
Pumpkin baked in the microwave with honey. Secrets of the red beauty

Pumpkin desserts always turn out amazingly tasty and fragrant. Sweet varieties of pumpkins are very good for baking, pairing wonderfully with honey and fruits. So, to dilute the taste of this colorful and bright vegetable, you can bake a pumpkin with apples and pears. And we will bake the pumpkin with honey in the microwave - and in time it will turn out faster than in the oven, and the dish will not burn. It’s not even worth talking about the ease of preparation - you can’t imagine it easier!


  • pumpkin - 200g
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • natural honey - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook pumpkin in the microwave

For baking, choose pears and apples with firm pulp, otherwise your dessert will look like gruel. Washed fruits can not be peeled, but cut into slices about 1-1.5 cm thick. Apples can be cut into large circles, and pears into slices.

Be sure to clean the pumpkin, remove the seeds. The pulp can be cut into strips or cubes. IN this case pumpkin will be baked with fruit in the form of "caprese" (when layers after layers alternate without covering each other), so it is best to cut the pumpkin into long strips.

We put the pumpkin strips, pear and apple slices in a heat-resistant dish. The bottom of the dishes does not need to be lubricated with oil, it is best to pour a couple of spoons of sweet or plain water. Top the “composition” with honey, you can also sprinkle with a spoonful of brown sugar.

We bake the pumpkin for 10-15 minutes in the microwave in the baking mode or setting the highest power of your microwave oven.

Serve the pumpkin dessert hot. Some pallor of the dish can be diluted by decorating it with mint, viburnum or syrup.

From drinks to pumpkin dessert warm tea with honey and lemon is great.

Good day, friends. love golden autumn? I really like this time of the year. Maybe that's why I started cooking pumpkin so often now. For me, this vegetable is the personification of autumn. I decided to dedicate today's article to how pumpkin is prepared in the microwave, the cooking recipe is also in store. He is with a photo - so admire and be inspired by culinary exploits.

Useful properties of pumpkin

This vegetable is a low calorie food. His energy value is 28 kcal per 100 g. Carbohydrates are in the lead here - there are 7.7 g of them. Proteins are contained in this product 1.3 g, and fats - 0.3 g.

Pumpkin is rich in very useful substances:

  • vitamins of groups B,;
  • magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium and other mineral compounds;
  • water (about 90% of the total composition);
  • organic acids;
  • beta-carotene, etc.

This sunny vegetable- a wonderful doctor. It is prescribed for diseases of cardio-vascular system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and iron deficiency anemia. Also this product helps to strengthen the immune system. It is also an excellent antipyretic agent. And it will help relieve sore throat.

And what are pumpkin seeds! They have so many useful things. Take a look at the article "" - you will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself.

How to choose a pumpkin

First of all, find out what kind of vegetable they sell to you - table or decorative. Decorative "fruits" can often be found on the market. They are so bright and incredibly beautiful. That's just not good for food.

At the table "fruit" the skin is not so bright, and its flesh is a rich orange tone. This suggests that the product contains a lot of vitamin A.

Remember that the tail of the vegetable should not be cut off. In a ripe product, it will fall off by itself. And a few more words about the skin - it should be dense, but not oaky. I recently bought a pumpkin variety in the store, elongated in shape like big zucchini. I cut off the skin with a knife, I could not cope with a vegetable peeler. And I didn't like the taste after cooking.

Too much big pumpkins don't buy either. Often they are overripe. Moreover, when buying a huge "fruit", you need to be sure that you will completely overcome it in a few days. Because the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetable is stored for a maximum of a week. And then it turns into an unusable soft substance.

And I don’t recommend buying pumpkin cut into pieces. Well, first of all, for hygiene reasons. You don't know if you cut it with a clean knife or not. And you don’t know how these pieces were then stored. And so buy a small vegetable, divide it into a couple of parts. And get it all done in a few days.

For whole baking, choose small “fruits” of the “Bylinka” or “Kroshka” variety (they have a bluish-greenish skin). Easy to clean and slightly smells like fresh melon. However, if you cook with slices, another variety will do.

How to cook pumpkin in the microwave

This recipe is good because it saves you precious time for cooking. And all valuable substances stored in vegetables.

Use a large knife to cut the "fruit". It will be more convenient for you to work with such a tool. Remove the skin and cut the pumpkin into slices. If you want to cook the dish as quickly as possible, divide each piece into several more parts. If desired, you can bake the pumpkin with sugar.

Place the slices in a heat-resistant glass dish, cover with plastic wrap. Make sure the bowl is completely sealed. The fact is that the vegetable will release juice during the baking process. And if you don’t cover it tightly, all the steam will come out, and the flesh will be hard and dryish.

Total baking time 15 minutes. I recommend checking the pumpkin halfway through (after 7-8 minutes). To make sure that plastic box whole and pieces of food are heated evenly. After cooking, open the film away from you - so you will not burn yourself. And, when you pull the bowl out of the microwave, use a fork.

Baked pumpkin can be used for any recipe - pie, baby food, pastries. If you won't use the puree right away, refrigerate it or freeze it in the freezer. It is very handy when a stock of semi-finished products is stored in the freezer. own cooking 🙂

Additional Tricks

Baked pumpkin is rich in carotene, but it is absorbed only with fats. Therefore, it is not enough to know how to bake a sunny vegetable, it must be served correctly. A wonderful addition to the dish will be low-fat cream, sour cream, or add any vegetable.

So how are u pumpkin pulp mild taste, spices will help support it. Can be added to sweet dishes nutmeg, cinnamon or cardamom. And here meat dishes it is better to flavor with cumin or hot pepper.

As for the seeds - do not throw them away, they are very useful. Just drop them into a bowl of water and let them sit for a bit. The pulp will separate and sink to the bottom. And the seeds will float on the surface. Then they need to be dried a little and fried, which is also 🙂

Pumpkin in the microwave with sugar is prepared in pieces quickly and easily. A simple recipe for cooking pumpkin in the microwave allows you to cook both fresh and frozen pumpkin pulp in sugar in a regular microwave, without convection.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Pumpkin in the microwave is cooked in 10-15 minutes, and fast food- baked pieces of pumpkin in sugar - completely ready to eat.

Excellent preservation of pumpkins at home, low cost and low calorie content made healthy pumpkin a frequent guest on our tables.

Despite the fact that even Wikipedia classifies pumpkin as a vegetable, sweet goodies are made from pumpkin with sugar.

How to cook pumpkin in the microwave? Pumpkin before cooking in the microwave is cut into pieces. Pumpkin slices are deliciously combined with honey, spicy ginger, cinnamon, vanilla or pumpkin pieces are baked with sugar.

For a child delicate taste pumpkins baked in the microwave are supplemented with dried apricots, prunes, nuts.

Preparation - 10 minutes

Cooking time– up to 15 minutes

Calories per 100 g – 65 kcal

Ingredients for microwave pumpkin

  • granulated sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • pumpkin - 300 g;
  • water - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • butter.

Microwave baked pumpkin recipe

Regardless of the size of the vegetables, it is wiser to bake a sweet pumpkin not whole, but cut the pulp of a pumpkin into cubes or slices.

All varieties of pumpkin are suitable for microwaving squash, but the sweeter, dessert squash is still preferable.

  1. If you do not have a small pumpkin, then use large vegetable, after washing it from the outside. After that we cut right amount required for cooking.
  2. Then we carefully peel off the peel and throw it away, because, unlike, from which you can cook delicious jam, we don't need it anymore.
  3. From the middle we clean the seeds along with the fibers. Keep in mind, seeds are valuable product which should never be thrown away. At this point, we will not be distracted by their use, since we are talking about a completely different dish here.
  4. After that, cut the pulp into pieces, slices or slices. In this case, the choice is yours. In serving, of course, medium-sized cubes from 2.5 to 3.5 cm look best.
  5. Next, we take a glass saucepan with a lid, that is, special dishes for cooking in the microwave. Inside, generously grease the walls and bottom of the pan with a piece of butter.
  6. Then mix in a separate bowl. pumpkin slices with sugar. Transfer to a bowl and pour water over the top. We cover the saucepan with a regular lid or a plastic one with holes for steam to escape, place in the microwave. Cook pumpkin at 100% power for 10 minutes.
  7. If we want to get a baked pumpkin, then remove the lid and place the saucepan in the microwave again for 5 minutes. During this time, part of the juice is evaporated, and the rest is absorbed into pieces.

We take out the pumpkin from the microwave, cool it, transfer it to bowls, pour honey to taste, sprinkle with nuts or poppy seeds, serve the baked pumpkin in the microwave to the table as a lean dessert.

What is useful baked pumpkin

During the baking of most vegetables, a significant part of the vitamins in their composition is lost.

With a pumpkin baked in a microwave, large losses of vitamins are not observed - baked pumpkin truly unique.

Baked pumpkin in the microwave with honey has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a mild effect on dry cough in a child and an adult.

In baked pumpkin pulp high content iron, vitamins C, B. E, PP, K, minerals, proteins and many others useful substances testifying to a rather rare composition of pumpkin, which cannot be compared with similar garden vegetables.

- a healthy and tasty dish. It can be cooked in the oven or using the microwave. In any case, it will turn out wonderfully tasty, and in the microwave it is also very fast. If you fill your culinary piggy bank different recipes, then you don’t have to puzzle over how to feed a healthy pumpkin to households.

Pumpkin in the microwave according to these recipes can be cooked sweet and salty, in pieces and whole. It is easily and harmoniously combined with fruits, other vegetables, spices and spices, cream and butter, nuts, dried fruits and meat. For those with a sweet tooth, pumpkin slices from the microwave can be served as a dessert with honey and or cheese, and for lovers of solid food - as a full-fledged dinner with meat filling.

Pumpkin in the microwave - general principles of cooking

How to bake a pumpkin in the microwave? Before baking, it must be washed, dried, cut. The peel is cut off from large pumpkin slices, and the piece itself is cut into small cubes or plates. Internal fibers and seeds must be removed - they are not needed.

If the pumpkin in the microwave according to the recipe is baked whole, then it should be small and easily fit in the chamber. Be sure to cut off the upper part - the "lid", and the insides are removed. In general, for cooking in the microwave, it is better to choose dessert, sweet varieties of pumpkins.

The question is how to bake a pumpkin in the microwave and not make it too dry. Cooking time varies depending on the power of the appliance. As a rule, pumpkin in heaps in the microwave is ready in ten to fifteen minutes. To check this, you need to pierce her barrel. A slight puncture and soft flesh are a sign of the readiness of the dish.

Pumpkin in the microwave slices "Creamy"

A simple microwave pumpkin recipe that takes a minimum of time to prepare and bake. Pieces of an orange vegetable are sweet and have a tender creamy taste. Here's how to bake a pumpkin in the microwave quickly and easily.


A three hundred gram piece of pumpkin;

Two tablespoons of granulated sugar;

Three tablespoons of water.

Cooking method:

Prepare a piece of pumpkin, cut into cubes with a side of 3-4 cm or into arbitrary slices. They should not be too small, because, having softened, they can turn into a sweet puree and lose their shape.

Put the pumpkin in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and mix.

Grease a glass container for a microwave oven with a piece of butter, be sure to coat both the bottom and the walls.

Put the pumpkin in a baking dish, pour in the water, cover with a lid with holes so that the steam can escape.

Set 100% power, set the timer for 10 minutes. You get a sweet pumpkin in the microwave, the recipe of which can be complicated.

How to microwave pumpkin to make it less watery? After turning off the device from the container, you need to remove the lid and send it back to the oven for five to six minutes. The pumpkin will absorb some of the syrup and bake.

It remains to transfer the finished pieces to portion cups, pour any filler or a pinch of cinnamon and serve.

Pumpkin in the microwave with apples and honey

A pumpkin in the microwave is distinguished by a honey taste and a distinct apple aroma, the recipe of which is given below. Honey is used as a flavoring and sweetener high temperature his useful qualities are lost. But in any case, it turns out a very tasty dish. How to bake a pumpkin in the microwave according to this recipe?


Half a kilo of pumpkin;

Three medium apples (no more than three hundred grams);

One hundred grams of sugar;

Three tablespoons of honey;

A tablespoon of butter or vegetable oil for the form.

Cooking method:

Peel the pumpkin and cut into thin slices or cubes.

Wash apples, cut into halves, remove the core.

Cut apples into slices.

Place half of the pumpkin slices in the prepared microwave-safe bowl.

Cover the pumpkin with all the sugar.

Lay out a layer of apples, trying to completely cover the pumpkin layer.

Lay out the remaining pumpkin with the last layer.

Coat pumpkin with honey.

Send the dish to the chamber, setting the maximum power.

Pumpkin slices in the microwave will be ready after 13 minutes.

Microwavable Whole Pumpkin with Sugar and Cream

If you want to cook something unusual, be sure to learn how to bake a whole pumpkin in the microwave. The serving of such a dish is very interesting, the cooking time is minimal, since you do not have to cut the peel. And the taste is just incredible.


Small pumpkin weighing up to three hundred grams;

Two tablespoons of water;

Two or three tablespoons of granulated sugar (optional);

Two tablespoons of cream (or sour cream).

Cooking method:

Wash the pumpkin, cut off the upper part, remove the inner part. You should get a "pot" of pumpkin.

Place the pumpkin on a microwaveable plate.

Pour water inside.

Sprinkle with sugar.

Send the "pot" to the microwave, setting the maximum power.

In 15 minutes the pumpkin will be ready.

The “pot” must be transferred to a dish, carefully separate the baked pulp from the walls with a spoon.

Pour in the cream (or put sour cream), mix well.

Eat pumpkin directly from the "pot" or put the pulp in portion plates.

Pumpkin in the microwave slices with raisins and cinnamon

Fragrant, sweet-spicy pumpkin slices in the microwave can be cooked with raisins and cinnamon powder, and beautifully decorated when served. How to bake a pumpkin in the microwave in this way?


A kilogram of pumpkin;

150 grams of sugar;

Three tablespoons of raisins;

Three tablespoons of water;

a pinch of cinnamon;

A piece of butter;

A tablespoon of powdered sugar;

A little fresh mint for serving.

Cooking method:

Sliced ​​fresh pumpkin thin slices no thicker than two centimeters thick.

Grease a baking dish with oil.

Arrange the pumpkin slices.

Cover them with sugar.

Distribute water over the surface.

Cover with a lid and send to the oven.

Cook at 800 watts for 12 minutes.

While the pumpkin is baking, steam the raisins. To do this, boil water in a kettle and pour boiling water dried grapes.

After ten minutes, drain the water, dry the raisins for paper towel.

Remove the cooked pumpkin slices from the microwave, sprinkle with cinnamon powder and evenly distribute the raisins.

Put the mold back in the oven, cook the pumpkin in the microwave according to the recipe for another three minutes.

Arrange the slices on plates, garnish with a sprig of mint and powdered sugar.

Pumpkin in the microwave with vegetables and cheese

How to bake a pumpkin in the microwave as a full-fledged second course? Just add additional ingredients to the main ingredient. Get a wonderful savory Lenten dish, which can be served on its own or as a side dish for meat or poultry.


Half a kilo of pumpkin;

five potatoes;

One onion;

Three medium tomatoes;

a piece of cheese weighing 70 grams;

A spoonful of refined sunflower oil;

Salt, a mixture of peppers, a pinch of rosemary (optional).

Cooking method:

Pumpkin slices in the microwave cook faster. Therefore, it must be cut into cubes no more than 3 cm.

Cut the peeled potatoes in the same way.

Cut the onion into thin half-rings.

Spread the oil along the walls of the mold, put onions and potatoes, add salt and mix.

Cover the container with a lid and put in the oven for fifteen minutes, setting the maximum power.

Remove the form, add the pumpkin and, without stirring, return to the microwave again. Cook seven minutes.

While the dish is baking, wash and cut into circles. fresh tomatoes.

Grate a piece of cheese.

After turning off the device, remove the mold again.

decompose last layer tomato circles, salt, sprinkle with pepper, rosemary, cheese crumbs.

Put another fifteen minutes.

Arrange on plates and serve freshly cooked pumpkin in the microwave. Recipes for this vegetable dish different, therefore, if desired, cheese can be omitted, and potatoes can be replaced with root celery or zucchini.

Pumpkin in the microwave with cheese and nuts

To cook pumpkin slices in the microwave using this original recipe, you will need some cheese and nuts. Cheese is better to choose lightly salted, with a distinct creamy note.


Three hundred grams of pumpkin;

Eighty grams of cheese;

Twenty grams of any nuts;

A tablespoon of butter;

Four tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Grease a baking dish for pumpkin slices in the microwave with oil.

Grate a piece of cheese.

Chop the nuts with a knife.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes and put on the bottom of the mold in a single layer.

sprinkle cubes granulated sugar.

Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Set the power of the device to 800 watts.

Cook for five minutes.

After turning off the device, leave the pumpkin in the microwave. The recipe suggests that within five to seven minutes it will "reach" to fully prepared behind a closed door.

warm pumpkin Arrange in cups for serving, sprinkle with walnut crumbs.

  • We do not recommend throwing away the seeds taken out of the pumpkin - this is very useful product. They need to be washed, dried and eaten.
  • If you want to do pumpkin seeds even tastier, you can fry them in a dry frying pan or on a sheet in the oven.
  • The secret of baked pumpkin is that the beneficial carotene contained in orange vegetable, is absorbed only with fats. It is not enough to know how to bake a pumpkin in the microwave. You also need to serve it correctly, that is, with cream, butter, sour cream.

The pumpkin can rightly be called unique product, which contains all the useful substances necessary for a person. Dishes from such a miracle vegetable are a real find for people who suffer from diseases of the stomach and heart.

Exists great amount pumpkin recipes - soups and cereals, casseroles and pies, mashed potatoes and much more. As a rule, housewives cook pumpkin in the oven. But you can also use modern miracles household appliances- Microwave and multicooker. In this case, the food turns out to be more juicy and rich in flavors.


Pumpkin - low calorie vegetable, so it can be used by the fair sex during a diet. prepared in different kitchen appliances, it will differ slightly in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the number of calories per 100 grams.

If we bake the pumpkin in a slow cooker without adding other ingredients, it will contain 45.87 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, the content of proteins is 1.24 g, carbohydrates - 6.09 g and fats - 1.71 g.

The calorie content in the microwave will be slightly different. So per 100 grams there will be 56 kcal, 0.6 g of fat, 15.4 g of carbohydrates and 2.6 g of protein.

Bake pumpkin in a slow cooker

Modern housewives more and more often they use a slow cooker, so there are many recipes adapted for this household appliance.

Classic recipe

Fast and easy way.

  1. A small pumpkin is thoroughly washed and cut into medium-sized slices. It is better to lay out in a bowl with the skin down.
  2. Pour half a glass of water and sprinkle lightly with sugar. This will make the taste more intense.
  3. Bake on the “Baking” mode for half an hour.
  4. Ready-made delicacy Put on a plate and sprinkle with honey on top.

Pumpkin porridge

Porridge is one of the favorite pumpkin dishes. Delicious and delicate in taste, it is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. This dish is useful for the smallest gourmets. Consider classic recipe, after which you can experiment by adding different cereals and dried fruits.

  1. Take half a kilogram of pumpkin, peel and cut into large cubes.
  2. Put the pumpkin in a slow cooker and add 150 ml of water, add 70 g of butter. Set the "Baking" mode for 25-30 minutes. If you are preparing porridge for a child, mash the pieces into a puree.
  3. When the time is up, add 160 grams of washed rice, some salt and 150 grams of sugar. Salt is better to take fine. Then add 320 ml of milk and mix. On the "Milk porridge" mode, the dish is cooked for 30 minutes. If there is no such mode, set "Extinguishing" for 50 minutes.
  4. When the beep sounds, you can carefully open the lid and spread the delicacy on the plates, after adding a little vanilla.

You can cook cereals with the addition of dried fruits, nuts and honey, mint and cinnamon.

Video recipe

Pumpkin with meat and vegetables

Pumpkin with meat and vegetables will be one of the options everyday meal as well as a meal for festive table. Meat turns out juicy, vegetables - an exquisite side dish.

  1. Wash and peel a half-kilogram pumpkin, 1 carrot, 1 onion, a few medium potatoes. 1 tomato and 1 Bell pepper just wash. Next, cut everything into large cubes. Onion cut into half rings.
  2. Fry carrots with onions in the “Baking” mode.
  3. While onions and carrots are being prepared, prepare any meat. The most low-calorie dish will be with chicken. Half a kilogram of meat cut into cubes of 2 cm.
  4. Add the meat to the onion with carrots and fry in the same mode for 10-12 minutes. Do not close the lid.
  5. Put the vegetables prepared in advance into the multicooker bowl and mix. Add minced garlic cloves to them. Add salt, seasoning and herbs to taste.
  6. lovers juicy dishes must set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. Those who love fried food, can select the "Baking" mode and cook for 40 minutes.

Both in the first and in the second version, the dish turns out to be unusual and tasty. Vegetables retain their individuality, and each imparts a unique flavor note.

How to bake pumpkin in the microwave

No less tasty are pumpkin dishes cooked in the microwave at home. In addition, they cook faster than in a slow cooker.

The fastest recipe

delicious dessert pumpkin in the microwave can be cooked in minutes. At the same time, it will be not only pleasant, but also useful.

How to cook:

  1. Half a kilo sweet pumpkin peeled and cut into small slices of the same size.
  2. The pumpkin is placed in a microwave-safe dish and baked at full power for 5 minutes. Then they take out, mix and bake at the same power for another 6 minutes. Readiness is determined by softness.
  3. Put pumpkin slices on a plate and sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar. Cinnamon lovers can add a pinch. Honey can be used instead of sugar.

Dessert will become a favorite dish of adults and children.

Videos cooking

Pumpkin with potatoes and tomatoes

  1. Peel 6-7 medium potatoes and a medium onion. Peel a small piece of vegetable weighing 0.5 kilograms and remove the seeds. Cut everything into small cubes, onion into half rings.
  2. Pour a little sunflower or olive oil, put the onion with potatoes and salt a little. Send all this to the oven for 15 minutes, turning it on at full power.
  3. Add pumpkin to vegetables and cook for another 7 minutes.
  4. At this time, cut the tomatoes into small circles, put them on top of the pumpkin, sprinkle with pepper and salt. Tomatoes on top can be sprinkled with a little grated cheese.
  5. Send to the microwave for another 20 minutes.

The dish will especially delight vegetarians.

Pumpkin with honey and raisins

Another tasty, satisfying and gourmet dessert can be called a vegetable with honey and raisins. You can cook not only in the oven, but also in the microwave.

  1. Pumpkin, weighing 2 kg, wash well, peel and seeds, cut into small slices.
  2. Lubricate the dishes for the microwave oven with butter and put the pumpkin there, cover with sugar and lightly sprinkle with water. You can take more sugar, up to 300 grams.
  3. Bake the dessert for 12 minutes at a power of 800 watts. After that, you can add a little raisins and cinnamon, a spoonful of honey, mix and leave in the microwave for another 3 minutes at the same power.
  4. When serving, garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Dessert will appeal to the most picky gourmets.
