
What is pu-erh tea, what are the benefits and harms of the drink. Pu-erh tea: the effect of intoxication or a simple tonic effect

Chinese Pu-erh tea is known for its rich taste, velvety softness and exclusive aroma. The unique properties of this drink are determined not only by the variety of tea leaves, but also by the special production technology. Over the years, it only gets better, matures and fills with new flavors. There is an opinion that pu-erh tea has an effect comparable to a skate, the same relaxing, calming, but clarifying consciousness.

Today, the use of pu-erh in China is part of the program to preserve the health of the entire nation. Physicians and scientists, based on the research of various scientific institutes, assure that the effect of pu-erh on the human body is unique and recommend brewing it as an aid in the treatment of many diseases.

As for the legends about the effect of pu-erh, which equate tea with light drugs, it can be said unequivocally that the tea harvested in the Chinese province of Yunnan is not a single psychotropic substance. Some do not feel the effect of pu-erh at all, while others feel cheerfulness and euphoria only after drinking several mugs in a row on an empty stomach, mistakenly believing that this is comparable to a slight degree of intoxication.

Puer is valued in almost all countries of the world for its beneficial effect on the human body. affect the state of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, normalize blood pressure and improve the metabolic process.

This tea is famous as an elixir of longevity, youth and beauty. With it, you can look great at any age. To do this, it is enough to brew and drink 2 cups of this tea a day. After a few months, many around will notice changes in appearance:

  • the drink helps to reduce excess weight;
  • gives a healthy complexion;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, accelerates the process of cell regeneration.

With the help of Pu-erh tea, the body noticeably heals. The main condition is its regular use.

The perfect way to cheer up

Puer is also the most invigorating tea. The time of its insistence depends on what effect you want to get. The longer the drink is brewed, the more it will have a tonic effect on the body (stronger than an energy drink or a cup of strong coffee).

The tonic effect of pu-erh is that it:

  • clears the mind, even after intoxication;
  • helps to concentrate;
  • reduces drowsiness;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • breathing improves, which contributes to the saturation of the blood with oxygen;
  • when drinking the drink, a feeling of peace appears, the mood improves, and the mind becomes clear.

It happens that many are accustomed to drinking tea on an empty stomach. But pu-erh cannot be consumed in this way, although it can significantly reduce appetite.

Feeling the fullness of taste and benefits of this drink is very simple. It is only necessary to learn this fragrant tea in order to preserve its healing properties.

photo: depositphotos.com/eAlisa, ponomarencko

Fans of tea drinks put this variety on the same level with such elite drinks as whiskey, brandy. Puer tea has a set of useful substances, vitamins, each brewing turns into a tasting, and the taste largely depends on aging, as is the case with alcohol. Features of the preparation of the drink make it not only useful, but also unique, even picky gourmets will be able to choose the right kind of tea.

What is Puer

The plant grows in China. This product is obtained by harvesting and properly preparing tea leaves, it does not contain any additives, artificial flavors. What makes tea unique is its chemical composition, which includes:

  • amino acids that affect the characteristics of the drink;
  • kakhetins, phenolic acids, anthocyanins - these elements are included in the group of phenolic compounds that have antibacterial, antioxidant, anticancer properties;
  • sucrose, saccharides, giving the drink a sweetish aftertaste;
  • alkaloids (thein), theophylline, theobromine, which give tonic properties to tea;
  • pu-erh contains vitamins P, E, C, A;
  • tea contains minerals: manganese, chromium, fluorine, zinc;
  • statins that reduce the likelihood of stroke, cholesterol, coronary disease.

Manufacturing steps

The main production of natural, high-quality pu-erh takes place in Zhuan (province of China), some varieties grow in the provinces of Guizhou Sichuan and several regions of Vietnam. The main indicator of tea that affects the taste of the drink is exposure, the longer it is, the better the taste. The same indicator directly affects the cost of pu-erh. The process of making tea takes a long period of time and consists of the following steps:

  • first they collect leaves from old bushes (600 years old) and young ones;
  • the collected raw materials are piled in large piles and poured with water (withering);
  • when the pu-erh leaves dry, the dried pu-erh is laid out for 35-90 days in a thin layer so that natural fermentation (ripening and fermentation) occurs;
  • then in the boilers the raw materials are disinfected, roasted and pressed;
  • keep tea in storage for at least 1 year.


There are several types of drink, for example, Shen pu-erh is also called green pu-erh, it is prepared according to the method of natural ripening, the leaves have a greenish tint. When it is brewed, it turns out a light tea infusion, like green varieties with a hint of fruit, prunes. If necessary, you can control the degree of fermentation yourself. After 2-3 years of additional aging, the roughness and bitterness of fresh leaves will go away from the pu-erh.

Shu pu-erh or earth tea is created by artificial, accelerated aging, the leaves of the raw material become dark brown. It turns out after brewing a dark infusion with a touch of cognac, a hint of mint and chocolate. If you store earthen tea longer, the taste of dampness will disappear. There is also a classification according to the form of pressing the product:

  • loose pu-erh;
  • twisted tea or mushroom;
  • tea lumps;
  • in the form of a nest;
  • pressed brick;
  • pu-erh in the form of a mandarin;
  • tea resin.

Pu-erh - useful properties

The unique qualities of the drink are formed due to its unique composition. The benefits of pu-erh are recognized in medicine, the drink is often used as a folk remedy. The main thing that often stops people is the high cost. The properties of pu-erh tea will not manifest themselves if a fake is bought. Among the useful qualities of the drink are:

  • fight against constipation;
  • improved digestion;
  • stabilization of blood sugar;
  • prolongation of youthfulness of the skin;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing a stroke, heart attack;
  • excretion of heavy metals, poisons, slags, toxins from the body;
  • cleansing of bad cholesterol;
  • diuretic effect;
  • normalization of the liver, cleansing and restoration of the body;
  • increased concentration, physical activity;
  • promotes the process of losing weight (improves metabolism).


Puer is a strong tea, even with a slight brewing, all the properties are very pronounced. Experimenting, brewing longer than the allotted time is dangerous for your well-being. There are certain rules that should not be violated when drinking a drink. This type of tea is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. If the body temperature is elevated, the drink will provoke an even greater increase.
  2. You can not drink tea before bedtime, tonic properties will lead to sleep disturbance, can provoke nervous stress.
  3. This tea is not recommended for people with glaucoma.
  4. Tea is contraindicated during breastfeeding, pregnancy.
  5. Do not give the drink to children under 3 years of age.
  6. Everyone who suffers from high blood pressure (hypertension) should refuse pu-erh.
  7. In the presence of urolithiasis, the diuretic properties of the drink can aggravate the condition: there will be sharp, piercing pains.

How to brew pu-erh tea

This is an unusual drink that needs to be able to brew properly. A clay container is not suitable for this, it strongly absorbs the smell. If you then brew Tibetan or plain black tea in it, it will still smell like pu-erh. The procedure itself takes a long time, it looks like this:

  1. Take a suitable teapot for brewing (not clay).
  2. You can use tea leaves for infusion several times.
  3. Pour boiling water over the first portion of pu-erh for 50 seconds, then drain all the liquid completely.
  4. Hold the second brew for 30 seconds and you can already use it.
  5. For the third time, pour pu-erh for 4-6 seconds with 90 degrees water.
  6. About 7-12 pressings are needed for 250 ml of liquid.
  7. Drink hot, fresh and without sugar.
  8. Quality pu-erh stays fresh for about 10 brews.

How to drink

The unique taste of this Chinese drink is unique, but only those who know how to drink it can fully enjoy the taste. Follow these rules to fill your body with energy and enjoy the wonderful aftertaste of tea:

  1. For tea drinking, small bowls (bowls) are great so that the portions are small. This will help to fully experience the aroma and delicate taste of tea. If desired, you can take some dried fruits, chocolate.
  2. You can not drink a drink before going to bed, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.
  3. You can not drink puer on an empty stomach, in case of problems with the mucous membrane, this strong drink can provoke the appearance of an ulcer. It is recommended to drink tea 40 minutes after eating.

Intoxication effect

There is an opinion that this drink belongs to weak and legal drugs. Pu-erh is not such, it does not cause a feeling of intoxication and does not intoxicate, it does not form dependence and does not pose a danger to the human body. Due to a special set of enzymes, a high level of caffeine, such tea invigorates, increases the sharpness of perception, and alcohol has the opposite effect.

In the homeland of pu-erh (China), they say that the drink helps to take a sober look at life, which cannot be said about those who suffer from alcoholism. Tea masters claim that people after 3 cups begin to notice such details that previously passed by their attention. Thinking becomes smoother and more concentrated by raising the tone and sharpening the senses.

There is a slight effect of intoxication if a fake is bought or the quality of the product is very low. The same result can be observed in unprepared people who have not previously drunk such tea, so it is better to limit yourself to two small bowls during the tasting. The effect is similar to taking energy drinks.

Side effects

The enzymes of the drink have a strong effect on the human body, so it is very important to brew tea correctly. If a person drinks the first tea leaves or keeps it for too long, then after drinking tea they may experience malaise, symptoms of poisoning and even vomiting. To avoid this, following the rules for brewing tea, using the right dishes (pumpkin bowls) will help.

The same negative consequences can be caused by fake or products with a broken production technology, with non-observance of the stages: collection, washing, drying and twisting (pressing). If a mistake is made or the leaves begin to be pressed ahead of time, the product will turn out to be of poor quality. With symptoms of tea poisoning, it is recommended to rinse the stomach, then drink 1-2 liters of water.


Possessing a rich aroma and an unusual taste (some consider this taste to be earthy). It acquires them thanks to the fermentation technology used in its production. In addition, this tea is famous for its healing properties. In his homeland, in China, pu-erh is considered a drink that gives eternal youth, beauty, and a slender figure. Another feature: over the years, its properties only improve, so young tea is considered less valuable than aged tea. Some varieties of Pu-erh tea are so valuable that they were declared the national treasure of the country and banned from being exported from China.

After passing through the fermentation process, pu-erh takes on a pressed appearance. But the weight and shape for implementation, it can acquire almost any. Most often you can find pu-erh in the following forms: cake, brick, nest, mushroom, pumpkin. Weight can be different, starting with a few grams, and reaching a couple of kilograms. The form of pressing and weight do not affect the quality characteristics of tea. That is, pu-erh of different grades can be pressed and packaged in almost the same way.

To buy really real pu-erh tea, it is more expedient to do this in a specialized one that has been operating in this market for a long time and has recommendations from other buyers.

Positive effects of tea.

As we said earlier, the effect of regular consumption of pu-erh is extremely positive for our health. What effect does it have on the body? Here are just the most important effects:

  • Pu-erh is an ideal assistant for those who are engaged in mental work, as it activates cerebral circulation, promotes concentration and, as a result, fruitful highly efficient work.
  • Puer tones without exciting. It easily relieves drowsiness, leads to calmness, creates a normal working state.
  • The use of pu-erh has a positive effect on vision.
  • Pu-erh tea helps to get rid of thirst in hot weather.
  • It has an antipyretic effect.
  • Pu-erh neutralizes the action of toxins, both in food and alcohol poisoning.
  • Normalizes digestion: relieves colic and bloating; Pu-erh tea can be drunk with diarrhea, as well as with constipation.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Pu-erh promotes weight loss.
  • It normalizes the level of calcium in the body - this has a positive effect on the condition of teeth, bones, hair.

All of the above indicates to us that the effect of tea is that with its regular use, the wear and tear of the body slows down and life expectancy increases.


You should know that pu-erh contains caffeine. Therefore, this type of tea should not be brewed very strong. In some cases, its use should be completely abandoned, in particular, when:

  • poor portability of this component;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • various kidney diseases;
  • glaucoma;
  • increased pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Cooking method.

To brew pu-erh, the tea leaves are placed in a container (ceramic or glass) and water of the desired temperature is added there. After a few seconds (3-5s), it is immediately drained. It is designed to clean dust from pu-erh leaves and allow them to open. The same leaves are filled with a new portion of water. After 20 seconds, you can drink pu-erh. The next brew is aged a little longer.

Basic questions for beginners on brewing.

- Is it possible to brew pu-erh repeatedly?

The effect of Pu-erh tea is simply legendary. But does he have the very qualities that are attributed to him in Russia? Perhaps our boundless interest in something unusual makes us exaggerate the tonic properties of this legendary tea, calling them intoxicating and even narcotic. In fact, the effect of Pu-erh is due to the content of a huge amount of enzymes and caffeine in it. It is these active substances that bring the human nervous system into a state of tone, which many used to call intoxication.

Also known properties of this tea, such as the ability to lower blood sugar, promote weight loss and powerfully improve performance. If dizziness or weakness suddenly appears after drinking tea, then we can say about the manifestation of the glycolysis process, which can be easily compensated by eating something sweet.

Waiting for the effect: drinking Pu-erh at home

About what effect can be expected from Puer, it is written in many sources. Those who are particularly interested in getting new sensations from this kind of tea ceremony are able to study a mountain of information to find out all the secrets of brewing and drinking this explosive tea. Shu Puer, the effect of which excites the minds of our compatriots, is truly famous in China. Now his fame has reached Russia. True, we talk about it as a kind of magic potion, permitted by law, but leading to almost a state of "narcotic" intoxication.

Due to the unfamiliar qualities of such a tonic tea, knowledgeable people recommend trying it at home for the first time in order to avoid unexpected situations associated with instant relaxation or, conversely, excitement.

Boil or brew?

Chinese Pu-erh tea, the effect of which is due to its enzymatic qualities, is most often brewed in a teapot. Moreover, such a process can rather be called cooking, rather than brewing. So, according to experienced tea gourmets, Pu-erh inserts for a while, leaving no harmful effects after a timely release. The logical chain that develops in the minds of many looks something like this: Pu-erh - Effect - Reviews of friends - Be sure to try. But, believe me, everyone will find their pros and cons in Puer.

Many people wonder which Puer is more rushing: Shu or Shen. So, rather than this Grandiose quality is inherent in Shu Pu-erh. This type of tea can truly be classified as black, since in terms of the concentration of enzymes it cannot be compared with any traditional black tea in Russia. Therefore, there is a common opinion about which Pu-erh inserts: only Shu, moreover, preferably brought directly from China.

The opinion of sound connoisseurs

Distracting from such an attractive property of “inserting”, you can competently approach the description of Pu-erh. After all, this unique tea has a simply grandiose ability to influence human metabolism. Therefore, Puer tea, reviews of which vary, can affect everyone in completely different ways. It is impossible not to mention such properties as the possibility fight food poisoning and hangovers. Pu-erh is just a magical tool to increase efficiency in the good sense of the word. Here we are not talking about how Puer is rushing, but its peculiarity is to tone up and invigorate.

Magnificent Pu-erh tea: reviews as a reason to try it

Anyone who is even slightly fond of the distant tradition of the tea ceremony should feel the powerful tonic properties of this tea. Being practically the pride of China, this truly black tea has earned the respect of connoisseurs and the attention of the curious in Russia for good reason.

Thus, Chinese tea Puer, reviews of which have long been bypassed by all the interested public, may seem a little surprising. Indeed, some attribute to him the ability to “insert not childishly”, while others tone and invigorate in earnest. All these are just different opinions of people interested in this or that effect.

It is simply important to appreciate all facets of this drink. No need to assign to him the humiliating properties of narcotic, toxic or psychotropic substances. Pu-erh is a magnificent gift from nature, which has put into the properties of this tea leaf the ability to transfer the energy of the sun and heat to the human body free of charge.

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Pu-erh is a post-fermented elite tea variety with an incomparable aroma and taste. Raw materials are produced in Yunnan province according to a specific technology: the leaves are subjected to natural or artificial aging. Its price is high, and the longer the exposure, which improves the taste, the more expensive the variety. The pronounced tonic effect of Pu-erh tea can be compared with a light narcotic, so it is not recommended for children to use it.

Tea, despite its specific taste and high cost, is popular. It is often included in the menu of modern bars, cafes and restaurants. What is the effect of Puer? Its attractiveness depends on the excitation of the body: there is a feeling similar to a slight intoxication.

This state does not occur in everyone, someone feels vivacity and euphoria, someone does not feel anything, even after drinking a few cups of the drink. Studies have shown that Puer does not have a negative effect on the body.

On the contrary, it has a very positive effect on people, therefore it is recommended for the treatment of certain diseases, prevention, increasing efficiency and vigor. The effect of intoxication does not bring any harm to the body.

Beneficial features

Pu-erh tea in China is called the "cure for a hundred diseases", due to its healing properties:

  • Relieves pain in gastric and duodenal ulcers, treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It lowers blood pressure, therefore it is indicated for people who are prone to hypertension.
  • Effectively removes harmful substances and salts of heavy metals from the body in case of poisoning, neutralizes the effects of radiation.
  • Helps to lose weight by creating a feeling of satiety.
  • Improves the condition of the skin, rejuvenates the body, improving blood circulation.
  • Prevents the development of cancer.
  • Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Strengthens the immune system, relieves a hangover.
  • Relieves chronic constipation.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.

With frequent lack of sleep and a decrease in concentration, tea helps to work more efficiently, as it stimulates brain activity and increases physical performance.

Disadvantages and harms of the drink

Puer tea, in addition to useful properties, has contraindications that must be considered:

  • pregnancy, children under three years of age;
  • use on an empty stomach;
  • heat;
  • kidney disease.

Side effect of Pu-erh: you should not abuse it, drinking more than three cups a day leads to a decrease in appetite and sleep disturbance, as it has a strong tonic effect.

It is forbidden to mix it with various drinks for weight loss, dietary supplements, caffeine, as a chemical reaction can occur with unforeseen detrimental consequences. The effect of too strong brewed tea can be weakened by a candy or an apple eaten afterward, which reduce discomfort.

Tea brewing rules

In order for the leaves to reveal all their taste and aroma, you need to know some of the subtleties of brewing. For example, the temperature of the water, which directly depends on the age of the tea, is of great importance. The older the leaves, the higher the temperature should be, otherwise the taste will not be moderately saturated.

Young tea should be brewed with water having 80-90 degrees, aged - 85-95, old - 98. Only filtered water is used. Raw materials compressed into a large pancake or tablets should not be cut with a knife, it is enough to break off the desired piece. Leaves can be brewed up to ten times, it is undesirable to use a clay teapot. Before brewing, they must be washed.

Drink recipes

There are several ways to brew tea, each of which should be tried to choose the most suitable for yourself:

  • Traditional.

A porcelain teapot is heated with boiling water, 5 grams of tea separated by layers is poured into it, 150 ml is poured. water with a temperature of 95 degrees, after 10 seconds it merges, removing all dust. The second time the liquid is poured into the container and infused for no more than 2 minutes. The drink is poured into cups and drunk slightly cooled in small sips.

  • Gongfu Cha method.

Pressed tea leaves are poured into a heated teapot in a ratio of 1 to 30. Boiling water poured to wash the tea leaves is poured out. Before the next filling, you need to inhale the aroma and, if something is embarrassing in the smell, you need to rinse it again. Brew and infuse the drink for 1-2 minutes. The concentration can be equalized by pouring into cups in small portions. According to this method, tea is poured into tall cups, which are tightly covered with lower ones and turned over. Thus, a concentrated aroma remains in them.

  • Cooking on fire.

A heat-resistant glass teapot is filled with water, put on fire. The tea leaf is washed two or three times with cold water to get rid of dust, and also to be saturated with liquid and not float up, it is wrung out. Two cups of water are poured from the kettle into another container, when bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, the liquid is poured again before boiling. Processed Pu-erh is laid in a certain way: water is twisted with a spoon clockwise until a funnel is formed, into which tea is carefully poured. Wait for the water to boil and turn off the burner. The drink is poured into cups and drunk immediately, if it is overexposed, it becomes bitter and cloudy.

Properties of Shen Pu-erh

There are several varieties of Pu-erh tea, which also have healing and tonic properties. Shen Puer, the effect of which is to fill the body with energy, clarify the mind and a powerful surge of strength. An excellent natural antibiotic cleanses the body after a heavy meal, normalizes metabolism. It has antibacterial, vasodilating and anti-inflammatory action, clarifies the mind.
