
Potato calories per 100 grams. Calorie boiled potatoes without salt

1 year of marriage (chintz wedding) is the first small anniversary for a married couple. The newlyweds are still getting used to each other and living together. During this period, positive emotions and a demonstration of deep feelings are very important. In order for the first anniversary to be remembered for a long time, it is important to know what kind of wedding it is, what to give and how to properly celebrate.

What wedding

1 year of marriage is called a cotton wedding. According to ancient tradition, on the first anniversary it was customary to give cloth for diapers. At this time, the first-born usually appeared in the family, so such a gift was relevant. According to another version, the anniversary got its name due to the fact that the newlyweds had not yet had time to buy bed linen, towels and other fabric products. Some compare chintz with feelings in the first year of family life. The fabric is bright and colorful, but fragile.


It is customary to celebrate the first wedding anniversary magnificently, but not in a restaurant or cafe. For this purpose, a cottage or a country house is better suited. A rich table is a sign that the newlyweds are waiting for a comfortable life, so it is not customary to save on treats. During the holiday, everyone congratulates the spouses and makes toasts for their health and well-being.

Previously, for a cotton wedding, the newlyweds themselves embroidered a cotton tablecloth, expressing their love for each other, but now this tradition is not so popular. Use as much fabric as possible to decorate the room. Tie a knot with a chintz scarf and hang it in a prominent place. This is a symbol of a strong marriage. Do not forget that the wife must wear a print dress for the celebration. You need to wear it from morning to evening and take it off just before going to bed. It is believed that then the spouse will have a happy family life. The husband puts on a shirt made of thin cotton fabric with a bright pattern.

On their wedding day, many newlyweds are given 2 bottles of champagne tied together. It is customary to open one of them on the first anniversary of marriage, and the second on the birthday of the first child. The drink is drunk with guests under the pleasant wishes and toasts of those present. There should be many guests at the celebration. Invite everyone you love and with whom you maintain warm relations. The more guests there are, the longer the newlyweds will live in happiness and harmony.

What to give your spouse

A few decades ago, for a cotton wedding, husbands received underwear made of thin fabric as a gift. Now it is also customary to give intimate gifts. A bathrobe is considered a very popular present. You can also order a T-shirt or shirt with an original pattern or a phrase that only spouses can understand.

If the holiday falls on the cold season, give your husband a warm scarf or blanket. Remember that the best gift is a handmade item. Sew your spouse an original case for your phone or tablet. Remember that many men love cars and everything connected with them. If your husband has a car, try making cushions for the salon.

What to give your wife

An obligatory gift for a chintz wedding to a wife from her husband is a chintz dress. The same gifts can be presented by relatives or girlfriends of the newlyweds, but not by men. Do not be stingy and do not stop at one present. Pamper your loved one with an elegant dressing gown or beautiful underwear. Binding to calico is optional these days, so consider options in silk or cambric.

When choosing a gift for the first wedding anniversary, consider the preferences of the wife. Some young women will find a cookbook from a famous chef a great gift, others will be indignant. Jewelry is a traditional gift from a man. If you decide to present the ring, then it should be thin, elegant and without a stone. In addition, collect a bouquet of flowers, a fruit basket for your beloved.

Give each other cotton handkerchiefs, during the celebration, say oaths and tie one knot at a time

Most beautiful ladies love to eat sweets. Prepare assorted chocolates or any other dessert for your spouse and pack it in a box decorated with ribbons. If you know exactly the tastes of your soul mate in perfumery, order a handmade perfume or soap for her. This is how you show your attention and care.

Young women are usually more romantic, so you can make a collage of joint photos, mount a video, write a song. Feel free to connect friends to the creative process, this will make the gift even more meaningful. Give each other cotton handkerchiefs, during the celebration, say oaths and tie one knot at a time. It symbolizes 1 year of marriage. Keep your handkerchiefs and tie a new knot every anniversary.

Gifts from guests

Close relatives traditionally give clothes for the newlyweds and children, bed linen, tablecloths, and curtains for a cotton wedding. You should not give large bulky bouquets, it is better to opt for elegant compositions of wildflowers. Distant relatives usually give textiles for the kitchen: aprons, potholders. Songs, poems and toasts are expected from friends and acquaintances, but it will not be superfluous to grab something from traditional presents.

Now the concept of a print wedding has been interpreted a little, so you can give everything that a young family needs: household appliances, dishes, decor items, furniture. If you are a creative person, come up with something original. For example, write a picture on chintz. This gift will be both traditional and exclusive.

The first anniversary of family life is a print wedding. In the old days, chintz was valued for its thinness and lightness, at the same time being considered an everyday and inexpensive material. So the young family has not yet gained strength, but romance in relationships has already begun to be replaced by everyday life.

2 years after the marriage, a paper wedding is celebrated. The union is still considered not too strong, and family relationships are compared to easily torn paper. According to tradition, spouses should write declarations of love to each other on a beautiful postcard or colorful note paper.

Three years of marriage is a leather wedding. A family that has successfully overcome the “paper” period is already considered strong enough. Husband and wife feel each other's skin.

Four years - linen or rope wedding. Sometimes on the day of her celebration, a married couple was seated on neighboring chairs and tightly tied. If they could not get out, their union was considered strong and long-term.

The first (5-year) anniversary of married life is called a wooden wedding. In her honor, it is recommended to plant a tree, which was considered a symbol of a strong family hearth. As a rule, by this time the family acquired its own house and furniture, a child was already growing up in it.

Six years - a cast-iron wedding. The family union is already acquiring the strength of metal. However, cast iron is quite brittle and can be destroyed by a strong impact. But the next date is celebrated in six months and is called zinc.

Seven years - a copper wedding. Copper is already quite valuable, but not yet a noble or precious metal. Previously, on this anniversary, the spouses had to exchange copper coins, which were considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

The eight-year anniversary of family life is a tin wedding. It marks the renewal of family relationships, which have become strong and persistent, like tin.

Nine years - faience wedding. At the same time, faience can be associated both with a prosperous union and with the beginning of a rather fragile period in marital relations.

The tenth anniversary of family life is a pink or pewter wedding. At the celebration of this anniversary, they try to invite the same guests who were present at the wedding day. On this day, the husband should present his wife with 11 roses: 10 red ones as a sign of love and 1 white one in the hope of the next 10 happy years.

Eleven years - a steel wedding. It is believed that the family union has already acquired the strength of steel. But the next date is usually celebrated only after a year and a half. It is called the nickel wedding.

Despite the fact that the number 13 is considered unlucky, the 13th anniversary of marriage is associated with love and harmony in relationships. No wonder it has a beautiful and romantic name - lily of the valley or lace wedding.

Starting from 14 years of marriage, some anniversaries are given the name of precious stones. The first of the "precious" dates is an agate wedding.

Fifteen years of family life - a glass wedding. At this time, the relationship between the spouses becomes clean and transparent, like glass. Just as pure and beautiful is the 18th anniversary - a turquoise wedding.

20 families - porcelain wedding. A happy union at this time is as beautiful, harmonious and mysterious as real Chinese porcelain. This is followed by opal (21 years old), bronze (22 years old), (23 years old) and satin (24 years old) weddings.

One of the most solemn dates in family life is a silver wedding - the 25th anniversary. Spouses traditionally exchange silver rings for her, which can be worn over the next year as an addition to wedding rings.

Between the silver wedding and the 30th anniversary of family life, jade wedding (26 years), mahogany wedding (27 years), nickel (28 years) and velvet (29 years) weddings are celebrated.

If the spouses have lived together for 30 years, their union has already turned into a real treasure. Therefore, at this time they celebrate. Following it, swarthy (31 years), copper (32 years), stone (33 years), amber (34 years), coral (35 years), muslin (37 years), aluminum (37.5 years), mercury ( 38 years old) and crepe (39 years old) weddings.

The fortieth anniversary of family life is called the ruby ​​wedding. Ruby red is a symbol of love and fire. Ruby is one of the most durable stones, and nothing can destroy such a long union.

Especially important is the golden anniversary - the 50th joint life. Husband and wife, who have managed to maintain their family hearth for so many years, exchange new wedding rings, and give the old ones to their grandchildren.

The golden wedding is preceded by topaz (44 years), sapphire (45 years), lavender (46 years), cashmere (47 years), amethyst (48 years) and cedar (49 years).

The next, 55th anniversary, is called the emerald wedding. It is followed by several more remarkable dates. 60 years of marriage is a platinum or diamond wedding, 65 years is an iron wedding, and 67.5 years is a stone wedding. The seventieth anniversary of marriage is a blessed wedding, the 75th anniversary is a crown wedding, the 80th anniversary is an oak wedding.

A century of living together is a red wedding. True, only one family had a chance to celebrate such an anniversary - the long-livers Ageevs.

There are so many obstacles in the way of family life. One of the most difficult stages of the family is the first year of married life. Unfortunately, not many couples make it to their first chintz anniversary.

Respect and listen to the opinion of your soul mate, try to jointly make decisions that are significant for you.

For many young families, the first year of family life together is very difficult. Most of them, without crossing the annual threshold, disintegrate. There can be many reasons for the breakup of young families. Gradually, instead of romance, gray everyday life, with a bunch of domestic problems, is more and more confident in their family life. To my regret, I know many sad examples of the breakup of married couples at the very peak of their life together. These are examples from the life of my friends, classmates. In the first months of family life, the time of discovery of new, and sometimes unexpected character traits and qualities of a partner follows.

Very often, young people try to build their family following the example and likeness of their parents, adopting the parental “model” of the family, so to speak. Often a young wife compares her husband to her father, and a husband compares his wife's behavior to his mother. I came across an example when the spouses found out who was in charge in their family, while also using the model of their parents' family. At the same time, one of the parents dominated to a greater extent over the other. Children try to build their family following the example of their parents, relying on their experience and good memories, not paying any attention to the mistakes made by their parents. Also, one of the young spouses does not even think about whether this behavior model will be acceptable for his half?

Plan your family budget.

Nowadays, there are not so many wealthy families, as it might seem at first glance. After the wedding, the newlyweds easily part with large sums of money. Easily and without hesitation, they spend money on expensive, sometimes unnecessary things. The newlyweds continue to live by inertia, without planning their family budget, as a result of which financial difficulties arise, and the search for the culprit in the waste of savings begins.

Don't try to change each other.

Trying to change each other usually does not lead to anything good. After all, before you decided to live with a person permanently, did everything suit you in him? So why remake your loved one after the wedding? First, a person cannot be changed. And secondly, it can negatively affect your marriage as a whole.

Dear newlyweds! Do not forget that the family is certain obligations. Each family has its own secret of a long family life. Beneath the foundation of a lasting and happy marriage is daily compromise between spouses. By sacrificing their own self, partners adapt to each other throughout their married life.

The first year of marriage has flown by, and here is the very day on which a year ago the newly-made spouses legalized their relationship. Still so fresh in my mind! Whatever has changed this year - perhaps a replenishment is coming in a young family or the housing issue has somehow been resolved - the feelings are still so new, and passion and tenderness still rule the ball in relationships.

This day cannot be ignored, regardless of whether a magnificent celebration or modest home gatherings are planned. Close people should express their attention and love to each other by presenting pleasant gifts. And if guests are invited to the celebration, they should not come empty-handed either!

We will help you in choosing original and traditional ideas for choosing a gift for your soul mate or a young couple for the first wedding anniversary.

The value of the first joint date

The first wedding anniversary is popularly called "calico". This not-so-romantic meaning is due to the fact that many couples by the end of the first year of seed life are already acquiring or are about to acquire offspring, and chintz will come in handy for them “in diapers”.

Another version of the origin of such an interpretation is related to the fact that chintz is a fragile material, it is easy to break it, as well as relationships that have not yet gained strength. In addition, chintz is something ordinary, everyday, like weekdays, into which the first festive months spent together gradually turn.

There is also a third, most frivolous version - it is the chintz that goes to the fabric for bed linen, which probably needs to be replaced by the end of the first married year, since the whole year was very actively exploited by loving newlyweds.

If you want to pick up a gift, certainly based on holiday symbols, then you have several ways:

  • traditionally follow the "chintz" direction - not very romantic, but practical and certainly "in the stream";
  • choose a gift that symbolizes strength and building relationships that are strengthening day by day;
  • give the newlyweds or your soul mate something individual that will allow you to get closer and remind you of passion and mutual attention;
  • forget about stereotypes and present just a useful or pleasant gift!

Gifts for a young family

A chintz anniversary is not always celebrated grandiosely, but sometimes couples do not want to leave this day without attention, inviting guests. Of course, you need to think about a good gift that will please the newlyweds. And we will help you with ideas: for sure, among the mass of options, you will stumble upon “exactly that!”.

Calico gifts

As part of the traditional approach, you can purchase gifts for a married couple related to the material declared as a symbol of the anniversary:

"Paired" chintz

Such gifts can be made to newlyweds, giving both husband and wife at the same time: this will further emphasize their unity and hint at strengthening joint feelings. Such presentations can be both useful and funny:

  • paired t-shirts or t-shirts with funny photos, drawings or inscriptions (you can make them to order, then your gift will also be exclusive!);
  • paired aprons for husband and wife (nothing brings people together like spending time together in the kitchen!), Of course, also take care of originality;
  • a pair of bathing or bathrobes (not necessarily of the same color, it is quite possible to follow the general style or embroider commemorative inscriptions or at least the names of the recipients on the pockets);
  • two cozy pajamas (naturally, women's and men's), which will be so nice to put on and, more importantly, take off each other in a fit of passion;
  • if a very modest gathering is planned, it is quite possible to give chintz handkerchiefs (it would be better if you decorate them with embroidery or original appliqué).

Other family gifts

Gifts "for two" are always in trend, because they are presented to the family as a whole. Today, a responsible giver has a wide range of opportunities to please a young family by giving, for example:

  • wedding calendar - you can order it in printing, using good photos for sketches, if you can get them (you can use exclusively wedding ones or expand the range with memos from joint events);
  • paired gifts "for lovers" - the couple will be pleased to remember those carefree days, weaving their hands under a cozy blanket "for two" (with holes for heads), putting on paired mittens designed to hold hands inside them, or opening them above themselves "paired" umbrella;
  • cups from sets "for two";
  • decoration, dividing into two symbolic halves;
  • a board game for family pastime (today you can order copies with any names or inscriptions on the boxes);
  • multi-photo frame for family photos, which, probably, have already accumulated a lot;
  • a useful gift - household appliances, if the family has not yet had time to purchase them, for example, a meat grinder, coffee maker, blender, high-quality iron, etc.;
  • always "with a bang" - gift-experiences, for example, to a spa or swimming pool, to an interesting master class, a horseback ride, a photo session, even tickets to a concert, theater or cinema. Well, the top of generosity, for example, parental, can be a tourist trip.

Be careful with such gifts!

The first, original meaning of the cotton jubilee - "on diapers" - today should no longer be taken literally. Young spouses have a different attitude towards childbearing than was customary in former times. Therefore, gifts that hint at replenishment in the family are best done with caution, and if in doubt, it is better to choose other options.

But if the young wife is already pregnant or has recently given birth, then a gift related to her new role as a mother may well please her if appropriate.

Do not give baby clothes as a gift - most prefer to choose it themselves, and besides, many still have strong prejudices regarding the preliminary purchase of things for a newborn. But a children's blanket or blanket may well come "to the yard." The original night light will also come in handy in the future, perhaps an air heater, clothes dryer or other useful household accessory.

It is better not to make such gifts as a “surprise” if you are not a very close family person.

What to give your beloved husband

If the wife wants to please her soul mate with some kind of “thematic” gift on this significant day, she will not have to rack her brains for a long time. We offer a wide range of possible surprises for the "husband with a year of experience":

  • if we talk about traditions, then on this day the wife presented her husband with a shirt that was once sewn with her own hand, now, of course, you need to purchase the model you like, which will suit your spouse;
  • personalized gadget (depending on what exactly your man is committed to); today you can choose from a variety of options, ranging from a flash drive with his name in various designs, a personalized external battery for a computer or charger, ending with a custom-made case for his smartphone;
  • a comic "award": a medal, a statuette, a diploma with an inscription, the meaning of which will be clear to you two, like no one else;
  • a useful technical souvenir (men love all sorts of gadgets), for example, a thermometer, pedometer, barometer, compass, etc. original design;
  • a gift that will remind your loved one of you while he is in the office: a beautiful fountain pen with his name (so that no one accidentally appropriates it!), a notebook or diary with embossed on the cover, a pencil with an interesting engraving, a custom-made organizer folder, an original press - papier;
  • a lovingly chosen lunch box will always remind you of your care, in which loving hands have placed a lunch “snack”;
  • if your man is a dandy, then please him with beautiful cufflinks or a tie pin;
  • an interesting gift can be a bottle of champagne or beer with a personalized label made especially for your loved one;
  • It is always a pleasure to receive a keychain, personalized watch, purse or other men's accessory as a gift.

How to please your beloved wife on this day

First of all, attention! Many women, as experience and numerous questions show, even tend to be offended by a too practical and utilitarian gift from a loved one, but for the attention shown to her feminine essence, they are ready to forgive many past and future insults! Give your wife:

  • something new: a woman is not indifferent to new and beautiful clothes! Traditions spoke about the cut presented by the spouse for a sundress, but modernity dictates other norms. In such situations, "surprise" may well give way to appropriateness: even if you go to choose clothes together, your wife will be happy, and you are spared the problem of choice and possible failure with the size;
  • beautiful underwear: this is also in your interests, let her have something to seduce you in;
  • jewelry: a win-win option on any day; it can be a ring, a bracelet, new earrings or a set (and if you make a personalized engraving, your spouse will be smitten!);
  • if the wife already has a lot of jewelry, give an original organizer for her jewelry;
  • if the budget is more limited, sweetness can be an excellent choice, just present it in an original way. Today you can order a personalized chocolate wrapper with a portrait of your beloved, a box of individually designed chocolates, tea packaging with an original picture or inscription, or even a caramel with a precious name;
  • beautiful lamp with personalized engraving;
  • new “clothes” for her smartphone, tablet or e-book will also be relevant;
  • flowers: if not a bouquet, then a blossoming flower in a vase;
  • poems of your own composition or written to order (you can also make such a gift in an original way).

Some of the personalized gifts listed above can be purchased from the links below.

MEN REMEMBER! A woman will appreciate not so much the amount of money invested in a gift, as the personal attention given to her. Give the choice and the process of presenting a gift quite a bit of time, and believe that it will pay off handsomely.

And never, never, and especially on the first family anniversary, do not give your better half a few bills with the words: "Buy yourself something." And to forget to give a gift to the woman you love, especially on such a day, is a direct path to discord in relationships. Let love and mutual understanding always reign in them, and gifts in such a case, along with everything else, are also a good “glue” that connects loved ones.

The creation of a new family is an occasion for a grand celebration. But even a year later, and 10 years after marriage, weddings are celebrated in the family. Only here they are called differently.

A wedding is one of the happiest days in the life of newlyweds, a symbol of their love, fidelity and a guarantee of a strong and long relationship. Of course, life can turn out differently, but popular rumor believes in the best: it’s not for nothing that there is a red wedding that celebrates a century of living together.

Marriage is just the beginning of a long journey

Is there life after marriage?

This is exactly what one of the most popular aphorisms associated with marriage sounds like. Jokes are jokes, but there is some truth in them. A wedding is not only a day when the bride flaunts in a snow-white dress, smiles happily at photographers and throws a bouquet to unmarried friends, and the groom, worried, swears an oath in front of the altar and kisses his legal wife. It all does not end there, and every year a young and not so young couple traditionally celebrates the day of their union, gathering guests or arranging a romantic dinner.

Each year has its own name and traditions, designed to remind spouses of the time spent together and strengthen their union. They also make it much easier for invited guests to choose gifts. Previously, each such anniversary was needed so that the family could replenish their supplies.

For example, a linen wedding, which tells about the end of 4 joint years, prescribes giving gifts made of linen: tablecloths, bedspreads or towels. Linen used to be an expensive material, durable and strong. A linen wedding both emphasized the coherence and strength of the family, and called for help by giving a necessary and useful thing. Our ancestors were cunning, oh, cunning!

And although now a young family can buy everything they need on their own, traditions have survived and have survived to this day, helping out more than once in a difficult choice. Of course, no one will be offended if you give the spouses something different. After all, rules are there to be broken.

First 10 years of life

In Europe, there used to be an interesting tradition: on the birthday of his daughter, the father planted a myrtle tree, which, along with the bride, was given to the groom on the wedding day. Hence the name green wedding. This is the first year of a young person's life. They dearly love each other, trying to get used to living together, learning to build a real family. Happiness overwhelms them, and they do not resist it.

You can celebrate a green wedding at least every month or even a week. Purity and freshness of feelings will help the newlyweds to extend the charm of the wedding for as long as they themselves want.

The first "official" wedding anniversary is called calico. This fragile, easily torn material, according to some people, symbolizes the fragile relationship of young people who have just begun to get to know each other properly. Although some believe that this is more due to the fact that in the first year of spending nights together, the husband and wife wear out the bedding a lot.

Gifts are also associated with this: cotton bed linen, aprons, potholders, handkerchiefs.

On the first anniversary of their life together, young people are presented with calico products

The next, second, year is already more durable, but everything is just as easily torn and crumpled - this paper wedding. You should not immediately think about money, although such a gift will always be welcome. Books, albums, calendars, paintings, photographs - the choice of gifts is unlimited.

The third year is very important for the family. Young people managed to overcome the first year in love, the difficult second year, when they “got used to” each other, and entered the third year. Leather wedding - this is a symbol of a strong family that has already spent enough time together and got to know each other from different angles. The choice of gifts is huge: from leather furniture to bags, purses and jewelry.

4 year - linen wedding, which was mentioned above.

The first "serious" anniversary of the family comes in a year. wooden wedding is associated with a wooden frame - a solid structure that can survive the centuries and maintain warmth and comfort inside the house. There is a sign that if a tree is planted for 5 years of a wedding, it will live for many years and remain a memory for posterity - so veiledly the ancestors hinted at a friendly family that would not break from life's adversities. The choice of gifts remains very extensive: wooden handicrafts, carved caskets, dishes or interior items.

Next year will put guests accustomed to following traditions in a difficult position. Cast iron wedding, symbolizing 6 years of marriage, suggests that cast-iron objects, namely pans and pots, should act as gifts. Today, these things are not only useless - they are almost impossible to get. At the same time, a cast-iron wedding in America and Western Europe is called candy, and in Latvia - rowan, which gives more room for imagination.

Between the 6th and 7th year there is a so-called zinc wedding- 6.5 years. It has no historical reference and, most likely, was created as an additional reason to celebrate a life together.

The 7th wedding year passes under the sign of copper. copper wedding invites spouses to exchange coins as a gift, and guests to choose metal gifts.

Tin wedding celebrating 8 years of family. Sparkling, brand new metal symbolizes the renewal achieved in life, therefore it is better to give the appropriate things: kitchen and household utensils, funds for repairs or updating the environment.

9 years and earthenware wedding waiting for you next. Finally, you can not puzzle over a gift, but choose a beautiful tea or coffee set.

Faience wedding - 9 years of marriage

The first round date (as many as 10 years) is called pink or pewter wedding and celebrated in full: invite all the friends who were present at the wedding itself. The holiday should emphasize the beauty of the spouses and their union. Among the gifts most often called roses: each guest should bring them. It would also be nice to choose something pink - the most romantic of the entire spectrum.

Exchanging the second ten

11 years of meeting spouses steel wedding. A strong, strong, indestructible family has already proved to itself and the world that it will endure all hardships. From the guests they can expect stainless gifts for the whole family, mainly kitchen utensils.

Having lived together for another year, the husband and wife celebrate their 12th birthday as nickel wedding. A dozen lived years sparkle like polished metal, from which gifts will consist.

The Devil's Dozen has a romantic name lily of the valley or lace wedding. The main theme here will be love and fidelity to the second half, and gifts should emphasize this.

Folk tradition ascribes to 14 years the status of stone or agate. The family grows stronger, relationships become deeper, and love becomes more precious.

Interpret the meaning of 15 years of marriage, glass wedding, very simple: it is the purity and clarity that reigns in the family. In the old days, the celebration continued until one of the guests broke a glass or saucer. This time it will be very easy to choose gifts: glass and crystal items will help out many.

16 and 17 years old do not have their own names, but this does not prevent the spouses from coming up with something of their own, individual.

18 years - turquoise wedding. The solid cell of society is ready to shine with new colors and is not going to lower its head under adversity.

19 years also remained without a name.

20 years is an important anniversary, indicating that the spouses have rallied around their hearth and are ready to spend time in comfort and warmth with a cup of tea. Therefore, it would be best for guests to give them a porcelain set - it is not for nothing that the wedding is called porcelain.

Further more

Apparently, the imagination of our ancestors was rather exhausted on previous anniversaries, so the next weddings come with only names, but without recommendations. Only round dates have their own traditions and recommendations.

21st anniversary is called opal wedding.

22nd anniversary is bronze wedding.

23 wedding - beryl.

24 year - satin.

24 years old - relationships are tender and strong, like satin

Finally, a quarter of a century approached, as the spouses exchanged rings and vows. They experienced a lot, gained a lot, they learned to understand each other perfectly. The solid age of marriage is also justified by the choice of the precious metal. Earlier on from silver wedding husband and wife exchanged a pair of silver rings, which they wore along with wedding rings. This symbolized the long journey of life that they had already overcome together.

26 years called jade wedding.

She is followed by 27 years mahogany wedding.

The 28th anniversary doesn't even have a name, but the 29th is velvet wedding.

And now the family is approaching the next holiday. As many as 30 years together - a real gem in modern life. A clean, smooth stone gave the name to the event - pearl wedding. According to tradition, on this day, the husband should give his wife a necklace of 30 grains - according to the number of years lived nearby. Guests can limit themselves to gifts decorated with artificial pearls.

Let's cross the third decade

The couple did not have time to look back, and then half of their lives had already passed together. There are fewer and fewer special names for anniversaries, and only more and more love and tenderness. Next, only 31 years are to be celebrated - swarthy wedding, and 34 years - it will be amber wedding.

Coral wedding or linen, following, cuts off 35 years of marriage. Noble coral has always been a symbol of health and longevity. This is emphasized by folk wisdom, calling for donating coral crafts and linen tablecloths and napkins.

37 years - muslin wedding.

The next date is worth highlighting. Despite the fact that it is celebrated for 37.5 years of marriage, aluminum wedding has always been very popular with the people. Easy and strong relationships bind a couple, which no one can destroy.

38 years - mercury wedding.

39 years - crepe wedding.

A stone of love and passion, a noble ruby ​​will become a symbol of 40 years. ruby wedding notes that the spouses have become so close to each other that their relationship can be compared to a precious stone, which is not inferior in hardness to a diamond.

Most precious years

So many years have passed - and the spouses still love each other, as on their wedding day. Exquisite names taken from stones and plants best describe their relationship.

44 years old - topaz wedding.

45 years - sapphire wedding. Sparkling sapphire has long been considered a healing stone that gives strength and health to those who wear it. He always helped to fight fatigue, which is emphasized by folk legends in the name of the anniversary.

55th anniversary is associated with emerald - a symbol of longevity.

And here is diamond wedding on the way. As many as 60 years together - not everyone can boast of such an achievement. In honor of a significant date, the husband gives his wife jewelry with this stone, and the guests bring crystal gifts.

65th anniversary is called iron wedding - meaning is clear without words.

67.5 years are celebrated as stone wedding. A solid experience gives the spouses every right to once again celebrate their love by comparing it with a rock.

Family celebrating 70 years of life a blessed or grateful wedding. To live together for so many years, carefully preserving love and hearth - isn't it a miracle? On this holiday, children and grandchildren give the anniversaries everything they wish.

75 years - crown wedding crowning married life.

80 years - oak wedding, wedding longevity and firmness.

Red wedding - rarely celebrated holiday. Exactly a century ago, young people appeared before the whole world as husband and wife. For exactly 100 years they lived together, worked, raised children and grandchildren, laughed, cried and rejoiced at successes, supported each other in everything. And everything turned out for them, like in a fairy tale: they lived happily ever after.

More about the origin and meaning of wedding names:

1 Chintz wedding - 1 year
It is also called a cotton or gauze wedding as a sign that in a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is similar to gauze or chintz. Young for 1 year of marriage just got to know each other closer; their relationship is still very fragile.

2 Paper wedding - 2 years
It is called paper because such a short period is subject to change and can tear as quickly as paper. In the 2nd year after the wedding, a child often appears in the family, which entails a lot of real worries.

3 Leather wedding - 3 years
It is called leather because leather is a durable material. This means that the relationship is already more or less solid. Well, the skin is a symbol of flexibility in relationships.

4 Linen wedding - 4 years
They also call it a rope wedding as a sign that in 4 years the husband and wife have already become accustomed and are like intertwining fibers of flax rope. It's not so easy to separate them. Often, as a gift for the 4th wedding anniversary, guests bring linen bedspreads, tablecloths, towels, etc.

5 Wooden wedding - 5 years

It is called wooden, because a family with five years of experience can be compared to a wooden house. This is already a solid structure, but it can be threatened with fires (family quarrels). The fifth anniversary of marriage is the first anniversary of marriage, which must be celebrated.

6 Cast iron wedding - 6 years
It is called cast iron because cast iron is a strong metal (glorifies the strength of the hearth), but at the same time it is very fragile and can crack at any moment.

6.5 Zinc wedding - 6.5 years
The name of this anniversary has a deep meaning - family relationships, like galvanized dishes, must be periodically polished to a shine so that it fades over time.

7 Copper wedding - 7 years

Copper is no longer a ferrous metal, but a valuable metal. But she is still far from noble. Spouses on this anniversary exchange copper coins as a pledge of future happiness.

8 Tin wedding - 8 years

It is believed that at the eighth anniversary of marriage, family relations are renewed. This is what the sparkling tin symbolizes. The life of the spouses should settle down completely and they should completely get used to each other.

9 Faience wedding - 9 years

It is believed that 9 years after the wedding, family relationships are going through a critical period and are fragile, like faience. There is also an opinion that for the nine years of marriage, spouses live in abundance.

10 Tin wedding - 10 years
The symbol of the anniversary is the metal tin, which is a symbol of flexibility. All guests who were present at the marriage 10 years ago are invited to the celebration. This anniversary is also called the pink wedding. On this anniversary, a husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red - as a symbol of love and 1 white - as a symbol of hope for the next decade.

11 Steel wedding - 11 years
The symbol of the anniversary for 11 years of marriage is steel. This metal is very beautiful and mirror-like. Family life should be the same: strong and mirror-clean. At this point, the family should have their own house and two children. on this anniversary it is customary to give dishes, cutlery, steel souvenirs.

12.5 Nickel wedding - 12.5 years

Nickel is a metal that symbolizes that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other. The wedding anniversary is not round and is celebrated in the family circle.

13 Lace wedding - 13 years old
The symbol of a wedding for the thirteenth birthday is lace, which symbolizes that delicate, harmonious relationships in the family have been built over the years and this should be appreciated. It is customary to give gifts made of lace and products knitted from fine wool.

14 Agate wedding - 14 years

Only 14 years after the wedding, the tradition assigns the status of a precious stone to the marriage, and this stone is agate. It is believed that if the marriage lasted 14 years, then he is no longer afraid of any obstacles. Agate is a symbol of well-being, health and prosperity.

15 Crystal wedding - 15 years
Crystal, symbolizes that marriage for fifteen years, time-tested - strong and pure. Gifts for the 15th wedding anniversary are given from crystal and glass - vases, glasses, glasses, etc.

16 Topaz Wedding - 16 Years Old

Topaz is a semi-precious stone that symbolizes the transition from soft to strong. A topaz wedding is a kind of anniversary of the transition of life together from romantic to lasting relationships.

18 Turquoise wedding - 18 years old

Turquoise is a semi-precious stone, a symbol of happiness and victory. It symbolizes the end of difficult and crisis situations associated with the growing up of children. The children have already matured enough, which means that the problems have become much less and family relations should sparkle with new light.

19 Pomegranate wedding - 19 years
Pomegranate is a semi-precious stone, a symbol of fertility and abundance. Over the years, the spouses should already have many children and the house is a full bowl.

20 Porcelain wedding - 20 years

An important round date for the family. The symbol of the wedding anniversary is porcelain, which is a thin, light and fragile material. It symbolizes that over 20 years of marriage, all the dishes presented for the wedding have broken and it is necessary to renew it (renew relations in the family).

21 Opal Wedding - 21 Years Old
Opal is a semi-precious stone, a symbol that evokes a repulsive feeling towards the person who gave it.

22 Bronze wedding - 22 years
Bronze is a non-ferrous durable metal. It symbolizes the strength and flexibility of family relations and the beginning of a stage towards their new development. It is believed that by this time the spouses should easily adapt to each other.

23 Beryl Wedding - 23 years old
Beryl is a semi-precious stone, a symbol of peace of mind, the keeper of the hearth, prosperity and well-being. 23 years is one of the turning points in family life.

24 Satin wedding - 24 years old
Satin is a light and smooth fabric. It symbolizes that at this stage, this is exactly how relationships in the family should be. It is believed that all the difficulties are already behind, life is arranged - it remains only to enjoy what has been achieved.

25 Silver wedding - 25 years
The symbol of the anniversary is silver - a precious metal. It is believed that spouses who have lived together for a quarter of a century value each other and will never part.

26 Jade wedding - 26 years
Jade is a semi-precious ornamental stone, known for its strong structure, which is very difficult to break. Symbolizes the strength of marriage.

27 Mahogany Wedding - 27 Years Old
Mahogany is a symbol of nobility, wisdom, endurance and strength of relationships. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow family circle, surrounded by children and grandchildren.

28 Nickel wedding - 28 years
Nickel is a shiny, ductile, malleable silver-white metal. It symbolizes with its name that spouses need to fill their lives with radiance even after many years of living together.

29 Velvet wedding - 29 years
Velvet is a soft pure silk or semi-silk pile fabric. It is considered luxurious and festive material. It symbolizes the warmth, tenderness and softness of the relationship between husband and wife.

30 Pearl wedding - 30 years
Pearls are a symbol of love, purity and fertility. Therefore, it is assumed that in 30 years, spouses, in addition to children, should already have grandchildren. An ideal gift from a husband to his wife is a necklace, in which, of course, there should be 30 pearls according to the number of years lived together.

31 Swarthy wedding - 31 years old
The name of the anniversary symbolizes warmth and light in a relationship where no petty quarrels and troubles can prevent them from building their family happiness further.

33 Stone wedding - 33 years
The name of the anniversary symbolizes the strength and reliability of marriage.

34 Amber wedding - 34 years
Amber is a beautiful ornamental stone that has come a long way, transforming from a viscous resin into a beautiful valuable stone. A symbol of the construction and transformation of family relations between husband and wife from soft and viscous to strong.

35 Linen (coral) wedding - 35 years
The canvas in folk beliefs - personifies peace, prosperity and comfort, and corals - health and a long life together. Therefore, at the age of thirty-five, the spouses should already have a huge family, with many grandchildren.

37 Muslin wedding - 37 years
Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production of which in ancient times required a lot of time, effort and patience. It symbolizes that for such a long period of time, the spouses must create a strong family.

37.5 Aluminum wedding - 37.5 years
Aluminum is a strong yet lightweight metal. A symbol of lightness and strength of family relationships. For such a solid period, the spouses have learned to put up with each other's minor shortcomings and be able to easily find a way out of any family troubles.

38 Mercury wedding - 38 years
Mercury is a liquid metal that can easily change its shape. It symbolizes a chance to take a fresh look at your relationship and possibly change a life dedicated to each other.

39 Crepe wedding - 39 years
Crepe is a durable material, the threads of which are tightly intertwined with each other. A symbol of the fact that the joint life of a husband and wife at this stage is a single strong canvas, which is very difficult to break.

40 Ruby wedding - 40 years
Ruby is a precious stone that is a symbol of fire, love and an ever-burning feeling that will never go out.

42 Pearl wedding - 42 years
According to popular belief, mother-of-pearl has magical qualities that can strengthen the relationship between husband and wife and bring happiness to the house. The best gift for the anniversary of a mother-of-pearl wedding will be jewelry made of mother-of-pearl or pearls.

43 Flannel wedding - 43 years old
Flannel is a soft and warm fabric that can keep you warm in cold weather. A symbol of warmth in family relationships. Following folk traditions, the spouses give each other clothes made of flannel. It can be pajamas, shirts, bathrobes, etc.

44 Topaz wedding - 44 years
Topaz is a gem of the purest water, known not only for its unique transparency and beauty, but also for its strength. It is a symbol of the fact that family relations should be strong and transparent, without quarrels and resentments.

45 Sapphire wedding - 45 years
Sapphire is a precious stone that is a symbol of love, protection from evil and kindness. Like this stone, spouses must protect and protect each other.

46 Lavender wedding - 46 years

Lavender is a southern plant that symbolizes tenderness and kindness and the longevity of marital relationships without passion and fuss. A blue tablecloth and blue dishes are traditionally presented as a gift.

47 Cashmere wedding - 47 years
Cashmere is a very thin, soft and warm twill fabric; woven from combed yarn. It is unique in that it does not cause allergies. A symbol of the fact that spouses who have lived together for 47 years can no longer annoy each other.

48 Amethyst wedding - 48 years
Amethyst is a semi-precious ornamental stone. When heated already at about 250 °, amethyst loses its color and becomes colorless. It symbolizes the transparency and purity of relationships, without which it is difficult to live together for so long.

49 Cedar wedding - 49 years
Exactly one year before the golden jubilee, the husband and wife celebrate a cedar wedding. Cedar is a hardy noble tree that lives for several hundred years.

50 Golden wedding - 50 years
The golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is one of the most expensive metals - gold. Gold represents something that has been achieved through hard work. A fifty-year marriage is just such a value. The anniversary is very important and is celebrated very magnificently and brightly. On the day of the golden wedding, according to tradition, the spouses give each other new wedding rings, and the old ones are passed on to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a family heirloom.

55 Emerald wedding - 55 years
Emerald is a grassy green gemstone. The main criteria for the quality of an emerald are its color, and then transparency. The celebration of this anniversary is arranged by children for their parents. Emerald jewelry is given as a gift.

60 Diamond wedding - 60 years
Diamond is the rarest, most valuable and expensive of all gemstones. A symbol of the rarity and value of married life that lasted 60 years.

65 Iron wedding - 65 years
The symbol of the wedding anniversary is iron, which symbolizes a strong relationship that has been proven over the years.

67.5 Stone wedding - 67.5 years
The stone is a symbol of the fact that the relationship of spouses who have lived for more than 67 years has become strong and indestructible, like a stone.

70 Gracious wedding - 70 years
It symbolizes that love sent by heaven is grace and true happiness. The anniversary is celebrated among children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who independently organize this holiday for their parents.

75 Crown wedding - 75 years

Symbolizes the wedding of family life. Such a long marriage is a real achievement.

80 Oak wedding - 80 years
Oak - is a symbol of eternity. This is a very powerful tree that is not afraid of any hurricanes and storms.

90 Granite wedding - 90 years
Granite is a symbol of strength that cannot be destroyed by either the elements or time.

100 Red wedding - 100 years
The most impossible and unrealistic wedding date is 100 years. May God grant each of us to achieve it!
