
How to cook rice for sushi. How to cook sushi rice correctly

Tasty, healthy, healthy, exquisitely beautiful Japanese cuisine gave the world rolls and sushi. Many people still confuse these dishes, and for good reason.

They are actually very similar. The only difference is the method of serving and the amount of ingredients used.

The rolls are rice and fish pieces rolled in a special way, wrapped in a sheet of pressed nori seaweed. In essence, it is just a type of sushi - a dish of rice and seafood with a vinegar dressing.

In any case, the basis of rolls and sushi is rice. Its taste and consistency differ from the product used in Russian or, for example, Uzbek cuisine. Rice goes well with any seafood: fish, seaweed, shrimp, caviar. Fresh cucumbers, sesame seeds, and fruits are often placed in rolls.

Any experiments can be carried out. But the main component of rolls and sushi is still rice. To truly enjoy your food, it is important to know how to cook rice for rolls and sushi. Based on it, you can complement traditional recipes to your taste, experiment with filling, each time getting a new taste.

How to cook rice for rolls and sushi - general cooking principles

Every housewife can prepare Japanese dishes at home. Today, the cuisine of the island state is so popular that in any supermarket there is a counter with all the necessary products: Japanese rice, pressed noria seaweed, rice and soy vinegar, pickled ginger.

Before you cook sushi rice, you need to decide on the type of grain. Incorrectly boiled rice for rolls or sushi falls apart as soon as the piece ends up in a bowl of soy sauce. This happens for two reasons:

1. the dish is made from inappropriate rice;

2. The rice itself is cooked incorrectly.

As for the “correct” rice, it is not necessary to buy a product labeled “Japanese” or “for sushi.” In fact, we are talking about ordinary short-grain rice, and you shouldn’t overpay for a “tip.”

Of course, you can buy real Japanese rice. But our Krasnodar one is quite suitable for an overseas dish. And all because it has the necessary qualities: it boils well and has high stickiness. It is important that the boiled rice grains are well glued together.

The story about fluffy rice is not for sushi. Therefore, you cannot use long-grain rice, including steamed rice. The healthy brown, brown, black (wild) product will not work either. For rolls and sushi, only white sticky grains are needed. Otherwise, the question of how to cook rice for rolls becomes meaningless.

They need to be properly prepared: rinse in several waters (at least seven times). The water should be very cold and clean. Drained from a grain of rice that is completely ready for cooking, it should remain completely transparent.

The principles for preparing rice cereal are as follows:

Boil it properly until fully cooked;

Separately prepare the filling (rice vinegar, salt and sugar are required);

Combine hot rice and vinegar sauce.

In principle, you can simply cook a grain of rice the way you are used to doing it, and then pour the dressing over it and mix thoroughly. Or pour the grain into a slow cooker and entrust the process to it. But to get the maximum restaurant effect, it’s worth learning how to cook rice for rolls and sushi. There are several ways, and mastering them is not at all difficult.

How to cook rice for rolls the traditional way

Ideal rice is soft, tender, but not overcooked grains. They easily take the desired shape, so rolls and sushi turn out delicious, keep their shape perfectly and are not much different from restaurant ones. How to cook sushi rice the traditional way?


A glass of short-grain (or special Japanese) rice grain;

One and a half glasses of water;

Half a tablespoon of granulated sugar;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

50 ml real rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

Place the prepared grains of snow-white rice in a thick-walled pan.

Pour a measured portion of water over the rice. The proportion of one to one and a half is the ideal ratio of grain and water. Do not salt the water, do not add any spices.

Turn on high heat and wait for the water to boil. The lid must be open.

As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid as tightly as possible.

How to cook sushi rice? No more than ten to fifteen minutes. It is important that the moisture completely evaporates, but you should not overexpose the rice on the fire. Overcooked rice grains will ruin an excellent dish.

While the rice is cooking, prepare the dressing. To do this, pour vinegar into a saucepan or small saucepan (you need rice vinegar, not some other kind).

Pour granulated sugar and salt into it.

Place the dishes on low heat and wait until the grains are completely dissolved. It is important to stir the sauce so that the sugar dissolves faster and does not burn.

When the grains of sugar and salt disappear, the filling is ready.

Remove the boiled rice from the heat and leave covered for ten minutes.

Place the rice grains in a large wide bowl and pour over the hot vinegar dressing.

Gently mix the rice with the vinegar mixture using a wooden spatula.

When the rice has cooled to a warm state, start forming rolls or sushi.

How to cook sushi rice using the “hot” method

Tender, sticky rice can be prepared differently. In this case, the rice is poured into boiling water, and its quantity increases. How to cook rice for rolls using a hot method?


A glass of white round rice;

Two glasses of clean water;

Two tablespoons of vinegar;

A teaspoon of sugar;

A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Boil water in a saucepan of suitable volume (the amount of rice will approximately triple).

Rinse the rice until the water runs clear.

Pour the grains into the boiling water, reduce the heat to low.

Cover the pan tightly with a lid, cook the rice for 15-20 minutes until the water is completely absorbed into the grain.

Prepare the dressing as described in the first recipe.

Remove the finished rice from the heat, sprinkle with the filling and stir using wooden sticks or a wooden spoon.

How to cook sushi rice with nori seaweed

You can use a sheet of nori to add a special flavor to the rice. You will need a small piece of pressed sheet. Before cooking sushi rice, you just need to put it in water. It is important to remove it from the pan after the water boils. The proportions are indicated for a large number of rolls.


Four hundred grams of rice;

Half a liter of water;

A small piece of pressed noria seaweed;

50 ml rice vinegar;

30 g granulated sugar;

10 g salt.

Cooking method:

Pour cold water over the rice.

Throw a piece of nori into the water and cover the pan with a lid.

Turn on maximum heat and wait for the water to boil.

Remove the seaweed and reduce the heat to low.

Cook the rice for exactly twelve minutes.

Turn off the heat and leave the rice covered for another fifteen minutes.

Prepare vinegar filling.

Combine it with rice and mix.

    The maximum cooking time for rice after boiling water is twenty minutes. If possible, do not remove the cover. For the first time, of course, you can’t do without checking the grain for boiling water. Rice can be cooked in 15 or 20 minutes. Much depends on the characteristics of the stove and the type of rice. But over time, experience will come, which will allow the grain to be completely at rest under the lid.

    Under no circumstances should you touch the rice with a spoon, stir or disturb it. Let us remember one of the commandments: complete peace!

    Ready rice should be cooked immediately. You can’t leave it for another day or store it in the refrigerator. In just a few hours, the boiled grains will begin to rapidly lose moisture. The rice will become tough and completely unsuitable for making rolls and sushi.

    The dressing and rice must be mixed while hot. The filling should not boil: it should be given a few minutes to cool. The amount of filling should not be too large. The goal is to give the rice a light aroma and a sharp, vinegary taste.

    You can buy ready-made dressing for sushi rice in the store. It replaces homemade rice vinegar, sugar and salt.

    Rolls and sushi should be prepared from cooled, fully cooked rice. The Japanese use a special fan to fan and cool boiled rice grains. If you want to feel like you are in the atmosphere of old Japan, you can work with a fan. However, this is not necessary.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Exotic Japanese cuisine is gaining more and more adherents. An exquisite combination of sweetish sauces, nori seaweed, fish and vegetables creates an indescribable taste sensation. Having mastered the secrets of how to cook sushi rice in a slow cooker or over an open fire, and how to prepare marinade, you will be able to create real masterpieces of Japanese cuisine at home yourself.

What kind of rice is needed for sushi?

According to the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, food should not only nourish the body, but also bring aesthetic pleasure. The appearance of sushi and taste characteristics depend on the correct choice of the main ingredient. During the cooking process, special varieties of glutinous, sticky rice are used, which can be purchased in most supermarkets or specialty stores.

Long-grained, crumbly or steamed is best left for risotto and pilaf. The ideal option would be oval-shaped cereals of small size (2–3 mm):

  • Dragon Rice. Perfectly sized, has a soft, delicate texture when cooked. Color – matte white. There are no cracks or roughness on the surface.
  • Short grain Rice. Small grains measuring 3 mm are rich in starch, which gives the necessary stickiness during the cooking process. They are distinguished by a mother-of-pearl shade, without husks or irregularities.

If it is not possible to purchase special Japanese rice for sushi, pay attention to regular round-grain rice. So that the taste parameters do not differ much from traditional Japanese varieties, sort out the cereal before cooking the main ingredient. For sushi, leave only whole, uncracked grains of the same size and regular round shape.

Recipes for cooking sushi rice with photos

To boil rice you will need:

  • glass bowl;
  • wooden spoon;
  • Ingredients:
    • Japanese rice;
    • good quality water for cooking;
    • kombu seaweed (nori).

Before cooking rice, you must wash it thoroughly. The Japanese believe that taste directly depends on the purity and quality of the grain. Pour the required amount into a glass salad bowl and fill with water. After 1–2 minutes, carefully remove any floating husks and impurities with your hand. Drain off the cloudy water. Refill the bowl with cold liquid in a 1:2 ratio.

To remove “bad”, low-quality rice, gently move it through your fingers. It is necessary to rinse the cereal until the flowing water becomes clear, like spring water - at least 7 times. Then pour filtered water into the salad bowl and leave for half an hour. After time has passed, start cooking.

Cooking sushi rice in a saucepan

To prevent sushi rice from burning, use a heavy metal pan with a thick bottom. You will need:

  • Japanese rice – 200 g;
  • cold filtered water – 250 ml.

Place the thoroughly washed cereal into a saucepan. Fill with cold (add a couple of ice cubes) water using a ratio of 1:1.25. Add a small piece of kombu, 5x5 cm, for a subtle taste. Cover tightly and place over medium heat. When the cereal boils, remove the seaweed and close the lid tightly. How long should you cook sushi rice? Cooking time in a closed container until combined with the marinade will take about 30 minutes:

  • Cook for 12 minutes on the lowest heat. The liquid must be completely absorbed so that the rice becomes sticky, grainy and fluffy.
  • 15 minutes - the finished ingredient is infused, absorbing the remaining water.

How to cook sushi rice in a slow cooker

Pour thoroughly washed rice into the multicooker bowl. It is advisable to soak Japanese sushi varieties with cold water for half an hour. You will see the degree of readiness for cooking by the whitened grain, which will change its transparency to white. It is not recommended to soak ordinary round ones. Cooking sushi rice using a multicooker is not difficult:

Option 1 (when there is a “Steamer” function)

  1. Pour cold filtered water over the rice, maintaining a ratio of 1:1.25.
  2. Close the lid. Click the "Rice" or "Buckwheat" button. Set the timer for 10–12 minutes.
  3. After automatic shutdown, do not open the multicooker lid and allow the contents to completely absorb the liquid.
  4. Take out the cooked unleavened rice, pour it into a glass or wooden bowl using a wooden spatula and mix with the classic marinade.

Option 2

If the “Steamer” function is not available, it is possible to cook sushi rice in a multicooker using the “Baking” and “Stewing” modes. Divide the time it takes to cook as follows:

  • 10 minutes – “Baking” function.
  • 15–20 minutes – “Extinguishing” mode.

How to prepare dressing for rice

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  1. rice vinegar – 60 ml;
  2. sugar – 20 g;
  3. teaspoon sea salt.

While you are cooking sushi rice, place a container on the stove into which you pour rice vinegar (if you don’t have the latter, replace it with natural apple vinegar), add sugar and salt. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Place the cooked rice into a glass container with a spatula, pour over the dressing and mix gently.

Video: how to make perfect sushi rice

Do you want to learn how to cook the right rice to make sushi? Be patient and willing to master all the intricacies of Japanese cuisine. After all, in the land of the rising sun, sushi masters have years of training in the intricacies of preparing this dish. What secrets do you need to master in order to learn how to cook rice cereal perfectly? After watching our video with step-by-step instructions, you will be able to do it elegantly, and the result will exceed your expectations.

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Rolls are the most famous dish of Japanese cuisine, which has conquered the whole world and has no equal in competition among Asian dishes. Being a type of sushi, they differ from them by rolling the food using a bamboo mat and then cutting it into portioned pieces. Any Japanese woman can prepare rolls at home; in our country, specialized restaurants often serve such dishes. But if you really want to, such culinary delights can easily be made at home.

At their core, the rolls are filled with rice wrapped in a sheet of nori seaweed. This type of dish differs from sushi by wrapping the rice with filling in seaweed, omelette or soy paper.

There are several types of rolls:

  • Hosomaki (thin)- tall with one type of filling.
  • Futomaki (thick)- large in diameter with two or more types of filling.
  • Uramaki (inside out rolls)- a spectacular type of dish, which differs from the others in the order of rolling: there is a filling inside, nori around it, and the whole thing is wrapped in a layer of rice, which is sprinkled with bat caviar or sesame seeds.
  • Temaki (Japanese shawarma)- an envelope made of seaweed filled with filling.
  • Spicy rolls— which are eaten with hot sauce.
  • Tempura (hot)- fried rolls, which are sure to be eaten hot.
  • Spring rolls (light)- a lighter version of the dish, in which the filling is wrapped in a rice pancake and served raw or fried.

A brief overview of Japanese dishes will help you understand their subtypes and help you prepare them correctly at home.

Basic components for homemade rolls

To independently prepare Japanese delicacies, in addition to desire, you also need special tools for creating rolls or a bamboo mat, high-quality products and some skill in cooking.

With kits for creating sushi, everything is simple: you buy the product you like in the store and already become a skilled sushi maker. As a last resort, you can always form a sausage roll using a special mat.

Purchasing the required ingredients is also easy: all the necessary sauces, seasonings, seaweed, and rice can be freely obtained in the store. When choosing products, you need to take into account that you only need 6 ingredients to make rolls at home.

  • Rice- the main component, the necessary varieties of which are sold in a special section of stores. It is cooked using a special technology with the obligatory addition of rice vinegar.
  • Nori- dried seaweed leaves used to wrap stuffed rice.
  • Vinegar- a yellowish liquid necessary for soaking rice.
  • Wasabi- Japanese horseradish mustard, a flavoring condiment that can sometimes be replaced with a less spicy one.
  • Ginger, soy sauce- additional ingredients that give the dish a special taste.
  • Seafood and vegetables— the main fillings are chosen according to taste preferences.

Having all the available ingredients on hand, the main task is to prepare the dish correctly.

The right rice is the key to a successful roll

The basis of any type of sushi is rice. Its consistency is the envy of the future dish.

Japanese rice for rolls has the necessary stickiness, which allows it not to crumble. But properly prepared regular short-grain rice can also become an assistant for preparing Japanese dishes.

How to cook rice in a saucepan on the stove

Despite the fact that homemade roll recipes are very diverse, they are always united by one component - rice. And it is prepared in the same way for any variant. This is what remains unchanged, and the taste of the dishes is given by the fillings and methods of their heat treatment.

Required ingredients:

  • rice - 1 kg;
  • water - 1200 ml;
  • rice vinegar - 330 ml.
  1. Rinse the rice in cold water several times. Place it in a saucepan and add water.
  2. Place the pan on the stove. Bring water to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat to low and cook the rice for 12-15 minutes without stirring it.
  3. Then let the rice porridge sit under the lid closed for about 30 minutes.
  4. Place the steamed rice in a bowl and pour the vinegar dressing evenly over it. Mix everything carefully, without crushing the rice, so as not to turn it into porridge.
  5. You can store this rice for no more than 2 days on the windowsill. Before use, warm it up a little in the microwave.

A few useful tips will help you avoid mistakes when choosing and preparing rice. Then the cereal will not crumble, stick to your teeth and simply spoil the dish with its appearance.

  • The rice you choose should be large, uncut, round in shape, and not steamed. Packaged rice for cooking is also not suitable for rolls.
  • Mandatory washing of the cereal will rid the rice of excess starch.
  • Do not open the lid of the pan while cooking cereal.
  • Rice dressing is the final stage of preparing rice. Only cereals soaked in it are considered completely ready. The easiest way to season: combine rice vinegar (180 ml), sugar (120 g), salt (30 g) in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Let the dressing brew and season the boiled rice with it.
  • You should use rice for rolls when it has already cooled down and does not burn your hands.

Having learned how to cook rice correctly, purchased all the necessary products and purchased a set for making rolls at home, you can safely begin the mysteries of Japanese cuisine.

How to prepare rolls: forming rolls and cutting them

The filling is prepared, the rice is cooked and cooled. It's time to roll up delicious rolls to enjoy their taste. For the process of wrapping the filling in rice, and rice in seaweed, a special bamboo mat is needed.

  • Carefully level a sheet of nori on it, placing it with the smooth glossy side down.
  • Spread a handful of rice in an even layer over the rough side of the dry seaweed. Leave clean strips of about 1 cm not filled with grain on both edges. The thickness of the rice layer should be 0.7 cm.
  • Place the selected filling in a thin strip across the entire width of the seaweed. To enhance the flavor of the filling, a strip of rice can be lightly coated with wasabi.
  • To roll the roll, you need to lift the mat with your thumbs and, holding the filling, twist the roll.
  • After connecting the ends of the seaweed, the roll should be rolled a little on the mat. During the “rolling out” process, you should not put too much pressure on the roll so that all the filling does not fall out.
  • When creating rolls with rice facing out, you should take into account that for better rolling of the dish, a bamboo mat should first be covered with cling film.

The beautiful appearance of the dish directly depends on the correct cutting of the roll. This process should be carried out with a knife dipped in vinegar or lemon water. This will prevent the rice from sticking to the blade and will help the knife glide smoothly. It is best to cut the roll in half and then divide it into 6-8 equal pieces.

This sushi is served with ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.

The most popular homemade roll recipes

It's time to put theoretical knowledge into practice to prepare rolls at home. By choosing the appropriate recipe as you wish, you can easily make any filled rice rolls.

California: Shrimp, Avocado and Flying Fish Roe

The most popular variety with rice on the outside are rolls with shrimp meat and avocado.

Required ingredients:

  • rice - 200 gr;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • smoked eel - 20 g;
  • rice vinegar - 200 ml;
  • salmon caviar - 30 g;
  • tiger shrimps - 30 g;
  • Nori seaweed - 1 sheet.

How to cook:

  1. In the case of an economy version of the dish, you can do without avocado, replace the eel with affordable fish and make rolls with crab sticks.
  2. Cut the cucumber, avocado, smoked eel and shrimp into thin portions.
  3. Lay out the Nori sheet. On half of it, spread a thin layer of rice, sprinkle everything on top with small caviar, lightly pressing it onto the rice.
  4. Place a seaweed sheet with the rice side down on the bamboo mat.
  5. Place prepared ingredients (seafood and vegetables) on Nori.
  6. Roll everything up, giving it a square shape. Cut the roll into 6 equal pieces.

Philadelphia: fresh fish and cream cheese

To get your fill of Japanese delicacies as much as possible, there is nothing easier than making Philadelphia rolls - the most satisfying and popular of Asian cuisine. After all, a large amount of fish combined with cheese makes this recipe inimitable.

Required ingredients:

  • rice - 300 gr;
  • trout - 300 gr;
  • Philadelphia cheese - 150 gr;
  • avocado - ½ piece;
  • nori - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger, soy sauce, wasabi - to taste;
  • Chop the peeled avocado into strips.

How to cook:

  1. Place a thin layer of boiled rice on the straightened dry seaweed. Lightly press it against Nori.
  2. Place them on a special mat with the seaweed facing up.
  3. Place a sufficient amount of cream cheese on the surface of the seaweed.
  4. Place chopped avocado on top of the cheese.
  5. Roll the roll, giving it a square shape.
  6. Place the salmon fillet in a thin layer on top. Cut the roll into portions.

Philadelphia rolls are best served with wasabi, pickled ginger and soy sauce. They can also be slightly modified, because... The recipe allows you to sprinkle tobiko caviar on the rice.

Caesar roll: deli meat with cheese

Mixing Eastern and European cuisines leads to the creation of new recipes. Caesar roll, a dish from the “Fusion” series, is very similar in composition to the salad of the same name. Whether you're a stickler for traditional seafood rolls or are ready for a bold, mixed experiment, this homemade recipe will show you.

Required ingredients:

  • rice - 250 gr;
  • chicken breast - 100 g;
  • cream cheese - 100 gr;
  • parmesan - 50 g;
  • seaweed leaves;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • breadcrumbs.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare all the filling. Cut boiled or smoked chicken fillet into strips. Chop the green salad in the same way. Fry the breadcrumbs in a dry frying pan. Grate Parmesan.
  2. Spread the rice evenly on the Nori sheet, leaving some empty edges for gluing.
  3. Turn the seaweed sheet over with the rice side down. Place cream cheese, shredded breast meat and chopped lettuce in the center.
  4. Carefully roll everything up and seal the edges of the seaweed.
  5. Roll the finished roll in breadcrumbs and then cut into 8 pieces.
  6. Crush the Caesar roll with Parmesan and serve with fresh lettuce.

Hot rolls: deep-fried vegetable rolls

Hot rolls - tempura - are becoming increasingly popular among lovers of Asian cuisine. This is the most original dish in terms of execution and taste. And you can enjoy them without visiting oriental restaurants, because... at home, they are prepared according to the standard procedure, followed by frying in batter. These rolls turn out very tender, with a light crispy crust.

  • Place rice in an even layer on the spread seaweed and press lightly. Turn them rice side down.
  • Place the chopped ingredients on Nori leaves. Roll the dish into a roll.
  • Beat the egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of cold water. Add a little flour and mix thoroughly until the consistency is medium thick.
  • Dip the rolls in batter, then roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil until nicely golden brown.
  • Place the finished dish on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Then cut the rolls into portions.
  • Baked gourmet rolls: mussels covered with cheese

    Baking a traditional Japanese dish is one of the most daring steps in cooking. However, the delicate and balanced taste of the dish makes it one of the most delicious and gaining momentum in popularity. A truly royal recipe for any celebration - homemade baked rolls with mussels.

  • Cut the roll into the required number of pieces. Place them all on a baking sheet.
  • Chop the marinated mussels and mix them with two sauces: mustard and cheese. Cut hard cheese into thin squares.
  • Place mussel filling on top of each piece. Cover it with a piece of hard cheese.
  • Bake the rolls in a hot oven (200°C) for about 10-12 minutes.
  • There are rolls, like tempura, that should be hot. Otherwise, when they cool, they lose their special flavor.

    How to cook rice for sushi? This is a dilemma that newcomers to Japanese cuisine regularly face.

    Which variety to choose? How to cook it correctly? How to make a dressing? Believe me, despite the differences in our cultures, in Japan they also adhere to the principle: the simpler, the better. Therefore, just by understanding the nuances, you will manage sushi rice quickly and easily!

    Rice is the main component of sushi, so when preparing it you should take into account all the recommendations of Japanese chefs. If undercooked, it will spoil the taste of the dish; if overcooked, it will ruin your rolls. The lack of pronounced taste is also considered “bad form” in the Land of the Rising Sun. Therefore, we understand the recipe for preparing sushi rice thoroughly!

    5 secrets of sushi rice

    1. The Japanese use rice varieties for their favorite dish, which we call “Japanese” and “Mistral”. If you can’t find them in the supermarket, you can get by with regular round-grain. This will not make the rolls worse - it has been proven by culinary specialists from many countries around the world.
    2. Boil the rice until tender, using water in a volume of 1:1.5. This means that 200 grams of rice requires 300 ml of water. In this proportion, the cereal will not boil over and will retain its shape.
    3. Rice grains must be washed before use. Do this in a bowl, in running water. You need to drain the water many times until it remains cloudy. The grains of rice that float to the surface are also removed: the Japanese consider them spoiled. And all the black particles of poorly cleaned cereal.
    4. At the beginning of cooking, a cube of nori seaweed (kombu) is placed in cold water. It gives a special flavor to sushi rice; the recipe later requires removing the nori before boiling the water so that the taste is not spoiled.
    5. The classic sushi recipe calls for a vinegar dressing. It is sprinkled over the rice after it is cooked. The grains of rice are carefully turned over so that the dressing is distributed evenly. You can’t mix them, otherwise a mess will form. Both the rice and the dressing should be hot, but not fiery, so the rice should be allowed to cool after boiling.

    Sushi rice recipes

    Once you learn how to make sushi rice, you'll be free to make any type of dish at home, from Philly sushi with smoked salmon to Dynamite shrimp and avocado rolls. There are many recipes for preparing the base of the dish.

    I present the most popular and simple ones.

    The simplest recipe


    • 200 gr. rice;
    • 700 gr. water.

    For refueling:

    • 2 teaspoons;
    • 2 tablespoons sugar;
    • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar).

    If you use Japanese rice, you need to rinse it several times until the water runs clear. It will not lose its stickiness. If you use regular rice, you only need to rinse it once to maintain its stickiness.

    After rinsing, pour cold water over the rice, put on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes without a lid. Remove from heat, cover and leave for 10 minutes to allow the rice to absorb the remaining water.

    To prepare the dressing, stir salt, sugar and rice vinegar in a small saucepan. Place on the fire and stir constantly until the salt and sugar dissolve. Bring vinegar to a boil, remove from heat, cool.

    Pour the dressing over the rice and stir gently. To prepare sushi, use rice at room temperature. Sushi rice is used within one day, it cannot be stored and used later.

    Here are more popular recipes for making sushi rice

    Recipe No. 1

    1. Rinse the rice, pour into a saucepan, and cover with water. Place a piece of nori in cold water. Remove the nori before boiling. After this, do not open the lid again.
    2. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10-15 minutes. The water will be completely absorbed.
    3. Turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove. Keep covered for 15 minutes.

    Recipe No. 2

    1. Pour the washed cereal with water: 2 cups for 1 cup of rice.
    2. Leave to swell for 30 minutes.
    3. Bring to a boil on the stove, covered.
    4. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
    5. Remove from the stove; do not open the lid for 20 minutes.

    Recipe No. 3

    1. Rinse the rice and add to boiling water.
    2. Reduce heat and cover the pan.
    3. Simmer the rice grains until the liquid is completely absorbed.

    Recipe in a slow cooker

    Preparing the base of the rolls is possible not only in a saucepan. Let's learn how to cook sushi rice in a slow cooker.

    1. Rinse the cereal and soak for 30 minutes if it is Japanese rice. When using regular round grain, there is no need to soak.
    2. Place in a bowl and add water at the rate of 250 ml per 200 g of cereal.
    3. Set the “Buckwheat” or “Rice” mode. If they are not provided, use the “Baking” mode with a timer for 10 minutes, then turn on the “Stewing” mode for 20 minutes.

    How to Make the Perfect Sushi Rice

    Preparing the dressing

    An equally simple question is how to prepare a dressing for sushi rice. You will need 3 components:

    • rice vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
    • salt - 1 teaspoon.

    This volume is enough for 450 grams of finished cereal (using 200 grams of dry rice).


    1. Pour vinegar into the pan.
    2. Add sugar and salt.
    3. Stir over medium heat until completely dissolved.

    It turns out to be a classic dressing for sushi rice, but the recipe is complicated in that you can’t always find rice vinegar here. If it is not available in stores, you can prepare an analogue yourself.

    Vinegar for sushi

    Option #1

    You will need:

    • grape vinegar - 4 tablespoons;
    • sea ​​salt - teaspoon;
    • sugar (white, brown) - 3 teaspoons.

    Mix everything and dissolve over the fire, without bringing to a boil.

    Option No. 2

    You will need:

    • apple cider vinegar - a tablespoon;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;
    • sugar - teaspoon;
    • hot water - 1.5 tablespoons.

    Preparation is similar to the first option.

    Option No. 3

    You will need:

    • table vinegar 6% - 1.5 tablespoons;
    • soy sauce - 1.5 tablespoons;
    • sugar - a teaspoon.

    Mix everything and heat to dissolve.

    If you don't have vinegar, you can use lemon juice. Mix it with a small amount of sugar and drizzle over the rice.

    Ginger for sushi

    Some sushi recipes call for the use of ginger to achieve a tangy, spicy flavor. The question of how to prepare ginger for sushi is also easy to figure out.


    1. Peel the fresh root (weighing about 400 g), cut into thin pieces - “petals”. Boil for a minute in boiling water or rub with salt and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the salt.
    2. How to cook chicken in the oven: 10 cooking tips

    Japanese cuisine is becoming more and more popular every year. Among them, sushi occupies a special place. They have become a real fashionable hobby, without which not a single meeting or youth party can be completed lately. In most cases, people tend to purchase ready-made products in stores, without thinking about the fact that they can very easily be made by themselves. First, you need to understand that the main component of sushi is rice. This is not just porridge in which other products are wrapped. This component must be prepared in a special way. How to make sushi rice at home? Recipes and some useful tips will be useful to those who decide to master the intricacies of Japanese cuisine.

    Celebration of taste

    Many people believe that only the Japanese can cook sushi truly correctly. This opinion in most cases is based on the fact that this dish has a rather specific taste and unusual appearance. To cook it yourself, you first need to learn how to cook sushi rice at home. In this case, you can use different recipes. One of the simplest options involves the following ingredients: for 175 grams of raw rice, a glass of water, 10 grams of salt, 30 grams of vinegar (specifically rice) and 8 grams of sugar.

    Once all the components are assembled, you can start preparing:

    1. First, pour the cereal into a sieve or fine colander and rinse it well under running cold water. The procedure must be completed when the flowing water is completely transparent.
    2. Pour the prepared rice into a deep saucepan, then add a glass of clean water and cook for a couple of minutes after it boils. Then turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave the food in it to swell for 10 minutes.
    3. Open the lid and let the rice sit for about 10 minutes.
    4. Dilute sugar and salt in rice vinegar and slightly heat the resulting mixture.
    5. Place the rice in a clean bowl and pour the prepared marinade over it.
    6. Using special sticks, distribute the mixture throughout the entire mass.

    The result is moderately crumbly, aromatic rice, completely ready for forming sushi.

    Alternative method

    There is another way to prepare sushi rice at home. As a rule, everyone chooses recipes and processing methods independently. All of them contain several mandatory points:

    1. Rice must first be washed.

    2. Cooking should be done over low or medium heat. Do not allow it to boil strongly so that the cereal does not turn into a “mush”.

    3. The prepared product must be poured with aromatic dressing.

    Given these rules, there is another way to make sushi rice at home. The recipes in both cases will be somewhat similar to each other. To work, you will need regular rice cereal and water. Everything is done very simply:

    1. First, the rice must be washed. To do this, you can pour it into a pan and then add water. When washing, wet grains should be rubbed well against the walls of the dishes. This will help to further polish it, removing the smallest remaining husks. The water will need to be changed many times. As a result, after washing it should remain almost transparent.
    2. Place the grains in a colander. You must wait until all the moisture has drained.
    3. Place the rice in a saucepan, then fill it with regular cold water. The cereal should be allowed to stand in this position for at least an hour. After this it will need to be drained.
    4. Re-add water to the cereal in a ratio of 1.5:1 to the cereal.
    5. Place the pan on the stove, then slowly bring its contents to a boil and cook for approximately 10 minutes, covered, over medium heat.
    6. Turn off the flame, wrap the pan in a towel and leave the rice in it for about a third of an hour.

    After this, all that remains is to sprinkle the grains with any aromatic dressing.

    Kombu method

    This option gets its name from the popular seaweed that is involved in the cooking process itself. For cooking you will need rice and water in a 1:1 ratio. In addition, you will need ingredients for pouring: 15 grams of white wine vinegar, 60 grams of sugar and two teaspoons of salt (preferably sea salt).

    In this case, sushi rice at home is made as follows:

    1. Rinse the rice well using any known method.
    2. Pour it into a saucepan and add water until the container is only one-third full.
    3. Leave the pan on the fire, and put a cube of algae no larger than 5 centimeters in size inside. As soon as the water boils, it will need to be removed immediately.
    4. Cook the cereal for 5 minutes, then reduce the heat and wait another 13 minutes. This time will be enough for the water to be completely absorbed.
    5. The finished rice should stand covered for another 10 minutes.
    6. Make a dressing from the prepared ingredients. Stir the products until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

    Now you just need to pour the aromatic mixture over the rice and let it sit for a while.

    Using a multicooker

    How else can you prepare sushi rice? A homemade recipe for a multicooker is perhaps the simplest in terms of execution. To work with 2 cups of raw grain you will need 2 ½ measuring cups of water.

    The cooking process is as follows:

    1. The rice must be thoroughly washed first. For sushi, it is advisable to take a product with small and round grains. It usually contains more gluten, which is needed for gluing the layer.
    2. Pour rice into the multicooker bowl.
    3. Add cold water and close the lid tightly. This will allow you to retain the steam inside, which is necessary for good boiling of the grain. The quantity of products must be selected so that a third of the free space of the multicooker remains free.
    4. Set the panel to “rice” or “buckwheat” mode. If there are no such programs, then you should select “baking” and set the timer for 10 minutes.
    5. After the signal, without opening the lid, set the “quenching” program and the timer for 20 minutes.

    This rice is ideal for making sushi. True, first it will need to be flavored with a special sweet and sour filling.

    To prepare almost all Japanese dishes, the cereal must first be washed. Otherwise, you will end up with an ordinary viscous porridge. Only after this do we cook the sushi rice. At home, a thick-bottomed pan is most often used for this. This prevents the product from burning and allows you to achieve the desired result. To work, you will need the following main components: for 450 grams of rice, 90 milliliters of vinegar (rice) and water.

    The cooking process takes place in stages:

    1. The washed cereal must be transferred to a saucepan.
    2. Pour water (2.5 cups) into it, cover the lid and put the container on the fire.
    3. After boiling, reduce the flame and cook the rice for 12 minutes without stirring.
    4. Make sure there is no moisture left in the pan by piercing the layer of cooked product with a wooden spoon. If there is still some liquid left, you can literally keep the pan on the fire for one minute.
    5. Remove the pan from the stove and keep the rice covered for 10 minutes.
    6. Heat the rice vinegar, then pour it over the finished product and stir well.
    7. Wet the towel with cold water (boiled), wring it out and cover the rice with this damp cloth. Wait until the product cools to room temperature.

    If you don’t have ready-made rice vinegar, you can easily make it yourself by mixing 10 grams of salt, 25 grams of sugar and 15 grams of table vinegar 9%.

    Japanese style rice

    To properly prepare real sushi, you must first master the technique of boiling rice. The Japanese have special devices for this, called “rice cookers.” It is more difficult for Russian housewives to prepare sushi rice at home. They have to be content with the usual pots. Here the main secret will lie in the brewing method. To work, you will need to take: for each glass of rice, twice as much water (there should be enough moisture so that it is 2 centimeters above the grain) and a little salt.

    To prepare rice you need:

    1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    2. Add rice, salt and cover the container with a lid.
    3. Cook the contents for 5 minutes over fairly high heat.
    4. Make the flame smaller. Cook for another 2 minutes.
    5. Set the heat to very low and keep the pan on it for a couple more minutes.
    6. Remove the container from the stove and let it stand for 10 minutes.

    Now the rice will have exactly the consistency needed for making sushi.

    Fast and easy

    You can very easily cook sushi rice at home using the following products: for 900 grams of rice cereal, 10 grams of salt, 50 grams of sugar and 75 grams of 5% vinegar (rice).

    Preparation of the main semi-finished product:

    1. It all starts with washing the beans. To do this, you will need a sieve and a tap with running water.
    2. Pour the prepared rice with water and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes so that it remains a little raw.
    3. Remove the pan from the stove and let the product sit for another 5 minutes. If there is any moisture left in it, you should place the rice in a colander to allow it to drain completely.
    4. Dissolve sugar and salt in vinegar and stir the resulting mass until smooth. For work you need to use glass or porcelain dishes. It is better to avoid metal objects.
    5. Transfer the rice to a clean plate and pour over the prepared dressing. Mix the products slowly and very carefully.

    After this, the cooled, aromatic rice can be used directly to prepare sushi.
