
What can you do with celery for the winter. Dried celery leaves

The roots and stalks of celery contain many micronutrients, so it is highly recommended to use it as food in winter period.

In order for vitamins to be on your table throughout the year, it is important to know how to store celery for the winter, because with the onset of cold weather, you will not find this wonderful plant in any store.

Storing celery root

Celery roots are used to make soups, garnishes and add to dishes original taste. You can save them as whole, and chopped in a glass container. In the latter case, with the onset of the harvest time, the plants are taken out of the ground, the leaves are cut off and washed in running water. After that cut upper layer skins, cut into strips or rings and dried in the sun, and then folded into a container, covered with a lid and placed in cool place.

To harvest the roots entirely after harvesting, the leaves are cut off on the plants, but small petioles are left. In order for the roots to lie all winter, they can be dipped in clay diluted with water to a creamy state, then dried and laid out on shelves in the cellar. Some owners pour a layer of sand in the basement, stick the roots vertically into it, and leave the petioles on the surface.

Another option is to put celery in wooden boxes or plastic bags, cover it with a layer of sand 2-3 cm thick on top and put it in a cool place with an air temperature of 0 ... + 1 ° C.

Drying leaf celery

Among the methods of harvesting leaf celery, drying is considered the simplest and most reliable. The greens cut from the roots are tied into bundles and hung in a place protected from sun rays, or laid out on a clean surface, covering the top with a sheet of paper. Dried for about a month, and then ground into powder and kept in canvas bags or sealed containers in a dry, dark place.

Fresh storage of celery leaves

If you need celery leaves to remain green in winter, at harvest time, you should dig up the root crop along with a clod of earth, take it to the basement and dig it in the sand. If you have nowhere to store whole bushes, you can cut off the leaves from them, wash them, dry them slightly and wrap them in polyethylene and put them in the refrigerator. In this form, the stems may well lie until March at a temperature of no more than +1 ° C.

Many housewives prefer to freeze the leaves. This method does not allow saving all nutrients celery, but in winter, what remains seems to be quite sufficient. For freezing, green branches without yellow leaves are selected, crushed, and then, placed in an ice mold, poured with water and put in the freezer. Whole stems are stored in plastic containers.

Salting celery with dry salting

Pickled celery can be used in any dish, but keep in mind that it contains a lot of salt, so food does not need to be salted during cooking. For harvesting plants, 1 kg of washed and finely chopped leaves is mixed with 200–250 g of salt and put into jars. When juice begins to appear on the surface of the mixture, the jars are rolled up and placed in a cool place.

Pickling celery roots and leaves

Pickled celery roots - spicy cold appetizer and a good accompaniment to meat, potato and mushroom dishes. To make a preparation, 1 kg of vegetables is peeled, cut into cubes or rings and dipped in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes (for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of salt and 3 g citric acid). Cooled, placed in 0.5-liter glass jars, poured with boiling marinade and pasteurized for about 20 minutes. For pouring, you will need 4 cups of water, 1 cup of vinegar, 3-4 black peppercorns and the same number of clove buds.

Pickled leaves, which can be eaten as a snack, are worthy of all praise. To the bottom liter jar 4 garlic cloves and a few bay leaves are placed, and chopped celery greens are placed on top and poured with marinade. For filling, you need 4 cups of water, 1 cup of vinegar, 80 g of salt and 100 g of sugar. Banks are sterilized for 20 minutes.

Celery has always been considered medicinal plant and only in the eighteenth century culinary experts appreciated its bitter and spicy taste. Today, fresh and dried celery complements soups, casseroles, salads, and sauces. It is good to cook from celery stalks at home diet juices and snacks. Leaves - great gas station to salads, and the root - to any vegetarian and meat dishes. This vegetable culture is incredibly rich in trace elements necessary for the body. all year round. Experienced housewives know about it and harvest celery for the winter. The leaves, root and stems are pickled, salted, frozen and dried. Celery preparations for future use - perfect option enrich with vitamins winter menu and add a tart flavor to familiar dishes.

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kerescan - Aug 25th, 2015

Sauerkraut prepared according to this recipe stuffed cabbage suitable for those who like to tinker with twists and surprise their relatives as a result unusual blanks. Such quick cabbage very tasty, but prepared in such a way that it is saved (alas) not for long.

Everyone who once met celery becomes his ardent admirer for many years. After all, even one small sprig of leaf spice can give a person daily allowance vitamins. Unfortunately, finding greenery in winter is not so easy. Modern supermarkets tend to offer only dried celery root.

If you look hard, you can find it for sale. fresh leaves even in winter. But you will have to pay a considerable amount for them, and when you come home and try the brought greens, you will most likely be disappointed with its insipid taste, lack of aroma, or even dissimilarity to the usual celery.

As a result, disappointment is guaranteed to you: firstly, due to Bad quality product, and secondly, because of wasted money. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ways to keep your own celery for the whole winter, without losing nutritional properties with minimal loss of taste.

The first thing that comes to mind when you want to save greens is to simply dry them or freeze them. Of course, both options are often used, they have all the rights to life, but there are also many other ways to provide for your family. useful trace elements for the whole winter.

Video “Methods of storing celery”

From the video you will learn about the most common storage methods.


One of the easiest, most affordable, and most effective ways to preserve greens is to simply dry them. With this method of storage, the leaves retain most of the trace elements and essential oils.

Dried celery is prepared as follows: the leaves are cut off from the stems, tied in small bunches and hung out in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight. You can use another drying option: spread the leaves on a dry, clean surface, covering the top with a sheet of paper. Celery will dry out completely in about 30 days, once this happens, the leaves should be ground into a powder and placed in an airtight container. glassware or a cloth bag where they are to be stored.

Fresh storage

If you want to indulge in some fresh celery greens in the middle of winter, here's what you need to do. A spice bush is dug out in autumn along with the root, keeping an earthen ball around the latter, and digging it in the basement. If this method does not suit you, you can do it differently: all the greens are removed from the stems, and the petioles themselves are dried a little, wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator. If the temperature does not rise above +1 degrees, celery stalks will remain without loss until spring.


One of the most common ways to harvest greens. Unfortunately, this method deprives celery of most of its useful properties, but even those that remain are considered quite sufficient for the winter period. For freezing, celery leaves are crushed, placed in ice molds, poured with water and frozen in this form. If there is a desire to freeze whole stems, they must be placed in a special Plastic container and send to the freezer.

Dry Ambassador

Celery greens harvested in this way can be used in the preparation of absolutely any dishes, but you need to remember that the spice contains a large number of salt. The salting method is simple: for each kilogram of washed, dried, chopped greens, you need to take about 250 g of salt, mix thoroughly and place tightly in prepared jars. As soon as juice begins to appear on the surface, the jars are rolled up and stored in a cool, dark place.


Of course, this method of harvesting for the future is more often used for roots - pickled celery root is an excellent savory snack.

You can also use the marinade for the leaves: they are also good as an appetizer for meat, potatoes and fish dishes. They do it as follows: a few cloves of garlic, 2-3 bay leaves are placed on the bottom of the prepared 1-liter jars, then the greens are tightly laid, lightly tamping it.

Ready jars are poured with marinade, which is prepared as follows: for four glasses of water, you need to take one glass of vinegar, 100 g granulated sugar and 80 g of salt. Boil everything, and pour the celery with the prepared marinade. The workpiece needs to be sterilized: each liter jar you need to sterilize for 20 minutes, then roll up.

The green parts and rhizomes of celery are rich in vitamin complex and have many useful properties. It is good to eat them daily, but you can not always find it on the shelves.

In winter it indispensable product capable of enriching the human body useful elements. Therefore, knowledge and skills on how to store celery are important.

How can roots be stored?

Green vegetable crop can be grown in the garden or in the country. Rules winter storage simple at home, celery is harvested in different types. Frozen or dried herbs are added to the soup for a special flavor, frozen rhizomes are grated and seasoned. different dishes, pickled tomatoes with celery are spicy. Culture can be eaten on its own.

The storage of fresh petioles, leaves and roots of the plant is quite long. The products can be used in salads and as bright decoration any ready meal.

Harvesting involves cutting the leaves, leaving small petioles. Suitable months are July and August. Purchased raw materials must be checked for smoothness of the skin, on which there should be no bumps and knots, otherwise the product will be inconvenient to clean. Leaves and stems should not be yellowed and spotted.

Tip: If you knock on the root, and the tonality of the sound will be sonorous, it means that there are voids inside. You can check the root crop so that it is not rotten if you press on the top of the root. Softness and slipperiness indicate a low-quality product.

If the roots do not need long-term storage, wrap them tightly with food film and put into a special compartment of the refrigerator. The astringency of the aroma, the spice and the benefits of celery will be relevant for a week. Foil or a food container will extend the shelf life. Transferred with paper towels, the green parts of the plant will lie in the refrigerator compartment for vegetables and 3 weeks.

There are several methods for storing celery root for a long time. It is possible to pour sand into a large container, for example, a box, putting celery petioles in it with the stalks outward, and store it in the underground.

You can put the roots in plastic bags, or leave them folded in wooden boxes, the walls of which do not have cracks. They take sand and sprinkle them with products with a two-centimeter layer. Store cleaned in a special room with approximately ninety percent humidity and a temperature not higher than one positive degree.

Another method starts by preparing a clay mass to achieve a sour cream-like consistency. The roots are taken individually, and dipped in clay. After drying, spread in a vegetable store or cellar in stacks.

You can store celery root in piles with the petioles outward. It is necessary that all layers are poured. For this, earth or sand mixed with chalk is suitable, then fungal diseases will not be terrible for the product.

Before storing the celery root dried, it is peeled off, cut into strips, and dried in a sunny place. Products are put into a glass container and closed.

Store celery for the winter well in freezer. Root crops will need to be cleaned. Is taken coarse grater, celery root is rubbed on it. Products are packaged in bags and stored in the freezer for up to a year. Celery can be added to dishes frozen, defrosting is not required.

Storing petiole and leaf celery

In markets and supermarkets, it is possible to buy celery in bunches. The choice should be stopped on bright juicy and brittle greens. The elasticity of the stems is an indicator of the staleness of the plant, from which it will less good. Petioles should be without seed arrow, as it gives a bitter taste to the stalks.

Celery "brilliant green" must either be eaten quickly, or, without allowing it to stale and wither, be processed and sent to store. Having bought or cut celery in the garden, you need to rinse it in cool water, dry it a little. Suitable for storage aluminium foil. Wrapped greens will lie in the refrigerator for about a week and a half. IN plastic bags the leaves and stems of the plant can only be preserved for 3 days, after which wilting will occur.

Leaf and petiole celery is excellent seasoning. In order to prepare it, large-format paper is taken, the green parts of the plant are laid out there, and on top they are covered with a second paper sheet. The grass is dried for a month. To be able to store for a long time, dried products are transferred to paper bags, using as needed throughout the year.

To keep green and fragrant celery it is frozen. To do this, it is better to use molds under the ice. Yellowed branches are removed, fresh products are crushed, folded into molds, water is poured on top, the products are placed in the freezer.

Tip: As an addition to second courses, green parts of celery are stored in a plastic airtight container placed in the freezer.

If the question arises of how to store petiole celery in order to use it whenever you like, chefs recommend turning to the salting method. If half a kilo of petioles is taken, 100 grams of salt is enough, it should not have additives, iodized salt will not work.

You can add green leaves of culture. Finely chopped parts of the plant are scrolled in a meat grinder, laid out in jars, sprinkled with salt. Glass container, in which is salty greens should be wrapped and kept cool. The preparation is infused for 2 days. The salt keeps the celery from rotting and spoiling.

Leaf and petiole products can be stored fresh until the spring months. Each celery bush is dug up with the ground. Plants with soil should be left in the cellar or basement dug into the sand.

In the absence of a cellar, it is necessary to cut the rhizomes of the culture, wash the celery in cold water, dry, put in a plastic bag and leave in the refrigerator. If the temperature in it will be maintained at “0” or “plus 1”, use green billet could be in the spring.

If the celery is going to be stored, cut off the green parts of the plant before it blooms.

Tip: For enhanced taste and more tenderness petiole celery, 30 days before harvest, it is recommended to wrap the plants with opaque material.

The room method of preserving fresh celery involves cutting off the root and keeping the stem in a jar filled with water for about 7 days out of the refrigerator. The water should be changed and the stem cut back every day.

Of the many ways to properly store celery, each hostess chooses a technique depending on goals, capabilities and preferences.

Celery - healthy vegetable, which doctors and nutritionists recommend adding to your diet as often as possible. Especially in winter, when the body lacks vitamins. But to buy it in the cold season is not so easy. Therefore, it is important to know how to store celery for the winter at home.

The uniqueness of this vegetable is that you can eat leaf, petiole, and root parts. Both that, and another, and the third contains a large number of trace elements useful for the body. To enjoy dishes with this vegetable, you need to know when to harvest celery and how to store it so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Harvesting celery for the winter is not too troublesome. Mainly applied the following ways storage:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • salting or pickling.

Which one to choose is up to you. Let's take a look at each method to make it easier for you to make a choice.

Collecting and keeping fresh

Before you prepare celery for the winter, it must be collected in a timely and correct manner.

Around the end of July or beginning of August, celery ripens and it's time to harvest it. If you do not catch this moment and wait for the flowering of the plant, you can no longer touch its leaves - they lose their useful properties.

When flowering, celery leaves acquire a bitter taste.

A fresh vegetable can be eaten for 3-4 days if it is stored at room temperature. In the refrigerator, this period can be extended to two weeks, and for maturing varieties - up to a month. The soft ones include:

  • "Tango" - petiolate, mid-season, high-yielding and very fragrant;
  • "Sail" - leafy, mid-season, high-yielding, resistant to flowering and very tasty.

You can try to save the celery in fresh and for more for a long time. But this should be done in the basement or in the cellar, where the temperature is kept around 0 ° C. In this case, you need celery along with the root. After harvesting, place the stems in a box of damp sand, covering the roots, and put them in the cellar for storage. Periodically check the condition of the plants by removing rotten or dried specimens.

Tip of the day

To get a white tender stalk from celery and improve the taste, it needs to be “bleached”, that is, protected from sunlight. To do this, 20-30 days before harvesting, wrap the stems with an opaque material. Suitable fabric, paper, cardboard and even plastic bottles like the photo below.

Store Selection Rules

If you do not have a garden to grow a healthy vegetable, you can buy it at the market or in a store. To purchase quality and useful product, when choosing it is worth considering some features:

  • To make sure the celery is fresh, lightly press on the stalk with your finger - it should be elastic and not squeeze through.
  • The freshness of the leaves is also determined by the hardness and smoothness of the stems.
  • Tap the stem lightly before buying. If it is empty, a characteristic sound will be heard - such plants are not suitable for food.

Quality celery should be bright green with no yellowing on the leaves.

Unfortunately, purchased plants are not suitable for long-term fresh storage. But they can be subjected heat treatment and thus save for 5-7 months. We will talk about some methods of harvesting petiole and leaf celery below. Let's start with the simplest - freezing.

Freezing Features

Before you figure out how to freeze celery, you need to understand that as a result it will lose its integrity and structure. Therefore, in the future it can only be used in sauces, and for the preparation of aspic. But at the same time, it will retain all its properties and remain useful until spring.

To freeze celery, you need to prepare special hermetically sealed bags or plastic containers. Ordinary bags can also be used, but in this case it is difficult to avoid getting air inside.

Further actions are performed in several stages:

  1. Separate the leaves from the stems, rinse thoroughly and place on a dry cloth. To speed up the drying process, you can also blot the top with a dry towel.
  2. Cut the leaves not too finely so that they do not turn into porridge. Their size should be the same as for a regular summer salad.
  3. Divide the cut into bags or containers and put in the freezer.

Tip of the day

Make sure that the greens are completely dry, otherwise, when frozen, the moisture will turn into ice, and the leaves will stick together into one mass. It is important that the freezer bag or plastic container is tightly closed, as celery has a strong odor.

It is better to immediately pack the blanks into small bags, so that later you can use one of them at a time. It will be more difficult to separate a product frozen with a whole briquette.

You can also freeze celery for the winter:

  • in the form of a smoothie grinding the cuttings and leaves with a food processor or blender and spreading them into small containers. Such a preparation will great addition to puree soup.
  • In the form of ice pouring water on greens cut with a knife. Get Vitamin Cubes that are super easy to use in soups and gravies.

In addition to the leaves, you can freeze celery stalks in the same way. The principle of their preparation for storage also includes cutting, washing and packaging in bags.

Drying natural and accelerated

To properly prepare celery greens, to save its benefits, you need to remember a few features of this process:

  1. Leaves and petioles can be dried either in crushed form or as a whole.
  2. Lay the herbs in a thin layer on a baking sheet or tray lined with paper.
  3. Dry, turning occasionally, at room temperature in a ventilated area or under a canopy outdoors.
  4. After drying, put the seasoning in an airtight container, put in a dark, dry place. Whole branches can be chopped or stored as is.

Even completely dry celery does not change its color, smell and taste qualities up to 2 years.

Tip of the day

Take your time and let the plants dry well, then the storage of celery will be long: it will not grow moldy or rot.

You can speed up the drying process by using an oven, microwave or electric dryer. The temperature should be around 40°C.

If you harvest petioles and leaves at the same time, then you need to take into account that the leaves dry out quickly, but the petioles remain wet for some time. Separate the leaves from the cuttings (it is very easy to do this when dry), and dry the cuttings.

Properly dried celery stays green, retains flavor and breaks easily

You can dry it the same way. They also contain many useful substances, and the assortment culinary specialties with their use is very diverse.

Salting and pickling

The process of salting celery is as simple as other operations:

  1. cook three-liter jar or a container that can be hermetically sealed. For 1 kg of celery, take 200-250 g.
  2. Before salting, wash the leaves or stems of the vegetable, remove all yellowed parts, chop finely.
  3. Mix the herbs with salt in a large bowl, and then pack tightly into the prepared container, leaving room for the juice.

Tip of the day

Close the salt container well to restrict air access. If you use nylon cover keep the jar in the refrigerator. If you decide to roll it under a tin, it will be possible to store it in a pantry or in a cellar.

Salting is used less frequently than freezing or drying. In addition, in the future, when using celery, you need to consider that it is already salty. This means that you need to add salt to dishes much less.

You can also pickle celery (it will be stored for up to 2 years at a temperature of 4-6 ° C). There are many recipes for how to do this. One of them - exquisite, from the chef - see in a short video:

By following all the recommendations on how to properly store celery, you will be able to make preparations for the winter and add a healthy and tasty product to food throughout the cold season.

Preparing celery for storage does not take much time and does not require special efforts. But in winter, when the body lacks vitamins, it will become for you irreplaceable source energy.

Store properly and be healthy!

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