
Tea quenches thirst. the best drinks from the store that will easily cope with thirst in the summer heat

There are many opinions on this matter: someone says that only water will help here, others trust tea more, and still others shout about the unsurpassed effect of fermented milk products. Looking for the "perfect" summer drink”We turned to experts and asked them to tell where the truth is, and where, excuse the expression, is a myth.

Alexander Kolesnov leading researcher at the Moscow state university food production

Mineral water

We deliberately omitted the presence of water on our list, because in the heat there can hardly be anything better than pure water without impurities and dyes. But what about mineral water? It would seem that everything is simple here. An no. Water can be natural and artificially mineralized. Natural is divided into dining, medical-dining and medical (this depends on the concentration of salts in it). And here experts warn: with medical mineral water must be handled very carefully. As for artificial mineral water, of course, it will not bring any benefit, but it will not bring harm either - this ordinary water, only filtered.

Ramaz Chanturia Director of the Russian Association of Tea and Coffee Producers

Alexander Kolesnov: In terms of composition, natural mineral water is more enriched with physiologically active compounds. You can distinguish between natural and artificially mineralized water by comparing the information given on the package (for example, indicating the number of the well). However, an objective conclusion can be made only after a physicochemical study of the composition carried out in a scientific laboratory. If speak about healing water, you should really be careful with it. Daily use medicinal-table mineral waters can be recommended only with appropriate medical indications and according to the instructions of a doctor.


It's no secret that lemonade is a favorite baby drink during the heat. Especially considering the variety of flavors that manufacturers now offer. However most of adults still rightly believe that if you drink lemonade in the heat, then only natural. And it consists of two simple ingredients: water and lemon juice(pieces of fruit are added if desired). However, some believe that even natural lemonade sugar or honey must be added.

Alexander Kolesnov: Indeed, the original recipe for lemonade still looked like this - lemon juice, water and sugar. Without sugar, this drink will be perceived as sour and inexpressive. Over time, the recipe has undergone a number of changes. In it, less and less began to use natural lemon juice. It was replaced by flavors or the so-called flavor additives. modern lemonade industrial production almost always released carbonated. Natural lemonade can be found, although not easy. Before buying, consumers are advised to carefully read the information about the composition of the drink - the ingredients that were used to make the product.


Fruit juice is good for elevated temperature air, because it not only quenches thirst "with taste", but also contains many vitamins. For achievement best effect it is recommended to use freshly squeezed juices - however, not more than once a day, because such a drink can irritate the gastric mucosa up to gastritis. Besides, natural juices always loaded with sugar. There is a simple way out of this difficult situation: any juice, whether fresh or purchased, can be diluted with water.

Alexander Kolesnov: Freshly squeezed (correctly - freshly squeezed) juices are more useful and in their composition are more comparable to the fruits from which they are obtained than reconstituted juices. Freshly squeezed juices are recommended for breakfast. But when drinking any juice, one should not forget about individual features organism - for example, people with hyperacidity stomach is not recommended to drink juices from sour fruit. However, this does not mean that gastritis will certainly threaten all juice lovers. Of course, juices, like fruits, contain sugar. You can dilute the juice with water (if that tastes better) and get a drink that is not, however, sugar-free. A sensitive point in juices is the presence of free sugars, which are more quickly absorbed by the body: juices without pulp (as they say in the industry, clarified) would take the first place in terms of the “speed of absorption of sugars”, and juices with pulp, respectively, the second.


IN Central Asia, China and Japan, it is believed that hot tea stimulates sweating and thus removes heat from the body, cooling it. There is also an opinion that tea contains trace elements that can lower body temperature, and they are activated only when the drink is hot. In addition, tea is rich in vitamin P, which has a good effect on blood vessels, as well as vitamins C and B.

Ramaz Chanturia: People have been drinking tea for thousands of years. It is one of the most popular drinks in the world, also because it has many useful qualities. One of them is thermoregulation. In the heat, a person experiences discomfort (including psychological) and strives to overcome it in every possible way. When you lose fluid, you need to drink water - we know this. But it is better to drink tea, because in addition to replenishing the balance of fluid in the body, it also tones, strengthens blood vessels, and helps us with vitamins. By the way, about vitamins. IN Soviet years at the Shchelkovsky vitamin plant, even a specialized vitamin complex. Thus, in my opinion, it is not so important in what form you drink tea - hot or cold. Like when you drink cold tea, then it creates a feeling of coolness. In turn, hot tea stimulates sweating, and this leads to cooling of the body (water, evaporating, takes away part of the excess heat). This method is psychologically not very familiar to us, but, believe me, in Central Asia they have been saving themselves from the heat for hundreds of years, which means that even if we don’t really understand what the essence of this method is, it works, and we can safely resort to it. .


It is generally accepted that dairy products contain organic acids in their composition, which quench thirst well. In addition, all of them are quickly absorbed: in an hour, kefir, for example, is absorbed almost completely, while milk is only a third. And bifidokefir, enriched with special beneficial bacteria, will not only save you from thirst, but also help restore the intestinal microflora.

Alexander Kolesnov: Real classic kefirfermented milk drink obtained from whole milk during complex process combined double fermentation (fermentation) - the so-called sour-milk and alcohol. The process requires a mixture of microorganisms, which is called "kefir fungus". The mixture consists of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Kefir owes its thirst-quenching properties to lactic acid, which gives the drink the necessary acidity. However, it should be taken into account that lactic acid exists in the form of two different chemical compounds - D-lactic acid and L-lactic acid. The latter is more beneficial for the body, so high-quality kefir does not contain D-lactic acid. And bifidokefir differs from the classic one by the presence of bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium bifidum) in the composition of the drink. These bacteria have nothing to do with thirst quenching, and their usefulness is not indisputable and is often questioned by experts.


According to chronicles, the first mention of kvass dates back to the end of the 10th century. Traditionally in Rus', kvass was perceived not only as a drink, but was used as a dressing for cold soups (for example, okroshka, beloved by everyone). It is believed that kvass, prepared according to the classical recipe, quenches thirst due to the amino acids and carbon dioxide contained in it. In addition, this soft drink has bactericidal properties and kills "pests" in the body.

Alexander Kolesnov: Like kefir, real classic kvass is a product of double fermentation (lactic acid and alcohol), only prepared from other raw materials. The thirst-quenching properties in kvass are also determined by lactic acid. Its action is enhanced by the presence of carbon dioxide ( carbon dioxide). Unfortunately, fakes are common on the market, which are drinks prepared on the basis of artificial ingredients without the use of double fermentation technology. As a rule, for the manufacture of such kvass, regular ingredients: sugar, dye, and artificial lactic acid is used for acidification. The smell of kvass in such drinks is imitated by adding flavorings. Sometimes kvass is given out as a drink prepared using only alcoholic fermentation, which also does not correspond to the classical recipe. Kvass is recommended to be consumed chilled, in this state it is especially pleasant to the taste and quenches thirst very well.


IN Lately smoothies have gained immense popularity in Moscow cafes and restaurants. These are cocktails made from fermented milk products and fresh fruit, which you can get drunk and eat at the same time. Smoothies are often positioned as a full-fledged snack, and dieters are even recommended to replace one of their meals with this healthy drink.

Alexander Kolesnov: In order to give the product a liquid (drinkable) state, i.e. the state of the drink, fruit puree is diluted with freshly squeezed juice. Smoothies are prepared only from fresh fruits. They must not contain any added ingredients such as sugar, citric acid, flavors, preservatives, etc., which are used to prepare conventional soft drinks or juice drinks or industrial fruit drinks. In some countries classic recipe smoothies have been modified by using milk, natural drinkable yogurt or even ice cream instead of juice. Smoothies are called liquid fruit, since the composition of the drink is almost equivalent to the composition of fruits. The high popularity of smoothies is associated with the ability to consume completely natural products, the range of which can only be limited by imagination. Smoothies have the same health benefits as fruits, and when used in a mixture, acidic fruits can have thirst-quenching properties.

In hot summer days when the high temperature is above average, it is especially important to maintain water balance organism. For this purpose, there are kiosks with chilled drinks at every step, the assortment of which will satisfy everyone. But which drinks will quench your thirst, and which, on the contrary, will make you drink even more liquids? Let's figure it out.

Drinks that quench your thirst

  1. Water. The first natural element that quenches thirst. Quite often, when the air temperature is too high, you have to drink more water than the average daily norm, and this can cause swelling of the limbs.
  2. Mineral water. It is quite useful for the body if it is natural water from a deep well, the number of which is indicated on the bottle. Healing mineral water is prescribed by a doctor, and you can drink it in certain quantities.
  3. Tea. Excellent remedy to quench your thirst. Tea has long been drunk exclusively hot. The peoples of Central Asia use tea to save themselves from the heat. Hot tea promotes perspiration and, when the sweat begins to evaporate, the body naturally cools. It is now customary to drink iced tea as we are just used to cold drinks on hot days. Drinking cold tea is no less useful than hot tea, as it contains a large amount of useful substances.


Make your own iced tea by cooling the brewed hot tea. Ready-made iced tea in which is offered in stores is regular drink with addition chemical additives, which will only increase the feeling of thirst.

  1. Lemonade. In the good old days, lemonade was sweetened lemon juice diluted with water. This drink is a great stimulant. immune system and quench your thirst.


Now on sale there are carbonated lemonades, in which dyes, flavors and citric acid are added. Such a drink will not only not quench your thirst, but can also cause indigestion.

  1. Freshies. Natural freshly squeezed juices perfectly quench thirst and give energy to the body thanks to the vitamins they contain.


Nutritionists recommend eating fresh juices in the morning, before going outside. Don't drink more than one glass fresh juice a day, it can cause heartburn. In order to avoid heartburn, the juice can be diluted with water.

  1. Compote. Quite an effective drink to quench your thirst. Compote contains a lot beneficial vitamins. You can drink compote both hot and cold. It has a similar effect on the body as tea.


Cold compote is useful not only in fresh. Rich in vitamins, which can also quench your thirst.

  1. Kefir. Enough useful product not only for the whole body, but also for the stomach. Kefir restores the intestinal microflora, helps the body break down extra fat and contributes to the maintenance desired weight. Thanks to lactic acid, kefir perfectly quenches thirst.
  2. Kvass. It has long been the first drink that was offered to those working in the fields, soldiers, and sick people. Kvass not only saved summer heat from thirst, but also gave strength to a person.


Make your own drink. It is this kind of kvass that can become an indispensable drink for your family, which can be served not only as a drink, but also to fill it with okroshka.

  1. Smoothies. Now it is the most popular drink in every restaurant. Smoothies are made from fruit puree, which is diluted with a fermented milk product. Such a drink is already included in some as one full meal. Pineapple smoothie is included in the top. Natural smoothies are very healthy and perfectly quench your thirst.
  2. Isotonic. Quite popular among athletes. They not only quench thirst, but also help regulate the body's water balance.


Going to the gym, try to cook natural and you will not only not feel thirsty, but also improve your body,.

On a hot summer day, remember that only drinks from natural ingredients, which you can cook with your own hands. Chill your favorite drink in the refrigerator, take it with you on the road and you will no longer be thirsty.


It's no secret that our body is mostly made up of water. Lungs - 83%, brain and heart - 73%, and even bones - 31%. Water delivers to all tissues of our body useful material and removes toxins, thermoregulation is impossible without it. Even slight dehydration deprives us of energy and strength, and the lack of only 5% of water in the body disables the brain by 20%.

That's why it's important to replenish your body's water reserves regularly. Especially in the heat and during physical activity when we lose a lot of fluid through sweat. However, just drinking coffee, soda or juice will not solve this problem. This is where the right strategy is needed. The following five rules will help you build it.

1. Quench your thirst with water


Remember: it is she who saturates the body with moisture best of all. Kvass, soda, kefir, smoothies - all this is already food. AND extra calories. Sweet drinks generally do not quench thirst well, but they provoke “jumps” in blood sugar well. Coffee and tea with milk have a diuretic effect. Sour-milk products, like fruit drinks without sugar, are not bad in the heat, but still they cannot fully quench their thirst, since they contain little free liquid. In addition, you need to remember that in the sun drinking yogurt or ryazhenka can quickly deteriorate. Do not take them with you to the beach or for a long walk.

2. Drink before you get thirsty


Firstly, it is the first sign of dehydration that has begun, and it is better not to bring it to that. “And secondly, modern man is often deaf to the needs of his own body,” says Ekaterina Belova, nutritionist, chief physician of the Center for Personal Dietology "Palette of Nutrition". He can miss this signal. Therefore, the most reasonable thing is to calculate how much water you need per day (normally - at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight, in the heat - 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight) divide the resulting amount into portions and drink them at approximately equal intervals . Let's say you weigh 60 kg, then on a hot summer day you need 2.4 liters (40 ml x 60 kg)." You can start the morning with one or two glasses of water, and then add half a glass every half hour throughout the day.

The expert advises overweight people and those who suffer from diabetes and kidney disease to pay special attention to the full quenching of thirst in the heat.

3. Drink regularly and in small amounts, not infrequently and in large portions


Even after walking a little in the heat or working in the garden on a summer afternoon, sometimes you want to drink so much that you just took and “blew” two liter bottles of liquid at once! However, this should not be done. “It is difficult for the body to pass such a volume of fluid through itself, this is a big load on the heart and blood vessels, on the kidneys, which will need to remove it,” says Ekaterina Belova. In addition, with sweat we lose not only water, but also sodium. If the incoming water does not contain this element, the potassium-sodium balance is disturbed - the balance of water in the cells and intercellular space. And dangerous swelling can occur.

In order not to languish with thirst during physical exertion and not to jump on the water after them, make it a rule for yourself: drink one or two glasses 15 minutes before the “start” and sip a little during the workout.

4. Add salt to the water


All for the same reason: with sweat, the body loses sodium. IN liter bottle you can add about a quarter teaspoon of salt. Or just drink table mineral water containing sodium. It's the dining room. Therapeutic can be taken only in limited quantities and on the recommendation of a doctor. After a really hot workout, you can quench your thirst with sports drinks containing electrolytes - they will help normalize water-salt metabolism.

5. Add Liquid Meals, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits to Your Menu


Although this does not eliminate the need to drink water, the body can "pull" moisture out of them too. "Very good from this point of view juicy fruits, berries, greens, fleshy vegetables, - says Marina Studenikina, dietitian, deputy chief physician of the clinic "Weight Factor". - Many of them - cucumbers, watermelons, melons, celery, strawberries, raspberries, radishes - consist of more than 80% water - and due to high content fiber is digested slowly. The liquid from them will be released gradually, over time, nourishing you with moisture.

By following these simple rules, you will properly saturate the body with moisture and avoid dehydration in the heat. Especially if you take a few more tips into service.

* Drink water at room temperature. After burning tea, you will “get wet”, immediately losing precious moisture. Cold water refreshing. However, touching the sky, it can cause vasospasm of the brain and headache.

* Always take a bottle of drinking water with you when it's hot.

* Drink a glass of water before every meal: so you will avoid not only dehydration, but also overeating.

* Increase your fluid intake not only on training days, but also when you are sick. Cold or flu with high temperature again, they will make you sweat. More faster body dehydrated with vomiting and diarrhea.

* Do not drink at night. In the evening, metabolic processes slow down, the kidneys do not work so actively. After drinking water at night, you run the risk of waking up with swelling.

When drinking certain drinks, thirst recedes only for a while, and then again makes itself felt with renewed vigor. TOWhen it's pretty hot outsidethirst quenching drinksvery much in demand.

Thirst quenching drinks

  • Versatile and most effective means to fight thirst is ordinary drinking water . It quenches thirst better than others, allows you to replenish fluid loss and at the same time contains no calories at all. On a hot day, you can carry a bottle of water with you and drink it in small sips throughout the day.
  • You can drink in the heat and lemonade but only natural. It consists of two simple ingredients: water and lemon juice (pieces of fruit are added if desired). However, you can add a little to natural lemonade. natural syrup or honey.
  • Tea is very effective tool to eliminate thirst. Quenching your thirst with tea, you also make up for the loss of trace elements. Tea helps to strengthen blood vessels and normalize the processes of thermoregulation in the body. Mint, lemon, apple and other fruits or berries can be added to homemade iced tea.
  • : fermented milk products contain organic acids that quench thirst well. In addition, all of them are quickly absorbed: in an hour, kefir, for example, is absorbed almost completely, while milk is only a third.
  • Like kefir, a real classic kvass is a product of double fermentation (lactic acid), only prepared from other raw materials. The thirst-quenching properties in kvass are also determined by lactic acid. Its action is enhanced by the presence of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Unfortunately, fakes are common on the market, which are drinks prepared on the basis of artificial ingredients without the use of double fermentation technology.
  • Fresh juices saturated with vitamins. However, when using them, you need to know a simple rule - it is not recommended to drink more than two glasses of freshly squeezed juice per day. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, freshly squeezed juices generally belong to food. In this regard, it is still not worth considering them as a full-fledged remedy for combating thirst.
  • Morse or compote. These drinks will only help quench your thirst if you make them with as little sugar as possible. Morse or compote from fresh fruits, berries or dried fruits is easy to prepare at home.

Thirst does not quench:

  • Soda. Through content a large number sugar craving only intensifies, and plus you get empty calories, which lead to the set excess weight. Carbonated mineral water is also not recommended for thirst quenching.
  • Coffee. This drink has a tonic effect and removes fluid from the body. Therefore, to quench your thirst, you should not drink coffee and cold drinks based on it.

As you know, on a hot day you are always very thirsty. Usually human body 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day are required, and during physical exertion and in the heat about 4 liters. Losses of moisture must be replenished, but not with anything, but with drinks that are beneficial for our body. “So how to get rid and quench your thirst?” - you ask. Here is the ranking of the most healthy drinks which best quench your thirst.

Kvass. Besides that natural kvass it quenches thirst well, it is also satisfying, as it contains amino acids and carbon dioxide. Just read the ingredients of the product carefully. Bottled carbonated kvass, which contains flavorings and preservatives, will not bring absolutely any benefit to your body.

Mineral water. Thanks to the salts contained in the mineral water and biologically active substances it ranks second in its ability to quench thirst. In addition, it relieves fatigue and refreshes. And to quickly get rid of thirst, throw in mineral water A little sour berries or a slice of lemon.

Tea. This drink is the leader in its ability to quench thirst (by the way, it takes a third less than water to get drunk). The temperature of tea does not matter, it can be drunk both cold and hot. And tea also contains vitamin P, it helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Compotes, juices, fruit drinks. Good thirst quencher fruit drinks from fresh berries. There are a lot of minerals and vitamins in fruit drink, it refreshes and improves the digestion process. Only it is better to cook it not concentrated. As for juices, it is better to drink them freshly squeezed and diluted with water. They are more useful than store-bought ones and are also absorbed faster. Compotes quench thirst worse, as they contain a lot of sugar. The exception is compotes cooked with the minimum amount sugar or no sugar at all. It is better to drink compote cold and diluted small.

Dairy drinks. All fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, curdled milk) perfectly quench your thirst. And unlike milk, they are digested faster. In addition, all types of fermented milk products can be consumed with vegetables, fruits and berries. However, in intense heat it is better to refuse their use. Since both milk and dairy products are perishable and can cause various intestinal disorders.

And here is a list of the least healthy drinks to quench your thirst on hot days.

Coffee gives a load on the vessels and the heart. And an overabundance of this drink can even cause dehydration.

Various sweet sodas. It is enough to read the composition of this cocktail of dyes, flavors, preservatives and sweeteners to understand that this drink will not bring any benefit to the body, especially in the heat.

Beer will also provide your heart and blood vessels with an additional load. Therefore, it is also better to refrain from it or, in extreme cases, drink no more than a glass a day.

Pro strong alcohol , as you understand, it is unnecessary to mention. Everyone already understands that it puts a tremendous strain on blood vessels and the heart, especially in hot weather, and can pose a serious threat to the health of even a very strong person.
