
Do-it-yourself money cake from banknotes. Do-it-yourself money wedding cake: a detailed master class

It has already become traditional to give money to the heroes of the occasion during the holidays. After all, it is convenient when you don’t know what exactly a birthday person or a young newly-made family needs. Only this unspoken tradition has already become commonplace - boring and uninteresting. We offer you an original way to present money as a gift. Do handmade money cake with the help of the master class that we have presented for you in this article.

A few decades ago, giving money for a holiday was considered obscene. In a decent society, such a gesture was perceived by people as a disrespect shown by the donor in relation to the person who accepted the gift. Now everything is different. Money in a beautiful envelope is the best gift for many people. Only a few still prefer to receive something memorable on a significant day for themselves.

After reviewing our master class on how to make paper money cake, you will never again decide to purchase a banal envelope to hide a present for a birthday person there if you are going to a birthday party, or to a newlyweds if you are going to attend a wedding celebration.

Your gift will leave a lot of vivid impressions on the recipient and guests who will be present at the celebration. After all, a cake is a symbol of any bright event, its culmination and main decoration. We present you instructions on how to money cake step by step:

  1. First you need to choose the design of the future cake. You can make it single tier, but it will look much more spectacular. wedding money cake or, for example, for an anniversary, if you make several tiers like this:
  • Cut out three circles of different diameters from thick cardboard that will serve as the bases for each tier (for example, make circles of 10, 20 and 30 cm in diameter).
  • Cut out three strips from the same cardboard, equal to the length of the diameter of each circle and the width of the bills that you will attach to them (the length of the strip should be 35, 65 and 95 cm).
  • Glue the strips to the bases with quick-drying glue.

  1. Prepare 100 banknotes of the same denomination. Each tier can be decorated with different banknotes. For example, the first tier is in rubles, the second is in euros, and the third is in dollars. It all depends on the amount you are going to donate, and your imagination. The main thing is that the money looks beautiful - it is not shabby, frayed, torn.
  2. Twist each bill into a loose tube, and then, using a regular paper clip, attach each bill to the prepared cardboard bases so that they have approximately the same front side (for example, a portrait forward or a number indicating the denomination of the bill). Instead of a paper clip, you can use thin bright ribbons or threads, but it should be noted that using this method, the manufacturing time anniversary money cake or to another celebration, it will take much more.

  1. When all the bills are attached, the frames must be connected to each other using double-sided tape, but very carefully so that the money does not stick.

  1. We recommend leaving the top tier empty so that, for example, chocolate sweets can be placed in it. Then you will have a beautiful money and candy cake.
  2. Decorate the cake with special decorative ribbons and a bow. You can buy them in flower shops or try to make them with your own hands from improvised means.

You will not spend much time on making such a gift, but the effect of it will be incredible.

Cake "Money" from mastic

Besides, how to make money cake, you can use another way - to prepare an edible dessert, in which even banknotes will be delicious. The best assistant in this matter will be mastic - confectionery plasticine, which is widely used by modern chefs.

You can buy it in the store, or you can try to make it yourself. The best mastic is obtained from chewing marshmallows - marshmallows. This sweet is loved by children, it has a very affordable price. To turn it into mastic, you just need to melt the marshmallows in a water bath, add condensed milk and food coloring to it, if necessary.

We offer you several options for making edible cakes that look like treasures full of money and other expensive things.

Cake "Bundle of money"

To make a cake that looks like a high stack of banknotes, you need to bake cakes with filling according to your favorite recipe and decorate them with white mastic.

On mastic, you need to recreate the image of any banknote. As a rule, craftswomen use a hundred dollar bill. Those who know how to draw transfer the drawing with their own hands with the help of brushes and food paints. For those who are not gifted with special talents and predispositions for drawing, there is an opportunity to use such a service as an edible photo print on a waffle cake.

This cake looks real enough. The one to whom you give a sweet gift will be pleasantly surprised and impressed.

Cake "Bag of money"

The difficulty of making this type of cake is to give it a beautiful and regular bag shape. To do this, you need to be able to handle the mastic in order to lay it in the right way. The relief of burlap can be given to it with the help of a floral mesh, and everything else will depend on what kind of cake you want to bake - biscuit, sand, honey or soufflé cake.

You can fill the cake bag with chocolate coins in bright gold wrappers, which, after unrolling, you can eat. If it is not possible to buy coins in a confectionery store, then you should try to make them from the same mastic.

Baked money cake

When money birthday cake not the best way to congratulate a person on an important event, you can bake it yourself and decorate it in an original way on a monetary theme. Of course, for a child or a woman, such a cake will not cause much delight. It is more relevant as a gift to present an unusually decorated sweetness to a man, a work boss or a very close friend.

We offer you several ways to design a cake on a monetary theme.

Cake "Suitcase with money"

To do cake "Case with money", need to:

  • Bake cakes in square shapes;
  • Lubricate them with stuffing and align the edges;
  • Put the pastry to harden for several hours in the refrigerator;
  • We draw a straight line along the perimeter of the rectangular cake, which will visually divide our cake in half (into two parts of the suitcase);
  • Roll out mastic or marzipan;
  • We give relief (skin effect) to the confectionery product we have chosen with the help of crumpled food foil;
  • We cut out long strips of the same width from the resulting layer of mastic or marzipan (they need to be glued to the cake with sweet syrup along the drawn line);
  • And the same confectionery material in the same way we make locks for the suitcase cake and belts;
  • We arbitrarily cut souvenir dollars and decorate the suitcase with them at our discretion (it should give the impression that the suitcase is full of money so that bills just spill out of it).

In almost the same way, you can do cake "Purse with money". It will only be necessary to additionally prepare a white cream, which needs to be well smeared on the sides of the wallet, or white mastic.

Cake "Chest with money" in terms of cooking technique, it will not differ at all from the case. Unless the height of the cakes needs to be made larger and a different relief for mastic or marzipan should be chosen.

Other ways to make a gift from money

Money can be presented to friends and acquaintances on an important day, not only in the form of a cake. There are other original ideas, for example:

  • You can make beautiful flower buds from banknotes and arrange a bouquet from them (for this, of course, you need to at least approximately understand what origami is).
  • Inflate balloons, fill the inner space of which with banknotes (it is desirable that the balloons are transparent).
  • Wrap banknotes in candy wrappers and put them in a beautiful box that can be decorated like a jewelry box or piggy bank.
  • Make a money tree, to the branches of which attach banknotes wrapped in scrolls.

If you decide to give money, try to make it so that the hero of the occasion, who will receive it, remembers the moment of receiving the gift for many years. The options we have suggested in this article will help you figure out which method to choose in order to create a creative and modern gift.

Video: "How to make a cake out of money?"

Vika Dee May 10, 2018, 17:25

A wedding is a very important and responsible event in the life of a future family. As a rule, the celebration is not complete without a lot of guests and a variety of gifts. And here, already before the guests of such a grandiose event as the creation of a new family, the problem of choosing a gift arises. After all, it is important not just to give something, namely surprise. So that when viewing gifts after the holiday, the newlyweds immediately mark yours as one of the best, single it out, so to speak, from a bunch of other, ordinary gifts.

And this is where it gets more difficult. Young people in modern society are no longer so easy to surprise with something. Actual and necessary gift now are money, but an ordinary envelope is too common, and again, few people will be surprised by this.

You can approach this issue from a creative side and do something unusual and interesting, but at the same time - necessary and useful.

Considering that handmade gifts are now very valuable, you should not give up the idea with cash. You can always mix business with pleasure. And in this we will be helped by an original cake made with our own hands as a gift from banknotes. And now you heard right! And why not? Who said a wedding should only have one cake? The task of one is to pleasantly surprise with its taste, while the monetary one should surprise visually, and even in a sense cause praise of the idea itself.

DIY wedding cake photo

A wedding cake made of money is an original and unusual surprise. It can please with its external form and, of course, content. This phenomenon occurs at weddings, and indeed at any events very rarely, and therefore will be unique and memorable. Positive assessments of the guests, words of amazement and gratitude from the newlyweds will not take long. Such a gift will instantly impress the couple and will remain in their memory for a long time.

How to make a cake out of money for a wedding with your own hands?

nothing complicated and there is no trick here. You can easily make it yourself, even for people who are far from creativity. First you need to decide on the size of the monetary masterpiece and change the money in advance. This is done so that the different colors of the bills do not catch the eye. Along with this, you will need scissors, soft cardboard and paper clips. step by step instructions creating a money cake can be seen below.

Cardboard circles for a wedding cake made of money

So, let's start manufacturing, following the algorithm:

  1. Cut out circles of 25 and 15 centimeters from the selected cardboard. They will serve as the basis of the wedding cake.
  2. Measure two more strips and make a circle out of them with a diameter equal to your base. Glue the blanks together and set aside to dry the glue.
  3. Now it's time to start preparing the banknotes themselves. Carefully fold the tubes out of them, then fix them on a cardboard frame with a paper clip. They must be attached until the entire base is filled with them. After this lesson comes to an end, you will need to cut out another circle and close the topmost opening of your gift with it.
  4. Next, you need to fasten the resulting blanks together with glue. Here it is important to do everything very carefully so as not to stain the bills, otherwise the newlyweds simply will not be able to use them in the future. When the cake is well fixed, you can start decorating it.
  5. You can decorate the finished cake in different ways. It all depends on your preferences, tastes and flight of fancy. You can resort to satin ribbons, bows, fresh flowers, balloons, or chocolate figurines.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas and options for decorating a money cake. It may even be wedding symbols- artificial flowers, hearts, two white doves. You can put ordinary candles in each cavity of the tier.

Money wedding cake with candles

Master class on decorating a money cake with sweets

Making a cake from money and sweets is a very exciting activity that will bring not only an amazing result in the form of a cake, but also a lot of positive emotions during its creation. Especially if you are a creative person, and the sense of taste is in your blood.

There are many methods and variations of creation, after which the cake turns into a souvenir masterpiece.

Yes, the techniques are similar to each other, and most of the money cakes are some kind of template. But there are many ways to decorate or so-called filling.

Here you can turn on all the fantasy and make a cake unlike any other. To expand the field of ideas and ideas on this subject, visit money cake decorating master class with candy.

Master class on creating a money cake

Real masters of their craft will demonstrate their skills and abilities and with great pleasure help in improving theirs. You can easily make the basis for the cake, you will easily select the “filling” for the monetary “baking”. If, for some reason, you cannot attend the master class, do not despair!

A video of making a money cake with your own hands for a wedding with an execution algorithm will help you:

Study it and follow the instructions in the video step by step. At the end, you will be pleased with the money cake!

Original ideas for making a money cake at home.

Even a very thorough preparation for choosing a gift often does not bring pleasure to the person to whom it is intended. This is not always due to the finicky of a person. Perhaps, at that moment, there were some other preferences that the invitee could not guess.
A good alternative to any natural present is a cash equivalent. You can give money as a standard gift in an envelope. But the money cake looks very original and solemn.
With a little patience and desire, it is not at all difficult to do it yourself.

Money cake step by step

The easiest option is to make a cardboard cake with your own hands.
To do this, first of all, select the amount of money equivalent and currency.

For the surprise option below, you will need:

  • Three circles cut out of cardboard with a diameter of 10 to 30 cm
  • The same number of stripes as wide as the height of the currency
  • Ribbon for decoration about two meters
  • paper clips
  • One hundred pieces of paper money

Getting Started:

  • The edges of the prepared round bases are carefully decorated with ribbon. Fixing it with glue or a stapler
  • We put on the first largest circle - stripes, on which we first cut out triangular labels
  • We fix them with glue to form a circle.
  • We do this with all the prepared elements

DIY money cake

We twist the selected paper currency with a tube, fix it with a paper clip and fill all three sides, as shown in the figure.

DIY money cake

  • We install all the tiers one on top of the other. We fix with glue
  • Decorate with ribbon, small flowers

DIY money cake

How to make a cake out of money with your own hands for a wedding?

A wedding is a very solemn event. And in order to make a truly unforgettable gift, you will have to work hard.
The basic principle of making a wedding cake remains the same. You can only add a few tiers to make the gift look more impressive.
Decorations should accordingly be more appropriate for the theme. For example, we decorate with a beautiful porcelain pair surrounded by ribbon bows.

Do-it-yourself money cake for a wedding

A single-tier cake filled with money roses will look spectacular.

You can make roses by following the instructions below:

  • We twist the corners of the prepared banknotes with a toothpick, giving the shape of petals

DIY money cake

We bend the bill in half, putting on an elastic band in this place

DIY money cake

We take a cork cap from a bottle - this will be the basis for the bud, wrap it with a prepared money petal. Fasten with rubber band.

DIY money cake

Having made the required number of buds, we proceed to the design of the cake:

  • We lay out the internal space of the prepared round base with organza to match the bills. Beautifully distribute the folds. The fabric should protrude slightly beyond the edges of the hem.
  • We lay out fern leaves in a circle, and put a lush gypsophila in the center
  • Now we beautifully lay out paper roses between the fern and gypsophila
  • We pay attention to the packing density - the money should lie tightly, so that it does not fall out when handed over, but also does not wrinkle each other. Add more green sprigs if needed.

DIY money cake

How to make a cake out of money with your own hands for an anniversary?

Do-it-yourself money cake for an anniversary

Using the same option as a basis:

  • We pre-glue the side with bright colored paper
  • We fold the prepared banknotes with an accordion.
    We form in the form of a fan
  • We fix the bottom with a thin ribbon, we fasten it to the sides with the help of small pins
  • We decorate the resulting space between the fans on the sides with small decorative flowers, which can be purchased in advance at the store
  • We decorate the top of the cake with banknotes, also laid out in the form of a fan, but already even, not corrugated

DIY money cake

How to make a birthday cake out of money with your own hands?

DIY money cake

For a birthday, as a rule, the amount for a gift is much less than for an anniversary or a wedding, so you can make the cake more modest.
It is enough to stick the bill from both ends with double-sided tape (very carefully, only the corners) on the sides of a single-layer or multi-layer cake.
It will look quite impressive. You can decorate the top with bows or flowers. At the same time, leaving the top of the base without a cover, the empty space can be decorated with a mini bouquet of fresh flowers.
If we choose the option with a lid, we decorate it with bows or artificial flowers. Although you can take the buds of fresh flowers for this purpose. It all depends on the imagination and the desire to surprise.

How to make a cake from money and sweets with your own hands?

You can sweeten the prepared money cake with sweets.
To do this, put a candy of a suitable size in each twisted currency of the finished surprise.

In this case, the top of the candy should slightly go beyond the height of the banknote. For the base of the cake, it is better to take foam rubber and cut out round bases from it. Cardboard may break under the weight of sweets.

DIY money cake

  • We lay out the top of the cake with chocolates in the form of pyramids. Starting with the largest and ending with the smallest
  • We fill the free space with bills rolled into a tube filled with sweets. We fix the tips of the sweets to the lid of the cake with safety pins.
  • Such a cake will be not only a monetary gift, but also a pleasant sweet decoration of the festive table.

Congratulations to the cake from money for a wedding, birthday, anniversary

DIY money cake

And, of course, any gift is accompanied by a congratulatory speech.
It is necessary to prepare for this version of congratulations no less carefully, because a speech that is not properly composed can ruin even such a peculiar and pleasant gift.
Before proceeding to the next stage of preparing congratulations, let's listen to the rules for composing a speech:

  • The most important thing is sincerity. You should not say beautiful pathos words. It is enough to describe a few specific clear phrases on the relevant topics (happy birthday, anniversary, marriage) with beautiful short sincere wishes.
  • Maybe you have the ability to write poetry. A short quatrain will add even more presentability to the original gift.
  • In the absence of creative abilities, it is better not to be smart, but to take advantage of ready-made, already existing wishes.
  • Having in stock a gift focused on finances, we reveal this particular topic. Let this present be a symbol of wealth and prosperity of the congratulator. The idea of ​​a money cake is in itself a topic for congratulations that does not require additional imagination.

Congratulations options:

  • for the anniversary

Perhaps you need a painting or a vacuum cleaner for your anniversary?
Or maybe an apartment?
We argued for a long time, but everything seems to be there?
Decided - everything, enough questions,
All the options just can't be counted
We decided to give a cake.
Yes, not simple, but such a money.
To see for yourself everything you need
And made yourself a present!

  • for a wedding

Honeymoon for a budget
This will be very important.
Cake won't let you down
All problems will be taken away!
A house by the sea or a car,
You can buy for yourself.
On the window or the wheel, that's definitely enough!

  • for a birthday

I give you a single-tier money cake. I wish that with each new birthday of yours, the diameter of this cake will become as large as possible, and the tiers will be multi-storey.

Money cake-congratulations

An original gift requires very careful preparation. A cake that is not neatly and carelessly made, even with a very large monetary value, can offend your friends or loved ones. Therefore, if you do not have the desire and time, it is better not to try to do it anyhow, so as not to spoil the holiday for yourself and others.

Video: How to make a cake out of money?

Wedding gifts in envelopes are outdated. But in order to make a financial contribution to the development of a new family and not give useless things, present money in its original form.

How to give the newlyweds a valuable and beautiful souvenir? Read how to make a cake out of money with your own hands.

The best gift for a wedding is money. A young family wants to spend their savings on their own, buy the necessary utensils and appliances for a new home.

You can use both money and coins to create souvenirs.

Check out these important tips for making a wedding gift:

Adviсe Description
Money choice A gift from dollars will look more effective than from rubles. The larger the currency, the more generous the gift and the happier the newlyweds.

Keep in mind that dozens of bills will be needed to make a cake, so the total amount will have to be exchanged

Gift size The width of the bills is about 7-12 cm, so the total height of the cake will be more than 30 cm.

If you do not want to carry such a tall gift, choose the form of presenting in a suitcase, bag or other storage

Presentation words You should not silently give such a homemade and inedible cake. Write a speech in advance with wishes, recommendations on what to spend the wedding bank on.

You can express a general idea: "May your life be as rich as this cake"

The total amount of the cake Depends on the financial well-being of the family. But too small bills to give is not very nice.

It is better to choose a different shape or a smaller cake size. You can give financial sweetness from two families

Advice! For a gift, you can use banknotes with a face value of 100 rubles. For generous donors - 5-10 dollars.

Now you can start creating a simulated wedding cake. In addition to money and the desire to stand out from the crowd with originality, you will need some tools.

You can find something at home, but you will also have to buy:

  • Cardboard or drawing paper (depending on the size of the cake).
  • Paper clips or invisible - 20-100 pieces.
  • Cake base.
  • Glue.
  • Money.
  • Ribbons for decoration.

As a base, you can use a cardboard circle from a real cake. Consider the sizes in advance so as not to buy extra materials.

One piece of paper is enough for a cake. For a three-tiered product, you will need three strips with a width that matches the money, but with a different diameter.

The bottom layer will be the widest, the middle one is set on it, then the smallest one.

Carry out the manufacture in three stages, described in the master class:

  1. Cut out from cardboard or take three bases from real cakes. Such mugs can be purchased at pastry shops. The approximate diameter of the circles is 25, 20 and 15 cm.
  2. According to the size of three circles (large, medium and small), cut strips the same width as the bills. The maximum margin that can be seen is a few millimeters.
  3. Connect round blanks with strips with glue. Let the base dry completely. It is better to continue making a souvenir with your own hands the next day.
  4. Prepare bills in denominations of 1 dollar or 100 rubles. Roll each into a wide tube, secure to the base with tape. It is necessary to decorate all three floors in such a way.
  5. Now a very important and difficult moment - gluing the tiers. You can tie or fasten the paper.

    Do this carefully so as not to damage or glue the money. Otherwise, the gift will lose its value.

Now you can start decorating. You can make a bow, fasten the floors with tape. The design looks beautiful in mica - transparent cellophane.

You can attach helium balloons on top and present a cake floating in the air. But in this case, it is important to ensure that the gift on the street does not fly into the sky.

Master class from banknotes in the form of a bag

Not only a cake can be monetary. Banknotes can be hidden in a bag. In this case, you will need either a lot of cash, or just decorations on top.

Use one of the suggested options:

  • The main gift in the bag. To do this, the main part of the gift can be dishes, a service or small appliances.

    It is better to choose medium-sized gifts like a phone. Get a bag or fabric to make it.

    You will also need a red ribbon, a few clothespins or paper clips. Put the main gift in the bag, move it to the bag.

    Tie the top with ribbon, but leave a small opening of a few centimeters. Attach about 5-10 paper clips to the holes in the burlap.

    Roll banknotes in a spiral or in the shape of a rose, fasten with a paper clip and give to the young. You can also leave money inside the bag.

  • Coin gift. Suitable for young people who have a sense of humor. Coins are also money, and large rounds can collect a significant amount of money.

    It will also be nice to receive such a piggy bank. To do this, simply exchange the total amount of the gift in the store.

    You may need to visit the bank. But the humorous idea is worth running around the city in search of precious coins.

money suitcase

An idea for fans of films about the mafia. You can persuade a large group of friends and collect a suitcase of money together.

In this case, bills should also be medium-sized. The gift will be appreciated by young people who create a new family.

For the master class you will need:

  • Old suitcase.
  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Money.

You can give a real case, if possible. Using cardboard, create departments equal in size to money.

It will not be possible to fill the pockets completely, so you will have to do an imitation: put foam rubber or synthetic winterizer into the holes.

Put a banknote on top, pressing a little on the pocket. You can decorate the inside with a bow or a postcard. Surprise the newlyweds with an unusual financial gift.

Useful video

Holidays involve pleasure, pleasant pastime and gifts are an integral part of them. You can always buy something practical in the store, but the more love and originality is invested in a gift, the more pleasant it is for the recipient. Therefore, we propose to combine practicality and creativity by making a beautiful money cake with our own hands. It can be presented for a birthday or a wedding and impress not only the heroes of the occasion, but also the guests. I offer you a step-by-step master class with photos that will help you do everything right and beautiful.

Making money cake

Money in an envelope is not interesting, but a cake made of money is a completely different matter. It is not difficult to make it, the main thing is thoroughness and attention to detail.

To create this cake you will need:

  1. Money. It is advisable to exchange the amount that you plan to donate at the bank in order to get a lot of small bills. They must be nice and new.
  2. Thick and soft cardboard
  3. Glue, paper clips
  4. Ribbons and other elements for decorating a money cake

Before you get started, decide what your creation will be. How many floors will it have? What size will it be? Answered? So let's get to work.

If you want to make a three-tiered cake, you will need three bases. They will all be different sizes. To do this, take a thick cardboard and divide it into three parts. You should get three circles of different diameters: 30, 20 and 10 centimeters.

Cut three strips of the same diameter - this will be the frame. Be sure to add a centimeter to the diameter so that you can glue it.

Now take paper clips and money. You need to wrap the bills in a tube and put them on the frame with a paper clip. Do not twist too tight, as you may not have enough. Also try to do it as beautifully and equally as possible.

It is necessary to do this procedure with all the tiers of the future money cake.
