
Craving for flour causes. Life is like a huge bouquet with thousands of snacks

Hello friends! I have great news for you, I have started active work on my YOUTUBE channel and today I suggest watching the video.

I will talk about addiction to sweets, the causes of cravings for sweets, how to overcome it and how to get rid of it. For those who have slow internet speed, I post the transcript of the recording and you can read about what we are talking in the video.

Enjoy watching! subscribe to my channel http://www.youtube.com/c/SaharvNormeTV

There is a real pandemic going on these days. excess weight and carbohydrate disorders. The health authorities of many countries are seriously concerned about the increase in the incidence of diabetes and obesity, especially among children. Russia is by no means the last in this problem. In our country, the number of adults and children with overweight increases every year.

Over the past decades, Russia has moved from 19th to 4th place in terms of the number of obesity in women, and by 2030 it is predicted to approach the US and UK figures. By the way, they already have about 50% of the inhabitants overweight and obesity.

There are many reasons for weight gain, but one of the most common is excess consumption sweets and desserts, namely a very strong, pathological craving for these products.

And today we will talk about some of the reasons for the craving for sweets and how to overcome this bad habit.

Good dream

Healthy sleep is the main condition in maintaining a normal weight or losing weight. You can do as much as you want in the gym, but if you sleep little, go to bed late, or the quality of sleep suffers, then you can forget about a beautiful figure.

Surely, you have noticed that after a sleepless night or late lights out, the whole next day is accompanied by a low level of energy and all the time you want something tasty. In fact, this is a proven fact.

A study was conducted that with various sleep disorders, a person begins to eat more and at the same time unconsciously choose foods with a high glycemic index.

This is easily explained. Sleep is a time for complete relaxation and recuperation, especially for our nervous system. During sleep, the brain stores energy for the next day. Not only the number of hours is very important, but also the time of going to bed and the quality of sleep itself, i.e. absence of extraneous sounds and light. Pituitary hormones (ACTH, STH and others) and melatonin (pineal gland hormone) are involved in the restoration of strength. They have their own hours of the most activity associated with sleep and its phases.

Naturally, when you went to bed very late, the brain did not have time to recover, and therefore the whole body, since it is the brain that sets the tone for the whole body. With a low level of energy, a person simply has to replenish it during the day. What is a fast source of energy? That's right, carbs! And the sweeter the better!

That's why perfect time going to bed no later than 22:00, sleeping for at least 7 hours and sleeping in complete silence, with tightly curtained windows, removing the slightest sources of light in the room. The use of ear plugs and eye patches is encouraged.

How to reduce and beat sugar cravings after bad sleep

What to do if there was a bad night, and no one canceled daily activities? In this case, I can give some advice. Usually, poor health begins to cover after dinner from 14 to 16 hours. It was the adrenal glands that used up their entire reserve in a day.

  1. Solid breakfast. Food should contain a lot of protein, fat and a minimum of carbohydrates. As carbohydrates, it is better to use fruits, dried fruits or nuts. Avoid coffee in the morning because coffee will give you a morning boost of energy that will quickly be used up and make things worse. It is better to leave this drink for an after-dinner snack, when it starts to feel sleepy.
  2. Alternate seated work with warm-ups. After prolonged sitting or when you feel that your eyelids are sticking together, you need to get up and stretch. You can just walk down the hallway, go up and down the stairs several times, squat or do push-ups from the floor. Short-term physical activity will disperse lethargy and drowsiness.
  3. Don't skip lunch. Be sure to have lunch to replenish energy, but avoid desserts and sweets, which further deplete tired adrenal glands. Carbohydrates include vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.
  4. Day dream. Find 20-30 minutes for daytime sleep. Believe that in this case you need a midday nap. During lunch, you will be able to sleep a little and recuperate a little.
  5. After sleep, you can drink a cup natural coffee with a spoonful of coconut oil. Caffeine will energize nervous system. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acid, which are instantly absorbed and converted into pure energy. This should be enough for you for the rest of your working day.
  6. Do not skip dinner, even if you are very sleepy. The best light dinner than its complete absence. For example, grilled vegetables with a piece of fish. You can also afford a piece of dark chocolate with herbal tea, fruit or nuts.
  7. Go to bed earlier than usual. As a rule, on such days, by the evening, the body is mobilized, it has a second wind, and drowsiness disappears without a trace. Don't be fooled by the illusion. It’s just that the adrenal glands begin to work on an anguish, and if you don’t put yourself to bed now, then tomorrow you will be as bad as today. If this is repeated often and regularly, then you can earn fatigue of the adrenal glands, which is very difficult and long to treat.


Billions of different bacteria, viruses and fungi live in our body. The yeast fungus Candida is an opportunistic pathogen. In other words, it does not cause unpleasant manifestations until it is suitable conditions for overproduction.

The uncontrolled use of antibiotics, reduced immunity and excessive love for sweets create fertile ground for the development of fungal pathology. At the same time, it is not limited to the defeat of the genital area, as is commonly believed. Candida begins to spread throughout the body and affects many organs and tissues, especially the intestinal tract.

As you know, yeast grows by consuming glucose. Candida also needs glucose to develop, and the fungus will secrete special substances that will magically affect eating behavior and cause cravings for sweets. As a result, a person without realizing it feeds an insolent candida, thinking that this is his decision.

What to do in this case? To reduce the craving for flour and sweets, you must first prove the presence of a high concentration of this fungus. A fecal analysis according to Osipov is recommended, which will show you not only the fungus, but also other pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.

When the diagnosis is clear and there is candidiasis, another question arises. How to treat? In this case, the first step is to switch to an anti-candida diet. You may need to prescribe antimycotics and dietary supplements. I'll tell you about this some other time, subscribe to the channel so as not to miss it.

Stress and tired adrenals

There are two types of stress: physiological stress and distress, i.e. pathological. Physiological stress hardens the body and makes it stronger. In this case, a short-term release of adrenal hormones occurs, which go to solve a specific problem. For example, running away from a bear is a healthy stress that saves a person’s life or resist viral infection- this is also a healthy stress, which also contributes to the recovery of a person.

Distress is a prolonged and moderate exposure to irritants that do not threaten a person's life, but decently spoil a happy life. For example, a nasty boss who bullies an employee every day. As a result, dissatisfaction accumulates in a person, since he cannot utter it, because he will lose his job. Or eternal time pressure, when you need to complete many tasks in a day, and there are only 24 hours in a day. Or a young mother who is trying to keep track of her child and go to work and cook food and do a lot of housework, while not having personal time to relax.

In a compartment with poor diet, physical inactivity, environmental pollution, low level of spirituality, drinking alcohol and smoking, distress gradually and surely destroys the body by stimulating the adrenal glands, namely the hormone cortisol. At first, a lot of cortisol is produced, and this is worth noting the "hormone of destruction." In such quantities, it pathologically affects all types of metabolism.

But the adrenal glands are not able to work every day at such a frantic pace without recharging. Over time, the function begins to fade and the opposite situation develops, when cortisol begins to be lacking. When there is not enough cortisol, then it’s not that you can run away from the bear, it’s even very difficult to get out of bed. General tone and performance begin to suffer.

In both cases, there is an addiction to sweets and, in order to remove it, you need to deal with the adrenal glands. In the first case, carbohydrates intoxicate the brain, causing illusory well-being and rest. This is comparable to alcohol, but carbohydrates are a legalized drug.

In the second case, carbohydrates become vital, because they somehow give energy, because the internal reserve, alas, has been exhausted. Moreover, the more you eat sweets, the worse the adrenal glands work.

How to support the adrenal glands?

First of all, work with distress. And here there are no universal solutions, because everyone's life situations are different. Very often the problem sits in our head and sometimes it helps to work with a change in attitude to the problem, even if the problem remains unresolved.

For example, you have a nasty boss who constantly yells and expresses displeasure. You cannot leave for another job, but you can change your attitude towards this situation. Develop a healthy indifference, learn not to react to comments, not to take everything to heart. This is quite difficult to do when you are already under deep stress. I see a way out in joint work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. And of course, personal development, reading books on psychology, distraction in the form of playing sports or walking in the woods, doing your favorite hobby.

The main thing is to be able to display the accumulated negativity and not accumulate in yourself. Eat different techniques and techniques that you can search on the Internet. Try to relax more, but not at the TV with a can of beer, but in the form of outdoor activities or meetings with your favorite friends, but without alcohol.

In addition, sometimes special nutrition, additional supplements, and even medications. But that's a topic for another video.

Chromium deficiency

There is a lot of information on the Internet on the topic of “sweet cravings” and this trace element is constantly mentioned. I will break this tradition and will not talk about it at all, because girls and women often shift the responsibility to this mineral, and to all kinds of appetite-reducing drugs, while they have not eliminated the above reasons.

Yes, chromium is involved in glucose uptake, insulin production, and improving tissue sensitivity to glucose. But true chromium deficiency is so rare that we need to look for patients with such a deficiency. This trace element needs so little that with adequate nutrition, its need is safely covered by food.

If you are still in doubt, you can take a blood test to confirm or disprove chromium deficiency. If confirmed, then you can take pills to reduce cravings for sweets. With a deficiency, it is easily replenished with the help of tablets and dietary supplements.

Distortion in nutrition

And the last reason for today. No matter how trite it may sound, but the addiction to sweets causes the use of these same sweets. In other words, the more you eat, the more you want. If you reduce the consumption of sugary foods, then the addiction can go away on its own.

Imagine that you ate a lot delicious dessert- cheesecake or esterhazy. These desserts contain an unrealistically large amount fast sugars, which are very quickly absorbed into the blood and raise blood glucose levels. The pancreas instantly reacts to this and produces disproportionate large quantity insulin to attach the incoming glucose to the cells

As a result, insulin reduces glucose levels very quickly and, having reached normal values, does not stop, but continues to decrease. A person begins to experience terrible hunger, and some of the most real signs of hypoglycemia. After waiting for the next meal, a person unconsciously chooses carbohydrate dishes and something tasty for dessert ... again ... or again ...

Some do not wait and eat sweets right on an empty stomach, repeating the situation with insulin. Such swings can occur many times during the day. A real physiological need for sweets is developing and it is quite difficult to overcome this, but it is real.

Another extreme is irregular and poor nutrition. When a person has not eaten anything during the day, he creates an energy deficit, which he will make up for with a plentiful meal with a mandatory snack in the late evening.

What to do in such a situation? First, eat regularly and fully throughout the day so as not to feel hungry by the end of it. Secondly, you need to eliminate the carbohydrate swing, by completely giving up sweets. Within a few days, you can experience a real breakdown, which passes quite quickly, and with it an irresistible craving to throw a pie.

There are also psychological problems, which can cause addiction to sweets, but I will talk about this some other time next time.

And that's all I have. I hope the video was helpful for you. Then you can watch other videos of our channel, links to them will appear on the screen. Subscribe to the channel, press thumb up and see you soon!

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

Many of us have noticed that even after a hearty meal, the hand still reaches for a chocolate bar or a cupcake. Or seeing in social networks a photo of delicious delicious cake I definitely want to go buy one for myself. Familiar? Let them tell us that sugar is bad, but many people cannot overcome cravings for sweets and sweets. They feel sick if they don't eat a piece of chocolate or put candy in their mouth. What to do, how to get rid of cravings for sweets and overcome the addiction to sweets?

Many nutritionists compare sugar addiction with alcohol addiction which is also difficult to get rid of. Everyone knows that too much sweet is bad for health and figure, but they cannot overcome it. This problem exists all over the world. For many who would like to purchase slim figure, it is the addiction to sweet and starchy foods that becomes an obstacle on the way to this goal.

Manufacturers add sugar:

In drinks;

Semi-finished products;

Bakery products (and far from sweet);

Sauces and pastes.

Workers are trying to add more sugar to their meals Catering. Yes, the taste of such dishes becomes more intense and well remembered. This is what the calculation is made for, so that a person will return to them again and purchase their products.

So from a once rare delicacy, sugar has become our daily norm and one of the main ingredients of our diet.

According to the analysis of the WHO (World Health Organization), in the developed countries of the world, on average, there are from 30 to 50 kilograms of sugar per person and its share in the diet is about 15 percent, while doctors and nutritionists recommend no more than 5 percent.

Many people know exactly what to eat. more vegetables, fruit, stick to the right healthy eating. But they can't deny themselves sweets. Their mood drops, they become lethargic and indifferent, they cannot concentrate quickly. Why is this happening?

Our body needs carbohydrates. Therefore, getting them from sweet foods is natural for our body. Sugar is found in fruits and vegetables. But its content in them is much less compared to candy or chocolate.

Sugar can also become a problem when you just eat it out of habit. People feel like they need something sweet, especially after eating, and don't feel full until they have a sweet for dessert.

Even if you are at a normal weight, sugar can cause serious health problems. It can be more than just heart problems. You may experience headaches, bloating, and more. Excessive sugar consumption may be the cause or one of the reasons:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • Metabolic syndrome with high cholesterol and hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Infections with Candida and other yeast bacteria.

In the end, great amount sugar and white flour in our diet leads to obesity and related health problems. When sugar is consumed, the level of glucose in the blood jumps, insulin takes off, and stores of fat are deposited throughout the body.

To overcome such dependence and normalize the consumption of sweets, you need not only willpower, but also a change in your diet.

Craving for sweet reasons

Cravings for sweets are very common and should not be ignored. And the point here may not be at all in willpower. We are all programmed for sweets. But some like to eat candy or something sweet dessert at times, others become powerless to fight sugar cravings.

Studies in this area (though not yet as extensive) have shown that some of us are genetically predisposed to sweets and are more prone to sugar addiction.

Some people need more sweet brain stimulation. When sugar enters the body, it produces more of a hormone called dopamine. The reason for addiction to sugar-laden foods and snacks is individual and can be multifactorial for the individual. Two people with the same habits can have completely different reasons. Here are the main causes of sugar cravings that your body may crave for sweets.

Magnesium deficiency;

iron deficiency;

Imbalance of bacteria in the intestine;

Lack of good sleep;


Insufficient intake of carbohydrates;

Insufficient protein intake;

addicting too a large number artificial sweeteners;

The use of foods low in fat or their complete absence;

Too many "natural" foods with added sugars.

Nutritional deficiencies can cause different problems with health. our body is an intelligent system designed to sustain life. Therefore, when the body lacks any nutrients, he starts asking for foods containing these nutrients.

Too much big thrust to chocolate can cause a lack of magnesium in the body. Chocolate is a rich source of magnesium.

The next time you're craving a chocolate bar, instead make a sugar-free cocoa powder drink or eat a 100 percent sugar-free chocolate bar. Other good sources of magnesium are nuts, seeds, beans, and dark leafy greens.

This also applies to iron deficiency, which makes you feel tired and lethargic. Best sources of iron: spinach, egg yolk, red meat, pumpkin seeds, lentils.

Believe it or not, the trillions of bacteria living in our gut control our general well-being. Therefore, the balance of bacteria in the intestine is very important.

All bacteria living in the intestines, when you eat a lot of sweets, eventually feed on sugar. You will be surprised that once you include more natural products and give up great use sugar for seven days, your sugar addiction will decrease significantly.

To restore the normal balance of bacteria in the intestines, include more probiotics in the diet, lactic acid products, For example, .

Sleep deprivation affects food choices in several ways. First of all, if you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more "hunger hormone", forcing you to eat more frequently.

Research has also found that sleep deprivation has a direct impact on the rational part of our brain's decision making, making us more likely to make junk food choices.

Finally, when you don't get enough sleep, you feel pretty tired and your body just asks for sweets to cheer you up.

Aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep.

Many under stress begin to eat a lot of sweets to calm down. Sugar is a drug. It contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness and a person does not realize at this time that a lot of sweets are harmful. Stress also raises blood glucose levels, which leads to an increase in insulin produced by the pancreas to flush out this sugar. Excess glucose and insulin are problematic and can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Instead of sweets, try other foods that stimulate the production of serotonin: sauerkraut, bananas, walnuts, salmon and green tea. Exercise is another effective method Maintain serotonin levels at optimal healthy levels. If you suspect that you may be suffering from depression, see a qualified medical professional.

Many, trying to lose weight, sit on a low-carb diet. But the body needs carbohydrates. If you limit them or just don't eat enough, eventually your body will just scream and crave them. Therefore, many break down and begin to eat a lot of sweet and starchy foods.

Just as the body needs carbohydrates, it needs protein. Protein intake is important for maintaining stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. If he does not get protein in the morning or at lunch, then by about 3-4 pm the body will begin to demand sweets. Protein and fat slow down the release of sugar from food, keeping blood sugar levels stable and helping to prevent sugar cravings later. Start your day with protein-packed foods.

People often think they are doing the right thing by switching to artificial sweeteners. They do not contain calories. But such a replacement can lead to a drop in blood glucose levels, which causes weakness, hand tremors, and so on. Worse still, the constant use of artificial sweeteners can lead to intestinal tightness and indigestion, which contribute to an imbalance of bacteria.

When removing fat from many products, what do you think manufacturers replace it with? Sugar! Sugar is still present in in large numbers in many products positioned as healthy.

There are over 60 types of sugar that you may not even be aware of. But no matter what it comes from, even natural ones like honey, everything in the body is converted into glucose.

How to overcome sugar cravings

Below are five better ways overcome sugar cravings. There are actually four main steps. This:

More fiber;

More protein;

Healthier fats;

Eat acidic foods.

By following these rules, you can gradually get rid of cravings for sweets.

  1. More protein in your diet

Protein will actually help balance your blood sugar and thus really help reduce sugar cravings. Some of best products, With high content Proteins that can be used to relieve sugar cravings include:



Fish such as salmon, tuna, moquel and other varieties;

Chicken meat;

Black beans;

Raw milk;

Chicken eggs;

Soft cheese;


  1. Eat more healthy fats

Our body doesn't care where it gets energy from: sugar or fat. If you stop eating a lot of sugar, start eating more fat. Just make sure these are the healthy fats that are recommended for the Mediterranean diet. Such a replacement will help overcome cravings for sugar and sweet foods. Many nutritionists consider natural coconut oil to be the best fat.

  1. Include More Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber helps you feel full longer. They also promote detoxification and may reduce the symptoms of candidiasis. Candida is one of the causes of sugar cravings. The norm for an adult is the consumption of 35-40 grams of fiber per day. It contains a lot of nuts, seeds, vegetables. Here is a small list of foods high in dietary fiber:

Brussels sprouts


Eating foods rich in fiber can be a good preventive measure for many health problems, such as:

  • atherosclerosis
  • Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn's disease
  • diabetes
  • diarrhea
  • Diverticulosis
  • hemorrhoids
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • kidney stones
  • Obesity
  • peptic ulcer

They will help reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and the symptoms of menopause.

  1. Eat more acidic or probiotic foods

Probiotic foods, such as fermented foods, dairy products, are acidic due to the presence of good bacteria in them. They suppress candidiasis and reduce sugar cravings. These products include:

  • Natto
  • Tea mushroom
  • Kefir
  • Soft cheese
  • Olives cooked in brine
  • Salted cucumbers

And many other products that have undergone fermentation.

  1. Replace sugar with stevia

Stevia is a non-caloric natural sweetener that can be a good alternative to sugar. It is only necessary to take into account that the sugar substitute based on it may vary.

There are three main types of stevia:

  1. Leaf stevia is the least processed of all types of stevia. Its leaves are dried and ground into a powder form. It is sweet, with a slightly bitter taste. This stevia is about 30-40 times sweeter than sugar and is the best option.
  2. Stevia extract. Some manufacturers today obtain a sweeter and less bitter version of stevia in the form of an extract. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar.
  3. Truvia or New Stevia. This is the type of stevia that you should stay away from. It's actually not stevia at all. This is a product obtained by processing stevia with the addition of other ingredients. Therefore, there is a huge difference between natural stevia and truvel.

If you follow these five tips, you can say goodbye to your sweet and sugar cravings and say goodbye to them.

Of course, it is important not only to limit your sugar intake, but also to understand the reason for your cravings for it. Only in this way can you completely overcome and overcome it, and you will no longer need to fight and exert all your willpower passing in the store past a box of chocolates or a bottle of soda.

If you are constantly bursting cookies with cakes, seizing them with buns, and snacking on chocolates with ice cream, and still can’t stop, then this article is definitely for you!

"Sweet Addiction"- a long-established term. The most curious thing is that most people know quite a lot about sugar, more than about all other food products. Including about the reasons for dependence on this scourge.

Therefore, I will not expand here on the causes of cravings for sweets and starchy foods. A lot of articles have been written about this, one more stupid than the other. For if there was a sense, then the dependence on sweets would soon come to naught. But it only grows from year to year.

Well, really, what kind of advice is this: eat more proteins and vegetables, generously seasoned with vitamins, and especially chromium (chromium, Carl !!!), drink more water, sleep longer than usual - that's it. And what works? I strongly doubt it.

There is even bad advice such as replacing sweets with dried fruits and marmalades. What, no sugar in them? Do you know that dried dates contain 4 times more sugar than pure glucose? What about honey? This is generally a medicine that should be taken strictly in dosage and only during colds.

I'd rather tell you my way of getting rid of this craving for sweets. And not even about deliverance, but about a reasonable transformation. After all, to completely refuse sweets is first-rate stupidity and sheer heresy!

I myself am also a fan of sharpening cookies with tea, but under a good serial, and especially in winter, wrapped in a cozy blanket.

You yourself have probably noticed more than once that the first two cookies are the most delicious. Well, maybe a third. Maximum four. The fifth one is already running almost automatically and its taste is almost not felt. In any case, it is no longer as pleasing as the first two.

We will not analyze the cause of this effect. The main thing is that he is. And it is he who will help us cope with the irrepressible craving for sweets and starchy foods.

In fact, we have to change the established habit. And nothing helps to change a habit like a clear awareness of what you are doing.

3 steps to get rid of cravings for sweets and starchy foods

1 step. Buy more of your favorite sweets. Yes! You heard right. Buy a lot of them, and let them lie in a conspicuous place. I think it's completely stupid to hide sweets from yourself. So you only wind yourself up even more, and the desire to eat sweets intensifies.

2 step. When you crave something sweet, put your regular portion on your plate, the amount you always eat. If it's a whole pack of cookies, then the path will be a pack. If kilogram, then kilogram. Master the whole cake - go ahead!

3. step is the most important. Awareness. Start eating sweets. But not as usual, throwing handfuls of tasty treats into your mouth, like coal into a furnace, but slowly and consciously.

Feel each cookie, the first piece of cake, or whatever you are sharpening there. Especially the first one. Isn't it really tastier and brighter felt than all subsequent ones?

Feel the taste of that first cookie as consciously as you can, with all your attention. Feel all the shades of taste, texture, sweetness, something else. To do this, do not swallow it immediately, chew and taste well.

Do the same with the second cookie, and with the third, and so on.

Perhaps the first time the method does not work, and you still persuade a whole kilogram of cookies, or even more. But each time you will accustom your mind and your body to feel and feel better, to be aware of what you eat and how you eat.

That's all! Nothing complicated, right?

However, there are a couple of nuances that should be considered.

Firstly, the method will not work if you watch TV or surf the Internet while eating sweets. Either one or the other. I think it's obvious. It is impossible to keep track of all the subtleties of taste and at the same time chat with friends in the chat.

Secondly, try not to drink sweets. No tea, no coffee, nothing else. So you will definitely gobble up much more, and most importantly, you will not be able to feel the taste. If you are already used to eating sweets with tea, then leave the tea for last. First cookies, then tea.

Thirdly, in no case do not scold yourself and do not limit yourself intentionally. Like: now I’ll eat 5 cookies, and no more! This will only make the situation worse. Eat as much as you like.

If you learn to be clearly aware of the process of eating sweets, to feel their full taste, texture, viscosity, sweetness, etc., then you will soon notice that you no longer want to overeat. You will eat as much as you like to eat.

The key word here is pleasant.

And finally. Sweet is not always bad. Today, everyone is simply obsessed with the dangers of sweet and starchy foods:

A drug worse than a real drug! Causes Type 2 Diabetes! White death!! Blah blah blah…

I am begging you! Yes, it's all bullshit! Sweet has always been a reward. Everyone loves him, always and everywhere, from young to old.

And to rot yourself for eating an extra cookie is just ridiculous. In the life of most people, there are so few joys, and here they also dare from sweets and frighten them with all sorts of passions.

Bodily pleasure is the source of all our pleasant feelings and positive thoughts. Take away bodily pleasure from a person, and he will be overwhelmed with frustration, anger and hatred. His thinking will become perverted, his creativity will dry up. He will develop a self-destructive mindset.
Alexander Lowen - "Pleasure: A Creative Approach to Life"

By the way, thoughts about the dangers of sweets in themselves are much more harmful than that same sweet. When you eat a cake and think about how harmful it is and what you need to stop, then it is your thoughts that hurt you. more harm than a cake. Think about it!

Moreover, how do you know why your body wanted this particular candy or this particular cookie? You don't rip anything. You choose something specific. A specific type of cookie, or a favorite cake, but not anyhow.

Maybe your body simply lacks precisely those substances that are contained in these products? Well, give it to him! And don't brainwash yourself.

Another thing is to think about what you are doing. Be aware of the process of eating sweets, feel it, enjoy it, and finally, do not throw yourself sweets at full automatic. Meru will tell you your own body. Be aware and everything will be fine.

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A diet high in sugar has been linked to dementia, weight gain, diabetes, osteoporosis and more, so reducing its amount or completely eliminating it from the diet is a worthy goal.

Eating a lot of sweets can be detrimental to the body. Exposure to sugar can also cause health problems, such as disrupting the body's system responsible for regulating sugar or making a person more prone to tooth decay. When eating a lot of sugary foods, the body begins to desire more O There are more of them, which is why it is so difficult to get rid of addiction to sugar. However, the spices and herbs below can help satisfy sugar cravings without the harmful side effects.

Whether you're trying to eliminate carbs entirely from your diet, slightly reduce your carb intake, put your body into fat-burning mode, make sure your carbs are less harmful, or simply reduce your nighttime snacking urge, these supplements are a good remedy.
