
Decoration of Easter cakes for Easter - photo. How to decorate an Easter cake with your own hands - ideas

Every hostess knows that learning how to bake delicious Easter cakes is not at all easy. There are many nuances that affect not only the taste and color of the finished cake, but also its height, aroma, splendor, etc. It is especially important to decorate the Easter cake beautifully so that not only the taste, but also the appearance of this traditional pastry pleases. As a rule, Easter cakes are decorated with protein glaze and confectionery powder. This option cannot be called original, and often the Easter cakes of different housewives, decorated in this way, are similar to each other like twins. Therefore, if you want your pastries to be not only tasty, but also beautiful and unbanal, then we strongly recommend that you take a closer look at the ideas and master classes with photos from our today's article. From it you will learn how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands in an original way, for example, with mastic or a chocolate net. You will also find simple and interesting ideas with photos and videos for decorating Easter cakes at home.

How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands with powdered sugar and icing, a master class with a photo step by step

Let's start with a simple but effective decor option for Easter baking. To unusually decorate Easter cakes with your own hands in this way, you will need chocolate icing and powdered sugar. More details on how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands with powdered sugar and icing in the next master class with a photo.

Ingredients needed to decorate Easter cake with powder and icing

  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • powdered sugar for decoration
  • large lace

Instructions on how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands with icing and powder

How to decorate Easter cake with chocolate and protein icing, a master class with a photo

You can decorate Easter cake in a rather original and beautiful way with the help of traditional protein glaze in tandem with chocolate. All it takes is patience and a little skill. Learn how to decorate Easter cake with chocolate and protein icing in an original way from the following master class with a photo.

Necessary ingredients for decorating Easter cake with chocolate and protein glaze

  • squirrels - 3 pcs.
  • powdered sugar - 250 gr.
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife
  • chocolate - 100 gr.
  • parchment paper

Instructions on how to decorate Easter cake with protein icing and chocolate

A master class on how to beautifully decorate your own Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

You can decorate Easter cake with your own hands in an original and beautiful way with the help of chocolate and nuts, as in the version from the next master class. In this case, walnuts will be used in tandem with dark chocolate. But for decorating an Easter cake, both milk and white chocolate, as well as peanuts, cashews, almonds or a nut mix, are suitable. Step-by-step photos and the master class itself, how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with chocolate and nuts for Easter with your own hands.

Necessary ingredients for decorating Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

  • nuts - 70 gr.
  • chocolate - 100 gr.
  • cream - 40 ml.

Instructions on how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

How to decorate Easter cakes with mastic for Easter with your own hands, a step-by-step master class with a photo

Mastic cannot be called a traditional material for decorating Easter cakes with your own hands. Many housewives are afraid to use it for decorating Easter baking, worrying that mastic can distort the traditional look of Easter cake. But in fact, with the help of mastic, you can give the Easter cake not only an original appearance, but also emphasize the beauty of this Easter muffin. Read more about how to decorate Easter cakes with mastic with your own hands in a step-by-step master class with a photo below.

Necessary materials to decorate Easter cakes with mastic with your own hands

  • white and yellow paste
  • sharp knife or scalpel
  • food markers
  • toothpicks

Instructions on how to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands with mastic

Ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way with a photo

If you want even more ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way, we recommend that you take a closer look at the following selection of photos. In it, we tried to collect quite simple in execution, but at the same time unusual, admirable, decor options. For example, if you like to add nuts or candied fruits when baking Easter cake, then you can safely use them for decoration. Just chop any nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits finely with a knife and sprinkle them on the glazed top of the cake. It is also quite simple to decorate the surface of the Easter cake with the help of colored protein cream and various confectionery nozzles. Another fairly simple way is dough decorations, which give the Easter cake a certain resemblance to a traditional Russian loaf. Such simple ideas as decorating Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way do not require complex instructions and are easy to reproduce at home.

Options for how to beautifully and unusually decorate Easter cake with your own hands

Especially for those housewives who want not only to decorate Easter cakes in an original way, but also to make them unique in their own way, we suggest not being limited to edible decor. For example, using corrugated colored paper, you can make very unusual borders for Easter cakes. Fresh flowers will also be an excellent, albeit short-lived, decoration. You can also achieve an original decor for Easter baking with ordinary sugar. To do this, you just need to color the sugar with food coloring. Such colored sugar looks very cute both on top of protein glaze and on chocolate fudge. You can also decorate Easter cakes with other sweets, such as small meringues, meringue pieces, chocolate dragees or macaroons.

How to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands at home, video

You will find even more ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes at home with your own hands in the video below. We are sure that among the variety of options presented in it, you will definitely find one that you like. And do not forget that the ideas presented can always be supplemented or changed at your discretion. See the options on how to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands in an original way at home in the video below.

Now you know how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands so that your pastries are the most beautiful and original on the holiday. We hope that our master classes with photo and video ideas for decorating Easter cakes will definitely find applications in your kitchen this spring. And remember that no mastic, meringue or even chocolate icing will make a festive cake special if you don’t put a piece of your soul and love for your neighbor into its preparation!

Easter is one of the brightest Christian holidays of the year. It is preceded by Great Lent, which contributes to the spiritual and physical purification of the Christian. The last day of Lent is Holy Saturday. And from midnight of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, Christians can already eat various festive dishes. But before you eat them, you need to cook them. The dishes are festive - they should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. Especially beautiful! "Culinary Eden" has prepared for you material on what and how to cook for Easter, how to decorate Easter dishes. It seems that it will be of interest not only to believers.


Kulich, Easter, painted chicken eggs - these are, perhaps, the main edible attributes of the holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

Let's start with the familiar cake. It is rich high cylindrical bread, decorated with symbolic inscriptions, icing, poppy seeds, raisins. You can bake it yourself or buy it. Moreover, in stores they sell both already decorated Easter cakes and simple ones that you can decorate yourself. There are Easter cake recipes on our website, so we will completely focus on decorating them.

There are several options for decorating Easter cake. Traditionally, it is decorated with the letters "XB". This is an abbreviation of the Easter greeting "Christ is Risen!". Letters can be laid out with pieces of finely chopped fruit, raisins, dried apricots ... Candied fruits (usually flat and multi-colored) are also used for inscriptions. And the letters "XB" are molded from dough. And when the cake is ready, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, and highlight the letters with bright sprinkles (culinary beads, for example), chocolate.

Glaze. Decorating Easter cakes with icing is a very common way to give them a festive, beautiful look. The icing is prepared from egg white and sugar (or powdered sugar), which are thoroughly beaten until a thick foam.

Icing for Easter cake

1-2 egg whites
0.5 cups of powdered sugar,
1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice.

Protein must be chilled. Beat it with a mixer. Start the process with the first speed, gradually increase it. You can understand that it is enough to beat by turning the bowl of protein upside down - the protein should not spill out. When the required consistency is reached, start gradually, by a teaspoon, to introduce powdered sugar sifted through a sieve. Finally, add lemon juice and beat for another 10 seconds. Apply the finished glaze to hot Easter cakes - then it will fit snugly and is unlikely to crumble. Another way to give additional “strength” to the glaze is to put the Easter cakes for a minute in the oven, heated to 100-120 ° C.

The icing is a beautiful decoration in itself. However, you can add (sprinkle) nuts, dried fruits, grated chocolate, multi-colored confectionery beads to it. Again, you can lay out the letters “XB” from fruits. And you can just write these letters with icing. Lots of options. Kulich is a festive treat, so get creative! Often, to give it an appetizing shine, the yolk is applied to the finished cake and sprinkled with powdered sugar or bright sprinkles. They mold a symbol of faith - a cross - from dough and highlight it with glaze. Can be used for decoration (already on top of the glaze), for example, waffle flowers, flowers from culinary mastic.

Sugar mastic for flowers and other decorations

250 g powdered sugar,
2 tsp gelatin powder,
6 tsp water,
1 tsp glucose.

Sift the powdered sugar. Pour it into a bowl. Take another bowl (small) and place the gelatin in it. Sprinkle it with water, let it swell for 2-3 minutes. Then put a bowl of gelatin in a water bath and dissolve it, stirring gently. Immediately after the gelatin dissolves, pour in the glucose. The resulting liquid should be more or less transparent. Next, make a hole in the powdered sugar and pour the mixture of gelatin and glucose into it. Mix well, you can use a knife, chopping movements. After that, place the mastic in a plastic bag, and the bag in an airtight container. Leave for 3-4 hours at room temperature. After that, you can sculpt flowers and other decorations from mastic.

Here's how you can mold, for example, roses from mastic. To begin with, using food coloring, tint the mastic in pink, green, scarlet, yellow and other colors. Leave some white mastic as well. Put the pieces of colored mastic in a plastic bag to keep it soft and pliable. Use it in small portions.

From a small piece of mass, mold a “carrot” and place it on a table or plank. After that, roll up balls of the same size from the tinted mass - future rose petals. Mash the first ball with a teaspoon on a table dusted with powdered sugar, then use your hands to shape it into a petal shape. Make the petals thinner on one edge, thicker on the opposite. Then slightly moisten the lower part of the petal with water and wrap it around the “carrot”, thus making the ovary of the flower. From the second ball, blind the next petal. Moisten the bottom again at the base of the petal and wind it onto the workpiece so that the middle of the second petal closes the “seam” of the first petal. Glue the third petal and bend it from the middle to the side. So make 5-6 petals.

Let the finished flowers dry for 5-6 hours. Petals should be made as thin as possible towards the edges and thicker at the base! If an excess mass of glaze has formed at the bottom of the flower, it can be cut off with scissors.

Then you need to prepare the leaves for the flowers. From 3-4 green balls (can be of different sizes) form "carrots". With two thumbs, press down on the middle of the "carrot" and give it the shape of a leaf. Then with a knife in the center of the sheet, and after obliquely, apply veins. The leaf can be given any shape and bent as you like. Dry. When flowers and leaves are ready, they are collected in a bouquet. Attach 2 to 3 leaves to one flower.

Easter cake should be served on a large plate, on which painted eggs can be laid out around the perimeter (we will talk about them later). But there is another option: with fruit. To do this, lay out kiwi with chamomile, and in the center place a mixture of nuts, prunes, fresh berries, chopped orange slices. On the resulting fruit base, place the Easter cake, decorated in the same style: fresh fruit on top of the glaze.

Another traditional dish that is prepared on Easter Sunday is Easter. Easter cake is often called Easter, but this is wrong. The main component of Easter is mashed cottage cheese. Butter, sour cream or cream, eggs and sugar are added to it. Curd Easter was traditionally made in the form of a quadrangular pyramid, which personified Golgotha, the mountain in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ was crucified. Nowadays, unfortunately, Easter is prepared much less frequently than, for example, Easter cakes. If you still get together, know that you need to cook Easter on Maundy Thursday.

Easter royal

1 kg of fresh, well-pressed cottage cheese,
2-3 cups of granulated sugar,
5 eggs
200 g butter,
2 cups sour cream
1 sachet of vanilla
light pitted raisins, almonds to taste.

Wipe cottage cheese and butter through a sieve, add sour cream, mix thoroughly, put the dishes on the stove and bring the mass to a boil while stirring continuously with a wooden spatula so that the mass does not burn. Immediately, as soon as it boils, remove from heat and, if possible, cool quickly, also stirring continuously. Add sugar, raisins, almonds, vanillin to the cooled mass, mix everything, put it in a pasochnik (form for Easter, sold in stores), knead the mass tightly, put a saucer on top, a small load and refrigerate for a day.

Easter can also be decorated. Usually it already has a cross and the letters "ХВ" (depending on the form for Easter). So decorate them with candied fruits, pieces of fruit, raisins, nuts, culinary beads, chocolate chips. You can mold figurines from culinary mastic corresponding to the holiday, use waffle flowers for decoration. Easter and Easter cakes can still be decorated with red candles.

Easter eggs

The egg is a symbol of life. For Easter, it is customary to paint chicken, less often goose eggs (waterfowl eggs, due to the danger of salmonellosis, must be boiled for at least 25 minutes). Do not paint eggs in dark gloomy colors. Red color and its shades should prevail. The red-painted egg marks the rebirth of people through the blood of Jesus Christ. Colored eggs - a symbol of the holiday - give a special originality to the Easter table.

There are several "folk" ways of coloring eggs. For example, in onion skins, in tea, coffee, grape juice, saffron and turmeric. But in this case, we are more interested in not just a painted, but a decorated egg.

In modern conditions, when every minute counts, there are several ways to quickly paint eggs. For example, use thermal labels. They are sold in stores. Simply put the label on the already boiled egg and place it in a bowl of hot water. An effective pattern is guaranteed! There is an even simpler way - special stickers with an Easter theme. They are also sold on every corner on the eve of the holiday. You can also use special food coloring. However, there is one “but” - such decorations cannot be called original.

If the soul and faith require something more, there are other ways to decorate Easter eggs. The main thing here is your own imagination. After all, an Easter egg is a gift. They are exchanged, congratulating each other on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. So make a gift with soul for relatives and friends!

First of all, the eggs must be boiled. Then cool them, wipe with a cotton cloth. Gouache or acrylic paints are great for coloring eggs. Of course, the most relevant topic is Easter. You can paint eggs with various ornaments, colors, patterns. Write wishes to relatives and friends. We repeat - turn on the fantasy! When painting with gouache or acrylic paint, it is worth remembering that such eggs cannot be stored for a long time, because the dye can penetrate under the shell.

If you are not very good at drawing or just do not like to do it, there are other ways to decorate Easter eggs in an original way. But by the way, even if you are not a great artist, this should not scare you. It seems that close people will appreciate your work and will be happy with such a gift (a painted egg), even if something somewhere is drawn crookedly.

Let's go back to other possibilities. You can use rhinestones, ribbons, even feathers to decorate Easter eggs. In stores, you can find various small details for decor: bows, braid, and more. Of course, in this case, you also can not do without your own imagination.

Another great and easy way to color Easter eggs and give them an original look: plant leaves. For example, - decorative room.

Everything is simple. Take eggs. If you will get the main color with the help of food coloring, then boil them first. If the color base will be obtained through, for example, onion peel, you can not boil it in advance. In any case, you will need a clean nylon stocking to implement your plan. Put an Easter egg in it, and carefully place a leaf of a plant on the egg. Then secure the stocking with a thread so that the sheet cannot move.

Next, place all the other eggs in the stocking in the same way. As a result, you have in your hands a kind of bunch of future Easter eggs. Next, put the stocking with “semi-finished products” in a saucepan where food coloring is pre-diluted or in a saucepan with onion peel. Cook a little. By the way, if you use onion peel for coloring, the decor in this case will turn out to be especially spectacular. It will look very natural, natural, even eco-friendly.

As a rule, many relatives and friends gather for the Easter table. Try to prepare an Easter gift for everyone: a beautiful egg and a small Easter cake. By the way, in addition to colored eggs and Easter cakes, Easter gifts can also serve as various chocolate sets on Easter themes, edible figurines of chickens, cockerels, rabbits and bunnies. Good holiday to you!

Easter cake is the main symbol of the Easter holiday and a true decoration of the Easter table. We have collected all the famous and most interesting options on how to decorate Easter cake for Easter so that it becomes even tastier and more beautiful.

Kulich is a symbol of the main spring holiday, and therefore every housewife tries not only to bake the most magnificent and fragrant Easter, but also to decorate it as elegantly as possible. And if earlier the decor of Easter cakes was limited only to sugar or protein icing and confectionery sprinkles, now there are many more options for decorating Easter. Even today you can find a lot of icing recipes for Easter cakes.

Decorating Easter cakes is like a special kind of art, the housewives swung so widely in Easter creativity. If you are also thinking about how to decorate Easter in an original way, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most beautiful options for decorating Easter cakes. And yes, it is not only beautiful, but also insanely delicious!

Icing for Easter cake: protein or sugar

Protein or sugar icing is a classic option for decorating Easter cakes. It plays an important role, because it is not only the decoration of Easter baking, but also the most delicious part of it.

And white icing is an excellent basis for further decoration of Easter cake. Of course, you can just cover Easter with sweet icing and leave it like that. Or you can decorate the icing itself - the choice is yours.

Easter chocolate decoration

Chocolate icing for Easter cake or chocolate decorations will give the Easter cake an incredible taste and make it look like a cake. It is better to pour the chocolate icing on the cake when it has cooled slightly and leave until the chocolate has completely solidified. Sweet tooth will appreciate!

Candied fruits and nuts to decorate the cake

Candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits are another great option for decorating Easter cakes. First, cover the cake with icing, sugar fondant or syrup, and put dried fruits or nuts on top. So they will stay on the cap of the Easter cake and will not crumble during cutting or transportation.

Confectionery topping for Easter decor

Another well-known way to decorate Easter cake with your own hands is to sprinkle it with confectionery sprinkles. This decor is not limited to multi-colored sprinkles. Now you can find sugar balls, and confectionery beads, and edible pearls. Easter cake, decorated in this way, will become a real decoration of the Easter table.

Easter cake decorations from mastic

If you know how to work with mastic or marzipan, you can try decorating Easter with figures from this confectionery material. And you can also involve children in such a process - they will be happy to help fashion figures from sweet "plasticine".

Decorative painting of Easter cakes

Do you have time, inspiration and desire to do something unusual? Stock up on icing or melted chocolate, a pastry bag or brushes, and natural food coloring.

You can also use sugar pencils - these are tubes with colored sugar syrup, with which you can draw any patterns on Easter cakes. Thematic drawings or inscriptions on top of the Easter cake for Easter will look very elegant.

It is customary for believers to prepare for the onset of Easter by going through the physical and spiritual cleansing of Great Lent. According to church tradition, during Holy Week all household chores are to be completed - by the Bright Sunday of Christ, every dwelling should sparkle with cleanliness. In addition, on Maundy Thursday, housewives bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, which are considered the main symbols of Easter. So, even at the New Testament Last Supper, Jesus Christ divided the bread into parts and distributed it to the disciples - as His Body and the remembrance of Him. Today, Easter cake means joy brought from God to our earthly life. Therefore, baking Easter cakes should be started with pure thoughts and sincere prayers - this is the only way the festive baking will turn out delicious. However, ready-made sweet bread needs to be beautifully decorated by preparing a luxurious festive “outfit” from the simplest ingredients. How to decorate Easter cake with your own hands? In addition to the traditional white icing, as a decoration for Easter cakes, you can prepare colored or chocolate fudge, mastic, decorative inscriptions and figures from sweet dough. We bring to your attention step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on creating classic and “fashionable” unusual decorations for Easter cakes. With the help of our interesting ideas, you can decorate Easter cakes in an original way for the upcoming wonderful Easter holiday. We are sure that households and guests will appreciate your abilities and culinary talents!

How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands - a simple master class with step by step photos

Easter cake is a special sweet bread that is baked only once a year. Since ancient times, the best flour, homemade eggs and other top quality ingredients have been stocked in advance for Easter cake. And now the ruddy fragrant Easter cakes are taken out of the oven and are cooling down - it's time to start the festive decor! How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands? Today we will turn to the "classics" and master a simple master class for making protein-sugar glaze. Pour Easter cake with sweet icing, sprinkle with colored confectionery sprinkles on top - a great Easter composition! With the help of step-by-step photos and detailed instructions, even a novice cook can handle the master class.

Ingredients for the master class on decorating Easter cakes:

  • one egg white
  • powdered sugar - 250 gr.
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

A step-by-step description of a master class on decorating Easter cake for Easter with your own hands, with a photo:

How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands - a step-by-step master class

For many, baking Easter cakes is a good tradition. So, there are many recipes for delicious homemade Easter cakes - with traditional simple ingredients and modern culinary "novelties". As a decoration for Easter cake, it is customary to use white or chocolate icing, candied fruits, and dried fruits. Here, the imagination of the hostesses is truly limitless - especially since today in the store you can buy a variety of ready-made sets of "edible" decorations in the form of flowers, chickens or stars. How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands? We bring to your attention a step-by-step master class on decorating an Easter cake with delicious chocolate icing, which will add sweetness and a “smart” festive look to any sweet product.

List of ingredients for decorating Easter cake:

  • chocolate (milk, bitter or white) - 100 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 150 gr.
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • potato starch - 1 tsp
  • milk - 6 - 7 tbsp. l.

How to decorate an Easter cake, a step-by-step instruction for a master class:

  1. Pour powdered sugar into an enameled bowl or saucepan and pour milk into it. Stir and put on low heat.
  2. When the milk boils, add butter and chocolate pieces. We continue to cook and constantly stir the contents of the saucepan.
  3. After the chocolate is completely dissolved, we introduce the starch sifted through a sieve and mix thoroughly again. Perhaps the mixture will turn out a little liquid - in this case, you need to add a little starch.
  4. Remove the container from the stove and wait until the sweet mass cools slightly. Then, using a brush, apply the icing on the cake and evenly distribute it over the surface. To decorate, sprinkle with grated chocolate or nuts on top - you get a beautiful Easter cake.

How to decorate Easter cake for Easter - an interesting decor master class

Decorating Easter cakes is an interesting and exciting activity that children and other households will be happy to take part in. After all, Easter cake, decorated with colored or white icing, retains its taste qualities much longer, and also looks more festive and appetizing. How unusual to decorate an Easter cake? On the eve of the Easter holiday, we have prepared an interesting master class on decorating Easter cake with milk fudge. Unlike a shiny thick glaze, fondant is more liquid in consistency and does not always dry to a solid state. Indeed, in addition to sugar, additional ingredients and liquid components are used to make fudge - water, milk. In our today's master class, we will prepare a delicate and fragrant milk fudge, and then decorate the cake with this sweet mass. The finished fondant is simply poured onto the cooled cake and after a short time it hardens a little - just enough to keep its beautiful shape and taste.

Ingredients needed for Easter cake decorating tutorial:

  • powdered sugar - 1 cup
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.

The procedure for preparing milk fudge as decoration for Easter cake:

  1. First, sift the powdered sugar through a sieve into an enameled bowl or other convenient container for kneading the mass.
  2. Milk for making fudge should be heated to 60 - 70 ° C - this should be done immediately before cooking.
  3. We begin to introduce milk in portions into the sifted powder, about 0.5 tablespoons at a time. While adding milk, do not stop rubbing the sweet mixture - until a thick, smooth and homogeneous mass is obtained. When the fudge acquires these qualities, as well as fluidity, stop adding milk.
  4. Ready milk fudge should be quickly applied to the cake. To do this, simply pour the mass on top - everything will spread over the top of the cake in the best way. If necessary, you can touch up the sweet "beauty" with a spoon or brush. When the milk fudge hardens, you get an excellent “hat” for Easter cake - making such a decoration with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears!

How to decorate Easter cakes with mastic flowers - an interesting master class

Culinary mastic is a viscous plastic material for the manufacture of "edible" decorative elements. So, mastic decorations perfectly take the desired shape and quickly harden after being processed by hand. As a result, real works of art are obtained - take at least the mastic cakes that are popular today, decorated with beautiful flowers, animal figures and even characters of children's cartoons. Of course, you can buy ready-made confectionery mastic at any grocery store. However, to decorate Easter cakes, it is better to make mastic with your own hands - let the warmth of your hands remain in the product! We have selected an interesting master class on how to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with mastic flowers - beautiful and delicious roses. With the help of our lesson, you will easily learn how to make amazing decorations from mastic for Easter cakes and other confectionery.

We stock up on ingredients for a master class on decorating Easter cakes with mastic for Easter:

  • powdered sugar - 250 gr.
  • powdered gelatin - 2 tsp.
  • water - 6 tsp.
  • glucose - 1 tsp.
  • food coloring in different colors

A step-by-step description of the master class on how to decorate an Easter cake with mastic:

  1. Sift the icing sugar through a sieve into an enameled bowl. In another small container, set the gelatin to swell for 2 - 3 minutes, after adding water.
  2. We place a container with swollen gelatin in a water bath and gently stir, waiting for complete dissolution. We add glucose to the gelatin - as a result, the liquid acquires some transparency.
  3. We make a well in the sifted powder and pour the gelatin-glucose mixture into it. Stir and place the mastic in a plastic bag, and then in an airtight container. After 3 - 4 hours, various decorations can be made from mastic.
  4. To make mastic roses, you need to tint part of the base material in different colors - red, green, pink, yellow. Do not forget to leave some white mastic, which we will need for the master class. It is better to store colored mastic in a plastic bag, taking out small portions for work - so the material will remain soft and plastic for a long time.
  5. We take a piece of mastic and sculpt a "carrot", which we put on the work surface. Then we “pin off” portions of the colored mass and make identical balls - future rose petals. Sprinkle the table a little with powdered sugar and with the help of a teaspoon we begin to knead the ball, giving the shape of a petal. At the same time, we make one end of the petal thinner and wider (top) than the other (bottom). Then, from below, the petal must be moistened with water and wrapped around the "carrot" base, forming the middle of the flower.
  6. Using a similar principle, we make a second petal, which we attach to the base in such a way as to hide the junction of the first petal. In total, 5-6 petals need to be made and attached to the “carrot”, slightly bending their upper parts - we imitate an “opened bud”.
  7. We leave the finished mastic rose to dry for 5 to 6 hours. Then we roll the balls from the green mastic and with the help of our fingers we give each the shape of a leaf. To apply the "veins" we make shallow cuts with a knife and also leave to dry.
  8. We collect the petals and leaves into bouquets of roses, and then decorate the Easter cake - in the form of mouth-watering flower compositions from mastic.

How unusual to decorate Easter cakes - photos, ideas, videos

Decorating Easter cakes allows you to show your culinary skills and creative fantasies. Here we will be happy to share with you interesting ideas with photos and videos of decorations for Easter cakes. We are sure that each of our options will make your cakes even tastier and more beautiful!

Decorate Easter cakes with dried fruits

It is known that nuts, dried berries and fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. With such healthy natural "goodies" you can decorate not only the surface of the cake, but also add them to the dough. Great idea for Easter cake decorating!

We decorate Easter cakes with drawings and letters

For Easter cake with a glazed “hat”, you can add various patterns and figures from confectionery sprinkles, marmalade, and cream as decorations. According to tradition, Easter cakes are decorated with crosses, which are the main symbol of Christianity, as well as images of angels, apostles, churches and temples with domes. Many housewives lay out the letters “ХВ” on Easter cakes, which means “Christ is Risen”.

I told how to cook Easter cakes for Easter, gave recipes with photos. Now I will talk about decoration. How to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands. Perhaps you will like some of my ideas, or come up with something of your own based on them. It is clear that here I use mastic almost everywhere, albeit in small quantities (flowers and Easter eggs from it), but Easter eggs can be made from sweets, for example, sea pebbles. In general, I will post the recipe for mastic soon. So that you can make it at home (if you do not buy ready-made in pastry shops).

Easter cakes for Easter recipes with photos: decoration

Perhaps the simplest and most classic way to decorate Easter cakes is to pour icing on top and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles.

For the frosting we need:

1 protein

250 gr of powdered sugar,

you can also add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)

Beat the protein with powdered sugar and lemon juice or just mix well. Do not beat for a long time, just to stir, otherwise the glaze will be fragile.

Decorating Easter cakes: the easiest recipe

  1. We take a cookie.

2. Pour it with a few tablespoons of glaze so that it drains

How unusual to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands

And now I'll show you how to make such an Easter cake with decoration in the form of ribbon roses. I have fallen in love with these roses. They are done in an elementary way, but the effect is super.

We again need icing, mastic of the right colors and pink dye. The icing could also be left white, still very pretty, but I thought I'd show you how to paint.

  1. We make ribbon roses. Roll out a thin piece of mastic.

2. We turn such a snail out of it.

3. Then we pinch off the excess from below, thereby making the lower part of the rose narrower.

4. Cut out as small leaves as possible from green mastic (it is possible without them). We carry out veins, like those of leaves. If there are no molds for leaves, then you can just use a knife.

5. Set aside part of the glaze in a separate mug, drip a drop of pink gel dye.

6. Mix.

7. We cover the cake with icing.

8. Lay out roses and leaves.

9. We put a little white icing in a pastry bag or bag with a cut off corner and make an inscription.

10. Easter cake is ready!

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter: a step-by-step photo of how to make an Easter nest

And now I'll show you how to make such a decoration for Easter cake.

  1. Prepare the icing as above and paint it any color (as above). I chose light yellow.
  2. Make Easter eggs out of buttercream.

3. Cut thin straws from a bar of dark chocolate and lay out a nest from them.
