
Meals on the trip. What food to take with you

It is very important when conducting a weekend hike correctly arrange meals. Food should compensate for the energy costs in the body of a tourist caused by a significant load.
The daily diet of a tourist on weekend hikes should contain 3200-3500 large calories and, with a normal three meals a day, be distributed according to calorie content approximately as follows: breakfast - 35%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 25%.
During ski trips due to the short day, breakfast and dinner are made more high-calorie, and lunch is relatively light, such as sandwiches and tea.
However, you can not make a food ration, guided only by the calorie content of products. No less important is the correct ratio of the main components of nutrition - fats, proteins, carbohydrates. It is generally accepted that daily dietary allowance should be approximately 120 g of protein, 60 g of fat, 500 g of carbohydrates. Proteins are found primarily in meat, meat products, fish, cheese, peas, beans and beans, to a lesser extent in flour products and cereals; carbohydrates - in sugar (almost pure carbohydrate), sweets, vegetables and fruits, condensed milk, flour products, cereals; fats - in butter, lard, to a lesser extent in sausage, cheese, ham. In addition, the food should also contain vitamins and mineral salts. Only with all this in mind, the food will be quite complete.
So, food on the trip should be high-calorie and satisfying, but that's not all. It must also be delicious. The fact is that during a hike, if it lasts for several days, it is often necessary to observe how in the first days the participants lose their appetite, they begin to refuse food, while objectively the body needs nutrition, therefore, in addition to the main products meals for hikes they also take onions, garlic, peppers, bay leaves, tomato paste in tubes, lemons or citric acid. Dry soups, bouillon cubes, dry vegetables are also used. All this allows you to diversify the table, even with a relatively poor assortment of basic products.
To the listed products it is necessary to add tea and salt, as mandatory, coffee and cocoa, as creating variety, and then the list of products used on tourist trips, can be considered quite complete.
When preparing for a multi-day trip, the calculation of products is based on the average norm per person per day, multiplied by the number of tourists and days of the trip.

Tourist's daily allowance

The approximate daily norm of products (in grams) per tourist is:

Bread - 300;
Wheat crackers - 100;
Stewed meat (canned) - 120;
Hard smoked sausage - 50;
Cheese -25;
Butter - 50;
Fat fat - 25;
Sugar, sweets, halva - 150;
Groats (buckwheat, semolina, rice) - 140;
Pasta - 50;
Milk powder, condensed - 50;
Salt - 15;
Tea, cocoa, coffee, vitamins - 15;
Onions, garlic, spices - 30.

Careful attention should be paid to the packaging of products. Products that absorb moisture, such as sugar, salt, milk powder, should be placed in plastic bags, and then (so that the plastic bags do not tear) - in cloth.
Butter is placed in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Cans no special packaging is needed. However, it should be borne in mind that very often in the store, and especially at the base, you will be released cans thickly covered with grease. They need to be wiped with old newspapers or rags, and then washed in warm water. All this takes time, which should be foreseen in advance when planning preparations for the trip. It is better to refuse the use of canned food in glass jars. For a hike, where almost every gram of weight is taken into account, glass containers are too heavy. In addition, glass containers require special care in handling.
Particular attention should be paid product quality. Gastric disease or poisoning of the body caused by the use of stale foods is especially dangerous in a hike.
Of course, the problem of nutrition in a one-day trip is greatly simplified. On a one-day hike, they usually get by with a one-time meal at a large halt. For lunch, they take ready-to-eat products (in the form of sandwiches), based on personal tastes, needs and opportunities.
At a large halt, a common table with tea or coffee is organized. Some of the sandwiches are left for snacks at the end of the journey. Shared table- a very good tourist custom. During a joint lunch, a relaxed friendly atmosphere is established, a conversation is started, which contributes to the acquaintance of the participants, the mutual perception of good tourist traditions.
On a hike, you must strictly keep drinking regimen, since a large amount of water drunk during movement and during short halts increases the load on the heart, contributes to profuse sweating and increased loss of salts. It is recommended to drink in the morning before the start of the trip, at large halts and in the evening at the place of spending the night. You can not quench your thirst with snow, it threatens with a cold and contributes to the loss of salts by the body. Most preferred boiled water, raw should first be neutralized with chlorine tablets or disinfected with potassium permanganate (one grain per cup of water is enough).

Each memberweekend hikeshould take with him a flask with drinking water or not strong tea. It can be replenished only from those sources, the purity of which is beyond doubt. Do not take water from open reservoirs, rivers, streams near (especially downstream) settlements, pastures and fields, usually fertilized and treated with chemicals. It is necessary to boil water, and not only for drinking, but also for washing vegetables, fruits, dishes.
Need to remember:excessive drinking causes profuse sweating with leaching of mineral salts from the body. To sweat less, get rid of strong thirst, it is recommended to eat a piece of bread thickly sprinkled with salt before hiking, and then drink tea (or water). You should not drink while walking (you can rinse your mouth or suck on a sour candy). On small halts, only a few sips are taken. It is not recommended to drink a lot of water at a big halt at once, but after active rest , before continuing along the route, you can get drunk properly. It is unwise to quench your thirst with cold water or snow on a hike.
To eliminate the feeling of dry mouth, it is good to suck on a sour candy, mint candy or take an ascorbic acid tablet with glucose while driving or during short rests. They eliminate the feeling of thirst, improve well-being and increase efficiency.
Tourists have the opportunity to hike supplement food various gifts of nature. It is not difficult to show a little imagination in summer conditions, make a little effort and serve a dish with a special “zest” to your comrades on the campaign. Fragrant herbs and mushrooms, berries and nuts grow in every copse, in every clearing. You can catch fish in the ponds. In the villages along the way, you can always buy fresh vegetables and herbs. And the very process of picking berries and mushrooms, catching fish make the trip especially exciting.
Try adding a few mint leaves or sprigs of flowering St. John's wort to a regular serving of tea brewing. You can combine both - the drink will turn out fragrant, invigorating and refreshing.
Good tea with strawberry and currant leaves.
Careful consideration should be given to the choice of the volume of dishes for cooking, taking into account the fact that for each person you need to prepare 0.5 liters of the second course, 0.7 liters of the first and 1 liter of tea.

Products for a two-three-day hike must be properly packaged to protect them from damage and loss. Basically, waterproof packaging is used for this.
For cooking at the fire, stainless steel pots with riveted ears with lids, pots or cauldrons are used. For boiling milk, water (tea), cooking jelly, compote, it is better to have a large can or a separate bucket. You need a small frying pan to fry onions. To this must be added two large pouring spoons (ladles).

Camp food is a kind of spartan version of city food. The main criterion here is weight. And if we take into account that, on average, on a hike, 600 grams of food is taken per person for each day, then in the first days of a 10-day hike, in addition to equipment, he will have to carry about 6 kg of food.

Therefore, when compiling the list, preference is given to the most light and compact products: cereals, nuts, energy bars, as well as dried / freeze-dried vegetables and fruits. Dried vegetables and fruits are easy to cook at home, in a conventional oven or in an electric dryer. After drying, their weight decreases by 10-50! times and recovers well when cooked. If you don’t feel like cooking yourself, then you can purchase ready-made freeze-dried dishes and ingredients at any of a dozen freeze-dried companies, such as Gala Gala.

Basic products for the trip

  • cereals in grains (buckwheat, rice, lentils, barley groats);
  • cereals in flakes (hercules, corn);
  • stew in vacuum bags;
  • biscuits or crackers;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

The most complete list of products

  • dry spices (hops-suneli, Provence herbs, etc.);
  • vegetable oil;
  • hard cheese;
  • smoked sausages;
  • coffee / cocoa;
  • powdered milk;
  • egg powder;
  • mayonnaise;
  • condensed milk in bags;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • chocolate and energy bars (snickers, mars, twix, etc.);
  • halva and gozinaki;
  • lollipops;
  • sweet cookies;
  • lemon;
  • garlic;
  • dried fruits (dates, prunes, dried bananas and apples, dried apricots, raisins);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds);
  • candied fruit;
  • ketchup in bags;
  • lard, sujuk, basturma;
  • pasta (someone takes, someone does not);
  • doshirak (handy in a small group);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • sublimated products.

"Never skip a meal, even if you are dead tired - this is an axiom on a hike."

What food should not be taken on a hike

  • do not take heavy and low-calorie foods containing a lot of liquid to the track;
  • perishable products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (of course, there are exceptions);
  • juices;
  • food in heavy containers or in glass.

Water and camping drinks

Be sure to bring your own plastic container with you. An ideal individual water container is a 1.5 plastic bottle. It is convenient to replenish it in rivers and springs.
In the camp, black tea is mainly prepared, which can be diversified by adding young cedar cones, rose hips, etc. Coffee and cocoa are prepared less often, besides, cocoa is a drink that is difficult to get drunk.

Classic breakfast, lunch and dinner on the trek

The classic writing technique is quite modest and looks like this for a large group.

  • Breakfast. Cereal or cereal porridge with raisins, biscuits with cheese or sausage, tea / coffee / cocoa.
  • Snack lunch. Cheese or sausage biscuits, dried fruits and nuts, energy bars.
  • Lunch at the camp. Soup + biscuits with something, tea.
  • Dinner. Cereal porridge with stew, biscuits with cheese or sausage, tea.

Of course, for a small group, the menu can be varied. For a large one for 15-20 people - quite difficult. In a small group, for quick breakfast and dinner, it is convenient to use packaged cereals (such as "Uvelka"), which are enough to pour boiling water over.

What is better to take for a daily snack

For a one-day trip, it’s not difficult to create a “delicious” menu for a snack. For a multi-day hike, it is quite monotonous and differs only in chocolate bars.

  • biscuits with hard cheese or raw smoked sausage;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • candied fruit;
  • energy bars (mars, snickers, bounty, twix, etc.).

Calculation of products per person. Tourist layout

Layout - a food set for one of the meals for the whole group. Knowing the route, the size of the group, the duration of daily transitions and rest days, you can decide on a set of products in the layouts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The packaging of each layout indicates the day and type of meal. This achieves a balanced menu for the entire trip.

How much food to take

Depends on the difficulty of the hike. An average of 500 to 800 grams of uncooked (dry) foods per person per day.

Layout example

Approximate weight of products for layout.

After the menu for the days has already been compiled, multiply the weight of the products for each meal by the number of hikers.

Kashi is the most important meal in the campaign.

Products Weight in grams
(per adult tourist, per meal)
cereals 80-100
Hercules and other flakes 60-80
Mashed potatoes 60-80
hard cheese 30-40
Salo/basturma 20-40
Smoked sausage 30-40
Stew 50-60
dried meat 20-25
Powdered milk 20-30
Candied fruit 20-30
nuts 15-30
Dried fruits 40-50
Chocolate bars 50-60
Biscuits / croutons 40-50
Pasta 90-110
Manka 50-60
Garlic 5-10
Lemon 5
Products Weight in grams
(per tourist per day)
Salt 5-7
Sugar 20-30
Tea 8-10
Spices 5-10

When drawing up the layout, take into account the possible allergic intolerance of some products by the participants of the campaign and the presence of vegetarians.

What to consider in the layout for children

  • take care of mandatory hot lunches;
  • add additional vitamins and proteins to the menu;
  • portions in the layout for preschoolers can be safely halved, except for sweets.

The video shows an example of a tourist layout. It tells about cereals and freeze-dried products.

Sublimated products in Russia are produced by more than a dozen companies.

During sublimation, most of the moisture is removed by vacuum, but all tastes, color, minerals and trace elements are preserved. The weight of the products is reduced by 5-10 times. Then everything is packaged in vacuum bags.

The range of products and ready meals is quite wide, up to freeze-dried pickles, sour cream, shrimp and scrambled eggs.

What is the best way to store and pack food while camping?

Usually everything is packaged and packed in plastic bags, preferably two or three. Someone prefers to pack in airtight plastic containers. It is better to pour liquid products from the factory packaging into soda bottles.

In the camp for the preservation of food from animals, at night it is better to put it in strong plastic containers or hang it in a backpack on a tree. In no case should food be left overnight near or in a tent, in places where bears are found.

"Proper" food on the track. What is "fast" and "slow sugar"

Our bodies need a lot of energy while hiking. The main help here is provided by carbohydrates contained in all products, but playing a different role. As soon as we eat something, “fast” or “slow sugar” immediately begins to flow into the blood. "Fast sugar" gives an instant burst of energy, and "slow" comes gradually, over several hours and steadily maintains our energy level.

  • Fast sugars include many sweets, foods high in starch, cookies, and sweet fruits.
  • Slow sugars include many cereals and cereals, pasta, non-starchy vegetables, mushrooms, and unsweetened fruits.

Boiled or baked vegetables have a higher glycemic index, meaning they contain more sugar than fresh vegetables.

When choosing food for a hike, focus on cereals, in particular, buckwheat - this is an ideal source of energy and trace elements. And the monotony of cereals is perfectly brightened up by spices and fire smoke.

Ogarysheva Mrgarita Vadimovna.
Italics are my thoughts based on personal experience.

The role of "caretaker" in a sports campaign.

In a tourist group, as a rule, eating becomes the main source of positive emotions. Therefore, despite the quantity and quality of the food, the group must be sure that the food is plentiful and tasty. Ideally, this should be the case, but there are some factors that affect the quantity and quality of products taken on the route. Namely:

  • The weight of the backpack should be real, and there should be a lot of food.
  • Products should not wrinkle, freeze, deteriorate from heat, crumble, leak, etc., but at the same time everything should be tasty.
  • The art of the supply manager is to choose such a set of products so that there is a lot of tasty, high-calorie food with minimal weight and volume.

Energy value of food.

The main requirement for nutrition is the presence of the necessary energy reserve in it. Energy consumption (EC) in the campaign: to maintain life 1 kcal per hour per 1 kg of weight. On average, 2200 - 2700 kcal per day is required. At work, needs change.

In skiing and mountain trips, EE is 3.5 - 5 thousand kcal per day, water - 3 thousand kcal, in difficult high-altitude hikes 5 - 6 thousand kcal, on assault days up to 8 thousand kcal. A trained person spends less energy. If you completely cover the EZ, the backpack will be unbearable. It is possible to carry away 600 - 850 grams per person per day of dry weight of products, this weight can contain no more than 2.4 - 3.5 thousand kcal. (for 10 days, 6-8 kg of food per person is obtained). The rest is replenished by body fat (60-70 thousand kcal, 15-20% of body weight). Safe maximum trip duration is 30-35 days. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (B, G, U) are the main components of food. During the oxidation of 1 g of proteins, 4.3 kcal is released, carbohydrates - 4.2, F - 9.5 kcal. These figures are for pure substances. The energy value of specific products due to ballast substances and water is lower. It must be indicated on the product packaging without fail.

The chemical composition of food.

In second place is the requirement for the qualitative composition of food. A complete diet should include five classes of nutrients: 1) carbohydrates; 2) fats; 3) proteins; 4) vitamins; 5) inorganic substances and trace elements.

Carbohydrates are the most common nutrients: as a result of their oxidation in the body, the bulk of the energy (up to 70%) is formed. Unlike fats, they are more easily absorbed, more easily enter into energy processes and require 7% less oxygen in terms of the equivalent amount of released energy for “burning”. They also serve as precursors in the biosynthesis of many cell components.

Fats as well as carbohydrates play the role of one of the main sources of energy. However, the energy value of fats is more than twice that of proteins and carbohydrates. In terms of energy value, 25 g of fat correspond to 175 g of meat, 330 g of milk, 100 g of bread, 220 g of potatoes. The presence of a complete composition of fats is very important for the normal course of many metabolic processes, primarily the synthesis of cholesterol and other steroids, the normal level of which is absolutely necessary for adaptation to intense physical activity, hypoxia and other extreme factors. A number of dietary fats contain essential substances (which are not synthesized in the body). These are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs - the daily requirement for people with intensive activity is 3-6 g / day), phosphatides (10 g / day), cholesterol (1 g / day), tocopherols, etc. There is no natural dietary fat, which would contain all the essential lipids. The biological value of the fatty part can only be ensured by an appropriate mixture of fats. In conditions of intense activity, especially in cold weather, fats should provide 38 - 40% of the total energy value of the diet. Ideally, it should include 25-30 g of unheated (!) Unrefined (!) sunflower oil, 30-35 g of butter (unmelted), 5-10 g of ocean fish fats. Of the fish oils, cod liver oil, known as official (pharmaceutical) fish oil, has the greatest value. The rest of the need is covered by animal (pork, mutton, beef, chicken) fat, margarine, etc.

Squirrels perform three main functions: firstly, they serve as a source of essential and non-essential amino acids, which serve as building blocks for protein synthesis, secondly, they serve as precursors for hormones and many other biomolecules, thirdly, the oxidation of the carbon skeleton of amino acids contributes, although a small but important contribution is necessary for metabolism (contains amino acids), difficult to digest, but necessary for adaptation to altitude.

vitamins are indispensable components of enzymes - large biomolecules involved in metabolism.

Inorganic substances and trace elements perform various functions: they are used as structural components of bones and teeth, as electrolytes in maintaining the water-salt balance of blood and tissues, and also as prosthetic groups of enzymes.

The daily need for the last two groups of substances is small in terms of weight, however, their deficiency can significantly affect performance. The necessary daily intake of them with food depends significantly on age, sex, nature and intensity of activity.

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a person needs minerals and vitamins for good nutrition. Some of them are found in food products, but due to the very high need for these groups of compounds and insufficient diet, it is necessary to supplement their intake with the intake of special preparations - a complex of vitamins and salts (oligovit, vitrum-centrum, gerimaks).

It is not bad to take rehydron, ascorbic acid on a hike. In cases where you have to melt water from snow or ice, with the help of these preparations, the absence of salts in the melt water is replenished. A small amount of powder can be thrown into the cauldron when cooking. Moreover, if you add a little rehydron to tea from melt water, it will be tastier and brew better.

Protein:Fat:Carbohydrate ratio. In everyday life, hiking and water trips in summer - 1: 1: 4, in winter - 1: 2: 3, in difficult winter trips - 1: 3: 4, in the mountains at a height (Caucasus) - 1: 0.7: 4 , at altitude in a hot climate (Central Asia) - 1:0.7:5. The more load, the higher the mountains, the hotter - the more carbohydrates. On days, when it gets cold - more fat.

Product requirements:

  1. Lightness and calorie content: it is better to take sublimates, they have more calories per 100 gr. weight.
  2. Cooking speed: dishes that are easy to prepare, at a height it is better to use dishes that do not require long cooking (special instant cereals, mashed potatoes), because. in the mountains, the boiling point is below 100ºС. In winter, in a treeless zone, so as not to spend a lot of gas on cooking.
  3. Transportability: do not take too fragile and taking up a lot of space. Must be stored for a long time (ghee, durum cheese, smoked sausage), withstand frost and heat.


  1. Breakfast. Should be 30% of calories from the daily diet. It provides efficiency in the first half of the day, food should be easily and quickly digested, because. the most difficult sections of the route are passed in the morning. For breakfast, especially on relaxed days, you can cook milk porridges, not meat ones, because. it takes a lot of time (3-4 hours) and energy to digest proteins contained in meat, while simple carbohydrates contained in sugar provide energy in 10-15 minutes, and complex carbohydrates contained in cereals provide energy gradually over 2-3 hours. Available with easily digestible vegetable protein (soy milk powder, mixed with milk powder). Definitely hot drinks.

    From my own experience I can say that people are not enthusiastic about milk porridge. Some even experience indigestion. Semolina porridge is absolutely useless, it is better not to take it at all. Mashed potatoes go well in the mornings in the mountains, and you need to add oil and soy or dried meat to it to increase the calorie content. In multi-day ski trips, it is better not to cook milk porridge in the morning. Normally go for breakfast cereals and pasta with dried meat or soy. When spending the night in a hut, it is convenient to prepare breakfast in the evening; especially for such cases, you can take barley, peas, and buckwheat. In the morning it remains only to warm up, and breakfast is ready. In the morning, tea is usually served with biscuits.

  2. Pocket food. 10% of the daily diet. With an intense load, breakfast is digested in 1.5 - 2 hours, pocket food helps to maintain performance until lunch. It should be rich in carbohydrates. Dried apricots (important for heart function), nuts, chocolate.

    Of the nuts, in terms of price & quality, I chose hazelnuts. It is convenient to share it, does not break, does not bother, the daily norm is 10-12 nuts. For one or two days, you can take walnuts or almonds.

    Dried apricots. There are two types of sugar and honey. It is better to take both of them 3-5 pieces a day. Prunes go well, you can take 1-3 things for three five days.

    Be sure to 3-5 caramels or lollipops or toffee per day.

  3. Dinner. thirty%. High-calorie food that can be prepared quickly. Meat soup and add halva, sherbet, bacon, sausage, pate to it. This combination will allow you to quickly restore strength due to carbohydrates and not feel hungry until dinner due to proteins and fats.

    It is possible to provide for the possibility of dividing lunch into two meals for more even nutrition and for tactical purposes: one - soup and tea, the other - an additional, high-calorie snack. Two meals during the day are convenient if there is a long daylight hours (Polar Subpolar Urals spring and summer), thus you can lengthen the running time. In other cases, it makes no sense to spend daylight hours on food. In winter, the day is already short, and in the mountains, twilight is short and it gets dark early.

    I tried to cook milk porridge on ski trips for lunch, there were no obvious opponents in the group, the rest were crushed by authority. In principle, the idea is not bad. In the morning, pasta or porridge with meat, lunch - milk porridge from cereals (rice, buckwheat, wheat, rye). Dinner - soup with soy or meat. On busy days in the treeless zone, lunch is replaced by a snack with tea from a thermos. For dinner, sherbet or halva and bacon are necessarily issued. Sausage is also added to the snack. You need to eat milk porridge, because there is protein, and there is very little protein food on the hike, mostly fat and carbohydrates, especially in winter.

    After a large amount of food eaten at lunch, it’s hard to go, and you want to eat a lot of soup, as the loss of salt and water is restored during the day, so soup at lunch is better to eat in the mountains below, when the days are not busy, in the valleys. And on a ski trip, replace lunches with light dairy or cubed cereal cereals.

    In the mountains, we tried a hot mug of Maggi, or similar, as a lunch. One cauldron of water is boiled, the broth or puree is diluted in portions in bowls, and hot and tea are obtained from one cauldron.

    Snack - sausage, lard, sherbet or halva, crackers, cheese (tea, broth if possible).

    Lunch - hot (soup, porridge), bacon, sherbet or halva, crackers, tea.

  4. Dinner. 30% Food rich in proteins and carbohydrates: meat porridge, soups, cookies and gingerbread for tea.

    Soups are better, if there was soup for lunch, then the second, porridge, pasta with meat or soy.

The main parameters used to compose the layout.

  1. According to the weight of products per person per day, the layouts are divided into: extremely light (less than 580 g), light (580 - 660 g), lightweight (660 - 740 g), normal (740 - 820 g), heavy (more than 820 g). This is from a book.
    Personal experience shows that for mountain trips (lasting no more than 14-16 days) 400-500g per day is enough, for ski trips, especially serious ones for more than 14 walking days, 600-700g is needed.
    The average figure for compiling the layout is 600 g of dry foods per person per day. If you take less than 500g it will be hungry, if you take more than 800 it is hard to carry.
  2. The menu is calculated in accordance with the developed schedule of the group's movement along the route. Coordinated with the leader. Possibility to leave a drop on the route, if there are ring sections. Radial exits during one day, when you can get by with a snack and tea from a thermos, or water from a mountain river. You can also foresee various options for lunch. Hot lunch (soup, tea). Hot snack (broth, tea). Snack (even tea is not boiled).
  3. The first 4 - 6 days. The body spends a lot of energy on acclimatization and the stomach digests worse, which leads to self-poisoning of the body. A defensive reaction is a decrease in appetite. You need to eat less, and the body will make up for the lack of energy due to body fat - they do not need to be digested. In the first 2 - 3 days of the trip - no more than 2000 - 2300 kcal per day. Gradually increase by 5-6 days to 2300 - 2600 kcal.
    You can go the other way. The products are counted the same for every day, and in the early days, pour a handful of cereals into a stash, in order to add to soups or porridge in the last days.
  4. The main part of the route. On assault days, when the EZ is high, there is little energy left for digesting food. Storm days - 2600 kcal, easily digestible carbohydrates. Post-storm days and days - up to 2900 kcal, high-calorie, fatty and protein meals.
  5. Exit from the area. The load drops, the height decreases, the resources of the body are depleted, severe hunger. 2700 - 3000 kcal per day.
    It is erroneous and even dangerous to think that at the exit from the route you can go hungry. When the main route is over, tension subsides, euphoria from success manifests itself, lack of food leads to a weakening of the body, which can contribute to inattention and injury to participants.
  6. Pocket food. To reduce the overall weight, it is recommended to use only on the main part of the route on assault days. If weight allows, then at the exit from the area.
    As experience shows, this is not such a big weight to save on it. In some cases, it is pocket food that saves in these relaxed days. Since by the end of the hike the appetite of the participants is very good, the body is acclimatized, both in the mountains and in winter hikes.
  7. Compilation of meals. Dishes are compiled depending on the set of commercially available products of the required calorie content and price, taking into account the tastes of the participants, the norms of products in the composition of the dishes are determined according to table 1. The norms are given at the rate of 600 - 800 gr. per person per day. To compose a dish, you need to know what products to cook it from; determine the category in the table to which the dish is more suitable; select the norms of the desired products from the column of this category. Changing the norms of products in the indicated intervals makes it possible to obtain dishes of various caloric content, with a different ratio of B:L:U in accordance with the day of the journey, tension, climate.
  8. Table 2 shows the norms of products for summer and winter trips, they differ slightly. These tables are not a mandatory guide to action, minor changes are possible in the direction of increasing or decreasing the norms, depending on the duration, complexity and desire of the participants.
  9. Food should be varied. Monotony causes disgust for food and reduces digestibility. Take more sauces, garlic, seasonings. Each participant takes 1 - 2 tasty "stash".
    We call it a surprise, the amount is agreed before the trip. Surprise can be sweet, salty or strong, as you wish. A surprise usually happens at dinner (but not necessarily). Participants are warned about surprises in advance, sometimes even the weight of the surprise is specified.
  10. Calculation of calories, weight and ratio B:W:U. The need for accurate calculation increases with increasing f.s. hike, its length. When calculating, use the data in Table 4.
    In practice, several times I tried to calculate the calorie content of the layout. All the same, quite approximate figures are obtained. When laying out 600-700 g with the recommended set of products, 2500-3500 kcal per day is obtained.
  11. Product weight. Each caretaker decides for himself how much food per person per day will be optimal. It must be remembered that the less the weight of the products is planned, the greater their cost will be if the normal requirements for caloric content and nutritional value are met (that is, it is necessary to use expensive sublimates and high-calorie products). Food norms in grams per person per meal (Tables 2 and 3) may change during the trip depending on the required calorie content.
    Usually the weight of the products is agreed with the manager. If there are ring sections on the route, you can pamper the group with stew and other goodies (pancakes), without carrying these heavy and low-calorie foods on yourself, but leaving them abandoned. If you are planning extreme layouts (400g or 850g), then it is better to coordinate this with the participants of the event.

Product packaging.

In difficult hikes, packing is required (for one brew). Everything that can get wet or crumble is sealed in polyethylene ("Lightning"). Sealed plastic bags should be small, with min. air (swell and burst at height), you can pierce with a needle and release the air, but it is better to use vacuum packaging. P / e should be tight. You can seal products that are poured at the same time into one bag (sugar and milk into porridge, etc.).

In practice, the most convenient packaging for bulk products is a plastic bag and a fabric bag on top is better made of nylon. If the trip is not long and the volume of backpacks is not large, then you can use plastic bottles. I would not recommend mixing porridge immediately with milk, because in this case it will have to be boiled with milk, but in fact there are options.

Liquid products (butter, ketchup) and products with irregular low consumption (salt, pepper, spices) - in plastic bottles. Cheese, sausage, lard, onion, garlic - in cotton bags. Cheese and sausage can be wrapped in cling film or tracing paper, and then in a cloth bag. Rusks in bags (thin capron) for one day. Ideal packaging for crackers and biscuits - milk juice bags, tetrapack. Bulk products of small consumption (sugar, milk powder, etc.), especially in small groups, can also be packed in plastic bottles.

Product packaging.

In bags for meals. You can have dinner and the next breakfast in one bag (it is convenient to give out to those on duty). In the duty bag - salt, oil, seasonings. A piece of paper is placed in the bag (or written on the bag) with the number of the day, the composition of the dishes and the total weight of the bag. Material for bags: light, transparent (you can see what is lying), quick-drying, durable (thin nylon, mesh).

Dish bag.

A ladle, a knife, a cutting board, a sponge and some dishwashing powder are placed in it.
Usually all this is stored in boilers. It is better to keep the knife and the board closer, because the boilers do not always get when eating (a snack or treated someone to something)


Preliminary dilution in water of milk powder with sugar, jelly. Soaking overnight cereals, freeze-dried meat. The use of autoclaves at height.
It is enough to throw meat and soybeans into warm water during cooking to swell faster. It makes sense to take an autoclave or a pressure cooker with you if the main part of the trip is planned in a treeless zone, because. this way you can significantly speed up the cooking process. If you plan to cook on a fire, then you also have to take a set of boilers, and this is weight.

Meals after the trip.

Eating out in the markets, don't overdo it. Attention! After a hike (as well as during it), be very careful about eating fruits and vegetables. The stomach gets used to sterile camping food and very strong disorders are possible.
This is especially true for the regions of Central Asia.

Drying technologies.

Cabbage, carrots, onions, beets are finely chopped and laid out on a flat, clean surface, put in a warm, dry place, preferably in the sun. Drying time from 1 day to a week depending on conditions.

  1. Cut into small cubes (about 1.5 - 2 cm), the smaller - the better and faster drying. Dry in the oven on low heat.
    From one 2 loaf, 3 liter packets of crackers are obtained. One bag is enough for 1 meal for 8-10 people. This is approximately 350 g.
  2. Cut into large slices about 1 cm thick and dried in a waffle iron under a pressure of 10 - 20 kg. The pressure time, its magnitude, the drying temperature are selected experimentally: the resulting cracker should not be very hard.

The potatoes are cut into small pieces. Throw in boiling water for 3-4 minutes and take out. Dry in the oven over low heat with a slightly ajar lid to release steam, stirring occasionally. You can do without an oven and dry on a radiator after blanching, and best of all on a metal mesh or sieve.

There are three ways to dry meat.

  1. The meat is first boiled in very salty water for 40 minutes, cut into medium pieces. Then they scroll in a meat grinder and dry in an oven over low heat with a slightly ajar lid to release steam, stirring occasionally. Then placed in a rag bag to dry.
  2. You can dry the minced meat in the oven on a baking sheet, stirring occasionally, over low heat, but it is important: salt the meat, when all the liquid boils away, it turns out juicier, you can add spices. From a kilogram of minced meat, 300-400g of dry meat is obtained. For a group of 8-10 people, this is for three meals. Minced meat should not be frozen. For mountains and summer hikes, it is better to take beef, because. there is less fat. For winter hiking, you can add pork.
  3. In the third variant, dried meat is “poured” with melted fat, portioned pieces are formed and packed in polyethylene. Very good for winter. This option has more fat and more calories.

In addition, ready-made freeze-dried meat is sold in Moscow. It's expensive, but delicious. Tried chicken, pork and beef. You can search online stores.

High-calorie, easily digestible mixture, the so-called "putty":

Honey, walnuts, dried apricots, prunes, lemon, sugar.
A small amount of sugar syrup is boiled so that the mixture does not burn, honey is added, then finely chopped dried fruits and nuts, everything is heated with continuous stirring. It is better to pack in a plastic bottle with a wide neck. Served on difficult days with tea in a tablespoon.

Lyrical digression about soy. The argument about which is better soy or meat is absolutely absurd, better than both. Soy is a vegetable protein. And there are few proteins in the layout, do not believe it, count it. Therefore, it is good to take soy in the soup, and not meat. And yes, it melts better.

Another lyrical digression.

The dependence of the layout on the time and place of the campaign.

The layout for different hikes (winter, summer, mountains, water, difficult and uncomplicated) is different.

Winter: More fat up to 50g per person per day. When you eat it, it doesn’t matter, it goes both in the morning and in the evening, more ghee up to 20g per person per day. You can add it to porridge and soup. Cheese will have to be taken only dried for pasta. The problem is with onions and garlic, they will freeze and be tasteless. Weight can be up to 750 g per day, again, if the hike is not difficult (14-16 days), and you do not need to take equipment for the mountains. Otherwise, you simply will not take it all away. Or come up with options for throwing. If possible, prepare hot meals if there is forest and water.
You can think about milk porridge for lunch.

Summer, mountains: More cheese up to 30 g per person per day. At altitude, cheese is digested better than lard, there is protein, a lot of calories, delicious. Better eat at lunch. Onions, garlic, lemons will feel great, they will not freeze. Be sure to include them in the layout.

Water summer trips: If there is no walking part and the hike is no more than 14 days, then you can turn around in full. I even bring vegetables for salads with me. Fresh cabbage, cucumbers, bell peppers behave perfectly, it is enough to ventilate the bags so that they do not get moldy. The weight of vegetables per day is 100g per person. Salad can be prepared for dinner. In the morning porridge, in the afternoon salad soup, in the evening mashed potatoes, porridge, or soup. Food weight up to 1 kg per day.

Chocolate is always eaten at the pass or at the top. It's such a tradition.

Lyrical digression about the spare day.

Days for the weather lays the head and informs the supply manager about it. A spare day is better to take even more. You can take it incomplete. Snack lighter (by weight) pocket food (will go away anyway) 1-2 brews.

An example of the layout of products for a trip.

Table 1.
Layout for 8 people for a 16-day hike.
Daily consumption products:

sugar 80 g;

crackers 70 g;

Per person per day: 168 g.


buckwheat 2 times 70 g;

rice 2 times 70 g;

hercules 3 times 60 g;

semolina 2 times 50 g;

horns 2 times 70 g;

millet 2 times 70 g;

mashed potatoes 3 times 60 g;

cheese in horns 2 times 30 g;

melted butter 16 times 10 g;

milk in porridge 14 times 30 g;

sweets 16 times 30 g.;

raisins in semolina and rice 4 times 15 g;

sausage 8 times 45 g;

cheese 8 times 45 g;

Per person per day: 183 g.


soups in packs 16 times 45 g.

sweets 16 times 30 g.;

Per person per day: 75 g.

Snacks for lunch:

sausage 5 times 45 g;

fat 5 times 45 g;

fish 6 times 65 g;

Per person per day: 53 g.


buckwheat 5 times 90 g;

rice 4 times 90;

horns 4 times 90 g;

mashed potatoes 3 times 65 g;

sweets 16 times 30 g.;

sublime meat. 16 times 20;

Per person per day: 130 g.

For the entire route:

dried apricots 3000;

lemons in sugar 2800g;

garlic 500g;

spices, seasonings 240g;

ketchup 1000g;

chocolate 1200g.;

nuts with honey 1000g.;

Per person per day: 60 g.

Total per person per day 670 gr

Average calorie content per person per day - 2600 kcal

This layout option is not very successful from my point of view. First of all, there are a lot of milk porridges. Secondly, semolina and oatmeal can be replaced with other more useful cereals, namely flakes "cereal mix", wheat, rye, millet. Now there are even rice and buckwheat flakes on sale. They almost do not differ in taste from cereals, but they cook much faster (5 minutes). It is better to take cheese instead of fish for dinner. Another option is cod liver. Lots of calories and amazing taste. Here are my layout options:

Table 2.
Daily consumption products
Product name Food norms in grams Packing notes
Summer Winter
tea 10 10 In packages piece + 50-100 g scattering
salt 10 10 In a plastic bottle
sugar 70 80 1 kg sand, the rest is lumpy
crackers 80 80 in liter juice bags
Meat + soy per day (per 2 r) 30 30 in sachets
Mayonnaise 10 10 one pack per day ~100g
nuts 15 15 Together with dried apricots for every day
Dried apricots 15 15
Candies 30 30 on every day
Cookie 30 30 for every day in tetrapack
Salo 20 50
Ghee butter 10 20 in plastic boxes
If the stew 60 60
Total: 330 380
Buckwheat or other cereal 70 70 pack into brews
Rice 70 70
Flakes (various) with milk 50 50
Mashed potatoes 50 60
Pasta 80 80
Powdered milk 15 15 pack 200 g for 2 times
dried fruits in milk porridge 10 10 pack into brews
Total: 80 80
soup in bags 30 30
If a snack, sausage 30 30 Form snacks
If the mountains have a snack, a mug of Maggi is hot 15 15 Form hot snacks
Cheese 20 20 Form dinners
Total: 50 50
Buckwheat or other cereal 70 70 pack into brews
Rice 70 70
Flakes (various) with milk 50 50
Mashed potatoes (powder) 50 50
Pasta 80 80
Or soup in bags 30 30
Something to thicken the soup 10 10 Dry potatoes, cereals
Total: 80 80
Miscellaneous for the entire route (weight taken for 10 people for 10 days)
Lemons in sugar 1000 500 in plastic bottles
Onion garlic 1500 500 protect from frost
Pepper mustard dill parsley 300 300 Store in cauldrons
Ketchup 200 200 1-2 layer pack
Soy sauce 200 -
Chocolate 500 1000
putty 500 1000 in plastic bottles
Cod liver - 500
total; 4200/10/10=42 4000/10/10=40
Total: 330+80+80+50+42=572 380+80+80+50+40=630
Table 3
Norms of consumption of products in the composition of dishes.

N p / p

Categories of dishes
The product's name

Weight 1 piece
The norm is one meal per person in grams.
Note: if there is data for this product in the column "Weight 1 piece", then its rate is given in pieces.
Soup, borscht Porridge, pilaf Tea, ruffles Cocoa, compote Snack, dry lunch mixture Fritters pocket food Kissel
1. Peanut 5 20-40
2. bouillon cube 10 0,25 0,25
3. Buckwheat 20-30 70-80
4. Raisin 15 5 5 10-15
5. cocoa powder 5-7 1-2
6. dried cabbage 20
7. dried potatoes 20-30
8. Mashed potatoes 60-65
9. Kissel 60
10. Sausage 40-50
11. Candy bars. 15 2 - 3
12. candy toffee 7 2 - 3
13. candy caramel 6 2 - 3
14. candy lollipops 7 2 - 3
15. Chocolate candies 15 1 - 2
16. Corn grits 70-80
17. Dried apricots 15-25
18. fresh onion 9-10 9-10
19. dried onion 2 3
20. Pasta 30-40 75-90
21. Manka 50-60
22. Sunflower oil 5 10-15
23. Butter 10-15
24. Ghee butter 10-20
25. Powdered milk 20-30 15-20 20-30
26. Condensed milk 20 15-25
27. Dried carrots 5 10
28. Wheat flour 90
29. Sublime meat. 15 20-30
30. Oatmeal 60-70
31. walnuts 10
32. meat pate 60-80
33. cookie cracker 20-25
34. oatmeal cookies 17 2
35. sugar cookies 12 2 25-35
36. Gingerbread 50 0,5
37. Millet 40 70-80
38. Rice 20-30 70-80
39. Canned fish 40-60 60-80
40. pork fat 15 25 40-50
41. Sugar 20-25 20-25 25 20 15
42. Dried beets 5
43. Soy meat 15-20
44. Soup in bags 30-45
45. crackers 15-20 15-20 15-30
46. Dried fruits 15-20 30
47. Drying 20 1 1-2
48. Cheese 30-40 30-40 40-50
49. tomato paste 10 10
50. Dates 10
51. Halva 30-40
52. Tea 3-4
53. Prunes 10-15
54. Garlic 12 16
55. Chocolate 25-30
56. Egg powder 10
57. Barley grits 70-80
Table 4
Chemical composition, calorie content and shrinkage of products.
N p / p The product's name Calorie. (kcal) Proteins (gr.) Fats (gr.) Carbohydrate (gr.) Shrinkage (wet/dry)
1. Peanut 600 15 60 10
2. bouillon cube 282 11,4 15 25,4
3. Buckwheat 330 13 2 68
4. Raisin 260 2,5 0 61
5. cocoa powder 370 26,1 11 30,1
6. dried cabbage 244 13,5 0 47,6 11,3
7. dried potatoes 315 6,1 0 72,3 3,5
8. Kissel 368,4 0,1 0 92
9. Sausage 431 20 37 0
10. candy bars 450 4 10 70
11. candy toffee 385 3,9 9 72,2
12. candy caramel 330 0,5 10 80
13. candy lollipops 376 0 0 92
14. Chocolate candies 520 7,2 29,6 58,2
15. Coffee with milk 116 3,5 3,6 19,6
16. Corn grits 340 8,4 4,3 64,9
17. Dried apricots 275 3,2 0 68,6
18. Onion 44 2 0 8,9
19. dried onion 264 16 0 47,8 8,9
20. Pasta 336 9,3 0,8 70,9
21. Manka 320 11 0 73
22. Sunflower oil 882 0 94,9 0
23. Butter 734 0,4 78,5 0,5
24. Ghee butter 869 0 93,5 0
25. Honey 365 0,3 0 77,2
26. Condensed milk 335 7 9 55
27. soy milk 383 40 20 80
28. Powdered milk 350 38 1 50
29. Dried carrots 270 13 0 54,6 8,7
30. Wheat flour 315 8,3 1,4 65,5
31. Dried meat 565 60 36 0 6,4
32. Oatmeal 345 12 6 65
33. walnuts 621 13,6 56 11,7
34. meat pate 305 11 31 3
35. cookie cracker 442 5,6 14,7 76,6
36. oatmeal cookies 442 5,6 14,7 76,6
37. sugar cookies 460 7,4 18,7 65,4
38. Gingerbread 334 8,9 0 72,5
39. Millet 348 11,5 3,3 64,8
40. Rice 350 8 0 78
41. Canned fish 281 17,2 22,6 0
42. pork fat 841 1,6 82,1 0
43. Sugar 400 0 0 99,8
44. Dried beets 248 7,4 0 54,3 7,9
45. Soy meat 400 0 0 0
46. soy drink 424 19 7,5 70
47. Soy sauce 10 8,75 0 0,59
48. Soup in bags 307 8,6 4,9 56,3
49. Wheat crackers 370 10 2 75 1,55
50. Rusks rye 306 7,7 1,3 64,1 1,52
51. Dried fruits 235 2 1 65
52. Drying 272 8,6 0,5 10
53. Cheese 360 25 30 0
54. tomato paste 110 3,5 0 15
55. Stew (beef) 236 12 22 0,4
56. Pork stew 315 13,4 27,8 0,3
57. Dates 260 3 0 62
58. Halva 508 14 29,4 43,4
59. wheat bread 268 5,8 0,5 56,1
60. Rye bread 204 5,1 1 42,5
61. Tea 3 0 0 0
62. Prunes 269 3,4 0 62
63. Garlic 115 5,4 0 21,6
64. Chocolate 548 5,1 34,1 51,3
65. Egg powder 522 49,9 34,2 0
66. Barley grits 310 6,3 1,2 66,2

Tables 1, 3 and 4 are taken from the available literature and have the right to exist. My personal experience is presented in Table 2.

Layout methods.

There are two main ways to draw up a layout.

  1. The supply manager plans the products, informs everyone what to buy, checks the packaging, forms cooking and snacks and divides the weight and volume of the products between the participants of the event in proportion. Each time tells who cooks what.

    Advantages - if the group is large, more than 6 people, not very similar, not quite equal in strength and experience, then it is convenient to adjust the weight of the backpacks in proportion to their abilities.

    Disadvantages - a large responsibility on one person (supply manager), you have to recalculate the weight of backpacks several times during a trip, make sure that their weight evenly decreases. Keep track of attendants. Prepare food before the trip (packaging, shopping).

  2. The supply manager distributes duties and products for the day, and each participant buys, dries and packs all the products for himself.

    Advantages - if the group is small 4-6 people, the weight of products for 1 day is 2 - 4 kg. Everyone carries, those products that he packed, knows what to cook. No need to watch the weight of backpacks.

    Disadvantages - if the group is inexperienced, the participants do not know what and in what quantities to take, overlays with cereals, soups, etc. are possible. If the physical training in the group is very different, it is difficult to adjust the weight of the backpacks. It is difficult to carry groceries to participants who are last on the duty list. It is inconvenient to buy and package 50 g of melted butter for one cooking, etc.

Conclusion: The truth seems to lie somewhere in the middle.

The caretaker writes the layout, plans all meals. And then there is a part of the products that cook everything: dry meat, dry crackers, sweets, cookies, sugar. And the rest of the products are better prepared by the supply manager. Arrange pocket food (nuts, dried fruits) in bags. Prepare breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Divide groceries into backpacks. Meat and soy can be immediately put in a separate bag in a bag with cereals or soup. Sign the bag, and mark for which method of cooking this bag, for example: (soup, firewood) or (millet, gas).

Assignments for independent work.

    Group of 10 people, duration 10 days. 2 ascents radially above the forest zone (snacks). Winter. Skis. Northern Ural region. All food is cooked in the forest on firewood. Group of 10 people, duration 10 days. Walking route. Summer. Northern Ural region. All food is cooked in the forest on firewood. Traverse of the ridge above the forest zone 1 walking day (snack). Group of 10 people, duration 10 days. 2 peaks radially (snacks) 5 passes (lunches). Mountains. Summer. 4 days on firewood. 6 days gas. Group of 10 people, duration 10 days. Winter. Skis. In the treeless zone. Gas. 3 passes. Group of 10 people, duration 10 days. Summer. Water. Without footpath. Mushrooms, berries, fish. There is a fisherman in the group.


Using all the knowledge we have gained, we can start writing layouts.

Winter hike (2 short days) 10 days 10 people, 2 climbs to the peaks above the forest zone, the rest 8 days in the forest. There is no drop, the route is linear. Arrival at the starting point early in the morning. The trip starts with breakfast on the first day and ends with dinner on the 10th day. Days for the weather and a spare are laid down in these terms.

We get: 10 breakfasts, 10 lunches (including 2 snacks and 8 hot lunches) 10 dinners.

Hike simple weight of backpacks is small, you can fit up to 700 g.

We make a menu for cooking (we take the number of products from table 2)


  1. Buckwheat 2 times 70g * 10 people = 700 g for 1 time * 2 = 2 packs of 700 grams
  2. Rice (milk) 2 times 70g * 10 people = 700g for 1 time * 2 = 2 packs of 700 grams
  3. Barley 2 times 70 g 10 \u003d 700 * 2 \u003d 2 packs of 700 grams
  4. Millet (milk) 2 times 70g * 10 people = 700g for 1 time * 2 = 2 packs of 700 grams

Received 10 breakfasts, 4 of them are dairy (Weight of cereals - 800*2+700*2+700*2+700*2+700*2=7200)

Total: 7200


  1. Snack (tea in a thermos) 2 times. Sausage with / to 30 * 10 = 300 for 1 time * 2 = 2 pieces of 300 g
  2. Soup 4 times when milk porridge in the morning. For lunch, it is better to take soups in packages that are cooked for 10-15 minutes, or faster, this is written on the package. 30 g * 10 \u003d 300 for 1 time * 4 \u003d 1200 grams.
    If the package weight is 60g, then we get: 5 packages of soup at a time, i.e. for 4 dinners 4 times 5 packages each.
  3. Cereal milk porridge or cereal porridge on bouillon cubes 4 times
  4. Rye milk flakes 2 times 50g * 10 = 500 for 1 time * 2 = 2 packs of 500 g
  5. Wheat milk flakes 2 times 50 * 10 = 500 for 1 time * 2 = 2 packs of 500 g
  6. For each lunch, including snacks, we count:
    - Fat - 50g * 10 \u003d 500 * 10 days \u003d 5000 (10 pieces of 500 g each)
    - Cookies - 30g * 10 = 300 * 10 days = 3000 (10 pieces of 300g each)
    - Sherbet or halva - 50g * 10 = 500 * 10 days = 5000 (10 pieces of 500g each)

Received 10 meals, 4 of them are dairy (Weight – 300*2+1200+500*2+500*2+5000+3000+5000=16800)

Total: 16800


  1. Soup 6 times when there was no soup at lunch.
    - Borsch 2 times 30 g * 10 = 300 for 1 time * 2 = 600 grams. 10 bags of 60 g.
    - Pickle 2 times 30 g * 10 = 300 for 1 time * 4 = 600 grams. 10 bags of 60 g.
    - Pea 2 times 30 g * 10 = 300 for 1 time * 4 = 600 grams. 10 bags of 60 g.
  2. Pasta 2 times 80g * 10 people = 800g for 1 time * 2 = 2 packs of 800 grams
  3. Buckwheat 2 times 70g * 10 people = 700g for 1 time * 2 = 2 packs of 700 grams

Received 10 dinners 6 soups, 4 - the second (600* 3+ 800* 2+700*2=4800)

Total: 4800


  1. Tea (10 * 10 * 10 = 1000g) or count in bags 30 bags per day * 10 days = 300 bags plus take 50 g in bulk just in case.
  2. Salt (10*10*10=1000g)
  3. Sugar (70*10*10=7000g)
  4. Crackers (80*10*10=8000g) 1 liter bag for one meal - 30 liter bags - 20 loaves of bread - 1 person dries 2 loaves, packs in 3 liter bags. If you divide 8000 by 30 = 26.66, and I said that the weight of 1 package of crackers is 300-350g. Depends on the cut.
  5. Meat, soy 20 times 15*10*20 = 3000 dry meat or soy.
    - If you dry meat from 1 kg of raw minced meat - for 3 boils of dry meat - dry 7 kg of raw minced meat.
    - If you take stew 30 * 10 * 20 \u003d 6000 (a can of 300 g, 20 cans of stew).
  6. Powdered milk for 8 times 15*10*8=1200
  7. Mayonnaise 10 days *100=1000
  8. Nuts 15*10*10=1500
  9. Dried apricots 15*10*10=1500
  10. Candies 30*10*10=3000
  11. Cookies 30*10*10=3000
  12. Melted butter 20*10*10=2000
  13. Lemons 5 pieces - 1000
  14. Onion garlic - 1000
  15. Pepper mustard dill parsley – 300
  16. Ketchup for pasta - 500
  17. Chocolate 2 pcs * 2 tops + 2 NZ = 6 pcs = 600
  18. Putty - 1000
  19. Cod liver (2 cans) - 500

Total: 37100

The total weight of our layout is 65900 , which means 65900 / 10 / 10 = 659 grams per person per day

It remains to buy everything, pack it up, distribute it among backpacks.

It is better for the caretaker to take a notebook with you on a hike. Create a separate page for each participant, where to write down what and how much he carries and cross out as he spends.

Distribute crackers, sugar, sweets, cookies to everyone. The rest is on duty. Allocate duties. Distribute the weight of the products taking into account the total weight of the backpacks (the equipment is usually distributed by the leader of the group) and the different physical training of the participants. After 5 days, count who has what is left and, if necessary, transfer products to even out the weight.

The importance of nutrition on a hike

Hiking conditions are quite extreme for the human body. And this is not about risk to life. The point is the load that falls on the body, whether it is prepared for this in advance or not. With heavy physical exertion, the body begins to burn calories at a double rate and continues this for several hours after the cessation of the journey. In addition, in the mountains, with a constant change in altitude above sea level, atmospheric pressure changes, which requires the body to continuously adapt to new conditions. If the time for passing the route fell in damp and dank weather, this is an additional factor that puts a considerable burden on the immune system. From this it follows that in such conditions your body will need additional support. Of course, you can start taking multivitamins, but everyone knows that the key to health and well-being is proper nutrition. Therefore, this issue should be taken seriously.

One of the main provisions of the theory of balanced nutrition is the principle of dynamic balance between the amount of energy supplied with food and the body's energy expenditure. For example, the energy consumption of a tourist for 8 hours of movement is approximately 50 - 70 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. If a person weighs 70 kg, he will spend an average of 4200 kcal, with a weight of 60 kg - 3600 kcal. The calorie content of the food should correspond to these energy expenditures.

What requirements should a tourist's food meet, what products to choose for a trip, how to prepare and pack them, how to organize accounting, storage and transportation of products? Let's try to figure it all out.

The basics of proper nutrition

First of all, it should be noted that a hike is by no means a reason to forget about a balanced diet. Balanced (rational) is such a diet that provides energy, plastic with continuous renewal of the human body, as well as other needs of the body in the process of life. This is where the well-known food pyramid, or food pyramid, comes to the rescue. It clearly shows in what proportion it is necessary to consume certain products. In terms of everyday nutrition, these groups can be considered as follows.

Bread, cereals, rice and pasta. This grain-based food forms the base of the pyramid. Most meals for every day (from 6 to 11) need to be prepared from these products.

Fruits and vegetables. The next level is also plant foods. Eat fruits (2-4 times a day) and vegetables (3-5 meals a day), which are useful not only for vitamins and minerals, but also plant fibers (fiber).

Meat and dairy products. At this level of the pyramid, most foods are of animal origin. The "meat" group includes meat, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs, and nuts. Meat, poultry and fish are rich in proteins, vitamin B, iron and zinc. Dried beans, eggs and nuts contain proteins along with other vitamins and minerals. Dairy products—milk, yogurt, and cheese—provide protein, bone-building calcium, and other nutrients. As a rule, animal products are fatter than plant products, but you should not exclude all meat and dairy products from the diet. You can include low-fat dairy products, lean meat, skinless poultry in the menu. They provide the same amount of vitamins and minerals as their fatter counterparts. Most people should consume 2-3 meals from these two groups daily. Vegetarians who avoid animal products can eat an extra portion of dry beans or nuts, but they also need a fortified menu - additional plant foods that provide enough calcium, iron and vitamin B12.

Fats, vegetable oils and sweets. At the top of the pyramid are vegetable oils, creams, butter, margarine, sugar, drinks, sweets, and desserts. If you want to have a healthy weight, eat them in moderation.

We all know from school that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the main components for building cells. Protein is the main building material, it can be animal and vegetable. Animal proteins are found in meat and fish, while plant proteins can be found in soy, legumes, and nuts. Fats are involved in the metabolic processes of the human body. The largest amount of fat is in butter, lard, pork. Carbohydrates, in turn, are the main source of energy, they are found in sugar and other sweets, in grains and flour products. For the normal functioning of the whole organism, do not forget about the correct distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each meal. How to maintain this balance in the conditions of the campaign? To do this, we conditionally divide the trips into 2 groups. The first group is one-two-day and multi-day simple hikes, the second is complex hikes.

Meals in one-two-day and multi-day simple trips

A one-day tourist trip can be a trip to an excursion to another city, a trip to the forest, to the river or to an orienteering competition. On a one-day hiking trip, you need to take products that can be kept good for one or two days. Usually in such trips you have to arrange one or two meals a day. However, when the departure is too early and the arrival is planned to be late, it is advisable to divide the meal into three times or take care of snacks.

Products must be prepared at home. In some cases, you can even cook the first course at home and take it with you in a thermos. It is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the actual number of participants in the campaign and the number of meals. In this case, it is convenient to draw up a menu in advance and be guided by it when preparing for a trip. Usually in such cases it is customary to take sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, cheese, sausage, fresh vegetables and fruits, cold boiled meat, cookies, waffles, homemade pies, various drinks (tea, coffee, compotes, etc.) with you. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the sausage should only be smoked, boiled sausage quickly deteriorates. Bread, sausage and cheese can be cut in advance, vegetables and fruits must be washed well before going. If you decide to take the first courses (hot and cold) with you, thermoses will come to the rescue. Keep hot food in thermoses for no more than 24 hours.

Preparing for two-day hikes has a lot in common with preparing for a one-day hike, but there are also some peculiarities. The fact is that on such a trip it is best to take products and semi-finished products that can be stored for a long time under normal conditions. In such a campaign, food will have to be cooked on a fire, so you should take dishes and fire accessories with you. The diet of a three-day trip differs little from ordinary home-cooked food.

To organize a rational and varied diet, make an approximate menu for all days of the trip. In accordance with the developed menu, products are purchased, and they must be taken with them a little more than the estimated amount in case of unforeseen delays in returning home. On short trips, the total mass of equipment, including food, is relatively small, so you should not overly limit yourself to save weight. Due to the short duration of the trip, many products can be taken with you in their original packaging, making sure that it is durable and moisture resistant.

Simple multi-day trips are, as a rule, trips of short duration, often through populated areas. Under these conditions, food differs little from food on two-day weekend hikes. It is always possible to replenish the stock of food in 3–4 days, while their mass does not play a significant role, since food is not taken with you for the entire trip. On simple hikes, where the weight of the backpack and cooking time are not significant, you should not get carried away with all kinds of concentrates, preferring them to fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc.

The daily routine usually provides for three hot meals a day. Tourists usually have breakfast and dinner at the place of lodging for the night, lunch and afternoon hours are spent at a large halt. It is recommended to distribute food as follows: for breakfast - 35%, for lunch - 40%, for dinner - 25% of the daily diet. Depending on the number of participants in the trip, the availability of products for sale, the season of the trip, the menu can be very different. Mushrooms, fish, berries can be a good addition to the camp table.

Meals on difficult hikes

When preparing a tourist trip, it is necessary, first of all, to choose a specific route, taking into account the classification requirements and the degree of preparedness of the group. Particular attention should be paid to the development of a campaign regime, the choice of suitable points for halts, the necessary equipment, inventory, and food supplies. When choosing a route, it is advisable to take into account its epidemiological safety in advance. Of great importance is the staffing of the group, which should be based on approximately the same degree of preparedness of its members for the route of the corresponding category of difficulty.

Participants in some types of complex journeys experience significant stress. In such cases, to replenish strength, you have to take a large amount of food with you, which, of course, is undesirable given the mass of equipment, fuel and personal belongings that is also necessary. Therefore, without reducing the calorie content of a set of products, you need to seriously think about how to reduce the weight of the diet. First of all, it is necessary to reduce as much as possible in the diet products packed in metal containers, and even more so in glass. However, the main thing is not a decrease in the mass of products while maintaining a given calorie content, but the correct selection of products according to the assortment, chemical composition, strict adherence to the diet and water-salt regimen.

In complex hikes, it is very convenient to use products that are maximally prepared for consumption - food concentrates. They do not contain food waste, are minimal in volume and weight, and can be stored for a long time (from 6 to 12 months). The ways of using these products (they are always indicated on the packaging) are very simple and accessible to any tourist, even without culinary skills. You can reduce the weight of foods without reducing their calorie content by using freeze-dried foods (frozen-dried under high vacuum). The mass of such products is 3–4 times less than the mass of the initial raw material; they can be stored in packaged form for a long time at positive temperatures. Freeze-dried products (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, berries, etc.) restore their original properties much faster and more completely than conventionally dried products.

In tourist travels, it is advisable to make a menu for 5-7 days in a row. In this case, the cycle of repeatability of daily menus is several days. It is convenient to take the repeatability cycle of daily menus in days as a multiple of the duration of the entire trip. Exceptional attention in the organization of nutrition in a hiking trip should be paid to providing the body with vitamins. Great physical activity requires the body to increase the consumption of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Therefore, in preparation for the campaign, it would be wise to purchase a sufficient supply of multivitamins in the form of dragees.

Preparing groceries for the trip and planning the layout

Proper preparation and packaging of products before a hike helps to protect them from spoilage. In addition, with proper packaging of products, they are completely, without loss, used on a trip, which makes it easy to keep track of their consumption. Before the trip, all products must be sorted out, put in bags or special containers. Most products need waterproof packaging. They must be decomposed into bags of 1-2 kg. Firstly, it is easier to pack them in a backpack, kayaks and take into account the consumption. And secondly, with small packing of products, each tourist or crew of a raft or kayak can have a supply of food, and therefore, in case of loss of part of the products (loss of a backpack, accident with a kayak or raft), the group still has a certain supply of various products.

Bulk products are conveniently packaged in plastic bottles. Raw smoked sausage is usually wrapped in paper, a cloth or a special fabric bag is sewn for it. Then it will not deteriorate for 3-4 weeks. Chocolate should be taken dark and hard so that it does not melt in the sun. Cookies can be packed in a rigid box so that after 5 days of carrying in a backpack, they do not turn into crumbs. And freeze-dried potatoes and meat can be put into small bottles with a wide neck. So they can be stored for 2-3 weeks.

Meals on mountain trips are planned and managed by the supply manager. The position of supply manager requires the participant to have increased endurance, intelligence and composure. If the tourist group is small, then all issues can be resolved collectively in order to take into account the wishes of everyone as much as possible and not place all the responsibility on one person.

At the stage of pre-travel preparation, the supply manager
-plans meals on a hike, in other words, makes a layout;
- instructs the participants to purchase products; - organizes joint packaging and packaging of purchased products;
- draws up a plan for the placement of products in backpacks.

In the campaign, the caretaker
- gives orders to the duty officer about the menu;
- informs the duty officer from which of the participants to take food;
- controls the uniform consumption of products among the participants;
- controls the uniform consumption of products on the route;
- to fulfill items 3-4, it carries out a periodic inventory of products.

The main indicator of the layout is the average weight of food consumed by one participant in one day. According to this indicator, layouts are divided into:

— extremely light — less than 580g;
- light - from 580 to 660g;
- lightweight - from 660 to 740g;
- normal - from 740 to 820g;
- heavy - more than 820g.

For convenience, there are even several programs for compiling layouts. One of them is the Outdoor food ration calculator. The program is free to use, completely in Russian, contains a fairly extensive list of products, taking into account all indicators. In it, you must select the type of trip - hiking, water, mountain or skiing, also indicate the number of participants and the duration of the trip. After drawing up the layout, you can read the recommendations or immediately print it. Ideally, a group on a hike should have 4 meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack). In addition, it is worth giving out “pocket meals” to every tourist in the morning. This is a small bag of food that is put in your pocket and taken out as soon as you want to chew something. It is convenient to use dried fruits, nuts, caramel as pocket food.

When distributing products among the participants at the first stage, it makes sense to proceed from the principle of equality of weight and volume for all. Then, if necessary, slightly shift the weight balance in favor of the stronger members of the group. In the process of distribution, it is convenient to use manual scales (scaleyard), and put the products for each participant in separate large plastic bags with handles (for weighing convenience).

Summing up

Each tourist trip, regardless of the category of complexity of the route, must be organized in such a way that it promotes health. In this regard, the regime of the campaign, as well as proper catering, plays an essential role. It is necessary to take care of a gradual increase in the load, so that work and rest rationally alternate.

When choosing food for a hike, you need to remember that only a variety of dishes will help ensure good nutrition, get the necessary assortment of nutrients with food.

In order to properly select food for a hike or trip, you need to remember that the diet should be as varied as possible. Products on the road are chosen for a long time, as light as possible, high-calorie, which could be prepared quickly.

Try to keep proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet close to 1:1:4 - this is what doctors recommend. There are many proteins in meat and fish, cheese, peas, beans and beans. Carbohydrates - in sugar, sweets, honey, jam, flour products, cereals. Fats - in oil and fat. We also need various vitamins, mineral salts - there are a lot of them in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Calorie content of staple foods (per 1 kg).

Name of products Number of calories Name of products Number of calories
Rye bread 1900 Candies 2500-3500
wheat bread 2600 Chocolate 4800
Rusks rye 3000 Raisin 2600
Cookie 3900 Dried apricots, prunes 2150
Wheat crackers 2800 Smoked sausage 5500
Biscuits 3200 boiled sausage 2050
Butter 7800 Semi-smoked sausage 3000
Ghee butter 8850 Canned stewed meat 1900
Dutch cheese 3900 Ham 2500
Processed cheese 2150 sausages 1950
Powdered milk 4800 Salo bacon 6150
Egg powder 5300 Liver pate 3000
Condensed milk with sugar 3400 fresh potatoes 650
Condensed milk without sugar 2000 Vegetables are different 200-350
Buckwheat 3100 fresh apples 450
oatmeal 3300 Dry apples 2200
Semolina 3400 Fresh pears 350
Pasta, noodles, vermicelli 3450 oranges 250
Peas, beans, beans 2800 Canned fish in tomato 1100-1850
Rice 3300 Fresh fish 400-500
Millet 3000 Dried vobla 2900
Millet and buckwheat concentrate 3500 Vegetable oil 8500
Kissel 2500 Sugar 3900

It is desirable that the food be complete and fully compensate for the considerable costs that every traveler incurs every day - up to 3000-4000 kcal on a simple route, up to 2,800-3000 kcal on days of passive rest. In the most common diet with three meals a day, on average, each tourist needs food, in grams.

- Bread (black, white) - 350-400.
- Cereals and pasta (semolina 50-60 g per serving, the rest 70-80 g) - 180-220.
- Soups (concentrates) - 30-40.
- Canned meat - 100-130.
- Sausages, bacon, ham (or canned fish) - 50-80.
- Oil - 40-50.
- Cheese - 30-40.
- Condensed milk - 50.
- Sugar, sweets - 130-150.
- Dried fruits, onions, garlic, nuts - 50.
- Salt - 5-10, spices are also desirable.

The calorie content of such a set is 3,000-3,500 kcal, the weight together with the packaging is 1-1.4 kg. If you take crackers (150-180 g) instead of bread, then the weight of the diet will decrease to 0.8-1.2 kg. In trips that are not too long, up to 15 days, you can use low-calorie layouts (less than 2,000 kcal) weighing 400-500 g. You can also use this scheme when compiling a diet. For the first week, use a diet weighing about 400 g, then increase it to 500-600 g. For example, the weight of food in grams is indicated in brackets.

- Breakfast (136): rusk (15), pemmican (20), soup (concentrate in sachets, 45), filler (hercules or vermicelli, 20), cocoa (6), milk powder (30).
- Instead of lunch (145): dried fruits (35), sausage (40), halva (35), sweets (20), cookies (15).
- Dinner (109): cracker (15), soup (45), filler (20), butter (25), tea (4).
- Miscellaneous (76): sugar (63), onion, garlic (10), salt (3).

Thus, the total weight of the daily diet will be 476 g. In order to switch to such a meager diet, tourists or travelers must be psychologically prepared for this. Before such a trip, you need to arrange hungry days at home in order to remove the fear of starvation.

Travel food packaging.

The main container in which the products for the trip are placed are cloth bags. It is best to use a tie tape, commonly called cotton tape, for ties. It is better to choose a light-colored material for bags so that you can make an inscription on it with a ballpoint pen indicating what is stored in the bag and how much, for example: “Buckwheat - 2 kg”, “Sugar - 1.5 kg”, etc. Products , which are especially afraid of moisture, for example, sugar, salt, milk powder, in addition, should be placed in waterproof bags.

Tips and tricks for selecting, preparing and packing food for a hike.

Bread should be taken for a maximum of 2-3 days - it is heavy and quickly stale, crumbles. From pasta, it is better to take horns or thin pasta. Cheese is preferable to take hard varieties or sausage. It lasts longer. Since butter cannot be stored for more than two or three days in summer, it is better to take ghee with you. Sugar is more convenient to have lumpy. If you are not going to buy fresh vegetables and fruits on the way, take vitamin preparations on a long trip.

Dried crackers should not be placed in bulk in the bag. They will break and crumble in a backpack. They are laid tightly to each other, wrapped in tracing paper and placed in an old (but clean!) Nylon stocking. On it, knots are made between packs. It turns out a garland, from which it is easy to cut off a portion without unpacking the rest. A similar package - in stockings - is also suitable for cookies, sweets, dried fruits, onions. Dried fruits are washed ahead of time several times with warm water and dried on clean paper (not in the oven!).

Sausage should be greased with sunflower oil and wrapped in tracing paper. Do the same with cheese. Lard, loin, brisket, cheese, sausage cannot be put in a plastic bag for a long time - they suffocate without air. You can melt the butter and pour it in a semi-liquid state into wide-mouth plastic jars or metal jars from under instant coffee. The latter must first be checked for tightness by pouring water into them. Just in case, the jar is placed in a plastic bag.

Vegetable oil, tomato sauce from bottles is poured into flasks or plastic jars with a tightly screwed lid. If it leaks, then you need to pull a rubber fingertip or a children's balloon on top. Backpacks that store oil should be handled with care when hiking. They do not need to be thrown at random, put on their side to sit on a small halt, etc.

Do not skimp on seasonings, especially since their weight is negligible - adjika, pepper, bay leaf, various dried herbs, tomato paste. Onions and garlic not only improve the taste of dishes, but, in general, are useful, as they have antimicrobial properties. A clove of garlic eaten at night disinfects the mouth and palatine tonsils, preventing colds.

Personal crockery and kitchen utensils for the trip.

When hiking or traveling, it is preferable to take aluminum spoons, as wooden spoons sometimes break or float away when washing dishes in the river. It is advisable to take an enameled mug, 300 grams, aluminum burns both lips and hands. Both aluminum and enamel bowls are used, although the latter are heavier. A flask and a thermos are optional items on a hike.

Of the kitchen utensils for a one-day trip, if you are going to make a fire, one pot or pot is enough for tea. Untinned copper, galvanized or enameled buckets and pans are dangerous. Some can cause poisoning, in others, enamel sometimes bounces off on fire and gets into food. It is best to use utensils made of aluminum alloys or stainless steel.

The capacity of the dishes is chosen so that each has a total of 1.5 to 2 liters. For example, for a group of 9-10 people, on a multi-day trip, a set of buckets or pots of 6, 6.5 and 7 liters is suitable, for 6-7 people - 5, 5.5 and 6 liters. Duty cooks need 1-2 ladles, canvas gloves (to remove buckets from the fire), a brush for washing dishes, a metal washcloth, a piece of oilcloth replacing the table.
