
Crafts from puff pastry for autumn. Video: craft from salt dough "owl"

So autumn has come, it makes someone sad, but not the kids who go to kindergarten nor their parents or caregivers. The time of competitions and exhibitions of crafts from the gifts of autumn nature begins, with which this season is so rich. And now mothers and their little ones rush to the forest, garden and park to collect cones, leaves, vegetables and acorns. From all this variety, you can create wonderful crafts in the garden on the theme of "autumn" with your own hands (pictures and descriptions in this article below).

In order to create a small miracle with your child, just use everything that is at hand, and in this wonderful golden time you can find a lot of things. It can be vegetables that have grown in the garden, cones, acorns, foliage that can be collected in a park or forest, even seeds and twigs can be used. You can also use salt dough. Kids are usually very fond of sculpting from such a delicate and pleasant to the touch material.

Let's consider what crafts in the garden on the theme of "autumn" with your own hands can be made from the above material. The following are detailed master classes with descriptions and step-by-step photos of various crafts.

Panel "Gifts of Autumn"

Here is one of the options for crafts in the garden on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" with your own hands from natural material. This panel is made on a mat. It is very simple in execution, but, nevertheless, spectacular and beautiful.

For it we need:

  • mat.
  • 4 thin branches from any tree of the same length;
  • rope, you can use jute, here in the photo is a regular cotton thread for crochet;
  • leaves of any trees, one must be from mountain ash;
  • cotton pads;
  • yarn for knitting "Grass" and multi-colored cotton;
  • beads in the form of dragonflies, butterflies or any insects;
  • glue (it is better and more convenient to use a thermal gun);
  • some blue watercolor or gouache.

Let's get to work:

Autumn panel is ready. The most important thing is that this wonderful work "Gifts of Autumn" in kindergarten can be done with the children. This is the communication of parents with the little one, which is so often lacking, and the development creative thinking crumbs, fine motor skills. In general, from all sides a pleasant and useful activity.

Owl from cones

Here is such a craft in the garden on the theme of "autumn" with your own hands from cones in the form of Sovunya can be created using the master class and the photo below.

Photo: Owl for the competition in kindergarten "Gifts of Autumn"

If you show the baby a photo of what can happen, he will be happy to plunge into work with you and will be incredibly happy with the process and the result.

To make such an owl is very simple and fast. What is needed for this:

  • cones (spruce and pine);
  • a small piece of fabric;
  • filler (you can use a synthetic winterizer, you can use any rags, scraps of fabric);
  • thermo - glue;
  • white knitting yarn;
  • plasticine (brown, yellow and black);
  • acorn;
  • small thick branch, knots;
  • rope (if desired, you can make a pendant out of an owl).

Let's start crafting:

Here are some more photos of crafts in the garden on the theme of autumn with your own hands using cones and other natural materials. Cones and everything that autumn gives us is the most fertile material for children's creativity.

Can be used already ready-made ideas and involve the baby in the process, showing him what should turn out. And you can put the child at the table, put in front of him a whole bunch of such beautiful leaves, cones, acorns and seeds, consider them together.

The hands themselves reach out to make something of this kind out of them, for a child, for sure. Who knows, you might end up with something amazing and unique. The main thing is not to limit the fantasy to the given framework.

Gifts of autumn - a creation from natural material

When, if not in autumn, you can make any crafts in the garden or just for yourself on the theme of "autumn" with your own hands from vegetables, seeds, dried fruit leaves. More than enough material for creativity. The main thing is fantasy, creativity and some free time that you can spend with your child for a pleasant and useful activity.

Here is a small master class of a wonderful creation called "Gifts of Autumn". It is very simple and restrained, but everything that this generous season offers us is collected here. It is not necessary to take the same autumn “gifts”, you can just open your bins and see what is there, what seeds, fruits, nuts.

Having understood the principle by which this wonderful work is done, you can create something of your own, unique and beautiful. The view of this design can be called "floating thicket".

Her idea is that a thicket soars in the air, and everything that nature has prepared for us flows from it, like from a cornucopia. Let's see how you can make such an interesting little thing.

To create a masterpiece, we will prepare:

  • any pretty basket.
  • some foam rubber or just newspapers to fill the basket.
  • braided aluminum wire.
  • paper cup, small
  • old wooden clothespins or dry twigs without bark for cup decoration.
  • hot glue.
  • any gifts of autumn: cones, seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, acorns, dried flowers and so on. Everything you find.
  • jute rope.

Let's start creating:

From vegetables

What autumn is truly rich in is delicious and healthy vegetables. But they can also be used for other purposes. Such beautiful pumpkins, zucchini, cabbage and carrots can be safely taken into circulation and create wonderful creations with their help. The following are descriptions of crafts in the garden with their own hands from vegetables with a photo on the theme "Gifts of Autumn".

"Friend of Autumn"

For this wonderful friend - a pumpkin forester you will need:

  • three pumpkins. One is light and slightly elongated, one is orange, flatter and very small, round.
  • carrot.
  • potato.
  • spikelets.
  • viburnum or rowan berries.
  • autumn leaves.
  • two skewers.
  • glue (thermo-gun).
  • plate or small tray for the base.

Now let's get to work:

Children will be happy to participate in the process and make such an interesting craft in the kindergarten on the theme "autumn" with their own hands from vegetables (see photo above).

Continuing to talk about crafts in the kindergarten on the theme of autumn with our own hands from vegetables, we offer a few more photos.

"Ship of vegetables"

This piece is truly a masterpiece. Vegetarian boat - great option crafts from vegetables for the autumn competition in kindergarten. Let's see how we can make it. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems, because it looks like a masterpiece.

We will need:

  • zucchini.
  • cabbage.
  • carrot.
  • seeds.
  • plasticine.
  • matches.
  • long skewers 2 pieces.
  • sharp short knife.

Let's start the creative process:

A wonderful boat is ready. The child will be delighted with such crafts, and in the kindergarten they will appreciate it.

From colored dried leaves

It is very easy and interesting to make crafts in the garden on the theme of "autumn" with your own hands from leaves, photos and descriptions of some of them are given below.

Tree made from dry crushed leaves

It is very simple and at the same time very interesting craft, which can be done together with the baby for the kindergarten in the fall.

Photo: crafts for the autumn competition on paper

For her you need:

Step by step video crafts:

From salt dough

Another type of creativity, very loved by children, is modeling from salt dough. This material is similar to plasticine, the same plastic, but even softer, it is pleasant to work with it.

Here is the recipe for salt dough for modeling:

  1. We take in equal parts flour and salt and mix well.
  2. Add some water little by little and knead the dough. It must be brought to the consistency of soft plasticine.

The dough is ready, you can start creating. If after sculpting there is dough left, it can be stored in a tightly wrapped bag.

For the autumn competition in the kindergarten, you can use salt dough. Here is a description of one wonderful craft made from salt dough, using natural material, all that autumn is rich in.

Salt dough hedgehog

We are preparing crafts for the autumn competition from salt dough!

We need to work:

  • salty dough.
  • acrylic paints or gouache.
  • leaves, any natural material for decoration.
  • glue (thermo-gun).
  • basis for panels. It can be thick cardboard.

Steps to create a hedgehog:

Applying imagination and relying on the above step by step photos, you can make amazing and wonderful unique crafts in the garden with your own hands on the theme "Autumn". But the most important thing is not even the result, but creative process to which children should be involved.

Video ideas:

Autumn crafts for the little ones: we make prints of natural materials on salt dough and color them.

Autumn crafts for kids: we make from natural materials and dough

This craft was sent to our competition "Autumn Workshop - 2015" by Sviridova Victoria Yuryevna and her son Oleg. When Olezhek made these crafts, he was only 1 year and 8 months old! Victoria and her son live in Kaliningrad.

Victoria writes: “My son is only 1 year and 8 months old. We are actively engaged in creative activities: we draw, sculpt, glue, etc. So we made funny crafts for the Autumn Workshop contest.

You will need:

- salt dough for crafts (2 cups flour, 1 cup salt and 3/4 cup water),

- brushes or sponge for coloring.

How to make a craft: everything is very simple!

Step 1. We collect cones, acorns, chestnuts, leaves, twigs. We bring them from the walk.

Step 2 Making salt dough - see the recipe above in the “You will need” section.

I decided to combine modeling from salt dough and its subsequent coloring. The little son kneaded enough pieces of dough, played with him, trained his fingers. We took our autumn blanks and began to print them on the test - to make their prints. My son especially liked the prints from the acorn hats. Then I baked the products in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. While everything cooled down, we went for a walk.

Step 3 In the evening we started painting the products. It turned out to be no less interesting activity :). As a result, the son painted almost everything himself, including himself :). Despite the fact that the prints were largely lost under a layer of paint, the process itself was very exciting.))

Sculpting and drawing, it seems to me, is what children like different ages. Therefore, if you adapt such an activity, complicating and supplementing it, for example, for an older child, then you can have fun with the whole family. All warm autumn!

More autumn crafts for the little ones in the step-by-step master classes from the participants of the "Autumn Workshop" competition you will find in the articles:

Lots of ideas and step by step tutorials for autumn crafts with children and you will find

Autumn is time interesting ideas and inspiration that allow you to create a lot of original gizmos from salt dough with your own hands. We have collected many the most interesting options, as well as recipes for preparing mass for creativity. This will allow you to organize exciting leisure activities together with your child!

What you need for sculpting dough

To get started, you will need to prepare enough the material itself. For this you need:

2 cups of flour.
1 glass of plain water.
1 glass of salt.

For better plasticity, you can add a few tablespoons sunflower oil. This master class will show you the cooking sequence, where you will also learn about the features of storage and use.

In addition, you can add various dyes for cooking. multi-colored mass. Do you want to make autumn crafts from dough different colors? You can find the recipe here:

Salt dough: advantages

If you are going to do autumn crafts, it is better not to find the material:

1. It is safe for humans, unlike plasticine, plastics.
2. For creation, improvised materials are used, whose cost is quite low.
3. Easy to make! On creation a large number Material for modeling takes only 10 minutes.
4. Does not stain hands and work surface, easy to clean and wash.

Original ideas: autumn-themed salt dough crafts

Existing crafts from the test for autumn theme incredibly varied! You and your children can create separate figurines, create a real decorative panel to decorate your home. For example, as in the version in the video - a basket of mushrooms will decorate every room! Such autumn crafts from salt dough, the step-by-step creation of which can be seen on the record, are incredibly easy to do!

In addition, autumn dough crafts can be made in the form of figurines of various animals. Plants also look great: maple and oak leaves as in the photo can be used to create an autumn garland, table composition, painting.

Also traditional fall salt dough crafts include hedgehogs! This small animal is very popular in children's creativity. Therefore, do not forget about it when dealing with a child!

In general, when choosing an idea for joint creativity, be guided primarily by the desires of the child. Suggest a few of your ideas to choose from, or let the kid come up with his own option for implementation! What else can you do to please your kids even more!

Autumn is great time for needlework, because it gives us so many wonderful materials: leaves, vegetables, fruits, flowers, acorns, cones and twigs. And how cozy the house becomes if it is decorated with decor in yellow and crimson tones. In this material you will find 6 DIY autumn craft ideas for adults and children with step by step master classes and a selection of photos for inspiration.

Idea 1. Autumn topiary

Topiary is an ornamental tree that can be used to decorate dinner table, mantel or space at the front door. To make it, you can use natural or artificial materials, for example: leaves, berries on twigs, acorns, cones, chestnuts, flowers, dried citrus slices, as well as felt, sisal, linen and everything that your imagination tells you. In the next slider you can see some examples of such fall crafts.


  1. clay pot;
  2. Wooden stick or branch;
  3. Two balls of styrofoam or floral foam;
  4. Materials for decorating the crown;
  5. Dry moss (you can replace it with sisal);
  6. Glue gun and a few sticks of glue;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Side cutters or secateurs;
  9. Acrylic paints for painting the barrel, bowl and pot (optional).


Step 1. Cut a hole in the base ball with a sharp object about a third of its diameter deep. Drop hot glue into the hole and insert the barrel into it.

Step 2. Insert the second ball into the pot. If the ball is not tight enough in the pot, lay newspaper around it. Cut a hole in the ball for the trunk 2-3 cm deep. Insert the trunk with the crown into the hole and adjust its length. Next, drop glue into the hole of the ball, place the barrel in it and start filling the hole with glue, placing small pieces of paper around the barrel. This is necessary so that the hot glue does not deepen the hole too much.

Step 3. Paint the pot in the desired color if you do not like its original appearance. In this project, the pot was painted with spray paint in a shade of dark bronze from Rustoleum (sold in building stores, for example, in Leroy Merlin).

Remember that the design of the pot should be simple and unpretentious so as not to distract attention from the crown. If necessary, paint the barrel and/or balls at this stage. It is desirable to paint the balls so that the gaps between the decorative details are invisible.

Step 4. While the paint on our blank dries, sort the decorative details by type and size. If you use artificial leaves, flowers and berries with a wire base, then when cutting them off, leave “stems” about 2 cm long. This is necessary in order not only to glue the parts, but also to stick them into the ball - then they will hold more securely . If the "stems" do not have wire, then it is better to cut the parts "under the root".

Step 5. Now it's time for the fun part - creating the crown. First, evenly distribute and glue the largest parts onto the ball, then the medium ones. Lastly, fill in the gaps with small decorations.

Step 6. Well, that's all, it remains only to decorate the ball in a pot with dry moss or sisal, having previously treated it with glue.

Idea 2. Pumpkins from toilet paper rolls

And here is another idea for an autumn vegetable-themed craft that you can make with children - pumpkins from toilet paper rolls. The possibilities for decorating these crafts are endless. For example, children can use colored paper, gouache or sequins, and adults - gold leaf, fabric or lace.


  • Bushings from toilet paper or paper towels;
  • Scissors;
  • Leg-split;
  • For decor: brushes, gouache or acrylic paints, PVA glue and sequins or book pages, etc .;
  • Cinnamon sticks or sprigs (to create the core of the vegetable);
  • Burlap, felt or cardboard (to create leaves).

Step 1. Flatten the toilet paper roll and cut into rings.

Step 2. Decorate the rings with whatever material you like, such as kraft paper, scrapbooking paper, fabric, ribbons, or just paint them acrylic paint. You can also decorate the pumpkins exactly as in this master class - with sequins and stripes of book pages.

Method 1. Using a brush, grease the outer sides of all the rings with PVA glue, and then generously sprinkle glitter on them. Wait for the blanks to dry, and then cover the sparkles with a second layer of PVA glue to protect them from shedding.

Method 2. Cut out thin strips of paper from book pages and glue them to the rings with PVA glue or glue stick.

Step 3. To form your pumpkin, pass the twine through the rings, then tighten the two ends and tie a knot as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Now glue cinnamon sticks or cut branches into the center of the pumpkin.

Step 5. Hooray, your pumpkins are almost ready, it remains only to add to them the leaves cut out of burlap, felt, cardboard or any other material at hand.

By the same principle, you can make a pumpkin from rings of any material.

Idea 3. Panel of leaves

Next, we present you the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts from autumn leaves. Since this master class does not use hot glue and sharp objects, you can safely involve children in the work, and especially in collecting material.

An idea for an autumn craft made from natural materials that you can make with your children and use for seasonal home decoration



Step 1. Cut the tree with a jigsaw and sand the ends with sandpaper.

Step 2. Paint the board with stain and leave to dry.

Step 3 With a marker, draw a maple leaf on the board by hand, using a template or stencil.

Step 4. Start gluing the pre-dried leaves (see how to dry them at the end of the article) like a fan, trying to place them so that their edges coincide with the outline of the picture. At the same time, you should not glue the leaves completely, let their tops be a little free so that the panel acquires some volume. On each glued leaflet, put some suitable size press for a minute.

Keep in mind that the leaves will not stick immediately, but after the glue dries they will stick well.

Step 5. To make the contours of the picture clearer, trim the leaves in some places. However, try to resort to such correction as little as possible so as not to lose the beauty of natural lines.

Step 6. Now attach a branch to your panel in place of the stem, break off the excess and glue it.

The following selection of photos presents examples of no less original autumn panels.

And finally, we suggest watching a video tutorial on how to make an autumn craft in the form of a panel of leaves with a frame of acorns with your own hands.

Idea 4. Wind music from natural materials and not only

The following project is an example of an interesting, but very easy-to-make craft from natural materials and ready-made parts, which a child can do almost independently.


  • Two or one sticks;
  • Natural and factory materials for decorating threads: Pine cones, flat pebbles, acorns, wooden beads, metal small candle holders (used in this project) and everything that comes to hand and matches the theme of autumn;
  • Leg-split;
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks.

Step 1. Paint some elements of the future wind music, if necessary. In this master class, the author painted the pebbles in bright yellow and red colors.

Step 2. While the decorations are drying, tie two sticks crosswise and tie the center of the cross with twine as shown in the photo below. You can also use just one long stick or, say, a hoop.

Step 3. Cut 9 ropes of twine to the desired length with a small margin for knots, so that in the future you get two rows on each branch and one in the middle.

Step 4. To create one row of wind chimes, take a piece of twine and start stringing beads or other details on it, passing the ropes through the holes twice or tightening them well into knots. Stones should be additionally fixed with hot glue. In order not to be mistaken with the order, the parts should first be decomposed in the desired order. By the way, it is better to place especially sonorous elements opposite each other so that their chime in the wind can be heard better.

Step 5. Tie knots at the end of each rope.

Step 6. After each thread is finished, tie them to the branches in double knots with the addition of a drop of glue.

Below are other examples of this unusual decoration made from cones, acorns and leaves.

Idea 5. Candlesticks in the form of autumn leaves from salt dough

Leaves can be used not only as a decorative or finishing material, but also as a template and stamp for creating crafts from any mass for modeling. Take note of the idea of ​​​​autumn crafts with children in the form of such cute leaves from salt dough. By the way, they are not only beautiful in themselves, but can also perform a practical function, for example, they can store various decorations or light candles.


  • Salt dough ingredients: ½ glass of salt, ½ cup water, 1 cup flour;
  • Container for kneading dough;
  • glass bowl;
  • rolling pin;
  • Large leaves;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Acrylic paints in yellow, red, orange and brown.


Step 1. The first thing to do is go for a walk with the whole family and find at least two beautiful large leaves.

Step 2. Then knead the salty dough. To do this, simply mix all the ingredients and roll out the dough to about 6 mm thick (no less), so that it is not too thick, but not too brittle.

Step 3. Spread your leaves on the dough and go over it with a rolling pin with light pressure.

Step 4 The next step is to cut out the shape around the sheet. Use sharp knife and, of course, take this part of the work on yourself.

Step 5. Remove the leaves. Turn the glass bowl over and brush it with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Step 6 Carefully lift the sheets and place them on the bowls.

Step 7. Put the bowls of dough in the oven, preheated to 250 degrees and leave them to bake for 2-3 hours.

Step 8 Remove your pastries from the oven and let them cool without removing them from the bowls for about 15 minutes. Then carefully lift the leaves and leave to cool completely.


Step 9 Once the bowls are cool, start painting. To do this, pour the paints of each color into cups and let the children mix them themselves and paint the inside of the leaves first, and then the outside. Salt dough crafts are quite fragile, so you need to paint them carefully, without pressure. Wait until the paint dries and, if desired, cover the bowls with a layer of PVA glue. It will give the craft a haze and make it a little stronger.

bowl painting

Leaf shapes may vary.

By the way, if you don't want to mess around with salt dough, then you can replace it with soft plasticine. The photo below shows an example of such a craft.

Idea 6. Felt garland

Felt, although it is not natural material, crafts from it turn out to be the most autumnal. Today we offer you to make the simplest garland of felt leaves.


  • Several sheets of felt in autumn colors;
  • Leg-split;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Thick threads with a needle;
  • Pencil.


Step 1. Download and print the leaf templates (see template for download below), then cut them out and outline the outlines.

Step 2. Cut out the blanks.

Step 3. Sew the veins by hand with large stitches.

Step 4. Now, maintaining an equal interval, hang the leaves on the twine. To do this, wrap the tail of each leaf around the twine and fix with glue. You can sew on details if you wish. Voila, the autumn felt garland is ready!

According to the principles of this simple master class you can create a variety of garlands with decorations in the form of acorns, cones, pumpkins, etc. The following selection of photos shows some examples of autumn felt garlands.

How to dry leaves and flowers

Method 1. This method is suitable if you want applications or other bulky crafts. Spread sheets or flowers between the pages of the book at a distance of about 3 mm from each other and shift them to other pages every day (also observing an interval of 3 mm). Within a week, the paper will absorb all the moisture from the plants, and you can use them for creativity.

Method 2. If your craft does not involve the use of flat leaves, then you can dry them by simply gathering them in a bunch and hanging upside down in a dry but ventilated area. In doing so, keep in mind that sun rays the leaves will lose their color completely, but in the shade they will remain.

Method 3. This method is suitable for drying and preserving the color of leaves and cornflowers. Blot fresh, freshly picked leaves / cornflowers with a napkin if they are wet. Place each sheet between two layers of waxed paper, put on top of the resulting "sandwich" paper towel. Preheat the iron and make sure the steam mode is off. Iron the paper towel with pressure for 2-5 minutes. Turn the "sandwich" over and iron it through the paper towel again, then carefully remove the wax paper.

  • So that the dried leaves and flowers do not break, they must be dipped in a solution of water and PVA glue, diluted in a 4: 1 ratio, and then left to dry.




Child Tatyana Alekseevna,

class teacher for children with mild mental retardation

GBS (K) OU for students, pupils with disabilities general education boarding schoolVIIIview of the village of Ilsky Krasnodar Territory

Target: continue teaching students how to work with the test; develop manual skill, tactile sensations, visual perception; correct motor-motor memory, voluntary attention, imagination; contribute to the inculcation of accuracy, perseverance.

Equipment:sound recording "The Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, tape recorder, multimedia projector

Materials and tools:salt dough, modeling boards, stacks, rolling pins, leaf templates, plastic straws, hand wipes, water glasses, brushes, paints, glue, safety rules cards.


During the arrival of guests, the song "Autumn" is performed by students.

I.Organizing time.

Educator:Good afternoon, good hour!

How glad I am to see you.

looked at each other

And everyone quietly sat down.

II.Actualization of attention.

Educator:Hello dear children and distinguished guests!

We are very glad to welcome you within the walls of our school. Today you are present at the lesson of the circle of modeling from salt dough, and we will be happy to show and teach you what we can do. To begin with, let's get to know each other and introduce ourselves to each other /introduction of guests and children/

Educator:And now, I would like to ask: “Do you know what testoplasty is?”

Testoplasty is a modeling of salt dough.

In recent years, salt dough has become a very popular modeling material. Although crafts from the test - ancient tradition, they have a place in modern world, because everything that is environmentally friendly and made by hand is now especially valued.

Salty dough has an ancient history. Since ancient times, people have baked not only bread, but also decorative items from dough. Initially, products from it had a cult significance: figurines of deities, images of animals, amulets were made from it.

The Slavs believed that animal figures molded from dough would bring wealth and abundance to the house, they were molded in the hope of increasing the number of livestock. From the dough they made dolls for children, who also played the role of amulets.

In Germany and Scandinavia, it has long been customary to make Easter and Christmas souvenirs from salt dough. Various medallions, wreaths, rings and horseshoes were hung in the opening of windows or attached to doors. It was believed that these decorations bring good luck and prosperity to the owners of the house.

Figures from dough are molded in Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece and Spain, even in distant Ecuador, craftsmen make crafts from brightly colored dough. As we see with you, the geography of the use of salt dough is wide and varied. Today, dough crafts are purely decorative, but this makes them no less popular.

Educator:Today, the guys and I will teach you how to work with salt dough and we really hope that you will enjoy this lesson.

It is no coincidence that at the beginning of our meeting a wonderful song about autumn sounded. Because autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. No matter what shades you see in nature. Going to the forest, autumn takes the brightest colors for its work. Birches and maples are covered with lemon yellowness, aspen leaves resemble ripe apples, and mighty oaks puts on copper bronze.

Autumn festival in the forest

And light and fun.

Here are some decorations

Autumn is here.

Each leaf is golden

Little sun,

I'll put it in the basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

I take care of the leaves

Autumn continues.

I've been at home for a long time

The holiday doesn't end.

Educator:Dear guests! Today we invite you to make autumn souvenirs in order to preserve the beauty and charm of this unique season for as long as possible. /Product Sample Show/


- What tools will we use to work with the test? /children answer using past experience/

STACK -tool for modeling from soft materials /clay, plasticine, dough/.

ROPPING RING -dough rolling tool.

We will begin our work by making a leaflet. To do this, you need to use a template.

- What is a pattern?

Sample- This is a blank made of cardboard of the required shape.

Who will tell us how to use the template at work?.

I suggest you choose the template that you like the most, with it you will give shape to your product, /participants of the master class choose leaf templates as desired/

    Repetition of the rules for working with the test and TB

/card work/

Guys, we are learning to work in pairs, so now I will name who will work with whom.

    Determination of pairs for work.

Before starting work, we must perform a hand massage.

    Performing finger massage. /Annex 1/

And now, look at everything carefully, I will show you how to sculpt a leaf.


Showing a presentation on the sequence of work.

Slide #1. Roll a ball out of a piece of dough.

Slide number 2.Roll out the ball into a cake 5 mm thick.

Slide #3. Lay the sheet templates on the rolled out dough.

Slide number 4.Cut the product along the contour of the template with a stack.

Slide number 5.Draw veins with a stack.

Slide #6. Put ready product for drying.

Educator:Now you are ready to do the work yourself.


/ The teacher helps the MK participants in the process of making a souvenir /

Educator: Guys, let's have a little rest and do a physical minute.

PHYSMINUTKA / Appendix No. 2 /

Continued work.

Demonstration of the presentation "Sculpting a ladybug."

Slide #1. From a small piece roll the dough into a ball.

Slide number 2.Use your thumb and forefinger to shape the ladybug's head.

Slide number 3. With a stack, outline the wings and head of the ladybug.

Slide #4. Using a juice straw, squeeze out dots on the ladybug's wings.

Slide number 5.Put the finished product to dry.

Educator:At this stage, our lesson could come to an end, since according to the rules for working with salt dough, the product must first be dried and then painted. But we could not deprive you of the opportunity to show your artistic abilities and therefore prepared dried products in advance.

At the end of work: cleaning the workplace.

Lesson results:

What did we do in class today?

Dear guests and children, did you like our lesson?

What did you especially like?

Educator:So our meeting has come to an end, I will be very glad if working with salt dough gave you pleasure, and you want to do it further. Wish you luck!

Now it's time to say goodbye

My speech will be short.

I tell you "Goodbye!"

Again with us, see you soon!

Application No. 1

Hand massage.

    With circular movements of the right hand, massage the back of the left hand. Do the same on the right hand.

    With crowding movements from the base of the finger to the nail phalanx, massage each finger.

    Clutching the wrist joint of the left hand, rub it with the right hand / 2-3 twisting movements - “nettle” /.

    Perform circular movements in the wrist, elbow joints of both hands.

    Relax your hands with shaking movements.

    Rub your palms together, let you feel the warmth of your hands.

Application №2

PHYSMINUTKA /relaxation for hands/

Hands need care

'Cause they've got a lot of work to do

It's hard to write all day

And sculpt and paint.


Let's stand up right now

We will sit down eight times.

Five times slow and three

We must get down quickly.


Stretched up, then

Let's spread our arms wider


That's all. End of charging.

Again at the desks guys.

