
The performance is winged, hairy and oily, played by adults. The script for the play for the children's theater group is winged, furry and oily

At the edge of the forest, in a warm hut, there lived three brothers: Winged Sparrow, Hairy Mouse and Butter Pancake. Each did his own work and helped the other. Sparrow brought food.

From the field - grains,
From the forest - mushrooms,
I'll bring beans from the garden!

The mouse was chopping wood.

little mouse
Eh, times! Eh, two!
I'll chop wood!
The stove will be heated
The porridge will be cooked!

And Damn did not spend time in vain, cooking cabbage soup and porridge.

Baby porridge, you're so good
If you add a little milk!
Sugar, salt, put raisins,
We will serve porridge and cabbage soup to the table!

Friends will gather at the table, and already Blin puts full pots on the table.

Here's cabbage soup, here's porridge... Our food is good!

The brothers eat - do not praise..

little mouse
Eh, soup is so cabbage soup, how fat and good!

And I'm an oil pancake, I'll dip into the pot and get out - that's cabbage soup and fat!

And Sparrow eats porridge, praises.

Hey, porridge, well, porridge!

little mouse
And I’ll bring firewood, finely gnaw it, throw it into the oven, sweep it with a tail - the fire burns well in the stove, here’s the porridge and it’s hot, uvarista!

Yes, and I’m not a mistake: I’ll pick mushrooms, drag beans - here you are full!

So they lived, they praised each other. Only once thought Sparrow.

I fly all day through the forest, kicking my legs, fluttering my wings, but how do they work? In the morning, Pancake lies on the stove - he basks, only in the evening he takes dinner. And in the morning the Mouse carries firewood and gnaws, and then it climbs onto the stove, turns on its side, and sleeps until dinner. And I'm on the hunt from morning till night - hard work?! No more of this!

Sparrow got angry - he stamped his legs, flapped his wings and let's scream.

Let's change jobs tomorrow! Let's change jobs tomorrow!

Pancake and Mouse came running, the sparrow began to order them.

You, Damn, will go hunting in the morning. I, Sparrow, will chop wood tomorrow. And you, Mouse, will heat the stove, cook cabbage soup and cook porridge!

Okay, fine. Damn, yes, the Mouse sees that there is nothing to do, and they decided on that. The next day, in the morning, Pancake went hunting, Sparrow - to chop wood, and Mouse - to cook dinner.

Here Pancake rolled into the forest. Rolls down the path and sings.

Jumping gallop,
Jumping gallop,
I am an oil side
I am smart, I am strong
I don't care!
There was a damn worker in the kitchen -
There is now a hunter in the forest!
Jumping gallop,
I am an oil side
Jumping gallop,
I'm an oil side!

And Lisa Patrikeevna met him.

Where are you, Blinok, running, in a hurry?

On the hunt!

Are you a great hunter?

There was a pancake worker in the kitchen - now there is a hunter in the forest!

What song are you singing, Blink?

Damn jumped on the spot and sang his song.

Jumping gallop,
Jumping gallop,
I am an oil side
I am smart, I am strong
I don't care!
There was a damn worker in the kitchen -
There is now a hunter in the forest!

Eat well.

And she gets closer. Yes, how he jumps, how he snorts, how he grabs Damn by the oily side.


Damn fought, fought, barely escaped from the fox: left his side in his teeth, ran home. And what is being done at home? The Mouse began to cook cabbage soup; no matter what he puts in, no matter what he adds, but the cabbage soup is not fat, not good, not oily!

little mouse
How did you cook Blin cabbage soup? Oh, yes, he will dive into the pot and swim up, and the cabbage soup will become fat!

The Mouse took it and rushed into the pot. Scalded, scalded, barely jumped out! The fur coat came out, the tail trembles. He sat down on a bench, tears flowing. And Sparrow carried firewood. Dung and let's peck, break into small chips. Pecked, pecked, turned the beak to the side! Pancake ran to the house, he sees: Sparrow is sitting on a mound - his beak is on the side, he is flooded with tears.

Oh my head hurts! Oh, the shoulders hurt!

And in the hut, the Little Mouse is sitting on a bench, his fur coat has come out, his tail is trembling.

little mouse
Oh, the back hurts, oh, the tail is trembling!

Here the damn thing says.

It always happens when one nods at the other, does not want to do his job! ..

Well, there was nothing to do, they cried, grieved, and they began to live and live in the old way: Sparrow - to bring food, Mouse - to chop wood, and Damn - cabbage soup and cook porridge.

So they live, they chew gingerbread, they drink honey, they remember us.

little mouse
Pancake (can be made of yellow plasticine or suitably colored thick cardboard; in order for the “Pancake” to be easy to control, from the side of the Narrator it is enough to stick a thin long stick like a toothpick into the plasticine or cardboard, this stick will be a kind of axis with which " Damn" will "roll" along the forest path).

Necessary props
- "House" of Pancake, Mouse and Sparrow (inside - a "stove" made of foam plastic or painted clay, a "table" made of wood, on the table - small cups, plates, a samovar).
- Three pots (two - "cast iron" with porridge and cabbage soup; the third pot should be of such a size that the Mouse can fit in it).
- “Firewood” (for them, finely broken and folded woodpile twigs are suitable).
- "Forest" (branches reinforced with plasticine on cardboard stands).

© All rights reserved

(as presented by A.A. Kryachko)

Narrator: At the edge of the forest, in a warm hut, there lived three brothers: Winged Sparrow, Hairy Mouse and Butter Blinok. Each did his own work and helped the other.

The sparrow carried food:

Sparrow:(sings) From the field - grains,

From the forest - mushrooms,

I'll bring beans from the garden!

Narrator: The mouse was chopping wood:

Mouse:(sings) Eh, times! Eh, two!

I'll chop wood!

The stove will be heated

The porridge will be cooked!

Narrator: And Blink did not spend time in vain, he cooked cabbage soup and porridge:


Baby porridge, you're so good

If you add a little milk!

Sugar, salt, put raisins,

We will serve porridge and cabbage soup to the table!

Narrator: Friends will gather at the table, and Blink puts full pots on the table:

Blink: Here's cabbage soup, here's porridge... Our food is good!

Narrator: Brothers eat - do not praise.

Mouse: Eh, soup is so cabbage soup, how fat and good!

Blink: And I'm an oil pancake, I'll dip into the pot and get out - that's cabbage soup and fat!

Sparrow: Hey, porridge, well, porridge!

Mouse: And I’ll bring firewood, finely gnaw it, throw it into the oven, sweep it with a tail - the fire burns well in the stove, so the porridge is hot, uvarista.

Sparrow: Yes, and I - not a mistake: I'll pick mushrooms, drag beans - here you are full!

Narrator: So they lived, they praised each other. Sparrow thought only once:

Sparrow: I, - fly all day through the forest, beat my legs, flap my wings, but how do they work? In the morning, Blinok lies on the stove - he basks, only in the evening he takes dinner. And in the morning the Mouse carries firewood and gnaws, and then it climbs onto the stove, turns on its side, and sleeps until dinner. And I'm on the hunt from morning till night - hard work?! No more of this!

Narrator: Sparrow got angry - he stomped his legs, flapped his wings and let's shout:

Sparrow: Let's change jobs tomorrow! Let's change jobs tomorrow!

Narrator: Blinok and Mouse came running, the sparrow began to order them:

Sparrow: You, Blink, will go hunting in the morning. I, Sparrow, will chop wood tomorrow. And you, Mouse, will heat the stove, cook cabbage soup and cook porridge!

Sparrow and Mouse: Okay, fine.

Narrator: Blinok and Mouse see that there is nothing to do, and they decided on that. The next day in the morning Blinok went hunting, Sparrow - to chop wood, and Mouse to cook dinner. Here Blink rolled into the forest. Rolls down the path and sings:

Blink: Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop,

I am an oil side

I am smart, I am strong

I don't care!

I was a worker in the kitchen -

There is now a hunter in the forest!

Jumping gallop,

I am an oil side

Jumping gallop,

I'm an oil side!

Narrator: And Lisa Patrikeevna met him.


Where are you, Blinok, running, in a hurry?

Blink: On the hunt!

Fox: Are you a great hunter?

Blink:- I was a worker in the kitchen - now I have become a hunter in the forest!


What song are you singing, Blink?

Narrator: Blinok jumped on the spot and sang his song.

Blink: Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop,

I am an oil side

I am smart, I am strong

I don't care!

I was a worker in the kitchen -

There is now a hunter in the forest!

Fox: Eat well, you will go far.

Narrator: And she gets closer. Yes, how he jumps, how he snorts, how he grabs Blinok by the oily side. Blinok fought, fought, barely escaped from the Fox: left his side in his teeth, ran home. And what is being done at home? The Mouse began to cook cabbage soup; what he doesn’t put in, what he doesn’t add, but cabbage soup is not fat, not good, not oily!

Mouse: How did Blinok cook cabbage soup? Oh, yes, he will dive into the pot and swim up, and the cabbage soup will become fat!

Narrator: The Mouse took it and rushed into the pot. Scalded, scalded, barely jumped out! The fur coat came out, the tail trembles. He sat down on a bench, tears flowing. And Sparrow carried firewood. Dung, let's peck, break into small chips. Pecked, pecked, turned the beak to the side! Blinok ran to the house, sees: Sparrow is sitting on a mound - his beak is on the side, he is flooded with tears:

Sparrow: Oh my head hurts! Oh, the shoulders hurt!

Mouse: Oh, the back hurts, oh, the tail is trembling!

Blink: It always happens when one nods at the other, does not want to do his job! ..

Narrator: Well, there was nothing to do, they cried, grieved, and they began to live and live in the old way: Sparrow - to carry food, Mouse - to chop firewood, and Blinok - cabbage soup and cook porridge. This is how they live: they chew gingerbread and drink honey.

After staging, Snowflake and Bell appear on the stage. Snowflake gives the bell, takes the basket.

Bell: My uncle, Kolokol, who lives in the Trinity-Sergeeva Lavra, says: "Do not look for someone else's degree and be content with the obedience that the Lord will give you."

Snowflake: I understood everything. Now I will become the most obedient snowflake.

Snowflake: Earth rejoice now (Sprinkles confetti and points to the ground.)

You are about Christ, about God the Son,

Bell:(Rings the bell.)

Hear the words of praise

Come to worship the baby

Simple people (shepherds exit)

And seers. (wizards exit)

Snowflake: Three shepherds and three wise men. (All participants of the concert go on stage.)

And everyone to whom this Holiday is known,

(hand on the hall)

Let them follow them

(towards the den). (M.Veselovskaya)

All: And we praise the Creator

And only with His name

We will live to the end.

The chant "Calls the bell ..."

Script writers: Lishik V.A., Kachurovskaya O.V., Morozova I.A., Molchanova A.N., Timoshek I.A.

General edition

Priest Vladimir Komarov.

Playing time:1 hour 15 min.

Christmas script

Of the year.

At the entrance to the hall, Vladyka is greeted by three children with the following words.

Our dear Lord,

We were waiting for you

Merry Christmas to congratulate you

We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

We prepared hard

For the great holiday

Support us today

Your prayers.

Everyone in this room

Merry Christmas.

In songs, dances and poetry

We will glorify Christ! (V. Lishik)

God's gift

(F.M. Dostoevsky)

To the sound of bells.

God sent to earth:

"How will you go through the spruce forest, -

He said with a smile,

You will cut down the Christmas tree, and the baby

The kindest on earth

The most affectionate and sensitive,

Give, as a memory of me.

And the little angel was embarrassed:

Angel:“Well, who should I give it to?

How to find out which of the children

Will there be God's grace?

And the heavenly guest went.

The moon has become, the path has been bright

And led to a huge city.

Holiday speeches everywhere

Everywhere happiness awaits children ...

Throwing a Christmas tree on his shoulders,

An angel happily walks...

Angel: Look into the windows yourself -

There's a big celebration!

The trees are lit up

As happens at Christmas.

The angel began to move

To find out who he owes

Give the tree of God.

And beautiful and obedient

He saw many children. -

All at the sight of God's tree,

Forgetting everything, they were drawn to her.

Who screams:

1st child: "I'm standing on a Christmas tree!"

2nd child"You can't compare to me,

I'm better than you!"

3rd child:"No, I deserve a Christmas tree."

4th child: "I am more worthy than others!"

Looking at them sadly.

Angel: Everyone is praising each other

Everyone praises himself

At an opponent with fear

Or looking with envy.

Angel out...

Angel:"My God!

Teach to whom I could

Give your priceless gift!”

Little angel - he stands,

Looks at the Christmas tree of God, -

And the eyes burn with delight.

Boy:"Christmas tree! Herringbone! -

Boy: I wish I

This tree is not worthy

And it's not for me...

But take it to your sister

What lies with us is sick.

Make her so happy -

She is worth the Christmas tree!

Don't cry in vain!"

And with a smile a clear angel

He handed the Christmas tree to the little one.

Boy: The tree sparkles and shines, -

She is given a heavenly symbol;

Amazed little boy...

And knowing such love,

Angel moved to tears

Good news to God

As a priceless gift, brought.

To the sound of a bell, an angel and a Christmas tree come out.

Angel: All nature rejoiced

Majestic and bright

And at the feet of the Christ Child

She carried all her gifts.

Only a modest Christmas tree stood sadly:

She had no gifts

And the eyes of people were not captivated by beauty

Her permanent cover.

Song of the Christmas tree.

1 . A great miracle happened that night

The Savior was born - a triumph for all.

The star above the cave shone brightly for the Magi,

And the loud song of the shepherds rushed to heaven.

Nature rejoiced with people that night

Full of mysterious whispers.

2 . And all creatures rush to bow to the Creator,

Together they go to the cave to Christ.

The palm tree of wide leaves has a big outfit,

The fragrant oil of the olive gives Him.

Only a poor Christmas tree cannot do anything

Serve him on his birthday.

3 . What a pity the little Christmas tree has nothing

A gift to the Christ Child for Christmas.

Flowers give Him their wonderful fragrance.

And the stars in the sky burn so brightly for Him.

Humble Christmas tree with all my heart

Praying for the Child in the wilderness.

The angel removes the cloak from the Christmas tree.

4 . An angel looked from the sky at a quiet Christmas tree

And bright stars covered it all.

You are modest, you do not grumble in sorrow, and for that

God bless you at Christmas.

That's the same for a holiday in all ages

Shine and rejoice in Christ.

Angel: From that time until now

There is a habit among people

Tidy up the Christmas tree

The stars are bright candles.

Every year she shines

On the day of the great celebration

And announces with lights

Bright holiday of Christmas.

(D. Merezhkovsky)

Performance "Christmas".

There is dim light in the hall, quiet music sounds.

Leading: Two thousand years ago, in the distant country of Palestine, in the city of Bethlehem, an amazing miracle happened: an extraordinary Baby was born. The predictions of the prophets were fulfilled: the Savior came into the world. That's how it was. The Roman emperor Augustus wanted to know how many subjects he had and ordered a census of the people. Each person had to register in the city where he was from. The Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy Elder Joseph lived at that time in Palestine. The city of their ancestors was Bethlehem, where they went. The road was long and the travelers were very tired. In Bethlehem, they could not find a home to give them shelter. Already at night, on the outskirts of the city, Joseph and Mary saw a cave where shepherds and their cattle hid during bad weather. The delighted travelers entered the cave, and there the Divine Infant, our Lord Jesus Christ, was born to the Blessed Virgin. The Blessed Virgin swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger.

The night was quiet and clear. And in the sky, among the ordinary stars, a completely new, especially bright star shone. No one in the city knew about the Nativity of Christ, everyone was asleep. Only shepherds pastured their flocks in the field.

There are three shepherds on the stage.

They collect brushwood scattered on the floor in advance.

1st shepherd:

We are shepherds. We feed the flock.

The night is cold, I'm all cold!

2nd shepherd:

You're right, my brother - you need to warm up.

Let's light the fire now...

3rd shepherd:

Gather firewood in the valley!

Dried blackthorn - here! ..

They build a "bonfire".

1st shepherd:

It seems to me that now

The night is not the same...

3rd shepherd:

Indeed, the world seemed to freeze.

This was not yesterday!

2nd shepherd:

Well, the flame runs through the boughs.

Let's warm up by the fire!

An angel appears.

Angel: Gloria,

and on earth peace, goodwill towards men!

The shepherds fall to their knees.

1st shepherd: O sky!

2nd shepherd: Beautiful young man, who are you?

3rd shepherd: And what do your words mean?

Angel: I am the Angel of God. I have come to announce that today the Savior of the world, the Divine Infant, was born in your cave... Go and worship Him!


1st shepherd:

Was there an Angel in this side?

Didn't it seem to me?

3rd shepherd:

Hurry back to the cave;

I can't wait until the light

So that, taking this news on faith,

To see her in person!

2nd shepherd:

And the herd? What happens to him suddenly?

1st shepherd: Leave him alone; let's go to the Christ-Child to bow,

Savior, King of kings!

3rd shepherd: Let's go, brothers!

1st and 2nd shepherds: Let's go...

They leave. Under the ceiling of the stage is a large silver (blue) star. In both corners of the stage and in the middle are three wise men.

1st magician: Am I wrong? From everything it turns out that the Divine Infant has already been born in the world. I'm just waiting for a sign to go and worship Him. (Looks up.) And here is the sign - a new star in the sky! She will lead me to the Lord.

2nd Magus: I have been following the starry sky for many years, but for the first time I see such a bright and beautiful star! Not otherwise, it marks the birth of the Savior on earth. May this star show me the way to His priceless cradle!

3rd Magus: Ancient books say that a great event will come true soon... (Looks up.) What is the radiance in the sky? Undoubtedly a new star

announces the birth of the Divine Infant!

1st magician:

We are stargazers, we are visionaries.

We are all privy to secrets.

Let's go worship the baby

We are each from our own country.

2nd Magus: By the command of God

A bright star guides us -

Through deserts and villages

Through forests and cities.

3rd Magus: We are driven by insight in everything,

We bring gifts to the Child.

1st magician: Look - it seems the road

She brought us to a new city.

2nd Magus: We didn't ask, meanwhile,

What is his name?

3rd Magus: Bethlehem.

1st magician: With prayer, as under the shadow of Eden,

Let's go through the gates of Bethlehem.

Let's find the local king. (They leave).

Palace of Herod. Herod comes out and claps his hands three times.

The Governor appears.

Ruler: What will you command, O king, most glorious and mighty Herod?

Herod: Bring wine and sweets!.. However, no - wine will not gladden my heart, and sweets will not sweeten my throat, for my spirit is anxious. What's in the city?

Ruler: O most beautiful of the most beautiful! Everything is calm in the city.

Herod: What are people doing?

Ruler: He works, as usual, for the benefit of his priceless master.

Herod: Are there any rumors of rebels, intruders against my authority?

Ruler: Let thunder strike their heads! Nothing like that is heard.

Herod: What else do you have to tell me?

Ruler: This morning, O great Herod, three strangers came to the gates of the city. They ask you to let them before your face.

Herod: Foreigners?.. Well, are they rich?

How large is the retinue that accompanies them?

Ruler: O my lord! With them there is no retinue at all.

Herod: So, these are the poor! How dare you tell me to let them before my face!

Ruler: O wisest of the wisest! These strangers are not ordinary people: their whole appearance reveals nobility and dignity. Their clothes are rich, and their faces are concentrated - it is clear that they are thinking about something unusually important ...

Herod: That's how! Well, put them in here!

Ruler: This minute, my lord! ..

Magi enter, bow to Herod.

Herod: Who are you, respectable strangers, and why did you come to my city?

1st magician: King, live forever! We learned that in your city - or somewhere nearby - the King of kings, the Divine Child, was born. He is the Savior of the world.

Herod: (to the side) Strange words!

They disturb me with an incomprehensible longing -

as if I also want to enjoy this joy, but I feel that it is not for me. (Magicians.) Well, why did you call Him - the King of kings?

1st magician: He is the most important King

Ruler of the entire universe.

Herod: (to the side) Therefore, he can

take over my kingdom! (Magicians.) So, are you looking for Him?

2nd Magus: We're looking for that blessed place to worship Him.

Herod: Blessed sages! I do not know where this King of kings, the Divine Child, is, but I would very much like to know. (To the side.) To kill him! (Magicians.) When you find Him, visit me again to tell me where He is.

Magi: Let it be so!

They bow and leave.

Herod: They believed me! They will come back and tell you where to find this incredible Baby! And I will send guards with swords there. Let the baby die! I don't need any kings but myself!

He leaves, and on the other side of the stage, the magi, filled with happiness, come out.

1st magician: It's done!..

2nd Magus: It came true!..

3rd Magus: We saw the Savior - it is impossible to say about it in words! Let's end the journey in silence...

Music plays for several minutes, the Magi walk across the stage.

1st magician: Now our path lies to Herod - to tell him how to find the Divine Infant ...

2nd Magus: Surely he also wants

worship the Savior!

Third Magus: Let's go to the gates of Bethlehem...

An angel appears

Angel: From now on to Herod, magi,

You don't come back anymore.

Full of wickedness and deceit,

Fearing for your power and kingdom,

He conceived in his heart, the villain,

Kill the Savior of the people!

1st Magus: O cruel and treacherous king!

Kill the Savior of the people!


Herod's Palace.

Herod: A curse! The Magi led us

Servants of deceit and flattery!

They carry to all ends of the earth

Change unconditional news!

The prophecy does not give rest -

I will not submit to the Divine right hand!

And if, in fact, the king is born ...

Then let him not live until the morning!


Wise king! You rule, you are great

Others come to you for advice!

Do not cloud your clear face with a thunderstorm,

Do not trust meaningless slander!

What words meaningless connection!

Judge for yourself: a Son will be born to the Virgin! (to the side)

Ah, no matter how bile spills today

Under the influence of insomnia and anger!

Herod:(not listening to him)

I haven't slept for a day, I don't eat!

What a night I do not take off my helmet!

Hey warriors! Jump to Bethlehem -

And let the babies of Bethlehem die!

They leave. Sound recording: the clatter of hooves, screams, crying. Rachel comes out in torn clothes and an angel.


You were warriors - you became executioners,

Wolves that come at night

And snatching children from our hands!

In the age you will not get rid of torment!


Don't cry, don't cry for your sons, Rachel!

All their killers will turn to dust

And they will not rise again for centuries!

Their infantile and sweet babble -

Listen - he did not calm down at all,

Hear him - yes, here he is, in heaven!

Rachel: They tell me: don't cry...

But tears are flowing...

Also, their cradle has not cooled down ...

As the elder reached out to the warrior with his hand ...

And I washed the younger one at that time ...

Angel: Do not cry, Rachel, take comfort in your sons,

Who died innocent in swaddling clothes,

And believe that their infant blood

Will merge soon with the sacrifice of redemption,

Which, conquering death and decay,

Immeasurable Love will be glorified.

Palace of Herod.

Herod: What's in Bethlehem - is the blood still flowing?

Are women still crying? Men

Haven't looked at them yet?

Where, finally, is the court astrologer?

When will he show me the reason

Who gave birth to this bloody decree?


Whoever says "a" says "b"

What a waste of time to rush about and languish!

You are the king, be true to yourself to the end,

Use weapons and dungeons!

Crush your enemies, don't listen to the howl of a woman

Do not trust relatives crowding around the throne.

Who is frank even with himself,

Tom can't keep his crown.

Herod: Shut up, shut up... I have nothing to dare,

It's empty for me in the palace of my capital...

What can they tell me and predict

All those disgusting faces...

Which year I see them fuss -

My sons sink their teeth into my back!

The manager leaves. Death appears.

Who's there in the corner?! Security! I will execute everyone!

Oh the stench of change! Webs everywhere!

Retreats away.

Who are you? Not a man... Not a beast...

A shadow... no face... no body... and no neck...

Death: I'm the best thing waiting for you, believe me...

Everything that comes after me is much more terrible.

Herod: Numb members...

Death: This is my cold...

Mogilny, you still want him,

When the heat of sin seizes you,

And you will melt into yourself forever ...

Herod: Where are all the servants? Get the guest out!

Death: Don't fuss! The end is inevitable...

Herod: How tired I am! Nothing on all sides!


Nothing... nowhere... and never, of course...

Herod is writhing on the floor.

Death: Alone, suffering, death calls itself,

Another, saying goodbye to life, prays to God,

He will call the family at the last hour,

And this one is a servant from his chamber,

Apparently, the servants of all are dearer to him.

But everyone dies alone

And, crumbling like a lump of clay,

One will go into the light, the other into the darkness...


So in the midst of vanity, pride, tears,

In the world of lawlessness, evil and crime

Christ was revealed to mankind,
As a future victim of atonement.

And everyone who decorated his spruce,

And who prepared gifts for loved ones,

He remembers the poor bed

The cave, the shepherds and the sigh of the oxen,

A child, like a light lying in a manger,

And the wise men who came to Revelation.


The participants bow and leave the stage. To the sound of bells

An angel and a Christmas tree come out.

Angel: Everything you heard today is the true truth. Do not think that this is a fairy tale that gray time whispers to you. The whole history of mankind confirms this.

Herringbone: Even the new chronology is based on this amazing event - the Nativity of Christ! And this year is also counted from His birth. Having been born on earth, having lived a human life and given it for the salvation of mankind, Christ remained with us forever!

Angel: He is the Living God, and anyone can come to Him if they wish. Isn't it a miracle?

Russian folk tale Winged, furry and oily will tell kids and children that everyone should do what he knows how to do best. If you decide to read the fairy tale Winged, Furry and Oily to your children, then do not forget to comment on the actions of the main characters.

Read online fairy tale Winged, furry and oily

At the edge of the forest, in a warm hut, there lived three brothers: a winged sparrow, a furry mouse, and a pancake.

A sparrow flew from the field, a mouse ran away from the cat, a pancake ran away from the pan.

They lived, lived, did not offend each other. Each did his own work, helped the other. The sparrow brought food - from the fields of grains, from the forest of mushrooms, from the bean garden. The little mouse was chopping wood, and pancake cabbage soup and porridge.

We lived well. It used to happen that a sparrow came back from hunting, washed himself with spring water, and sat down on a bench to rest. And the mouse carries firewood, sets the table, counts painted spoons. And the pancake by the oven - blush and magnificent - cooks cabbage soup, salts with coarse salt, tastes porridge.

They will sit at the table - they will not praise. Sparrow says:

Eh, cabbage soup is so cabbage soup, boyar cabbage soup, how good and fat!

And damn him:

And I, damn it, will dip into the pot and get out - that's cabbage soup and fat!

And the sparrow eats porridge, praises:

Ah porridge, well, porridge - much hot!

And the mouse to him:

And I’ll bring firewood, finely gnaw it, throw it into the oven, scatter it with my tail - the fire burns well in the oven - that’s hot!

Yes, and I, - says the sparrow, - do not miss: I will pick mushrooms, I will drag beans - here you are full!

So they lived, praised each other, and did not offend themselves.

Only once did the sparrow think.

“I,” he thinks, “fly all day through the forest, kicking my legs, flapping my wings, but how do they work? In the morning, a pancake lies on the stove - it basks, and only in the evening it is taken for dinner. And the mouse carries firewood and gnaws in the morning, and then it climbs onto the stove, rolls over on its side, and sleeps until dinner. And I am on the hunt from morning till night - at hard work. No more of this!”

The sparrow got angry - he stamped his legs, flapped his wings and let's shout:

Let's change jobs tomorrow!

Well, okay, fine. Damn and the little mouse see that there is nothing to do, and they decided on that. The next day, in the morning, the pancake went hunting, the sparrow - to chop wood, and the mouse - to cook dinner.

Here the pancake rolled into the forest. Rolls down the path and sings:

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop,

I am an oily side

Mixed with sour cream

Fried in butter!

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop,

I am an oily side!

He ran and ran, and Lisa Patrikeevna met him.

Where are you running, pancake, in a hurry?

On the hunt.

And what you, pancake, a song sing?

Damn jumped on the spot and sang:

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop,

I am an oily side

Mixed with sour cream

Fried in butter!

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop,

I am an oily side!

Eat well, - says Lisa Patrikeevna, and she herself gets closer. - So, you say, mixed with sour cream?

And damn her:

With sour cream and sugar!

And the fox to him:

Jump-jump, you say?

Yes, how he jumps, but how he snorts, and how he grabs the oily side - am!

And the damn thing screams:

Let me go, fox, into dense forests, for mushrooms, for beans - to hunt!

And the fox to him:

No, I'll eat you, swallow you, with sour cream, butter and sugar!

Damn fought, fought, barely escaped from the fox - left his side in his teeth - he ran home!

And what is being done at home?

The mouse began to cook cabbage soup: whatever she puts it, but cabbage soup is not fatty, not good, not oily.

“How,” he thinks, “did you cook pancake cabbage soup? Oh, yes, he will dive into the pot and swim out, and the cabbage soup will become fat!

She took the mouse and rushed into the pot. Scalded, scalded, barely jumped out! The fur coat has come out, the tail is trembling. She sat down on a bench and shed tears.

And the sparrow drove firewood: he dung, dragged and let's peck, break into small chips. He pecked, pecked, his beak turned to the side. He sat down on the mound and poured tears.

A pancake ran to the house, he sees: a sparrow is sitting on a mound - its beak is on the side, the sparrow is flooded with tears. A pancake ran into the hut - a mouse is sitting on a bench, its fur coat has come out, its tail is trembling.

When they saw that half a side of the pancake had been eaten, they cried even more.

Damn it says:

It always happens when one nods at the other, does not want to do his job.

Here the sparrow, out of shame, hid under the bench.

Well, there was nothing to do, they cried and grieved, and they began to live again in the old way: a sparrow to bring food, a mouse to chop firewood, and pancake cabbage soup and cook porridge.

This is how they live, chewing gingerbread, drinking honey, remembering us.

If you liked the Russian folk tale "Winged, furry and oily", then be sure to share it with your friends.

MBDOU Tatsinsky kindergarten "Bell"

The development of children's speech through theatrical activities

Scenario of the puppet show "Winged, furry and oily"

Educator: Kipko O.P.



Dolls: Winged Sparrow, Hairy Mouse, Butter Pancake, Fox, Bunny.

Scenery : in the foreground is a house or the interior of the hut, in the second - a forest.

Musical accompaniment: Russian folk music.


Leading: Not on Buyan Island

There is a tower-teremok,

There is a lock on the doors.

We will unlock the lock -

Let's invite a fairy tale

Listen quietly and watch...

Fairy tale, come visit!

Educator: Hello guys!

To start the fairy tale, you need to solve riddles.

1. Fluffy tail - beauty, and her name is (fox).

2. Gray, small, cheese drags a little and is afraid of a cat. (Mouse)

3. Chick-chirp, jump to the grains! Peck, don't be shy! Who is this (Sparrow)

4. They are kneaded on sour cream, fried in butter, round like the sun (Pancakes.)

5. He lurks under a bush, and is afraid of a fox and a wolf. (Bunny.)

Well done! All riddles solved. It's time to start the story. Let's clap loudly, it will begin. (Goes behind the screen) The sounds of the forest are heard.

Leading: In the forest clearing there was a house under a pine tree. In this house, friends, they lived and got on, the goryushka did not know (heroes appear)

Sparrow (with basket): Winged - it's me!

Mouse (with firewood): Furry - it's me!

Pancake (in apron and chef's hat). But the oil one is me!

All: We are cheerful friends, we cannot live without each other, we cannot, we cannot.

Mouse: I'm chopping firewood to heat the stove. I chop, I chop, I finely cut the chips, I sweep the garbage with my tail. (Music sounds, the mouse chop wood, melts the stove)

Sparrow: And I fly, I collect beans from vegetable gardens for cabbage soup.

Crap: I have lunch ready

I cooked cabbage soup with croutons

And don't forget the seasoning

The cabbage soup is ready. Please sit down to eat (music sounds, everyone eats).

little mouse : I'm full. Oh, and delicious!

Sparrow: Delicious! And how you, damn it, cook so wonderfully, tell me.

Crap : Yes, I don’t do anything special - I’ll dip into cabbage soup with one side, here they are both fatty and tasty. After all, I’m mixed with sour cream and watered with oil. That's why I call myself oily.

Sparrow : Oh! I'm tired, all day, from morning to night I fly, I get food for everyone! I get the most! Damn sits at home all day. And the mouse? He collects chips and also falls to sleep on the stove. Tired of working for everyone, tomorrow we will change jobs (Stomps feet, flaps wings),

Music sounds

Sparrow : I'll fly for firewood! I'll take a pinch. (Flies away)

Crap: And I'll go out into the fresh air to collect beans. (leaves)

little mouse : Eh, now I’ll cook cabbage soup, and I’ll fall asleep. I’ll pour water, I’ll leave everything, I’ll interfere, I’ll try. (performs) Ugh, it’s not tasty! What else to do? A! I remembered, a pancake dipped into cabbage soup with one side, now I'll try it too. Oh! Hot! (crying, picking up tears with a wing, music sounds, a sparrow flies)

Sparrow: what happened?

Mouse: nothing works for me! All in vain! I can not.

Sparrow: You know, you're furry, and it's hard to collect firewood! I've broken chips, and I broke my beak

(together) : Well, where is our pancake (Music sounds,)

Crap: Jump-jump jump-jump, I'm an oily side

Mixed with sour cream

Fried in butter

Jump-jump, I'm an oily side

(Damn meets Bunny in the forest)

Hello! Let's get acquainted. It's my first time in the forest, I don't know anyone. I am an oil Pancake. I'm mixed with sour cream and sugar. yes oil watered. Therefore, oily.

Bunny: Hello, butter! Very glad to meet you! And I'm a Bunny! But you can’t just get to know each other in the forest and tell everything about yourself. I won't hurt you, but there are others who can eat you. For example, Lisa. She is always after me! oh, there she is! Watch out (Hiding)

Crap: How is it to eat me? Well, I'm not evil. I treat everyone well, I don’t bother anyone, I can sing a song (Singing)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

I am an oil side!

Mixed with sour cream

Fried in butter.

Jump jump, jump jump!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Jumping gallop! Ha ha ha (A fox appears)

Lisa: Who are you?

Crap : I'm a damn. And they call me oily, because it is watered with oil.

Fox : What are you saying (Aside) That's what I need! What a fool, he talks about himself. Not me, someone else will eat it. And he won't even notice. And where are you, Pancake, in a hurry?

Crap : To hunt - for mushrooms, for berries.

Fox (aside) .) That's stupid, he tells everything. Well, what song are you singing here? I liked her very much.

Crap: Now listen (Sings a song)

Fox : Oh, and you sing well! So, you say, mixed with sour cream?

Crap: Yeah, on sour cream, with sugar. Is it fried in butter?

Fox (grabs pancake). What a fool you are! Now I'll eat you! With sour cream, butter and sugar!

Crap: Release, please! They are waiting for me at home

Fox: Look what you want!

Crap: Oh! Oh! What's happened? Yes, what is it (Damn runs away)

Fox: Ran away! OK! I'll still catch you! Then you won't get away from me! Be sure to eat (Walks out)

Damn (out of breath)Oh, I ran away! It turns out that it is very dangerous to walk through the forest alone! I'll run home (runs to the house) How are you, my dears? You know, I just barely ran away from the fox, but I was left without a side.

Sparrow : And I turned my beak

Mouse: And I scalded the skin

Crap: what to do? Probably, what we did, we will do as before. I'll mind my own business - I'll cook dinners for you.

Mouse: And I will collect chips, twigs for kindling. It's not hard for me at all!

Sparrow: And I'll look for any yummy cabbage soup! I'm not afraid of anyone. The fox will not catch up with me - I will fly away from her.

Crap: That's right. Every job is honorable and not easy.

All : Do not take on someone else's business, better do your own well (Sing)

We are fun friends! We are friends! We are friends!

And we can not quarrel

We can't, yes! La-la-la.

Our friendship will not be broken

Don't break.

Don't break!

And don't spill water on us

Don't spill, yeah!

Thank you for your attention,

the curtain falls, the theater closes!


based on a folk tale

"Winged, furry and oily"



Sparrow (winged)
Mouse (hairy)
Pancake (buttered)

1 action

Village street. Children gather near one of the houses.
Crow walks around the yard.

Wan, Wan! And why are you so joyless, Maslenitsa tea in the yard?

Why be happy when your stomach hurts?

Why is your stomach hurting?

Yes, he overate pancakes yesterday, pieces, read, ate 20.

20 pieces?! Yes, you will have a volvulus of the intestines! (everyone laughs)

Will be here! You laugh, but I'm sorry. I wish this Maslenitsa passed!

What didn't you like about Shrovetide?

Where Maslenitsa is, there are pancakes, where there are pancakes, there I am, and I'm a big fan of pancakes! And then yesterday we went to visit Tanya, and her grandmother bakes such pancakes - just delicious!

Yeah! My grandmother is a pancake baker. Whatever he bakes: and millet, and oatmeal, and buckwheat, and with jam, and with sour cream, and with butter, and with honey. Yes, you come to visit - you will see for yourself. And today granny will bake a pancake cake. Overeating!

Thank you! And then we, like Vanka, will hold on to our stomachs.

For what? You don't eat 20 pieces and your bellies won't hurt.

Van! Why didn't you come to Masha's hut yesterday? We were waiting for you, we were waiting, we were making Maslenitsa, and you were slacking off.

Of course, pancakes are a pleasure, but you need to work on Maslenitsa.

What do you want to say? What am I a quitter? Why am I running from work? Yes, by the way, I chopped wood all evening. How many logs have you prepared for the fire? One, come on? And I'm ten!

Yeah? But I brought a whole bag of straw for the scarecrow. So he stuffed the bag that he dragged it by force.

Kar-kar-kar. I’m listening and listening to you here and I won’t understand it in any way: how long are you going to settle scores? Who among you is lazier, who is more industrious! You reminded me of all the heroes of the fairy tale. They were also all considered there, who works more.

Oh! Is that you, Varvara Karlovna? And we didn't see you.

And what kind of fairy tale is this, who settled scores there?

Yes, a fairy tale is useful, wise. And it is called "Winged, shaggy and oily."

And we have never heard of such a thing. Tell us it!

All children (vying)
Tell! Tell!

OK then! Fine! Sit back and listen carefully. Listen, but wind on your mustache.
Three brothers lived on the edge of the forest in a warm hut: Sparrow - winged, Mouse - hairy and Damn - oily. The Sparrow himself flew in, the Mouse escaped from the cat's claws, and the pancake from the hot frying pan jumped off and ran away. They lived, lived, did not offend each other. Each did his own work, helped the other.

I brought food - from the grain field, from the mushroom forest, from the bean garden.

I chopped wood and stoked the stove.

And I cooked cabbage soup and porridge.

Well lived! It used to be that Sparrow would come back from hunting, wash himself with spring water, sit on a bench to rest. And the Mouse drags firewood, sets the table, counts painted spoons. And Pancake by the stove - blush and lush - cooks cabbage soup, salts it with coarse salt, stirs porridge with a spoon and tastes it. They sit at the table - do not praise!

Eh, cabbage soup is so cabbage soup, boyar cabbage soup, how good, how fat!

It's because I know the secret.

Mouse and Sparrow (together)
What secret?

And I, Pancake oily, will dip into the pot and get out - that's fatty cabbage soup.

Oh, and porridge, well, porridge! Shitty hot!

And I will bring firewood, finely gnaw it, throw it into the oven, scatter it with my tail - the fire burns well in the oven, and here is the hot porridge.

Yes, and I'm not a mistake: I'll pick mushrooms, put beans - here you are full.

Eh, friends! Our life is good!

2 action
So they lived, they praised each other and did not offend themselves. Only once thought Sparrow.

I fly all day through the forest, kicking my legs, fluttering my wings, but how do they work? In the morning, Pancake lies on the stove, basks, and only in the evening does he take dinner. And the Mouse? In the morning, he carries firewood and gnaws, and then he climbs onto the stove, turns on his side, and sleeps until dinner. And I'm on the hunt from morning till night, at hard work. Not fair! Do not be this!

(got angry, stomped his feet, flapped his wings and let's scream)

Let's change jobs tomorrow!

Mouse and Pancake looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, there was nothing to do - and that was it. The next day, in the morning, Pancake went hunting, Sparrow - to chop wood, and Mouse - to cook dinner. Here Pancake rolled into the forest. Rolls down the path and sings:

Jumping gallop,
Jumping gallop,
I am an oily side.
I'm mixed with sour cream
I'm fried in butter
Jumping gallop,
Jumping gallop,
I am an oily side.

°Ah, Blink, where are you going, Blink, are you running, in a hurry?

On the hunt.

And what kind of song are you, Blink, singing?

Damn (jumped on the spot and sang)
Jumping gallop,
Jumping gallop,
I am an oily side.
I'm mixed with sour cream
I'm fried in butter
Jumping gallop,
Jumping gallop,
I am an oily side.

You sing well! (getting closer) So, you say, mixed with sour cream?

On sour cream, on sour cream and with sugar

Jump-jump, you say?

Jump jump, jump jump!

The fox how to jump, how to snort, and how to grab the oily side


Let me go, Fox, into the dense forests, for mushrooms, for beans, let me go hunting!

No! Eat you, swallow you, with sour cream, butter and sugar

Oh, save, help, free from the Fox!

What are you, Lisa? Sane? Let go, Fox, Damn, otherwise it will be worse!

Go away, prickly! I have a short conversation with Blin - am, and ate

Don't you know, Fox, that a pancake has many defenders? That's when they find out that you offend Damn, they will run, they will fly, they will crawl. They peck, bite, pinch you, Fox. You won't find it small!

Fox (let go of Pancake)
What are the defenders? Why don't I know anything? Why didn't anyone warn me? (Steps on the Hedgehog, and Pancake runs away at this time)
Where are you, Blin? Ah, escaped! Yes, you, Hedgehog, a deceiver! Distracted me, let Pancake escape! He left me, Lisa Patrikeevna, without lunch

Don't cry, Lisa! You will also have Maslenitsa. Okay, I need to hurry. Goodbye Lisa, see you soon!

3 action

And what is being done at home? The Mouse began to cook, cook cabbage soup

So! Cast iron should be taken more. Pancake with Sparrow will return, get hungry. And I'll pour them a cheek, thick, rich! So - put cabbage, put onions, put carrots. (Hinders, tries).
No, something is missing! What is missing? Probably potatoes. Put the potatoes. (Tries) Wrong again! There is no salt! (Salt put, tries) No, not that again! Not greasy, not good, not oily! How did you cook Blin cabbage soup? Ah-ah-ah! Yes, he dived into the pot and swam out, and here the cabbage soup will become fat! How can I get into the pot? (Jumped up on a bench and tries to climb into the cauldron) No way! Only paws and tail will fit. Well, you have to stir the tail. (Tailing) Oh, oh, oh! How hot! Oh, oh, how it hurts! (Pokes paws into the cauldron) Oh, oh, scalded! Oh my paws! How unhappy I am! And who came up with the idea to change jobs? (Sits on a bench and cries)

And Sparrow drove firewood: manure, dragged, let's peck, hammer, break into small chips.

Ooh, tired! This wood is so heavy! Now I will beat them. (Pecks) Oh, how strong, you can’t get a small chip! Oh, the beak turned to the side, but nothing happened! That's trouble, trouble! Soon Pancake will return, but there is no lunch!

Pancake ran home and sees this picture: Sparrow is sitting on a mound - his beak is on the side, he is flooded with tears. He looked into the hut: the Mouse is sitting on a bench, his fur coat has come out, his tail is trembling, his paws are bandaged, the Mouse is crying with bitter tears. And when they saw that Pancake had eaten half a side, they cried even more.

It always happens when one nods at the other, but does not want to do his job.

Then Sparrow, out of shame, huddled under the bench

Why are you hiding under the bench? He did business and was like that ?! And in the end - everyone suffered: Mouse - lost his fur coat. Damn - lost half a side, and the beak itself blunted and turned to one side. Nobody benefits. You, Sparrow, get out from under the bench, but fix everything.

Forgive me, stupid me! It seemed to me that your work was easier than mine, and I felt sorry for myself. But I was mistaken, your work is not easier than mine. Let's go back to our business and live as before.

Pancake and Mouse
Let's (hugs)

They began to live in the old way: Sparrow brings food from the forest, Mouse cuts wood, Damn cabbage soup and cooks porridge. So they still live, they chew gingerbread, drink honey, they remember us. And you, children, all - a lesson! It’s not good to respect your own work, but not to notice someone else’s!

That's great! Thank you, Varvara Karlovna, the fairy tale gave us a good lesson. Got it boys?

I got it! You, Styopa, well done, a good Maslenitsa turned out!

Yes, and you, Vanyushka, did a great job, prepared for all the logs for the fire!

Well, we reconciled, and now let's go to my hut to eat grandmother's pancakes. She made them look even better today! Only you, Vanya, do not eat much, otherwise your stomach will hurt again!

Everyone laughs

No! I won't. Today I'm not 20 pieces, but 19 will eat!

Everyone laughs, run away for the hut

Well, kids, this is where the fairy tale ends, but life goes on. Respect your work, do not nod at others, and help those who find it difficult!
