
Mixture for jellied chicken. Assorted rolls "in Arkhangelsk style"

What culinary specialist does not want to hear as many compliments as possible from the guests who came to taste the festive table?

Jellied chicken with gelatin is a recipe that will always help out and come to the rescue if there are not so many products in the refrigerator or when you need to cook something without extra effort and expense. We offer the most favorite variant of the jellied snack - with poultry meat, which always comes out well.

How to breed gelatin for aspic chicken

Of course, you can always cook such a treat without gelatin, but making it at home will be problematic. Remember how much work it takes to cook jelly, because in order for it to freeze, you need to properly boil the broth, and there should be a lot of bones in it.

If you add a little gelatin to the pan, then the taste and appearance of the dish will not suffer at all, and gelatin itself is a product from the healthy category.

It is obtained from animal fibers - cartilage tissue in the first place. And it has a lot of elastin - a natural component responsible for the beauty of the skin and hair.

That is why it is possible and even necessary to add gelatin to aspic with chicken if you follow your figure. The fact is that the calorie content of the snack is noticeably reduced if you cook the broth on chicken breast, and use low-calorie gelatin to thicken it.

How to dilute gelatin for aspic

  • Traditionally, the granules are diluted in an already prepared broth. Therefore, first boil the chicken in water.
  • It is important that the broth is cold - it is better not to soak the gelatin in hot. That is why, according to technology, we cool a glass of meat broth, and only then pour gelatin powder into it.
  • We are waiting for the fibers to swell - usually it takes about an hour. It is important that the granules noticeably increase in volume.
  • After that, the liquid with gelatin can be heated to stir it properly and dissolve. But do not overdo it - you can not boil gelatin.
  • The broth with gelatin dissolved in it is introduced back into the common bowl to the rest of the liquid, after which it is thoroughly mixed.

Chicken aspic with gelatin, a simple recipe


  • - 500 g + -
  • - 1 root vegetable + -
  • — 2-3 pcs. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • Gelatin - 20 g + -
  • — 2 l + -
  • - 1 bunch + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -

How to make delicious chicken aspic with gelatin with your own hands

Cooking chicken and broth for a festive aspic

  • Boil the chicken in a saucepan, after rinsing it under cold water. Since we use gelatin in the aspic recipe, you can also cook the broth on “naked” boneless meat.
  • Preparing the broth is simple: pour about two liters of clean water into a saucepan, put the chicken and wait for the liquid to boil.
  • After that, salt and pepper the broth, add lavrushka to it and reduce the heat, periodically removing the foam on the surface of the pan.
  • After about ten minutes, we lower the peeled onions and washed whole carrots into the pan, which must first be peeled.
  • We cook the broth for about an hour, not forgetting to drain the foam so that the aspic turns out beautiful and almost transparent.
  • Remove the finished broth from the heat and let it cool completely. Throw away the onion and parsley, set the carrots aside for a while.

The liquid itself in the pan will have to be filtered first to remove the remnants of spices and spices and make the broth clean.

  • When it has cooled, pour into a glass or cup a separate portion and refrigerate.

Add gelatin to chicken broth

  • Pour gelatin into a glass, stir and let it swell well - at least 30-40 minutes.
  • Then follow the instructions described above: heat the broth, dissolve all the granules and pour back into the pan.

We send the broth for chicken meat to the refrigerator for solidification.

  • Pour some of the broth into the bottom of dishes with high sides and put it in the refrigerator so that the first layer of our aspic has time to thicken.

We crumble poultry meat and carrots into a frozen broth mass

  • Then cut the top of the carrot. It is important that the pieces are transparent - they will be at the top when we turn our finished aspic with gelatin so that they will be clearly visible.
  • Here we chop the washed greens. Pour a small amount of broth on top and hide it in the refrigerator again to thicken and solidify the liquid.
  • Meanwhile, crumble cooked and cooled chicken meat. We divide it into small pieces with a knife, or you can simply disassemble it into fibers with your hands - as you prefer.

We form the last two layers of cold snacks

  • Put half the meat in the aspic, pour the broth on top and let this layer completely harden in the refrigerator.
  • After that, put the rest of the chicken in a bowl, pour the remaining broth with gelatin.

We send the aspic to the cold for the final solidification

  • We send the dish to the refrigerator and wait for it to solidify completely. It is best to remove the plate with aspic in the cold at night.

Before serving, we lower the dishes with treats in hot water for a couple of seconds, after which the snack will easily peel off the walls of the bowl.

Flip the filling over and lay it upside down. The surface of the frozen mass can be decorated with a sprig of fresh herbs.

As you can see, chicken aspic with gelatin is a simple recipe, while retaining the classic look of the dish and its appetizing taste.

Have a nice holiday!

A trembling transparent jelly wraps pieces of tender meat. Delicious spicy taste with peppercorns and a slight hint of garlic. Festive chicken aspic with gelatin can be served as a multi-layered cake, decorated with bright vegetable flowers and intricate knitting of snow-white mayonnaise patterns. The filling will contain dense egg white, spicy olives, juicy pieces of sweet pepper. Your guests will love this dish.

Taste Info Meat Snacks


  • chicken breast - 1 kg,
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece,
  • hot pepper - 1 piece,
  • carrots - 2 pieces,
  • olives - 200 grams,
  • gelatin - 25 grams,
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • greenery,
  • salt, black ground pepper.

How to cook aspic chicken with gelatin

The chicken breast is washed and placed whole in a two-liter pan. The meat is poured with cold water, salted to taste, put on medium heat. Whole peeled carrots are thrown into the broth. When the liquid begins to boil, you will have to stand at the stove for 10 minutes, continuously removing foam flakes. This is the main condition for the transparency of the broth. The pan is on fire for 30 minutes, then the fire is set to a minimum and the broth is cooked for another 20-30 minutes.
In a separate bowl, boil the second carrot without removing the peel. The cooled carrots are peeled, cut into semicircles. Olives are cut in half, sweet pepper - in triangles, bitter - in thin circles. Parsley sprigs are disassembled into leaves. Decorations for the aspic are ready.

The meat is laid out on a plate, the carrots are taken out and thrown away. To get a dense jelly, 25 grams of gelatin is dissolved in 4-4.5 glasses of broth. The liquid should cool to 70-80 degrees, gelatin crystals are poured into it and intensively stirred until dissolved. A little liquid is poured into the mold, the layer thickness is no more than 1 centimeter. The form is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour, the rest of the broth is near the stove so that it does not freeze prematurely. As soon as the jelly hardens in the refrigerator, it is taken out. Arbitrary patterns of vegetables are laid out on the surface.

Pour a couple of spoons of the broth that has already cooled down completely into the mold, and re-put the aspic in the refrigerator. The patterns will be fixed on the surface and will not scatter when pouring the next portion of the liquid.

Chicken meat is separated from the bones, cut into cubes, generously sprinkled with ground black pepper. Garlic is squeezed through a press, mixed with meat and left to soak the pieces.

The aspic is taken out of the refrigerator, another layer of broth is poured, which will close the vegetable patterns by a centimeter. The freezing process is standard.
All the meat is laid out on a frozen layer of jelly, alternating it with pieces of boiled eggs, halves of olives and dill.

The remains of the broth, which are in a warm room, have not yet had time to harden. This liquid is poured over the meat, the formation of the aspic is completed. The form must be filled to the brim, the jelly will not fall apart when removed from the dish.

The form is in the refrigerator, until the aspic is completely solidified. In order not to spoil the appearance of the aspic, the form is dipped for 10 seconds in hot water, and then turned over onto a large flat dish. The bottom layer becomes the top of the cake.

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Sprigs of greenery, the remaining olives are laid out around the aspic. Thin patterns are drawn on the surface of the cake with mayonnaise. In the absence of a culinary syringe, 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise are poured into a small dense plastic bag, one of the corners is cut. If you press the bag evenly, the pattern will turn out neat.

This festive chicken aspic is cut into portions and served immediately.

Jellied chicken does not require much time and special knowledge. Cook it quickly, unlike jelly. Aspic can be decorated as you like using silicone molds for pouring and curly cutouts for carrots. As additives when pouring, you can add greens, a slice of lemon, a boiled egg or green peas, some people prefer corn, but I will make the most traditional and simple version of the aspic, and decorate it for Valentine's Day. This dish is a great cold appetizer for any holiday.

For aspic, you can take a whole chicken, but I usually use different parts of the bird that I have gathered in the freezer. And there were a couple of chicken legs there (I used chicken breast earlier), another chicken thigh, and broiler necks, which relatives from the village brought on the occasion. The necks are hefty and there is a lot of meat on them. Of course, you also need carrots, onions, a little garlic, but this is optional, gelatin, salt, bay leaf.

Peel the carrots and onions.

Wash the chicken parts and, if necessary, cut into smaller pieces. I will cook aspic not just quickly, but very quickly, since I use a multicooker-pressure cooker for this process. Place the chicken and vegetables in a mixing bowl. My device has a volume of 6 liters, so I take birds of about 1.7 kg.

Pour about 1.8 liters of water, but not more than the maximum mark in the bowl. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf.

We turn on the pressure cooker mode "jelly" time will be 30 minutes. Close the lid and let the chicken cook. If you do not have such a unit, it does not matter! You just need to boil the chicken on the stove until cooked, plus another 20 minutes, so that the meat falls off the bones and that's it!

While our chicken is cooking, you can soak the gelatin in 1.5 cups of cold water and leave to swell.

When the chicken for aspic is ready, it looks like this, the meat lags behind the bones and the broth is rich and fragrant. You can taste for salt and add more if needed.

Remove the meat to a plate and let it cool slightly. In the meantime, the meat is cooling, heat the gelatin in a small amount of broth until it dissolves completely, but do not boil. Combine the broth with the remaining broth and warm it up a little. When the meat has cooled, separate it from the bones and chop finely. If desired, you can finely chop the garlic and mix with meat, but this is very individual!

We will choose forms or special dishes for aspic. Although the aspic turns out to be decent in volume, I will demonstrate on one mold how you can arrange the aspic, for example, for a romantic evening. In a silicone mold in the shape of a heart, cut out a heart with a carrot cookie cutter and put it on the very bottom.

Put the chopped meat and some canned green peas.

Fill with strained broth and put in the cold for 4-5 hours. When the filling hardens it is ready.

Put the finished aspic before serving on a plate and you can start dinner!

Serve with mustard or horseradish. Bon appetit!

Today, more and more chicken meat is included in our diet. It's affordable and affordable for everyone. There are many recipes for its preparation, but we will prepare chicken jelly at home. Who said that jelly must be made from pork? Not at all, chicken jelly will turn out to be no less tasty, but also low in calories. Yes Yes! Losers, take note!

By the way, white meat contains a lot of protein and amino acids. Scientists have proven that those who prefer to eat chicken to other types of meat get sick with colds much less often due to the presence of valuable trace elements in it. In addition, the collagen that is formed when boiling the broth is good for joints and skin, which means that jelly helps to prolong your youth.


  • Chicken parts - drumstick, thighs, necks, paws and a little brisket - 2 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Peppercorns - 8-10 peas
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pieces
  • Salt - to taste

To decorate jellied meat

  • Greenery
  • Carrot
  • boiled eggs
  • Green pea

The most important stage in the preparation of jelly is the choice of meat. To get a beautiful clear broth, it is better to use non-fatty meat, excess fat will give the broth turbidity. Of course, home-grown chicken is held in high esteem, but store-bought is no worse. Best suited for jellied shin, thigh, neck and paws. The presence of cartilage in the bones will give the viscosity of the broth for solidification.


  1. Before cooking, be sure to soak the chicken for an hour, this will remove blood clots, which can affect the quality of the broth. Most often, such clots occur in the lower leg and thigh.
  2. Separate the skin from the chicken and cut off the fat as desired, this way you get a diet jellied meat. Then put the meat in a saucepan, fill with water and put on the stove. As soon as the water in the pan boils, it must be drained, rinsed with chicken, poured over with water again and put on fire to make a beautiful clear broth.
  3. At the next boil, reduce the temperature on the stove so that the meat seems to languish and the broth does not boil away. Do not forget to remove the foam and fat that will form.
  4. If you use homemade chicken, you need to cook it for an order of magnitude longer! Poultry meat has tougher meat fibers!
  5. The meat should be cooked for at least 3-4 hours, until the meat begins to fall behind the bone. And the broth as a result of long cooking is rich and very tasty.
  6. Take your time, cooking jellied meat takes a long time. But only with proper high-quality cooking of meat, you will get the desired result.
  7. An hour and a half before readiness, we lower vegetables into the broth for meat. Carrots and onions pre-cut into large pieces. Pepper, bay leaf and seasonings that you like, it is better to add half an hour before readiness.
  8. We leave the finished broth to cool. Remove and remove vegetables, we will need carrots, but onions will no longer be useful. Once the broth has cooled, remove the chicken and strain the broth if necessary.
  9. Now let's cut the meat. Separate the meat from the bones and divide the chicken fillet into small pieces. If desired, pass the fillet through a meat grinder, so the jelly will turn out to be more uniform. Although personally I prefer just finely chopped meat.
  10. Grind the garlic, in a way convenient for you, through a garlic press, or finely chop. Cut carrots into circles or cubes.
  11. In a pre-prepared form, pour a little broth and spread the chicken, adding garlic.
  12. Put the carrots and egg halves on top of the chicken fillet, garnish with fresh herbs. Pour the meat with vegetables in the broth, cover the mold and refrigerate overnight. The jelly will harden for at least 5-6 hours.
  13. If you are preparing aspic as a dish for a holiday, I advise you to decorate it with boiled eggs and green peas, just add greens. To do this, boil the eggs in advance. The carrots remained when the chicken broth was boiled, cut it into circles or stars, separate the eggs from the shell and cut into quarters.
  14. Put green peas and carrots on the bottom of the mold, put eggs around the edges, pour a little broth and refrigerate for half an hour so that the jelly grabs, then add the chicken fillet with garlic. In no case do not freeze the jelly! It will completely lose its taste!

How to cook jelly (jellied) from chicken with gelatin

Did you know that jelly and aspic are different dishes? In aspic, gelatin is used in the ingredients, as it is cooked exclusively from dietary tender parts of the chicken. And aspic freezes even without gelatin due to bone cartilage and ligamentous tissue. In fact, there is no huge difference; when gelatin is added, the frozen broth will turn out to be more jelly than in jelly without it.


  • Chicken fillet, breast - 1.5 kg
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Gelatin - 20 g
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • Boiled eggs - 2-3 pieces
  • Spices - bay leaf, peppercorns
  • Salt - to taste


  1. Put the chicken fillet in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Drain the first broth, rinse the chicken and the pan. Pour hot water from the kettle and put on the stove, and after boiling, reduce the heat.
  2. Add peeled carrots and onions to chicken broth. When the vegetables are soft, remove them from the pot. Add bay leaf and peppercorns. It is better to salt at the end of cooking. Cook for a total of 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Then remove the chicken from the pan and chop the fillet into small pieces.
  4. Pour gelatin with warm broth and let it swell for about 20 minutes. Then dissolve the gelatin in the hot broth and stir until the lumps disappear.
  5. In the form in which the aspic will solidify for decoration, add a boiled egg, carrots and pickled cucumbers. Lay the chicken fillet on top.
  6. Fill the mold, cover with a lid or cling film and put in the refrigerator to harden.
  7. After 5-6 hours, chicken jelly will be ready! Bon appetit!

How to cook aspic from chicken in a bottle

Another way to surprise your household is to make aspic chicken in a bottle. This is the perfect dish for both breakfast and dinner. Walnuts will give a special charm and originality to this dish. And it’s easy to cook, now check it out.


  • Chicken - 1 piece
  • Walnut - 100 g
  • Gelatin - 30 g
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste


  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces and put it in a cauldron or in any deep frying pan. Put on the stove and close the lid. Thus, the chicken will be stewed in its own juice for 40 minutes. Salt and pepper. Do not open the lid often so that the liquid does not evaporate.
  2. Once the chicken is ready, cool, remove the bones and cut into pieces. Dilute gelatin, as indicated in the instructions, with water.
  3. Peel the garlic and mince. Cut the walnut as small as possible. And now mix everything in a pan or cauldron where the chicken was stewed, the juice from the chicken should remain there.
  4. When all the ingredients are mixed, take a 1.5 liter clean plastic bottle, cut off its neck and pour the jelly into it. Then refrigerate for 4-5 hours. When the jelly hardens, it is very easy to remove it from the bottle by cutting it with a clerical or kitchen knife.
  5. Chicken aspic with walnuts has a special taste that your whole family will love. This dish will decorate any festive table. Cook with pleasure!

Festive decoration of jellied chicken

Everything is simple here. If you decide to cook jelly for a celebration or some kind of holiday, make it in separate portions - this option will be convenient if you celebrate in a narrow circle. Surprise your loved ones with your imagination, a few options below are for you.

  • Prepare jellied meat as in the descriptions above with or without gelatin. Take the required number of molds, put the halves of the egg on the bottom, chicken with garlic on top and pour the broth. Looks original!
  • Jellied appetizer in stacks. Surely at home there are ordinary glasses, in which pour the jelly. An interesting and useful idea for a holiday. I'm sure everyone will be delighted.

But if you have a feast for the whole world, this method is not for you. Don't rush to get upset. There are many options on how to beautifully decorate chicken jelly and serve it to guests. I'm sure you won't be left indifferent!

  • Very tasty and unusual, you can decorate the jelly with shrimp. Your guests will appreciate the taste. This shape can be achieved by placing a glass in the middle of the mold or use a ready-made cupcake mold, into which you can pour the jelly, laying shrimp with green peas on the bottom. Beauty!

It is easy to prepare an incredibly tender and at the same time tasty aspic chicken that can please all households. For these purposes, it is worth learning some secrets with which you can create a genuine masterpiece. It remains to be a little patient and learn the lessons of skill.

Knowledgeable culinary specialists believe that the main component in this dish is the broth. It should have undeniable transparency and excellent taste characteristics. Only in this case, chicken aspic will be a winning option.

A cold appetizer will appeal to lovers of light dishes. Indeed, despite the presence of meat, it is most close to dietary dishes. By adding green herbs and seasonal vegetables as decoration, as well as eggs, you can get a decent result.

Another point that you should not forget about when preparing aspic is the density that the broth itself should have in the end. Even with long-term cooking of chicken, this result cannot be achieved. Gelatin will definitely come to the rescue. It will help to give exactly the consistency that you can be satisfied with. In the proposed recipe, the cooking process and some of the nuances of serving the dish will be more fully disclosed. And most importantly, with the right design it will be possible to surprise absolutely everyone.

Jellied chicken with gelatin - a recipe with step by step photos

Every housewife wants to please and surprise her guests or relatives with a delicious and elegant dish. Multi-colored chicken breast aspic is a great option for such an occasion.

For this we need:

  • Chicken breast - 500 gr.
  • Water - 1–1.2 liters
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Gelatin - 30 gr.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • Greenery

Cooking method:

1. Pour water into the pan, put the chicken breast there and put it on the fire.

2. During the boiling of the broth, periodically remove the foam.

3. Add onions, carrots, bay leaves, salt and peppercorns. Cover with a lid and cook the chicken over low heat until tender.

4. For chicken aspic, we need gelatin, soak it in cold water and leave to swell.

5. We take out the boiled chicken breast, discard the onion, leave the carrots for decoration.

6. We filter the finished broth for aspic chicken through cheesecloth.

7. We cut the meat. The smaller the jellied dishes you have, the finer we cut the chicken.

8. Add a little hot broth to the swollen gelatin and mix. If grains still remain, you can put it in the microwave for 30 seconds until completely dissolved. The most important thing is not to overheat.

9. Now pour the prepared gelatin into the broth, and mix well.

10. Pour a little broth into the prepared dishes for aspic and put in the refrigerator so that the jelly freezes a little.

11. During this time, we will prepare everything for decoration. To do this, we use carrots, pickled cucumbers, you can add green canned peas. In this recipe, I used small cookie cutters. If you do not have any, you can cut the flowers yourself. It is advisable to get the carrots a little early from the broth so that it is not digested.

12. Cut cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts, boiled eggs into 2 halves. I cut off a protein cap from one of them, and cut out circles for carrot flowers with a tube.

13. It's finally time to do aspic. I put half an egg in the center on the sides of a strip of boiled carrots, add a little chicken meat and lay out the flowers on the sides, a little garlic in the center. If desired, I place cucumbers and small parsley leaves next to the carrots. Pour in the broth to cover the meat.

14. If the jellied mold is deep, at this stage I put it back in the refrigerator to harden slightly, and only then fill it with meat to the top. I put half an egg on top and the remaining carrot flowers.

15. I fill it with broth and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

16. To remove the filler from the mold well, I lower it for 30 seconds in hot water. If necessary, you can tuck a little with a knife so that the air comes out, and the dish will easily come out of the mold. We turn it on a plate and serve it to the table. Horseradish is perfect for this appetizer.

For more details, see the video recipe:

Bon appetit!

Recipe in a slow cooker

Using this technique to cope with any overwhelming task is twice as easy. Jellied chicken will turn out to be very tender and at the same time absolutely not lose its first-class taste. This gastronomic delight can be created in a few hours and receive enthusiastic exclamations from lovers of such dishes. After all, it can be easily served both for a light dinner and a festive meal. The main thing is to have time to do everything on time and then you can vouch for an excellent result.


  • Chicken - carcass.
  • Karotel carrot is a root vegetable.
  • White onion - head.
  • Garlic - head.
  • Laurel.
  • Salt.
  • Gelatin - a pack.
  • A mixture of peppers.

Cooking process:

1. Thoroughly rinse the chicken. Remove skin and fat. Hold again under running water. Place in a multicooker. Fill with water to the maximum. Let's install "Extinguishing". Leave the dish for 4-5 hours for cooking.

2. Remove foam periodically. The more you remove, the clearer the broth will be. An hour before the end of the process, add peeled onions and spices, as well as carrots.

3. Pull out the chicken carcass. Cool down. Separate the meat. Strain the broth. Dilute gelatin and put together with the broth to swell. As soon as it starts to disperse, turn off the multicooker. Cut carrots into stars and rings.

4. Arrange the meat portions on the bottom of the container. Decorate with carrots. Pour in broth. Put to cool. Place in refrigerator to cool completely.

5. After five hours, the chicken aspic is ready to delight gourmets with its delicate taste and delicate aroma.

Thanks to the use of a multicooker, the cooking process is greatly simplified and does not require additional procedures. At the exit, the dish is distinguished by its invariable meat taste and special tenderness.

  • Jellied chicken is best served with spicy sauces. Mustard or horseradish is perfect. Although it's nice to combine French mustard and homemade horseradish appetizer.
  • To decorate the dish, you should use a curly knife for decoration. With its help, even from ordinary carrots, it will be possible to cut incredible figures, and decorate the aspic with fabulous flowers. Fresh vegetables in the design are also welcome in the form of thematic compositions.

Chicken casserole is easy to make. The main thing is to want to do everything right and then the result will definitely justify itself.
