
How much to cook durum pasta. Boiled spaghetti with sauce

Modern housewives cannot devote much time to the kitchen. Therefore, pasta is one of the best side dishes. Their positive feature is that it takes no more than fifteen minutes to cook them, they do not burn, you do not have to stand near the pan and stir its contents monotonously. Pasta, one might say, is cooked on its own (you only need to reduce the fire under the pan in time and stir the products once or twice), and you can start preparing the rest of the elements of lunch or dinner.

How much to cook pasta depends, of course, on what flour they are made from. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of horns, noodles, curls, shells and many others. Pasta, which is made from durum wheat, is of the highest quality, but also costs an order of magnitude more expensive than regular pasta. If the box says "pasta di semola di grano duro", it means that you have chosen really good pasta that will allow you to enjoy the true taste of an Italian dish. The pack also indicates how long to cook pasta in accordance with their species and the quality of the flour used in their manufacture.

When cooking, use large pots. Pasta needs plenty of water to keep it from sticking together and cook well. It should be based on a ratio of 1:10, that is, one hundred grams of the product requires at least a liter of water. During cooking, the product boils, that is, it swells in water and, therefore, increases its volume. You need to remember how much to cook pasta in order to prevent contamination of the stove and the bay of the fire itself (and this, in turn, can lead to gas poisoning). Because the water in which the pasta is cooked can “run away” from the pan if the heat is not reduced.

When the water in the pan boils, you should salt it, fill in the products and set a timer for how much pasta should be cooked. If you want to cook spaghetti, then they should be put into the pan with one end, without breaking, and slowly press the other. In boiling water, the pasta will quickly become soft and neatly fit into the pan. How much to cook also depends on the quality of the product itself, but no more than thirteen minutes.

The best way to tell when pasta is done is to simply taste it. You should not hesitate with this procedure and you can take the first sample in about eight minutes. Then you should get a colander and rinse it with boiling water. Almost everyone knows how long it takes to cook pasta, but not everyone is aware that pasta is served in warm dishes and is never laid out in cold kitchen utensils. You also need to rinse the product with hot water, but good and high-quality pasta should only be rinsed or simply do not completely drain the water in the pan. Plates need to be warmed up and only after that put the cooked dish on them. Pasta is usually served with various sauces, meat and vegetables.

In addition, various kinds of casseroles can be prepared from pasta, which deliciously diversify the usual cuisine. To prepare the casserole, you only need to bring the product to half-cooked. How long does it take to cook pasta? Just a couple of minutes, just throw them into boiling water and no later than five minutes later, take them out and put them in a colander. In this case, the pasta should be washed with cold water. Then we put them in a mold, add the meat or minced meat pre-fried with onions until half cooked and chopped into pieces, pour it all with a delicious sauce (you can use it from a bag) and put it in the oven to bake. How long to cook About half an hour. You can serve the casserole on the table with a salad and decorate it with herbs.

As the Italians say: "Buon appetito!"

Pasta is the most popular food in the world. And if you count those dishes in the preparation of which pasta is used, you get a rather impressive figure. We can say that there is nothing easier. However, even in this simple matter, there are subtleties that make ordinary pasta even more appetizing.

Pasta appeared on the menu of people several centuries ago. In Russia, this product was brought by the Italians, who built ships in our country during the time of Peter I. The benefits from the production of pasta turned out to be tangible and therefore their production was established everywhere.

The biggest connoisseurs of this product - Italians - say that it is not difficult to cook pasta, but not just cook them deliciously. True chefs know how to cook delicious pasta, who adhere to certain rules when preparing them.

One of the tips on how to properly cook pasta is to take the required proportion of pasta and water. For every hundred grams of the product, one liter of liquid should be taken. Only in this case, the pasta will cook quickly and not stick together.

Cooking utensils also play an important role. It is better if you take a large pot with thick walls. Do not pour water to the very edges of the container. Even with pasta, it doesn't have to be full.

The water in the pan must be salted at the time of its boiling. It is very important to do this before pasta is dipped into it. They should be boiled already in salt water. For every liter of liquid, you need to take about 10 grams of salt. But after salting the water, it is better to taste it.

There is one more main rule. Don't put the pasta in the water until it boils. Otherwise, they can stick together, and then the dish will be spoiled.

Famous chefs recommend not to leave the kitchen during the cooking process. Pasta should be stirred from time to time, preferably with a wooden spoon. The water in the pan should boil throughout the entire time that the pasta is cooked. To do this, after they have been lowered into the water, you need to cover the pan with a lid to restore the boil. Then the cover should be removed.

To find out how many minutes to cook pasta, you need to read this information on the package. It is impossible to name a specific time. It depends on the quality of the pasta and on the cooking process itself. Therefore, following the manufacturer's recommendations on how to properly cook pasta, it is necessary to take a sample two or three minutes before the end. If the pasta is soft and does not leave a taste of flour when tasting, then feel free to turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. After three minutes, you can drain the liquid using a colander. If you are planning to make a sauce, leave a glass or less of the broth in which the pasta was cooked.

Good quality pasta does not require additional rinsing with water. But most importantly, never use cold water to rinse pasta. This has a detrimental effect on their nutritional value and structure.

When cooking spaghetti, the technology does not change. This one doesn't need to be broken. Put them in a pot of boiling water and after a while they will sink completely into it. Next, do not forget to constantly stir the pasta so that they do not stick together.

It must be served piping hot. Therefore, sauces for them must be prepared in advance. When the water is drained from the pasta, add the butter and some of the broth in which they were cooked.

Knowing how to cook pasta correctly, you can create many delicious and original dishes. Pasta goes well with vegetables, cheese, meat. They may well become a separate dish if you prepare a sauce for them.

Pasta is an integral part of not only Italian cuisine, but also a traditional product of many Eastern countries. Today they are popular everywhere: they are served as an independent side dish with various sauces and serve as an ingredient for more complex dishes. In cooking, the main thing is to know how to cook pasta. Compliance with simple rules guarantees that the dish will turn out delicious.

How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

Original pasta is prepared by combining two components: durum wheat flour and water. If the products are made according to a different recipe (with the addition of eggs, other products), then they quickly boil soft, become too soft and spoil the taste of the dish. In addition, such a product, unlike classic pasta, contributes to the appearance of extra pounds on the body. To prevent pasta from falling apart, you should choose a durum wheat product that is made in compliance with all production technologies.

Since such products contain complex carbohydrates, they do not make you fat. The starch, which is in their composition, is not destroyed during heat treatment, transforming into protein. Thanks to the wide variety of forms with pasta, you can cook any dish. Large products are stuffed, shells, long pasta, spirals are prepared as an independent side dish. Small bows beautifully complement salads, and short tubules are ideal for casseroles. Below are tips for housewives who do not know how to cook pasta properly:

  • For cooking pasta, you should use the formula invented by the Italians: 1000-100-10 (100 g of vermicelli and 10 g of salt are taken per liter of water).
  • How long to cook pasta after boiling? Observe the cooking time indicated on the package. As a rule, 10-12 minutes are enough. To check if the dish is ready, they try it. Vermicelli should lose firmness, but remain dense.
  • Pasta must be thrown into salted boiling water. In the first 2 minutes of cooking, they should be constantly stirred, if you ignore this item, the dish will be spoiled.
  • If you are making pasta for later use in another dish that involves heat treatment (for example, a casserole), it is worth draining the water until the product is fully cooked.
  • Do not wash spaghetti, noodles, horns with cold water, as the dish loses its taste. Leave them for 2-3 minutes in a colander to allow the water to drain naturally.
  • It is better to melt the butter first, and then add it to the pan.

How to cook spaghetti in a pot

The package indicates how long it takes to cook pasta. This indicator depends on the size of the products and products that are part of the spaghetti. As a rule, the cooking process takes no longer than 10 minutes, but during cooking it is better to check the dish for doneness. This will help avoid overcooking the product. Below is an easy way to cook delicious pasta in a saucepan.


  • spaghetti - about 500 g;
  • water (or milk) - 3 l;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp.

How to cook pasta:

  1. When the water in the pot starts to boil, salt it.
  2. Pour in the pasta, turn off the gas when the water boils again. Stir the spaghetti vigorously to keep it from sticking to the bottom and sides. If you want to make a dairy dish, use milk instead of water.
  3. Check the softness of the dish every 3 minutes. When the spaghetti is firm but soft, turn off the oven.
  4. Drain the water into a colander, shaking the pasta well. Rinse them under hot running water to remove starch residue.
  5. Fill the dish with oil.

How to cook delicious noodles in a slow cooker

Many housewives believe that cooking pasta is easiest in a slow cooker. The cooking time is reduced due to the absence of the need to wait until the water boils, and then rinse the finished product with water. A saucepan and a double boiler do not exempt from performing these actions, so for busy women, cooking in a slow cooker will be an ideal option. Devices of the Polaris, Panasonic, Redmond, Philips brands are popular, but any others are also suitable for instant pasta cooking.

How to cook pasta:

  1. Place shells or horns in a special container (volumetric grill or mesh), fill them with water so that it is a couple of centimeters higher than the product.
  2. Immediately add some butter.
  3. Turn on the cooking mode "Steam" or "Pilaf" for 12 minutes.
  4. The dish can be served with meat, meatballs, cutlets or salad.

How to boil horns or shells in the microwave

Cereals and potatoes taste better when cooked at medium or low microwave power, but pasta should be cooked at maximum power. The big advantage of their preparation in the microwave is the simplicity of the process. In addition, pasta does not stick together during the process, does not lose its elasticity and flavor. Cooking time should be selected depending on the type of product. So, large spirals or shells require longer cooking, and 10-15 minutes are enough for cobwebs or spaghetti.


  • boiling water - 0.4 l;
  • horns or shells Makf - 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to cook pasta:

  1. Fill a deep glass container with boiling water (use an electric kettle for quick heating), add salt and oil.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and send to the oven for 15-20 minutes at a power of about 350-500 watts. The more powerful the mode is selected, the less time it will take to cook.
  3. Remove the dish from the microwave, rinse with water and you can serve.

How to cook gossamer vermicelli

This type of pasta has the appearance of thin, short sticks made from lean dough. Vermicelli got its name "cobweb" because of its shape, and the Italians dubbed it "worms". Pasta contains almost no fat, so there is no risk of gaining excess weight when eating them. As a rule, Russian housewives put gossamer in soup, but, in addition, it can serve as a delicious side dish for vegetables, poultry and meat.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 200 g of vermicelli into salted boiling water. Stir the product for a couple of minutes.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil so that the dish does not stick together.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, turn off the stove and drain the water.
  4. Fill the cobweb with butter.

Do I need to rinse pasta after cooking?

Italian chefs consider rinsing pasta with cold water barbaric, as it removes the starch from the surface of the pasta, which is designed to absorb the sauce well. However, when rinsing, spaghetti cools quickly, does not boil soft and does not stick together. Rinse or not, it's up to you. It is worth starting from how the product will be used in the future. Rinse pasta should be in two cases:

  1. If they will be used to make a salad.
  2. If the pasta is already cooked, but the sauce is not yet ready and there is a risk that the product will stick together.

Video: how much time to cook pasta

Pasta cannot be called a bachelor's food, because this is not an ordinary dish that can be made "in haste". If the product is cooked correctly, it will become an exquisite side dish for meat, poultry, salad. How much to cook vermicelli after boiling and should it be washed? For each variety of pasta, you need to select an individual approach, so it is impossible to answer the questions posed unambiguously. Watch the video below to learn the secrets to making delicious pasta.

Master class from chef Ilya Lazerson

How many minutes to cook durum pasta

What can be cooked from pasta

Pasta, spaghetti, and other pasta are versatile products. With them, you can cook a huge number of different dishes, including soups, cold and hot salads, casseroles. Pasta will be delicious even as an independent side dish if you make spicy cheese, tomato or mushroom sauce for them. How you cook your pasta depends on what you end up cooking. Busy housewives should try fast food: spaghetti pancakes, pasta with champignons, fettuccine. Gourmets will like tagliatelle, lasagna, tagliolini.

Naval pasta with minced meat or stew

Many people think that there is no difficulty in cooking naval vermicelli, but this is not so. To make a tasty and unusual dish, it is worth considering a few important nuances. For example, pasta is better to choose with large holes. This will allow the stuffing to evenly fill the dish. You will learn about other secrets of making naval pasta after watching the videos below.

Soup with vermicelli and potatoes

In Japan, Australia, Korea, Brazil and even Jamaica, vermicelli soup is very popular. In Russia, housewives prefer to add potatoes to the first dish to make it more satisfying. However, it is not always possible to achieve perfect uniformity when cooking these two ingredients: the potatoes remain somewhat hard, and the vermicelli, on the contrary, boil soft. Learn how to cook the dish properly by watching the video below.

Delicious recipe with cheese in a mug

If you don’t have time to prepare a full dinner, a quick macaroni and cheese mug recipe is a great solution. The dish is cooked in the microwave in just 15-20 minutes and does not require any effort. It does not even have to be supplemented with meat or poultry, the recipe itself is satisfying. By watching the video below, you will learn how to make delicious macaroni and cheese very quickly.

In this post, I will try to expand as widely as possible the question “How to cook pasta?” and tell you how to do it in a saucepan, microwave, slow cooker, double boiler and electric kettle.


1. Dip pasta in boiling water, it is better to salt it immediately, cook over medium heat for 7-10 minutes. I note that the exact cooking time is always indicated on the package.

2. We put the finished pasta in a colander, which can be held over the sink or placed in some container. We are waiting for the excess water to drain. You can rinse the pasta lightly with warm water. When all the liquid drains, add a piece of butter or sauce to taste.

How to cook pasta (detailed instructions)

1. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan for 200 grams of pasta (this is half a standard package).

2. Add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to the water so that our pasta does not stick together (but you can not put it).

3. Salt the water. When it boils, stir in the pasta.

4. While they are cooking, sometimes stir so that the pasta does not stick to the bottom.

5. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

6. Rinse under warm or cool water. Leave in a colander to drain excess water. Season with oil or sauce. Macaroni is ready!

How to cook pasta in the microwave

In the microwave, pasta should be cooked for 10 minutes, adhering to the ratio: 100 grams of pasta to 200 grams of water. Pasta should be completely covered with liquid. We close the container with our dish with a lid, put it in the microwave for 10 minutes, choosing a power of 500 watts.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

Pour water into the slow cooker so that it covers the pasta for a couple of centimeters, put a spoonful of butter. We select the “pilaf” or “steaming” mode and cook for 12 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a steamer

To cook pasta for a couple, fill the lower capacity of the double boiler with water, pour pasta into the bowl, add water with a margin of several centimeters, salt, put a spoonful of vegetable oil. Cover tightly with a lid and cook for 15 minutes. Then we recline in a colander and rinse.

How to cook pasta in an electric kettle

To boil pasta in a kettle, follow these instructions:

1. In a two-liter kettle we collect 1 liter of water.

2. Bring it to a boil, then put pasta (100 grams).

3. Turn on the kettle again, wait until the water boils again. Since the kettle turns off after boiling, you need to constantly turn it on so that the water boils. Cook pasta for 7 minutes.

4. Drain the water through the spout, and put the pasta on a plate. It is better to wash the kettle immediately.

1. To make the pasta not so high-calorie, they can not be cooked for 2-3 minutes.

2. So that the pasta does not stick together during cooking, you can add a spoonful of sunflower oil to the pan and stir occasionally.

3. Pasta should be boiled in a large amount of water, after salting it (for 3 liters of liquid, 1 tablespoon of salt).

4. Cook pasta in a container without closing the lid (if cooking on gas).

5. If it turned out that the pasta is digested, they can be washed under cold water, thrown into a colander.

7. If you chose horns from all the pasta, then it is better to cook them for 10-15 minutes, but for foam (tubes) - 10 minutes, nests - 10 minutes.

8. During cooking, pasta increases 3 times, so 100 grams is enough for 2 good servings. 100 grams of pasta is best boiled in a saucepan with 2 liters of water.

This story about pasta ends. As for spaghetti, you can learn more about the preparation of this side dish in the article "". We are waiting for your comments.

To make pasta tasty, you need to know how to cook them correctly and follow the rules. And which ones - we will show in our video.

  1. We take a saucepan and fill it with water: for 100 g of pasta - 1 liter of water. If you add less water, then the pasta will turn out sticky.

For one serving, as a rule, you need 100 g of pasta.

Those. for a family of three, you need to cook 300 g of pasta in a 3-liter saucepan.

2. Dip pasta only in rapidly boiling salted water. The fire under the pan should be maximum.

Immediately after this, cover the pan with a lid for 30 seconds so that the water begins to boil again.

As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the lid and reduce the heat (this must be done quickly, otherwise you can flood the stove).

3. Immediately after adding the pasta to the water, they must be mixed.

Otherwise, they may stick together and stick to the bottom of the pan.

Pasta is cooked for 10-12 minutes. Readiness is determined "by the tooth".

Undercooked pasta has a mealy layer at the bite site. Overcooked - sticky and falling apart.

4. The first sample must be taken 1 minute before the minimum cooking time indicated on the manufacturer's packaging.

That is, if the products are cooked for 10-12 minutes, then you should try already at the 9th minute.

5. Do not drain all the water from the finished pasta, otherwise they will dry out.

It is best to pour 2-3 tablespoons of the water in which they were boiled before this.

Then drain the pasta in a colander, transfer them to a saucepan and add the remaining broth.

It is also advisable to heat the colander before use so that it does not take away excess heat.

6. Pasta is served hot, preferably on warmed plates. Therefore, before cooking pasta, you need to prepare the sauce so that they do not have time to cool.

How wrong

  • Save on quality. Alas, in this case, quality does not come cheap. It is better to buy pasta from durum wheat.
  • You can not salt the dish during the cooking process. The water is salted before the pasta is dipped into it.
  • Do not put pasta in a saucepan in which the water reaches the edge - you can pour over the stove.
  • Do not rinse cooked pasta with cold water. Chilled pasta is not tasty.
