
Unusual flavor combinations. Basic principles of product combination

The classics are boring. It is impossible to choose the right outfits all the time, carefully combining shades and tones. Sometimes the soul asks - no, it demands - courage, originality and showiness! Contrasting, bright and stylish will help you stand out from the crowd. Interestingly, for the most part they fit into the rules of the standard color wheel, but are rarely used in images due to excessive saturation.

Unusual color combinations: not easy, but tasteful!

The color combination palette dictates choosing outfits using five simple rules:

  1. from two to five shades in one look;
  2. distribution of volumes of colors into primary, secondary and accent;
  3. permission for any combination of pastel shades;
  4. versatility in the use of achromatic colors;
  5. a combination of contrasting or related shades.

This is the last point that will be discussed: after all, most of the unusual color combinations are based on the combination of contrasts. That is, these are couples officially approved by stylists, but rarely used and therefore especially spectacular.

Contrasts. We create bright images!

Color combinations in clothes are more often non-conflict, soft and, unfortunately, hackneyed. In order not to look “like everyone else”, but at the same time not to violate the rules of combinatorics, it is recommended to use the circle of color combinations in clothes in a new way: take shades of opposite sectors.

Applying this rule and using the spectacular work of designers and stylists, it is easy to highlight high-quality contrasting pairs that will always look good in a look. Good, but unbanal - which is what a fashionable lady needs!

These color pairs include:

  1. Gray and pink. Favorite combination of Christian Dior, which he actively used in the development , and then in other collections. Calm gray and coquettish pink - harmonious, spectacular and very feminine.
  2. Green and red. A combination condemned by many, although in fact it is allowed and permissible by fashion. It looks great in the summer-autumn period and will easily drive away the blues and dull mood.

  1. Yellow and purple/lilac. Another conflicting option, but officially allowed by the color wheel. It looks good when in the image both shades are represented by equal volumes, and the third color is calm and achromatic.
  2. Blue and black. Surprisingly, this option for a long time was classified as fashionable bad manners. However, the blue-black options are very effective: a moderately cold combination, but rich in tone and businesslike in mood.
  3. Orange and red. Good, but not very favorite due to the brightness of the couple. Looks great in a muted range of both shades. Suitable for autumn walks and casual looks.

Color combinations in clothes 2016 recommend neutral pleasantness: the tones are predominantly gentle, natural and muted. But this does not mean that bright images should be abandoned before the change of the fashion trend. Not at all! Excellent pairs of unusual color combinations are perfect for creating unique stylistic compositions and ensembles. The main thing is not to abuse the variety and follow the advice recommended by stylists.

Pineapple and cheese actually contain a lot of similar substances. Their combination allows them to interact, enriching the taste. Best paired with blue cheese, the acidity of which is balanced by the sweetness of the fruit.

  • Strawberries and Parmesan

Strawberries sprinkled with grated parmesan have replaced chocolate-covered strawberries. The butyric acid found in this cheese, which is also found in chocolate, reacts with the flavonoids in strawberries to produce a rich, sweet taste.

  • Pizza and tuna

The taste of monosodium glutamate inherent in tuna makes the pizza taste more intense and satisfying. And because tuna fills you up quickly, you won't want to eat the whole pizza. Tuna can be raw, grilled or canned.

  • Dark chocolate and beets

Geozyme and pyrazine give beetroot a special taste. The latter is also found in dark chocolate, and when you pair it with beetroot, you get an interesting contrast of sweetness and bitterness. Try to sprinkle beetroot salad grated dark chocolate.

  • Mashed potatoes and ketchup

In India, McDonald's sells a sandwich with potato cutlet, and visitors are happy to dip it in ketchup. Potato has soft taste, and ketchup revitalizes it with monosodium glutamate.

  • Chocolate and soy sauce

The perfect combination in terms of chemistry. The saltiness of the soy sauce brings out the sweetness of the chocolate. In addition, both products contain fried, vegetable and fruit components, mutually enriching each other's tastes. Try to dip chocolate bar in soy sauce or drizzle over chocolate dessert.

  • Ketchup and dark chocolate

You most likely pour ketchup on a lot of other foods, but I don't think you've ever tried it with dark chocolate. However, the latter has notes of tomato in the taste, and ketchup enhances them, enriching the taste. They both also have parsley notes, thanks to the linalool molecule.

  • Pickled cucumber and ice cream

Pregnant women intuitively feel that this combination can trigger a reinforcement response in the brain. And here's why: the salt in pickled cucumber is necessary for normal blood circulation and cellular metabolism, while the sugar and fat in ice cream provide energy through fast carbohydrates. Your body needs all of this to survive. Therefore, the brain encourages the use of such combinations, even if they seem inappropriate.

  • Red caviar and white chocolate

Renowned British chef Heston Blumenthal knew that a hint of saltiness on white chocolate would enrich its flavor and soften the sweetness. He began to experiment with combinations and empirically discovered that it is best to put red caviar on a bar of white chocolate.

  • Nutella and french fries

Salt enhances the taste, even if it is a sweet taste. try walnut chocolate mass nutella with french fries. As mentioned above, potatoes have a mild taste, so in this case it only acts as a salt container. You can also replace nutella with chocolate milkshake.

Most people eat because they like it. tasty food, not just because they need energy to sustain life. Appearance, texture, nutritional value of the dish are important, but the most important thing is the taste. It is the taste that determines good cooking dishes.

Improving and changing taste are the main tasks of the cook,.

Just a small digression. IN English language there is a word "flavor". The dictionary translates it simply as "taste". But it is not so. Flavor is a combination of taste and aroma. An amazingly capacious word, which, alas, is not in the Russian language. The best thing I could come up with was “taste” to somehow distinguish the word “flavor” from the word “taste”. Do you have any ideas?

The most important taste qualities of a dish are the taste qualities of its main ingredients. At beef steak should taste like steak and green peas should taste like green peas and so on. However, the product itself often has a mild and flat flavor, so it is the chef's job to make the product more interesting by combining different ingredients.

The harmony of taste and aroma that the chef creates by skillfully combining ingredients is sometimes called - flavor chart.

Building a Taste Scheme

When a chef prepares a dish, he must take into account not only its taste.

We perceive the characteristics of a dish according to 4 parameters:

1. Appearance
2. Aroma
3. Taste
4. Complex mouthfeel (texture, dryness or moisture, softness or crunchiness) and temperature.

All these factors are very important, but we will focus on two of them - taste and aroma. Why not just taste? The taste buds of our tongue sense 4 basic sensations: salty, sweet, bitter and sour. But here taste qualities (flavor) are a combination of taste and aroma. If we do not smell the aroma, the dish seems less tasty.

Taste qualities are primary and secondary. Primary palatability - the taste and aroma of the main ingredients. For example, Irish Roast Lamb has the primary flavors of lamb, onion, leek, and potatoes. These taste qualities dominate, while the rest enhance and improve them.

Consider the taste scheme using the example of a veal blanket.

The veal itself does not have a very pronounced taste. In this recipe, it is stewed (rather than fried or baked), so the taste is even weaker. When choosing additional flavor additives and spices, we want to avoid those that will disguise delicate taste veal. Use of white veal broth - lovely way enhance the original taste of the dish. We could use water but get less fragrant dish. brown broth taste is too strong for this dish, it would completely change the characteristics of the dish. The onion and bouquet garni are added to the broth to give it more depth.
We'll also add a roux, cream and egg seasoning, lemon juice, nutmeg and pepper. The function of the roux is thickening, creating texture. Butter in roux also enriches the taste of the dish. Liezon makes the consistency of the dish creamy, and the dish itself is richer. However, a too fatty sauce combined with a delicate taste of veal will make our dish unnecessarily intrusive. Therefore, we use lemon to neutralize the fat content of cream and eggs, to balance the taste. There should be just enough lemon to balance the taste, but the dish should not get lemon flavor. Finally, don't a large number of nutmeg and pepper give fullness and completeness of taste, without oversaturating it. If the first thing you smell is the taste of nutmeg, you've overdone it.

So what conclusions can be drawn from this example?

Does not exist clear rules combinations of different palatability, but there is general principles:

1. Every ingredient must have a purpose.. Start with the main ingredients, think about what goes well with them. Gradually build the dish by adding new ingredients.
2. Ingredients can be mixed by matching or contrasting (contrast). In our example, the delicate taste of veal and lezon are in harmony. The sourness of the lemon contrasts with the cream.
3. When two ingredients contrast, make sure you strike a balance.. lemon juice there should be just enough to balance the taste of the cream. No more no less.
4. Think not only about the dish itself, but also about other food that will be served with it.. Plan sauces and side dishes so that they harmonize and contrast with the main course and with each other, just like the ingredients in the dish itself.

Simplicity and complexity.

On the one hand, the simpler the better. Some cooks mistakenly believe that it is better to add more ingredients into a dish. After all, the more ingredients in a dish, the more difficult it is to balance them. However, it is a mistake to say that simpler is always better. Browse Chinese, Mexican, Indian recipes and you will realize that many of the recipes use a lot of spices and flavorings. And they match perfectly! In a good curry, it is almost impossible to discern the taste of all the spices used. But the dish should really work! Creating such dishes is not for everyone.

Classic schemes flavors

How can we learn to mix tastes? Perhaps the best place to start is by studying traditional recipes various national cuisines. Dishes that have stood the test of time. We are familiar with certain successful flavor combinations because they have been used for centuries. IN Indian cuisine often a combination of onion, garlic and fresh ginger. The combination of ginger and soy sauce is typical for Japanese cuisine. Garlic, tomatoes and parsley - here's a combination from Provence.

For chefs who dream of creating their own own dishes, there is nothing better than to start with the study of classic recipes.
In the next post, I will continue this topic in another application, until then let's discuss flavor combinations you know and love. Maybe someone wants, using the example of a veal blanket, to disassemble another classic recipe? It will be a useful exercise for all of us.

In cooking, there are products that are simply made for each other.
How to use these combinations? Firstly, for its intended purpose: by combining these products in dishes, you can be sure that the result will be worthy. Secondly, as a basis for further fantasies: for example, in combination blue cheese with a pear, it is enough to replace the fruit with a fig - and before you is a new stunning duet!

Some Salad Secrets:

Seafood is slightly sweet in taste, sweet corn is good for them, mature, not sour tomatoes, fried onion, boiled carrots, apple, lingonberry.

Meat goes well with fried onions, stewed or boiled carrots, mushrooms, prunes in small quantities(prunes have a pronounced taste and can “clog” the meat), dried apricots.

Meat can also be combined with pickles, green onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled egg, green peas, pickled mushrooms, salted green tomatoes.

The liver is good with fried onions, green peas, pickles or fresh cucumbers.

Smoked fish likes to swim in a salad in the company of boiled eggs and cucumbers (salted or fresh), avocados.

Boiled chicken is combined with mushrooms, fried onions, eggs, boiled carrots, peas, corn, or with prunes, boiled beets and nuts.

Smoked chicken will agree with mushrooms, fried onions and eggs, but prunes and beets are unlikely to accept.

Eggplants love meat, carrots, can be raw, garlic, onions and green and onion, cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers.

Tomatoes are best combined with cheese and garlic, but they also love meat, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, fresh cucumbers, any onion.

This list could go on forever, or you could make your own.

Secret 4: There are also fillers: these are products that have a mild taste, they can emphasize the taste of the main dish a little, or they may not emphasize it, but they will never kill the taste and make the salad volume. This is rice (good with all seafood, can be used with meat with eggplant and tomatoes), this boiled cabbage(also suitable for all seafood, eggplant and chicken), this boiled potatoes(meat, chicken, maybe fish) is fresh cucumbers(tomatoes, eggplant, meat, chicken, fish). Perhaps I missed something, but this is not accidental, you also need to practice. See what you have in the fridge? Here is your salad almost ready. It remains to fill it and you can try.

Secret 5: A lot depends on the refueling. You can not season every salad with mayonnaise. Not all products love it. In some cases, it is able to completely “hammer” the taste of the main product and then you will eat mayonnaise filled with something.



10 unusual combinations products

1. Meat + chocolate

Complete madness. But not for the Mexicans, because it's theirs a traditional dish for several centuries now. Mole is a mixture of several types of meat baked in a pot along with chocolate, peanuts, sesame seeds and various spices. Chocolate enriches meat sauce, making it deeply dark and velvety. To finally drive the future eater crazy, local chefs add garlic to the dish.

2. Black caviar + White chocolate

Shocking couple? It has been scientifically proven that such an alliance has every chance of success. Both foods contain high levels of amino acids, which is what makes foods like meats and cheeses taste good.

3. Strawberries + Balsamic Vinegar

4. Watermelon + smoked eel

6. Fruit salad + ground chili

Ready for fireworks for their taste buds? But this dish is an ordinary Mexican street food. The capsaicin found in chili stimulates the sense of smell and enhances the sweetness of the fruit. Mango and pineapple go especially well with chili.

7. Bananas + mayonnaise

The Facebook group has 542 fans who share with each other various recipes banana-mayonnaise sandwiches. Mayonnaise varieties vary mainly.

8. Eggplant + honey

Mix a little flour with a teaspoon of salt in a bowl, roll the eggplants in this mixture, shake off the excess. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the eggplant for 2 minutes on each side. Place on a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess oil. sprinkle sea ​​salt. Drizzle with honey and garnish with thyme leaves.

We each have our own food preferences. Someone likes sweet, someone salty, some people cannot do without meat, and some people's diet mainly consists of dairy products. In any case, for the most part, all these dishes are pretty standard in terms of appearance as well as in combination of one ingredient with another. However, there are those in which, it would seem, the components do not fit together at all and you involuntarily wonder how you can eat it? It turns out that it is possible and, moreover, it is even tasty.

So, THE MOST UNUSUAL FOOD COMBINATIONS that we didn't even know existed:


Unusual duet. But this is a common dish of Mexican cuisine.
"Mole"- meat with gravy of chocolate, peanuts, sesame seeds and various spices. Chocolate enriches the meat sauce, making it even darker and velvety. It's hard to imagine, but it turns out very tasty.


Combination fruit salad and super hot pepper chili seems like complete madness, but it regular dish for the Mexicans. The pungency of the pepper enhances the smell and sweetness of the fruit. Pineapples are perfect for chili.

3. Eggplant and honey

Very simple and unusual dish, and recipes on the Internet can be found in the form of a variety of additional ingredients and cooking methods. The main highlight here is the addition of honey. It's easy, quick to prepare and tastes great.


The fact that sweet is often paired with salt is nothing new. After all, salt is able to reveal the fullness of the taste of a sweet dish. Of course, if you add it to moderate amounts. Based on this, British chef Heston Blumenthal decided to experiment and came up with original dish, where two completely incompatible ingredients interact appropriately - black caviar and white chocolate. A note of salty on white chocolate is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also, as it turned out, very unusual and tasty. The chef also decided that red caviar on white chocolate is no less a winning option.


Salt in this case acts as a flavor enhancer. It will be even sweeter. And the soft taste of potatoes in itself will only emphasize this. You can also replace Nutella (or another chocolate paste) milkshake.
The combination is unusual, but one has only to remember going to fast food. And many take milkshake as a sauce for potatoes. Weird but delicious. However, do not get carried away with such experiments. This is not quite the usual combination of products for our body. Although delicious.

6. Melon and Ham

It would seem absolutely incompatible products. And by the way, melon with ham is a traditional Italian dish, which is served both in restaurants and cooked at home.


These 2 ingredients go great together in a salad. The interaction gives the dish a rich sweet-sour taste. By adding arugula and watering olive oil it turns out very tasty lung dish.


Unexpected but perfect combination sweetness and bitterness. Sprinkle beetroot salad with grated chocolate. Experiment, cooking such a dish is not difficult at all, but you will try something new and unusual.


The combination of these products allows you to enrich the taste of the resulting dish. The sourness of the blue cheese harmonizes wonderfully with the sweet fruit.


Again, a combination of salty and sweet. The salty soy sauce brings out the sweetness of the chocolate. The components included in both of these products enrich each other's tastes. You can sprinkle chocolate soy sauce Or sprinkle them with chocolate dessert.
