
How to use frozen sorrel. Portion cubes with water

Is it possible to make sorrel preparations for the winter? Of course, it is possible and even necessary. The fastest, easiest and reliable way freeze sorrel leaves so that everything is preserved useful qualities this delicious plant- it's freezing. At home, this can be easily and quickly done in the freezer. Keep such useful blank possibly until next year.

Housewives open the season of home-made preparations at the very beginning of summer, because sorrel is the first green that appears on our table. Sorrel is frozen and canned in sterile jars. So delicious and simple blanks sorrel leaves are made very quickly and easily if you know and apply all the secrets of this type of green storage.

Leaves young sorrel incredibly helpful. Frozen, they will retain all their useful and taste qualities. Preparations prepared in summer will bring variety to your winter daily diet and saturate the body useful vitamins contained in the green leaves of sorrel.

Frozen sorrel leaves experienced housewives added to all kinds of dishes. Greens will give an unusual zest to the most popular dishes. You can cook incredibly delicious green cabbage soup with sorrel, and homemade pies are just delicious, you can add it to borscht, you get a tasty and unusual combination.

Advantages of freezing sorrel

There are several methods for harvesting sorrel leaves for the winter:

  • canning;
  • drying sorrel leaves;
  • salting greens;
  • freezing.

Freezing sorrel leaves has several benefits. This type of preparation is quite new, but it is gradually replacing the methods of our grandmothers - salting, canning, drying. Every year more and more summer residents and lovers of all kinds of greenery give their preference to freezing. After all, with the advent of modern capacious freezers, quick freezing of all kinds of greens, variety of vegetables, berries, has become so simple and accessible way blanks. In addition, this method of harvesting sorrel leaves has its big advantages:

  1. Long retains all useful and nutritional vitamins contained in greenery.
  2. Perfectly retains all taste characteristics.
  3. With a quick freeze, the color of sorrel leaves practically does not change.
  4. Retains a great flavor.
  5. The harvesting process is carried out without any additional ingredients.
  6. With this method of harvesting, no preservatives are used.
  7. No need for application extra cans, containers. You can freeze in regular bags.

It is also a very quick and easy way that saves time both in the harvesting process and in the cooking process. So, if you put the sorrel into small portion bags, then you just need to get the bag in the winter and add green lettuce leaves to your favorite dish.

Preparing sorrel leaves for freezing

  1. Sorrel leaves must be carefully sorted out. Leave only beautiful, even, fresh, bright green leaves.
  2. Now the leaves must be washed under running water. This is very convenient to do with a colander.
  3. Dry greens thoroughly. outdoors. You can put it on a dry cotton towel and turn it over periodically.
  4. Greens need to be finely chopped or leave whole leaves. It all depends on your preferences and the chosen storage method.
  5. Divide sorrel leaves in portions into freezer bags and into small plastic containers. The portion size is calculated so that one package is enough for one cooking.
  6. Remove the packets of sorrel leaves in the compartment for quick freezing for a couple of hours.
  7. After that, containers or bags of sorrel leaves can be moved to storage sections.

What you may need to freeze sorrel greens:

  • freezer bags;
  • small plastic containers;
  • silicone molds for cupcakes or molds for ice;
  • large bowl;
  • pot;
  • colander for washing the leaves;
  • cotton towel for drying;
  • cutting board;
  • well-sharpened knife;
  • drinking water.

Sorrel leaves can be frozen different methods. How to freeze - the hostess herself chooses. Any of these methods is very convenient and fast. All the useful qualities of sorrel are also preserved:

  1. Freeze whole leaves. This method of freezing sorrel allows you to maximize all the vitamin qualities of green leaves. Such leaves can be used in soups, borscht or even in a salad from fresh vegetables. For this method, they must be sorted out, washed, dried. Then spread the sorrel leaves into bags or containers. In containers, the sheets will retain their shape better, but they will also take up more space in the freezer. Therefore, it is up to you to choose which method of storing whole leaves you will use.
  2. Freezing chopped sorrel in bags or containers. This is the most popular way to store sorrel leaves. This preparation can be used in any dishes. Add to soup, main dishes, prepare the filling for the pie. For this method of freezing, it is necessary to sort out the leaves, rinse under running water, and dry on a towel. Then finely chop or chop. And can be laid out in portioned bags or containers. With this method of storage, it is often added to sorrel and another useful greens. Also lay out the sorrel greens in small batches so that it is convenient to use one briquette at a time.
  3. Freezing blanched sorrel. This method is suitable if you have very limited storage space for frozen convenience foods. Such greens can also be used for any cooking, soups, second courses, used as a filling for sweet pies, etc. For this method, it is necessary to review the greens, select the best leaves, wash them properly, chop them finely. And put the greens in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Then drain the water into a colander and let the water drain, and the greens should cool. After that, it can be laid out in storage containers. To save freezer space, you can use vacuum bags, Silicone forms. Choose what is convenient for you personally.
  4. Freezing sorrel with butter. This method is very convenient if your family loves pastries with sorrel fillings. To do this, you need to review the sorrel greens, rinse, air dry, finely chop and mix with soft butter. Then this mass is decomposed into silicone molds for ice and put into the chamber for quick freezing. Then these cubes need to be removed and stored in a common bag. For each pie portion piece which is very fast and convenient.
  5. Freezing sorrel leaves in silicone molds. It's fairly new, but very convenient way. Fast freezing, convenient to use, takes up little space, saves everything beneficial features and taste qualities. For this method of freezing, it is necessary to review the sorrel leaves, rinse, and blot a little with a towel. Now you need to carefully finely chop the leaves. Divide them into small silicone molds, slightly crushing. Then add a little to each shape drinking water and freeze gently. After removing the greens from the molds and fold into one general package. Such blanks are very convenient to use for soups, stews. I took out one piece and put it in. Pretty fast and tasty.

Useful recommendations for housewives when freezing sorrel leaves

  1. Do not refreeze, otherwise sorrel leaves may lose not only their appearance, but its incredible taste and useful qualities.
  2. Store sorrel greens in small portioned briquettes, bags, containers. So it will be much more convenient for you, and sorrel leaves will be stored longer.
  3. Sign all your blanks. When has been frozen, what additional herbs are added to the sorrel. So you will find the briquette or package you need much faster.

Very often, when freezing sorrel leaves, other tasty and healthy greens are added to it. Spinach, nettle, dill, parsley, green onion. All this will make your dishes even more varied and saturate your body with the vitamins it needs.

Frozen sorrel leaves are used in different soups, vegetable stew. It can be used as a filling for sweet or savory pies.

Video: how to freeze sorrel for the winter

Sorrel is one of useful plants, due to the content of not only trace elements, but also essential vitamins and tannins for the body.

A little about the plant

His medicinal features most people know. The plant is usually added to soups, as well as salads and sauces. Sorrel has a sour taste, which makes dishes interesting and refined. One of the downsides is that this plant is only available in summer, like most. At this moment, many housewives are wondering: “Is it possible to freeze sorrel in the freezer?” The answer is unequivocal: “Yes,” but you need to be able to do it correctly. So in order to be cozy winter evening to enjoy green cabbage soup, you should know a few basics of its preparation. This will be discussed in this article.

How to freeze sorrel in the freezer without blanching?

Usually the amount of this plant that grows in the garden is quite large. It is impossible and unnecessary to eat it all at once. But is it worth wasting such good? Of course not. To do this, you need to make blanks. In this case, the tastiest and healthiest food will be on the table for a year. To preserve the beneficial properties of the plant, the rules must be strictly observed.

Sorrel can be prepared in different ways. The most important of these is freezing. At the moment when the housewife is faced with the question “how to freeze sorrel in the freezer for the winter?”, At first they are interested in whether it should be boiled or blanched.

Where should you start cooking?

In order for the plant not to lose its appearance, it is frozen fresh. Take whole and young leaves without any damage. Then they are washed under running water. For this procedure, you can use a colander. Very comfortably. To keep all the leaves of the plant clean, you should sometimes turn them over.

After the container with holes must be left for a few minutes to drain the remaining water. Then the leaves are laid out on a towel and dried. When wet, the plant should not be placed in the refrigerator, as ice crystals will turn out from the water droplets.

Most ignorant housewives find it difficult in the process, because they are not entirely aware of how to freeze sorrel in the freezer. With photo and step by step advice it will be easiest to perform this procedure in the field of cooking. Before freezing, the leaves can be chopped. This makes it easier to cook in the winter. Next, you should put them in special bags for freezing in portions. Then send everything to the refrigerator.

How to freeze sorrel in the freezer and what you need to know for this?

It seems that the answer to this question is very simple. All content should be placed in freezer and done. But it is not so. It is necessary that all useful trace elements, available in the plant, are preserved in this form.

Sorrel can be frozen one that does not have arrows. Good washing and removal of any debris stuck to the leaves was mentioned earlier. But to cut large sizes leaves, and small ones can be left as they are.

How to blanch the leaves of a plant?

To perform this action, place the sorrel in a colander and lower it into a boiling pot of water for two minutes. After that, the container is removed, and the excess liquid should drain.

This type of plant can be frozen in bags, rolling them into a tube, or in silicone molds. For the second option, the sorrel should be laid out in a container and tamped. After they are sent to the freezer for several hours. Then they are taken out of the molds and laid out in packages.

The hostess, who received a positive answer to the question in the freezer, should know a few tips that will be useful to her:

  • forms for storing plants should be taken 4-5 cm high. In the absence of a lid, sorrel can be placed in a bag. Thus, it will turn out to be economical in the arrangement of products. Yes and find required product in the freezer will not be difficult;
  • in order to best prepare a vegetable, you should be aware not only of whether it is possible to freeze sorrel in the freezer and how, but also of how to defrost it and at the same time preserve all the useful trace elements in it. To do this, you need to remove the bag with the product from the refrigerator and put it under a stream of hot water, literally for a couple of seconds. Then it will not be difficult to get the greens from the container or mold;
  • after removing the greens from the bag, it should be placed in cellophane or something else that does not allow liquid to pass through, then send everything to the refrigerator. When cooking soups, sorrel can not be defrosted, but put the amount of greens needed in a saucepan. After the water boils, cook for a few minutes, and the dish is ready.

Sorrel recipes for the winter

From this plant you can cook anything, even mashed potatoes. To do this, pass the sorrel through a meat grinder. The resulting mass should be transferred to molds, preferably silicone, and then sent to the freezer. As soon as the puree hardens, it is taken out of the refrigerator and transferred to bags.

In addition, the plant can also be frozen in oil. Suitable for both vegetable and creamy. If the first type of oil is taken, then the leaves of the plant are crushed. Then they are transferred to molds and poured into them.

In the case when used butter, it needs to be thawed. It is not recommended to heat it up microwave oven or in a frying pan gas stove. Soft butter is mixed with big amount greens and also placed in molds for ice. They should keep in the freezer for about a day. Then they can be transferred to other packages.

Is it possible to freeze sorrel in the freezer in the form of ice cubes? Yes, of course, and this is also possible. To do this, take the plant and, after finely chopping it, place it in ice molds. Then you should pour a small amount of water into each hole. Send all this to the freezer. As soon as the cubes harden, you can move the contents into bags.

How to store and use frozen leafy vegetable?

Before the finished plant goes to the necessary section of the refrigerator, you should still pre-sign bags with this greenery, since most housewives prepare not only sorrel for the winter, but also other types of herbs that are very similar in color to this vitamin vegetable. A leafy plant can be stored until the next harvest. As mentioned above, there is no need to defrost it in advance. Just add it to the dish and boil for a few more minutes.

At the end of the article, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to freeze sorrel in the freezer for the winter?” - will be "yes". And this is done in several ways. And you can choose one of them that you like.

In order not to experience a deficiency in cold weather, healthy fruits and vegetables, many housewives try to prepare them during the season different ways. This also applies to greenery. And if earlier products more often canned, then in the current conditions modern housewives prefer a simpler harvesting method - freezing.

It would seem to freeze sorrel for the winter - what could be easier? It is enough to put the leaves in the freezer. But even in such a simple matter there are subtleties that you can learn about from our recipe.

Some housewives doubt whether it is possible to freeze sorrel for the winter? Of course, you can prepare sorrel and store it not only in canned but also frozen in the freezer. We will talk about two options for harvesting sorrel in the freezer. The first option is in bags, the second option is in briquettes. Choose the method that you like, both options are great for making soup or borscht in winter, as well as fillings for pies and pies.

Additionally, you will need a bowl for washing sorrel, sharp knife, cutting board and clean kitchen towel.

How to cook sorrel for freezing: an easy way to freeze sorrel for the winter

It is better to freeze for the winter young, tender, light green leaves of sorrel. They are not only the most delicious, but also very useful. Be sure to sort the greens, remove the yellowed and spoiled leaves. Then place the sorrel in a large bowl, pour cold water, rinse well.

Spread clean sorrel on a kitchen towel in one layer, leave for 10-15 minutes - let it dry a little.

Now cut off the stems of the plant - they will not be useful for freezing.

Cut the sorrel into thin slices across the leaves (as you usually do for cooking).

For freezing, you can use special vacuum bags, or you can use the most ordinary small plastic bags for food. Pack your chopped greens in small portions so that in winter one package is just enough to cook 2-3 dishes.

Roll the sorrel bags into a tight roll so that as much air as possible comes out of it.

In this form, sorrel can be safely sent to the freezer, and in winter you can enjoy delicious and healthy soups, borscht, and pies.

How to freeze sorrel in the freezer for the winter in briquettes with the addition of nettle

Such briquettes - great alternative simple classic freezing. They save space in the freezer and have an attractive appearance. For harvesting greens, you can use any silicone molds. These can be forms for ice, muffins, children's pies or donuts. Green briquettes are very easy to demould, easy to store and even easier to use.

Nettle and sorrel blank can diversify winter menu nourish the body with essential vitamins and minerals. This mass can be used to make borscht, soups and pies. By the same principle, you can make other briquettes. Chopped feathers of onion, garlic, dill, cilantro or parsley can be added to the mass with sorrel.


  • nettle (1/3 part);
  • sorrel (2/3 parts).

You can do with one sorrel.

Step by step recipe frozen sorrel in briquettes

We prepare the nettle: we wash it under the pressure of cool water, we clean the leaves from the twigs. Remember: you need to collect greens only in clean places.

We clean the green leaves of sorrel from twigs and debris, chop into small segments. We spread the resulting mass in a deep plate.

Pour bowls with nettle and sorrel boiling water. We leave for 17-20 minutes.

Wring out the finished mass well to remove excess moisture. Shred the nettle in small segments, mix all the ingredients.

We spread the resulting green mixture into silicone molds. Lightly tamping the mass. We send it to the freezer (for 10-12 hours).

We remove the finished briquettes from the molds, put them in food packages and close them carefully. We use frozen briquettes with sorrel and nettle to make soup or green borscht. To do this, briquettes do not require defrosting, they can be thrown into boiling broth at the end of cooking. The same frozen briquettes can be used for stuffing pies and pies, to do this, defrost them when room temperature, mix with boiled chopped egg or rice, add a little salt and the filling is ready.

There are housewives who are wondering if it is possible to freeze sorrel for the winter at all? And will the beneficial properties of this plant be preserved when exposed to low temperatures?

Reference. These greens are rich in vitamin C, ascorbic acid, vitamin B1, K, essential oils, carotene, organic acids and minerals. Sorrel helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, eliminate toxins, has choleretic action and helps against inflammation.

Freeze a vegetable so that it does not lose its beneficial qualities, perhaps, only for this should be given Special attention his preparation.

How best to process and properly store at home?

To prepare for the winter frozen sorrel was stored for quite a long time, you must first sort it out, select whole leaves. It is advisable to use freshly harvested greens so that as many vitamins as possible are preserved in it. It is better to get rid of yellowed and damaged parts, because they can adversely affect the harvesting process.

Cultivated sorrel is most suitable for freezing thanks to their large size and softness. But other types are also acceptable for this.

Collect greens should be before the arrows appear on the leaves.

Before freezing sorrel, it must be washed well. clean water, or soak in some deep dish in cold water. After a while, all the dirt will be on the surface of the water. After washing, the vegetable must be dried.. If this is not done, then excess liquid will freeze with it. The leaves can be laid out on a towel until the moisture disappears.

Once they are dry enough, you can start grinding them. Some are not entirely clear whether to freeze the stems along with the leaves? If they are not very rough, then you can add them. Rough ones are not recommended because they will give a bitter aftertaste.

After the harvesting is over, you need to choose a method for freezing the plant.

Regular freezing of a fresh plant in bags

This method is easy to perform and does not require special skills.. No additional costs are needed.

The disadvantage is that previously defrosted greens cannot be re-frozen, because the beneficial properties will be lost. Therefore, always keep the temperature low.


  • a large pile of young sorrel;
  • packing bags for products.

Cooking method:

  1. Pack finely chopped sorrel into bags so that each has a serving for 1-2 dishes.
  2. Wrap the bags in a tight roll, release all the air from them.
  3. Leave in the freezer until winter.

In the cold season, you can add sorrel to soups and pies.

We invite you to watch the video step by step instructions for freezing sorrel in bags:

Storage in briquettes

This good alternative traditional freezing. Briquettes take up little space in the freezer and look beautiful.


You can use only sorrel.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the nettle with cool water.
  2. Shredded sorrel and nettle put in deep plates.
  3. Pour boiling water over both dishes for about 20 minutes.
  4. Squeeze them out carefully so that there is no excess water.
  5. Grind nettle, mix together with sorrel in one bowl.
  6. Put the resulting mass into molds, tamp.
  7. Place in the freezer for 12 hours.
  8. Remove the frozen briquettes from the molds, arrange them in packing bags, close well.

From the resulting briquettes in winter you can cook soups and green borscht.

Blanching method

This method allows you to bypass the bad consequences, as well as to preserve the color and beneficial properties of greenery as much as possible. This is due to the fact that during such processing, the functions of enzymes slow down, and under the influence high temperature they are completely destroyed.

Cooking method number 1:

  1. Put finely chopped sorrel in a colander.
  2. Place it in a pot of boiling water for 60 seconds.
  3. Take it out of the water, wait until all the liquid has drained.
  4. Arrange blanched sorrel in molds.
  5. Send to the freezer for several hours.
  6. Pull out, decompose into containers or bags.

Cooking method number 2:

  1. Put the chopped sorrel in a saucepan, put on a small fire.
  2. Remove greens 5 minutes after boiling.
  3. Let it cool, spread it into molds.
  4. Arrange the frozen sorrel in bags, close well.

In winter, you can add it to any dish.

Preparation in ice cubes

Is it possible to freeze sorrel in ice cubes and how to do it? It can be done very simply and quickly. The method is convenient in cases where you need to add a small amount of greens to the dish.

All you need is sorrel and ice molds. They can be either plastic or silicone.

Cooking method:

  1. Spread finely chopped sorrel into each cell.
  2. Pour in water (about 1 tablespoon of water per cell).
  3. Put in the freezer for a few hours.
  4. Pour frozen cubes into a bag.

These cubes can be used to make sorrel sauce or delicious pies.

You can freeze greens in any of these ways. It is permissible to store until the next season. When used in cooking, defrosting is not required. You just need to add frozen sorrel to the dish.
