
Nutritional value of fish per 100g Nutritional value of fish

fish calories: 120 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depending on the type of fish and cooking method

Fish is considered an indispensable product for dietary nutrition. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the product, the body is saturated with all the beneficial nutrients. When losing weight, you should pay attention to less fatty varieties.

Nutritional value of sea and river fish

Sea fish has the highest nutritional value, the calorie content of which varies from 100 to 300 kcal. These are trout, mackerel, herring, salmon, etc. Compared to river inhabitants, they have more saturated fatty acids. However, many trace elements are also found in river fish with a calorie content similar in numbers to fruits and vegetables. This indicator directly depends on the amount of fat in the product.

With regular use of fish, well-being improves significantly, strength and energy appear, blood vessels, nails and hair are strengthened.

The positive effect is due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, a large amount of minerals and vitamins in the product. Lake and river are inferior in terms of the number of nutrients (proteins, omega-3 acids, iodine and calcium) to ocean inhabitants and marine ones. The fattest ones are herring, salmon, halibut and mackerel (more than 8% fat), the opposite category is flounder, blue whiting, pollock, hake and cod (less than 2%).

How many calories are in boiled, fried, baked fish

The best option for dietary nutrition is to use fresh, high-quality fish, and cook it for a couple or by boiling, baking, stewing. It is not recommended to eat a canned, salted, smoked or fried product, as useful properties are lost, and the energy value only increases. The addition of ingredients such as cream, butter, mayonnaise and cheese also affect the calorie content of the finished dish.

On average, after additional processing, the nutritional value of the product increases by more than 20%.

For example, the calorie content of boiled pike is about 98 kcal. Pink salmon with a calorie content of 142 kcal is recommended to be boiled, baked and stewed (168-184 kcal). The fried product contains 60 kcal more than other processing methods. Salmon, the initial value of which is 142 kcal, after steaming - 162 kcal. If you need to bake the product, then it is best to do it without oil, but using paper or foil.

Fish calorie table per 100 g

To understand what is the nutritional value of a particular variety, and how much product should be consumed per day without harm to the figure, a detailed table of calories per 100 g will help.

Varieties for diet food

If a woman plans to include fish in her daily diet during a diet, then she should take into account the fat content of the product. More fatty varieties with an indicator of 8% and above should be eaten no more than 1 time per week. The most dietary variety with red meat is trout, the calorie content of which is from 90 to 130 kcal.

The following marine and river inhabitants are safe for the figure:

  • pollock,
  • vobla,
  • lemonema,
  • perch,
  • cod,
  • navaga.

Such varieties are distinguished by low nutritional value - up to 100 kcal. It is recommended to include in the menu any variety with a fat content of up to 4%, most often with white pulp. For a change, you can cook soufflés, casseroles, meatballs and more. etc. Read more about in our publication.

With the right approach to the choice of seafood and freshwater reservoirs, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also significantly improve the general condition of the body. A variety of recipes will help expand the menu and enjoy the great taste of the product.

The composition of fish meat depends on many factors, such as species, age, type of nutrition, growing conditions. However, all types of fish are a valuable food product. The percentage of fat in fish is 0.13-27%, protein - 12-24%, the limit value of carbohydrates - no more than 1%.

Fish are divided into species according to origin (marine or freshwater fish) or according to their fat content. Saltwater fish have more fat than freshwater fish and therefore contain more omega-3 fatty acids. But fatty freshwater fish are also rich in omega-3s. Lean fish is low in these acids, but rich in other nutrients. In general, such a division looks like this:

sea ​​fish: salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, halibut, cod, sprat

freshwater fish: bream, barbel, carp, carp, trout, roach, tench, sturgeon, pike perch

lean fish: hake, cod, tilapia, perch, tench, pike, macrouronus, pollock, sea bream, roach

medium fat fish: trout, perch, carp, flounder

oily fish: halibut, salmon, eel, tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines, sprats.

What do we get from fish?

The most important nutrient rich in fish is omega-3 fatty acids. In fish, they are represented by two groups - eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids. It is worth noting that fish from the northern seas contain a lot of EPA, and from the southern seas DHA.

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids are found mainly in fish. In plant foods, we can find another type of omega-3 acid family - alpha-linolenic acid (linseed, rapeseed, soybean oil), from which EPA and DHA can be synthesized in the body. Omega-3s have the following effects on the body:

Another important component found in high concentrations in fish is iodine. This is a very important element for the proper functioning of the body, which is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones such as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. They manage the metabolism of the body, its growth, maturation, thermogenesis, the proper functioning of the nervous system and the brain.

Another element rich in fish is selenium. It has antioxidant properties that protect the body from aging and cancer. It is also important for the normal functioning of the genital organs, the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.

Vitamin D, found in fish, is important for the intestines, kidneys and bones. Its deficiency can adversely affect the skeletal system in children (rickets), as well as in adults (osteoporosis, osteomalacia).

If you eat fish together in the bones, then you can get a sufficient supply calcium. Its absorption, as a rule, occurs in the bone tissue, but it is also important for the nervous system, muscles, and normal heart function. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. With a lack of this element, bone problems (rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia), as well as seizures, muscle spasms, or outbursts of anger occur.

The fish also contains magnesium, which is important for bones, nervous, cardiovascular, muscular systems. It is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C. Magnesium also has an anxiolytic and antidepressant effect. Thus, if there is too little magnesium in the body, depression, irritability, muscle spasms, and convulsions appear.

It is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week. It is important to ensure that it is properly grown, namely without the use of harmful additives, in clean water. This is the only way to keep your body healthy.

In order to look sporty and fit, to feel healthy and cheerful, to surprise others with beauty and youth, you need to lead the right lifestyle. An important part of the daily routine is the diet, the selection of which takes into account the calorie content of the product and its nutritional value. Fish is a leader in this regard, so famous for its nutritional characteristics, rich in vitamins and excellent taste.

How useful is fish?

You can talk about this for hours. The nutritional value of fish and non-fish is revered throughout the world due to the storehouse of nutrients that they contain. Firstly, there are a lot of vitamins: fat-soluble A and D, H and PP, as well as representatives of the entire group B. Secondly, any fish can boast of the presence of calcium, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, iodine, copper, iron . Thirdly, its fat is not only not harmful, but even beneficial for the body. It has a positive effect on mental activity and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. contains much more fat than river. It also has a lot of iodine. But in fresh species there is a lot of phosphorus necessary for brain function.

Much more useful than its counterpart in meat products. It is easily digested, does not cause heaviness in the stomach and other noticeable discomfort. Fish and seafood contain many beneficial acids, antioxidants, enzymes and minerals.

Effect on the body

The state of our health is often influenced by the product that we consume, as well as its nutritional value. Fish, for example, is a faithful companion of a beautiful figure, cheerful mood and excellent health. Its properties are:

  • Protects against the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, cleanses blood vessels of harmful cholesterol, and regulates blood clotting.
  • It has a positive effect on heart rate, prevents the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Lowers blood pressure by stimulating the production of nitrogen, which dilates blood vessels and promotes good blood flow.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory agent, which is important for people suffering from gout, arthritis and other diseases.
  • Significantly reduces the risk of cancerous tumors and other malignant tumors.

In addition, fish improves the condition of nails, hair and skin. It makes the immune system strong and resilient, and also provokes the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin.

Composition of fish

Depending on the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates present, the nutritional value of the fish also increases. The table below shows not only the presence of important substances, but also the calorie content of different types of this useful product. The figures are given per 100 grams.

fish namecaloriesSquirrelsFats
saury262 18,5 21
Sardine249 18 20
Herring242 17,5 19,5
Sprats231 17,5 32,5
Salmon219 21 15
Sturgeon164 16,5 11
capelin157 13,5 11,5
Mackerel153 18 9
Pink salmon147 21 7
Gobies144 13 8
catfish144 16,9 9
Keta138 21,8 5,7
herring121 17 5,5
Carp121 18,5 5,5
Horse mackerel119 18,9 4,9
Tuna101 23 1
Carp96 16 3,3
Acne93 19 2
Flounder87 16 2,5
carp87 17,5 2
Zander83 19 1
Pike82 19,1 1,5
Perch82 18,5 1
Cod75 17,7 0,8
Pollock69 16 0,7

It should be noted that there are practically no carbohydrates in fish. A small amount is present only in sprats and gobies. In addition, it is worth mentioning separately caviar, which is very nutritious and high-calorie. According to these indicators, it significantly outperforms many varieties of fish.

The benefits of seafood

They also have a fairly high nutritional value. Fish and seafood - healthy, environmentally friendly and dietary food. For example, squids. One hundred grams of fillet contains 18% protein and 4% fat. The calorie content of such a piece is 110 kcal. Squid fillets are usually sold frozen. To prepare the semi-finished product, it is enough to defrost, remove the films from its surface and boil in salted water for no more than 5 minutes. The cooking technique is similar for crabs. By the way, they are even more useful for the figure - only 96 calories per hundred grams. Sixteen percent of crab meat is occupied by proteins, 3.5% is fat.

Considering such an important aspect of the diet as the nutritional value of fish and seafood, one cannot forget about shrimp, a favorite product of most adults and children. They have amazing gastronomic and taste features. Shrimps are a source of iodine and useful minerals. In 100 grams of the product - 19% protein, 2% fat and 95 kcal. The calorie content of mussels is even lower: 50 kcal. They are very useful for patients with atherosclerosis. The edible parts also have 9% protein and 1.5% fat.

Other seafood

As for oysters, they are rich in protein: in a standard 100-gram portion - 17.5% of this important element. There is little fat - only 2 grams. The calorie content of such a piece of delicacy is 88 very useful: its nutritional value is known to the whole world. Fish is delicious with cheese and vegetables, and oysters are no exception. But lobsters and lobsters are best eaten with a green salad. By the way, they perfectly strengthen our teeth and bones, positively affect the condition of the muscles. Their nutritional value is the same as that of oysters.

Unlike other seafood, scallops already contain some carbohydrates in their composition: 3%. Also in one hundred grams of the product there are 17% protein and 2% fat. Calorie content - 92 kcal. Eating scallops, you can normalize your metabolism, blood cholesterol levels. It is also interesting that seafood is actively used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Scallop meat extract often becomes an important component of face creams - their rich composition has a very positive effect on the condition of even problem skin.

Need to know about it

The chemical composition and nutritional value of fish are determined by the content of useful components in it. It is difficult to overestimate them. Despite this, useful properties can be significantly reduced if products are not stored correctly. Over time, the fats in the fish begin to oxidize - an unpleasant odor appears, the color changes, and the taste deteriorates. Remember that the most appetizing and fragrant are the representatives of the underwater world, whose fat content is not too high, but medium. These are halibut, sturgeon, perch.

When buying fish and seafood, you need to pay attention to such indicators: freshness, the amount and nature of fat, the composition of proteins, the presence of bones and their location, the volume of water in the meat, specific properties. These are very delicate products that require careful handling and proper preparation. They have a very positive effect on the figure, making you slim and beautiful. In dietary nutrition, pollock and hake, pike and carp, perch and catfish, bream and pike perch are simply indispensable. Since the fats in fish are fusible, they are easily absorbed by the body.

Nobody disputes that fish is healthy. Indeed, due to its high nutritional value, fish has a wide positive effect on the entire body. The true formula of health is hidden in fish products: highly digestible proteins, fatty acids, vitamin D and a number of minerals, such as iodine, selenium, fluorine, magnesium, calcium. So, the composition and nutritional value of fish and fish products is the topic of conversation for today.

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Photo gallery: Composition and nutritional value of fish and fish products

Oddly enough, the composition of fish meat depends on many factors, such as species, age, type of food, habitat of the individual. However, in any case, fish is a valuable food product. The percentage of protein in fish products (1957-1982%) is much higher than in the meat of animals that are grown for slaughter. Fat content is only about 5%, and the content of protein (useful protein) and carbohydrates reaches the limit of 27%. No other food product can provide the human body with so many nutrients at once. Moreover, those that are easily digested and do not turn into excess adipose tissue.

Fish can be divided into several types by origin (sea fish, freshwater fish) or by fat content. Marine fish are richer in fats than fresh water fish and therefore contain more omega-3s. Marine fish contain more iodine, but freshwater fish have more phosphorus - a substance necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. Again, oily fish is more nutritious, although it is valued higher than river fish. Here is what the classification of fish looks like according to the main indicators:


  • sea ​​fish: salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, halibut, cod, sprat, herring and others
  • freshwater fish: bream, catfish, carp, carp, trout, tench, roach, sturgeon, pike perch and others
  • lean fish: hake, cod, tilapia, sea bass, kerguelen, tench, pike, pollock, pangasius, bream, roach.
  • medium-fat fish: trout, river perch, carp, flounder.
  • oily fish: halibut, salmon, eel, tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines, sprats.

What is the value of fish and fish products for us?

Omega 3 fatty acids

The most important nutrient rich in fish is omega-3 fatty acids. In fatty fish, you can find a group of special acids that affect metabolism and human metabolism. It is worth noting that the fish of the northern seas contains more useful acids than those of the southern ones. These acids are found only in fish. In plant foods, you can find their analogue - alpha-linolenic acid (linseed, rapeseed, soybean oil), but it has a much smaller beneficial effect in the body. What do the omega-3 acids contained in fish give the body?

  • have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, protect against the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
  • reduce the risk of heart rhythm disturbances, protect against myocardial infarction by reducing blood clotting
  • stimulate the production of vasodilating nitrogen, which promotes blood flow and lowers blood pressure
  • lead to an increase in the level of "good" cholesterol, contribute to the restoration of equilibrium in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood
  • reduce the risk of developing cancer
  • are essential for the good appearance of the skin, hair, nails
  • act as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, which is important for people suffering from arthritis, gout
  • they are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems
  • encourage increased production of serotonin, the feel-good hormone

What does the content of these beneficial acids in fish and seafood look like? So, salmon - 1.8 g / 100 g, sardines - 1.4 g / 100 g, mackerel - 1.0 g / 100 g, tuna - 0.7 g / 100 g, halibut - 0, 4 g/100 g, cod - 0.1 g/100 g, mussels - 0.7 g/100 g, oysters - 0.5 g/100 g, shrimps - 0.3 g/100 g. , tilapia - only about 0.08 g / 100 g.


Another important component in the composition of fish and fish products, which determines their nutritional value, is iodine. It is a very important element for the proper functioning of the body, as it is part of the thyroid hormones. They manage the metabolism in the body, are responsible for its growth, maturation, thermogenesis, well-coordinated work of the nervous system and the brain. Iodine contributes to the burning of calories in the body, improves the absorption of nutrients and concentrates them precisely in those organs that need it most. Iodine deficiency leads to diseases and irreversible processes in the thyroid gland. The level of iodine in the body affects the formation of willpower, mental development (or retardation), its lack can lead to a delay in physical and mental development, miscarriages, cretinism.The absorption of iodine from food (and from fish in particular) reduces these risks significantly.


Selenium is another element rich in fish and fish products. Its bioavailability is extremely high (50-80%), and its content in foodstuffs depends on the content of selenium in their environment of growth or habitat. Selenium is an element with antioxidant activity, so it protects the body from aging and also has a protective effect against cancer. Selenium is also important for the normal functioning of the genital organs, it is part of the enzymes in red blood cells and is necessary for the normal growth and development of this system. Selenium deficiency produces symptoms such as muscle weakness, cardiomyopathy or growth suppression in children. In areas where the selenium content in the environment is too high, people who consume excessive doses of selenium experience side effects such as hair loss, nail loss, and skin lesions. The amount of selenium in fish is small, but it is exactly as much as the human body normally needs. Unless, of course, the fish were fed an additional selenium-containing feed, which would lead to an excess of selenium in the final fish product.

Vitamin D

Fish is also a source of vitamin D, which is indispensable for the functioning of the intestines, kidneys and bones. The absorption of calcium and phosphorus is stimulated in the intestines, which helps to strengthen bones and influence the proper construction of the skeleton. A lack of vitamin D can adversely affect the skeletal system in children (rickets) and adults (osteoporosis, osteomalacia). Its content in fish depends on the fat content: halibut - 5 mcg / 100 g, salmon - 13 mcg / 100 g, mackerel - 5 mcg / 100 g, sardines - 11 mcg / 100 g, tuna - 7.2 mcg / 100 g, herring - 19 mcg / 100 g.


The greatest amount of calcium is found in the bones of fish. Therefore, if you need calcium - buy minced fish. It is ground from a whole fish carcass along with bones, so there will be an abundance of calcium. This element is essential for the nervous system, muscles, normal heart rhythm and is a necessary condition for maintaining the alkaline balance in the body. A lack of calcium is usually visible to the naked eye: problems with bones and teeth, as well as frequent muscle spasms and outbursts of anger. In order for calcium to be easily absorbed by the body, the presence of vitamin D and the appropriate ratio of this element with phosphorus (1: 1) are necessary. That is why fish and fish products are the best source of calcium. They have all the ingredients to ensure that calcium is fully absorbed and is most beneficial to the body.


Fish also contain magnesium. Its digestibility, as in the case of calcium, requires special conditions. The presence of fat is necessary so that magnesium can be absorbed by the cells of the internal organs. It is important for bones, nervous, cardiovascular, muscular systems and the formation of body weight. Magnesium is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin and affects the action of antidepressants. Therefore, if there are too few foods containing magnesium in the diet, depression, hyperactivity of the nervous and muscular systems, muscle spasms, and convulsions appear.Its content in fish is as follows: cod - 5 mg / 100 g, halibut - 28 mg / 100 g, salmon - 29 mg / 100 g, mackerel - 30 g / 100 g, sardines - 31 g / 100 g. , tuna - 33 g / 100 g, herring - 24 g / 100 g.

Despite the highly nutritious composition and nutritional value of fish and fish products, fish consumption in our country is only about 13 kg. per capita per year. For comparison: the Japanese consume about 80 kg of fish. per person per year, Germans, Czechs and Slovaks - 50 kg., French, Spaniards, Lithuanians - 30-40 kg.

The human need for energy contained in foods is an important factor in the existence of the whole organism as a whole. Human life is impossible without energy consumption, and in order to replenish strength, one or another individual needs a different set of basic nutrients. Knowledge about the nutritional value of products will be useful not only for athletes, but also for those who wish to lead a healthy lifestyle. The main sources of energy found in any food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The right combination of these nutrients will help keep your body functioning at a high level.

What is the nutritional value of food

This is a complex property of food, containing a certain amount of energy, which is formed during the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is necessary for the basic physiological and chemical functions of the body. Any element of food consumed by a person, whether it is of animal or vegetable origin, has its own calorie content, which is measured in kilocalories or kilojoules. The complex, which lies in the nutritional value of food, consists of the following elements:

  • energy value;
  • biological effectiveness;
  • glycemic index;
  • physiological value.

Energy value

EC - the amount of energy released in the human body when eating a particular food. The energy value (calorie content) should approximately coincide with its costs. Changes to a greater or lesser extent are bound to lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, the regular accumulation of food energy that exceeds the daily needs of the body is a path to obesity, so it is important to calculate the proportion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed depending on personal activity. This can be done online at most nutrition websites.

Biological efficiency

This definition means an indicator of the quality of fatty components in food, the content of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and other essential minerals in it. There are many of these substances in nature, but only 22 of them are needed to build the body. Eight amino acids are essential (they are not synthesized on their own):

  • methionine;
  • leucine;
  • tryptophan;
  • phenylalanine;
  • lysine;
  • isoleucine;
  • valine;
  • threonine.

Glycemic index

In addition to calories, any product consumed by a person has a glycemic index (GI). This is a conditional definition of the rate of breakdown of carbohydrate-containing food. The GI of glucose is considered to be 100 units. The faster the process of splitting any product, the greater its glycemic index. Dietitians divide food into groups with high (empty carbohydrates) and low (slow) GI.

Physiological value

This element of nutritional value is determined by the ability of products to influence important systems of the human body:

  • Pectin and fiber (ballast substances) favorably affect the digestion of food and intestinal patency.
  • Coffee and tea alkaloids excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • The vitamins contained in the products adjust the immunity of the human body.

Food value and calorie table

Having carefully considered all the tables below, you have the opportunity to quickly plan your diet, filling it with healthy products with a pre-known calorie content and composition. The benefits of such an action will be unequivocal: the body will receive everything it needs, but not in excess, but exactly as much as it can spend in a day. The division into groups is convenient, because it is immediately clear what is best combined with what.

  • Dairy and dairy products

The food elements of this group are the basis of nutrition for people who prefer a healthy lifestyle. Milk is rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals, and is well absorbed in the body. A large amount of proteins in cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese is the main value of these products. A diet based on dairy products helps to stabilize the gastrointestinal tract due to the natural bacteria in the composition.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

Condensed milk

Low fat cream

Cream 20%

Dutch cheese

goat cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese 0%

Fat cottage cheese 18%

Sour cream 15%

Butter 72.5%

Butter 82.5%


Ryazhenka 2.5%

Meat, eggs

Meat products are an essential source of protein. They also contain many vitamins and minerals - taurine, creatine, and others. Meat is the most sought-after product in the human diet, and dishes made from it number in the thousands. The muscle and adipose tissues of animals do not contain much fat, however, in the cooking process (frying, boiling, stewing), the use of oil or sauces, which replace the ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates, is of great importance.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

Pork neck

Pork ham

Pork brisket

beef ham

beef tongue

beef brisket

Lamb ham

Lamb shoulder

Veal ham

Veal tenderloin

Turkey breast

Turkey leg

Turkey wings

chicken fillet

chicken ham

chicken wings

Chicken egg

quail egg

  • Fish and seafood

Dishes made from products of this category occupy a large place in human life due to their high nutritional value and their taste. Seafood meat contains many vitamins, important trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, etc.). Proteins found in fish dishes (river, sea) are easier to digest than animal meat - a big plus for the functioning of the human body.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

river perch



  • Bakery products and cereals

Cereals are another important element of the human diet. Grains serve as a source of carbohydrates and vegetable protein. The use of bakery products obtained from cereals adversely affects the figure. The calorie content of bread is very high, and due to the fact that its nutritional value is built on “fast” carbohydrates, an unpleasant process occurs - the level of glucose in the blood rises, thereby actively contributing to the formation of subcutaneous fat. For people who carefully monitor their figure, the use of bakery products is contraindicated.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)

Bun city

Bread Borodino

wheat bread

Rye bread


rice brown



Pearl barley

Barley groats

  • Fruits vegetables

Vegetables and fruits play a significant role in the preparation of proper nutrition. These products are the main suppliers of vitamins, mineral salts, carotene, a number of carbohydrates and phytoncides. Vegetables and fruits actively contribute to the preparation of the digestive system for the adoption of fatty and protein foods. Due to the high water content in the composition, the energy value of these elements of the food chain is much lower than that of other products.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (Kcal)


White cabbage

boiled corn

Green onion

Bulb onions

Bulgarian pepper




