
Delicious mushroom caviar. Mushroom caviar with carrots and onions - the most delicious mushroom caviar recipes for the winter

Good afternoon.

We continue the mushroom theme that began with the last article about. Today I want to offer you a recipe for cooking, which in our family certainly occupies a leading position. I'm talking about caviar from mushrooms.

Caviar from mushrooms is insanely delicious and is used in a variety of ways. This is a simple sandwich and part of a side dish and an additive for stewing vegetables and meat.

Mix, for example, it with boiled pasta and you get a gourmet dish with a mushroom flavor.

You can come up with a lot of combinations, so take the time to prepare more caviar from mushrooms for the winter and you will not regret it.

Mushroom caviar from mushrooms for the winter: a recipe with onions and carrots

This recipe is a classic. Minimum ingredients. The mushrooms themselves do not have their own strongly pronounced taste, so we will give the caviar aroma with the help of onions and carrots. We will not use vinegar, so the workpiece will need sterilization.


  • Honey mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Medium carrot - 3 pcs
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Salt - 3 tbsp
  • Pepper to taste

The indicated ingredients are enough for 3 half-liter jars and there will be another 200 grams per sample to feast on right now.


To begin with, we put honey mushrooms cleaned of earth and debris and washed under running water, put them in a deep saucepan and pour 3 liters of cold water.

Put the pot on the fire, cover with a lid and bring to a boil.

When the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, add 2 tablespoons of salt and cook for 30 minutes under the lid, periodically removing the resulting foam.

When the mushrooms are cooked, drain them in a colander and rinse well with cold running water.

Then chop the onion and carrot. Cut the carrots into small cubes, and the onions into half rings, since before we pass them through a meat grinder, it will be necessary to fry them a little.

We put the vegetables in a pan and sauté until half cooked in vegetable oil.

Half-done is when the onion is already softened, but has not yet acquired a golden hue.

Now we take a frying pan and pour its contents into a bowl with mushrooms. Do not drain the oil from the pan to the mushrooms.

Mix all the ingredients and pass them through a meat grinder. Grating take a medium size.

Twist vegetables with mushrooms directly into the pan with oil, in which onions and carrots were previously fried.

The next step is to put this pan on medium heat, add one tablespoon of salt and pepper, mix and fry over medium heat under the lid for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

When the caviar is ready, remove the pan from the heat and lay the mushrooms in clean jars. It is not necessary to pre-sterilize jars.

We fill the jars strictly on the shoulders, tightly tamping.

Now you need to sterilize the blanks. We put the filled jars in a cold oven, covering them with lids, but without twisting.

We close the oven, set 110 degrees and leave the jars to be sterilized for 20 minutes.

Do not put the jars in a preheated oven, they may burst from the temperature difference.

Then we take out the jars, tightly twist the lids and leave them to cool upside down. You don't need to cover them.

Mushroom caviar is immediately ready for use, it is not necessary to withstand it.

How to make caviar from mushrooms for the winter in jars: a simple recipe with garlic and carrots

In this recipe, garlic and vinegar are added to the classic ingredients - for lovers of "po-vigilant". In addition, there are differences in the preliminary preparation of products, which affects the final consistency of caviar.


  • Honey mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Medium carrot - 2 pcs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Salt - 3 tbsp
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp

As in the previous recipe, the ingredients are enough for 3 cans of 0.5 liters.


We will cook mushrooms in two broths. This will not affect the final properties of the mushrooms, it is simply believed that you first need to extract all the harmful substances from them with the help of salted boiling water, and only then cook.

Therefore, we take peeled and washed mushrooms, put them in a saucepan with cold water, put 2 tablespoons of salt, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat, removing the foam.

Then we throw the mushrooms into a colander and rinse with cold water, and drain the water from the pan, and wash the pan.

After this procedure, again fill the pan with cold water (2 l), put the mushrooms in it, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat under the lid.

The advantage of double boiling is that after the second boiling you have a pure mushroom broth that can be used for soup right now or frozen in plastic bottles for the future.

While the mushrooms are cooking, prepare the vegetables. In this recipe, we will not pass them through a meat grinder, so we rub the onion on a coarse grater, cut the onion and garlic into small cubes and fry them all together in vegetable oil until a beautiful golden color.

We pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder.

And add to the vegetables in the pan. Salt, mix everything well and fry over low heat under the lid, stirring occasionally for 30 minutes.

Don't forget to add oil to the pan as it boils away.

5 minutes before the end, pour vinegar into the pan. It will not only add spice to the mushrooms, but also serve as a preservative for seamings.

Ready hot caviar from mushrooms directly from the pan is transferred to the very necks in advance and rammed. Then close them with lids and leave to cool upside down. After cooling, caviar can be stored both in the cellar and in the refrigerator.

Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder with tomatoes

A feature of this caviar is the presence of tomatoes (or tomato paste) in it, which changes the color of the mushrooms and the caviar is not dark, but light and similar in appearance to. But to be honest, I don’t feel much difference in taste, with or without tomatoes.


  • Honey mushrooms - 2 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg or tomato paste 500 g
  • Refined sunflower oil - 300 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp

As a result, you will get 3 liters of excellent mushroom caviar.


As in previous recipes, boil mushrooms for a total of 30-40 minutes. If you want, do it in one brew, if you want - in two. In fact, this is not important.

Grate carrots.

Finely chop the hand and fry until golden brown.

Pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder. If you took tomatoes, and not tomato paste, then scroll them along with the tomatoes, removing the peel and stalks from them.

The peel of tomatoes is easily removed if they are dipped in boiling water for a few seconds.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan with thick walls (best of all - a cauldron), add oil, salt and tomato paste, if you have not taken tomatoes before.

Mix all the ingredients, bring the pan to a boil, and then simmer the caviar under the lid for 40 minutes over low heat.

5 minutes before readiness (i.e. after 35 minutes), pour vinegar into the pan.

After that, it remains only to spread the hot caviar in sterilized jars (up to the neck), close or roll up and leave to cool upside down.

Cooking mushroom caviar from mushrooms for the winter without sterilization in a slow cooker

Saying that the recipe for caviar without sterilization, I mean 2 cases: the first - the jars are pre-sterilized and the jar already filled with caviar does not need sterilization. The second is that you do not sterilize anything at all, but then the caviar must be stored in the refrigerator and eaten within three months. Let's just say, not the best option if you want to cook a lot.

And the composition and recipe of mushroom caviar in a slow cooker does not differ from cooking in a pan (except for convenience).


  • 2.5 kg boiled mushrooms
  • 500 gr carrots
  • 500 gr onions
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp 9% vinegar

These ingredients are enough to get 3.5 liters of mushroom caviar.


I’ll cheat a little and skip the moment of cooking mushrooms, since I’ve already written a lot about it today. So, we take 2.5 kg of boiled mushrooms and twist them through a meat grinder.

Then chop the onion and carrot. We will pass them through a meat grinder, so we literally cut the vegetables into several parts so that they can fit into the meat grinder.

We twist the vegetables too.

Fry vegetables in a slow cooker for 15 minutes, pouring one glass of oil (passer). Don't forget to stir.

Then add mushrooms to the vegetables, pour another glass of vegetable oil, salt and pepper, mix everything well. Put a bay leaf on top.

We select the "extinguishing" mode, set the time to 30 minutes, close the lid and wait.

Then open the lid, remove the bay leaf and pour the vinegar.

It remains only to fill the jars with caviar and leave them to cool.

But then you have two ways: if you sterilized the jars, then you can even store the caviar from mushrooms in the kitchen cabinet until next autumn. And if the jars are not sterilized, then we store the cooled caviar in the refrigerator for no longer than three months.

Video on how to make caviar from mushrooms at home with a blender

Well, the last recipe for today for those who are too lazy to collect a meat grinder and who have a blender. I offer the recipe in video format, without a detailed description and photo, simply because apart from the method of grinding the products, nothing changes.

As you can see, mushroom caviar from mushrooms is a dish whose preparation does not require much time, rare products and cooking skills. Therefore, cook it even the most unprepared person.

I hope I was able to convey to you all the charm of this product and you will make yourself a few jars for the winter.

Thank you for your attention.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


In winter, do-it-yourself blanks always diverge very well. One of the most popular is mushroom caviar. If you learn how to cook such a delicacy, you will not regret it, because it tastes just great. Memorize a few recipes for its manufacture.

How to cook mushroom caviar

Housewives make this dish in different ways. As a rule, before preparing caviar from mushrooms, they are washed, cleaned, cut, boiled in water with salt. Then they are twisted in a meat grinder or interrupted with a blender. The remaining ingredients, for example, vegetables, are chopped, fried, and then mixed with mushrooms and spices. If a preparation is made for the winter, then vinegar is added to it, laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.

What mushrooms are made from

Mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, boletus are suitable for the dish. Assorted appetizers are also very tasty. The main and immutable rule is that mushrooms must be edible. Go through them before cooking, throw out rotten, overripe ones. You can take not only fresh mushrooms, but also frozen, salted, dried. Some preserve the whole hats, and already several jars of caviar are made from the legs. Both dishes are very tasty.

mushroom caviar recipe

There are different methods of preparing caviar, each of them has its own merits. It should be noted that caviar is eaten not only as an independent dish. It is smeared on sandwiches, added to pies, casseroles, and other pastries. Caviar can become a side dish for meat or even an ingredient in the first course, for example, soup. Try one of the following recipes and see how delicious it is.

For the winter

This appetizer is very fragrant, spicy. This is due to the fact that the recipe for preparing mushroom caviar for the winter includes a lot of greenery. The dish looks very beautiful, so you can safely put it on the festive table. There is nothing complicated in the cooking process. Even if you have never done canning before, you can easily handle it.


  • assorted mushrooms: white, boletus, boletus - 1.5 kg;
  • fresh parsley - 75 g;
  • onions - 10 small heads;
  • fresh dill - 75 g;
  • vegetable oil - 0.3 l;
  • fresh cilantro - 75 g;
  • apple cider vinegar (6%) - 120 ml;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • water - 2.25 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mushrooms, cut into pieces. Pour them with water and salt and boil. Remove more foam.
  2. After 40 minutes, drain the water, pass the mushrooms through a meat grinder.
  3. Peel the onion, fry it until golden brown, chop with a meat grinder.
  4. Wash and dry the greens. Chop it up a little.
  5. Mix mushrooms with onions, herbs, add vinegar and oil.
  6. Arrange the workpiece in small jars, after sterilizing them.
  7. Place a towel in the bottom of a large pot. Put the blanks covered with plastic covers there. Put the pan on the stove and pour enough water into it so that it does not reach the necks of the jars by a few centimeters.
  8. Sterilize for 40 minutes from the moment the boil begins. Take out the jars, close them with sterilized lids.

From honey agarics

The appetizer turns out not only very tasty, but also beautiful in color, thanks to the tomatoes that are included in the composition. You can see for yourself if you look at the photo with her image. You definitely need to remember how to cook caviar from mushrooms. You can surprise your loved ones, friends, guests with this dish. Read on to find out how to prepare this wonderful appetizer.


  • mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • black pepper (peas) - 8-9 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • onion - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • tomato paste - 75 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the mushrooms in salted water.
  2. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and carefully remove the skin from them.
  3. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  4. Grind mushrooms and all vegetables with a meat grinder or blender.
  5. Place food in a bowl. Add oil, salt, sugar, tomato paste there.
  6. Put the pan on a small fire and simmer for an hour under the lid. Stir caviar more often.
  7. Arrange peppercorns in sterilized jars. Distribute the caviar over them. Turn the jars over, after closing them with lids, and wrap them in a warm blanket. When they cool down, move them to a cool room.

From dried mushrooms

An original and tasty appetizer that you can serve immediately after cooking. Mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms turns out to be very fragrant, and the consistency resembles a pate. It is ideal for making sandwiches, can be used as a filling for pies, pie, pizza. Be sure to read how to prepare this magnificent caviar.


  • dry mushrooms - 250 g;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 4 pcs.;
  • salt, allspice - to your taste;
  • green onion - 4 feathers;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the mushrooms with cold water and leave for several hours. They should increase in size. When this happens, boil them until cooked in salted water, and then pour milk and leave for half an hour.
  2. Clean the bulbs. Cut one and fry in vegetable oil. Grind the rest, but leave raw.
  3. Express excess milk from the mushrooms. Mix them with fried and fresh onions, beat with a blender. Add olive oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper to the dish, mix thoroughly.
  4. Serve topped with chopped green onions.

Mushroom caviar with carrots and onions

This appetizer turns out to be spicy, it is insanely delicious to eat. Caviar from mushrooms with carrots and onions comes out very bright, looks great in the photo. Having cooked it once, you will start doing it all the time, because everyone loves the appetizer and it scatters very quickly, especially on the festive table. Delight yourself and your family members with this amazing dish.


  • mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • red ground pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • carrot - 0.4 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • onion - 0.4 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.4 l;
  • table vinegar (9%) - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mushrooms and boil for 45 minutes in salt water. Strain and refrigerate them.
  2. Clean the vegetables. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrot.
  3. Saute the onion in a skillet until translucent. Put carrots in there. Cook until soft.
  4. Pass the mushrooms through a meat grinder, mix with vegetables. Add oil, pepper.
  5. Put the workpiece on the stove and simmer for an hour, constantly stirring.
  6. A couple of minutes before turning off, pour vinegar into the snack.
  7. Divide the caviar into sterilized jars. Roll them up and place them upside down under a warm blanket. When cool, move to a cool place.

From fresh mushrooms

This appetizer is considered a real delicacy, it is very tasty, satisfying, fragrant. Every hostess who wants to please her relatives or guests needs to remember how to cook mushroom caviar from fresh mushrooms. The recipe below uses mushrooms. These mushrooms are famous for their pleasant, rich taste. Mushroom caviar will turn out especially well if they are recently harvested.


  • milk mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • black pepper (peas) - 15 pcs.;
  • onions - 10 medium heads;
  • carnation - 6 branches;
  • garlic - 1.5 heads;
  • horseradish leaves - 6 pcs.;
  • vinegar 3% (wine or apple) - 100 ml;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato juice - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean, wash and cut the mushrooms. Boil them in salt water. The process will take 40 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  2. Chop the onion, rub the carrot. Fry in vegetable oil until soft.
  3. Mix mushrooms, vegetables, chopped greens. Stew in tomato juice for an hour. Five minutes before turning off, pour in the vinegar.
  4. Distribute the garlic cloves, peppercorns, cloves, horseradish leaves evenly into jars.
  5. Remove the finished caviar from the heat and pass through a meat grinder. Arrange it in jars (sterilized), roll up. Turn the lids upside down, leave for a day under a blanket. Move to a cold place. The dish will be ready in a week and can be stored for a year.

From frozen

If the main ingredient has been in the freezer for some time, it can still make a great snack. Caviar from frozen mushrooms will be no less tasty than from fresh or dried ones. If you see both of these dishes in the photo, you won’t even be able to determine which one is which. Read how to make mushroom caviar from a frozen product and be sure to use the recipe.


  • frozen champignons - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 2 small heads;
  • salt, spices - at your discretion;
  • carrot - 1 large;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley - a few branches.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost mushrooms, drain excess liquid, boil in salted water.
  2. Grate the carrot, finely chop the onion. Sauté the vegetables in a skillet over medium heat until soft.
  3. Pass boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder along with vegetables, mix well.
  4. Put the workpiece on the stove, stir it constantly and wait for it to boil. Add some salt, chopped herbs, spices, pepper, tomato paste. Simmer covered for 40 minutes.
  5. You can cool the caviar and serve or roll it up while still hot in a sterilized container. In the second case, the snack is first laid out in jars. After it is sterilized in boiling water for a quarter of an hour, closed and immediately placed in a cold place.

Make a snack, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. If you are going to cook mushroom caviar from conditionally edible mushrooms, then first soak them in water with salt and citric acid.
  2. Most of all, honey agaric, chanterelles are suitable for snacks.
  3. Any mushrooms for cooking caviar need to be cooked for at least 40 minutes. If you roll it up, you will need to fry all the vegetables that are part of the recipe.
  4. Caviar in the open state can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than five days.
  5. If you keep the workpiece warm, then it is better to close it with metal lids. In other cases, it is preferable to take kapron.


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The first question is what mushrooms can be used to prepare mushroom caviar? The answer is simple: from any! Whatever is at hand - cook those! And be sure to stock up for the winter!

Silent hunting is in full swing - mushroom pickers use every opportunity to get out into the forest - a day off, a vacation, a day off. Now is the time to enjoy nature and its gifts - delicious mushrooms - mushrooms, boletus, boletus, white boletus and bright chanterelles with a delicate spicy aroma in abundance.

Mushrooms are a real gift of nature for humans! How many delicious dishes you can cook with them - do not count! Pies with mushrooms, sauces, julienne, pizza, pasta, risotto and of course winter preparations with mushrooms - now is the time to take care of it. If you have already salted, marinated, fried mushrooms with potatoes and frozen for future use, then it's time to make another delicious snack - mushroom caviar! Nobody can resist this delicious treat! A great lenten dish for everyone who keeps fasting!

If - you now prepare more of it, then in the winter say “thank you” to yourself. After all, this is just a lifesaver for the hostess, you can quickly cook a quick lunch or dinner from it - cook soup, serve with fried potatoes or meat, bake pizza or make mushroom sauce. Or just put it on the table as an appetizer even on holidays, even on weekdays, it's a charm!

Yes, and just spread mushroom caviar on black bread ... M_m-m ... delicious!

Mushroom caviar recipes - do not count!

You can cook mushrooms with onions, and add carrots or tomatoes (green or red), zucchini, eggplant. You can cook on the stove and in a slow cooker - where, how and with what you want - everything is delicious!

Mushroom caviar with carrots and onions from porcini mushrooms (boiled and frozen)

Many hostesses freeze boiled mushrooms for the winter. And this is very good! After all, then you can cook mushroom caviar at any time of the year - even in winter. You just need to defrost this very blank and arm yourself with our recipe!


  • 1 kg boiled mushrooms
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 2 small onions
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Peel and wash onions and carrots

Cooking step by step:

I use mushrooms already boiled in advance in this recipe, and when boiled, they weigh 1 kg. Moreover, these mushrooms were already frozen. If you cook from fresh porcini mushrooms, take the legs, wash them well and boil them in salted water for 40-45 minutes. Mushroom broth can be poured into molds and frozen, then added to sauces and soups, they will acquire a juicy and rich aroma of wild mushrooms.

Cool the mushrooms and grind in a meat grinder or in a blender with a chopper nozzle.

It is better to pass through the meat grinder twice, then the mushroom caviar will be more tender and homogeneous.

Carrots should be grated on a coarse grater, finely chopped onion.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and put the onions in it first, and then the carrots.

Lightly salt and fry them until tender. If vegetable oil is not enough, add it when frying from time to time.

When the onions and carrots are ready, put chopped mushrooms on them and fry,

we try in the process of frying to taste, if necessary - you need to add salt and pepper. Fry for another 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Caviar should not burn in any case. It is better to fry mushrooms with carrots and onions under the lid.

Mix the mushroom caviar well and put it in a salad bowl. You can eat it in any form - hot, warm or cold - as you like. Can be used as a delicious spread on aga bread, cold appetizers or added to pizza and julienne

Mushroom caviar from butter with onions and tomatoes, passed through a meat grinder

Butter mushrooms are amazingly tasty mushrooms and the caviar from them turns out just wonderful, silky!

For the winter, it’s good to cook caviar from butter through a meat grinder with tomatoes - you get the perfect snack, spread on sandwiches!


  • 1 kg butter
  • 0.8 kg onion
  • 1.5 tsp salt (to taste)
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • 50 ml vinegar 6%
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 garlic cloves optional
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Wash vegetables under running water

Cooking step by step:

  1. Wash butternuts, clean from debris and sand with a brush, remove the skin from the caps and cut
  2. Boil in salted water for 15 minutes.
  3. Throw away in a colander.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into cubes too.
  5. In a frying pan, fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  6. Add chopped tomatoes to the onion, salt and simmer until tender. Immediately add spices to them - ground black pepper, bay leaf. Simmer for 10-12 minutes.
  7. While the vegetables are stewing, pass the mushrooms through a meat grinder.
  8. Then skip the stewed vegetables as well.
  9. Mix chopped vegetables with tomatoes and boiled butter, you can skip this mass again through a meat grinder so that it has a more delicate texture.
  10. We spread the caviar in a pan, salt, pepper, if necessary (everyone has a different taste, right?). Simmer under the lid for another five minutes, so that the taste is uniform.
  11. If you will roll caviar from oil into jars, then add vinegar at this stage.
  12. If you plan to eat it in the near future, then vinegar can be omitted, but garlic can be added at this stage. Garlic can be finely or coarsely chopped or passed through a garlic press.
  13. Stir again so that the mushrooms do not burn, add more vegetable oil if necessary, but do not overdo it.
  14. Arrange the prepared mushroom caviar in pre-prepared sterilized jars.
  15. We will now sterilize them in water to be sure that in the winter there will be a safe product for your family.

We sterilize half-liter jars in quietly boiling water for 25-30 minutes, 0.7-0.8 jars for about 35 minutes, Liter jars - 45-50 minutes.

Then roll up the lids!

It is better to store such caviar in a cool dark place. Although it is so delicious that you will definitely eat it quickly!

And if you want to leave this yummy on the New Year's table, then put it in the cellar before the holidays, then the delicious mushroom caviar will definitely be preserved for the holiday!

Mushroom caviar in a slow cooker

Caviar can be prepared from absolutely any mushrooms - boletus, boletus, mushrooms, chanterelles, and even from year-round champignons. Of the latter, however, caviar is not so fragrant. But from wild mushrooms it turns out the most delicious!

It can be prepared from a mixture of forest mushrooms of various types. If suddenly there are different mushrooms in your basket, then feel free to cook this fragrant snack.

So the products are:

  • 1 kg of forest mushrooms (boletus or boletus)
  • 400 g carrots (2 medium)
  • 400 g onion
  • 1 table spoon of salt or 3 teaspoons
  • Black ground pepper to taste
  • Black peppercorns - optional
  • 2-4 table. tablespoons vegetable oil for frying

Cooking step by step:

Onion cut into cubes

Grate carrots on a coarse grater.

Wash mushrooms well, clean from forest debris. Cut into pieces.

Be sure to boil the mushrooms in a saucepan with salted water for 20-25 minutes. Drain in a colander to drain the water.

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker pan.

Turn on the "FRY" or "BAKE" mode.

Add onions and carrots, stir and sauté until golden brown, about 10 minutes. During this time they will become soft.

Add boiled mushrooms.

You need to salt. If you boiled mushrooms in salted water, then take a little less salt (although everyone has different tastes, carrots and onions are quite sweet)

We put salt to taste, about 1 tablespoon (or 3 teaspoons without a slide).

Black peppercorns 8-10 pieces and black ground pepper - a pinch. Mix everything and fry for another 5-7 minutes.

Now we need to extinguish. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 30 minutes.

While the caviar is cooking, we sterilize the jars. Who does not know how to do this, read our article

After the mushrooms are stewed, grind them with a submersible blender.

If you do not have an immersion blender, then before putting them in the bowl of the multicooker for stewing, scroll them through a meat grinder and only then simmer.

Grind caviar to a consistency that is pleasant to you.

If you will roll mushroom caviar for the winter, then add vinegar 5 minutes before it is ready.

If you do, cook to "eat now", then you can not put vinegar, then the taste of the caviar will be truly mushroom.

True, the shelf life of such caviar is greatly reduced, even in the refrigerator. Although it is so tasty that it is unlikely to stagnate on your shelf!

From the indicated amount of ingredients, this amount of fragrant boletus caviar was obtained:

If you want to make such caviar for the winter, then after you put it in jars (you must add vinegar), you need to sterilize the jars with mushroom caviar. Mushrooms are a complex food and I would not recommend that you prepare them for the winter without sterilization - this is very dangerous for your health!

Pour water into a saucepan, put a cloth folded several times on the bottom so that the jars do not burst when boiling. The water should reach the shoulders of the jars. Dig jars with mushrooms with boiled lids and sterilize with a slight boil of water after boiling

  • 0.5 l - 25 minutes
  • 0.7 l - 30 minutes
  • 1 l - 35-40 minutes

Then carefully remove the jars from the water and tighten the screw cap or machine. Turn over and leave to cool completely. Banks closed with screw caps do not need to be turned over.

Bon appetit!

Tip: Do not pour out the mushroom broth - freeze and use for sauces and first courses

Mushroom caviar from mushrooms through a meat grinder

Do you remember in childhood, we only had a meat grinder from grinders? No blenders, choppers and other bourgeois devices for you! And our mothers and grandmothers made surprisingly tasty caviar from mushrooms through a meat grinder. Everything was very simple and very tasty!

After all, the point is not how many newfangled devices you have (although it should be noted that they are very convenient and save our time), but the point is a proven recipe for caviar from mushrooms and a great desire to please your loved ones with a delicious preparation for the winter. Well, in the fall, of course, try a jar of delicious wild mushroom caviar!

So we cook caviar from mushrooms through a meat grinder! The recipe, tested over the years, is very simple, but at the same time, honey mushroom caviar turns out fragrant and tasty! In this recipe - a new way to sterilize mushrooms - for those who do not like to mess around with saucepans!


  • 1 kg
  • 2 pcs. medium carrot
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • 1.5 table. spoons of salt
  • 50-100 ml vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons spoons of 9% vinegar
  • Ground black pepper to taste and optional

Cooking step by step:

Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Be sure to boil them in lightly salted water. Pour water into a saucepan

We put it on the fire, when it boils, we lower the prepared mushrooms there, remove the foam, add salt, somewhere around 1.5 tablespoons.

Cook mushrooms for 35-45 minutes. We throw it away in a colander.

Onions and carrots, peel and wash. Now we need to cut them. We will cut the onion into half rings or cubes, and we will rub the carrots on a coarse grater, you can cut them into medium-sized cubes - as you like.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and put chopped onions and carrots into it,

Saute vegetables until almost done.

Put boiled mushrooms and fried vegetables in one cup

Now we arm ourselves with our favorite meat grinder.

Crank mushrooms and onions with carrots together or one after another through a meat grinder. The lattice can be any at your discretion - how you like caviar, what consistency. You can turn it 2 times to make it more uniform. If you like to feel the pieces of mushrooms in your mouth, then you can take the middle grill and turn it once.

It seems like honey agaric caviar is ready, but not quite! Now it must be stewed in a pan.

Pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom, put mushrooms with vegetables and simmer under a closed lid for 25 minutes, stirring all the time so that it does not stick, does not burn. If necessary, add salt, pepper, add your favorite spices. Although I believe that they interrupt the taste of mushrooms.

At the end of frying, add vinegar and mix the caviar well.

Prepare clean sterilized jars in advance. There we lay out caviar from mushrooms for the winter.

We cover the jars with boiled lids and send them to be sterilized in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

We take out the jars of mushroom caviar from the oven, tighten the lids, turn over and leave in this form until completely cooled.

We store in a cool dark place until winter.

If you are going to eat it in the near future, then you skip this step and simply put the caviar in a vase or in a container for storage in the refrigerator.

Caviar from mushrooms according to this recipe turns out to be surprisingly fragrant, tasty and tender.

Secrets of cooking any mushrooms

  • Mushrooms must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of sand and forest debris, which often rushes to them.
  • To do this, they need to be briefly soaked in water. You should not keep it for a long time, because they absorb water well and become loose and watery, especially tubular mushrooms - porcini, boletus, boletus.
  • With butter, it is better to remove the skin from the hats before cooking.
  • Cooking forest mushrooms before frying is a must.
  • Always defrost mushrooms while cooking.
  • If you cook a lot of mushrooms, then take a larger pan, because a lot of foam will form. Make sure that she does not run away, otherwise you will have to wash the stove later.
  • Throw in a colander in batches if there are a lot of mushrooms.
  • Put mushroom caviar tightly in jars, try not to leave air.
  • If a jar of mushroom caviar is swollen during storage, loosely closed and leaking, or mold has appeared - throw away such preservation without a doubt in any case! It is very dangerous! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Mushroom caviar with vegetables

A great recipe for utilizing green tomatoes - a very interesting combination of products, and the taste is amazing!

If you have already spun pickled green tomatoes and caviar from them for the winter according to our recipes:

Then feel free to add the rest to the mushroom caviar - you will not regret it! It turns out insanely delicious!


  • 1 kg mushrooms (already boiled)
  • 300 g onion
  • 300 g carrots
  • 300 g bell pepper
  • 300 g green tomatoes
  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 table. a spoonful of salt
  • 1 table bed 9% vinegar
  • 1 PC. Bay leaf

Cooking step by step:

Sort mushrooms, wash from sand and dirt.

Cut large mushrooms (for example, if they are boletus, boletus or porcini).

Boil them in salted water for 35 minutes, skimming off the foam all the time.

Drain in a colander and let the water drain

You can chop vegetables in any available way (choper, chopper, etc.). For this recipe, in my opinion, a meat grinder is ideal - after all, we all chop raw vegetables here.

We clean the carrots and scroll through a meat grinder.

Wash the bell pepper, cut it, remove the seeds and stalks and turn it through a meat grinder too.

My green tomatoes, cut and scroll in a meat grinder.

Then twist the boiled mushrooms.

Chop the onion quite finely.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan. If the volume of vegetables and mushrooms is large, it is more convenient to cook caviar in a cauldron.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until tender.

Add carrots, fry them together for 10-12 minutes.

Add all other vegetables: bell peppers, tomatoes and then chopped mushrooms.

Mix everything and simmer under a closed lid for one hour, stirring all the time so as not to burn.

Ten minutes before the readiness to add spices: ground pepper, parsley and salt if necessary (taste: what you lack, then add) and of course, vinegar. If you like spicy dishes, then you can add more pepper and vinegar than in the recipe.

Be sure to mix everything well and simmer for about five minutes so that everything boils and the taste is evenly distributed.

Before laying out on the banks, we remove the bay leaf from the caviar. If you leave it, the taste will be too spicy ... although you like it.

So, we lay out the mushroom caviar with vegetables in jars, tamping tightly so that there is no air left. We send the jars to be sterilized in a pot of water at a medium boil.

  • 0.5 l - half an hour
  • 0.7 l -40-45 minutes
  • 1 l - 1 hour

Take it out of the pan and twist the workpiece. Turn over, leave to cool completely.

If you want to play it safe, hide it under a blanket, let it cool down there.

All delicious, fragrant mushroom caviar with vegetables is ready!

Be sure to save some caviar to enjoy right away - the perfect appetizer and bread spread!
Bon appetit!

Did the summer succeed, and was the "quiet hunt" for mushrooms successful? Where to put "prey"? Of course, prepare for the future. And much tastier than frozen mushrooms is mushroom caviar for the winter. The recipes for preparing such an appetizer are varied and quite simple, they can be mastered by a non-professional cook. Well, do you want to treat yourself to a fragrant mushroom snack in the middle of winter? Then we cook caviar in our own houses from fresh forest mushrooms!

Basic rules for preparing mushroom caviar for the winter

What mushrooms are good for caviar? Basically, everything is edible. But white, honey mushrooms and butter, boletus, boletus and chanterelles are especially popular. But very much nothing turns out caviar from milk mushrooms, russula or mossiness mushrooms. It is possible to make an appetizer from several types of mushrooms. And if you pickled mushrooms, and the legs remained from them, this is also a good “raw material” for caviar snacks.

  1. Before cooking, all mushrooms must be sorted, cleaned and washed. Rotten and wormy are no good - we recycle them. The housewives know that in the preparation of mushrooms, the most routine thing is to clean the gifts of the forest. I recommend my proven method. I clean fresh mushrooms with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge or a toothbrush, removing adhering debris, and then just rinse in running water.
  2. Mushroom caviar is made from boiled mushrooms, so pre-boil the mushrooms for about forty minutes. Sometimes mushrooms are stewed in a frying pan.
  3. But vegetables that will further enrich the caviar with aroma and taste, as well as ennoble the color (onions, carrots), need to be fried.
  4. Caviar is caviar because it has a uniform consistency, so both mushrooms and vegetables must be chopped. The best assistant here is a blender.
  5. It is better to take small jars for storing caviar (up to a liter in volume). We must sterilize them, and do not forget to repeat the procedure for the caps.
  6. Well, and the most important rule, which applies to absolutely any blanks: we cook with the mood - then the caviar will taste great and will be stored for a long time.

Mushroom caviar through a meat grinder

A classic option for an appetizer is considered a simple mushroom caviar for the winter, a recipe through a meat grinder. You can stock up on any mushrooms for this. Their volume is also, however, for the convenience of calculating the ingredients, we start from a kilogram. For mushrooms you will need:

  • 150-200 grams of carrots and onions;
  • vegetable oil - ¼ faceted glass;
  • spices for seasoning - salt and ground pepper.
  1. Boil mushrooms in salted water with bay leaf for half an hour. Fry grated carrots and finely chopped onions in oil. Then we pass the prepared vegetables and mushrooms through a meat grinder. It would be nice - through a finely perforated grate, then the consistency of caviar will be more uniform and tender.
  2. The whole mass after the meat grinder is placed in a thick-walled dish, salt to taste and add a little pepper. Simmer, stirring constantly, over low heat for 40 minutes.
  3. Ready caviar should be put into sterilized glass jars of small volume and sterilized in any convenient way.

Mushroom caviar for the winter - cooking recipes with garlic

Incredibly fragrant, slightly spicy mushroom caviar with the addition of garlic is obtained.
Ingredients for the universal recipe with mushroom and garlic snack:

  • boiled mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • 2-3 large onions;
  • half a kilo of carrots;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • garlic - 5-10 teeth;
  • to taste - pepper and salt;
  • vegetable oil.
  1. Chop the onion as finely as possible and fry it very well in a deep frying pan until golden brown. In the fried onion we put the carrot grated on a fine-mesh grater, simmer until tender. Then we send boiled and chopped mushrooms to the vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste, mix and simmer with tomato juice until all the liquid has evaporated. At the end of cooking, add chopped garlic.
  2. Still warm, lay out the caviar in sterile jars. Sterilize over low heat for half an hour in a pot of boiling water. Then we roll up the lids, put under the "fur coat" upside down until completely cooled.

This is far from the only way to prepare such yummy things as mushroom caviar for the winter; cooking recipes are varied. Very well stored caviar with garlic with the addition of vinegar. It is done like this:

  • For the same amount of ingredients, take a tablespoon of 9% vinegar. We don't need tomato juice.
  • We fry the vegetables, put chopped mushrooms to them, simmer on low heat for an hour and a half, pepper and salt, do not forget about the garlic - we add it before the end of the stew.
  • At the end of the stew, add vinegar. We mix everything well - and the caviar is ready for "packing" in sterile jars. Additional sterilization is not required. We roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down until they cool completely.

Mushroom caviar with tomatoes

Pleasant-tasting mushroom caviar, comes out with tomatoes. Easy to prepare and keeps well. You can serve it with meat, and with any side dish. Or you can just spread it on bread - you get an amazing sandwich. Ingredients:

  • fresh mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • a couple of large tomatoes;
  • medium-sized bulb;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • sunflower oil - about 3-5 tablespoons;
  • salt and red and black pepper (ground) to taste.
  1. Very finely chop the washed and sorted mushrooms with a knife. Fry the mushrooms in a dry, oil-free frying pan until the liquid ceases to stand out from them.
  2. Finely chop the onion. We throw the onion to the mushrooms, mix, after a minute add vegetable oil. Fry until cooked, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes in the form of cubes.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, remove the pan from the stove, cool its contents a little, grind with a blender. Return to the pan and simmer over low heat for half an hour.
  4. We lay out the caviar in jars, sterilize and roll up the lid.

It is also good to prepare caviar with tomatoes like this:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg. (White, boletus, boletus, boletus are suitable);
  • peeled carrot - half a kilo;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 100 gr;
  • vegetable oil - one and a half glasses;
  • dill - to taste;
  • salt - 40 gr;
  • sugar - 30 gr.
  1. Boil the mushrooms in salted water for twenty minutes, drain through a colander.
  2. Separately, cook carrots until cooked.
  3. Peel the skin off the tomatoes.
  4. Skip mushrooms, vegetables, dill in a meat grinder, pour in oil, salt, add sugar. Put this mass on a quiet fire, cook for an hour and a half, stir occasionally. Arrange in clean jars, roll up.

Mushroom caviar in a slow cooker

The multicooker will come to the rescue in the preparation of mushroom caviar. This electric saucepan will save your time and simplify the process of preparing mushroom snacks. So how to cook caviar from mushrooms in a slow cooker?

Mushrooms must first be boiled. Let it be boletus (or any other) - 800-1000 grams. For them we need:

  • a couple of medium carrots;
  • large onions - a couple of pieces;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pieces;
  • salt and pepper as much as you need so that the taste of the dish is pleasant for you;
  • vegetable oil - about half a glass;
  • 9% vinegar - 2 tablespoons.
  1. First of all, we load grated carrots and finely chopped onions into the slow cooker. Pour a little oil into them and put them in the “baking” mode for half an hour.
  2. In the meantime, we pass mushrooms through a meat grinder. But we don’t remove the meat grinder - when the vegetables are cooked, we also chop them with it.
  3. We combine chopped vegetables and mushrooms in a multi-cooker, salt and pepper, pour in the rest of the oil and keep the ingredients in the “stewing” mode for half an hour. Then add chopped garlic, vinegar, mix - and behold, the caviar is ready to move into jars.
  4. It is not necessary to sterilize, you can store jars in the refrigerator - caviar does not deteriorate for 3-4 months.

Mushroom caviar from mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are usually recruited a lot, so a couple of kilos can be allocated for caviar. For 2 kilograms of mushrooms we need:

  • onion - 500 g;
  • garlic - teeth 6-7;
  • salt to taste;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons.
  1. Chop the onion and fry in oil. Add pre-boiled mushrooms to it. Cook until cooked through, until the liquid has evaporated.
  2. Next, add salt, garlic (pass it through a garlic press). Fry a little more.
  3. We send mouth-watering mushrooms to a blender. We grind.
  4. We shift the caviar into jars (sterile) and sprinkle with citric acid. Roll up, cool upside down. Caviar from mushrooms is ready!

Mushroom caviar without sterilization

Sterilization is not a prerequisite for caviar to be stored for a long time. It is possible to omit this item.

We take a lot of mushrooms - 3 kilograms, less simply does not make sense - such an appetizer will not stagnate with you! For mushrooms you need:

  • half a kilo of onions and carrots;
  • unflavored vegetable oil - 2 cups;
  • salt and ground pepper to taste;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pieces;
  • lavrushki - a couple of leaves;
  • 9% vinegar - 3 teaspoons.
  1. Boil the mushrooms. Fry onions and carrots. Pass mushrooms and vegetables through a meat grinder. Then stew the mass in oil, adding salt, pepper, lavrushka. It will take at least 1.5 hours to extinguish.
  2. At the end of cooking, add vinegar, mix and begin to lay out the mushroom caviar in sterile jars. We roll up the lid and calmly store for six months in the cellar.

Mushroom caviar with carrots and onions

There is no easier recipe for caviar from mushrooms than with carrots and onions. How to cook mushroom caviar according to this simple recipe?

  1. We take any mushrooms, boil. By the way, even frozen will do. Then we take vegetables from the calculation - for every pound of mushrooms, one carrot and onion. You will need vegetable oil, ground pepper and salt. You can add greens, but be careful with it so as not to interrupt the mushroom aroma.
  2. Saute vegetables in oil. When they are ready, grind together with boiled mushrooms with a blender.
  3. We shift the future caviar into a saucepan, salt and pepper, and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half.
  4. Having spread the caviar in jars, we complete the preparation by sterilization in boiling water and rolling the lid.

Caviar from white mushrooms

Noble porcini mushrooms give caviar from them a unique taste and unique aroma. And if you make it with eggplant, it will be oh so difficult to break away from such a dish!


  • kilogram of fresh porcini mushrooms;
  • the same amount - eggplant;
  • onions - a pair of heads;
  • head of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of 9% vinegar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and ground pepper.
  1. Boil the mushrooms. It takes 15 minutes if you grind them.
  2. We cut the eggplant, without removing the peel, into a medium cube.
  3. Chop onion and brown in oil. We put eggplant slices on it. We squeeze the garlic through the press, cook all the vegetables under the lid until softened. Then we pass the vegetables through a meat grinder or a fine blender. We do the same with mushrooms.
  4. Mix the ingredients, salt, pepper, simmer in a pan for 10 minutes.

Even when I'm lucky to pick up chanterelles in the forest, I cook just such caviar according to the recipe.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. white mushrooms and chanterelles;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 5 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 5 tbsp 6% vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp dry mustard;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste.
  1. Wash and clean mushrooms.
  2. We dissolve citric acid and 10 grams of salt in water, bring to a boil, lower the chopped mushrooms, cook slowly until cooked, mix constantly, remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Mushrooms float up during the cooking process, transfer them to a colander, rinse, let the water drain, grind through a meat grinder.
  4. Season with vegetable oil mixed with mustard and vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, mix well.
  5. We transfer the mushroom mass to sterilized jars, cover with clean lids, sterilize for an hour, roll up. Storage - basement or other cool place.

Mushroom caviar from oil

Cooking caviar from butter is a pleasure. This appetizer is incredibly tender!

You can remove the oily film from raw mushrooms, or you can not be puzzled, and just change the water several times during cooking.

  1. Grind a kilogram of boiled butter in a blender. Fry a large onion, chopped into crumbs, in vegetable oil. We send the mushroom gruel to the onion, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer over very low heat for an hour and a half.
  2. We lay out the finished caviar from butter in jars, sterilize it in boiling water for half an hour, roll it up with a lid and calmly store it in a cool dark place.

Rules for storing mushroom caviar

You can store caviar in jars in the refrigerator, but its age there is short-lived - an average of a week. Well, this, of course, applies to recipes without sterilization.

Sterilization allows food to be stored longer and is a great way to stockpile large amounts of supplies. Sterilized jars of mushroom caviar can be stored underground, in a cellar or in a cool pantry for an average of 3-6 months.

Mushroom season is in full swing. Do you want bright and tasty memories of the summer? Then let among your blanks be mushroom caviar for the winter! cooking recipes such snacks are varied, but simple - cook, experiment, surprise your household with your culinary skills. Hurry up to make and roll up the gifts of the forest in jars, but more, so that there is something to eat in the winter!

See, mushroom caviar for the winter cooking recipes with garlic, video:

Fresh, dried and pickled mushrooms are known to any housewife. And what else tasty and unusual can be prepared from mushrooms to please relatives and surprise guests with a new recipe?

Mushroom caviar is an amazingly tasty and versatile dish: you can make cold and hot sandwiches with it, you can use it as a filling for pies and pizza, you can add it to sauces and soups to give them a unique flavor. Mushroom caviar can be prepared for the winter or made for everyday use.


Assorted Mushroom Caviar Recipe

Wash mushrooms, peel, boil over medium heat in salted water for 20-25 minutes. Drain, immerse in cold water and cool quickly, then pat dry and finely chop. Finely chop the onion, mix with mushrooms, salt and pepper. Put in an enamel pan and cover with a clean cloth. Put oppression on top and remove for 15 days in a dark, cold place (cellar, basement). After 15 days, caviar is ready for use!

Recipe for mushroom caviar with lemon


Wash mushrooms (valui), peel and soak for several days in cold salted water. Then wash and cut. Simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Cut the onion into half rings and sauté until golden brown. Twist mushrooms and onions 2 times in a meat grinder. Add salt, pepper to taste, pour in lemon juice. Arrange in sterilized jars, close with nylon lids. Store in a dark, cool place, you can in the refrigerator.

Recipe for mushroom caviar with spices (preparation for the winter)
