
Whole apple compote recipe. Types of sunsets for the winter

Whole apple compote for the winter for 3 liter jar, as far as I can remember, my mother cooked when we came to visit my grandmother in the village. There was a huge old, but very well maintained garden, in which grew apple trees, pears, plums, cherries and apricots. Grandfather loved his garden very much and carefully looked after it: he dug every tree, cut the grass on the lawn, and every year we collected big harvest delicious varietal fruits.
Grandmother liked to cook jam more and, but my mother closed compotes and various newfangled sweets. And as soon as the early antonovka ripened, my mother immediately made a delicious drink from these apples. Just imagine: in winter you open a jar, quench your thirst with delicious sweet and sour compote, and then enjoy apples that just close completely.
Even now I sometimes make such deliciousness for my son, and in winter I give instead shop juice, which contains more preservatives than natural ingredients. Sonny eats apples with great pleasure, leaving only ponytails and seeds. Although my grandmother said that absolutely everything is useful in an apple, and ate it without a trace.
Sometimes I make a dessert out of these apples: I grind them with a blender into puree and serve them in bowls with ice cream and nuts.

- apple (ripe small) - 5-6 pcs.,
- granulated sugar (white) based on 1 jar with a capacity of 3 liters - 300 g,
- water.

We sort out apples: for compote we leave small fruits without damage and wormholes. We wash them well and put them in pre-prepared 3-liter jars. Since we will not sterilize the workpiece itself, we will only process the jars: we thoroughly wash them soda solution and then sterilized over steam for 5-7 minutes. Boil the lids for about 5 minutes.
We put prepared fruits in each jar, but not more than 10 pieces, so that they occupy about 2/3 of the volume of the container.

Then pour boiling water over the apples.
So that the jar does not burst from boiling water, I put it on a knife.

Then cover with a lid and leave for a while until it cools completely.

Now we pour the cooled water saturated with apple flavor into a saucepan and add sugar there based on the number of cans.

Stir until completely dissolved, and boil for a couple of minutes.

Then pour hot syrup over the jars to the very edge and quickly roll them up with boiled metal lids.

We turn the jars upside down - this is how we check the tightness of the seam. Wrap with a blanket to keep warm as much as possible - this is how we provide long-term storage drink in winter.
When the jars have cooled, we transfer them to the right place and wait until we can enjoy the rich taste of fragrant apple compote.
It is also easy to prepare

In winter, when the lack of vitamins is felt, we are rescued all kinds of blanks. Compotes are one of the ways to preserve fruits. They are loved by both adults and children. Kids especially like compote from apples - it has an unobtrusive taste, in addition, these fruits do not cause allergic reactions. There are many recipes for how to make a canned apple drink, but in this article we will look at how to prepare compote from whole small apples for the winter. These fruits are commonly called "Chinese" or "paradise". They belong to wild varieties, but these fruits are useful for the body no less than other varieties.

Benefit paradise apples for good health

It is known that all apples contain great amount pectin. This substance cleanses the intestines, improves its work, helps to cope with constipation. There are a lot of acids in apple fruits - acetic, tartaric, ascorbic and citric. It is interesting that in the "Chinese women" there are several times more biologically active additives- about 5-6 times. These fruits lower cholesterol in the blood, contribute to the renewal of blood vessels and their strengthening. They remove excess fluid from the body, stimulating the work of the kidneys. Those who suffer from edema need to eat apple fruits every day.

Scientists claim that regular use apples lowers the risk of stroke. Mineral salts in their composition favorably affect the condition of the joints in rheumatic diseases. The benefits of dwarf apples are obvious, so if you managed to collect good harvest these priceless fruits, be sure to make a compote of small whole apples for the winter.
Firstly, it definitely will not contain various preservatives and aromatic substances, as in the store. Secondly, not only a pleasant-tasting drink will always be at hand, but also beautiful apples that can be used as a filling for baking.

Contraindications for the use of compote from rayek can only be attributed peptic ulcer and gastritis in the stage of their exacerbation. These fruits are not recommended for pancreatitis.

We select suitable fruits for compote

What fruits are suitable for compote? These should be slightly unripe, juicy and undamaged apples. You should not use those that fell to the ground - the impact marks may not be visible, but the flesh in this place is already damaged. Under influence high temperature impacted fruit may burst, as the skin at the point of impact is no longer as strong as that of fruit picked from the tree by hand.

Collect the "rachki" with your hands, being careful not to damage the skin. It is best to cut them off along with the stem. Overripe fruits are not suitable for compote for the winter - their pulp has a loose structure and there is not enough juice in it. When canning, such fruits will boil soft.

Preparing fruits and containers for canning

After sorting through the “raechki”, removing all spoiled and rotten or hit fruits, wash them thoroughly. Then let the water drain, for this, put the fruit in a colander. Make several punctures on each fruit with a needle or toothpick. This must be done so that the skin does not burst during cooking, and the fruit remains intact.

Prepare canning jars. Wash them with soda, and then sterilize each over steam for three minutes. Lids also need to be disinfected. Boil them in a bowl for a few minutes.

Recipe for compote from whole small apples for the winter

For harvesting, we only need small apples, sugar, water and cinnamon (optional). Some housewives add a little more vanillin to make the compote more fragrant.

To prepare syrup, you need to find out how much it will take. To do this, weigh the fruits. For one kilogram of apples, there is about a liter of water and 300 grams of sugar. From this calculation, we will cook the syrup. Required amount send water to large saucepan, add sugar, turn on the stove to a minimum. Don't forget to stir the syrup. While it boils, place the fruits in clean jars. You need to fill the container no more than a third.

When the syrup boils, stir the syrup constantly until you are sure that all the sugar has dissolved. Now you can fill them with apples. Fill the jars with syrup, but not to the very top, but so that there is about 3 centimeters of free space up to the neck of the jars. Cover the container with sterile lids.

Let's start with sterilization. Use a convenient container for this - pick up a wide pan that will fit several cans. The water in the container should already be hot. If you put the jars in cold water, they will burst from the temperature difference. Sterilization time depends on the volume of your compote jars. Liter container boil in a water bath for 5 minutes, two-liter - 10, and three-liter - 15.

When the sterilization process is completed, proceed to the blockage. Having rolled up all the jars, turn them upside down, place them on the floor and insulate with an old blanket. In this position, leave them to cool for at least a day. After complete cooling, jars with compote can be removed for storage in cool place. Delicious and useful compote from whole small apples ready for the winter!

How to make compote from whole apples for the winter (without sterilization)

Sterilize jars. Three liters will suit you. Put apples in them, filling the entire container. Any apple will do.

Pour boiling water into the jars to cover the apples.

Cover with a lid and wait a quarter of an hour. So the apples will steam.

Drain the water into a saucepan.

Add a glass of sugar to water, bring to a boil.

Pour boiling syrup over apples in a jar.

Cover the jar with a sterilized lid.

Roll up the lid with a seamer.

Turn the jars upside down, wrapping them in a blanket for 5-6 hours.

When you want to taste your compote, dilute it a little boiled water to your liking, because the syrup is quite concentrated. And you can use whole rachki for cooking delicious pies, - in winter you always want to drink a cup of tea with sweets.

Home apple compoteflavored drink with a slight sourness, which has gained popularity since Soviet times, when stores did not indulge in overseas fruits. Today, apples are no less in demand. Thanks to varietal diversity fruits, each blank is obtained with distinctive flavor notes. Fruits are placed in a container whole or in slices, combined with spices and berries. If you prepare apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar, take less than a kilogram of fruit and about 300 g of sugar.

Drink with segments without sterilization

Any variety is suitable for a fortified drink, but it is better to give preference to late-ripening ones with dense crispy pulp. They do not lose their structure when treated with boiling water. For blanks in priority Antonovka, Simirenko, Melba, Champion, Gloucester.

Suitable for apple compote slices hard varieties. It is recommended to cut the fruits equally so that they evenly warm up. It is better not to cut the skin, but rinse thoroughly. If you want to brew a drink with whole fruits, then take small varieties, for example, ranetki. It is convenient to use an apple cutter to remove the core. Transparent compote it is better to cook from green apples, red varieties give a richer shade and aroma.

With the skillful use of apples, it is possible to reduce cholesterol levels

Compotes are cooked both with sterilization and without it. For the first option, capacious pots are needed, since the drink is prepared in large-volume jars. In blanks without sterilization, the method of multiple pouring fruits with syrup is used.

As a spicy additive, cinnamon and vanilla are in priority. Better take whole sticks and pods. Other suitable spices- cloves, cardamom, ginger root. Ginger is added only during the cooking process, otherwise the syrup will become spicy by winter. delicious drink it is obtained not from one variety, but from an apple platter.

  • How many apples per compote do you need for a three-liter jar?

For tart taste enough 0.6-0.8 kg of fruit or a third of the can. You can add half the volume of the container if sweet apples are loved in the family. Sugar per 3-liter jar needs 300-400 g.

  • How much to cook compote?

For getting rich taste, saving at least minimum quantity vitamins enough boiling for 15 minutes. The fruits are boiled in syrup over low heat, due to the rapid boiling useful material are destroyed in fruits. sugar syrup boil for at least 3 minutes.

Boil fruits in syrup over low heat

Housewives often share their experience, helping beginners to achieve an amazing taste of compote without special trouble. For example, a container volume of 2-3 liters is considered optimal for harvesting. All jars and lids for disinfection are washed baking soda. It is worth paying attention that after clogging the lids are slightly pressed inward - this is a sign of reliable sealing.

Recipe for an apple drink with sterilization

No need to look for a simple recipe for the winter from apples, any preparation is remembered quickly and is easy to prepare. small fruits usually rolled up whole, if there are no traces of worms on them. To extend the shelf life of the workpiece, in most cases, they are sterilized. Under the influence of high temperature, the microbes that are in the container and on the fruits die. Before cooking apple compote with sterilization, the fruits are selected and washed.


Pour water into the pan, add granulated sugar, boil for about 3 minutes. Washed apples are placed in prepared jars, poured with hot syrup, covered with lids, but not rolled up. A grate is installed in a high pan or a piece of cloth is laid, filled jars are placed. Water is poured into the pan so that it covers almost the entire jar. From the moment of boiling, sterilize for 20-25 minutes. At the end, the lids are rolled up, the jars are wrapped in a blanket, after cooling, the preservation is sent for storage in a dark place.

Delicious compote without sterilization

Preservation heat treatment is a desirable but not mandatory process. Eliminate the exhausting procedure helps two or triple fill boiling water, boiling fruit, adding a slice of lemon or citric acid(on the tip of a knife).

The simplest recipe without sterilization is a 15-minute exposure of apples in boiling syrup.

Ingredients for 1 kg of fruit:

The liquid is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil. While the water is heating, the fruits are washed, cut into slices, removing the core. Fall asleep in boiling water apple slices, sugar. Boil the contents for 10-15 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid, let stand for 4-5 hours. You can immediately drink it, or you can close it in jars for the winter.

Classic recipe from whole Antonovka apples

If you want to cook fragrant compote from fresh apples why not use Antonovka. This is a truly Russian variety that can survive insidious frosts and hot summers. An indisputable factor in favor of Antonovka - low calorie. There are 44 calories per 100 g and 86 mg of potassium, which is responsible for vital functions. of cardio-vascular system, balance of alkaline and acid environment. Due to the high proportion of iron, Antonovka helps protect the body from the development of anemia. Comparative characteristics With popular variety White filling is shown in the table. You can continue listing in favor of the variety, but it's time to dwell on the recipe that zealous hostesses like.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 8-10 apples
  • 2 liters of water and 300 g of sugar.

Fruits must be completely whole, stalks neatly cut. While the water is heating, the jars are filled with apples. After pouring boiling water, the containers are covered with lids, hidden under a blanket for 10-12 hours. warm water pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil again, adding sugar beforehand. Fruits are poured with hot syrup, the containers are rolled up with lids.

Video with a recipe from whole fruits.

3 popular recipes with apples White filling

Summer residents plant this variety to enjoy apples in August. The nostalgic taste of childhood is hard to forget, so not everyone has a priority on modern hybrids, and why change something if the variety has so many benefits. Thanks to the widest range vitamins and microelements with the skillful use of apples, it is possible to lower the level of cholesterol in the body, prevent a heart attack, strengthen the skeletal system and immunity in general.

White pour contains approximately 278 mg of potassium per 100 g

Fill prepared containers with apples 1/3. Pour the contents with boiling water, cover with lids, wrap in a blanket for 10-12 hours. Drain the liquid into the pan, adding 2 liters of 350 g of sugar. The contents are poured with boiling syrup, the container is rolled up. The drink is not subjected to additional sterilization in order to preserve the maximum benefit.

  • White pour and drain

Make delicious plums and apples winter preparation as easy as pie. For cooking, take 2-3 sour green apples, 200 g of plums (pitted), 200 g of sugar and 2.5 liters of water. Prepared plums and apples cut into slices are put in a jar, poured with boiling water. The contents are left for 20 minutes, the cooled liquid is drained, granulated sugar is added, and sent to the stove. Boiling syrup is poured into containers, twisted with lids. Plum-apple drink is perfectly stored at home without sterilization.

  • Preparation for pies from White filling

To get 1 liter delicious preservation, take 1 kg of apple collection and a glass of sugar. Slices fall asleep granulated sugar, leave overnight for the formation of juice. In the morning, the mass is boiled for 3-5 minutes, laid out in sterilized jars.

Assorted currants and apricots

Many housewives cook homemade compote, combining apples with other fruits and berries in a drink. Currant rich in content ascorbic acid indispensable in the winter cold, and apricots are recognized as excellent antioxidants. From apples and currants it turns out pleasant vitamin drink With long term storage.

To prepare the blank, take 0.4 kg of blackcurrant, 0.6 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water for 1 kg of apples. The liquid is boiled with granulated sugar until it turns out clear syrup. fruit collection put in a container to the neck, add syrup, leave for 6-8 hours. Compote is sterilized for 5-15 minutes, depending on the volume of the jar. Roll up the drink, turn it upside down, wrap it up.

  • Apple-apricot compote

For cooking, take 150 g of apricots and apples, 1.3 liters of water and 250 g of sugar. Fruits are washed and dried. Apples can be cut into quarters or left whole. Bones are removed from apricots, the flesh is cut into halves. Fruits are placed in jars in layers: first apricots, then apples. Boil water, pour into a container. After 15 minutes, the liquid is poured into the pan using a lid with holes. The syrup is boiled and used again for pouring. Sugar is added for the third time, the jars are clogged.

Video: recipe with apples and apricots.

Compote for every day

Apple compote for every day is prepared according to a simplified recipe. Slightly spoiled fruits are suitable for brewing, provided that the drink will not be stored for more than 3 days.

Ingredients for 1.5 kg of fruit:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 250 g sugar.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Rinse fruits, chop, remove seeds. Send to the pan, filling with water.
  2. Turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  3. After boiling, add sugar, cook for 20 minutes.

Another option for a drink is to add sugar after boiling and remove the pan from the stove, then let the compote stand for half an hour. In the heat, you can add a couple of pieces of ice to the glass. A fresh mint or lemon balm leaf will complement the taste of apple compote.

Compotes - great alternative shop drinks. Homemade preparations are considered the most useful, especially those made on the basis of fruits grown in own garden. Apple compote serves as an amazing fortified drink to maintain health.

I was going to cook this apple compote for the winter for so many years that I myself can’t even count it. For the first time I saw three-liter jars with compote, full of whole apples, from her neighbor Lenka. Lunar-golden, as if translucent and, probably, so tasty ... Only now I didn’t get to try these apples. No, no, Lenka’s mother, Aunt Sveta, was distinguished by her hospitability: either she would give a whole bowl of strawberries, then huge bouquet he would bring peonies from the dacha, put them in his hands and quickly to himself, so that they would not be returned, but somehow those cherished cans of compote were opened without me. Then years passed. And on the market, I saw what seemed to be the same apples. They were sold from barrels. I bought a package, brought it home, tried it - oh, some salty ones! It turned out that they were pickled apples. But those from the compote were definitely sweet. Or rather, sweet and sour, juicy, I would have eaten the whole jar ... Well, further according to the proverb: better late than never. This year I bought three-liter jars, waited for Antonovka to appear on the market and got down to business. The recipe is quite simple. I will tell you clearly how to prepare apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar so that you do not have to do calculations, convert from kilograms to liters and other unpleasant things. I just took the recipe and did it.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar of compote:

  • Apples - 8-10 pieces,
  • Water - 2 liters,
  • Sugar - 300 g.

How to make apple compote for the winter

Compote is very easy to make. Sterilization is not required. Apple processing is minimal. Excellent workpiece for those whose apple trees are bursting with apples and there is no way to spend day and night cleaning and cutting the crop. Apples for compote will just need to be selected and washed.

Set aside all suspicious fruits, even those with minimal suspicion of a wormhole. Size also plays a role - apples must pass freely through the neck of the jar. In the compote, they will swell slightly, and if you pushed them into the jar by force, you won’t pull them back without a fight. Some people beat the core out of apples. special device. I limited myself to cleaning out the blackened remains of the petals and pulling out the stalks from those apples that managed to do this.

Arrange the washed apples clean banks(Just in case, I held them upside down over the steam for 20 minutes. The maximum is 10 apples, the minimum is 8.

Then you need to boil water. I boil a liter in a ladle because I am afraid of large vats of boiling water. Again, pouring from a ladle is more convenient. I always pour boiling water carefully, putting a tablespoon in a jar so that the glass does not burst from temperature changes.

Then cover the jars with lids and leave to stand until completely cooled. Some also wrap jars of compote with a blanket, but I don’t see the point in this. My jars were already cooling down for a whole day - but how else in the heat?

Pour sugar into the same pan at the rate of 300 grams per jar. I have 2 cans, so I put 600 grams. Bring the water to a boil, put a ladle with lids on the next burner. I boil them for 5 minutes. IN large saucepan with syrup, the sugar should completely dissolve, after which we pour the apples again. Pour strictly under the neck, because the apples will absorb some of the syrup and the compote will already turn out to be “shoulders”. Immediately roll up the lids with a key. Then we put the banks upside down. After making sure that the compote does not leak, leave them to cool. Then we put it away for storage. Here is a compote.

Whole apples are soaked in syrup rather slowly, so I don’t advise trying compote right away. Wait a month and a half and then open. And try this apple cider.

Bon appetit!

In winter, we begin to feel a lack of vitamins. To replenish them, I advise you to prepare a compote of whole apples for the winter. Rich, flavorful! And yes, apples delicious dessert! Such a compote needs to be infused, the apples should be saturated with both sugar and the smell of cinnamon.

To prepare apple compote from whole fresh apples for the winter, we need the products listed on the list.

Thoroughly wash and sterilize the jar and lid. Wash apples and send them to a jar. Pour water up to the very top of the neck. And immediately air bubbles actively come out of the apples, and the apples absorb water.

We put a terry towel over the jar to keep warm as long as possible.

We put a lid with holes on the jar and pour water into the pan. Add 100 ml of water, as the apples have absorbed some of the water. Add to water orange peel and sugar. Bring to a boil and dissolve the sugar.

In a jar of apples, add cinnamon powder and a slice of lemon.

Pour the syrup over the apples and immediately roll up the lids. Turn the lid down and wrap with a blanket.
