
Stuffed cabbage in the oven. How to cook stuffed cabbage, step by step recipe with photos

Cabbage stuffed with minced meat is a tasty, satisfying, beautiful dish. You can cook for a family dinner, on a festive table.
All vegetables can be stuffed with something tasty, and then baked in the oven! But baking is not only delicious, but also healthy. So in vegetables, and today it is in cabbage that more vitamins are preserved!


white cabbage -700 g,

  • pork - 300 g,
  • beam - 4 pcs.
  • ghee - 110 g,
  • loaf - 100 g,
  • cream - 150 ml,
  • meat broth - 400 g,
  • pepper, salt, herbs.

Cooking: Take the middle fork. We remove the upper leaves from the cabbage and lower the forks into boiling water, the main thing is not to overdo it, I think 7 minutes will be enough. We take it out, let the water drain.

We put a sheet of foil under the cabbage, open the leaves of the head, reach the middle part, cut it out together with the stump.

Prepare the filling: chop the onions, fry in 2 tablespoons of ghee.

We pass the pork twice through a meat grinder, mix with a fried onion, add a loaf soaked in cream. Don't forget to salt and pepper.

Now gradually fill the head with stuffing.

We heat the oil, pour the head of cabbage on top. Wrap in foil. From below we pierce the foil in several places. Leave a hole on top through which we will add the broth. We put the head of cabbage in a tall form, pour the broth into which we add seasoning to your liking, send it to the oven for one hour. During cooking, we take out the form several times, pour the broth into the foil.

The recipe for stuffed cabbage that accidentally fell into my hands interested me and my friends very much, and therefore I decided, at the first opportunity, to cook this dish.

It turned out not to be as complicated as it seemed, but I changed the recipe a little, it turned out to be a very original and tasty dish.

In order to stuff the cabbage, we take a medium-sized head of cabbage, remove the upper leaves, cut out the stalk and put it in salted boiling water.

Cook the cabbage for a quarter of an hour so that the leaves become soft. While the cabbage is cooling, prepare the minced meat.

We take about 400 grams of minced meat, 250 grams of canned mushrooms (you can take fresh or dried ones, after boiling them) one large onion, a glass of boiled rice, parsley, dill, cilantro and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Onions, garlic and herbs need to be chopped, mixed with minced meat, rice and mushrooms, add salt and pepper.

At the cooled head of cabbage, carefully bend the leaves. If the most extreme of them separate from the plug, this is not a problem, they can then be attached. Having disassembled the whole head of cabbage, we begin to stuff it. First, lay the minced meat where the stalk was cut out. Then we take the minced meat and put it in a thin layer on the cabbage leaves in the center of the fork.

We close the minced meat with the next leaves of cabbage, pressing with our hands and so on layer by layer until the entire head of cabbage is stuffed.

Put the cabbage in the mold. If the shape is free, then the leaves can be fixed by wrapping them with thread or piercing them with wooden skewers.

Place another 200 grams of mushrooms around the cabbage, pour in broth or water, cover with a lid and put in the oven to stew. If the form does not close tightly, then periodically you need to pour water on top of the cabbage.

After forty minutes, remove the lid, grease the head of cabbage with mayonnaise on top, leave it in the oven again for a quarter of an hour, then pour satibela or diluted tomato paste on top. We put in the oven

in fifteen minutes the stuffed cabbage is ready. We shift the head of cabbage to a dish, laying out the mushrooms stewed with cabbage along the edges.

This was my first time making stuffed cabbage. For those who want to repeat my experience, I want to give some advice.

From the outermost leaves of cabbage, remove thickened places. After the fork is dismantled, remove the small leaves in the middle that cannot be separated, chop finely and add them to the minced meat. I used a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise for lubrication, or you could generously pour it over the entire fork.

This dish is suitable for dinner or lunch, to the festive table. It's easy to prepare and looks amazing. But the taste of stuffed cabbage - well-known, beloved by many cabbage rolls, will not spoil the figure, they do not threaten harmony - about 85 Kcal per 100 g.

Stuffed Cabbage Recipe

stuffed cabbage


  • savoy cabbage or young white cabbage - 1 pc.
  • 100 g minced pork or beef (or chicken, turkey)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 15 g long grain rice
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • a mixture of peppers - to your taste (I have "herbal pepper" - a mixture of: coriander, marjoram, paprika, mustard, bay leaf, horseradish
  • black pepper

For the stuffed cabbage sauce:

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 0.5 l milk
  • pepper
  • ground nutmeg
  • dill (greens) - 1 small bunch
  • tomato paste or tomato sauce - optional and to taste

How to cook stuffed cabbage:

  • Peel the head of cabbage from the outer leaves, place in a saucepan, pour salted boiling water over it, cook for 10 minutes until it becomes soft. Take out the cabbage, put it in a colander and let the water drain, cool, remove a couple of top leaves if they are too dense. Turn the cabbage with the stalk up, carefully cut the middle with a sharp knife (with a triangle, as the watermelon is outlined).
  • Boil rice until half cooked in lightly salted water.
  • Onion cut into cubes, fry in oil. If not too hard cuts of cabbage are left, then you can also finely chop them like on, fry together with onions in vegetable oil. Mix with meat, rice, finely chopped cabbage and raw egg, season with herbs, black pepper and salt.
  • Gently, using a spoon, fill the cabbage with the filling, slightly pushing the leaves aside. It’s good if you can fill all the gaps of the cabbage with minced meat, while forming a cabbage head, and then turn it upside down.

I met another description of how to stuff cabbage in its entirety - without turning it over. On the contrary, we leave the stump, boil the cabbage and stuff it with minced meat, moving from the top. It didn’t work out for me, I couldn’t bend the leaves and form a head of cabbage. So it’s already a matter of technology, as you like it more and it will turn out. It is important that the stuffed cabbage turns out to be well-filled with minced meat and look beautiful and neat.

  • Grease the whole stuffed cabbage with butter, wrap in foil, bake for 30 minutes at 180C.


  • Fry the flour in butter (lightly, do not let it brown too much), dilute with cold milk, boil for 5 minutes. Tomato sauce goes well with stuffed cabbage, at this point it's time to add pasta or tomato sauce to the pan and simmer everything together for a couple more minutes.

I prefer white sauce, although for a change I sometimes cook stuffed cabbage with tomato sauce. Season the finished sauce with salt, pepper and nutmeg, mix with chopped dill. Serve the sauce with stuffed cabbage.

You can, of course, use sour cream, it will generally turn out to be a classic of the genre. Toppings can also be different. I don’t eat meat now, so I appreciated minced buckwheat with fried onions, carrots and mushrooms (champignons), bell peppers, as well as fish (salmon, pike, trout, tuna, in fact, with any, to your taste, river or marine fish). Very tasty, I recommend. The cooking process is similar.

Bon appetit!

Do you want to surprise yourself and your loved ones with a delicious and original dish? Cabbage stuffed with meat is just perfect for this. Sharing the recipe!

  • cabbage 1 piece
  • Mince 1 Kilogram
  • Bulb 2 Pieces
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Bread 200 grams
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Spices 1-2 teaspoons

seasoning for meat, salt, pepper, dry herbs

  • Vegetable oil 1-2 teaspoons
  • 1. The recipe for cabbage stuffed with meat is simple, although it requires some effort. First you need to prepare minced meat. Meat (pork or beef) wash, dry, cut into portions and pass through a meat grinder.

    2. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a pan. Peel onions and carrots, cut into small sticks or cubes (carrots can be grated). Send to the pan and fry until golden brown.

    3. Add fried vegetables and bread pre-soaked in water or milk to minced meat. Salt, pepper and add your favorite spices to taste.

    4. Send 1 egg there and mix everything thoroughly.

    5. Cabbage must be boiled a little and disassembled into leaves. Prepare a colander and line the bottom with gauze.

    6. Put the largest leaves of cabbage on gauze.

    7. Now you need to grease the leaves with minced meat.

    8. Again the turn of leaves, now you can take smaller sheets.

    9. In this way, cabbage is formed from the remnants of minced meat and leaves.

    10. Next, you can wrap the cabbage in foil and send it to the oven. Or wrap it with gauze and send it to a double boiler (slow cooker) and steam it. That's all, cabbage stuffed with meat is ready at home.

    Prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance and start cooking the recipe. Instead of meat, you can use finely chopped fish fillets.

    Sort any coarse-grained variety of rice, rinse thoroughly under running water until the water runs clear. Take a small cauldron, pour some water and lay out the rice. Cook rice over low heat until half cooked.

    While the rice is boiling, prepare the filling. Rinse the chicken meat well, separate from the bones and cut with a knife into very small pieces. If you take beef or other meat, you can pass it through a meat grinder.

    Take a frying pan or a small cauldron, pour in a little vegetable oil and put a finely chopped onion head into it. Fry the onion until golden brown and put the pieces of chicken meat or minced meat. Mix everything well and fry for about 10 minutes. on a small fire.

    From the cabbage head, carefully, so as not to break, separate the upper wide leaves. Put the leaves in a wide cup and pour boiling water for 5 minutes to soften the leaves. To make it easier to separate the leaves from the head, you can take a wide pan to fit the head, pour water and boil the cabbage forks for several minutes. The leaves will become soft and separate easily.

    Sort a bunch of parsley, rinse well and finely chop with a knife.

    Then take a deepened bowl, put in it rice, fried chicken, chopped greens, salt to taste and add ground black allspice for additional flavor. Thoroughly mix the whole mass until a homogeneous consistency.

    Once the filling is ready, take a heat-resistant form. Lubricate the container with vegetable oil and put a cabbage leaf on the bottom, and evenly distribute the meat filling on it. And so alternate until you use all the leaves and minced meat. The top layer should be a cabbage leaf. Cover the top of the form with a sheet of foil and place in an oven preheated to 220 ° C. Bake 25-30 min.

    When the casserole is ready, remove the pan from the oven, remove the foil and place on a flat dish or wide plate, turning the pan upside down. This is such a beautiful dish. Amazing aroma and unique taste. Cook for your family. Treat and surprise your friends. This dish can be safely served on the table to guests. I am sure that from such a treat the impressions will be unforgettable.

    For lovers of spicy dishes, spicy seasonings such as adjika or spicy salads are perfect with a casserole. You can experiment with the filling by adding various spices - cumin, coriander, etc. They will give the dish its own special flavor.

    Bon Appetit everyone!
