
Durian fruit - its beneficial properties, smell, taste. Durian: a fruit with a "hellish smell and divine taste"

An unusual exotic durian fruit has a specific unpleasant odor. This feature distinguishes the fruit from all other cultures. Scientists have not yet hypothesized what causes the flavor of durian. However, the king of fruits is revered by many fans for its delicious pulp.

The civet durian is oblong in shape, the diameter of the fruit is about 20 cm. The peel is covered with large spikes. This is a kind of natural protection of the plant from animals. The durian tree is distinguished by large shiny foliage and a massive trunk. It reaches a height of 40 meters. The plant does not bloom for long, during this period umbrella inflorescences are formed on spreading branches. In one night, they fall off, and the ripening of exotic fruits begins.

Odorous, prickly and smelly fruit has a delicate edible pulp. Many gourmets highly appreciate her culinary taste. After cutting the fruit, 5 chambers can be seen. One of them contains seeds. The color of the fruit is light green or yellowish.

Selecting and storing durian

Choosing the most smelly fruit does not depend on its aroma. A foul-smelling product can taste delicious and delicious. Of the large number of varieties of durian, only 9 varieties are recognized as edible.

The raw pulp of the product is a delicacy. Delicious dishes are prepared from the pulp. The fruits can be preserved. You can only eat ripe fruits. If they are overripe, the flesh begins to taste bitter, and the taste deteriorates.

There are special rules for choosing durian:

  • the top of the fruit with a tail should have a more pronounced smell
  • the shell should have small cracks
  • when tapping on the peel, a dull gurgling should be heard
  • mature fruit has yellowish thorns with brown tips.

Durian is not stored for a long time. Basically, the fruit is immediately opened and its pulp is absorbed. Otherwise, the unpleasant smell will spread very quickly throughout the room. So that the pulp does not spread the smell, it is eaten immediately. The rind is used in industries for smoking fish. The smelly fruit of Thailand is not frozen or kept fresh. Candied fruits and desserts are prepared from it.

durian season

Where durians grow is of interest to many people who are fond of exotic delicacies. The tree grows in Asian countries with a humid tropical climate. It is found in Malaysia, India, Indochina, Thailand. The civet species is very popular. The variety grows in Ceylon, Brazil and Africa. The plant bears fruit all year round.

In Thai markets, durians can be found on sale from mid-April to the end of September. In season, it is also sold in supermarkets. Gourmets advise buying smelly fruit in Thailand from market vendors.

What does durian smell like?

Exotic durian and alcohol are not compatible. Alcohol compounds cause unwanted reactions from the body. In no case should you drink fruit pulp with an alcoholic drink. You may feel unwell and develop a heart attack. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed no earlier than 5 hours after the fruit.

A sample of the exotic fruit durian will not leave anyone indifferent. A very corrosive sweetish putrid smell is not to everyone's liking and can kill the appetite. However, in the countries of Southeast Asia, the fruits are very popular and durian is considered the king of fruits. For an unaccustomed European, it is better to use the product only fresh and only a few slices after opening the shell. This will avoid the occurrence of discomfort in the digestive organs, allergies and dyspepsia.

Durian is rightfully considered one of the strangest exotic fruits of mysterious Thailand. Having, to put it mildly, an unpleasant smell, he proudly bears the title "king of fruits." Where did such an honorary nickname come from, where amazing fruits grow, and we will find out other interesting details together.

Where does it grow

Durio zibethinus (the Latin name for the tree) grows not only in Thailand. For industrial purposes, trees are bred in India, Africa, Brazil, Sri Lanka and a number of other countries.

Durian is the fruit of a tree of the same name, belonging to the Malvaceae family. The tree grows tall, can reach a height of more than forty-six meters. True, only wild trees grow to such indicators, cultivated seedlings are constantly broken off and pruned.

The crown of the tree and the trunk are densely covered with bright green glossy leaves, during the flowering period the tree produces large white and strong-smelling flowers. These amazing flowers bloom at night and exude an intoxicating scent that attracts bats. It is the mice that pollinate the plant.

After the flowering period comes the period of fruit growth. On durian, they grow large - up to 20-30 centimeters in length. And the weight of one copy can reach four to five kilograms.

From above, the fruit is covered with a hard peel, which is also dotted with long and sharp spikes, and in order to get to the tasty pulp, the shell must be broken. When fully ripe, the shell splits itself into five pieces. An exotic fruit can have flesh of different colors - from white to pink. The pulp is heterogeneous, large seeds are clearly visible in it.

What does durian smell like?

This question is asked by people who have heard a lot about exotic fruits, but have never tried them.

Indeed, the fruit (or rather, its pulp) has a sharp and persistent smell that cannot be called appetizing or even tolerable. Those who have had time to taste the fruits of durian describe the smell as a cocktail of the most unpleasant aromas - the smell of rotten fish, sewage, animal droppings. And some wits even compare the amber from the fruits with the smell of unwashed socks. Such a strong and unpleasant aroma was the reason why Durio zibethinus is strictly forbidden to be brought into public places - transport, hotels, airports.

But gourmets and connoisseurs know that the smell and taste largely depend on the variety, as well as on maturity. For example, the fruits of the durian tree Mera even smell delicious - roasted almonds. However, the cebitin variety is still more valued - the owner of unbearable amber and divine taste.

What is the reason for such a strong and unpleasant smell exuded by durian?

There is a whole legend about the smell of fruits, according to which the once powerful and strong king fell in love with a young beauty. But his love was not reciprocated - the king was old. Then the lord decided to win the heart of the beauty with magic: he turned to the sorcerer and he gave him an amazing fruit, saying that if the girl eats at least a piece of delicacy, she will definitely give her heart to the old king.

The king did just that: he invited the young beauty to dinner and treated her to the gift of a sorcerer. The magic worked: the girl fell head over heels in love with the old king. The lord's happiness was boundless, and he completely forgot to thank the sorcerer for his help. And he was angry at the forgetfulness of the king and cursed his own gift. When the lord again appeared for the magical durian in the witching forest, he was disappointed. Instead of a gentle and intoxicating smell, the king was greeted by an unbearable and unbearable stench. The beauty soon fell out of love with the old man and married a young and brave warrior.

Such is the legend of bad smell. But there is a scientific explanation for such a fetid amber. The pulp of an exotic delicacy contains organic sulfur in abundance.

Taste qualities

It is difficult to describe them in words. Some compare the taste of durian with the most delicate custard, someone says that its pulp is similar to creamy or vanilla ice cream. So, in order to understand and appreciate the taste of the king of fruits, you must definitely try it.

Attention! You need to eat only fully ripened, but not overripe specimens. Unripe fruits have a bitter, pungent and unpleasant taste.

Durian is eaten with a spoon, avoiding touching it with your hands, otherwise the fetid amber will be absorbed into the skin. It is almost impossible to wash off the smell - it will last for several days.

Even pre-soaking fruits in milk or saline does not help to remove amber; it is useless to ventilate or wash the room. For this reason, durian is recommended not to be stored for a long time, but to be eaten immediately after purchase.

Beneficial features

Durian is widely used in traditional Thai medicine. The fruit is given for fevers accompanied by high fever, an ointment is prepared from the leaves of the durian tree for skin diseases and allergies, the peel is used to prepare a decoction that is given to women in labor for a quick recovery.

"King of fruits" is also valued for the abundance of antioxidants in the composition and as a natural aphrodisiac. It is used not only by folk healers: different parts of the durian tree are added to the composition of homeopathic remedies by the world's most famous pharmaceutical brands.

Contraindications for use

Eating exotic with caution is necessary for hypertension. Also, she should not be abused by pregnant and lactating women: firstly, there are substances in the sweet pulp that are undesirable for consumption during these important periods of a woman's life, and secondly, a sweet fruit treat is the strongest allergen.

For the Russian ear, the word "durian" sounds very unusual, simultaneously evoking the immortal novel by Oscar Wilde and drawing the image of a mysterious fruit with "bad" properties. However, everything is much simpler - the name of the tropical fruit is translated as "prickly" and "thorn" due to the original appearance. Those who have tried durian at least once assure that this dessert cannot be compared with anything, and it is simply impossible to forget its amazing taste.

Durian: how to find out

Durian is a traditional delicacy of Southeast Asia, it is grown in Malaysia, India, the Kingdom of Thailand, etc., small "plantations" can be found in South and Latin America. There are about 30 varieties in the world, of which about 9 are edible, and only 3-4 are the most popular.

If you want to know what durian looks like, the photos will show a prickly ball up to 20 cm in size, similar to. The skin of the fruit is very thick, covered with dense greenish-brown spines that protect the tender flesh until fully ripe. Under the peel - a few slices of yellowish-cream filling, the consistency of durian resembles melted butter or cream cheese.

Smell banned?

Unlike many other tropical delicacies, the durian fruit is practically not exported, it is a domestic product. Russian tourists can enjoy fresh durian only directly in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar and other Asian countries, where the popularity of the southern chestnut just rolls over. So, in the Kingdom of Thailand, it is rightfully called the king of local fruits, believing that the smell of durian causes hellish visions, and the taste gives the pleasures of paradise.

The smell of durian has long been the talk of the town: how many definitions this strange aroma has not received! What does durian smell like and what can it be compared to? Someone assures that ripe fruit gives off rotten eggs, someone calls it a mixture of rotten fish and city sewage, and on the forums you can also find such spectacular descriptions as “a combination of fried onions and turpentine”.

Abroad, the smell of durian is unambiguous: public places (shops, transport, banks, some hotels, etc.) cannot be entered with this fruit, and special prohibition signs are hung for tourists and forgetful citizens. It is forbidden by law to take the king of fruits out of Thailand: even immature durians wrapped in several layers of cellophane can practically poison the entire plane with their disgusting smell.

Buttercream and sweet onion flavor

But if the smell of durian causes almost horror among local residents and Russian tourists, then the taste gives a completely different feeling.

Connoisseurs assure that not everyone succeeds in tasting the Asian chestnut on the first try. But after the second or third time, no one remains indifferent to durian - they either immediately “sit down” on this fruit or hate it.

Exotic durian - what does this fruit taste like and what do seasoned tourists say about it? One of the main characteristics of the fruit is this: there are no two durian fruits that are the same in taste and smell. The shade of taste depends on many conditions: country, variety, storage conditions and ripeness. The pulp most often tastes like vanilla buttercream, warm pastries, and sometimes sweet fried onions or even a delicious salad with mayonnaise. One thing is invariable, the members of the forum assure, it is incredibly tasty!

Durian is such an interesting and specific fruit that durian festivals are held in some countries ...

What are the benefits of durian?

The uniqueness of durian is not limited to the original flavoring properties, like many fruits, it can be used for medicinal purposes. So what are the health benefits of durian?

This savory fruit is a champion in iron, potassium and copper, as well as other B vitamins.

Durian strengthens the heart and helps with anemia, has a healing effect on the endocrine system, and thanks to dietary fiber regulates bowel function. The king of Thai fruits is an excellent antidepressant, and not only because of its luxurious taste. Tryptophan in the composition of the pulp quickly turns into serotonin, allowing you to cope with depressed mood and irritability.

If on a romantic trip you decide to buy durian in the market, both you and your significant other will appreciate the beneficial properties of the fruit. Asian chestnut has a beneficial effect on the female hormonal system, enhances reproductive function, and also enhances male potency. The full power of the fruit effect on sexual function can be estimated from the frivolous Asian proverb: "When the durian falls down, sarongs fly up."

And durian is a very nutritious product and quite (for a fruit!) High-calorie: about 150 kcal per 100 g of pulp. Therefore, a couple of slices of durian is a healthy and dense snack during a hot vacation.


In order for durian to bring you bright and only positive emotions on a trip, follow a few rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to combine the king of fruits with alcohol: this can cause a powerful surge in pressure and even a heart attack. And yes, you don't have to drink alcohol!
  2. Hypertensive patients should also not take risks and get carried away with juicy fruits.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, durian is also not worth trying.
  4. For those who, even on vacation, monitor their weight and follow a diet, you need to be more careful: if you go too far with durian, there is a risk of earning 1-2 extra pounds.
  5. Well, do not try to smuggle durian into a hotel or plane. Suddenly your forgetfulness or sense of humor will not be appreciated?

How to store and eat?

There is only one storage rule for durian, but it is important - this fruit is eaten only fresh and very quickly.

They assure that it can be stored at home for up to 3-5 days, wrapped in several layers of film, but you will get dubious pleasure - during these days the room and things will be so saturated with smell that it will be almost impossible to get rid of the aroma of durian. It is also not recommended to freeze it - after defrosting, an appetizing fruit loses most of its properties.

Durian is eaten fresh, or with the hands, removing the skin and breaking off the slices, or with a spoon. Scooping out the tender pulp with a spoon is a little longer, but then you will save a lot of time by not trying to wipe the dubious fruity smell from your hands.

Durian slices are added to exotic cocktails, desserts and ice cream, chips, sweets and jam are made from it, which can be an excellent souvenir - they are allowed to be exported from the country in any quantities.

Choosing the most delicious durian

In order to choose the ripest and best fruit and not be disappointed in the favorite Thai fruit, you need to remember a few tricks.

  1. If possible, buy durian only in the markets. It is there that the fruits are the most ripe and juicy.
  2. Evaluate the external signs of the fruit: if you knock on the peel, a dull sound should come out, like a ripe watermelon. When pressed, the skin of a ripe durian gives in to pressure a little, green - remains firm, overripe - too soft. The spikes should move slightly to the side and be flexible.
  3. If you are going to eat your fruit calmly at home or on the beach, buy only whole fruits, if you want to feast on it right away, ask for it to be cut and packaged. You can also determine the ripeness by the pulp, the requirements for it are the same as for the peel.
  4. Focus on the smell - a ripe, but not overripe durian smells calm, not sharp. When there is no aroma at all, the fruit is not ripe, and if you feel bad from the aroma on the way to the counter, there is a risk that the fruit has stale.

Modern man is characterized by the desire for everything exotic. This is manifested in various areas of life, including in relation to food. One of the most extravagant and extraordinary fruits is the durian. He is recognized as the king of fruits and looks quite unusual. What is it, what does an unusual fruit look like, what are its benefits and harms, how to choose it and eat it - let's figure it out.

What it is?

Durian civet belongs to the genus of evergreen tropical plants of the Malvaceae family. To date, about 30 varieties of this fruit are known, which grow in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. These plants are large trees with weak branching. They have prop roots and regular leaves. It is noteworthy that only 9 of the known 30 varieties are suitable for food.


Durian flowers are large, whitish or reddish depending on the variety. They can develop not only on branches, but also on trunks. They are pollinated not only by bees, but also by bats, since durian blooms from dusk to night for no more than 8 hours. The fruit of the plant is distinguished by a particularly hard shell with characteristic spines. This feature allows you to protect the unripe fruit from animals. It is because of its appearance that the fruit got its name, which means “thorn” or “thorn” in translation.

Despite the fact that it grows not only in Malaysia, Thailand, India and Indochina, but also in South America, Asian fruit is in great demand among gourmets. It is grown in a more comfortable climate, ripens from spring to the end of the summer season. It is harvested when the fruits themselves fall to the ground. According to the general description, in terms of dimensions, durian reaches the parameters of a soccer ball. Weight varies from 2 to 10 kg, the shape is often elongated. Sometimes the fruit even reaches a length of up to 30 cm, while the diameter can be 20–25 cm.

No matter how big a durian may seem, more than half of its weight is in the peel than in the juicy flesh. The inside of the durian has white walls and is divided into segments. In each "compartment" there are 3-4 yellowish seeds. As a rule, inside the fetus there are 5 compartments, approximately the same in size. Four of them are filled with pulp, and the bones are located in the fifth.


A distinctive feature of the fruit is the fact that it has a disgusting smell. Therefore, few people immediately believe that durian can be eaten. It smells so bad that you can't take it into public places with you. It is not only impossible to go to a store or take a taxi with it: the ban even applies to transportation in an elevator, as evidenced by a special sign of a fruit crossed out with a red line. This is explained by the fact that the fetid spirit of the Thai fruit cannot be weathered by any means. That is why exotic durian can neither be stored nor transported. The stench is so terrible that it is difficult to describe it, but the pulp itself has a divine taste, for which durian is called the king of fruits.

The taste of a ripe fruit with a smooth texture is sweet. It is rich, like a mixture of banana, mango, pineapple, papaya and vanilla. As for the smell of the shell itself, it can be compared with a mixture of the “aroma” of sewerage, rotten fish and rotten meat, or a putrid smell. It even seems to some that in this stink one can distinguish the smells of a ton of rotten onions, because some tourists have tears when they meet durian. As for the amount of pulp inside the fruit, it is not very much: a lot falls on a thick peel with thorns. The flesh of a ripe fruit itself does not have spots, it is of the same consistency and color.

Composition and calories

The fetid smell of durian is explained by the presence of sulfuric acid in the composition of the fruit. An exotic fruit is saturated with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains many vitamins, and its absence of cholesterol distinguishes it. Delicious pulp is rich in ascorbic, nicotinic and folic acids. It contains niacin, carotene, riboflavin, calcium, iron and phosphorus. As for calories, one hundred grams of durian contains 145 kilocalories. These data are typical for raw and frozen fruit. However, an excess of durian in food can cause obesity.

Benefit and harm

Unusual Thai fruit has certain beneficial properties. For example, having organic sulfur in its composition, durian is rightfully recognized as one of the unique exotic fruits. Indole, which is the source of organic sulfur, is especially necessary for the human body, as it has bactericidal properties. Thanks to the dietary fiber, durian is effective for constipation. It perfectly absorbs water, due to which peristalsis is accelerated and carcinogens are excreted from the body. This nuance helps to prevent bowel cancer.

Durian is also effective against anemia, as it is a preventive measure. It improves the condition of hair and skin, and also has a positive effect on strengthening bones and the thyroid gland. In addition, it helps in the treatment of diabetes and has a positive effect on the digestive system. And also an exotic fruit is good for migraines and depressive states. Being an unsurpassed aphrodisiac and containing a huge amount of estrogen, durian is responsible for the normalization of female hormonal levels, which is important for every woman. It is worth noting that this affects not only the general condition of the woman, but also her fertility.

It is also good for men's health. Durian can be used as a remedy to help restore energy. It not only helps to cleanse the skin, but also gives it elasticity and firmness. Due to the content of phosphorus in the pulp in combination with potassium, it not only strengthens teeth, but also treats some gum diseases. In addition, the use of an unusual fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

However, in addition to the beneficial properties for the human body, durian also has negative aspects. For example, no matter how tasty it may seem, and no matter how much you want to eat it, it is contraindicated for pregnant women. In addition, it should not be used while breastfeeding. The use of durian can also affect pressure, so hypertensive patients need to eat the pulp of the fetus with extreme caution. Otherwise, it is fraught with sudden pressure surges.

There are other restrictions, if ignored, the use of durian can cause significant harm to health. For example, you need to take into account not only incompatibility with alcohol, but also the time period between which you can not drink after drinking durian. As a rule, in order not to harm your health, you need to wait at least four hours. In addition, you need to understand that the fetus cannot completely replace any meal.

You can’t eat more than two hundred grams at a time, combining fruit with other foods. And also it is impossible not to take into account the likelihood of individual intolerance and an allergic reaction. There is evidence for this: in some cases, there is a rash, an allergic rhinitis, and even swelling of the nasopharynx.

How to choose?

Despite the fact that durian has a rather high cost (about 5-20 US dollars), tourists rarely manage to avoid the temptation to taste the exotic. Sometimes this fruit is sold already peeled on a substrate. However, not every fruit has a true divine taste. In order not to get into trouble, and not to be disappointed with the fruit, which even in its native country cannot be transported and exported once again, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • a ripe fruit differs from others in that it is split; if its peel began to crack (mainly into 5 slices), then this is the first sign of a good fruit;
  • as soon as the peel cracks, the fruit begins to exude aroma, while it is the edible part of the durian (its pulp) that smells;
  • if a rotten part is seen on one side, such a fruit is not suitable for eating, moreover, its pulp will have clots, which should not be in a good ripe product;
  • to buy a good fruit, you should look at the peel at the location of the tail, you can even sniff it: the more pronounced the aroma, the riper the fruit;

  • the peel of a ripe durian differs in the color of the thorns - in a good ripe fruit they are yellow with brown tips;
  • you can pay attention to the mobility of the thorns - if the fruit is unripe, when touched they remain motionless, in a ripe fruit they are slightly mobile;
  • you can also determine the ripeness by the sound, for which it would be useful to tap on the casing - a dull sound will indicate immaturity, while the one you need will be accompanied by loud sounds and a characteristic internal gurgling.

The flesh of a ripe fruit differs in appearance, the ripened fruit is soft when pressed and slightly squeezed. In terms of density, it resembles raw dough. Someone even associates with cream whipped with fruit.

When buying, you can ask the seller to peel and cut the fruit. An experienced seller is usually interested in buyers, so he will try to pick the best fruit. As for transportation, a tourist will not be able to bring a piece of exotic to their homeland: durian cannot be exported, they will not be allowed on a plane with it.

How to eat?

In fact, it would be erroneous to call categorically eating durian with a spoon. Everyone experiences fruit differently. Many, because of the hostility of a bad smell, completely pinch their nose, and at this time they put a piece of pulp in their mouth. It is worth considering that this fruit is not combined with vodka, so you can’t drink it with it. No matter how much you want to feel like a gourmet, the fruit is not combined with alcohol at all. Ignoring this nuance can cause severe irritation of the stomach.

The fruit itself can be eaten not only fresh. It is often boiled, and also added to national dishes. It has a peculiar taste that everyone associates with different products. If it seems to some that it is airy cheese, then others are sure that it even looks like vanilla pastries. They eat durian in the first 3-4 hours after purchase, while trying not to bring it into the room.

If you do not want to use a spoon, you can break off pieces of tender pulp with your hands. Often, durian is put into cocktails, cut into slices. The dried fruit is also popular with tourists. It does not smell so sharp, so it does not scare off buyers. In cooking, the fruit is also used as a seasoning for various dishes. To do this, take not the pulp, but the seeds. When the pulp is taken out, one of the shells is used for salted water, which is washed down with durian. Among the various recipes, pies with an unusual fruit filling are noteworthy, for which chopped pieces of fruit are used.

As for gourmets, after several trials, they stop noticing the unpleasant smell and assure that the taste interrupts all negative emotions. They are sure that in order to fully reveal the taste qualities, it is necessary to drink durian with lightly salted water. In addition, marinated marinated durian in coconut milk is considered one of the best desserts. If at the time of purchase it turned out that the fruit has not yet ripened, do not be upset. Of course, it will not be possible to reveal all its taste qualities, but it is quite suitable for food.

In this case, it can be used as a vegetable. For example, it will be delicious if stewed, fried and served with a side dish.

How to reveal?

If the fruit is purchased unopened, you will have to do the cleaning process yourself. The bottom line is to crack open the hard shell and take out the pulp. Previously, a regular plate or a plastic container is prepared for it. The pulp is taken out with a spoon or by hand and transferred to a prepared container. If you do not plan to eat durian right away, it is better to use a container, transferring the tasty part of the fruit there and tightly closing the container.

Is there any way to store and transport?

With regard to fresh fruit, we can say unequivocally: no. If the fruit is open, eat it immediately. It will not work in any way, it is useless even to wrap it in layers of a thin film - it will not retain its qualities. Despite the fact that there is an opinion to the contrary, which indicates a period of 5 days of storage. Freezing the fruit is also not recommended, because, in addition to the loss of useful properties, it will also lose its excellent taste. However, in dried form, like candy or even candied fruits, the fruit is quite transportable.

In addition to the fact that in such options you can export durians from exotic countries, they will also be stored for a long time. Therefore, upon arrival home, it will be possible to treat the household with extra-tasty desserts.

What else is interesting durian?

Durian can reach a height of up to 40 meters. These trees are quite spreading. The fruit is considered a national delicacy for children. On holidays, it is important to eat it with the whole family in one sitting. This eating is elevated to a certain ritual, besides, the fruit is given healing and rejuvenating power. In Thai culture, it is considered a medicine.

The pulp of the fruit will allow you to create unusually delicious milkshakes. In addition to dried fruits and chips, it is added to ice cream. You can fry it like a regular potato. It is added to pumpkin, fish soups and even cooked as jam. At the same time, in the national cuisine it is a fairly common component of the recipe. It is delicious with sweets, sugar, and salt along with other vegetables.

Important! Sickness of smell in different subspecies of durian is different. The size of the fruits also varies, with the smaller ones smelling less strongly. The arrangement of the bones also differs.

Difference from jackfruit

Durian is often confused with jackfruit, because outwardly there really is a resemblance. However, there are differences from jackfruit. For example, its spikes are not so pronounced, and it weighs more. In addition, it is considered the fruit of the breadfruit, reaches up to 30 kg of weight and has a pear-shaped shape. And also one of the differences is the fact that jackfruit has milky juice, which determines its stickiness and viscosity. At the same time, not only the pulp is saturated with juice, but also the peel itself. Wash your hands after contact with such a substance more often with oil.

Durian is one of the most unusual healthy tropical fruits in the world. His homeland is India, Indonesia, Thailand. Grown in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, India, Cambodia. The best fruits are grown near Bangkok. The benefits and harms of durian are not fully understood.

What does durian look like and where does it grow?

The name comes from Malay words, resulting in the phrase "prickly fruit". Indeed, durian is a large ball of oblong shape, yellow or greenish in color. The weight is up to eight kilograms, the diameter is up to thirty centimeters, it is covered with long pyramidal spikes. When cut, durian looks like a large walnut, divided into hemispheres. It consists of five chambers, with white streaks, each of which contains yellow or yellow-red flesh.

Nine of the thirty-four known species are allowed for consumption. Durian has benefits, but in some cases it can cause harm to the body, so you need to carefully study the composition and properties.

Taste and smell of durian

This healthy fruit does not leave anyone indifferent. Taste qualities are so ambiguous that everyone associates them with something individual. Most agree that the taste of durian is similar to a delicate cream of milk and eggs. For many, it is a favorite fruit, others cannot be in the same room with it.

This is due to the specific smell. Despite all the benefits, because of the unpleasant aroma, many do not dare to try.

This property is explained by the chemical reaction of sulfuric acid and oxygen during cutting. The smell does not come immediately, it takes several minutes for the elements to interact. Compare the smell emitted with sewerage or stale socks.

Important! In countries where a useful fruit is common, it is forbidden to take it with you on a plane and to a hotel, since the unpleasant aroma does not disappear for a long time and is not masked by air fresheners.

At the same time, this unpleasant fact does not cause any harm to the human body. Rather, on the contrary, a strong smell speaks of maturity and the focus of benefits.

For the same reason, durian is exported in dried or canned form.

The chemical composition and calorie content of durian

It has a huge number of useful properties for humans. The calorie content is high, about 147 kcal per 100 g.

  • water - about 60 g;
  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fats - about 5 g;
  • carbohydrates - about 23 g;
  • fiber - about 4 g;
  • ash - 1 g.

The composition also includes useful micro and macro elements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Durian is a storehouse of useful vitamins: A (beta-carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), niacin, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid).

The composition does not contain elements that are harmful to the body. The benefits are huge for many organs and systems.

What is useful durian

The benefits of durian for women and men are beyond doubt, it has unique properties and is able to have a beneficial multifaceted effect on the body.

It is the only edible fruit containing organic sulfur. This is a useful element that is part of the cells of human hair, skin, nails, as well as nervous, bone and cartilage tissues of organs, proteins and some hormones. As a component of insulin, sulfur balances blood sugar, which is beneficial for diabetics. It also fights aging, promotes the removal of toxins, has natural anthelmintic, antiviral properties.

Due to the high content of minerals, it benefits the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems. In addition, it has bactericidal properties.

Due to its high calorie content and fiber content, it is very nutritious. It quickly saturates the body, and the feeling of hunger recedes for a long time.

It does not contain cholesterol, so it can be consumed without fear by those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Durian has particular benefits for women. Due to the content of the hormone estrogen, it increases the chances of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy baby.

Benefits of durian for men

In addition to the general beneficial properties for women and men, the latter provides invaluable assistance in restoring and maintaining sexual function. It is an excellent aphrodisiac. Thanks to the hormone estrogen, it restores and increases potency, improves sperm quality and sperm activity.

Can pregnant women eat durian?

Extremely useful, but pregnant and lactating women can be harmful, so they need to be treated with caution.

There is no categorical prohibition. A woman carrying a child can herself assess her condition and the opportunity to taste the fruit. Useful properties will bring benefit to her and the baby. But if a pregnant woman suffers from edema and high blood pressure, it can be harmful and exacerbate problems.

How to Eat and Peel Durian

Despite the variety of forms (dried, jam), fresh raw pod has the most useful properties. Only fully ripe fruit should be consumed immediately after opening. To do this, you need to cut the durian into several parts, the pulp is easy to extract. You can do this with your hands or a spoon, as it will be difficult to get rid of the smell. The indigenous people of Thailand eat with salted water. For more detailed instructions for cleaning durian, see the video:

What is dangerous durian

Possessing many useful properties, in some cases it can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the components can lead to allergic reactions;
  • it is forbidden to eat for people suffering from hypertension, as it increases blood pressure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • the simultaneous use of durian and alcohol is prohibited and extremely dangerous.

Durian and alcohol

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to combine the use of alcohol and durian, this can cause great harm to the human body.

Durian in cooking

Useful properties, as well as its delicate taste, ensured constant use in various recipes.

  • Cocktails, ice cream and jam are prepared from it.
  • It is also used to make a specific dessert popular in Thailand. It consists of glutinous rice doused with coconut syrup and sugarcane juice. It has pieces of durian added to it.
  • No less we love durian dodol. This kind of pie is a hardened baked mass of durian pulp, glutinous rice, sugar and coconut milk.
  • The seeds are used as a seasoning.
  • In Indonesia, mint sauce is prepared from the pulp, which is served with rice.
  • Used fried as a side dish for meat.

What is the difference between jackfruit and durian

Jackfruit in Thailand is no less popular than durian. This is also an extremely useful fruit, which has a specific smell and a whole range of useful substances and elements. But the difference between them is great.

These are the fruits of completely different trees. Jackfruit grows on a breadfruit tree, the fruits are huge, weighing up to thirty kilograms. In the process of growth, it is covered with green thorns, when ripe, these thorns become less pronounced. Ripe jackfruit has a gray-brown color. Its seeds are used for food, they contain milky juice, which is very difficult to wash off from skin and clothes.

They also differ in appearance. If the durian pulp is two large oblong halves, the jackfruit seeds are small, randomly located inside the fruit.

How to choose a durian

Ripe fruits are the most useful. To choose the most ripe fruit, you need to know what characteristics it should have:

  • to the touch it should be soft, but also elastic at the same time; kinks in one direction and the other indicate immaturity or overripeness;
  • the spikes must be mobile, otherwise it indicates immaturity;
  • when tapping, a dull sound should be heard;
  • an unpleasant odor should not be distinct;
  • color can be green or yellow;
  • the fruit should not be peeled, as it has a short shelf life;
  • the surface should be free of stains and damage.

How to store durian at home

Peeled durian is not stored, it must be consumed immediately, otherwise all useful properties will be lost. And in an unpurified form, it can lie for two days at room temperature, in the refrigerator - up to five days.

To prolong the shelf life of durian, they make a kind of dried fruit out of it. But for this, the pulp is not just dried, but marshmallow is made - this method allows you to save the benefits and taste.


The benefits and harms of durian are incomparable. Due to the content of a large number of useful substances and elements, durian has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body. It will not cause any harm if you use it wisely, follow all the rules, abstain from alcohol.
