
Salad of grated carrots for children. Salad with cabbage and grated carrots

There is no doubt that every mother wants to see only natural and healthy foods. But the most important thing is that the child likes dishes from these products! Carrot salad with sour cream perfect solution For healthy breakfast baby. The components of the salad are not subjected to any heat treatment during cooking, which means that they completely retain all their beneficial features. Cooking time is a maximum of 15 minutes.
Carrot salad, the recipe for which I propose, can be offered to a child from a year and a half. And women who watch their diet will not be able to bypass this dish.

Required Ingredients:
- Carrots - 1 large, or 2 medium, or 3-4 small. Carrots are a rich source of carotene, vitamin A, and more huge amount vitamins and microelements, one of the main elements of the first feeding in children.
- Raisins - 50 grams. Raisins are good for nervous system, good prevention anemia and anemia.
- Walnuts - 50 grams. Walnut rich in iodine, magnesium, vitamin E.
- Sour cream - 150 grams. Fermented milk product, which strengthens teeth, bones and has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract. For very young children, sour cream can be replaced with unsweetened yogurt.
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon without top. If the carrot variety is very sweet and juicy, then it is quite possible to do without sugar at all.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Rinse the raisins well and pour boiled water room temperature for 15 minutes, so that it swells and becomes soft. Then drain the water and dry the raisins with a towel.

Carrot Wash, peel, grate. Since the salad is mainly intended for children, choose the smallest or medium grater.

Peel the walnuts from the membranes, and finely chop. The younger the child, the more you need to chop the nuts.

Mix prepared carrots, raisins and nuts. If the salad is not planned to be eaten all at once, then it is better not to add sugar and sour cream to the whole salad at once, otherwise it will give juice and lose its attractiveness. Top with sugar and sour cream just before serving.

Optional, carrot salad you can steal flowers or stars cut out of carrots, which will certainly attract the attention of the baby. For a sweet dessert, prepare a beautiful

Anastasia Dergunova,
pedagogue-psychologist MADOU kindergarten"Joy" of the combined type, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region

The article contains a method that will help to correct the undesirable behavior of the child and relationships in children's team. It will help the educational psychologist develop professional approach to the analysis of cases of practice and their solution. To do this, you need to make a table - "Matrix of the power analysis of the problem."

To solve a problem that has arisen in a group, you need to indicate the causes of its occurrence, resources, and the alignment of forces. The power analysis matrix will help to see the situation in a complex way, with different sides, to focus on the resource capabilities of the child and to minimize the impact of negative factors.

Thematic plan of game trainings that will prepare children for reading and writing

Oksana Ignatieva, teacher-psychologist of the preschool structural unit of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "School No. 1987"

The article contains a thematic plan of game lessons for preparatory group kindergarten to prepare children 6-7 years old for school.

To develop phonetic skills and graphomotor skills in children, conduct a set of classes in the form of game training. The thematic lesson plan was compiled according to the author's program "Journey to the Land of Soundland". It will prepare preschoolers for reading and writing.

Perspective and life path of the individual: types and definitions

2.1. Life path as a socio-historical way of individual development

The psychological science of the 20th century is characterized fundamentally A New Look on the formulation of scientific theoretical and practical problems. During this period, there is a systematic connection of numerous theoretical concepts that are devoted to the psychological problems of human existence. Foreign and domestic scientists have focused their attention on identifying and explaining the psychologically conditioned set of states and processes, sequential and unusual facts and phenomena that ensure the building of an individual life path by a person, and also predict its development as a subject of life. Researchers have identified practical tasks for psychological diagnosis, development and correction of psychobiographical formations of the personality, prevention and prevention of psychobiographical crises, as well as education in the field of psychological problems human life.
Just at this time, modern psychological science outlined a search for solutions to such psychological problems as man's involvement in time, attitude to life and death; problems of freedom, choice of fate; problems of communication, love, faith and loneliness; problems of meaningful and meaningless being.

The personality of the educator: the history of development, important qualities, functions performed

1.1. The formation of the domestic science of preschool education

The emergence of pedagogy as a science and as a profession has an objective beginning of its emergence. For each younger generation, it is important to apply the knowledge, skills that have already taken place in a previous life and have been tested in practice, those phenomena of culture and life left over from former figures.
Science relates the emergence of the teaching profession to the times Ancient Greece when, in financially secure families, a slave supervised the progress, condition, development of children, accompanied them to school, bringing with him the necessary, obligatory educational supplies, tried to protect them from dangerous, undesirable, harmful situations, thereby inadvertently, involuntarily educating the child in certain qualities, traits of character and developing the nature of his actions, mode of action and life in general. It was such a slave that was called a "teacher", who literally with Greek translates as "teacher, mentor." After a certain time, the home educator was already involved in the development and education of children, and later, when the promotion of education carried out by society and taking into account its needs and needs made it widespread, the profession of “educator” arose.

07. 12.2015

Catherine's blog

Good afternoon, readers and guests of the Family and Childhood website. It's winter outside and it's terribly cold today. And in order not to get sick in this cold time, you need to protect yourself and carry out prophylaxis against the flu and viral infections. There is nothing complicated here - eat vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Balance your diet and you will feel how the winter blues will leave you. You will become more cheerful and energetic. This one is not complicated recipe with carrots and apples will help in this - after all, this is a real source of vitamins. Carrot and apple salad is a light, savory and juicy salad. It is suitable as a snack or as an accompaniment to roasted poultry.

We will need:

1) carrots - 1 pc.;
2) homemade sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
3) apple - 1 pc.;
4) garlic - 1 tooth;
5) salt.

I chose a small sweet carrot and washed it in cool water. She scraped the carrot with a knife, removing a thin skin. Then she rinsed it with cooled boiled water.

She rubbed carrots on a metal grater with large holes.

I choose an apple for a salad of sweet and sour taste.

I washed the apple and peeled off the skin. Cutting the apple into slices, cut out the seed boxes.

I rub an apple on a grater with a thin straw.

For spice, you need to add chopped garlic to the salad. I chop the garlic, pour it to the previously grated carrots and apples.

Mixing the garlic grated carrots and grated apple, adding salt and sour cream. Who prefers to lead vegetable salads mayonnaise - please, you can fill this carrot salad (with an apple) instead of sour cream with mayonnaise, but then salting this dish is not necessary.

Be sure to try this extraordinarily tasty, healthy and very simple carrot-apple salad.

It’s good to add raisins to a carrot salad with an apple.

Time - 15 min.
Portions - 1-2.

Vegetable salads stimulate the appetite, it is useful to give them to the child as a snack before breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is recommended to prepare salads just before eating, otherwise they lose nutritional value and may cause food poisoning.

You can dress salads with any vegetable oil, cream, kefir, sour cream, honey and lemon juice. Be sure to add a pinch of finely chopped dill, parsley, green onions to salads. Children from 1 to 1.5 years old are recommended 25 g of lettuce, children from 1.5 to 3 years old - 30-40 g of lettuce. Child under 1.5 years old raw vegetables rub on fine grater. After 1.5 years, large cells can be used. For children from 2 years old, vegetables should be finely chopped.

Green salad:

Peel the salad, wash each leaf separately, squeeze, chop, salt and season with lemon juice, sunflower oil.
Mix with finely chopped steep yolk, decorate with egg white.
Salad 50 g, sunflower oil 3 g, egg 1 pc.

Green salad with radish:

Chopped lettuce, add green onion and finely chopped radishes. Season with salt and drizzle with sunflower oil and lemon juice. You can add mayonnaise or sour cream.
Lettuce 50 g, green onions 1-2 pieces, radish 100 g.

Salad of fresh cabbage and apples:

White strong sheets finely chop or grate the cabbage, sprinkle with lemon juice. Then mix with grated apple, season with sugar and sour cream. You can add grated raw carrots.
Cabbage 100 g, apple 1 piece, lemon juice ½ teaspoon, sugar, sour cream.

Combined salad:

Cut in small pieces Bell pepper, add chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, a little green onion.
Salt, stir and garnish with finely chopped parsley. Drizzle with sunflower oil.
Sweet pepper 50 g, tomatoes 50 g.

A fresh vegetable salad:

Purified boiled potatoes, cut cucumbers and tomatoes small pieces. Add chopped green onion green salad and spinach, salt and stir. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Garnish with chopped hard-boiled egg white.
Potatoes 30 g, cucumbers 30 g, tomatoes 30 g, egg (protein) ¼ pcs.

Winter vinaigrette:

Steam beets and potatoes. Ready vegetables cut into cubes, add diced pickles, apples and finely chopped sauerkraut. Add green onions and finely grated carrots. Stir the vegetables, salt and season with sunflower oil.
Beets 15 g, potatoes 40 g, pickles 20 g, apples 20 g, sauerkraut 20 g, green onion 5 g, carrot 10 g.

Summer salad:

Boil and finely chop potatoes, green beans, cauliflower and carrots.
Mix, salt, pour lemon or tomato juice, fill with sunflower oil. Add finely chopped green onion and fresh cucumbers. The salad will be even tastier and more spectacular if you decorate it with mayonnaise with the addition of cool yolks.
Potatoes 30 g, green beans 15 g cauliflower 15 g, carrots 10 g.

Russian salad:

Boil potatoes, celery and carrots and cut into small cubes. Cut pickled cucumbers and ham into small pieces. Add to vegetables green pea and onion, hard boiled egg. Mix everything and pour mayonnaise. Decorate with olives, cut into small pieces.
Potatoes 30 g, celery 10 g, carrots 10 g, pickles 10 g, ham 20 g, egg ¼ pcs.

Salad "Mushroom":

Finely chop boiled potatoes and carrots, as well as pickles, add green peas, green onions and an egg, season with mayonnaise. Lay in a slide, decorate with a fungus from eggs, carrots and greens.
Potatoes 50 g, carrots 30 g, pickled cucumbers 50 g, green peas 30 g, green onions 20 g, egg 1 pc.

Beet salad:

Grate boiled beets and peeled apples on coarse grater, grind kernels walnuts. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with parsley and dill.
1 beetroot, 1 apple, 4 nuts, 2 tbsp mayonnaise spoons, salt.

Peel the carrots, grate on a fine grater, add sugar and cranberry juice. Fill with vegetable oil. Carrots - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, cranberry juice - 3 ml.


Add sugar to washed, peeled and finely grated carrots. Fill with sour cream. Carrots - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Boil carrots and potatoes, separate beets, peel, cut into small pieces, add washed, peeled and finely chopped fresh cucumbers, green onions. Mix all the vegetables, salt, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with finely chopped, hard-boiled egg. You can add a peeled and finely chopped apple to the vinaigrette. Beets - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, potatoes - 30 g, fresh cucumbers - 20 g, apples - 20 g, green onions - 20 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., vegetable oil - 5 g.


Peel carrots, fresh cucumbers, apples, pears, oranges, cut into slices, mix, add green peas, finely chopped parsley. Season with sugar and sour cream. Carrots - 20 g, fresh cucumbers - 20 g, apples - 20 g, pears - 20 g, oranges (tangerines) - 20 g, green peas - 10 g, parsley - 2 g, sugar - 2 g, sour cream - 10 g .


Wash, peel, grate the carrots, add the grated, pre-peeled apple, add sugar, mix. Fill with sour cream. Carrots - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 3 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Pass the boiled and peeled beets together with the soaked and washed prunes through a meat grinder. Fill with sour cream. Beets - 15 g, prunes - 15 g, sour cream - 5 g.


Chopped radishes, thoroughly washed thin slices, add diced fresh cucumber, chopped green lettuce leaf and a few chopped green onion feathers. Fill with sour cream. Radish - 30 g, cucumber - 30 g, lettuce - 10 g, green onion - 5 g, sour cream - 15 g.


Washed and peeled carrots, fresh cabbage and apples chop or grate on a coarse grater. Mix everything, add green peas and sweet bell pepper. Dress the salad with vegetable oil and sugar. Carrots - 20 g, cabbage - 20 g, apples - 20 g, green peas - 20 g, sweet pepper - 10 g, sugar - 5 g, vegetable oil - 6 g.


Sort the leafy green salad, rinse, pour over with boiled water. When the water drains, chop the lettuce, add peeled and sliced ​​radish and fresh cucumber. Season with sour cream mixed with finely chopped hard-boiled egg yolk, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and egg white. Lettuce - 30 g, radish - 20 g, cucumbers - 40 g, eggs - 1/2 pc, sour cream - 10 g, dill - 2 g.


To the green canned peas add boiled carrots and potatoes cut into small cubes, finely chopped raw apple. Fill with sour cream. Green peas - 40 g, carrots - 20 g, potatoes - 20 g, apples - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Rinse the green onions, let the water drain, finely chop and mix: finely chopped, hard-boiled egg, season with sour cream. Green onions - 30 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., sour cream -10 g.


Purified white cabbage rinse, finely chop, add a little lemon juice or diluted citric acid, mix and let stand for 2-3 hours, then season with sugar and vegetable oil. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with chopped dill. Cabbage - 100 g, sugar - 2 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 g, dill - 2 g.


Rinse the cabbage, finely chop, mix with grated carrots on a coarse grater, grind. Add sugar, lemon or cranberry juice. Cabbage - 60 g, carrots - 40 g, sugar - 3 g, juice - 3 ml.


Rinse the cabbage, finely chop, add sugar, overheat slightly, combine with pre-soaked and washed prunes without pitting and grated peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Over-eat everything. Season with lemon juice or diluted citric acid Cabbage - 80 g, prunes - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, sugar - 3 g, lemon juice - 3 ml.


Finely chop white cabbage, grind with salt or lemon juice (diluted citric acid) until juice is released, add finely chopped peeled apple, sprinkle with sugar, mix. Fill with sour cream or vegetable oil. Cabbage - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, sour cream - 10 g or vegetable oil - 5 g.


Finely chop the washed cabbage, finely chop the hard-boiled eggs, combine with cabbage, add finely chopped parsley, mix. Fill with sour cream. Cabbage - 100 g, eggs - 1 pc., parsley - 2 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Finely chop the washed cabbage, add the peeled boiled beets grated on a coarse grater. Season the salad with sugar, lemon juice, vegetable oil. Cabbage - 60 g, beets - 40 g, sugar - 2 g, juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Cut boiled and peeled potatoes and carrots into small cubes, add canned green peas, chopped green onions, chopped fresh cucumber, chopped egg, hard-boiled, mix. Fill with sour cream. Potatoes - 40 g, carrots - - 15 g, green peas - - 15 g, cucumbers - 15 g, sour cream - 10 g, egg - 1 pc.


Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, cut into small cubes, add finely chopped fresh cucumber, a little chopped green onion, chopped hard-boiled egg, mix. Fill with vegetable oil or sour cream. Potatoes - 100 g, cucumbers - 20 g, onions - 10 g, egg - 1/4 pc, vegetable oil - 5 g or sour cream - 10 g.


Peel the steamed potatoes, cut into slices. From a tomato, previously dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, remove the skin, remove the seeds and also cut it into slices. Salt the potatoes and tomatoes a little, mix, season with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped, hard-boiled egg and chopped dill on top. Potatoes - 60 g, tomatoes - 30 g, sour cream - 10 g, egg - 1/4 pc, dill - 2 g.


Carrots wash, peel, grate on a coarse grater, add green peas, berry or fruit juice. Fill with vegetable oil. Carrots - 80 g, green peas - 25 g, juice - 10 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Grate the peeled and washed carrots on a fine grater, add garlic mashed with salt, season with sour cream. Carrots - 50 g, garlic - 1 clove, sour cream - 10 g.


Washed cucumbers and tomatoes cut into small slices, add chopped green onions, lightly salt. Fill with sour cream or vegetable oil. Cucumbers - - 50 g, tomatoes - 50 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g or vegetable oil - 5 g.


Wash a fresh cucumber with a thin skin (with a rough one - peel after washing), cut into thin slices, put on a plate, lightly salt. Before serving, season with sour cream mixed with pounded hard-boiled egg yolk, sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Cucumbers - - 100 g, sour cream - 10 g, yolks - 1/2 pcs., dill - 2 g.


Wash fresh tomatoes, cut into thin slices, cutting out the stem. Green or onion peel, finely chop, combine with tomatoes, salt a little. Fill with vegetable oil or sour cream. Tomatoes - 100 g, onions - 10 g, vegetable oil - 5 g or sour cream - 10 g.


Cut the washed peeled tomatoes into slices, add the peeled, chopped apples, mix. Fill with sour cream. Tomatoes - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Washed peeled tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs cut into circles, put alternately on a plate, pour over lemon juice and vegetable oil, lightly salt. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley on top. Tomatoes - 80 g, eggs - 1/2 pc., lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Wash the beets, boil or bake in the oven, peel, cut into small slices or strips, lightly salt. Season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Beets - 100 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Purified boiled beets and chop the apple into strips or grate on a coarse grater, season with sugar, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Beets - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Boil the beets, peel, cut into small cubes. Pour nuts for 10-15 minutes hot water, then split, dry the kernels in the oven for 6-7 minutes, chop and add to the beets. Stir, season with sour cream mixed with cranberry juice, garnish with parsley. Beets - 50 g, nuts - 10 g, sour cream - 5 g, cranberry juice - 5 g.


Wash the beets, boil, peel, grate on a coarse grater, add canned green peas, chopped fresh cucumber. Fill with vegetable oil. Beets - 50 g, green peas - 25 g, cucumbers - 25 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Peel the boiled beets, grate on a fine grater, add finely chopped sour apple and washed raisins, mix. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley on top. Beets - 60 g, apples - 20 g, raisins - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g, parsley - 2 g.


Boil the washed beets, peel, grate on a coarse grater, mix with plums, from which the seeds have been previously removed. Fill with cranberries or lingonberry juice, sour cream, sugar. Beets - 60 g, plums - 45 g, juice - 5 ml, sugar - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Peel boiled or baked beets, grate on a coarse grater, add grated apple with peel, finely chopped cucumber, chopped green onions and parsley, mix. Fill with vegetable oil. Beets - 50 g, apples - 25 g, cucumbers - 25 g, onions - 5 g, parsley - 2 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Grate the peeled and washed carrots on a coarse grater, chop the apple and fresh cucumber into strips, cut the tomato into slices, rinse and chop the green salad. Mix all the vegetables, season with sour cream. Carrots - 20 g, apples - 20 g, cucumbers - 25 g, tomatoes - 25 g, green salad - 10 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, wash, grate on a fine grater, add sour apple and sugar grated on a coarse grater, season with lemon or any other sour juice. Pumpkin - 100 g, apples - 80 g, sugar - 10 g, juice - 5 ml.


Grate the peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater and simmer in a small amount of water with sugar and citric acid until the pumpkin becomes transparent. Then pour it with a mixture of vegetable oil, a solution of citric acid and honey and put in cool place for 2-3 hours. Pumpkin - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, honey - 20 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Peel the pumpkin, rinse and grate on a coarse grater, add thinly sliced ​​tomato and finely chopped green onion. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Pumpkin - 60 g, tomatoes - 40 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Grate the peeled pumpkin and beets on a coarse grater, add the raisins washed and scalded with boiling water, mix, season with sour cream. Pumpkin - 70 g, beets - 30 g, raisins - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Dry and chop the washed sorrel, add carrots and apples grated on a coarse grater, finely chopped green onions, chopped garlic clove, season with sour cream. Sorrel - 20 g, carrots - 30 g, apples - 30 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream -10 g.


Washed and peeled apples grate on a coarse grater, add finely chopped, pre-soaked and washed prunes, from which the stones are removed, season with honey or sugar. Apples - 70 g, prunes - 30 g, honey -10 g or sugar - 8 g.


To boiled peeled shrimp add boiled and diced carrots, potatoes, washed and chopped in small pieces fresh cucumber, green peas, sliced ​​peeled apple, mix. Fill with vegetable oil. Shrimps - 50 g, carrots - 15 g, potatoes - 15 g, green peas - 10 g, cucumbers - 15 g, apples - 15 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Defrost Ocean pasta, transfer to a frying pan, pour a small amount hot water and simmer for 10 minutes. Boiled and peeled potatoes and carrots cut into cubes, add diced fresh cucumber and hard-boiled egg, green peas, combine with chilled poached Ocean pasta, mix, lightly salt. Fill with vegetable oil. Potatoes - 40 g, carrots - 15 g, cucumbers - 15 g, green peas -10 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., Ocean pasta - 15 g, vegetable oil - 10 g.


Dice boiled and peeled potatoes, an egg, add sliced ​​fresh cucumbers, apples, green peas, mix everything. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with parsley. Potatoes - 40 g, eggs - 1/4 pc., Cucumbers - 30 g, apples - 30 g, green peas - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g, parsley - 2 g.


Washed and peeled apples and pears cut into slices, add chopped melon, watermelon, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries. Mix the fruits, season with sour cream, honey or fruit syrup. Apples - 30 g, pears - 30 g, other fruits - 20 g each, sour cream or honey - 30 g.

* -- for children over two years old

Vladislav Gennadievich LIFLYANDSKY - doctor of medical sciences, professor

Viktor Veniaminovich ZAKREVSKY - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
