
Carrot salad in kindergarten recipe. Cabbage and carrot salad

They will not appear soon, next summer ... I mean soil-garden, and that plastic beauty that all year round lies in supermarkets, we will not give children and we ourselves will not want to eat! Is it true? Well, then what to cook from vitamin salad for children in the autumn-winter season? Of course, from carrots and apples! This couple will be in the markets all autumn and winter, and fruits and vegetables from our latitudes, which means they are good for us, and you can eat them until spring - in the form of salads!

Carrot and apple salad is very simple, cooking it is a five-minute matter, and what a delicious one it is! Sweet like dessert! And how useful! In bright, orange, like red autumn leaf, carrots are full of carotene, which in the body turns into vitamin A, which is necessary for keen eyes! That's what our schoolchildren need, constantly reading, writing and sitting at the computer. Vitamin A also protects against colds! In the autumn - that's it.

And apples contain twice as much vitamin A as citrus fruits! They also contain a lot of iron, which is necessary for good hemoglobin. If the apple is sour, then it will provide a fourth daily allowance vitamin C, important for strong immunity. And also in juicy fruits a lot of vitamin B2, which is called the "appetite vitamin"! So a carrot-apple salad, although it is sweet, can be given to a child before a meal - such a dessert will give you an appetite!


  • 1 medium sweet carrot;
  • 1 juicy apple medium size;
  • Optional - raisins;
  • 1 tablespoon honey or sour cream.

Recipe for vitamin carrot-apple salad:

Thoroughly wash the carrots with a brush and peel. We will also wash the apple, peel it from seeds, partitions and peel.

Grate the carrot and apple on a coarse or fine grater, as you like. If the child is small, it is better to rub on the most delicate grater that turns fruits into puree.

Let's mix grated apple and carrots.

How to dress a salad with carrots and apples

But then - it's a matter of taste! We seasoned with honey, it is very tasty when the honey is mixed with carrot-apple juice. If you are allergic to honey, you can sugar - just a little, because there is enough natural sweetness in a carrot and an apple! And you can also fill it with sour cream or yogurt without additives, you get a different one, but also appetizing and healthy taste!

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In order for children to be healthy, it is necessary to make sure that they eat salads every day. For a child, this is extremely important! Do not accustom them from childhood to unhealthy eating.

Incompatible products

It should be remembered that salads for a child should include only healthy ones. child's body Ingredients. Therefore, you should immediately abandon the mayonnaise bought in the store as a dressing, from the "kirieshki" and their analogues, which are made using chemical flavor additives, mushrooms in any form, as they are poorly digested by children, sausages.

You can add boiled lean meat, poultry, boiled eggs if the baby is not allergic to them. But then in no case should you crumble into a dish boiled potatoes, since it is a storage of carbohydrates, which are in no way combined with proteins and fats.

Many kids just love fruit and berry salads. Sometimes moms experiment by making their own compositions from vegetables and fruits, adding nuts, raisins, crushed crackers.

Ideally, salads for a child are seasoned with sour cream, yogurt, vegetable oil, or simply sprinkled lemon juice.

Simple salads for one-year-olds

Acquaintance with such dishes begins in the very early age. The very first baby salads are usually made with a single ingredient. Most often it is a grated apple, as it is best absorbed by the children's digestive system.

Then mommy tries to give the baby a salad from grated carrot. For the first acquaintance with this root crop, of course, after the juice, you just need to chop it as finely as possible, sprinkle with sugar and knead well so that the juice stands out.

Then you can try to cook such simple salads for children, like carrot-apple. A little sugar and a drop of lemon juice will make the taste of the dish much more interesting. Banana is also a highly digestible product, so it should be included in the first salads.

Carrot-curd salad

If the baby is already accustomed to such food, you can diversify the salad for the child. 1 year of life is the foundation for health for all subsequent years. And at this time it is very important to include cottage cheese in the diet. Unfortunately, many children ignore this useful product and refuse to eat it. Very tasty tender salad from grated carrots with cottage cheese. You can fill it with your favorite yogurt. The original color and taste make the dish completely different from regular cottage cheese and will surely delight the child. Such a dish will be much more useful than chocolate-covered curds, with which parents try to accustom the baby to this super-healthy fermented milk product.

Salads with carrots, apples and raisins

But now the child has grown up. Salads for him can be made, including in their composition significantly more ingredients. And now it’s not worth rubbing carrots on a very fine grater. Exist wonderful recipes salads for children based on carrots and apples. These products are a pantry of vitamins and minerals.

The most common salad is made only from shredded carrots and chopped apples, sprinkled with lemon juice and (optionally) sugar syrup. Addendum orange juice or pieces of this citrus fruit will improve the taste. But you should be careful and careful - oranges cause allergies in some children. Some mothers put steamed raisins in this salad. savory and amazing taste Almost all kids and adults like this dish.

Salads based on carrots and beets

By the age of three, children should already be eating beets not only in boiled but also in cheese. After all, when cooking, many are lost beneficial features this truly magical root vegetable. However raw beets has some specific tart taste, which can push the baby away. But if you cook this delicious salad for children, including additional carrots, golden raisins, mint, orange and crushed nuts, then it can become a favorite for the whole family. Of course, the recipe can be changed at will, not necessarily all of the listed ingredients should be part of this dish. You can, for example, replace an orange with an apple, and completely exclude mint. And some people make this salad with fennel or kiwi fruit.

This divine dish is seasoned with lemon juice. Then the container with the ingredients is tightly closed with a lid and shaken vigorously so that the vegetables give juice and mix well with the rest of the products.

Vegetables in a child's diet

How healthy is it for children to eat the most variety of vegetables, known to all. That is why it is so important to offer your baby vegetable salads for lunch before the first course. For children, usually try not to put in them at first onion, garlic, since toddlers don't all love them. But cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, sweet bell pepper like almost everyone. Children's salads can be prepared from one vegetable. And you can gradually increase the number of ingredients from two to several. They also include carrots, radishes, dill, parsley, white cabbage and red cabbage, leaf salad.

Vegetable dishes are seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, lightly salted. But you can do without refueling. If you put the chopped ingredients in a bowl with a lid and shake the dishes well several times, then the released juice will completely replace it.

White cabbage is tasty and healthy

You can teach a child to eat cabbage from the moment he has all his milk teeth, that is, by the age of three. Usually, mothers give the baby a piece of this vegetable to gnaw, choosing the most juicy places.

Cabbage salads are prepared with carrots and apples. It is best to sprinkle chopped vegetables with sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice, and then knead well with your hands. Only after that, an apple is added to the salad and mixed.

Older children can make cabbage salad with onions, onions or greens. Before dressing this dish, it is also recommended to knead the ingredients with your hands so that the cabbage gives juice. Pour the salad with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Cauliflower in salads for children

This vegetable is very useful for both adults and children. But not all kids are happy to eat it. Perhaps they do not like the specific smell that cabbage acquires during the cooking process. Therefore, it is recommended to put a bay leaf in a saucepan with boiling water and cabbage inflorescences.

A hard stem, which is not always boiled, can also repel children, especially if the cabbage is large. That is why it is better to use only inflorescences for children's salads.

  • The simplest cauliflower salad consists of chopped inflorescences boiled in salted water, sprinkled with parsley and dill. You can add lettuce and green onions, if, of course, the child loves them. It is recommended to fill this salad with lemon juice, you can add vegetable oil.
  • If already ready salad sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs on top, you get another dish.
  • IN next recipe added a component such as boiled and diced potatoes.
  • And some add canned green peas to a salad of cabbage and potatoes - this is not for everybody.
  • A well-known summer salad from tomatoes and cucumbers can be varied and made more saturated with vitamins. To do this, add chopped boiled cauliflower inflorescences to it.
  • An amazing salad is obtained from boiled carrots, sweet bell peppers and lettuce leaves. Of course, you can't do without cauliflower. She is the main ingredient in this dish.
  • Having boiled additionally green beans and slicing it, you can based on previous recipe create a completely different dish.
  • There is also a recipe for sweet cauliflower salad. He is also extremely useful, but quite creative. Therefore, this option is not suitable for every child. But if the baby eats with pleasure various salads, then you can bravely cook this original dish. It consists of: cauliflower, tomatoes, fresh carrot, apples, cucumbers and plums. Only cabbage is boiled. It can be taken 200 grams. Tomatoes, apples, carrots and cucumbers for this amount are enough for 100 grams, plums are 2 times less. Plums are cut in half and stones are removed, carrots are cut into strips or chopped on a coarse grater. Everything else is cut into cubes, poured with dressing from vegetable oil with a small amount lemon juice, stir and sprinkle on top powdered sugar. It is enough for such a salad 50 grams.

You can wake up a child’s desire to try a new dish with the help of an interesting salad display. Having built a cheerful muzzle from the product or decorating the slide with "eyes" from olives, halves small tomatoes, pieces of sweet pepper, "noses" and "mouths" of carrots or a piece of cucumber, it is easy to interest not only the baby, but also the younger student. Yes, and to try such a dish for sure will be more pleasant than usual.

Sweet salads

Particularly loved by kids fruit salad. For children, yogurt is usually a dressing, you can take fruit and sweet. But sour cream, whipped with powdered sugar, is quite appropriate here. And you can even cook mint sugar syrup Or use melted ice cream. Some people prepare their favorite cream, the one that decorates homemade cakes.

As ingredients, any fruits and berries are suitable. It is only important to carefully clean them from the seeds and peel. If oranges are taken, then you need to remove only the orange skin with a knife, leaving white layer. Scientists have proven that it contains vitamins and useful substances even more than in the peeled slices themselves.

Pieces of watermelon laid out in the form of a flower with an empty middle will help to decorate the dish. Salad, placed inside these “petals”, is poured over with sweet syrup or ice cream.

Carrot is incredible useful product, which contains a lot of vitamins. It is not for nothing that in Rus' carrots can be seen in almost half of all dishes. The value of carrots for diabetics has long been known, and diets that include this wonderful product are very useful for athletes. Carrot juice is recommended for pregnant women and children if they have no contraindications to this vegetable.

The cost of carrots remains at an affordable level for each level. It is stored for a long time and without special conditions.

Also, one should not neglect carrot dishes for kids . This is an inexpensive and reliable storehouse of vitamins for vision, the heart system, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, etc. Also, we must not forget that carrots must be consumed for prevention. cancer. Not infrequently, children are simply delighted with carrot dishes.

Dish recipes

Recipe #1

Carrot and apple . Grate one apple and one small carrot, add a tablespoon of sugar or honey and mix. You can add a pinch of cinnamon. The dish is ready. As a rule, children adore such a dish, especially if it is sweet.
Benefit this dish invaluable. The combination of apple and carrot provides a plethora of vitamins and minerals to a growing body. Such a dish will not be superfluous for athletes before training.

Recipe #2

We need: 2 chicken or 5 quail eggs, sunflower oil, 1 medium-sized carrot, large spoon milk. It is necessary to grate the carrots on a fine grater and pour it with 1 small spoonful of vegetable oil. Next, mix the milk with the eggs and beat well. Then you need to grease the mold and place the carrots on the bottom, then pour it with eggs and milk. The mold is ready to be sent to the oven or microwave. The omelet will be ready in about 35 minutes.

Recipe #3

Carrot and cottage cheese casserole . The following components are required for the dish: cottage cheese - 250 gr., 110 gr. carrots, one large apple, egg, sugar and sour cream 1 each big spoon. Start by beating eggs with sugar, then add sour cream and cottage cheese to them. Apple and carrot must be peeled and grated on a fine grater. Next, combine all the ingredients and mix them well. After greasing the mold with oil, you can place the mass in a mold and bake in the oven for 35 minutes. The dish is ready. Children adore him.

Recipe #4

Carrot salad . We need: two hundred and fifty grams of carrots, sixty grams of peeled walnut, two cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of sour cream. The cooking process is as follows: rub the washed and peeled carrots on a fine grater or grind in a blender, then finely chop the nut and squeeze the garlic. Mix everything thoroughly with sour cream. You can add some salt if your child likes it that way.

Recipe number 5

Carrot salad 2 . Ingredients: carrots - 250 gr., garlic - 20 gr., sour cream 100 gr., salt - to taste, parsley - to taste. We prepare the dish as follows: rub the peeled carrots on a coarse grater and put in a deep dish. Next, squeeze the garlic to the carrots, add sour cream and salt. Mix thoroughly and garnish with parsley leaves on top. Bon appetit.

Recipe #6

We will need 1 kg of carrots and sugar - to taste. To prepare carrot juice, it is advisable to use a juicer, which will help get rid of excess pulp. Add some sugar to the juice obtained after the juicer and give a few tablespoons to the child a day.
A whole glass is not recommended to give, because. An excessive amount of vitamins is just as harmful as their lack in a growing child's body.

Recipe number 7

boiled carrots . Children with diabetes boiled carrots will be useful, because. A boiled vegetable has a third more antioxidants than a raw vegetable. Boiled carrots are also useful for overweight children.

We will need: carrots - optional, salt - to taste. Cooking process: put the peeled carrots in a saucepan with cold water and salt. Next, place the pan on the stove and leave on medium heat until boiling. As soon as the water boils, we begin to stir the carrots periodically. After 25 minutes, we begin to check with a fork or knife for readiness. If the fork / knife entered the carrot easily, it means that it is ready. Drain the water and let the carrots cool.

Few children love boiled carrots, but for the sake of health benefits, you can sometimes endure.

Video carrot cake recipe

Find a worthy place for carrots in your child's diet, and he will always be healthy and full of strength.

But do not forget about contraindications . It is advisable to consult a pediatrician regarding carrots and other vitamin-rich vegetables before giving them to a child, as he may be allergic to one of these foods. Also, problems with the stomach and duodenum can be a contraindication for use. carrot juice. Approach the nutrition of the child responsibly and he will be grateful to you.


Peel carrots, grate fine grater, add sugar and cranberry juice. Fill with vegetable oil. Carrots - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, cranberry juice - 3 ml.


Add sugar to washed, peeled and finely grated carrots. Fill with sour cream. Carrots - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Boil carrots and potatoes, beets separately, peel, cut small pieces, add washed, peeled and finely chopped fresh cucumbers, green onion. Mix all the vegetables, salt, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with finely chopped, hard-boiled egg. You can add a peeled and finely chopped apple to the vinaigrette. Beets - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, potatoes - 30 g, fresh cucumbers - 20 g, apples - 20 g, green onions - 20 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., vegetable oil - 5 g.


Peel carrots, fresh cucumbers, apples, pears, oranges, cut into slices, mix, add green pea, finely chopped parsley. Season with sugar and sour cream. Carrots - 20 g, fresh cucumbers - 20 g, apples - 20 g, pears - 20 g, oranges (tangerines) - 20 g, green peas - 10 g, parsley - 2 g, sugar - 2 g, sour cream - 10 g .


Wash, peel, grate the carrots, add the grated, pre-peeled apple, add sugar, mix. Fill with sour cream. Carrots - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 3 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Pass the boiled and peeled beets together with the soaked and washed prunes through a meat grinder. Fill with sour cream. Beets - 15 g, prunes - 15 g, sour cream - 5 g.


Chopped radishes, thoroughly washed thin slices, add diced fresh cucumber, chopped green lettuce leaf and a few chopped green onion feathers. Fill with sour cream. Radish - 30 g, cucumber - 30 g, lettuce - 10 g, green onion - 5 g, sour cream - 15 g.


Washed and peeled carrots, fresh cabbage and apples chop or grate on coarse grater. Mix everything, add green peas and sweet bell pepper. Dress the salad with vegetable oil and sugar. Carrots - 20 g, cabbage - 20 g, apples - 20 g, green peas - 20 g, sweet pepper - 10 g, sugar - 5 g, vegetable oil - 6 g.


Sheet green salad wash, rinse, wash boiled water. When the water drains, chop the lettuce, add peeled and sliced ​​radish and fresh cucumber. Season with sour cream mixed with finely chopped hard-boiled egg yolk, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and egg white. Lettuce - 30 g, radish - 20 g, cucumbers - 40 g, eggs - 1/2 pc, sour cream - 10 g, dill - 2 g.


To the green canned peas add boiled carrots and potatoes cut into small cubes, finely chopped raw apple. Fill with sour cream. Green peas - 40 g, carrots - 20 g, potatoes - 20 g, apples - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Rinse the green onions, let the water drain, finely chop and mix: finely chopped, hard-boiled egg, season with sour cream. Green onions - 30 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., sour cream -10 g.


Purified white cabbage rinse, finely chop, add a little lemon juice or diluted citric acid, mix and let stand for 2-3 hours, then season with sugar and vegetable oil. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with chopped dill. Cabbage - 100 g, sugar - 2 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 g, dill - 2 g.


Rinse the cabbage, finely chop, mix with grated carrots on a coarse grater, grind. Add sugar, lemon or cranberry juice. Cabbage - 60 g, carrots - 40 g, sugar - 3 g, juice - 3 ml.


Rinse the cabbage, finely chop, add sugar, overheat slightly, combine with pre-soaked and washed prunes without pitting and grated peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Over-eat everything. Season with lemon juice or diluted citric acid Cabbage - 80 g, prunes - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, sugar - 3 g, lemon juice - 3 ml.


Finely chop white cabbage, grind with salt or lemon juice (diluted citric acid) until juice is released, add finely chopped peeled apple, sprinkle with sugar, mix. Fill with sour cream or vegetable oil. Cabbage - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, sour cream - 10 g or vegetable oil - 5 g.


Finely chop the washed cabbage, finely chop the hard-boiled eggs, combine with cabbage, add finely chopped parsley, mix. Fill with sour cream. Cabbage - 100 g, eggs - 1 pc., parsley - 2 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Finely chop the washed cabbage, add the peeled boiled beets grated on a coarse grater. Season the salad with sugar, lemon juice, vegetable oil. Cabbage - 60 g, beets - 40 g, sugar - 2 g, juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Cut boiled and peeled potatoes and carrots into small cubes, add canned green peas, chopped green onions, chopped fresh cucumber, chopped egg, hard-boiled, mix. Fill with sour cream. Potatoes - 40 g, carrots - - 15 g, green peas - - 15 g, cucumbers - 15 g, sour cream - 10 g, egg - 1 pc.


Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, cut into small cubes, add finely chopped fresh cucumber, a little chopped green onion, chopped hard-boiled egg, mix. Fill with vegetable oil or sour cream. Potatoes - 100 g, cucumbers - 20 g, onions - 10 g, egg - 1/4 pc, vegetable oil - 5 g or sour cream - 10 g.


Peel the steamed potatoes, cut into slices. From a tomato, previously dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, remove the skin, remove the seeds and also cut it into slices. Salt the potatoes and tomatoes a little, mix, season with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped, hard-boiled egg and chopped dill on top. Potatoes - 60 g, tomatoes - 30 g, sour cream - 10 g, egg - 1/4 pc, dill - 2 g.


Carrots wash, peel, grate on a coarse grater, add green peas, berry or fruit juice. Fill with vegetable oil. Carrots - 80 g, green peas - 25 g, juice - 10 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Grate the peeled and washed carrots on a fine grater, add garlic mashed with salt, season with sour cream. Carrots - 50 g, garlic - 1 clove, sour cream - 10 g.


Washed cucumbers and tomatoes cut into small slices, add chopped green onions, lightly salt. Fill with sour cream or vegetable oil. Cucumbers - - 50 g, tomatoes - 50 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g or vegetable oil - 5 g.


Wash a fresh cucumber with a thin skin (with a rough one - peel after washing), cut into thin slices, put on a plate, lightly salt. Before serving, season with sour cream mixed with pounded hard-boiled egg yolk, sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Cucumbers - - 100 g, sour cream - 10 g, yolks - 1/2 pcs., dill - 2 g.


Wash fresh tomatoes, cut into thin slices, cutting out the stem. Peel green or onion, finely chop, combine with tomatoes, salt a little. Fill with vegetable oil or sour cream. Tomatoes - 100 g, onions - 10 g, vegetable oil - 5 g or sour cream - 10 g.


Cut the washed peeled tomatoes into slices, add the peeled, chopped apples, mix. Fill with sour cream. Tomatoes - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Washed peeled tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs cut into circles, put alternately on a plate, pour over lemon juice and vegetable oil, lightly salt. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley on top. Tomatoes - 80 g, eggs - 1/2 pc., lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Wash the beets, boil or bake in the oven, peel, cut into small slices or strips, lightly salt. Season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Beets - 100 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Purified boiled beets and chop the apple into strips or grate on a coarse grater, season with sugar, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Beets - 60 g, apples - 40 g, sugar - 5 g, lemon juice - 3 ml, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Boil the beets, peel, cut into small cubes. Pour nuts for 10-15 minutes hot water, then split, dry the kernels in the oven for 6-7 minutes, chop and add to the beets. Stir, season with sour cream mixed with cranberry juice, garnish with parsley. Beets - 50 g, nuts - 10 g, sour cream - 5 g, cranberry juice - 5 g.


Wash the beets, boil, peel, grate on a coarse grater, add canned green peas, chopped fresh cucumber. Fill with vegetable oil. Beets - 50 g, green peas - 25 g, cucumbers - 25 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Peel the boiled beets, grate on a fine grater, add finely chopped sour apple and washed raisins, mix. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley on top. Beets - 60 g, apples - 20 g, raisins - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g, parsley - 2 g.


Boil the washed beets, peel, grate on a coarse grater, mix with plums, from which the seeds have been previously removed. Fill with cranberries or lingonberry juice, sour cream, sugar. Beets - 60 g, plums - 45 g, juice - 5 ml, sugar - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Peel boiled or baked beets, grate on a coarse grater, add grated apple with peel, finely chopped cucumber, chopped green onions and parsley, mix. Fill with vegetable oil. Beets - 50 g, apples - 25 g, cucumbers - 25 g, onions - 5 g, parsley - 2 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Grate the peeled and washed carrots on a coarse grater, chop the apple and fresh cucumber into strips, cut the tomato into slices, rinse and chop the green salad. Mix all the vegetables, season with sour cream. Carrots - 20 g, apples - 20 g, cucumbers - 25 g, tomatoes - 25 g, green salad - 10 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, wash, grate on a fine grater, add sour apple and sugar grated on a coarse grater, season with lemon or any other sour juice. Pumpkin - 100 g, apples - 80 g, sugar - 10 g, juice - 5 ml.


Grate the peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater and simmer in a small amount of water with sugar and citric acid until the pumpkin becomes transparent. Then pour it with a mixture of vegetable oil, a solution of citric acid and honey and put in cool place for 2-3 hours. Pumpkin - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, honey - 20 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Peel the pumpkin, rinse and grate on a coarse grater, add thinly sliced ​​tomato and finely chopped green onion. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Pumpkin - 60 g, tomatoes - 40 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Grate the peeled pumpkin and beets on a coarse grater, add the raisins washed and scalded with boiling water, mix, season with sour cream. Pumpkin - 70 g, beets - 30 g, raisins - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g.


Dry and chop the washed sorrel, add carrots and apples grated on a coarse grater, finely chopped green onions, chopped garlic clove, season with sour cream. Sorrel - 20 g, carrots - 30 g, apples - 30 g, onions - 5 g, sour cream -10 g.


Washed and peeled apples grate on a coarse grater, add finely chopped, pre-soaked and washed prunes, from which the stones are removed, season with honey or sugar. Apples - 70 g, prunes - 30 g, honey -10 g or sugar - 8 g.


To boiled peeled shrimp add boiled and diced carrots, potatoes, washed and chopped in small pieces fresh cucumber, green peas, sliced ​​peeled apple, mix. Fill with vegetable oil. Shrimps - 50 g, carrots - 15 g, potatoes - 15 g, green peas - 10 g, cucumbers - 15 g, apples - 15 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.


Defrost Ocean pasta, transfer to a pan, pour a small amount of hot water and simmer for 10 minutes. Boiled and peeled potatoes and carrots cut into cubes, add diced fresh cucumber and hard-boiled egg, green peas, combine with chilled poached Ocean pasta, mix, lightly salt. Fill with vegetable oil. Potatoes - 40 g, carrots - 15 g, cucumbers - 15 g, green peas -10 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., Ocean pasta - 15 g, vegetable oil - 10 g.


Dice boiled and peeled potatoes, an egg, add sliced ​​fresh cucumbers, apples, green peas, mix everything. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with parsley. Potatoes - 40 g, eggs - 1/4 pc., Cucumbers - 30 g, apples - 30 g, green peas - 20 g, sour cream - 10 g, parsley - 2 g.


Washed and peeled apples and pears cut into slices, add chopped melon, watermelon, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries. Mix the fruits, season with sour cream, honey or fruit syrup. Apples - 30 g, pears - 30 g, other fruits - 20 g each, sour cream or honey - 30 g.

* -- for children over two years old

Vladislav Gennadievich LIFLYANDSKY - doctor of medical sciences, professor

Viktor Veniaminovich ZAKREVSKY - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

"The beauty is sitting in a dungeon, and her scythe is on the street." There is hardly a person on the territory of Russia who does not know the answer to this riddle. It's even harder to imagine a person who has never eaten carrots. Since childhood, we know about the benefits of a vegetable in which great amount vitamins, we were told: if there is a lot of it, then you will grow faster and you will see better. So what is unique about this miracle carrot?

Carrots are a biennial plant in the Apiaceae family. In our diet, we use the cultivated, or seed, subspecies of wild carrots, which were originally grown in the Mediterranean. IN Ancient Greece more than 4 thousand years ago were familiar with healing properties carrots, it was considered a sacred plant. In the 17th century in different countries carrots were still considered delicacies. There is a legend that the gnomes changed redhead beauty for bars of gold, so they liked it so much.

Useful properties of carrots

Carrot contains a large number of vitamins, micro and macro elements. It is very beneficial for the health of adults and children.

To understand what causes the beneficial properties of carrots for children, let's see what it consists of at the molecular level:

Chemical composition (per 100 g of carrots):

  • Water - 88 g
  • – 7 %
  • Proteins - 1.3%
  • Fats - 0.3%
  • Vitamins:
  1. (beta-carotene) - 9 mg
  2. (ascorbic acid) - 5 mg
  3. Vitamin PP - 1 mg
  4. (tocopherol) - 0.6 mg
  5. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.07 mg
  6. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.06 mg
  7. – 8 mcg

Macro- and microelements:

  • Potassium - 270 mg
  • Sodium - 156 mg
  • Phosphorus - 94 mg
  • Calcium - 83 mg
  • Copper - 80 mcg
  • Magnesium - 38 mg
  • Iron - 7.4 mg
  • Iodine - 5 mcg

As well as chromium, zinc, cobalt, fluorine, manganese, nickel, molybdenum.

The calorie content of carrots is about 35 kcal.

It is thanks to the rich composition that carrots are useful to everyone. It has long been used primarily as medicinal plant and only then as a vegetable. First of all, carrots are known for containing carotene - provitamin A. Provitamin is a substance that, after certain chemical reactions in the body it turns into vitamin A. Yes, and translated from the Latin carota - “carrot”. It is rightfully considered the main source of vegetable vitamin A (carotene). In the body, it promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, healthy skin, teeth and gums, hair; plays an important role in the functioning immune system, especially increases resistance ; involved in the synthesis and regulation of hormones. Retinol is a component of the main visual pigment rhodopsin. With its help, light is converted into brain signals that allow a person to perceive an image. Retinol, being an antioxidant, provides protection for the body, since it acts as a structural component of cell membranes.

It should be noted that vitamin A is fat-soluble, so carrots must be consumed with a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream to convert carotene into retinol.

Very useful and carrot juice. Our ancestors used it in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, frostbite.

When should children be given carrots?

For a child, vitamin A is simply necessary, and getting it is not at all difficult: you just need to make carrots a regular guest of the diet.

Finely grate the carrots, add nuts, honey and stir. Salad can be decorated with cherries.

Carrot cheesecakes

You will need: 300 g of cottage cheese 9%, 100 g of carrots, 4 tbsp. l. semolina, 1/3 tbsp. sugar, 10 g butter, 1/3 st. flour and 1/2 egg.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the grated carrots and a little water, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add semolina, mix thoroughly and let cool.

Mix the cottage cheese, mashed through a sieve, half an egg, sugar, flour and stewed carrots. We make balls from the resulting mixture, roll in flour and fry. Serve cooled cheesecakes with sour cream.

salad for breakfast

Three carrots and an apple on a coarse grater, add raisins, pour sour cream. Mix and sprinkle on top. walnuts. Very tasty, fast, and most importantly - useful.

Bon appetit! Health to you and your kids!
