
Carrots stewed in milk recipe. Delicate and fragrant carrot soup with garlic

One of the most “tolerant” side dishes to other products and to your figure is stewed carrots. No wonder this vegetable, fried or stewed, is included in most first and second courses. Its compatibility with any meat, wild and poultry, other vegetables and fish are simply beyond praise. Moreover, stewed carrots (including onions) are being prepared quickly, with a lot of different ways, with a host of other additions and under a variety of sauces.

milk recipe

To begin with, you can try to cook this dish in this way: take a quarter kilogram of carrots, cut them into identical cubes or thin circles, pour half a glass of milk in a small saucepan. Immediately pour salt (slightly) and sugar into the container; the amount of it depends on the type of carrot (it can be both sweet and not very sweet), as well as on your personal tastes. On average, a tablespoon of sand is usually taken. At the same time, a small slice of butter is also laid. The vessel is closed with a lid and put on a small fire for about half an hour (until the stewed carrots become soft). Separately, flour with milk is beaten in a cup - a tablespoon each. When the dish is almost ready, the mixture is poured into a saucepan. After adding, you need to simmer for no longer than a minute, only to thicken the sauce. Try it - the side dish turns out great.

Favorite combination - onions and carrots

Frying is attractive in itself, so children often drag it from the pan right in the process of cooking. You can just cook it more as a side dish and a little extra seasoning. The only thing that many people rub in, but chopped in the form of cubes or straws is more suitable for stewing. Otherwise, the process is almost identical: a large onion is cut into squares and poached until transparent in sunflower oil. At this point, the onion is sprinkled for caramelization with two full tablespoons of sugar and mixed intensively. When the mass in the pan begins to thicken, so that the stewed carrots with onions turn out to be more spicy and acquire a dark shade, a quarter cup is poured into it at this stage soy sauce. Next, a kilogram of chopped carrots is added, and the dish is stewed under the lid for about a third of an hour. At the end, it is seasoned with salt and spices, after which it is served with meat or fish.

What do the Germans offer?

They also cannot do without such a magnificent side dish, although they cook it differently. Pieces of six medium carrots are chopped, poured with half a glass of broth, salted and sweetened with sugar. So that the stewed carrots do not “spread”, in Germany 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar is poured into the pan, after which they are simmered on a minimum heat for about half an hour. About five minutes before the end of the process, a teaspoon of butter is placed in the carrot and poured big spoon breadcrumbs white breadcrumbs. Naturally, everything is mixed, again covered with a lid. Result - worthy alternative sauerkraut to sausages!

Honey carrot with prunes and raisins

By the way, it can also be a dessert for children - they even agree to give up other sweets for her sake. Moreover, if the dish is designed for the younger generation of the family, carrots can be rubbed - this will turn out to be a more homogeneous mass. First, two large chopped root crops are fried for about four minutes, then two tablespoons of milk are poured into the saucepan. When it comes to half-ready, about seven steamed and chopped prunes are poured, as well as a tablespoon of washed and softened raisins in the same way. At the same time, a spoon is poured natural honey, and the quenching continues until the main component is ready. Turns out sweet and delicious carrot stewed. The recipe can be modified: add dried apricots, add crushed nuts at the very end - in any case, it turns out very tasty, and even useful for growing organisms.

Carrots with apples

Also a recipe, the embodiment of which can be offered to children. You can also serve it as a side dish or instead of a salad. Preparation is elementary: a large root crop is finely crumbled, stewed in a quarter cup of water with the addition of a spoonful of butter. Shortly before readiness, stewed carrots are “enriched” with small apple slices and sugar; if it is to serve as a traditional garnish, salt is added. Juicy and tasty!

With sour cream

It's still easy to prepare. Carrot (large root vegetable) is randomly cut, allowed in a couple of tablespoons of water until soft, after which 0.5 cups are poured into the pan fat sour cream, and the dish is stewed until final readiness. Stewed carrots in sour cream are seasoned according to personal preferences. In principle, you can do without spices at all, even without salt - a bright combination carrot juice and sour cream flavor is quite self-sufficient.

So if you are in doubt about what to build as a side dish (or how to distract children from eating lollipops), feel free to take note of stewed carrot recipes.

Step 1: Preparing the carrots.

Rinse the carrots right in the peel in water. If necessary (if the dirt is very strong), you can even use a special brush or a clean sponge. After that, put the carrots in a saucepan and fill it with water. Let the vegetables cook over medium heat until half cooked. For this it will be enough 10 - 15 minutes. As a result, carrots should be medium soft. After that, we remove it from boiling water, cool. With a knife, peel the carrots and cut into large strips. The slices should be about a centimeter by a centimeter and 3-5 cm long. This is necessary so that the pieces do not fall apart during the subsequent heat treatment and maintained their integrity.

Step 2: Cooking carrots in milk sauce.

Mix milk with two tablespoons of previously sifted wheat flour. Next, carefully beat the contents with a whisk or fork so that flour lumps do not form. Salt the sauce to taste and add a teaspoon of sugar. Spread the chopped carrots evenly in a frying pan or stewpan and pour it with milk sauce. Put the container on medium fire and simmer until fully prepared carrots. It should become soft when pierced. This procedure may take 5 to 15 minutes. Before turning off the heat, add a piece of vegetable oil to the pan.

Step 3: Serve carrots in milk sauce.

Thoroughly wash the bunch of parsley and finely chop the greens. Put the carrots together with the sauce in common dish or in portions and sprinkle parsley on top. The side dish is perfect for fish or meat dishes , and pasta and porridge. Try it and you will never regret such a culinary discovery. Enjoy your meal!

It is best to choose young carrots for such a dish, as it has a juicy and sweet taste. Moreover, on her cooking will go away significantly less time.

If you wish, you can cut carrots in other ways, for example: cubes, rings, or figuratively cut flowers or stars from a vegetable. The most important thing is not to shrink, so that the figures remain intact and retain their shape.

To enrich the taste, you can add sesame seeds or chopped walnuts to the milk sauce.

This dish belongs to the traditional Indian cuisine, however, no particular unusual ingredients and intricate cooking process in order to try it is not required - everything is done surprisingly simply and quickly. In addition, such a dessert turns out not only very tasty, but also very healthy, though also very high-calorie. Well, this dish is especially suitable for preparing it for children.

List of products required in order to cook stewed carrots in milk (for one serving of dessert): one medium carrot, 30 grams of raisins, 200 milliliters of milk (non-fat), 15 grams of butter, one tablespoon of sugar, as well as any nuts desire.

Carrots must be peeled, washed in cold water and then rub on the fine grater. Raisins should first be poured with boiling water and left for 15-20 minutes, after which the liquid is drained and washed with raisins, and if necessary, grind it (in case the raisins are large).
In a saucepan with a thick bottom, melt butter and stew grated carrots on it for about five minutes, then pour milk into the pan, bring it to a boil and continue cooking over low heat until almost all the liquid has evaporated. After that, you need to add sugar and raisins to the carrots, mix everything well and remove the saucepan from the heat.
This dessert can be served either hot or cold, and sprinkled with nuts if desired.


  • 1 kg carrots
  • 2 cups baked milk
  • 1 st. l. butter
  • 1 st. l. flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt

For the drunkards

  • 200 g white bread
  • 1 egg
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. baked milk
  • butter


Peel the carrots, cut into small cubes. Put in a saucepan, pour 1.5 cups of baked milk, add sugar, salt, butter and put on a small fire.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer, covered, until tender, about 20 minutes.

Lightly dry the flour in a dry frying pan, dilute with the remaining milk, let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Pour cooked carrots and bring to a boil, cook for 30 seconds. Remove from heat and keep covered.

For potaptsy, cut the bread into rectangular pieces. Whisk the egg with sugar and milk.

Dip the bread in milk-egg mixture and fry in well-heated butter on both sides until golden brown. Serve carrots with potaptsy.

Sold in stores baked milk but not always tasty. And it's very easy to make it at home. Pour boiled good natural unsterilized milk into a pot or deep ceramic mold (or just a thick-walled saucepan with heat-resistant handles). Put in an oven preheated to 80-90 ° C and wait until a light brown foam forms on its surface. Drop this froth to the bottom with a long wooden spoon or
spatula. Close the oven and wait for a new foam to form. Lower it to the bottom in the same way. Repeat the operation 4-5 more times, then turn off the oven and let the milk cool completely. An even simpler way is as follows: pour freshly boiled milk into a thermos and leave for 8 hours. Such a “thermos” baked milk does not have the aroma and taste of stove, but is also quite acceptable.

Stewed carrots as a side dish - delicious, original and incredible healthy dish.

Unfortunately, it is not as popular as, for example, potatoes.

Many do not even suspect that carrots can be made light and delicious side dish.

The article contains best recipes cooking stewed carrots.

Basically, this vegetable is added to other dishes to enhance the taste. We will learn how to cook from carrots independent dish.

Stewed carrots - the basic principles of cooking

Carrots are peeled, washed well and cut into rings, cubes, sticks or rubbed coarsely.

Stew carrots in a pan, cauldron or slow cooker. The chopped vegetable is laid out in a heated cauldron, a little drinking water or broth is added, covered with a lid and stewed for about half an hour. In general, the cooking time depends on how finely chopped the carrots are.

As an addition, onions, apples are added to carrots, green pea and other vegetables. Stewed carrots are cooked with poultry or lean pork and beef.

Carrots will turn out very tender if stewed in sour cream, milk or cream.

Recipe 1. Stewed carrots with onions


250 g of onion;

freshly ground pepper;

500 g carrots;

80 g butter;

150 g of tomatoes;

5 g turmeric;

green onion- bundle;

5 g ground coriander.

Cooking method

1. Cut the peeled and washed onion into half rings. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Put onion half rings in it and fry until golden brown.

2. Peel and wash the carrots well. Cut it into fairly large pieces.

3. Put the carrots to the fried onions and continue to fry for another seven minutes. Then pour in drinking water just enough to cover the vegetables. Simmer covered for half an hour.

4. Rinse the onion greens, pat dry and finely chop.

5. Wash the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water and peel them. Place the vegetable in a blender and grind it into a tomato puree. Transfer the tomato to the carrots. Salt, season with spices and mix. After a minute, turn off the heat, add finely chopped green onions, cover with a lid and leave for several minutes. Garnish with parsley leaves when serving.

Recipe 2. Stewed carrots with apples


large carrot- 7 pcs.;

finely ground salt;

60 g butter;

80 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Peel apples and carrots. Wash the carrots and cut into small cubes. Remove cores from apples and chop finely.

2. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Put the carrots in it and fry over medium heat for about two minutes.

3. Pour in a ladle of boiled water and simmer for a quarter of an hour over moderate heat. Add water little by little as it evaporates.

4. After the allotted time, add chopped apples. Sprinkle with salt and sugar. Stir and continue to simmer for another 15 minutes. If there is not enough liquid in the pan, add water. Remove from heat, transfer to bowls and serve on its own.

Recipe 3. Stewed carrots with green peas


400 g carrots;

finely ground salt;

200 g frozen green peas;

vegetable oil;

250 ml of milk;

50 g butter;

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add carrots. Fry vegetables for five minutes.

2. Then add green peas to the carrots and continue to fry for another three minutes.

3. Put the saucepan on the fire, melt the butter in it and fry the flour. Pour in warmed milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low and simmer until thickened. Salt the sauce. Constantly check that no lumps form.

4. In thick sauce add fried vegetables and mix. Keep on fire for about three minutes, then remove from the stove and cool slightly. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 4. Stewed carrots in sour cream


kg of carrots;


a glass of sour cream;

extra salt;

bunch of parsley.

Cooking method

1. The first step is to prepare the carrots. Clean the vegetables and wash well. Cut carrots into thin circles.

2. Heat up a frying pan with oil and put chopped carrots into it. Pour boiled water so that it barely covers the carrots. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer.

3. While the carrots are stewing, prepare the parsley. Wash it, pat dry and chop finely.

4. As soon as the carrots become soft, pour in the sour cream, salt, pepper and add the chopped parsley. Stew carrots in sour cream for another five minutes. decompose stewed carrots on plates and serve as an independent dish, or as a side dish.

Recipe 5. Stewed carrots in tomato sauce


600 g carrots;

finely ground salt;

250 ml tomato puree;

freshly ground pepper;

60 ml olive oil;

4 tomatoes.

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots, wash and cut each carrot crosswise into five pieces. Wash the tomatoes, wipe with a napkin and scald with boiling water. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Chop the pulp into small cubes.

2. Pour oil into a saucepan and put on a small fire. As soon as the oil is hot, put the carrots in it and fry lightly. Then add chopped tomatoes, mix and simmer for ten minutes.

3. After the specified time, add tomato puree, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the saucepan with a lid and bring to a boil. From the moment of boiling, twist the fire to a minimum. Simmer until carrots are soft.

Recipe 6. Stewed carrots in milk


100 ml sour cream;

citric acid;

finely ground salt;

Art. l. butter;

granulated sugar;

half a glass of milk;

kilogram of carrots;

Art. l. flour.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the peeled carrots under the tap. Cut into slices five millimeters thick. Put the carrots in a thick-walled pan, pour in the milk. It should half cover the carrot, as in the process of stewing the vegetable will give enough juice.

2. Sprinkle carrots with sugar and salt. Add some citric acid and butter. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetable, stirring occasionally, until soft.

3. Heat the pan and fry the flour in it until golden color. Dilute sour cream a small amount water, add the fried flour and mix well to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. It is better to do this with a blender.

4. Pour the carrots with the resulting sauce, mix gently and simmer for about another five minutes. Before serving, carrots can be garnished with fried onions.

Recipe 7. Stewed carrots with bell peppers


six carrots;

four red bell peppers;

granulated sugar;

four ripe tomatoes;

extra salt;


olive oil;

parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onion, rinse and chop finely. Place a heavy bottomed pan on the stove, add olive oil and heat. Put chopped onion in it and fry until soft.

2. bell peppers rinse, wipe with a napkin, remove ponytails and seeds. Cut the vegetable into thin strips. Send chopped peppers to a pan with onions. pour olive oil and keep simmering.

3. Remove the peel from the carrots and crumble it into thin strips. Transfer the carrot to the onion with pepper, mix and simmer, covered with a lid.

4. Grate the washed tomatoes. You should get a fresh tomato mass.

5. Salt stewed carrots with vegetables, sprinkle granulated sugar and curry. Mix. Add tomato paste and mix again. Simmer for five minutes under the lid.

6. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Before the end of cooking, sprinkle the carrots with herbs, mix and then simmer for a couple of minutes.

Recipe 8. Stewed carrots with rice in a slow cooker


four carrots;

a little sour cream;

half a glass round rice;

pinch fine salt;

half a glass of prunes;

sugar - 80 g;

butter - 90 g.

Cooking method

1. Remove sharp knife with carrot peel. Wash it under the tap and chop into medium cubes.

2. Wash the rice several times. Rinse prunes and fill with hot boiled water. Steam dried fruits for half an hour. Drain the liquid, if there are bones, remove them. Dry the prunes and cut into quarters.

3. Turn on the "Frying" program on the multicooker. Melt the butter in the capacity of the unit. Put in the carrots and fry for a few minutes. Then add the washed rice groats, add the prunes and stir.

4. Set the program "Rice". Sprinkle the carrot-rice mixture with sugar and salt, pour in boiled water and mix. Cook until the beep sounds. Serve stewed carrots with sour cream.

Recipe 9. Stewed carrots with beef


ten carrots;

extra salt;

beef pulp - 300 g;

freshly ground mixture of peppers;

onion - 140 g;

a quarter of a pack of butter;

meat broth- one and a half glasses.

Cooking method

1. Clean the beef pulp from films and fat. Put in a saucepan with water, add peppercorns, bay leaves and greenery branches. Boil the meat until soft. Then take it out of the broth and let it cool. Cut the meat into pieces and fry in butter. Strain the broth.

2. Peel the carrots, wash and cut them into small cubes. Put the chopped vegetable in a saucepan, pour in the broth and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Drain liquid from carrots. Mix carrots with meat, salt, pepper, mix and send for half an hour in the oven.

3. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped parsley or dill before serving.

Recipe 10. Stewed carrots with prunes


half a kilogram of carrots;

butter - 15 g;

half a glass of prunes;

50 g sour cream;

25 ml milk.

Cooking method

1. Chop the peeled and washed carrots into small strips. Put the chopped vegetable in a saucepan and add butter. Pour in the milk and simmer, stirring occasionally, until half cooked.

2. Rinse the prunes several times, pour warm boiled water over it and leave for 15 minutes. Remove the pits from the steamed prunes, add it to the carrots, mix and simmer until the carrots are completely cooked. Serve stewed carrots with sour cream.

    A young carrot cooks much faster than a vegetable that was in storage.

    Add a little sugar to the stewed carrots, this will make the dish tender and juicy.

    To make carrots stewed in sour cream spicy, add a mixture of peppers and ground coriander.

    For cooking, take smooth, orange fruits without damage. It will be good if it is with green tops, which means that the vegetable is fresh.
