
Mushroom umbrella - useful properties, contraindications and recipes. Edible and inedible parasol mushroom

You know, there are such mushrooms - umbrellas. For some reason, few of the mushroom pickers collect them. It is for this reason that I will allow you to post more photos of mushrooms, and then go directly to the recipe.

Some mistake umbrellas for toadstools or inedible mushrooms. Others prefer to put only aspen mushrooms in baskets, without exchanging the second grade. But in vain. Umbrellas are quite edible, delicious, not similar in taste to other mushrooms. Umbrellas belong to the mushroom family.

Umbrellas grow in forest clearings and forest edges, several at a time. I have never seen them in large numbers. Usually there are 1-2 clearings with 2-3 mushrooms on each.

Mushrooms with unopened caps are possible. Instances the size of a frying pan are best fried whole. Just about this recipe will be discussed below.

Ingredients for 1 large umbrella mushroom

  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and black ground pepper to taste.

So, I am returning from the forest with a full basket of mushrooms. Among other trophies in the basket are 3 of these umbrella mushrooms:

Since the recipe for preparing these mushrooms is simple and does not take much time, and you want to eat brutally after a long walk in the fresh air, the decision is definitely made to spend 15 minutes and fry the umbrellas first.

First you need to get rid of the hard leg. Just unscrew it from the hat and throw it away. Then rinse the mushroom under running water and scrape off the hat with a knife. Brownish spots and plaque come off easily. Break the egg into a flat plate, shake it with a fork. Dip the pancake hat in the egg on both sides. Then sprinkle the hat with breadcrumbs. And place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Fry the umbrella mushroom like a pancake. 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Snack on ready-made mushrooms, similar to white fish steak or chicken breast chop. And start processing other mushrooms.

True story: Last time I picked up an almost full basket of mushrooms, I leave the forest. I see 3 umbrellas at the edge - 2 large ones with opened hats and one small one. I cut and put on top of the rest of the mushrooms. I am going home. A passer-by asks me:
- What are these mushrooms? I don't know those.
“These are umbrellas,” I answer.
- Are they edible?
“Of course,” I answer. - Do I look like a man eating toadstools?

From the beginning of summer, when the mushroom season does not even think of coming, unusual mushrooms with a wide dish-shaped hat on a long and thin stem can be seen along the roadsides and highways. Many take it for a fly agaric or grebe, although it does not look like a grebe at all. In fact, this is an umbrella mushroom, a completely edible and even very tasty mushroom. What is an umbrella mushroom - we will study the recipes and properties of this representative of the forest world in this article.

Why is the mushroom called an umbrella?

This representative of eukaryotic organisms got its name for its resemblance to an umbrella. Initially, it stretches upwards on a long stem with a domed hat, which soon opens like an umbrella. There are mushrooms with a hat, the diameter of which reaches 30 cm or even more. One has only to remember that almost all mushrooms have their poisonous counterparts. The umbrella also has them, and therefore you can collect only those mushrooms that are well known.

How to distinguish an umbrella from poisonous mushrooms

Some not very knowledgeable mushroom pickers do not collect umbrellas, but simply knock their hats off with their feet, mistaking them for fly agarics or other poisonous mushrooms. In fact, there are significant differences between them. The fly agaric has sparse scales - these are the remains of the covers of young mushrooms. More often, fly agarics are smooth, with rare white scales. Unlike them, the umbrella has a gray or even brown cap, with large white and gray scales. Moreover, the central part of the fungus remains without scales. On the leg of this representative of wildlife there is a three-layer ring that can be easily moved down.

By the way, the umbrella can be confused with another umbrella, purple, which has an unpleasant smell and a bitter taste. This mushroom is not edible. But an umbrella with a fleshy-reddish hat is not worth collecting at all, since it is deadly poisonous.

How to cook umbrella mushroom

Beginning mushroom pickers should remember that an ordinary umbrella mushroom with a grayish hat is considered quite edible and you should not be afraid of it. According to the reviews of many gourmets, the umbrella has an amazing mushroom taste and aroma of chicken meat, which only adds spice to this dish. The cap is eaten while the stem is discarded. True connoisseurs of this mushroom eat it raw (they can eat it right in the forest). The mushroom is cleaned of twigs and leaves (if any) with a brush, cut into portioned pieces and placed on bread, then pepper and salt - the original sandwich is ready!

This mushroom is also subjected to heat treatment, it produces tasty and fragrant dishes. We will tell you how to cook such mushrooms.

Fried umbrellas

The cut and washed pieces of the umbrella cap are laid out in a pan and fried under the lid. As soon as the liquid evaporates, butter and onion rings are added to the mushrooms. After frying the ingredients a little in a frying pan, chopped potatoes are added to them, after which they are fried until tender. As soon as the dish is ready, you need to salt it, add dill and cilantro seeds. For 5 mushroom caps, it is enough to take an onion, 60 g of oil and 3 potatoes.

Umbrellas fried in batter

To prepare such an interesting dish in a deep bowl, you need to beat one egg, add flour, and bring to a homogeneous mass, you get a batter. The umbrella mushroom cap can be cut into four parts if it is large, or you can take it whole and dip it on both sides in the prepared mass. After that, the mushrooms are placed on a heated frying pan and fried for 3-5 minutes. While the process is in progress, you can grate the cheese on a grater. Sprinkling cheese on top, pepper and salt, mushrooms need to be fried for another 3 minutes on low heat. This dish is best served hot.

As you can see, the umbrella mushroom - the recipes and properties of which were discussed here, is a fairly popular mushroom among those who know how to cook it correctly. You can also surprise your loved ones a lot if you serve them an original dish of umbrella mushrooms. Happy culinary adventures!

Fans of quiet hunting often ignore umbrellas - they are too similar to poisonous counterparts and are not very attractive in appearance. Meanwhile, they make delicious, fragrant and original dishes. Moreover, these mushrooms are suitable for eating raw, they taste like boiled chicken breast. Cooking umbrella mushroom requires accuracy due to the fragility of the cap.

Appearance description

The mushroom has a telling name: a thin, rigid leg is covered on top with a wide flat hat, strongly reminiscent of an umbrella. In young mushrooms, an oval hat, similar to a microphone, tightly fits the stem. The objects of hunting are white, girlish, blushing and motley types of umbrellas.

As a rule, due to the external resemblance to grebes and other poisonous mushrooms, umbrellas are the objects of hunting for experienced mushroom pickers. In fact, distinguishing an edible mushroom from a poisonous double is simple:

  • the main number of scales is located along the edges of the cap, and not evenly, as in grebes;
  • the leg ring is three-layered, and it can be easily moved up or down with your fingers, and in poisonous specimens it is motionless;
  • the cut point does not change color upon contact with air;
  • when the cap is broken, the umbrellas smell pleasant, the smell resembles a wet walnut. Inedible twins have an unpleasant odor.

Stuffed young mushrooms

For this purpose, only young umbrella mushrooms are suitable. Stuffed mushroom recipes are popular in Eastern Europe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • egg-shaped caps of young mushrooms - 15 pcs.;
  • mashed potatoes - 100 g;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • ground cloves - 1 pinch;
  • boiled carrots - 1 pc.;
  • minced chicken breast fillet - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and black pepper.

How to clean fresh mushrooms for frying

Carrots are rubbed on a grater and mixed with minced meat and mashed potatoes. The resulting mixture is salted, peppered and ground cloves are added to it.

Vegetable oil is poured at the bottom of the deep skoroda and onion, cut into half rings, is laid out.

Hats are placed in warm water for 2-3 minutes to prevent brittleness. After that, they are carefully stuffed and put in a pan close to each other so that the stuffing does not get enough sleep. Place sliced ​​tomatoes on top, add 200 ml of water, cover with a lid and put on a slow fire.

The dish is prepared in 25 minutes. Time is counted after boiling water.

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Mushroom umbrella: description, successful culinary recipes

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often mistake the umbrella mushroom for a toadstool. Indeed, outwardly, it does not look like edible mushrooms that we used to pick in the forests. In fact, it is an edible and very tasty mushroom that can be eaten even raw. To taste, it remotely resembles champignon, but much more tender. If you never tried parasol mushroom motley be sure to try it!

Where does it grow and what does it look like?

Umbrella mushrooms - edible, good mushrooms. They grow mainly in sparse forests, they are found on forest edges, clearings. They like to settle along the roads. The mass appearance of mushrooms is from the beginning of August to the end of September.

It is difficult not to notice it - the mushroom cap in diameter reaches 25 centimeters. The leg is very long, up to 35 centimeters tall. Young mushrooms are ovoid-rounded, older ones are bell-shaped. With age, the cap fully opens, and the mushroom becomes like an umbrella. In the center of the cap is a tubercle of a darker color. The cap itself is gray-brown in color, covered with easily detachable scales.

The plates are free, white, very fragile. They become slightly reddish with age. The plates are separated from the stem by a ring. The leg of an adult mushroom is usually no more than three centimeters in diameter, rigid, hollow inside, strongly thickens at the base. The surface is covered with brown scales. There must be a wide white movable ring on the leg.

Mostly young mushrooms are eaten until they are fully opened. Adults are a little rougher and no longer as tasty. The leg is immediately thrown away - it is hard, fibrous, not suitable for food. When cooking, it is strongly boiled down, fried. Umbrella mushrooms are boiled, fried, baked, used to make soups, sometimes pickled, used to make mushroom powder. look umbrella mushroom in the photo, to accurately recognize him in the forest .

The umbrella mushroom is not very common among housewives, so many simply do not know what to do with it. To start, a few general recommendations:

  • Tear off the mushroom carefully, do not turn it upside down - sand will pour from the legs between the plates.
  • The leg can be carefully unscrewed and thrown away right in the forest - it is unsuitable for food.
  • It is better to collect umbrellas in a wide basket, laying the hats with plates down.
  • Unlike other mushrooms, it does not require long-term heat treatment. It takes only a few minutes to prepare an umbrella - it is fried no longer than scrambled eggs.

Best proven recipes

Good even just fried umbrellas. Mushroom caps are cut not too finely, spread on a hot pan with melted butter and fried for literally 10 minutes. Ready mushrooms are salted, mixed with separately fried onions. You can add sour cream or herbs to taste. But there are also more savory recipes.

Mushroom-umbrella in batter

Don't wash mushrooms! Just carefully clean them from blades of grass, wipe the surface with a damp clean cloth, remove hard scales from the hat. Cut out the hard place in the middle where the leg was attached. Separately, cut into half rings and marinate the onion according to any recipe. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare the batter. Beat eggs, salt, add flour. You should get a dough of the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Cut the caps of large mushrooms into several parts (enough for four parts).
  3. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil and heat well.
  4. Dip each piece of mushroom in batter and place in a pan. Fry for 3-4 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Turn the mushrooms over to the other side, sprinkle with pickled onions, grated cheese on top. Cover and cook for 3-4 more minutes.

This dish is very tasty to eat, both hot and cold.

Pancake envelopes with umbrella mushrooms

This dish is prepared in two steps. On the first one, thin pancakes are baked, on the second, the filling is prepared.

  1. To make pancake batter, mix 2 cups milk with 2 eggs, 2 cups flour. Add some salt, a tablespoon of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Bake thin pancakes from the whole dough.
  2. Do not chop the umbrellas too finely, fry them in a pan until the juice has completely evaporated. Separately, fry the onion, mix it with mushrooms. Grate 150-200 grams of cheese.
  3. Sprinkle a little cheese on each pancake, put a heaping tablespoon of fried mushrooms.
  4. Form the envelopes, put them in the oven for 10 minutes to melt the cheese. Serve hot.

Pancake envelopes work well with any mushrooms, but with umbrellas they are especially tender and not as heavy. Do not spare butter and be sure to serve them with fresh sour cream - the dish will be even tastier.

Blanks for the future

Umbrellas, like other mushrooms, can be harvested for future use. But harvesting technology is slightly different from most mushrooms.

pickled umbrellas

Umbrellas pickle very few. It is usually not possible to collect a lot of them, mushrooms rarely grow in whole clearings. A dozen umbrella hats are already considered good “booty”. But if you managed to pick up a lot of young umbrellas, be sure to try pickling them. getting ready pickled umbrellas very simple.

    Peel a kilogram of mushrooms from hard scales, rinse under running water and put in a colander to drain excess liquid. Drop into boiling salted water. Many recommend adding a pinch of citric acid when cooking. Remove the foam regularly during cooking.

    Prepare the marinade separately. For two glasses of water, add a heaping tablespoon of salt, half a tablespoon of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar. From spices with umbrellas, black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon go well. The amount and set of spices can be adjusted to your liking.

    Transfer the boiled umbrellas to the marinade, boil for literally 5 minutes.

    Put hot mushrooms in sterile jars, fill with marinade and immediately roll up.

Despite the addition of vinegar, it is better to store pickled umbrellas in a cool place - in the refrigerator, on the balcony or in the underground.

mushroom powder

Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of mushrooms often cook from umbrellas mushroom powder. When dried, their aroma only intensifies. It turns out a great seasoning that can be added to mushroom, vegetable soups, main dishes. Preparing mushroom powder is not very difficult. Mushrooms do not need to be washed before cooking - in extreme cases, gently wipe them with a wet cloth.

  1. Mushrooms cut into equal, not too large pieces.
  2. Line a baking sheet with confectionery paper. Evenly, in a single layer, spread the mushrooms on it and put in the oven on a minimum fire. You can use a special dryer for herbs and vegetables. Dry until the mushroom slices are slightly flexible. Allow to dry completely in a well-ventilated shaded area.

    Grind the dried mushrooms in a blender, in a coffee grinder or in a meat grinder. The more uniform the powder is, the more flavor it will give to the dishes you add it to.

The finished powder should be well dried. Wet will quickly become moldy. Stored in glass jars. Instead of covers, use canvas or paper. From time to time check if the powder is damp.

Carefully study and remember the photo of the mushroom. If you come across it in the forest, be sure to take it and try it. If you doubt whether the mushroom is in front of you, pay attention to the scales and the ring on the leg. The scales are quite large, dense, dark in color. The ring is wide, easily moves along the leg. In poisonous mushrooms resembling an umbrella, the ring disappears very quickly and does not move along the stem.

Today, few people collect umbrella mushrooms, as they confuse them with fly agarics. But this mushroom is quite edible, unlike the others, it belongs to the champignon family. the preparations of which we will consider below, taste like chicken. If the fruit has an unopened cap, it is recommended to fry it in the usual way, it is better to cook huge specimens whole.

cooking secrets

The umbrella cap in its raw form is quite fragile, but during heat treatment it becomes tougher, the mushroom itself acquires a flat shape, its plates fold, but this does not lose its delicate taste. The finished dish is consumed both hot and cold; in terms of its taste, it resembles chicken to many, and some argue that it looks like carp fillet. Umbrellas are prepared quickly enough, so there is no need to subject them to prolonged heat treatment. Some people eat them raw. It is best to choose umbrella mushrooms, the recipes for which are diverse, dense with white plates with a pink tint. Be sure to check the umbrellas for worms before cooking, such products are thrown away, because they will make the dish bitter. Mushrooms that have not opened their caps can be put in the cold, where they will grow in size. Broken pieces of hats can be boiled or dried, the legs are immediately thrown away, as they are tasteless.

fried mushrooms


1 large or 5 smaller;

A small amount of water;

4 tablespoons of table flour;

Salt and seasonings.


The leg of this mushroom is not eaten, so an umbrella hat is prepared in batter. Hats are cleaned of debris and dirt by wiping with a sponge. Umbrellas do not need to be washed as they are very fragile. They are cut into pieces. In a container, knead an egg with a fork, add seasonings to taste and salt. Then pour in water in the same amount as the egg mixture, add flour and mix well. Mushrooms are carefully dipped in batter with a fork or spatula and spread on a well-heated pan with vegetable oil. The dish is covered with a lid and fried for five minutes on each side. The finished umbrella mushroom, described above, is laid out on a beautiful dish. It turns out a magnificent delicate taste with notes of deciduous-coniferous forest.

mushroom powder

This powder can be added to various dishes as a seasoning. From this, the food will turn out with a delicate mushroom taste and aroma. Umbrella mushrooms are stored in powder form (how to cook them will be described below) in a dry place without foreign odors. To do this, pieces of mushroom caps are dried in cardboard boxes. When the product is dried, it is ground into powder using a coffee grinder, meat grinder or mortar.

Mushrooms with onions


5 hats of umbrellas;

2 potatoes;

1 onion;

50 grams of butter.


According to this recipe, very tasty umbrella mushrooms are obtained. How to cook them will be described later. First, the hats are cleaned and laid out in a pan, they are allowed to cook under a closed lid. After evaporation of the liquid released from the products, butter and chopped onions are added. All this is a little fried. Then they put the potatoes cut into strips and continue to fry, adding salt and spices at their discretion. Usually put the seeds of dill and cilantro. The finished dish is served hot.

Mushrooms pickled for the winter


2 kilograms of umbrellas;

800 grams of water;

1 tablespoon of salt;

1 teaspoon citric acid;

3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

1 tablespoon of vinegar;

6 peas of black and allspice pepper;

5 bay leaves;

1 spoon of dill seeds.


Such umbrella mushrooms, the recipes for which are very simple, are harvested for the winter, they can be stored in the cold for one year. The caps are cleaned and disassembled into segments, put in a saucepan, salt is added and boiled until they sink to the bottom of the container. At the same time, the foam is removed and the mushrooms are periodically stirred. Umbrellas are thrown into a colander so that the water is glass. Next, prepare the marinade. To do this, salt, sugar and citric acid are added to the water and boiled. Then put vinegar and seasonings and boil again. Umbrella mushrooms, the recipes for which are varied, are laid out in pre-prepared jars and poured with hot brine, covered with lids and set to sterilize for about forty minutes. After that, the jars are rolled up and cooled, cleaned in the cold for storage. After one month, the dish can be served at the table.

frozen mushrooms

Since the mushroom is, it is often frozen. To do this, the hats are boiled, thrown into a colander so that all the water is glass. Then they are laid out on a tray and put in the freezer. After a while, the mushrooms are transferred to a food container, tightly closed and frozen. It is recommended to use the product for one year.

Thus, there are many recipes for making delicious and tender umbrella mushrooms. Some are afraid to use them, confusing these mushrooms with grebes and fly agarics. But those who have tried them at least once will certainly cook umbrellas in the future. This mushroom looks like an umbrella, it grows to a large size. Sometimes you can find a specimen up to forty centimeters tall. In the forests, these mushrooms are thin, variegated, with a reddish or pink tint, so it is difficult to confuse them with fly agarics. This product is well suited for soups and second courses, salads and sandwiches. Gourmets cook it on the barbecue or on the oven rack. Served with herbs, garlic and pepper.
