
Bulk pie with fruits and nuts recipe. Batter for the pie - delicious homemade cakes without stress

This is the most simple pie in the face of lack of time and sweets in the body. I think that there is a sea on the Forum for recipes for jellied pies, I didn’t even look for it. Spreading it, I pursue 2 goals. Firstly, I really want this primitive but tasty dish to be in my collection, and secondly, I want to unobtrusively remind you that September is the time for apples and other fruits that just ask for a pie. Let's get down to business!

Any fruit of your choice. I had apples, pears and peaches available.

Margarine or any other fat content - spread, sour cream, butter and even lard is quite suitable - 200 grams. It is clear that the fat content of the product should be inversely proportional to its content in the dough, i.e. the fatter, the less.

Soda - 1 teaspoon with a slide
Kefir - 750 grams
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
Chicken egg - 2 pieces
Sugar - 1 cup
Vanilla sugar - 1 heaping teaspoon

Melt the margarine in a skillet over low heat.

While the margarine is heating, we will conjure over kefir. Pour it into a bulk container, and add a pinch of salt, soda, vanilla sugar and stir.

Here the eggs and mix thoroughly.

Add sugar to the melted margarine, reserving 2 tablespoons for sprinkling the pie.

After that, we combine both liquids.

After mixing thoroughly, we begin to introduce flour in small portions and stir. A blender would be very useful here, but I was too lazy to get it, and therefore, you use a blender, and I mix the dough in the old grandfather way.

Add flour until the dough has a consistency like thick sour cream or slightly thicker than pancakes. That is, it should not pour, but it also does not need hardness - the pie, after all, is jellied.

The dough is ready, let it cool a little. And while we're on the fruit. They need to be cut into slices.

Dealt with fruit. Now grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

And pour the dough into it.

We spread the fruits tightly on top of the dough, pressing them so that they are partially immersed in it. However, do not overdo it if the fruit reaches the bottom of the baking sheet, then there is a high probability that tearing off the cake will be very problematic.

There are two options for topping the pie. So, like a pig, as I did, that is, just sprinkle the fruit on top with the remaining two tablespoons of sugar. Another option, using a coffee grinder or other device, is to turn the sugar into powder and sprinkle it on the finished cake. The second option is preferable, but longer. Therefore, we go the first way.

And now in the oven and under observation. My cake is quite thick, so the fire in the oven is quieter. Half an hour later it looked like this:

40 minutes later:

And it's ready in an hour!

Please note that I have a large baking sheet, so the dosage of the ingredients is also large. It happened because I had a lot of fruits that needed urgent processing.

Batter for a pie, it is prepared simply, quickly and often helps housewives when it is necessary not only to feed in an hour, but also to surprise and please relatives and friends. After all, what could be tastier and more desirable than a hot pie for lunch or dinner. And yet, many housewives do not dare to make a pie, believing that making pies is a troublesome business, after which it takes a long time to clean the kitchen. Perhaps there is some truth in this, but not in the case of bulk pies, where batter is used.

Liquid dough is kneaded in a bowl or bowl of a mixer, poured over the filling, does not require any modeling of products. The filling is prepared from vegetables, meat products, minced meat, canned fish, cottage cheese, fruits and berries.

We will show you how to make batter for a pie from basic products, which are in the refrigerator of any person, including inveterate bachelors and eternally hungry students. Baking a cake is no more difficult than making soup. Try it. You will not be indifferent to the dish and our simple, proven recipes. Fast, tasty, inexpensive.

Photo #1. Recipe for a quick batter on kefir for a fish pie

To prepare delicious fish pie you will need a jar canned in oil or in own juice sea ​​fish. The rest of the ingredients are present in the refrigerator even for notorious bachelors. Cooking a pie takes no more than 45 minutes. Unexpected guests will never take you by surprise, and the family will be grateful for the delicious, hearty dinner.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • kefir 1.5 cups
  • flour 1.5-2 cups
  • eggs 2-3 pcs.
  • soda 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • canned fish 1 jar
  • green onion, parsley, dill big beam
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • melted butter 2 tbsp. spoons

Method for preparing batter on kefir for a pie:

  1. Pour vinegar into kefir, add soda, mix, let stand. Kefir will begin to foam abundantly.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Whisk well. Add kefir and sifted flour. The dough should resemble thick sour cream. If it turns out to be thinner, add a little more flour. Leave the dough to rest for 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
  3. Canned fish mash with a fork. If there is a lot of liquid in the fish, drain some. Wash the greens, shake off excess moisture, chop finely.
  4. Grease the springform with oil. Pour out 2/3 of the batter. Divide the fish evenly. Sprinkle generously with herbs on top. Pour the remaining batter on top. If the filling doesn't coat evenly, don't worry. During the baking process, the filling will “sink” into the dough.
  5. Preheat oven to 200°C. Place the mold in the oven. Bake 30-45 minutes until golden brown. Serve the pie slightly chilled.

Photo #2. Simple batter for mayonnaise pie

A batter pie will help out when you have leftover food from yesterday's meal that is not enough to feed the whole family - some boiled meat, boiled potatoes, mushrooms, cheese. But the leftovers will sound in a new way if you use them as a filling for a pie. Economical, beautiful, as in the photo, and tastier than the day before.

Ingredients for the recipe:

Method for preparing batter for a mayonnaise pie:

  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Salt, pepper, loosen up. Add mayonnaise, sour cream, flour and baking powder. Knead a thick dough.
  2. cut into in small pieces meat or sausage. Cut potatoes into slices. Mushrooms also cut into plates, onion into half rings. Fry the onion and mushrooms in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes. Mushrooms should release juice. Once the juice has evaporated, remove from heat.
  3. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil. Pour out half of the dough. Lay out the pieces of meat, potato plates, mushrooms with onions, pieces of cheese. You can salt and pepper to taste. Pour in the remaining batter.
  4. Bake for 45 minutes in the oven at 180-200°C. Serve hot.

Photo #3. Cabbage pie recipe in a slow cooker

Pie with cabbage can be cooked all year round. In spring and summer, it is better to add fresh cabbage, flavoring it with boiled eggs and fragrant herbs. In winter, it is recommended to pre-fry the cabbage for the filling in vegetable oil, it will become softer and tastier. Can add sauerkraut for piquancy.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • kefir or sour cream 15% fat 300 ml.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • flour 2 cups
  • soda ½ teaspoon
  • vegetable oil 50 ml.
  • cabbage 500 g
  • green onion 2-3 feathers
  • salt, pepper to taste

Method for preparing batter for cabbage pie:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, salt to taste, mash it so that it starts up the juice. Fry in vegetable oil until soft, stirring occasionally. Season with pepper. Add finely chopped green onions.
  2. Making dough is even easier. You need to mix all the ingredients. You do not need to extinguish soda with vinegar. She will be extinguished in sour cream.
  3. Grease the mold with oil. Pour out half of the dough. Lay out the cabbage. Pour in the remaining batter. Bake until golden brown by selecting the Baking mode. Serve chilled with sour cream.

Photo #4. Recipe for batter for apple pie

The batter can be used for a sweet pie with fruits and berries. Apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, blackcurrants are suitable as fillings. You can add nuts, raisins or dried apricots to the dough. Cooking a pie will not stain the kitchen, fill the house with amazing aromas, give unforgettable moments when family, friends, relatives and relatives gather for a cup of tea.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • eggs 5 pcs.
  • powdered sugar 1 cup
  • flour 2 cups
  • butter 150 g.
  • vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • pinch of salt
  • lemon zest ½ tbsp. spoons
  • plums 5-6 pcs.
  • peaches 2 pcs.
  • almond plates 1 st. spoon

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a mixer in a strong foam with 2/3 cups of powdered sugar.
  2. Mash the softened butter with the remaining powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Leave a little oil for greasing the mold. Add zest, salt and yolks. Knead until smooth. Gradually add beaten egg whites and flour.
  3. Pour the dough into an oiled mold. Spread the halves of plums, slices of peaches on top of the dough, sprinkle with almond slices. Place the pie in a preheated oven (180°C). Bake 50 minutes. Ready pie sprinkle with powdered sugar.
The liquid dough for the pie is the basis for culinary creativity. Having mastered its preparation, you can serve a dish with a new taste to your household and guests every time. The main thing is to learn the rules on how to prepare batter for a pie and do not neglect the tips that will help not to spoil the dish:
  • The wetter the filling, the thicker the dough should be. The dough for pies with meat, sausage, minced meat can be a little thinner to make the filling juicier. Cabbage, fresh herbs, fruits release juice during heat treatment, so the dough is prepared thicker.
  • In batter, you can safely change the ingredients. Sour cream, kefir, milk, fermented baked milk are completely replaceable. Feel free to add whatever is in the fridge.
  • The more fat in the dough (mayonnaise, fat sour cream, vegetable oil), the more crumbly it will turn out.
  • You can make a filling for a pie from anything. Use mashed potatoes, cereals, vegetables, minced meat, berries, fruits. For the pie, the products left over from the previous meal are quite suitable - cutting, pieces of meat, cereals, boiled potatoes, pasta. No one will guess that they are eating the leftovers from yesterday's table, the new dish will be so tasty.

If you need to cook a delicious treat quickly and with minimal effort, That jellied pieperfect solution. The dish can be sweet or savory, cheese or meat, fruit or vegetable. The liquid test base will bind any components of the filling. As a result, waiting for you sweet dessert, appetizer or full dinner. Don't be afraid to experiment, create your own perfect combinations flavors from everything in the fridge.

What is a jellied pie

Among the whole variety of pie recipes, one of the leading positions is occupied by treats from jellied dough. Cooking such dishes is quick and easy, the tastiest homemade baking any hostess can do it. The poured pie is prepared from different fillings and liquid dough, which is filled with prepared fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs or other components. For cooking, a traditional oven or a modern multicooker is used.

There are many options for recipes by which you can prepare jellied dough for a pie. As a basis for fragrant pastries often use kefir, sour cream, milk, mayonnaise. Due to the use of these components, the jellied dough is tender and soft, melts in your mouth. A minimum of time and effort will be needed to treat loved ones with a savory or sweet dish.

On kefir

Want to get juicy and low-fat pastries? Then it suits you bulk cake on kefir. Supplement gentle and air taste You can use any filling: mushroom, berry, meat. The jellied dough on kefir for the pie is similar in consistency to the flour mass from which pancakes are prepared. Even a first grader can handle kneading jellied base. IN classic recipe used, in addition to kefir, eggs, flour, salt, sugar, soda.

On sour cream

For lovers tender pies Recipes based on sour cream are suitable. This great option treats for cooking hastily when guests are on the doorstep. The dough with this product resembles a cake, but has more delicate taste. Wonderful jellied dessert coming out of sour cream dough with apple or plum juicy stuffing. Try baking a jellied dessert for a tea party on a day off. For a small amount of time, you will get a lot of pleasure from delicious treat.

On milk

Another option for baking from jellied dough is with milk. The dough turns out to be a lush homogeneous mass, which can be kneaded simply with a spoon, it does not need to be kneaded and rolled out with a rolling pin. As filling are used the most different products, you will definitely find something suitable in your refrigerator. The pie is simple to make, but there are some secrets in its preparation. For example, you can not mix the components for too long, so that after baking the dough does not become too dense. For airiness, first combine dry ingredients, and then pour in milk and other liquids.

on mayonnaise

hearty dish- a pie based on mayonnaise. When kneading the dough, it is important not to oversalt it, because mayonnaise is already salty in itself. This test is best used for savory fillings. Use ready or almost finished products: fried mushrooms, boiled potatoes, slightly salted fish or other goodies. You just need to put the filling you have chosen into the mold, pour the batter there and send it to the preheated oven. All this simple steps, as a result of which you will find an appetizing and ruddy pie.

Jellied pies with fillings

main feature quick jellied dessert and snack pies - you can choose almost any filling for them. In batter, meat and fish in any form, mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, herbs, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts and dried fruits are appropriate. All listed components can be combined in any combination, depending only on your taste and desire. watermelons, liquid jam, fresh cucumbers- is not the best stuffing for the filling cake. Still not worth adding to the base liquid pie berries with seeds.

with cabbage

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 230 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Your Notebook delicious meals will certainly be replenished with a new recipe as soon as you try to cook cabbage pie With batter. It only takes a few minutes to make cabbage stuffing and kefir flour jellied mixture. From spices, you can use black ground pepper, cumin, nutmeg. When the cake is baked, do not rush to pull it out of the mold. Let cool and then take it out.


  • kefir - 450 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • white cabbage - 300 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, simmer in a pan until soft. Add salt and spices.
  2. Mix kefir and eggs, separately flour, soda. Combine liquid and dry ingredients to make the dough homogeneous without lumps.
  3. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put the cabbage on the bottom, pour the dough.
  4. Bake in oven until even golden brown. Readiness to check with a wooden stick.

With meat

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 4-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 219 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Most simple recipes from baking - these are bulk pies. Even if the oven in your kitchen does not work for some reason, do not worry. You can bake a cake in a slow cooker. A quick, tasty, hearty dinner will appeal to both children and adults. The recipe can be varied with any spices, mushrooms, herbs, bell pepper or other components. Don't be afraid to experiment to find your perfect fit. flavor combination.


  • chopped meat- 0.3 kg;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - for lubrication;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the onion and fry with minced meat in a pan. Salt, pepper, cool the filling a little.
  2. Mix flour and soda, add sour cream, two chicken eggs, salt. Mix with a whisk or spoon so that there are no lumps.
  3. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Put the filling on the bottom.
  4. Fill it with filling dough on top. Bake in the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes.,

With potato

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 min.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 248 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The traditional potato pie is a hearty pastry that can feed the whole family. Add champignons to the filling to make the dish even tastier. Spread the filling and the filling dough in a deep form, grease it first with oil and cover it with parchment if necessary. Pour the dough into a detachable form without parchment is not worth it, the liquid can seep through the cracks.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder for dough - 2 tsp;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk. Continuing to beat, add mayonnaise and kefir.
  2. Sift flour, add baking powder.
  3. Gradually add flour to the mass of kefir, mayonnaise and eggs. Knead the filling dough without lumps, leave it for 15 minutes.
  4. Cut mushrooms into thin slices, onion into small cubes. Fry everything in a pan with butter and sunflower oil.
  5. Peel potatoes, cut into thin slices.
  6. Grease the bottom of the mold with oil, lay out the potato circles with an overlap, salt and pepper.
  7. Put the mushrooms fried with onions in the second layer, pour the jellied dough.
  8. We put to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes.
  9. Serve warm or cold.

With fruits

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 6-8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 260 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Prepare jellied sweet and tasty pie on milk it is possible with the use of yeast. Milk is best for this recipe. high fat. Such yeast dough you don’t have to roll it out, its preparation will take a minimum of time, like a regular jellied treat. As a filling, any frozen or fresh fruits, berries. If the fruits are large, they must be cut into pieces.


  • spoiled milk- 200 ml;
  • fresh yeast- 20 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla - 0.5 tsp;
  • fruits without syrup - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put yeast in a bowl, pour 3-4 tablespoons warm water, 1 tsp sugar, mix and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Break eggs into a saucepan, pour in milk, vegetable oil. Put the remaining sugar, salt, pour in the yeast.
  3. Whisking constantly, add the flour to the liquid.
  4. Add vanilla.
  5. Leave to rise for 30-40 minutes in a warm place protected from drafts.
  6. Lubricate the bottom of the form with oil, put the fruit, cover with sweet jellied dough.
  7. sweet pastries you can sprinkle sugar on top.
  8. leave raw pie for 15 minutes. The jellied semi-finished product will rise a little, after which it can be put in the oven.
  9. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees until the cake is browned.

With cheese and herbs

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 6-8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 285 kcal;
  • Purpose: snack, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Another delicious recipe jellied pie - cheese. This is a quick dish that comes out unusually soft, tender. He is a bit like lazy pizza. Add to stuffing if desired. sausages, olives, fried or pickled mushrooms. From these components jellied pastry will only win, but standard set from cheese and greens, a treat will appeal to all family members.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • thick sour cream - 200 g;
  • cream cheese- 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • baking powder for dough - half a bag;
  • ground pepper, salt - to taste;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • feta (brynza) - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Thoroughly mix sour cream, cream cheese, mayonnaise in a saucepan.
  2. Sift flour with baking powder, gradually pour it into liquid components, stir until smooth.
  3. Salt, pepper the filling dough.
  4. Lubricate the form with oil, pour half the dough into it.
  5. hard cheese and grate the feta coarse grater, put the stuffing on the jellied test base. At this stage, some housewives add salt.
  6. Pour in the remaining dough, smooth.
  7. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.


Fruit pie with nuts

This summer, thanks to work (or fate?), I often found myself in Piedmont, in the small town of San Secondo di Pinerolo in the province of Turin. And each time I stayed for a few days in the cozy house of my close friend. The fact that his house was built using the latest energy-saving technologies from environmentally friendly materials is another story, now we will talk about the Piedmontese cuisine, which Piera, my friend's hospitable mother, treated me to. This amazing, small and fragile woman accepted me as her own from the first time, but what is even more amazing, she cooks exactly what I love and the way I love, and especially vegetables, in the most incredible variations.

In addition, Pierre's mother once treated me to an apple-pear pie, which, as it turned out, has a maximum of fruit and a minimum of calories. I asked her for the recipe and immediately asked if the cake could be made with other fruits, such as peaches. Pierre's mother replied that almost all fruits give too much liquid and the cake will not turn out right. Naturally, upon returning home, I immediately arrogantly baked this hard peach pie, hoping that nothing bad would happen ...

My advice to you: listen to your mothers, your own or others; wise by experience, they will not advise bad! Naturally, my cake turned out to be too “wet”, although tasty, and I immediately redid it according to the rules.



3 sweet apples
3 ripe and firm pears
2 eggs
125 ml milk
4-5 art. l. vanilla sugar
2 tbsp. l. olive oil
150 g flour
1 sachet of baking powder
1 pinch of salt
1 handful of shelled hazelnuts
1 st. l. Sahara


1. Preheat oven to 200°C.

2. Cut the apples into 4 pieces, cut off the peel, remove the core and cut into thin slices. Do the same with pears. Lightly dry the nuts in the oven and chop them with a knife.

3. Prepare the dough: beat eggs with vanilla sugar and salt, pour in milk and butter. Add flour sifted with baking powder and stir. The dough should not be too liquid, like yogurt.

4. Take a 30x40 baking dish, grease with butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour a little dough on the bottom and lay half of the fruit slices. Drizzle with half of the remaining batter and spread out the remaining fruit.

Jellied pie with fruit

Today I baked such a beautiful and tasty cake ... with plums, apples and seedless grapes (quiche-mish). I baked in a Miracle oven, baking in it is better than in the oven ...

Everything that is there will fit into the pie, but only fresh, so it is summer. With frozen berries, the taste is not the same, and the dough needs to be different. And any fresh ones will do - plums, and peaches, and apricots, and raspberries, and cherries. Only flour will need to be added to the filling if the berries are juicy. In winter, a pie can be made with bananas and kiwi - for lack of anything else, they will do.

Ingredients for the dough: a glass of sugar, one egg, one protein, 50 grams of margarine, two tablespoons of sour cream, vanillin, a bag of baking powder, flour - 2 - 2.5 cups.
Filling ingredients: two tablespoons of sour cream, one egg, one yolk, two tablespoons of flour, vanilla sugar, half a glass of sugar.
For the filling, any berries or fruits in any quantity and combination. Without bones, of course.

Heat margarine, melt and add sugar. Cool, beat in the egg and protein, put sour cream. Pour the sifted flour with baking powder, vanilla and knead the dough. Put it in a bag and refrigerate. Prepare fruit - pull out the seeds, plums, apricots or peaches, cut into halves. If bananas - cut into slices.
For filling, mix the egg with yolk and sugar, add vanilla sugar, sour cream and flour, stir well so that there are no lumps.
Grease the form with oil, take out the dough and put it in the form. You can roll it out, or you can simply tear off a piece of dough and put it into a mold, flatten it there. Lay out the walls with dough too. Lay the fruits on the dough with the convex side down and pour over the sauce. Bake the cake for 40 minutes over medium heat





