 minutes. Lemonade from oranges and lemons for a large company

Hello my dear readers and guests of the blog! In the midst of the summer heat, soft drinks are traditionally at the peak of popularity. Instantly cheer up, refresh and improve your mood with homemade lemonade based on juicy citruses, berries or fruits. Preparing such a drink is easy and pleasant, and anyone will envy its wonderful taste and naturalness. shop product! And today I will tell you how to make homemade lemonade yourself.

apple lemonade


  • Honey or sugar - both regular and cane will do (60 grams)
  • Apples (2 fruits)
  • Filtered or boiled water (2 liters)
  • Lemon (1 piece)
  • Ginger root (50 grams)


  • Rinse a couple of apples thoroughly. Peel off the skin and remove the core.
  • Place the uncut fruit in a saucepan or multi-cooker bowl. Fill with two liters of water.
  • Rinse the lemon. Pour over boiling water(this is necessary in order to remove the wax coating and remove bitterness), and then dry with a towel.
  • Chop up the zest coarse grater. Squeeze juice from the citrus pulp - if there is no special equipment, you can grind it with a blender, and then squeeze the gruel well with gauze.
  • Chop the peeled ginger root into rings 3 mm thick. They should be thrown to apples along with lemon zest (if desired, a cinnamon stick is also laid there).
  • Place the dishes on the stove (in the case of a multicooker, the "Soup" mode is activated). On open fire the composition is held for ten minutes after boiling (adjust the heat to low), in a slow cooker the total cooking time should not exceed twenty.
  • After languishing, the apple mass should cool under conditions room temperature. Then you just have to strain it, combine with lemon juice and sweeten to your taste.
  • Crushed ice will help to cool and decorate the lemonade when serving.

Classic Lemon Lemonade

You will need:

  • Drinking water (2 glasses)
  • Sugar (1 kilogram)
  • fine salt(1/4 teaspoon)
  • Lemons (1.2 kilograms)


  1. Pour water into a small saucepan. Pour sugar and salt, bring the liquid to a boil over high heat.
  2. The next two to three minutes, the syrup will cook slowly. Eventually it will become transparent.
  3. Remove the container from the stove. Pour in the squeezed lemon juice and mix thoroughly.
  4. The concentrated drink can be stored in the refrigerator for about two months. A couple of tablespoons are measured for one serving of lemonade: dilute the composition with chilled water and throw in a few ice cubes.

Homemade watermelon lemonade


  • Sugar (about 100 grams)
  • Chilled water (one and a half liters)
  • Watermelon pulp (from 1 half fruit)
  • Crushed ice (to taste)
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 1 citrus)
  • Basil leaves (optional)


  1. Pour the sugar into a small saucepan. Set the pot on the fire by adding a glass of clean water.
  2. Wait for the boil, and then continue to slowly boil the syrup for another two minutes.
  3. Take the saucepan off the stove. Pour the sweet contents into a jar or decanter, cool and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Separate the pulp from one half of the watermelon - it is more convenient to use a spoon for this. Combine it with a glass of water and puree in a blender until completely smooth.
  5. Strain the watermelon mass through a fine sieve. In the process, add 2 cups of water in parts to make the composition more liquid.
  6. The resulting juice needs to be diluted again: by this time you will have 3 glasses of water left. Pour in the lemon juice and chilled sugar syrup.
  7. Stir the lemonade thoroughly. Please rate it before submitting. taste properties: If necessary, you can add a little more water, muffling the sweetness.
  8. Distribute watermelon drink by glasses. For greater beauty, each serving should be supplemented crushed ice and basil leaves.

Lemonade with raspberries


  • Raspberries (50 grams)
  • Lemon (1 half fruit)
  • Chilled raspberry juice (2.5 cups)
  • Sprigs of mint (2 pieces)
  • Mineral water (2.5 cups)


  1. Wash and dry the citrus. Squeeze juice from one half.
  2. Connect lemon juice with raspberry (the latter should be kept in the refrigerator in advance).
  3. Add half a liter of mineral water and stir well.
  4. Arrange fresh raspberries in elegant glasses (do not forget to rinse the berries beforehand). Fill glasses with lemonade and garnish with mint leaves.

Cranberry Lemonade


  • Sugar (60 grams)
  • Chilled water (750 milliliters)
  • Cranberries (200 grams)
  • Lemons (2 fruits)


Squeeze the juice from a couple of washed lemons. Strain and pour into a blender bowl.

Rinse selected cranberries thoroughly running water(you can take both fresh and defrosted). Lightly dry the berries, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth: it will also go to the blender.

Sweeten the berry-citrus juice to taste. Add cold water (it should be boiled or at least filtered), and then beat the mixture for a minute.

Finally, lemonade can be poured into glasses. Ice cubes, lemon slices or grated orange zest will help dress up the drink.

Homemade lemonade with grapes


  • Water (200 milliliters)
  • Grapes (1 small bunch)
  • Lemon (1 piece)
  • Cold mineral water (a couple of glasses)
  • Grape juice(200 milliliters)
  • Sugar (100 grams)
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (1/4 cup)


Make syrup by dissolving half a cup of sugar in a glass of water.

Add grape, orange and lemon juice one by one. Then let the composition brew for about 2.5 hours.

On the eve of serving, pour in chilled mineral water. When pouring lemonade, place a few juicy grapes in each glass.

Cowberry lemonade


  • Sugar (half a cup)
  • Lingonberries (100 grams)
  • Carbonated water (5 glasses)
  • Lemon zest (to taste)


  1. Put the cranberries in a colander. Rinse well under running water, then dry on a napkin.
  2. Mash the berries with a crush. Then squeeze the juice through a layer of gauze (if you use a juicer, the process can be greatly simplified).
  3. Sweeten the juice to your taste. The approximate amount of sugar is half a cup.
  4. Pour in sparkling water. If desired, a slice can be added to the drink. lemon peel- it will bring a special flavor.
  5. In the process of serving, lingonberry lemonade can be supplemented with ice cubes.

grapefruit lemonade


  • Drinking water without gas (about 2 liters)
  • Honey (to taste)
  • pink grapefruit(2 large fruits)
  • ginger root(4 cm slice)
  • Mint (several sprigs)


Remove peel from washed citrus fruits. White films also need to be separated - they give an unpleasant bitterness.

Cut the grapefruit pulp into slices and place in a blender bowl. Break until completely homogeneous, then transfer to glass jar.

Ginger root must be peeled and chopped on the smallest grater. Ginger chips will also go to citrus.

Tear the washed mint leaves in small pieces and send it to the same bank. Then the contents of the dishes must be filled with non-carbonated water.

Put the container in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning strain with a strainer. Sweeten the resulting drink with honey, divide into portions and garnish with crushed ice.

melon lemonade


  • Soda water (2 cups)
  • Melon pulp (2 kilograms)
  • Sugar (half a cup)
  • Fresh mint leaves (to taste)
  • Lemons (2 fruits)


Separate the seeds from the melon pulp. Chop it into small slices, and then place in a blender and bring to a puree consistency.

Squeeze juice from a couple of washed citrus fruits. Attach it to the melon mass along with mint leaves and sugar.

Stir and set aside the mixture for several hours. It is not required to place in the refrigerator - you can insist in room conditions.

Strain the mixture through a large sieve. Add the separated liquid with sparkling water and mix well.

Finally, melon lemonade can be enclosed in a jug and served at the table. Accompany a drink lemon wedges and leaves fragrant mint, ice is added to taste.

Homemade pineapple lemonade


  • Fresh lemon juice (15 ml)
  • Chopped pineapple pulp (2 cups)
  • Still water (half a glass)
  • Honey (60 grams)
  • Mineral water (to taste)
  • Mint (a couple of sprigs)


  1. Put pineapple slices, honey and twigs in a saucepan fragrant mint. Pour in drinking water without the addition of gas, as well as freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Place the pot on the stove and cover with a lid. When the composition boils (support medium fire), remove the lid and count another five minutes - for this period, the power of the fire will need to be reduced to a minimum. Be sure to stir the mixture with a spatula during the process - fruit pieces become softer and begin to disintegrate slightly.
  3. After the expiration date, let the composition brew outside the stove for half an hour.
  4. Later, extract the mint and pour the mass into the blender bowl. Beat intensively, but not to a puree state: just crush the pineapple slices.
  5. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve and refrigerate. For a week, it can be safely used to make fresh lemonade.
  6. Pour the cooled pineapple concentrate into glasses and dilute with cold mineral water (about 180 milliliters will be required). Mix well - and delicious lemonade is ready to drink!

Homemade lemonades are the richest sources of natural vitamins. They will not only delight incomparable taste and benefit, but also perfectly brighten up family gatherings! See you soon!

Hi all!

Summer is in full swing and pleases that only the beginning of June! It means that everything is ahead. Strawberry season has begun, cherries are ripening. And soon cucumbers, tomatoes and many more delicious and useful berries, vegetables and fruits.

Summing up about the summer, I will say that this is a great time. But there are also hot days. Here, in addition to air conditioners and fans, come to the rescue, or refreshing lemonade. Let's talk about the last one. Fortunately, it is easy to make and requires a minimum of ingredients.

The essence of cooking summer healthy drink very simple. Need pure water, fresh lemons and sweetener. It is important to simply observe the proportions in order to get really tasty and high-quality lemonade. As for water, you can take both carbonated and still. It depends on whether you like a fizzy dish or not.

When creating a summer drink, you need to freeze ice in advance. It will quickly cool any not too cold drink. You will also need straws. It is convenient to drink through them. These tubes have several other functions. They allow you to stir the ingredients in the glass and simply decorate the serving of the dish.

Lemon drink recipe at home

Opens our collection classic recipe with a minimum of ingredients. These are, in fact, the sour citruses themselves, water and sugar. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey or other healthy sweetener. Or add some highly carbonated water if you want pop.

Let's get a little confused with the syrup. But it is this process that will then give the drink aroma and fullness of taste.

We need:

  • Lemons - 4 pieces;
  • Granulated sugar - 150 gr.;
  • Drinking water - 1 liter.


1. Remove the zest from one lemon. To do this, rub its yellow skin on a coarse grater. We pour it into a fireproof ladle.

2. Sprinkle on top granulated sugar. Add 200 ml of fresh water and put on fire. As it boils, immediately reduce the heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. In general, until the sugar dissolves.

3. The syrup will be saturated with the aromas of the zest. And take it off the heat and let it cool down.

4. Then we filter through a sieve into a separate container. The pins can be thrown out. They won't be of any use to us anymore.

5. Squeeze juice from the rest of the lemons.

One trick: to squeeze more liquid from fruits, you need to roll them with the palm of your hand on any hard surface. So it is guaranteed that more fresh is obtained, and from all citrus fruits. Why dont know. Maybe you know and write below in the comments?

6. We also filter it through a strainer so that later bitter seeds from citrus do not come across.

7. If you get less than 200 ml of lemon juice, then you still need to take fruit and squeeze it to the right amount.

8. Now we combine all the components by pouring them into a jug. Add water and stir well. This is where you can add sparkling water if you wish. But I add the usual.

9. Lemonade can be chilled well or served immediately in ice-filled glasses with straws. Lemon slices are just right for decoration.

Easy version with peppermint

I just love this mint recipe. First, it cooks very quickly. And secondly, it is very refreshing in the heat. Well, he saves the figure. You can sit on such lemonade all day and night and will not want another meal.

We need:

  • Lemons - 2 pieces;
  • Cool drinking water - 2 liters;
  • Honey - to taste;
  • Mint - a bunch.


1. Remove the skin from citruses. To do this, you can cut the lemons on both sides. Then cut the skin of each lemon into several pieces along its slices. Carefully remove the skin itself.

2. Then we cut the lemons into rings. We take out all the bones. It can be bitter in the drink, and besides, it is harmful to the body.

3. Put the chopped rings in a clean jar or jug ​​with a wide mouth.

4. Add honey and a few mint leaves there. Mix all ingredients well with a wooden spatula.

5. Pour the mint-lemon mixture with cold drinking water. I usually take water from a spring. Fortunately, there is such a source not far from our dacha. Therefore, with such water, lemonade is tastier!

6. Knead with a spatula and can be poured into glasses. Ice cubes are added here of your choice and mint leaves for decoration.

You can also strain the drink before serving. But sometimes it is so good to use it together with the pulp of a lemon or even a mint leaf!

Bon appetit and let's make the next gingerbread dish.

How to make lemonade with ginger?

Ginger drink is prepared on the basis of root syrup. Keep in mind that it's still useful vitamin dish not suitable for everyone. Allergy sufferers and children should be given it with caution. But, if there are no special contraindications, then cook it at least every day!

And here I propose to watch a short video with a recipe. After all, than a hundred times to hear better days see once, right?

Healthy recipe with lemon and oranges

No less popular lemonade is made with oranges. It turns out a dish that is somewhat reminiscent of the famous Fanta, if we add sparkling water. But much, much better. And do not be afraid of the large volume - 9 liters. If desired, you can simply reduce the amount of products by half.

We need:

  • Lemons - 1 piece;
  • Cool drinking water - 9 liters;
  • Sugar - 800 grams;
  • Oranges - 4 pieces.


1. We will use citruses with peel. Therefore, we will carry out several manipulations to remove bitterness from it.

2. To begin with, soak the fruit in boiling water for literally 1-2 minutes.

3. Then we cool them and put them in a bag in freezer. Let them lie down for 9-10 hours. This will finally kill all the bitter taste of citrus skins.

4. We take out a bag of fruit. Let's hold them for a while hot water and cut into small pieces.

5. We pass these still frozen pieces through a meat grinder into a saucepan.

The meat grinder is easily replaced by a powerful blender. It will just as well turn fruits into puree.

They are hard and therefore easy to grind into a yellow-orange gruel.

6. Fill the puree with three liters of water. Stir a little with a spoon and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the water becomes citrus.

8. Pour granulated sugar with two liters warm water. Stir to make syrup.

9. We combine syrup and fruit water in a large jar of 10 liters. Add the remaining 4 liters of water and knead the mass, connecting all the components.

This is where Fanta lovers can replace plain water for carbonated. Get a delicious citrus pop!

This lemonade can be consumed immediately with ice. Or you need to cool for a while in the refrigerator and then drink.

This concludes my short list. Of course, these are not all options for making lemonade. Soon we will look at some more interesting and delicious recipes drink with other ingredients.

In the summer, when it gets insanely hot outside, you just want to drink something refreshing. You should not buy harmful carbonated drinks, it is better to prepare lemonade at home.

Classic lemonade at home

This lemonade recipe is very easy to make. From the indicated amount of ingredients, 4 liters of drink will be obtained.

Required ingredients:

  • two liters of water;
  • five glasses of sugar;
  • a little over a liter fresh juice lemon
  • ice, lemon, mint - for serving.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare large saucepan, put sugar, water and lemon juice in it.
  2. Heat over low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. Sugar should be completely dissolved. After that, remove from the stove and let the mixture cool.
  3. Pour the lemonade into glassware and place in the refrigerator to chill.
  4. Before serving, add ice cubes, mint pieces and lemon slices to the drink.

orange recipe

homemade lemonade can be made from juicy oranges. It turns out bright and will surely appeal to children.

Required ingredients:

  • liter of mineral water with gas;
  • four oranges;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the fruits well, remove the skin from them, leaving only the pulp.
  2. Place orange slices with sugar in a blender and beat until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
  3. Pour into a large container, add the indicated amount of mineral water and put the lemonade in the refrigerator. Serve when it has completely cooled down.

Cooking with lemon

If you want to get real lemonade, the way it was before, then we make it from lemon.

Required ingredients:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • six lemons;
  • six glasses of cold clean water.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to carefully squeeze the juice from the lemons. It is best to do this with a juicer, but if there is no device, then first press the lemon to the table with the palm of your hand, roll it on the surface for a while, then cut and extract the juice.
  2. Prepare a four-liter container, such as a jug. Place the resulting juice, the indicated amount of sugar and water there.
  3. Stir the drink thoroughly, taste, add more water if necessary. Refrigerate before serving to chill the drink.

Today we will talk about how to make delicious lemonade from any fruit in ordinary home conditions. The recipe for making lemonade almost always comes down to the same ingredients, the difference is only in the fruits used for taste.

Making carbonated lemonade

Apart from palatability, lemonade is carbonated and not carbonated. To make carbonated lemonade at home, you need to learn 2 main ways:

The first way is carbonation using a special siphon with carbon dioxide cartridges.

The second way is to use highly carbonated table water, which you can buy at the store.

Homemade carbonated lemonade can be made using a homemade siphon. Its design is simple, it is 2 plastic bottles connected by a hermetically sealed tube.

In the first bottle you pour your lemonade, which needs to be carbonated, the tube in such lemonade should be lowered to the bottom.
Pour 1 cup into the second bottle baking soda and 1 cup table vinegar. Then tightly tighten the lids and wait 15 minutes, as a result of the reaction, carbon dioxide (bubbles) is released, which successfully make your lemonade carbonated.

The best homemade lemonade recipes

Lemonade for a big company

I want to start with a lemonade recipe that is different from most others. Since it will take a little longer to prepare than usual, but its advantage is that up to 10 liters of fresh juice can be made from 5 oranges.

Orange lemonade is very popular and delicious, to make this lemonade at home, you need to prepare:

1. Oranges - 5 pcs.
2. Sugar - 500-1000 grams.
3. Citric acid - 30 gr.
4. Water 7-10 liters.

Thoroughly wash the oranges in boiling water to wash off the wax and remove bitterness from them. Further, all oranges are set to 4-6 slices, it is not necessary to peel the peel, after which we put them in the freezer until completely frozen.

After freezing, the slices must be passed through a meat grinder, the resulting “minced meat” is poured with three liters of water and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

Next, you need to strain everything through a colander and cheesecloth several times to get rid of sediment and whole particles of orange. Then add sugar from 500-1000 grams to your taste and 30 grams of citric acid.

Mix everything thoroughly, you should get 3 liters of natural orange concentrate, which you dilute with water to your taste. I added another 3 liters of water and I got 6 liters of delicious orange juice. It remains for you to add ice or make lemonade carbonated according to the above method.

classic lemonade

Classic lemonade, this is lemonade made from lemon. Even a child can cook it, because its recipe is very simple and does not require special skills and a large number ingredients.


2-3 large lemons
100 gr. sugar (or sugar syrup)
1.2 liters of water
Ice cubes (if possible)

Before cooking, you need to prepare ice, pour boiled water into special square molds (any available forms at hand will do) and send it to the freezer for 1 hour. Chilled lemonade will bring a brighter impression, and help to cope with summer heat. Next, thoroughly wash 2-3 lemons, squeeze out the juice from them, which must be poured into a decanter. Add 100 gr. sugar and 200 grams of boiled water, mix thoroughly. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add another 1 liter of water to the concentrate we have received. Homemade lemonade from lemons is ready, serve it to the table with ice cubes.

Lemonade with mint

Homemade lemonade with mint will not only give you tremendous pleasure, but also benefit the body. Mint contains a number of vitamins: A, D, E, K and C, as well as a group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B5, B9). All beneficial features mints, are essential oil, which contains in excess: carotene, organic acids, betaine and of course menthol. To make Mint Lemonade, you will need:

1. Lemons 2-3 pcs.
2. Mint
3. Lime
4. Sugar 100 - 150 gr.
5. Water
6. Ice (in cubes if possible)
7. Decanter

The recipe for mint lemonade will amaze your friends and acquaintances, do not be afraid to improvise and you will succeed. And so let's get started...

It is necessary to carefully rub the lime zest with mint to get a homogeneous mass (slurry). Next, you need to squeeze the juice of 2 - 3 lemons and lime (which we had left after we cut the zest from it), pour into a jug. Add there a small amount of water 200 - 300 grams and the pulp, which we got from mint and lime, mix thoroughly (you can use a blender). Add 1 - 2 liters of water (to taste) and decorate everything with freshly picked mint leaves, serve on the table with ice cubes.

Lemon orange lemonade

We highly recommend making lemonade at home, which contains both lemon and orange. It is cooked hot.
Do not worry, useful vitamins and minerals from such lemonade will not go anywhere, during cooking heat treatment will pass only the zest from the orange and lemon. Consider the necessary ingredients:

two huge oranges
two lemons
150 gr. Sahara
3 liters of boiled water

During the preparatory process, you will still need to make ice, then rinse the citrus fruits thoroughly under running water, peel them and remove the pits. Peeled fruits need to be crushed into gruel, using a blender or meat grinder (as you like), a juicer is also suitable. The resulting nectar is filtered through cheesecloth or fine calico.

The next step is to prepare the syrup. In a saucepan with boiling water (3 liters), brasam sliced ​​orange and lemon zest into medium pieces. Do not cook for more than 6 - 4 minutes, if you overdo the lemonade from oranges and lemon, it will be bitter. After cooling the water, add sugar and freshly squeezed fruit juice(strained). Add to pitcher enough ice, garnish the glass with an orange slice and serve.

Lemonade with pear

Let's make homemade lemonade with pears and lemon. The so-called duchesse lemonade is very juicy and tasty.

In making homemade pear and lemon lemonade, the secret lies in the syrup that needs to be boiled. From previous recipes You have learned how to make lemonade at home in a "cold" way. Now the recipe is changing dramatically, although the usefulness of the drink and its taste will remain the same. Required Ingredients:

Freshly squeezed pear juice 200 grams
Lemon juice 40 grams
Vanilla sugar
Sugar sand 100 gr.
Boiled water 1 liter

Now we are waiting for the most important part of lemonade-brewing - proper preparation syrup, this is very important. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the pear pulp, which we mix with granulated sugar and add a little water. It is necessary to cook this substance over low heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, and the syrup is given a small density (viscosity).

After cooling the boiled syrup, dilute it in water, mixing thoroughly, add lemon juice and ice. When serving, you can decorate with mint leaves, which will betray the lemonade lovely fragrance and freshness.

ginger lemonade

Cooking homemade ginger lemonade, get not only a bunch of positive emotions, but also tasty, and most importantly useful soft drink. In this plant, which takes its roots in western India, many beneficial vitamins and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and sodium, ginger also contains vitamins C, B2, B1, A. An indispensable product in the fight against microorganisms, increase immunity, have a beneficial effect on digestion.

To make ginger lemonade, you need the following ingredients:

Lemon - 2 pcs.
Ginger root 200 gr.
Honey 4 tablespoons
Boiled water 3 liters
Sugar 100 gr.

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, to which add grated fine grater ginger root. Squeeze the lemon juice manually or with a juicer, but finely chop the skins from the lemon and add to the same pan. Add 100 gr. sugar, and bring this consistency to a boil, and leave to cool. Only after complete cooling, this concentrate is diluted with two liters of water, after which we add lemon juice and honey. The resulting ginger lemonade, if desired, can be filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Before serving, decorate with mint leaves and add ice.

Certainly in moderate amounts homemade lemonade, carries great benefit For human body. Lemonade is made from lemon, which has many beneficial trace elements: phosphorus, copper, calcium and a small amount of potassium. Also, lemon juice contains great amount vitamins, such as: B1 and B2, P, D, and of course vitamin C.

Drinking lemonade is useful not only in summer heat to quench thirst, but also in the treatment of atherosclerosis, in diseases gastrointestinal tract(with a low level of acidity), lemonade also has antiseptic properties. Lemonade will be your assistant when high temperature and fever (to increase water balance body), poor appetite, colds and pain in the joints. Homemade lemonade is also recommended for use by pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy to reduce toxicosis in the body.

Speaking of natural lemonade prepared with one's own hands at home, there are restrictions in its use only for people with individual intolerance to citrus fruits (allergies, rashes, etc.) and people with hyperacidity stomach.

If we are talking about lemonade purchased in a store, do not forget that it contains the entire periodic table (dyes, enhance taste and smell, flavors, stabilizers, etc.), to make sure of this, you do not need special knowledge or experiments, just read the composition product on the package. Take a close look at the production date and expiration dates of lemonade and know what longer term the suitability of the product - the more preservatives and other chemicals there are. Do not use for people with a weak liver or kidneys, because they will be the first to take a chemical attack on themselves. Surplus production, unscrupulous manufacturers compensate for the quality of the initial raw materials from which lemonade is made, so we strongly recommend drinking only homemade lemonade.

And most importantly, making lemonade at home will help hone your culinary skills and diversify a hot day. simple recipes lemonade.

Hot summer, bright sun, creamy ice cream and cold lemonade... The three months that Russians look forward to every year can become even more pleasant if you refuse products with the addition of dyes and other chemicals and give preference to fruits and vegetables, ice cream without artificial additives and homemade lemonade.

In which country lemonade was first made is not known for certain. According to one version, they began to cook it in the hot East, according to another - in refined France. According to legend, the court chef of King Louis I mixed up barrels of wine and juice. Trying to somehow rectify the situation and save his life, he decided to bold experiment- added mineral water to the juice.

The king was suddenly delighted with the new drink. When asked what it is, the cook replied: "Shorle, Your Majesty." Since then, Schorle has been called the “royal lemonade”.

In 17th century France, lemonade was made from water and lemon juice, or lemon tincture with added sugar. The aristocracy preferred lemonade made from mineral waters from medicinal sources.

Almost at the same time, lemonade became popular in Italy, only here they began to add all kinds of herbs and fruits to it.

In Russia, lemonade, like the fashion for everything European, was brought from Holland by Peter I. And unlike most other innovations, Russians immediately liked the overseas drink.

But the first carbonated lemonades appeared only in early XIX century, after the Englishman Joseph Priestley invented the saturator - an apparatus that saturates water carbon dioxide. At the same time, they learned to distinguish citric acid. And only in the 20th century began industrial production this drink.

Since the beginning mass production lemonade lost natural ingredients, acquired an unacceptable sugar content and got into the top of the most harmful products.

However, do not give up lemonade. It is enough just to start making it yourself again. MIR 24 remembered traditions different countries for making lemonade, and offers readers recipes for the most delicious varieties of this drink from all over the world, which will not harm the figure and health.

Egyptian lemonade

For the past 700 years, the classic Egyptian lemonade has been made from lemon juice and sugar.

We will need:

  1. large Egyptian lemon (can be replaced with lime)
  2. two tea spoons of sugar
  3. 300 ml chilled water

Cooking like this:

Cut off half of the lemon (in the case of lime, 1/3 is enough), cut it into four parts. Dip the lemon slices into a blender, add sugar and pour in water. Grind the ingredients for a minute. Strain the juice into a glass through a sieve. Egyptian lemonade is ready!

Indian lemonade

Compared to European lemonade, Indian lemonade can be called exotic. Here ginger is added to lemon juice. Sometimes saffron, cumin, and even garlic salt are used.

We will need:

  1. 1/2 cup lemon juice
  2. 1/3 cup maple syrup
  3. 2/3 cup lemon juice
  4. 8 glasses of water
  5. 1/2 teaspoon ginger

Cooking like this:

You don't need a blender to make Indian Lemonade. Dip all the ingredients in a pitcher, fill with water and mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. Cool, pour into glasses and add ice cubes.

Italian lemonade

Italians prefer classic versions sweet lemonade. Therefore, due to the presence of syrups, those who carefully follow the figure should abuse this variety. summer drink Not recommended.

We will need:

  1. 200 g fruit syrup
  2. 100 g of any fruit or berries
  3. 0.5 lemon zest
  4. 800 g boiling water
  5. sugar (to taste)

Cooking like this:

Mixing fruit syrup with lemon zest. Pour boiling water over the mass and stir thoroughly.

Add fruit and sugar. Let the lemonade cool in the refrigerator. Italian drink ready!

french lemonade

In fact, lemonade in this country is called a drink only from lemon juice, and it is similar to the Egyptian one. Other fruit drinks bear their names: pear - duchesse, pomegranate - grenadine, orange - orange. We decided to choose the original variety of French lemonade.

We will need:

  1. 1/2 st. lemon juice
  2. 1/2 lemon
  3. 3 eggs
  4. 2 glasses of sparkling water
  5. 1/4 bag of vanilla sugar
  6. 2 sprigs of mint

Cooking like this:

Beat two eggs in a blender and add lemon juice. After that, put in a blender vanilla sugar and ice. Beat the mass for 2 minutes.

Strain the mixture, pour into glasses. Decorate with mint and lemon slices. Serve French lemonade on the table!

Greek lemonade

For Greeks, lemonade is like compote for Russians: a drink that is associated with childhood and vacations with grandmother.

We will need:

  1. 5 lemons
  2. glass of sugar

Cooking like this:

Wash the lemons and cut as thinly as possible. After that, put half the lemon slices in a deep bowl and add half a glass of sugar.

Add the remaining sugar to the squeezed lemons and continue squeezing with your hands. After we pour the resulting liquid into our bottle.

Completely fill the bottle with boiled water and cool in the refrigerator. Lemonade is ready!

american lemonade

Remember how in the movies kids sell lemonade on the street? It's really an American tradition. And fresh lemonade is very popular there.

We will need:

  1. 3-4 lemons
  2. 3/4 cup sugar
  3. 4-6 glasses of water (to taste)

Cooking like this:

First you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, mix a glass of water with sugar, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil on the stove. When the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the pan from the heat.

Pour the resulting lemon juice, syrup and 3-5 glasses into a pitcher cold water, depending on how sour you would like your lemonade to be.

Then we cool the lemonade in the refrigerator, pour into glasses and decorate with lemon slices. Hollywood lemonade is ready!

mexican lemonade

Mexico is known not only for tequila, but also for lemonade. And if not every Mexican likes tequila, then everyone likes lemonade.

We will need:

  1. 1 kiwi
  2. 25 seedless grapes
  3. 2 cups apple juice
  4. 1 glass of ice

Cooking like this:

Wash the grapes and peel the kiwi. Place fruit in a blender Apple juice and stir for 2 minutes.

In an empty glass, put half a glass of ice and pour in the resulting liquid. Enjoy!

Ekaterina Degtereva
