
What can be cooked with mushrooms. Preparation consists of several stages

And not just mushrooms, but mushrooms. With sour cream, onions and potatoes. Perhaps even the most fastidious gourmet will not refuse this treat. How to cook fried mushrooms? You can study the recipe with a photo in detail in this article. So, mushrooms for dinner.

sour cream recipe

Fried mushrooms are a dish that many people love. If you apply to him boiled potatoes with a piece of melted butter and sprinkle with herbs, then there is hardly anything left from the cooked dinner. So, in addition to the mushrooms themselves, for the recipe you will need:

  • half a pack (about 100 grams) of butter;
  • sour cream of any fat content - a glass (about 200 grams);
  • a little dill, salt and pepper.


How to cook fried mushrooms? The recipe is very simple and quite fast. First boil the mushrooms. Don't forget to salt them. If you have large hats, then you can cut them into several parts. Drain the water. Warm up the oil. Place in skillet for 20 minutes. Salt, sprinkle with pepper. Pour a glass of sour cream and simmer for about 10 more minutes. You have delicious fried mushrooms. The recipe is simple, the whole process took a little over half an hour. Serve potatoes as a side dish.

Fried mushrooms with onions

The second method of cooking mushrooms will be just as simple and quick. To do this, you will need onions and fresh mushrooms. As additional ingredients you can use any oil (butter, olive or sunflower), salt and pepper. Let it warm up in a frying pan (or melt if you use Onion, chop it into small cubes. Throw it into a pan and sauté for a short time. Boil the mushrooms first, drain the water. Transfer the mushrooms to the onion and fry until the liquid has completely evaporated. If you feel that the mushrooms have begun to burn, pour more a little butter.A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, salt and sprinkle the dish with pepper.In this recipe, you can add cream or sour cream.Then you get mushrooms stewed in a creamy sauce.

Fried mushrooms: a recipe with potatoes

And finally, the most favorite and popular dish - fried potatoes with mushrooms. For it you will need:

  • fresh mushrooms (you can use frozen ones) weighing 500 grams;
  • onion - a pair of medium heads;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • potatoes - 7-8 large tubers;
  • vegetable oil and butter for frying;
  • greens for serving and salt.

Cooking technology

First of all, put the mushrooms to boil. They should first be sorted out, cut, if too large, and washed. Salt the water while cooking. Wash potatoes, peel. Cut into sticks. Flush to be gone excess starch. Warm up vegetable oil. Throw potatoes in it. Heat the oil in another pan as well. cut into smaller onion and save it in it. By this time, the mushrooms should already be cooked. Throw them in a colander. As soon as all the water drains, transfer to the pan. Fry until the liquid has completely evaporated. Mushrooms should be well browned and slightly reduced in size. slightly above average on fire. After 7-8 minutes turn it over with a spatula. We do not close the lid. Stir the mushrooms in between so they don't burn. After 5-7 minutes, mix the potatoes again. By this time, mushrooms can be poured with sour cream and stewed until it is absorbed. We put a piece (50 grams) of butter in the potatoes, cover with a lid, reduce the heat a little. As soon as the butter has melted, salt the potatoes, mix and cover again. Mushrooms should already be completely soaked in sour cream. They can be turned off. Potatoes need another couple of minutes to steam. Then we shift the mushrooms to it, mix, reduce the heat to a minimum and steam for another 3 minutes. Then we put it on plates, sprinkle with herbs and eat with great appetite!

Honey mushrooms are a tasty source of complete proteins, zinc, iron, phosphorus and vitamin C. Eating these mushrooms helps the body overcome viral diseases, and fill life force. But many housewives avoid this forest product, citing the difficulty of cleaning and cooking mushrooms. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.

How to clean mushrooms

Honey mushrooms - perishable product, so its cleaning should be started immediately after returning from the forest, well, or from the store. Mushrooms are very fragile and small, but the cleaning process does not take much effort:

  • Sort through the harvest. Send all rotten, rotten and insect-damaged specimens without a twinge of conscience to the trash can.
  • Remove organic "garbage" - twigs, leaves, earth.
  • Next, you need to determine what processing the mushrooms will be subjected to. If you want to dry them, cut off the bottom segment of the leg and remove the film under the cap. If mushrooms are required in fresh, in addition, they should be soaked in water (maximum 1 hour), and then peel the film (skirt).

How to cook boiled mushrooms

After cleaning, you can start heat treatment mushrooms:

  • Take enamel pan and boil salted water in it.
  • Send the mushrooms in boiling water for 10 minutes, be sure to remove the foam.
  • Drain the mushroom broth and pour over the mushrooms clean water.
  • After boiling, boil the mushrooms for 30-40 minutes.
  • When the mushrooms are fully cooked, they will settle to the bottom of the dish.
  • Drain the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with water. This will flush out excess mucus.

How to cook fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms with onions, probably the most delicious option their preparation:

  • Pre-boil mushrooms.
  • While they are cooking, fry the onion, cut into rings, in butter.
  • Add mushrooms to the onions, salt them, and cook the dish for about 20 minutes.
  • When serving, sprinkle the fried mushrooms with chopped green onion or basil.

How to cook pickled mushrooms

Pickled mushrooms can be used to make salads and snacks.

  • Boil the mushrooms, and separate the legs from the caps.
  • If the mushrooms are large, cut them in half.
  • Next, add chopped garlic, onion half rings and greens (dill or parsley) to the mushrooms.
  • Optionally you can add Bay leaf, pepper and other spices.
  • Now add salt: for every kilogram of mushrooms - 2 tbsp. l. salt.
  • Mix all the ingredients, put in an enameled container and put under oppression for 5 days.
  • After this time, put the mushrooms in a sterilized jar and refrigerate.
  • After 20 days, the mushrooms will be ready.

How to cook pickled mushrooms

Homemade mushrooms in the marinade are much tastier than their store counterpart.

  • Boil the mushrooms.
  • Second mushroom broth do not pour and strain.
  • Prepare the marinade: 500 mg of water; 1 st. l. sugar and salt; a set of spices (bay leaf, cloves, cardamom, allspice).
  • Send all the components for the marinade to the mushroom broth, after it boils, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  • Pour prepared mushrooms with boiling broth.
  • In 2-3 hours, mushrooms will be ready.

Cooking mushrooms is not laborious culinary process. But dishes with their "participation" will always decorate a festive table or dinner with the family.

Autumn generously shares with us not only a rich variety of ripe vegetables and fruits, but also mushrooms beloved by most of us. And with the advent of September, our minds, baskets and tables are rightfully occupied by the most popular and plentiful autumn mushrooms - mushrooms. It is autumn mushrooms that are called real mushrooms, and they got their name for a reason. Unlike summer and winter mushrooms, belonging to the fourth category, real honey agaric belongs to the first or second category of mushrooms, because in their nutritional qualities and caloric content, autumn mushrooms are not inferior to either boletus or boletus. And according to many mushroom lovers, their palatability even surpass them. Let's be honest, we are all big hunters to eat fried or salted mushrooms. Well, the editors of "Culinary Eden", according to the established tradition, invite you today to figure it out together and remember how to cook mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms have been known since ancient times. Both two and three centuries ago, our ancestors were happy to collect and cook the most variety of dishes of these autumn mushrooms. We are not far behind them either. Indeed, what an incomparable pleasure it is to walk through the autumn forest on a nice sunny day, and even after the shortest walk to return home with a full basket of young, strong mushrooms, and with due diligence and diligence, and not with one basket. The yield of honey mushrooms is such that it allows, with a little luck, to collect a dozen kilograms of delicious fresh mushrooms. Yes, and cooking mushrooms may well pass for pleasant entertainment, in which the whole family will be involved. Indeed, unlike many other mushrooms, honey mushrooms do not require excessively scrupulous cleaning, washing and removal of worms. Yes, and honey mushrooms are not wormy, which only adds to their attractiveness.

And how many dishes can be prepared from autumn mushrooms! Mushrooms are excellently good and boiled, and fried, and stewed, and salted. You can cook a salad and an appetizer from mushrooms, you can put them on mushroom caviar or julienne, decorate honey mushrooms and the simplest mushroom soup, and the most difficult mushroom hodgepodge. Honey mushrooms are salted and pickled, dried and frozen to feast on forest mushrooms long winter. Yes, and simply fried with potatoes and whitened with sour cream mushrooms will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults.

Today the site "Culinary Eden" has collected and diligently recorded for you a selection of the most important tips and secrets, as well as the most interesting recipes, which are sure to help not even too much experienced housewives it's easy to figure out how to cook mushrooms.

1. Most the best way to get mushrooms into your kitchen was and still is a trip to the forest. Where is it nice to take a walk with the whole family, breathe in the fresh forest air, and return home with abundant booty. Honey mushrooms are very widespread in most forests of our country. They grow on fallen and live trees. various kinds, especially often found in clearings, and along clearings. It is not difficult to recognize them. In young mushrooms, the hat is spherical, while in adults, it is flat with a tubercle in the middle. The color of the cap is dirty brown or grayish-yellow; in young mushrooms, the cap is covered with thin scales that disappear with age. The plates adhering to the stem are light in young mushrooms, with age they become brownish-yellow. The leg of the honey agaric is long, thin, slightly thickened downwards, with a white ring in the upper part. In adult mushrooms, the leg becomes excessively fibrous and coarse and is not suitable for food.

2. If you do not have the opportunity to go for mushrooms on your own, then your path lies in the market or in the store. It is best to buy mushrooms from familiar mushroom pickers on the market. In this case, you can be sure that you will be sold really fresh mushrooms collected in clean forests located far from major cities and highways. Before buying, make sure that all mushrooms are fresh, elastic, without bruising and signs of decay. Be sure to smell the mushrooms. Good fresh mushrooms have an extremely pleasant, pronounced mushroom aroma without foreign odors. If the mushrooms offered to you look noticeably lethargic, if mold has formed on them or part of the mushrooms has rotted, if unpleasant notes of souring have been added to your own mushroom smell, refuse to buy without regrets. delicious food spoiled mushrooms will not work, and indigestion will not decorate your family evening in any way.

3. When you bring mushrooms home, try to clean and process them right away. Like any other mushrooms, mushrooms are not subject to long-term storage. In the most extreme case, the preparation of mushrooms can be postponed for one day. To keep honey mushrooms fresh for a day, carefully sort them out, get rid of excess forest debris, put them in a clean paper bag and put it in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator. But even after such preparation, mushrooms should not be stored for longer than 36 hours.

4. Perhaps not a single most exquisite overseas snack can be compared with simple, but so tasty and fragrant fried mushrooms with sour cream. And this dish is so easy to make! Peel and wash 500 g of mushrooms, put them in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers the mushrooms. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for five minutes. Drain the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain. Meanwhile, melt 2 tbsp. tablespoons ghee, add one finely chopped onion and fry until golden color. Then add your mushrooms and sauté over high heat until golden brown for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring frequently. Once the mushrooms are browned enough, add 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt and black pepper to taste, mix thoroughly, reduce the heat to the weakest and cook for another five minutes. Ready mushrooms Serve immediately, sprinkled with chopped dill.

5. No less tasty is the old one cold appetizer from boiled mushrooms with horseradish. Peel and rinse 500 g of fresh mushrooms. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add one parsley root, cut into large pieces, one carrot, cut into circles, and one whole onion. Pour the mushrooms with vegetables with salted water, bring to a boil and remove the foam. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons lemon juice, one bay leaf and six black peppercorns. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, drain the mushrooms in a colander, drain the water, select and discard the vegetables, and cool the mushrooms. Transfer the boiled mushrooms to a deep salad bowl, add to them half a horseradish root, grated on fine grater and mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice, season sunflower oil and stir.

6. Very easy to cook delicious soup from mushrooms with buckwheat. Peel and wash 600 g of fresh mushrooms, put them in a saucepan and pour two liters of water. Bring to a boil, remove foam and simmer for 10 minutes. Heat one tablespoon in a frying pan. vegetable oil, add one finely chopped onion, one carrot cut into small cubes, and half a parsley root cut into small cubes. Fry the vegetables until golden brown and transfer to a pan with mushrooms. Cook for another 5 minutes, then add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of washed buckwheat, salt and black pepper to taste. Boil everything together for 20 minutes. Serve the soup with sour cream and fresh dill.

7. Unusually fragrant and satisfying fish hodgepodge with mushrooms has always been one of the most popular dishes Russian cuisine. Rinse and wring out one kilo sauerkraut. In a deep skillet, melt 3 tbsp. spoons of ghee, put the cabbage and simmer over medium heat for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring often. Cut into large pieces 500 gr. salmon fillet and place in a bowl. Add 50 g. capers, two pickled cucumbers, peeled and seeded, and diced, 2 tbsp. spoons tomato paste, one onion, finely chopped and browned in oil, one cup fish broth, one bay leaf, salt and black pepper to taste. Bring everything to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. 200 gr. boil fresh mushrooms in salted water until tender and drain in a colander. Grease a baking dish with oil, put half of the stewed cabbage in it, put fish with pickles and mushrooms on top. Pour all the broth left over from cooking the fish and cover with the remaining stewed cabbage. Sprinkle the hodgepodge with crushed breadcrumbs on top, sprinkle ghee and bake in a preheated oven at 190⁰ for 15 minutes. Before serving, garnish the hodgepodge with olives, lemon slices and fresh herbs.

8. Delicious and savory is a hot dish of mushrooms baked in a pot with eggplant. Cut four large eggplants into circles, salt and leave for 30 minutes until the juice is released. Then rinse, dry and roll in flour. In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry the eggplant until golden brown. Separately, fry two large, finely chopped onions until golden brown. Peel and rinse 500 g of fresh mushrooms, boil them in salted water for 5 minutes and drain in a colander. Lubricate ceramic pots from the inside with butter, put one bay leaf and three peas of black pepper on the bottom of each. Alternating layers, put eggplant in pots, fried onion and honey mushrooms, filling the pots no more than two-thirds. In a small saucepan, heat one tablespoon of butter, add one tablespoon of flour, mix thoroughly for a couple of minutes, and then pour one glass of boiling milk, stirring constantly, salt and pepper the sauce and heat it for a couple of minutes over low heat. ready sauce pour eggplants with mushrooms. Cover the pots with lids and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 30 minutes.

9. Great side dish for meat and poultry is obtained from mushrooms with green beans. Sort, clean from the strings and rinse with 250 gr. fresh string beans. Dip the beans in boiling salted water and boil for 10 minutes. Drain in a colander and drain. Peel, rinse and boil for five minutes in salted water 100 gr. fresh small mushrooms. Throw in a colander, let the water drain. In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. spoons olive oil, add mushrooms, beans and 1 tbsp. spoon breadcrumbs. Fry, stirring, for 10 minutes, a couple of minutes before the readiness, add salt and black pepper to taste. Remove from heat, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of good wine vinegar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped parsley. Stir and serve immediately.

10. Delicious and fragrant pie with mushrooms will appeal to both adults and children. Chop three cups of flour with a knife with 200 g of butter, and then grind with your hands until large crumbs form. Whisk two eggs with 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and a pinch of salt. Combine eggs and flour crumbs and knead the dough. Ready dough divide into two parts, wrap cling film and refrigerate for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Peel and rinse two kilograms of fresh mushrooms. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, add one finely chopped onion, fry until golden brown, then add mushrooms, salt and pepper to taste. Fry everything together until the mushrooms are browned and even slightly dry. Roll out the finished dough into two layers, put one layer on a greased baking sheet, lay it on top mushroom stuffing, cover with a second layer of dough and pinch the edges. Grease the pie egg yolk and make a few long cuts on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 30 to 40 minutes. Ready pie Remove from the oven and pour a few tablespoons of lightly salted sour cream into the filling through the top cuts. Cover the cake with a clean towel and let stand warm for 30 to 60 minutes.

And the site "Culinary Eden" on its pages is always happy to offer you even more new and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook mushrooms.

Hello my wonderful cooks. Tell me, how often do you pamper your household with mushroom dishes? If it's very rare, then it can be easily fixed. I decided to dedicate today's article to mushrooms. In pickled form, these mushrooms have a low calorie content - only 15.7 kcal. Therefore, today I will share what to cook with pickled mushrooms.

In general, let your imagination run wild and don't be afraid to experiment. And then in the comments, unsubscribe what happened and whether you liked it. And if you have a photo, you can attach. Let's love together 🙂

Salad "Polyanka" with ham

For such a delicious meal, you will need the following products:

  • 350 g smoked meat;
  • 350 g of cheese;
  • 4 things. eggs;
  • 3 medium sized potatoes;
  • a jar of mushrooms;
  • green onion feathers.

We cut the meat, but not very large pieces. Grind boiled potatoes, grate. Boiled eggs and cheese are also grated. Finely chop greens. Just put each ingredient in a separate bowl.

After, lay each layer on flat dish and smear with mayonnaise. The last one is not needed. The first is cheese, the second is ham, the third is potatoes, the fourth is eggs, the fifth is green onions. And the sixth - mushrooms. Just lay out the mushrooms just before serving.

And bring this yummy to the table. This sumptuous dish be sure to prepare if possible.

Salad with smoked chicken and mushrooms

Stock up on these products:

  • mushrooms (jar);
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 3 pcs. chicken thighs;
  • 3-4 pickles;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a jar of canned peas;
  • crushed black pepper;
  • natural yogurt + mayonnaise.

Boil the chicken, cool and separate from the bones. Then cut the meat into small cubes. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Peel off the shell and chop into small cubes. Grind cucumbers - the pieces should be small.

Then we combine peas, meat, cucumbers, eggs and mushrooms. Pepper the mixture. We will fill with yogurt + homemade mayonnaise. I advise you to take equal proportions. Top the salad with chopped green onions.

Well, the salad is ready. By the way, who follows the figure, I recommend filling only with yogurt. Get a protein lunch. All in all, perfect solution for those who want to be "thin, sonorous and transparent" 🙂

Salad with potatoes and carrots and beans

To eat this you need to take:

  • large onion;
  • a jar of pickled mushrooms;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 2 boiled potatoes(medium size);
  • a few tbsp. vegetable oils;
  • jar of canned red beans.

Three peeled carrots on a grater. It is advisable to use a "Korean" grater - it will come out more beautiful. Onion cut into thin half rings.

Fry the mushrooms with onions and carrots in oil. We cut the potatoes into small cubes. We recline the beans in a colander, rinse and mix with the rest of the ingredients. We fill the salad of potatoes, mushrooms, carrots and beans with homemade mayonnaise.

Salad of pickled mushrooms and cucumbers - lean meal

This dish is made from next set products:

  • 300 g honey mushrooms;
  • 3-4 medium sized potatoes;
  • 4 things. pickled cucumbers;
  • a small bunch of green onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt + pepper.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool and chop the peeled in small pieces. We chop the onion. Cucumbers cut into small pieces. If mushrooms were marinated in spicy marinade I advise you to wash them.

Mix cucumbers with potatoes, onions and mushrooms. We salt the food, we pepper it. Drizzle with oil and mix well. That's all, Lenten dish ready. By the way, this salad recipe makes 4-6 servings. So that's enough for everyone 🙂

Cooking salad with mushrooms and Korean carrots

This dish, in fact, is another variation of Polyanka. It is incredibly easy to make and looks very pretty. In general, such a dish will decorate any feast.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 g Korean carrots (I advise you to take spicy ones);
  • a jar of honey mushrooms pickled;
  • 70 g of hard cheese;
  • 12-14 pcs. cherry tomato;
  • large cucumber;
  • dill greens;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 250 ml of water.

Sugar is soluble in water. Mushrooms are thrown back in a colander and sent to a sweet solution for half an hour. Then we recline again - let the excess liquid go away. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater. Boil the chicken, cool and cut into cubes. We chop the greens.

To prepare such a salad, we need a soup deep plate. Lubricate its surface with oil. Then distribute evenly on a plate. Lubricate the mushroom layer with mayonnaise on top. By the way, each subsequent layer will also need to be smeared with mayonnaise. Next, lay out the cheese. The next layer will be dill. And then comes the carrots. The final layer will be meat.

Cover the salad with a flat plate and send it to the refrigerator. At least it should be here for half an hour, and ideally, leave it overnight. Then we take the dish out of the refrigerator and carefully turn it over. As a result, our yummy will be on a flat plate. Before serving, decorate with tomatoes and chopped cucumber slices. The salad will turn out very elegant!

Fried potatoes with pickled mushrooms

You need to take the following ingredients:

  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 3 pcs. potatoes;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt + pepper.

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into beautiful cubes. In a frying pan with hot oil, send the chopped onion and fry until golden brown. Then add the potatoes to the pan with the onions. Cook with the lid closed over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Don't forget to turn over periodically.

We wash the mushrooms, discard in a colander and cut into small pieces. Then we send to the potatoes with onions. Salt the dish and pepper. And then we continue to fry everything together until cooked - this is another 10 minutes.

The taste of this dish is simply divine. I think that the neighbors will also get it - their saliva will flow like a river. What is this dish eaten with? Yes, in principle, you can serve with whatever you want. For example, with fresh vegetables or sour cream sauce.

Soup with pickled mushrooms and melted cheese

This mushroom soup is lean. It turns out very tasty. By the way, if you don’t have pickled mushrooms, it doesn’t matter. You can also make soup with frozen mushrooms.

Based on a 4-liter pan, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kilo potatoes;
  • 2 pcs. onions and carrots;
  • 180 g of processed cheese;
  • 250 g honey mushrooms;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water;
  • salt + pepper;
  • parsley or dill.

Finely chop the onion and the carrots coarse grater we rub. Fry the onion in a pan until golden brown. Then add carrots to the onion and continue to fry for another 5-7 minutes.

Bring water to a boil and add mushrooms to it. Cook for 10 minutes. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. And send it to the mushroom broth. Salt the soup, pepper it and cook for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Then add the frying and continue to cook for another 5 minutes.

The final touch - add grated processed cheese. Mix everything and remove the dish from the heat. OK it's all over Now - cheese soup with melted cheese is ready. Immediately before serving, I advise you to sprinkle it with chopped herbs.

I think now you can definitely show your friends and acquaintances what you can cook from pickled mushrooms. I think they will once again be surprised by your culinary skills. And so that they don’t pester you with questions, drop them a link to the article. Let them be enlightened. That's all for today: bye-bye.

No less delicious product for mushroom pickers than White mushroom, are mushrooms. But not every mushroom picker knows the recipes for cooking mushrooms, since there are many types of these plants and each of them is prepared in different ways. Going to the forest or to the market for mushrooms, you should study well the rules on how to choose this product. There are several types of mushrooms: meadow, spring, summer, autumn, winter. All these mushrooms are edible, they can be boiled, fried, pickled and dried.

There is also inedible mushroom called false honey agaric, it is very similar to its useful counterparts, but which is dangerous to health. Usually this mushroom grows next to edible ones and tries very hard to be noticeable with its bright, saturated color.

In order not to get on false mushrooms, you should definitely know which mushrooms, in general, grow in a given area. Well, if mushrooms also grow, then you should remember the rules for collecting these mushrooms. The rules are simple and easy to remember:

Having collected required amount mushrooms, you should also know how to process them. Pickled mushrooms are very tasty. They can be added to various vegetable salads, or you can eat it simply with boiled or fried potatoes.

Marinating is one of the best mushroom preparations for the winter. For this recipe you need to cook:

Cooking a pickled delicacy will take some time, as the collected mushrooms still need to be prepared for pickling. Washed and sorted, they must be filled with clean water and kept in it for about two hours. This procedure must be done at least three times, each time changing the water.

After such preparation, put them to cook for an hour and a half, periodically you need to remove the foam that will form on the surface. Throw the cooked product in a colander and rinse.

Along the way, you need to prepare the marinade. For this in cold water dissolve salt, sugar, add spices (everything except garlic), vinegar and boil. Two minutes before readiness, lower the garlic and pour the boiled mushrooms. Boil.

Divide into prepared container finished product together with brine, cork and put away for storage. Who does not like the presence of vinegar in the blanks, then it is quite possible to replace it with lemon juice. The taste of the product from this will not only not become worse, but even acquire tenderness.

You can cook from pickled mushrooms variety of salads, soups, it turns out very tasty fried potatoes with mushrooms.

Lenten dish

A simple lenten dish can be prepared in just minutes for those who fast or want to diversify the menu.

To do this, cut the boiled potatoes into slices, add pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, green onions. Fill the salad vegetable oil, if necessary, salt and pepper. Fast and delicious salad ready.

Such a soup can be prepared not only with a pickled product, but also with a frozen one. The dish will turn out lean, as it will be prepared on the water. So, you need to prepare for the dish:

You need to start cooking soup with mushrooms. They should boil for 10 minutes, then add chopped potatoes to them. While the food is cooking, you need to do the frying. Fry chopped onion until golden brown, add to it grated carrot and simmer for 5 minutes. When the potatoes are ready, add to the broth vegetable stew. Boil 5-7 minutes.

At the end, add grated cheese, spices and remove from heat. Ready meal garnish with herbs before serving.

Delicious and fragrant dishes can be prepared with fresh mushrooms. It can be either a lunch or dinner dish. Mushrooms go well with potatoes, meat, and pasta.

Boil prepared mushrooms in salted water for 10 minutes, then rinse. Fry chopped garlic in a pan and hot pepper. Add to them boiled mushrooms and greens. Simmer for 2-5 minutes. Boil pasta. Form the dish as follows: boiled pasta mushroom mass is laid out and all this is sprinkled with grated cheese. Tasty and fragrant dish ready!

Honey mushrooms, like any other mushrooms, are great source vegetable protein. This product is low-calorie, so it is loved by vegetarians and dieters who are losing weight. Before you start including this product in your menu, you need to know everything about it.

First of all, this product is rich in such vitamins as:

  • B3, which has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract, dilates blood vessels, improves brain function, normalizes blood pressure.
  • Vitamin C - antioxidant, improves immunity, restores strength, improves complexion, removes toxins.
  • Potassium, magnesium - these substances are responsible for the work of the heart, blood vessels, thin the blood.
  • Iron content, useful for those suffering from anemia, anemia.

Honey mushrooms are mushrooms that cannot be eaten raw, they must be boiled and washed. But even properly cooked mushrooms can be contraindicated for consumption. If you have health problems such as:

Those who wish to include such a product as mushrooms in their diet should know these main points.

Others can enjoy delicious products based on mushrooms, harvest them for the winter for salads or use as independent snacks.
