
How to disassemble a head of cabbage in the microwave. Cabbage rolls in the microwave - general principles of cooking

The most difficult step in the preparation of cabbage rolls is to separate the cabbage leaves from the head so that they do not break, but do not turn out to be too soft. Cabbage for stuffed cabbage in the microwave softens enough to wrap the filling in it, but remains elastic. Unlike standard way using a saucepan of boiling water, the microwave cooks the leaves completely and retains their strength.

Recipe for softening cabbage in the microwave

The way to soften cabbage for stuffed cabbage in is much easier than the standard method with boiling water. In the presence of microwave oven no need to specifically select soft varieties, heat a large container of water and try to withstand the right time so that the leaves do not scald.

You can soften even young cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. In boiling water, its leaves quickly boil and tear while minced meat is wrapped in them, unlike the more modern way.

For the preparation of cabbage rolls, a head of cabbage weighing 1.5-2 kg is suitable. It can be put directly into the oven or wrapped in cling film.

Hot cabbage after getting out of the microwave should immediately pour over cold water. So the leaves are easier to separate from the stalk, and you can immediately wrap the minced meat in them.

Another cabbage recipe for cabbage rolls

The easiest way is to put the cabbage in the microwave for 10 minutes and do not cover with anything. However, many housewives prefer to use a baking sleeve or wrap a head of cabbage in plastic bag or cling film. Thus, the moisture does not evaporate, but remains in the leaves. They bake more evenly and become soft even in the center.

A head of cabbage in a sleeve or film can also be cooked in several stages, but it is easier to place it for 10-15 minutes at a lower temperature. After that, it is dipped in foil in cold water, and when it cools down a bit, they begin to parse the leaves. All veins are removed with a sharp knife so that they do not spoil the taste. ready meal. However, instead, the leaves can be gently beaten off with a hammer, while it is important not to damage them.

How to choose the right cabbage?

If you choose cabbage for cabbage rolls and cook it in boiling water, you need to know a few subtleties. The shape, size, color of the leaves, as well as the structure of the vegetable matter. In the microwave, you can cook any cabbage so that it is convenient to wrap minced meat in it. However, if you follow the advice experienced housewives, cooking cabbage will be even easier:

  • the head of cabbage should not have a round, but an elongated shape - the leaves are separated from such a cabbage much easier;
  • cabbage must have large sheets- if they are small, it will be difficult to wrap minced meat in them, and the cooking process will drag on for a long time;
  • the leaves should be light (white with a greenish tint), without black dots, tears and damage, signs of fungus or mold;
  • individual leaves must be dense, thick and resilient, otherwise they will quickly tear, and the filling cannot be wrapped in them;
  • fading cabbage is not good - it can be stewed with meat, and for cabbage rolls, get another head of cabbage.

You can soften cabbage leaves not only in boiling water or in a microwave oven. Cold has a similar effect.

First you need to freeze whole head of cabbage then take it out of the freezer and thaw at room temperature. However, after processing, the cabbage can only be used for the preparation of cabbage rolls and cannot be stored even frozen.

Preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave to soften is the easiest way. Even a novice hostess will be able to cope with cooking according to this recipe. The leaves are soft and elastic, keep their shape well and do not allow cabbage rolls to fall apart.

Greetings, my dear cooks. Recently discovered new way preparation of cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls. Now you don't have to wait for the water to boil. And then carefully lower the head of cabbage so as not to burn your hands with splashes of boiling water. Today I am going to tell you how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave.

Now this dish will be more often in the diet of my family. I am sure that after today's article you will make cabbage rolls with enviable regularity. And call for it tasty dish his friends. As for cooking cabbage. There are two proven ways to prepare cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls.

Take a 2 kg head of cabbage. For cabbage rolls, try to take not a round, but a slightly flattened head. Such a head of cabbage is slightly reminiscent of a large tablet in shape. This cabbage has large and thin leaves. Round cabbage is more suitable for pickling or other dishes where vegetable shredding is required.

Yes, and be sure to pay attention to appearance leaves. If they have black dots, then this product has already been eaten before you. I mean small pests. Who were you thinking about? 🙂

Soften the cabbage in layers

After you decide on a head of cabbage, make 4 deep notches at the stalk. Then send the cabbage to the microwave for 7-10 minutes. Set the microwave power to maximum. Next, pull out the head of cabbage and carefully remove the top leaves. Forcibly do not drag - tear off exactly as much as will depart.

Then again you need to make a few notches and send the head of cabbage to the microwave. This time for 5 minutes (also at maximum power). We take out the head again and removes a few top leaves. We make notches and again send the head of cabbage into the micra for 5 minutes. And keep doing this until the cabbage becomes very small.

Then we collect all the cabbage leaves that we separated from the head and place in the microwave. We keep them here for 3-5 minutes at high power. We do this to soften the leaves - they will sweat and become soft and translucent. Well, everything, the cabbage has been prepared - it's time to make cabbage rolls out of them.

Prepare whole cabbage in a bag

Be sure to remove the top leaves that have a "non-marketable" appearance. Make an incision around the stalk. Notches should be deep so that it is easier to separate the leaves later.

We send a head of cabbage to plastic bag(it must be tied tightly). Then put the workpiece in the microwave for 15 minutes. Microwave power should be set to maximum. A quarter of an hour is the recommended time for medium-sized cabbage (up to 1.5 kg). If the head is large, naturally, set more time.

Then carefully remove the cabbage from the micro and remove it from the bag. Then separate the leaves. The cabbage is ready - its leaves have become soft. Making cabbage rolls out of them is a pleasure. So feel free to start cooking this dish. A video recipe will help you with this.

Recipes with cooked cabbage in the microwave

With prepared cabbage leaves, you can cook a lot of things in the same microwave. I suggest you try several recipes with mouth-watering photos.

How to cook cabbage rolls in the microwave

For pigeons, take:

  • cabbage leaves;
  • 80 g round rice;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 400 g minced meat (possibly pork or "assorted");
  • 40 ml vegetable oil;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 180 ml of water (for sauce);
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste;
  • salt + pepper.

Peeled onion cut into small cubes. Then fry it in oil until golden color. Boil rice in salted water until half cooked. Then we wash it and turn it over in a colander (this is so that all the excess liquid is gone). If you don't want to wash the pots afterwards, cook the rice in the microwave.

Then transfer the mince into a bowl. We also send rice and onions there. Mix all the ingredients, add the mixture and pepper. Then mix everything again.

Soften the cabbage leaves in advance in a micro. In each such sheet we lay out 1 tbsp. minced meat and roll up. Stuffed cabbage is placed in a glass container for the microwave (you will get several layers).

We're preparing the sauce. To do this, mix hot boiled water with pasta and sour cream. We add the mixture and fill it with cabbage rolls. We cover the glass container with a lid and send it to the microwave. We set the maximum power. Cook cabbage rolls for about 20-30 minutes. Then we leave the dish for another 10 minutes in the switched off stove - let it come. And then we’ll taste the yummy 🙂 I’m sure that there will be a lot of “helpers” for the tasting.

Recipe step by step cabbage with stew in the microwave

If you have small cabbage leaves left after cooking cabbage rolls, do not throw them away. From this valuable product you can “cook”, or rather put out a delicious dish.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kilos of cabbage;
  • 250 g of stew;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 100 ml chili sauce;
  • salt + pepper + cloves.

Chop cabbage leaves. Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings. We spread cabbage, onion and stew in layers greased with oil. Salt and pepper on top, add cloves. And pour it all over with sauce.

We cover the container with a lid and send it to the microwave. We set the average power. We cook the dish for about 15 minutes. Then we take a sample to determine the readiness of the dish.

When everything is ready, mix the ingredients. Cover the dish with a lid again and place in the microwave for 3-4 minutes (medium power). After that, leave the dish for another 5 minutes in the switched off mic. And then we knead for both cheeks.

Additional Tricks

By the way, my friends, cabbage becomes soft not only under the influence of high temperature. Cold provides the same effect. Surprised? And you use this method, and then unsubscribe what happened to you. This method is good if you are not in a hurry and in general you are too lazy to mess around in the kitchen now 🙂

The head should be placed in the freezer for 12 hours. Then it must be taken out and thawed at room temperature. Cabbage leaves will change beyond recognition - you can easily make cabbage rolls out of them. Only this method has its own catch - the leaves prepared in this way cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, do not harvest them for the future, otherwise they will disappear.

Useful properties of cabbage

The energy value of this vegetable crop is 28 kcal. There are 4.7 g of carbohydrates, 1.8 g of proteins and 0.2 g of fats.

Rich and "many-sided" of her chemical composition, it contains:

  • vitamins B1, B6, B9,

    And due to the fact that cabbage is rich in potassium, it helps in the regulation blood pressure. And participates in the transfer nerve impulses. By the way, this product helps to get rid of increased anxiety and fights fatigue remarkably.

    Also this vegetable crop is different high content vitamin C. This component is actively involved in oxidative reactions occurring in the body. With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, increased fragility is observed blood vessels, bleeding gums and other problems. To avoid all this, eat more cabbage.

    Cabbage also has a positive effect on the digestive tract. It normalizes the functioning of the intestines and improves its microflora. Also, this miracle plant helps in the fight against harmful bacteria. These include tubercle bacillus and Staphylococcus aureus.

    And on the brain, this product has positive influence. So eat cabbage for health, and maybe you will discover "Newton's fourth law" 🙂

    I am sure that this article will be useful for you. And if your friends ask how you managed to cook this dish so quickly, do not hide the secret. Send them a link to the article.

    Cook with love. I bow out: until we meet again.

Minced meat was wrapped in fresh cabbage leaves in Ancient Greece. Since then, the technology of cooking the dish has not changed much. Today, cabbage rolls are made from Beijing and white cabbage.

Stuffed cabbage rolls from fresh cabbage (step by step recipe) - the basic principles of cooking

Perhaps the most important task is to choose proper cabbage. For stuffed cabbage take a dense head of medium size. A small head will make few cabbage rolls. large head of cabbage not suitable, as its leaves are too large. At the same time, pay attention to the leaves, they should not be hard, otherwise it will be difficult to separate them from each other. Can be used chinese cabbage. Its leaves are especially soft and tender.

In some shops or in the bazaar, you can find cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls by weight. This is very convenient - you do not need to select the appropriate forks.

The selected head of cabbage is washed under the tap and the top leaves are removed. They are not used for cooking. Put on the stove large saucepan with water and bring it to a boil. The head of cabbage is placed in boiling water. Hold for five minutes. In fact, the time is determined independently. The top leaves should be translucent and soft. The head of cabbage is taken out of the water and carefully, so as not to get burned, remove the leaves until they move freely. Then repeat the procedure until even medium-sized leaves are removed from the head of cabbage. Now, with a sharp knife, cut off the seals at the base of the sheet.

Now they begin to prepare the filling, which is prepared from minced meat and rice cereal. Minced meat can be pork and beef, but if you wish, you can take chicken or turkey. Purchased minced meat is thawed by removing it from the freezer in the evening. But it's better if it's stuffing home cooking. To do this, the meat is washed, cleaned of everything superfluous. Cut into small pieces and grind in a meat grinder or with a blender.

Rice is used long-grain or round. The main thing is that the cereal is High Quality. She is washed. The water is changed until it becomes clear. Then the rice is boiled until half cooked. If you take ready-made cereals, the filling will turn into porridge during the cooking process, and raw rice will absorb the juice from the meat, and it will be dry. Half-finished rice is thrown back on a sieve, washed again and left to get rid of excess moisture. Rice groats transfer to a bowl with minced meat.

In addition to minced meat and rice, you will need onions and carrots to prepare the filling.

The bulbs are freed from the husk and crushed in small pieces, quarter rings or half rings.

Carrots are peeled and chopped into large chips with a grater. Carrots will make the filling juicy, so it must be added.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until lightly browned. The fried onions are transferred to a bowl with minced meat and rice. In the same pan, fry the carrots until soft. It is also sent to the rest of the ingredients.

The filling is salted, seasoned with freshly ground pepper and knead well.

A cabbage leaf is placed on the board with the base facing you. Lay out on the edge a small amount of fillings and folded into a tube, wrapping the edges inward.

Cabbage rolls are laid out in a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom, seam down, placing them tightly to each other.

Tomato paste is diluted in water and stuffed cabbage is poured with it. The liquid level should not reach the top edge of the cabbage rolls by two fingers. In addition to tomato paste, you can add ketchup, unsweetened yogurt or sour cream to the sauce. The cauldron is put on the stove, brought to a boil, the fire is twisted to a minimum and stewed for an hour.

Stuffed cabbage can be shifted with fried onions and carrots.

Cabbage rolls are served with sour cream or sauce prepared on its basis.

Recipe 1. Stuffed cabbage rolls from fresh cabbage: a step-by-step recipe in a cauldron


two medium forks of white cabbage;

a glass of refined sunflower oil;

minced pork and beef - half a kilogram;

180 g of tomato paste;

two glasses of rice;


large onion;

freshly ground pepper;

large carrot.

Cooking method

1. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage. We put a wide pot of water on the stove. Turn on the fire and hold until the water starts to boil. We prick the head of cabbage with a large fork and dip the cabbage into boiling water. We hold for five minutes. We make sure that the leaves are not digested, otherwise they will not be suitable for making cabbage rolls. We take out the head of cabbage from boiling water, make cuts at the base and separate the soft leaves. Repeat the process until all the leaves are ready. Cut off the compacted areas at the base. Set the prepared leaves aside.

2. Peel the onion head. We spread it on the board, cut it into four parts and chop into thin quarter rings. We put a frying pan on the fire, pour in a little oil. As soon as it warms up, put the onion in it and fry, stirring regularly, until lightly browned. Posting fried onion into a plate.

3. Using a sharp knife, cut a thin peel from carrots. My vegetable and grind into large chips on a grater. In the pan where the onion was fried, add vegetable oil and fry the carrots, stirring constantly, until soft.

4. Pour rice into a sieve and rinse, stirring, under running water cold water. Transfer to a bowl, pour clean water and boil until half cooked. Then we throw it back on a sieve and rinse again. Leave excess liquid to glass. Transfer to a deep bowl.

5. Minced meat can be used ready-made, or you can make it yourself. To do this, wash the pulp of beef and pork, clean it from everything superfluous. Cut the meat into small pieces and twist into minced meat with a meat grinder. Put the minced meat in a bowl with rice. We also send fried onions and carrots here. Salt the filling, season with pepper and mix everything thoroughly. You can add spices for meat.

6. Put the cabbage leaf on the cutting board with the base towards you. We put a little filling on the edge and wrap it in a sheet in a roll. We fill the edges inward.

7. Put the pan on the fire, pour a little oil. Lubricate the cabbage rolls on one side with tomato paste and put the greased side down in the pan. Now grease the top with paste. As soon as the cabbage rolls are fried, turn them over and continue to fry until lightly browned.

8. Turn on the oven at 230 degrees. Put the fried cabbage rolls in a deep dish. Pour in water so that its level reaches 1/3 of the thickness of the cabbage rolls. Cover with foil and put in the oven for an hour and a half. From time to time we take out the cabbage rolls and pour them with the liquid in which they are stewed.

9. Ready cabbage rolls from fresh cabbage ( step by step recipe) put on a plate, pour sour cream or sauce based on it and serve.

Recipe 2. Stuffed cabbage rolls from fresh cabbage: a step-by-step recipe in a slow cooker


medium head of cabbage;


two carrots;

two bay leaves;

a glass of long-grain rice;

freshly ground black pepper;

750 g of meat;


a glass of tomato sauce.

Cooking method

1. As a rule, rice for cabbage rolls is boiled until half cooked. But we'll do it a little differently. We wash the grain. Then pour the rice into a bowl and pour hot water over it. boiled water. Set aside for half an hour. The water should be almost completely absorbed into the rice.

2. We take the pulp of pork and beef in equal parts. We wash the meat, cut off all the excess. Cut into small pieces. Using a blender or meat grinder, grind to a state of minced meat. We shift the minced meat into a deep plate. We discard the rice on a sieve. When the remaining liquid drains, we shift the cereal to the minced meat and stir well.

3. My carrots, peel and rinse again. Grind on a grater with medium sections. carrot shavings put in a bowl with rice and minced meat. Salt, season with spices and black pepper. Stir, cover the plate cling film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the rice and minced meat are saturated with the aromas of spices.

4. Pour a glass into the capacity of the multicooker clean water. We place a head of cabbage in it, after removing the top leaves from it. We place the container in the device and start the “steaming” program. Set the time to 20 minutes. Close the lid of the device.

5. After the beep, take out the cabbage, transfer to a plate and cool. We disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves, cutting at the base. Cut off seals at the base. Pour out the water from the container. We lay out two or three sheets at the bottom.

6. We take out the minced meat from the refrigerator. Place a cabbage leaf on a cutting board. We spread a spoonful of the filling at the base, bend the edges on both sides and turn it into a roll shape. Thus, we make all the cabbage rolls and put them in a container on the cabbage leaves. Pour in one and a half cups of filtered water, put Bay leaf season with spices to taste.

7. Install the container in the device. We start the "stuffed cabbage" or "cooking" mode. We set the time for half an hour. After the beep, open the lid and pour in the tomato sauce. We start the same mode for another half an hour and close the lid. Serve cabbage rolls from fresh cabbage (step by step recipe) hot.

Fresh cabbage rolls (step by step recipe) - tips and tricks

Be sure to cut off the seal at the base from the sheet, otherwise it will spoil the taste of the dish.

Long-grain rice can not be boiled, it is enough to pour boiling water over it and leave for half an hour.

You can add chopped fresh herbs to the filling.

Stuffed cabbage can be stewed or baked in the oven.

For serving, you can prepare a sauce of sour cream and ketchup.

Stuffed cabbage in the microwave

You can cook just about anything in the microwave, from boiled eggs before air biscuit. In this article, we will show you how to cook cabbage rolls in the microwave. This cooking method takes less time and does not affect the final taste of the dish.

Recipe for cabbage rolls in the microwave


  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • minced meat - 400 g;
  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • onion- 1 PC.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomato paste;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


We separate large leaves from cabbage and put them in a microwave oven dish. Fill the sheets with boiling water and put in the microwave at maximum power for 3-4 minutes, or until softened. If the leaf veins are too dense, carefully cut them off with a knife, trying to even out the leaf to approximately the same thickness.

Pour oil into a frying pan and fry chopped onions and grated carrots on it. Separately, boil the rice in salted water (you can also do this using a microwave oven).

Put the minced meat to the vegetable passerovka and fry it until fully prepared. Mix the minced meat with the cooled rice and wrap the mixture in cabbage leaves.

Mixing tomato paste with a decoction in which our cabbage leaves were blanched, add salt and pepper there. We put the stuffed cabbage in a mold and fill it with the resulting liquid. We cook cabbage rolls at maximum power for 7 minutes, after which we turn them over to the other side and continue cooking for the same amount.

Also, cabbage rolls cooked according to this recipe can be frozen for future use. Frozen cabbage rolls in the microwave are cooked for 10-12 minutes on each side.

Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls in the microwave


  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes in own juice- 1 bank;
  • greenery;
  • salt pepper;
  • Bay leaf.


We cut the cabbage large pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with minced meat. Onions and carrots can be fried, or they can be passed through a meat grinder along with cabbage, because we are preparing lazy cabbage rolls.

Boil rice, cool and mix with minced meat. Add salt and pepper. We puree the tomatoes with a blender, or all the same meat grinder, dilute with water if necessary. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf to the tomatoes.

We form “cutlets” from minced meat for cabbage rolls and put them in a microwave dish. Pour cabbage rolls tomato sauce, cover with a lid and bake for 30-40 minutes at a power of 750 watts.

To begin with, we prepare the cabbage, ridding it of the topmost, unusable leaves. Flabby, spoiled, dirty - all down.

Further, as soon as we dealt with unnecessary leaves, we take up the stalk. With a sharp knife we make as deep cuts around the stalk as possible. Our goal is to trim the leaves at the base, so that later it would be easier to separate them. To take out or not to take out the stalk is not the point. I leave.

Now we hide the forks in a large bag and tie it tightly (or fasten it with a tie if you decide to use a baking bag). Once I tried to do without a package, so the cabbage also softens, but in the package (due to the effect of the bath) the leaves are steamed much better.

And in this form, we load the cabbage in the microwave. The roasting time of cabbage depends on the size of the fork and on the power of your oven. So, for a head of cabbage weighing 1-1.5 kg, 10-12 minutes are required. at maximum power.

The weight of my head of cabbage, peeled from the top leaves, is 1.2 kg. Microwave power - 700 watts. Baking time - 10 minutes. We take out the softened cabbage from the microwave and carefully, so as not to burn ourselves, untie the package. As you can see in the photo, the cabbage was perfectly steamed during this time.

Now you can let it cool down a bit. natural way, and after 5 minutes you can begin to separate the cabbage leaves one by one. Or place the head of cabbage under cold water for 2-3 minutes, then shake it off the water and you can also disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves. The difference between the methods is only a couple of minutes, which one to use is up to you.

We separate the leaves until they are removed without effort. If your head is large or the microwave is not powerful enough, closer to the middle the leaves may be steamed worse and not so easy to remove. In this case, we return the cabbage to the bag, tie it up and warm it up in the microwave at the maximum for another 2-3 minutes.

Cabbage for Stuffed Cabbage - Microwave Processing Food Processing Technologies

It happens that the preparation of cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage frightens with its procedural nature. And you can’t remove the leaves from raw cabbage. Will tear.
And in the recipes: Boil in boiling salted water, cut out the stalk, and beat off the thick stems ... Passion!
Let me suggest a completely non-fatiguing replacement for this procedure. Just process the cabbage in the microwave. And then the cabbage will turn into such a heap of flexible and soft leaves, from which cabbage rolls are made - a pleasure.
Let's start with the choice of cabbage in the market. It is best to take cabbage not round, but flattened. It is shaped like a large tablet. Such cabbage usually has very large and thin leaves. Round crisp cabbage is more suitable for pickling. And of course, the leaves must be intact, and under the leaves there should not be a scattering of dark dots - traces of eating pests.
So, cabbage, weighing about one and a half kilograms. Light, very dense, flattened shape.
We remove a couple of top leaves from it. They are not needed.

Place the cabbage in the microwave. We set the power to 900W. The timer is for 10-12 minutes (this is for a caputa weighing 1.5-2 kg).
As soon as the microwave beeps ready. We take out the cabbage and place it under a stream of cold water. Most likely it is already ready. Squeeze it. It should become somewhat soft. If in doubt, give it another 2-4 minutes in the microwave. And again under a stream of cold water.
We put the cabbage with the stalk down and begin to unfold the leaves, opening the cabbage like a rose. They turn away very easily, because they have become soft and flexible. In the first photo you can see the end of this process. The cabbage turned into a large soft rose with a small ball of small leaves in the center.
Now turn the cabbage upside down. We take a knife and begin to cut the leaves at the stalk, putting the cut aside.

There will be no marriage in the form of torn leaves. Because, despite their softness and subtlety, the leaves are strong and do not tear. Unlike loose boiled.
With a knife, we cut off protruding thick stems-veins from each leaf. They also cut perfectly easily.
And our leaves are ready.
Wrap minced meat in such leaves - most pleasant process. Cabbage rolls are neat, tight, dense.
A feast for the eyes!

Recipes that involve cabbage rolls:
Tulma with rice
Tulma with barley
Tulma with millet
Tolma, Tulma, Dolma, Dulma. And all the same - stuffed vegetables
Stuffed cabbage in savoy cabbage
Stuffed vegetables - assorted
Stuffed peppers, tomatoes, zucchini...

Series of messages " ":
kitchen secrets, cooking, preparations,
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
