
Dishes with white mushrooms. Recipes

Porcini mushrooms are considered one of the most delicious, they are even called royal. White lives on all continents, only Australia is deprived of such goodies, but most often it is used in Asia and Europe.

This species is very demanding on conditions and growth is also slower than that of its other "brothers". Let's look at what dishes you can cook from frozen porcini mushrooms.

The porcini mushroom does not have any special nutritional differences when compared with other species. In addition to a very unusual and pleasant taste, the beneficial properties include stimulating digestion and improving the gastrointestinal tract.

Such a product contains protein, relatively in large quantities. Due to the fact that it takes a lot of time to digest porcini mushrooms, then by this indicator it can be compared with. Although the calorie content is not at all high, it is only thirty Kcal.

Very often, many are afraid to eat mushrooms, not only porcini, but any kind. This makes sense, because all members of this family can absorb toxic substances and heavy metals. In this regard, collection in contaminated areas should be avoided, especially if there are factories or industrial enterprises nearby.

It is better not to give any kind of mushrooms to children under three years old, since the children's pancreas cannot yet produce the necessary enzymes that will facilitate digestion.

The combination of white mushrooms in cooking

Porcini mushrooms can be cooked as a main dish and served with a salad of vegetables. Most often they are combined with potatoes, but with fish or meat they can give a strong load on digestion.

Mushrooms will be delicious both when frying, and if they are stewed, it is best to use only hats. Frying should not be done in butter, as it contains water, you need to use lard or vegetable oil.

And when stewing, you should add water in a small amount, and pre-fry them a little. Cooking should be carried out in the container in which it will then be served.

Most often, sauces or soups are prepared from mushrooms, and this is not strange, because they make a very rich, and, no matter what, clear broth. This delicious mushroom sauce can be served with rice, vegetables or pasta.

Of course, it is better to use fresh mushrooms, but this may not be possible, so they are replaced with frozen or dried ones.


  • five hundred grams of frozen porcini mushrooms
  • 500 gr. 20% cream
  • one bulb
  • 50 grams of butter
  • spices

Mushrooms should be put in water and boiled for thirty minutes, you can not defrost. Now they need to be chopped into cubes and fried in a pan, with the addition of butter. Next, chop the onion and add to the mushrooms, sprinkle with flour and continue frying.

Heat the cream separately, and then pour it into the mushroom mixture in a thin stream, add spices, as much as you like. When it thickens, it means that it is already cooked.

Porcini mushroom sauce

Such a gravy will be very tasty with pasta or whole boiled potatoes, and is also perfect for any.


  • two hundred grams of frozen porcini mushrooms
  • three st. l. sunflower oil
  • one and a half tablespoons of flour
  • a small onion and half a medium
  • half a liter of meat broth
  • 150 ml. 15% sour cream
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice
  • pepper, salt
  • dry or fresh parsley

Onion and parsley are finely chopped and fried in a hot large frying pan, but it is better to take a saucepan.

Then you can add, previously stewed, porcini mushrooms and cook for another fifteen minutes. Before turning off, add lemon juice, as well as salt and.

So, it is so easy to cook dishes from frozen porcini mushrooms, recipes with photos are not needed at all. The variety is amazing, because you can make appetizers, sauces, hearty side dishes and unusual first courses. The main advantage of freezing is that it will be possible to feast on it throughout the year.

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter, you can see on the video:

White mushrooms are loved by many for their exquisite taste. But in order to fully enjoy them, you need to know what to do with porcini mushrooms after picking, how to properly process them. This is what “Popular about Health” will tell its readers, who are very fond of mushrooms.

Primary processing of porcini mushrooms

Picking porcini mushrooms is a whole art. If you do not yet have much experience in this matter, then you should know that the processing of mushrooms begins immediately after collection, right in the forest. What should be done with mushrooms?

1. After harvesting, porcini mushrooms must be cleaned of debris - grass, leaves, coniferous needles, fragments of branches.

4. When placing mushrooms in the basket, do not press them down, handle them carefully.

When you return home, you will immediately have to set aside time to process the product. Remember that all mushrooms spoil very quickly, so do not put off this work for later.

What to do after picking, how to process porcini mushrooms at home?

Carefully place the collected forest gifts in a basin and inspect again, removing the remnants of litter. Then place the porcini mushrooms in cold water. This is necessary so that all the dirt on them gets wet and it is easier to remove. Mushrooms are very light and porous, they will float unruly to the surface, so place a load on top. After 15 minutes, you can start cleaning them. To do this, you will need a knife and a scraper or a brush with stiff bristles.

Use your hands to remove all rubbish that has stuck to the legs and hats. After that, the water should be changed to clean. Now arm yourself with a scraper and remove stubborn dirt with it. Then turn each mushroom over and use your fingers to remove grains of sand and dust from under the hats. A lot of small debris collects in the so-called gills. Rinse the mushrooms now in running water, removing suspicious dark fragments with a knife.

Throw the mushrooms in a colander, let the water drain. Now porcini mushrooms should be processed after harvesting by temperature.

Attention! If you want to dry the collected forest gifts, then they do not need to be soaked and washed. It is enough to manually remove dirt and cut off damaged mushroom tissues.

How to dry porcini mushrooms?

Drying mushrooms should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. This is very easy to do in the oven. Lay baking paper on a baking sheet, lay the mushrooms in one layer. Turn on the oven at 45-50 degrees, insert a limiter into the door so that it does not close. Dry the product for at least 6-7 hours. If you have a special drying chamber at your disposal, follow the instructions.

How to cook porcini mushrooms?

Heat treatment of mushrooms is necessary to exclude the possibility of poisoning with toxins. We send the product to salted water (a teaspoon of salt per liter), bring to a boil. Be sure to remove the foam that forms on the surface. After boiling, we detect 40 minutes. Throw the finished mushrooms into a colander.

How to freeze mushrooms?

Freezing is often used for long-term storage of porcini mushrooms. The product is best frozen already boiled. After the water has completely drained and the mushrooms have dried and cooled slightly, place them in clean bags. Pack so that in one package there is one portion of the product that you can use at a time - it's more convenient. Deflate the bags, tie the bags tightly, and then place the bundles in the super freezer for 2-3 hours. If you have other types of mushrooms in the freezer, it is better to sign the packages so that you do not confuse them later. After 2-3 hours, transfer the bags to the regular compartment of the freezer.

How to cook porcini mushrooms?

Mushroom mushrooms are universal, they make delicious snacks - pastes, caviar, salt, marinate, fry, bake, cook soups. For pickling, either small mushrooms are chosen, or only caps cut into several fragments are used. It is very important that there are not the slightest signs of damage on the mushrooms. The legs of mushrooms are most often used to prepare mushroom caviar - this is truly a royal delicacy, and they are also fried. The frying time of porcini mushrooms, which were previously boiled, is 15 minutes.

And of course, these mushrooms are good in salty form. From time immemorial, housewives salted them in barrels in large quantities, this tradition has been preserved to this day. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to refuse such an appetizing snack. For soup, it is better to take a dried product, as it has a richer aroma and taste. Dried mushrooms are first soaked, washed thoroughly, and then boiled.

White mushrooms are a luxury for many, but if you have already managed to collect them in the forest, then it is important to know exactly what to do with them, how to process and prepare for storage. Remember that the product deteriorates quickly, so do not postpone cleaning, washing and further processing of mushrooms until later.

Without the slightest doubt, the white mushroom is the most desired prey of any mushroom picker and the most coveted mushroom of every lover of home cooking. A higher place in the entire culinary and mushroom hierarchy is occupied, perhaps, only by truffles. But will you follow them with a basket? That's it! And the white mushroom knows how to please both the mushroom picker and the eater. Excellent taste, wide distribution area, and impressive size - all these qualities make the porcini mushroom an excellent trophy and a welcome guest in our kitchens. And, of course, a special mushroom requires special preparation. How often, housewives who are not quite confident in their abilities think about what is special to cook from porcini mushrooms, so that they can please their loved ones with an unusual dish, and not spoil the taste of a delicate mushroom. To everyone who wants to understand this issue, today we invite you to think with us and decide how to cook porcini mushrooms.

The valuable nutritional and even medicinal properties of porcini mushrooms are well studied and known to almost everyone. But mushrooms deserved real popularity and love due to their excellent culinary qualities. The pronounced taste and bright aroma of porcini mushrooms makes them an ideal product both for preparing independent dishes and for using them as an additional ingredient in dishes with a complex composition. What is not prepared from porcini mushrooms! Appetizers and salads, soups and second hot dishes, pies and marinades. Porcini mushrooms are boiled, fried, stewed and baked, dried, pickled and salted. Equally tasty are simple fried porcini mushrooms stewed with sour cream, and good hearty buckwheat porridge, boiled with mushrooms, and stewed in the oven or oven, and refined puree soup with porcini mushrooms, cooked according to a French recipe. The aroma of porcini mushrooms, like no other, will be able to subtly emphasize the aroma of fried beef or baked chicken, stewed lamb or roast goose. And in the cold winter sometimes pickled or salted strong young boletus will accompany a misted glass of vodka so much that you can’t even dream of it better.

As is the case with most other mushrooms of the first category, the preparation of white mushrooms is not fraught with special secrets. However, in order to choose the right mushrooms and cook a truly tasty and fragrant dish from them, you still need to know little tricks and culinary secrets.

Today "Culinary Eden" carefully collected and diligently recorded for you the most important tips and secrets, as well as a small selection of the best recipes that will surely tell even the most inexperienced housewives how to cook porcini mushrooms.

1. The most delicious dishes come from the freshest, hand-picked mushrooms. Moreover, picking porcini mushrooms is easy and pleasant. Our mushrooms grow both in coniferous and deciduous forests. The main collection time should be attributed to August - October. It is best to collect the youngest porcini mushrooms, no more than seven centimeters high. However, even older, large mushrooms are tasty no less than their young relatives, but what a misfortune, in most cases they are worms. So when picking large mushrooms, be sure to cut at the stem to make sure your mushroom isn't too worm-eaten. However, even the youngest mushrooms can easily end up with a wormhole. And it's okay, just cut off the lower part of the leg, and soak the mushrooms in cool salted water, and the worms will leave the mushroom for half an hour.

2. When buying fresh mushrooms in the market, be careful and careful. Try to buy mushrooms from trusted sellers in order to be sure that the mushrooms were collected in a forest far enough from large cities and highways with heavy traffic. Do not forget that any mushrooms very easily absorb harmful substances and salts of heavy metals from contaminated soil. Be sure to inspect and feel the mushrooms before buying. Make sure they are fresh. Fresh, young porcini mushrooms have a characteristic density, strength and slight crunchiness, but not fragility. Lightly press the fungus with your fingers, bringing it close to your ear - a good fresh boletus slightly crunches under your fingers. Don't forget to smell the mushrooms before buying. Fresh, freshly harvested mushrooms will have a strong mushroomy aroma, mixed with woods, leaves or pine needles, and a bit of earth. If the mushrooms offered to you seem too soft and flabby to you, if the smell of such mushrooms has ceased to be pleasant, but has begun to include sour notes of decay, refuse to buy. It will not be possible to cook a delicious dish from such mushrooms, but you can easily get poisoned by them.

3. Fresh porcini mushrooms, like any other mushrooms, are not subject to long-term storage. It's best to recycle them right away. P wash the mushrooms in cool water, cut off the lower part of the mushroom leg, and cut the large mushrooms into pieces. Then soak your mushrooms in cool salted water for 30 minutes. During this time, all the worms in the mushrooms must leave them. Rinse the soaked mushrooms thoroughly again and proceed to the preparation of your chosen dish. If for some reason you cannot process your mushrooms right away, then gently shake off the remnants of earth, grass, needles and leaves from them, put your mushrooms in a wide wicker bowl or paper bag and put them in the vegetable section of your refrigerator. But remember that even after such preparations, you can store fresh mushrooms for no more than a day and a half.

4. The most common mushroom appetizer, julienne, turns out to be especially tasty if cooked with porcini mushrooms and sour cream sauce. Rinse thoroughly, peel and cut into large pieces of 500 gr. white mushrooms. In a deep frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, add mushrooms and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, until mushroom juice is released. Drain the mushroom juice into a separate bowl, and add one large onion, cut into half rings, and two more tablespoons of oil to the mushrooms. Cook onions and mushrooms for 15 minutes over medium heat. In a separate bowl put 200 gr. sour cream, add 1 tbsp. spoons of flour and mix thoroughly with a whisk, then add mushroom juice, salt and black pepper to taste and mix everything thoroughly again. Pour the sour cream sauce into the pan with the mushrooms and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Grate the inside of the cocotte with garlic, fill with mushrooms in sour cream sauce, sprinkle the julienne with a little grated Parmesan and bake in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 15 minutes.

5. A very simple salad with porcini mushrooms and pumpkin seeds will delight you with its fresh taste and undeniable health benefits. Clean and rinse thoroughly with 100 gr. porcini mushrooms, blanch them in boiling water for two minutes, drain and cut into thin slices. In a skillet, heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pumpkin oil, add one chopped garlic clove and mushroom plates, mix and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from fire and cool. Toast two tablespoons of peeled pumpkin seeds in a dry frying pan until lightly browned. 50 gr. Tear arugula leaves and lettuce with your hands. Put lettuce leaves in a salad bowl, add mushrooms, mix. Dress the salad with a mixture of 3 tbsp. spoons of pumpkin seed oil, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of dry white wine, 1 teaspoon of white wine vinegar, ½ teaspoon of paprika, salt to taste. Sprinkle the salad with pumpkin seeds and serve immediately.

6. The most delicate soup of porcini mushrooms and semolina will surprise you with its bright aroma and original taste. Clean and rinse thoroughly 300 gr. white mushrooms. Grate mushrooms, three potato tubers and one carrot on a coarse grater, finely chop one onion. In a saucepan, heat 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, add mushrooms and vegetables, mix and simmer for 10 minutes, then remove from heat. Boil 500 ml separately. milk mixed with 500 ml. water. Add milk with water to the mushrooms with vegetables, mix thoroughly, salt and pepper to taste, bring to a boil and cook everything together for 7 minutes over low heat. Cut 3 more small porcini mushrooms into thin slices and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Add the sautéed mushrooms to your soup, bring to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes. Then pour into the soup 2 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, stirring constantly, and cook on the lowest heat for another 10 minutes. Remove soup from heat, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Serve to the table, sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

7. Spicy soup with porcini mushrooms and eggplant will appeal to all lovers of spicy. Clean, rinse and cut into large pieces 400 gr. white mushrooms. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, pour two liters of cold water, add one small carrot, one parsley root, one onion, two bay leaves, salt to taste. Boil everything together for 15 minutes, strain the broth, discard the vegetables, and set the mushrooms aside. In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add one large eggplant, diced, one minced garlic clove and fry everything together for five minutes. Then add boiled mushrooms to the eggplant and simmer for a couple more minutes. Transfer vegetables with mushrooms to the broth, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the seeds from one small hot pepper, cut into slices and add to the soup. Cook for another five minutes, then add 150 gr. finely grated cheese, mix and heat everything together for a couple more minutes, without bringing to a boil. Remove soup from heat and serve sprinkled with parsley.

8. It is very easy to cook porcini mushrooms in cream. Clean and cut into large pieces 400 gr. white mushrooms. In a deep frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of melted butter, add mushrooms, one finely chopped onion, one pinch of black pepper and ground cloves. Fry, stirring often, until golden brown. Then add 200 ml. cream 10% fat, salt to taste. Simmer everything together, stirring often, for another 10 minutes and serve. Serve with boiled rice.

9. Fragrant buckwheat porridge with porcini mushrooms and bacon will delight you with its rich taste, and it is not at all difficult to cook it. In a deep frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add one finely chopped onion, 100 gr. bacon, cut into small pieces, and one carrot, cut into cubes. Stirring frequently, fry everything together until golden, then add 200 gr. porcini mushrooms, cut into large pieces, and fry everything until the mushrooms are golden brown for 10 minutes. Add salt and black pepper to taste, mix, add one glass of buckwheat, add 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley, mix again and pour all three glasses of hot water or broth. Bring the water to a boil, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer everything together for 30 minutes until the water is completely boiled away. Remove the finished porridge from the heat, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, mix and let stand warm for 15 minutes. Serve sprinkled with parsley or dill.

10. Pickled porcini mushrooms will serve as a real decoration of any holiday table. Two kilograms of the smallest porcini mushrooms, thoroughly clean, rinse and put in a deep saucepan. Pour the mushrooms with hot salted water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Throw the finished mushrooms in a colander and dry slightly. Prepare the marinade separately. To do this, boil 4 cups of mushroom broth, add one cup of white wine vinegar, ½ cup of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon of black peppercorns, 4 buds of cloves. Bring marinade to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Arrange your mushrooms in jars, add a small umbrella of dill and one bay leaf to each. Pour the hot marinade over the mushrooms, cover the jars with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 20 minutes. Roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down, wrap them in towels and leave to cool completely. Store at room temperature.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more interesting ideas and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook porcini mushrooms.

Unfortunately, many modern housewives are completely unable to cook dishes using native Russian products. For example, most residents of large cities have no idea what to do with porcini mushrooms so that they become usable, not to mention harvesting for the winter. But they make a great soup, they can be added to roasts, salads and many other dishes. Even corny fried ones are good if they are cooked with onions and butter.

After a trip to the forest (or to the nearest market), before proceeding with processing, it is necessary to carefully examine the prey. It is better to get rid of wormy and other suspicious specimens immediately, even if they are very beautiful. The fact is that spoiled mushrooms can be bitter, and old ones accumulate various kinds of toxins from the surrounding air, soil, etc., which can cause poisoning. Therefore, no matter what will be done with porcini mushrooms in the future, they are sorted out and cleaned. You also need to make sure that all leaves, insects, worms and other living creatures that love to feast on forest delicacy are removed.

White mushrooms for the winter

Those who do not really like to mess with all sorts of blanks will surely like this unpretentious, but very effective storage method. So, also starts with sorting and cleaning. In no case should they be washed, otherwise you can spoil the look of the final product. So leaves, needles and other debris are removed manually. The procedure itself is best done in natural conditions. The process is accelerated by good sunny weather. Of course, everything can be done in a special dryer, as well as using a gas stove, but the most fragrant and healthy mushrooms will turn out if they hang in the country house under a canopy or on a ventilated balcony.

Those who have never encountered this harvesting method and do not know what to do with porcini mushrooms before drying should be advised to separate the caps from the legs. The former are cut into thin slices, the latter - across in circles. Then both of them are strung on a strong thread and hung out, or spread in one layer on a baking sheet. Under natural conditions, this will take about a week, and in the oven - several hours. The degree of readiness should be checked periodically. It is important not to try to rush things by raising the temperature (it should not be higher than 70 ° C), otherwise the mushrooms will be bitter in the future. Such a workpiece should be stored in a dry, dark place. A tightly sealed, opaque container is ideal.

In winter, it will make a great soup. Pre-soaked in water, they can also be fried, stewed, added to sauces, in general, do everything the same as with fresh ones.

Fried white mushrooms

This dish is ideal for those who have just returned from the forest with a full basket and do not yet know exactly what to do with their prey. Thinking about whether to dry or freeze mushrooms, some of them can be quickly fried. Moreover, the products will require a minimum and time too. For a pound of mushrooms, take an onion, 30 g of vegetable oil and 50 g of butter, salt, ground pepper and garlic to taste. First, they are sorted, cleaned and washed, then cut and sent to an empty hot frying pan. Soon a lot of juice will appear, which is poured into some kind of container (it will still be needed), and oil is added instead. Onions are peeled, cut into half rings and sent there, at the end there is finely chopped garlic. Next, the mushrooms should be fried to a crust, salt, pepper and pour the juice back. Then the fire is made to the maximum and stewed with the lid closed for another 5 minutes. They are served as an independent dish or with any side dish. This recipe is perfect for those who do not know what to do with porcini mushrooms, because it is very simple, and the result is great.

Among the large number of edible mushrooms in cooking, porcini mushrooms are in demand, the recipes for which are very diverse. They are actively used in fresh, frozen, dried and pickled form. The advantage is that the white mushroom, unlike many others, does not darken during processing.

It is valued for its noble taste and amazing nutritional qualities. It contains a large amount of riboflavin (vitamin B2) - one of the most important water-soluble vitamins, which is responsible for the health of the skin, hair, nails and the body as a whole. Riboflavin plays an important role in maintaining thyroid function.

A dish properly prepared from mushrooms can become a real delicacy and delight your household or guests with an amazing taste. We bring to your attention step-by-step recipes with porcini mushrooms with photos of ready-made dishes.

White mushrooms: soup recipe

For a delicious soup, porcini mushrooms are most often used. Recipes for the first courses of them do not know the boundaries of fantasy. You can use various components: vegetables, meat and even fish. We offer you the easiest soup recipe from the simplest set of ingredients that are always at hand. Despite the simplicity of preparation and a minimum of products, the soup comes out incredibly fragrant and noble in taste.


  • fresh porcini mushrooms - 500 g.
  • potatoes - 500 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • olive oil for frying
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste

cooking process

  1. Before cooking fresh porcini mushrooms, it is recommended to soak them in cool water for 20-30 minutes so that all the forest dirt is soaked. Then we clean them, wash them, cut them into slices or cubes, fill them with water and send them to the fire.
  2. Peel carrots and onions. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrots on a grater or cut into small sticks. Saute vegetables in olive oil.
  3. We clean the potatoes, cut them, put them to the mushrooms half an hour after they boil.
  4. When the potatoes are ready, add the roast, spices and herbs to the soup. Turn it off and let it cool down a bit.

Before use, sour cream and crackers can be added to a bowl of soup.

Porcini mushrooms fried with sour cream

The cookbook of any housewife certainly contains recipes from fresh porcini mushrooms. One of them must be a recipe for fried mushrooms with sour cream. This dish will complement almost any side dish.


  • fresh mushrooms - 0.5 kg
  • large onion - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 0.5 l
  • flour - 1 tsp
  • vegetable or butter for frying - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

cooking process

  1. We thoroughly wash the mushrooms and boil them in salted water for 5-10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Remove the mushrooms from the water, let cool slightly, cut into slices.
  2. Peel the onion, chop and sauté in oil.
  3. Add the prepared mushrooms to the onions. Fry for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Shortly before the end of cooking, mix the flour with the mushrooms. Then salt, pepper and pour sour cream.
  5. Let it boil over low heat and turn it off.

Before eating, the dish can be decorated with herbs or, sprinkled with grated cheese, placed in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes.

Marinated porcini mushrooms

This recipe is pretty simple.

For cooking you will need:

  • fresh mushrooms - 1 kg
  • vinegar - 60 ml
  • black peppercorns - 10-12 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2-4 pcs.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • a pinch of sugar

Cooking method:

  1. After half an hour of infusion in cool water, carefully wash the mushrooms, peel and chop coarsely (if they are small, then leave them whole). Boil in salted water for about 5 minutes, then drain the water.
  2. Re-fill the mushrooms with 250 ml of clean water. Cook for 20 minutes after boiling.
  3. Next, lay all the spices (except vinegar) and cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  4. Before turning off, take out the bay leaf and add vinegar.
  5. We lay out the mushrooms along with the marinade in jars, close them tightly or roll them up.
  6. When the jars are completely cool, store them in a cool place.

Such marinated delicious porcini mushrooms are ready to eat after 3 days after preparation. Their taste can be supplemented with vegetable oil, onions and herbs.

Porcini mushrooms: recipes for harvesting for the winter

In addition to pickling, there are other ways to harvest mushrooms for the winter. For example, if you want to cook a variety of porcini mushroom dishes in winter, you can dry or freeze them.

You can dry in the microwave in 2-3 passes for 18-20 minutes at a power of up to 200 watts. Between calls, you need to take breaks for 7 minutes, while airing the microwave. Drying mushrooms in the oven is carried out for 7-8 hours at a temperature of about 50 ° C. It is advisable to keep the oven door slightly ajar during the entire process. In the fresh air, mushrooms dry for about a week in dry, sunny weather. They need to be brought indoors at night.

Freeze should be peeled and chopped mushrooms. If they were previously washed, then they must be thoroughly dried so that the remaining moisture does not turn into ice when frozen. You need to harvest mushrooms in small portions, expelling excess air from the container (most often this is a bag). After defrosting the product, it is undesirable to re-freeze it.

Dishes from frozen or dried porcini mushrooms have the same amazing taste and rich aroma as fresh ones.

Porcini mushrooms are a useful, tasty and affordable ingredient for preparing mouth-watering dishes. The recipes offered by us are only a small fraction of all existing ones. From them you can make delicious casseroles, roasts, pies, sauces, pates, salads and many other dishes. They go well with vegetables, cereals, different types of meat and poultry. Experiment with a set of products and methods for cooking porcini mushrooms, delight your loved ones with real culinary masterpieces.

Enjoy your meal!
