
How to freeze mint leaves for tea. Freezing chopped mint

Mint is one of the most popular plants among medicinal and herbs. Mint is used mainly for its stimulating effect, as well as for the treatment of stomach diseases and simply as an additive to dishes and drinks.

This herb is used in case of digestive problems, colic or flatulence. The plant is widely used in the form of hot tea, obtained by brewing the leaves. A couple of glasses a day can be consumed to quickly and effectively relieve stomach problems. Dried leaves, drenched hot water, can be drunk as tea, and also used as an additive in juices.

Useful properties of mint

Mint contains many essential oils. The leaves and flowering tops of the grass contain them in amounts from 1% to 3%.

In general, peppermint essential oil contains more than 100 different components, including a variety of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, flavonoids such as luteolin, rutin, and hesperidin.

  • She happens to be an excellent remedy for the digestive system, increases the secretion of gastric juice and bile, while the stomach muscles relax;
  • Soothes the mucous surface and muscles of the intestines, which helps in cases of diarrhea;
  • Used in the treatment of short bowel syndrome;
  • The essential oils and flavonoids found in the leaves may aid digestion;
  • The menthol contained in the oil reduces the enzymatic activity of the liver and theoretically can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • It has antibacterial and antiviral properties and is used in the treatment of various infections;
  • It has both warming and cooling properties. When used internally, it increases heat and blood circulation, increases sweating;
  • As a decongestant, it helps relieve nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • Restores energy, helps relieve drowsiness;
  • Fresh leaves are applied topically to the skin to relieve arthritis, headaches and migraines, neuralgia, sciatica;
  • Used internally, mint relaxes, reduces anxiety, nervousness and tension, pain and spasms;
  • IN digestive system relaxes smooth muscles and reduces inflammation, reduces cramps and stomach pain, colic, flatulence, heartburn, dyspepsia, hiccups, nausea associated with motion sickness;
  • Mint can be used to prepare refreshing summer drinks or cocktails;
  • Fresh, dried, and frozen leaves can be added to hot soups;
  • In order to improve the taste of green peas, potatoes, young carrots, you can add a little mint to the water where the vegetables are boiled;
  • Fresh or dried leaves peppermint is used to prepare sauces, butter, jelly;
  • Added to fish, poultry, meat dishes and dishes with peas and beans;
  • It can be added to vinegar.

Mint is considered safe for consumption. But in large quantities may cause burning and gastrointestinal problems in some people. It should be avoided by people suffering from chronic heartburn. Peppermint leaf tea should be used with caution in infants and young children.

How to freeze mint for the winter

Not everyone has theirs own garden, greenhouses or greenhouses to pamper yourself in the middle of winter aromatic herbs, so it’s useful to know how you can preserve mint. Instead of drying mint, you can also freeze it for the winter. Freezing is one of the most simple ways its storage, while it retains more taste and aroma than when dried.

Young leaves and inflorescences that have not yet bloomed have a strong aroma and more powerful taste.

Collect them correctly in the morning or evening; you should not pick the herbs in the middle of a sunny day, because we can bring home a dried-out plant that has already lost some of its aroma.

Preparing for freezing. Freshly harvested plants should be washed and dried with paper or a towel. Rinse them thoroughly to ensure no insects or sand are frozen with the plant.

How should you freeze mint for the winter?

There are several ways to freeze mint:

  • No blanching. The leaves must be crushed and placed in a container. You need to sign on the container what was frozen and when. Herbs prepared this way can be stored for 4-9 months, some sources say up to 8-12 months. The longer they are stored, the more they lose nutritional value. Also when long-term freezing mint changes color, aroma and taste;
  • With blanching. If you want to store your herb longer, you should blanch it by soaking it in a bowl for a few seconds before freezing it. hot water then quickly dip into very cold water and place in freezer bags or containers;
  • How can you freeze mint for Mojito? Flowers and leaves can be frozen in ice cubes. They look very impressive and can be used to make cocktails and drinks. The prepared grass should be poured and tamped with your fingers into ice molds. Then fill it with cold boiled water.

Place the tray or container in freezer. Typically, after 24 hours the mint is frozen. You can freeze mint and lemon balm this way.

It is worth remembering that the container should be tightly closed during the storage period, and ice cubes after freezing should also be poured into the container and tightly closed with a lid to better protect the mint from absorbing the odors of other products stored in the freezer.

Be sure to label herbs frozen for the winter, as once frozen their species will be difficult to determine.

Is it better to freeze or dry mint?

Mint and lemon balm can also be dried. Dried herbs are stored for a year.

All lovers of this plant wonder whether it is possible to freeze mint for the winter. Unsurpassed aroma and healing properties perennials allow it to be used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and liver dysfunction.

Mint acts as a stimulant, decongestant and antibacterial agent. It is used to prepare desserts, main dishes and drinks.

Harvesting for harvesting

In order for the perennial to retain its benefits, it is necessary to follow the collection rules:

  1. It is recommended to cut the mint rather than tear it. Will fit individual leaves or bushes, do whatever is more convenient. If possible, tough stems should be removed or the main part cut off.
  2. It is necessary to collect perennials in June or July.
  3. To prevent rotting, collection should be carried out in dry weather. Otherwise, moisture will accumulate in the leaves, causing the color and properties of the greenery to change.
  4. Only plants that have already bloomed are suitable for harvesting. The inflorescences should be pink or lilac in color.
  5. Immediately after cutting the mint, you need to put it in the shade. Direct sun exposure will cause essential oils to evaporate.

Of course, you can freeze mint for the winter in several ways that will help preserve the plant for at least a year. Below we present common freezing methods.

Whole leaf freezing

Any plant variety is suitable for preparations. If desired, you can combine them with each other. Harvesting whole leaves of the plant is a more universal method, since they are used to prepare any dish. But how to properly freeze mint for the winter so that it retains its attractive appearance and benefit?

To do this, the perennial is soaked in cold water, washed and laid out on a towel. Allow 30 minutes for drying. For freezing, you need to select only leaves that are not damaged and dark spots. In a bag, the mint will break and become wrinkled, so it is better to take a jar, put the selected leaves in there and put the container in the refrigerator. In the same way you can

You can also make blanks from whole branches. They are divided into small bunches, washed, inspected for defects, placed in a container and placed in the freezer.

Shredded leaves

The perennial, pre-chopped in a blender, is added to main courses or desserts. Small candy molds are suitable for this purpose. Wash the greens, separate the leaves from the stems and leave in a colander for 15 minutes.

Then in beaker or place the treated plant in a deep container. To make the perennial better crushed, you can add a little water. The result should be a paste. It is laid out in molds and left in the freezer until completely frozen. The resulting workpiece is transferred to a bag and stored for up to a year.

Ice cubes for mojito

This method will be appreciated by lovers of delicious alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, who often prepare them at home. Considering that mint and ice are added to one popular cocktail, the question arises: is it possible to freeze mint for the winter for a mojito? Of course, ice cubes with the addition of crushed plants are the best for this. suitable option. By the way, this is possible

Can be used Silicone forms small sized ice cube trays or plastic liners found in candy boxes. Each cell can accommodate several leaves and young shoots. Pour cold mint clean water and place the mold in the freezer for 3-4 hours. The cubes are then removed and placed in a bag.

It is not recommended to store a frozen plant in a mold, since the ice will quickly absorb the aromas of the freezer. Leaves in cubes do not break and look fresh, so they will look very attractive in drinks.

Like other herbs, mint can be frozen and then used instead of fresh in cooking. different dishes. It doesn't lose when frozen bright color, as when dried, retains the taste, aroma and everything beneficial features. We have done useful selection, in which we have collected five ways to freeze mint, how to keep it fresh, so that you have a supply of fragrant greens throughout the winter. Whole leaves can be used for decoration ready meals, brew tea, prepare desserts and cocktails, vegetables, meat, chicken, and add crushed ones to baked goods and various sauces.

Freezing mint for the winter

  • Bunches of mint in any quantity;
  • thick plastic bags;
  • ice molds or silicone candy molds;
  • small jars with screw caps;
  • chilled boiled water.

How to freeze mint with whole leaves

You can use any type of mint for freezing, I had several bunches different varieties. Immediately after cutting or purchasing aromatic greens must be placed in water even if the mint grew in a summer cottage or was cut from a garden bed. Fill a large bowl with cold water and soak the mint for a few minutes. Then we wash the shoots under running water, shake them off and lay them out on a towel in one layer. No need to cover. It will dry out in about half an hour. During drying, stir the mint several times and stir it, this will evaporate the water faster. Don’t leave it for too long; limp mint is not suitable for freezing!

After it dries, we begin sorting. We put small leaves and the tops of young branches aside for now - we will deal with them a little later. Large leaves without damage, spots and beautiful tops of shoots with two or three leaves, place them in small jars or plastic containers. Bags are not the best solution for this purpose - when frozen, the leaves become fragile and break easily. If you need to keep them whole, then freeze them only in a jar. Place the filled containers in the freezer.

Mint can be frozen whole sprigs. Divide the beam into small portions, put it in a tight bag, carefully wrap it, trying not to wrinkle or break the leaves. Place it in the freezer, making sure to label it frozen.

There are two ways to freeze mint for tea, infusions, and decoctions: finely chop it like any greens, or leave the leaves whole. I like the second method better; mint leaves in a cup of tea look beautiful, like fresh, and the aroma remains. We tear off the tops of the shoots with several leaves and put them in bags. Roll it up, not too tightly, and freeze it. Then, if necessary, frozen leaves can be added either whole or cut.

Freezing mint in ice cubes

For this method you will need an ice container or silicone molds suitable size. You can also use plastic inserts from boxes of candy as a container. We arrange small whole leaves and tender tops of shoots into cells, each containing 4-6 pieces.

Fill with cold boiled water. Place in the freezer for several hours. Remove from the molds and put into bags. With such freezing, the leaves do not break and in drinks they will look like they were just picked.

Freezing chopped mint

It is most convenient to freeze mint in the form of puree in small molds. I use silicone ones for candies. Wash the greens (I have a mix of different varieties), tear off the leaves, leave for 10-15 minutes in a colander.

Pour into a glass of blender, add a little water so that the leaves are crushed better. Grind into pulp.

Place in small molds and place in the freezer. When they have hardened, pour them into tight bags and seal them tightly. Can be stored for up to a year.

How to use frozen mint

Whole leaves and tops of shoots are useful for brewing tea and preparing other aromatic drinks, compotes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. Blanks can be added to vegetable stew, meat, chicken, in salads, dessert soups, cottage cheese and cereal casseroles, cheesecakes.

Frozen branches are used in preparing meat and vegetable rolls, prepare various dishes in a double boiler or in foil (it turns out very tasty chicken fillet with potatoes).

Ice cubes are ideal for refreshing drinks: fruit and berry smoothies, all kinds of cocktails. In the same way, you can freeze mint for Mojito, selecting the most beautiful leaves.

There will be mint puree natural flavoring for baking, adding to sauces for meat, chicken, and dressings for vegetable and fruit salads.

Choose for yourself the method that suits your purposes, do useful supplies for the winter. Or maybe you know how to freeze mint even easier? Take a couple of minutes and share with us in the comments, we will be very grateful!

How to freeze mint - five ways to freeze mint for the winter

Frozen mint retains all its beneficial properties, bright color and aroma. We offer five ways to freeze mint for the winter for different dishes, drinks, and cocktails.

How to freeze mint for the winter at home

Mint is one of the most fragrant spicy additives, which is almost impossible to do without in the kitchen. In addition, tea made from mint leaves will please any gourmet. In addition, mint, regardless of the type, is one of the best folk medicines, the main component in decoctions that are intended to heal diseases. In this regard, consumers often wonder how to keep mint fresh for the winter. The optimal method for achieving this goal is freezing mint, the main secrets and methods of which will be discussed.

Advantages of the method

Having heard about freezing the fragrant herb, many people ask an almost rhetorical question whether it is possible to freeze mint at all.
We affirm that it is not only possible, but also necessary, since freezing this crop has many advantages, if we compare this process with drying:

  1. Frozen twigs or leaves of the crop completely retain their aroma and taste.
  2. The mint flavor is preserved during the freezing process. vitamin complex what brings invaluable benefits to the human body.
  3. Freezing is unique opportunity enjoy aromatic tea from fresh mint to winter time, decorate it with leaves fresh salads and desserts.
  4. The color of thawed leaves of the crop is rich and bright, which cannot be achieved by drying.
  5. This method of storing fragrant spices is absolutely simple and accessible to everyone, does not require material or time costs.

When is the best time to collect

People often complain that they adhered to all the conditions for preparing this magic potion, but the effect was not the same: Mint tea practically devoid of an attractive aroma.
The thing is that the culture was collected at the wrong time. The optimal period for collecting mint is its flowering stage. It is at this time that the leaves, inflorescences and shoots of the plant accumulate the most essential oils, menthol and useful substances, which are, among other things, producers of a rich odor.

If you want to prepare the leaves of the crop, they must be collected before flowering, at the stage of setting inflorescences. If you want to prepare whole stems, cut them exactly at the time of flowering, which occurs in late July - early August.

Preparing to Freeze

The process of preparing mint for freezing is quite simple: the collected healthy leaves and stems of the culture need to be thoroughly washed under running water. The clean workpiece should be laid out on a towel or placed in a colander so that it dries well.

Freezing methods

Freezing mint raw materials - quite new process, which began to be resorted to quite recently. Despite this, there are many ways to freeze the crop: whole leaves, twigs, finely chopped and in ice cubes. Last option- a godsend for those who are wondering how to freeze mint for the winter for Mojito.

Whole leaves

For this freezing method, you will need to select only healthy mint leaves, without damage or stains. Clean leaves must be packaged in plastic containers or small banks and place in the freezer. To preserve the integrity of the leaves, jars are best. It is not recommended to freeze the leaves in bags as they will lose their attractiveness.

Freezing mint leaves in their entirety for the winter is the best solution, which will allow you to use the aromatic plant for both tea and desserts in winter.

Whole branches

In addition to leaves, you can also freeze whole mint sprigs. The collected plant branches are inspected, cleaned and washed. After drying, they are wrapped in cling film, foil or regular plastic bag, being careful not to squeeze the branches, and place them in the freezer.

Finely chopped

TO this method are not used often, since it is believed that during the grinding process, mint raw materials are deprived of their amazing aroma and juice, in which beneficial microelements are concentrated.

However, this is the best option for harvesting mint. The collected raw materials are crushed (you can cut them with a knife, or you can use a blender or food processor). The resulting product needs to be put into small molds and frozen, after which the already frozen spice should be poured into a denser bag and sealed.

In ice cubes

Ice cubes with mint leaves are great option mint preparations for aromatic drinks and cocktails, in particular, “Mojito”. Highly recommended easy recipe how to freeze mint in cubes.

To implement this technique, you will need ice containers or small silicone molds, into which mint leaves are placed and filled with chilled boiled water, so that the edges of the leaves are in the water. After this, the containers are placed in the freezer. When the cubes are frozen, they can be poured into a large bag for easy storage.

Shelf life

There is no exact shelf life for mint. You can understand that this period is expiring by how the product loses its taste and aroma properties.

How to use

Frozen mint is best component for cooking in winter time fragrant healing tea, which will not only have a calming effect, but will also help overcome colds, problems with digestive tract and other diseases.
Shredded mint leaves- an integral component of your favorite homemade delicacies: both desserts and main courses. Frozen mint is used for cooking meat, vegetables, salads, soups, fish dishes, various casseroles.

Mint ice cubes are an excellent aromatic addition to almost any cocktail (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), a fragrant component of fresh juice, smoothie or ordinary compote. For the Mojito cocktail, you need to select the most beautiful leaves.

Now you know how to freeze mint for the winter. This technique will allow you not only to pamper your loved ones and guests with delicacies and dishes with the aroma of mint, but also to stock up on an invaluable amount of vitamins and nutrients for the winter.

How to freeze mint for the winter in the refrigerator: step by step recipe with photo

How to freeze mint for the winter: popular methods and techniques. Using frozen mint. Secrets of freezing fresh mint for mojitos, aromatic tea, dishes and desserts.

How to freeze mint

Most often, in order to make preparations from mint, housewives dry it, and the leaves lose their bright color and all the beauty of it disappears. aromatic plant. But mint can be frozen! Moreover, in a glass of drink it will be difficult to distinguish it from freshly collected one. How to freeze mint without losing color and quality?

Total cooking time – 1 hour 10 minutes

Active cooking time – 0 hours 40 minutes

Cost - very economical

Calorie content per 100 g - 49 kcal

Number of servings – 12 servings

How to freeze mint

Mint - 500 g or any amount

If you select, prepare and freeze mint correctly, you will be more than satisfied with the result. Naturally, special attention should be paid to the choice of mint sprigs.

Knowing that I had work ahead of me in the evening preparing mint for the winter, I picked it from the garden an hour before the freezing process began.

I picked it and put it in a bowl with cold water V cool place. If it is very hot, you can cover the mint sprigs with a wet towel, then the leaves will not wither and will be shiny and juicy.

If you buy mint at the market or in a store, then take a good look at it. Mint is often sold in bags, with the grass compacted tightly, and if moisture gets into the bag, the branches and leaves may turn black due to tightness and temperature changes. Such mint is not suitable not only for freezing, but also for drying. Make sure the leaves are fresh, firm, and not spoiled by insects or mechanically damaged.

Store-bought mint should not be stored for a long time before the freezing process begins. Every hour matters - because the longer the mint sits, the less aroma and beauty remains in it.

There are a great many varieties of mint. Therefore, the size and shape of your mint leaves may differ from mine in the photographs.

It doesn’t matter where the mint grew: in the garden at the dacha, in the forest, in a greenhouse, on a windowsill, or was bought in a store - it must be washed well.

I rinsed under the stream cold water, paying attention to each branch. You can take water into a deep bowl and immerse mint sprigs there, naturally, also washing them thoroughly.

First, spread the mint on a clean kitchen towel, and use another towel to blot any droplets of water from the surface of the leaves and twigs.

Second, lay the sprigs on a board, tray or towel and place the mint on the windowsill, creating a draft in the room. It’s summer now and the warm air will quickly dry out the moisture from the mint. I used exactly this method.

Third - spread the mint on large dish and place a couple of forks on its branches. Turn on a fan in the room at minimum speed or a hair dryer on the cold air setting. Direct a stream of air at the mint, this will quickly dry it, and the weight of the forks will prevent it from scattering around the room.

I'll show you some techniques for freezing mint. Everything is quite simple, without unnecessary hassle.

A. Freeze mint leaves in a container or bag.

Take a special container or tray with a lid for freezing food. Remove the leaves from washed and dried mint. Determine the number of leaves yourself, based on the number of containers for freezing. If the leaves are unattractive, holey or spotted, it is advisable to throw them away.

Do not compact the leaves, do not injure them, it is better to take more containers.

If there are no such boxes, then take thick plastic bags. Place mint leaves in them, release the air and close tightly. You can also use the emergency freezing mode or super freezing mode. Place the mints on a tray and freeze, and after 8-10 minutes, very quickly pour them into a bag.

The shelf life of mint is from 6 to 9 months at minus 18 degrees and below. Be sure to sign the label with the date it was frozen.

Mint frozen in this form is best used for brewing aromatic tea or other warm drink. Just add a frozen mint leaf to your tea. You can also use these mint leaves to make mint ice cream with chocolate streaks.

B. Freezing mint in cling film.

Everything here is quite simple: take cling film, place mint leaves and the tops of the sprigs on it. Do not freeze the entire branch, it is better to pinch off its upper part, where the stem is not as rigid as at the base, and the most beautiful and young leaves are at the top.

Roll the mint tightly into a sausage, wrapping it in cling film several times. Store in the freezer for 9 months.

This preparation can be used for stuffing rolls - meat and vegetable, and decorating dishes with twigs. Mint sprigs defrost very quickly; just leave them room temperature. See how delicious chicken fillet turns out in a steamer and aromatic porridge from wheat in Turkish style.

C. Freezing mint ice cubes.

This is perhaps the most good way freezing mint. Freezing mint in ice cubes will preserve all its qualities. It definitely won’t turn black, won’t break, and the leaves won’t crack from low temperatures. And in drinks the leaves will be exactly like fresh ones.

For this method of freezing you will need a container for preparing ice cubes and drinking water. Water can be either boiled (chilled, of course), or mineral without gases or from a well.

Place whole mint leaves in an ice cube tray. If they are quite large, cut or tear them in half. You can put 3-4 leaves in one such cube.

Fill the cells with water.

Place the trays in the freezer, the temperature should be -18 degrees or lower. After about 1.5-2 hours, check if the water has frozen?

Carefully remove the mint cubes and place them in a bag and return the bag to the freezer. Do not hesitate so that the ice cubes do not start to melt.

These cubes are ideal for making Mojito cocktails and other refreshing drinks, for example, bread kvass. If necessary, mint cubes can be thawed (just leave them at room temperature, placed on a plate) and used for their intended purpose, adding leaves to salads or soups.

How to freeze mint - recipe with step-by-step photos

How to freeze mint - all the details on how to preserve and enjoy this fragrant and healthy herb for the winter fragrant tea or dishes with hints of mint

Mint is a spicy plant that has a refreshing menthol taste. It contains a large amount of essential oils, which is why it is so durable and strong odor. Mint has long been used in aromatherapy, herbal medicine and, of course, pharmacology. This plant can lift a person out of depression, and mint also helps cope with insomnia. The field of cosmetology has also not spared mint. It is used to make masks, scrubs, refreshing and cleansing tonics, and ice cubes.

I would also like to say something about mint in the field of cooking. There is quite a lot of space here for this wonderful grass. Mint is added to all kinds of teas, both black and green. It is also an excellent spice for cooling or, conversely, warming drinks and cocktails. Mint is good in berry and spicy sauces. It is added to soups and baked goods. And of course, no dessert is complete without mint garnish.

Interesting: it turns out that mint behaves well when frozen. It completely retains both its appearance and its entire fragrant bouquet of smell. Today we invite you to find out. We offer three freezing options. After all, in the summer it’s quite cheap, it costs pennies, but in the winter you’ll have to pay a lot more, and the aroma of winter mint is far from the same.

Freezing mint whole sprigs

For the first method we need mint, cling film and a kitchen towel.

Place the mint in a special sieve for washing vegetables, turn on the water, and rinse each leaf well. Shake off excess liquid.

Place the mint sprigs on a clean kitchen towel. Dry until each leaf is completely dry.

We wrap it in portions required quantity mint sprigs with a triple layer of cling film. Place the mint in the freezer. We get it as needed.

This mint is good for cooking compotes, preparing various cocktails and drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, making sauces, etc.

Freezing mint in portioned cubes

For freezing mint portioned cubes Take selected mint, a kitchen towel, and a form for freezing ice. Wash the mint thoroughly under running cool water and dry it, placing all the branches separately.

We tear off the mint leaves, load them into the blender bowl, having previously installed the “metal knife” attachment.

Turn on the blender at full power and puree the mint leaves for one minute.

Arrange the mint in portions, filling each cell of the form. Place the form in the freezer. When the mint is completely frozen, transfer it to a bag. We use it as needed.

Freezing mint in a jar

To freeze mint in a jar, we will need selected mint, jars with lids, and a kitchen towel.

We select beautiful mint sprigs, wash and dry.

We freeze the beautiful top leaves to decorate baked goods and other dishes. We select the leaves and place them in a jar.

Mint, an essential oil plant that can be found along the banks of reservoirs, on forest edges and personal plots. She happens to be good remedy against nausea and intestinal cramps. Mint improves appetite and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The fragrant smell of this plant is given by essential oils, in particular menthol. As a spice, mint is most often used in confectionery production. It is also added to meat and vegetable dishes, in soups and refreshing drinks. It is especially popular in dishes of Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani cuisines.

In summer it is not difficult to get mint. In winter you can only buy dried mint, the taste and aroma of which is significantly different from fresh herbs. Therefore, many housewives prefer to freeze mint. Mint tolerates this type of storage very well. After freezing, its color and taste qualities practically do not change. Mint leaves can be frozen whole, finely chopped with a knife, or pureed. It all depends on the purpose of freezing.

How to Prepare Mint for Freezing

Wash the mint stems thoroughly. Then dry them, completely removing moisture.
Many mint is simply placed on a clean towel and dried in this form. But then it loses a lot of juice, and the leaves become lethargic. This plant is not suitable for freezing.
Therefore, proceed as follows. Place the washed mint stems in a jar with a small amount water so that only the lower part of the branches is immersed in it.
This bouquet can be kept in a jar for several hours. During this time, the plant will completely dry out from the water, come to life, its stems will get stronger and become juicy.

Remove the mint from the jar and place it on a towel.

Inspect each branch, tear off the lower rotten leaves, cut off the wet parts of the stems.

Allow the plant to dry completely.
Then tear off the leaves, removing all the stems (you won't need them).

Finely chop the leaves.

How to freeze mint for the winter in the refrigerator

Place the mint in small ziplock bags.

Release the air from the bags, close tightly, and roll them into a compact shape.

Mint has a strong smell. To prevent its aroma from disappearing, place the packaged mint in another well-sealed bag.

Place in the freezer.

How to freeze mint for Mojito

If you like all kinds of cocktails, then freeze whole mint leaves.

  • Prepare ice trays. This is an ideal container for portioned ice cubes that can be added to a cocktail or any refreshing drink.
  • Wash the mint sprigs in large quantities cold water, then dry using the first method.
  • For this freezing method, it is better to take mint with small leaves. They will look more impressive in a glass of drink.
  • Tear off the leaves from the branches without visible damage or flaws.
  • Place 2-3 pieces in each cell of the mold.
  • Carefully pour boiled cooled water.
  • Place in the freezer to freeze completely.

Then place the ice cubes in a plastic bag (preferably with a zipper) and seal tightly.

How to Freeze Mint for Puree Soup or Sauce

Mint can be frozen as a puree. This method is suitable if you plan to add mint to a puree soup or sauce.

  • Wash and dry the mint, placing it in a jar of water, as in the first method.
  • Remove the leaves from the branches. If the stems are young and tender, they can be left.
  • Cut the mint with a knife and place in a blender. Add a little cold water - the mass will be more homogeneous.
  • Grind until pureed.
  • Transfer the puree into ice cube trays and freeze in the freezer.
  • Cubes from frozen mass shake out into a tight plastic bag, tie well, put in the freezer.

If you are freezing other herbs in addition to mint, be sure to label the bags, otherwise you may confuse them later.

How to use frozen mint

Whole mint leaves are added to tea, compotes, alcoholic and soft drinks. Chopped frozen mint is added to soup, roast, casserole, and cottage cheese. Mint puree is ideal for sauces. Do not defrost mint before use (with the exception of mint puree).
