
How to prepare different types of coffee. What is added to coffee: delicious ideas and bold experiments

The most popular drink is definitely coffee. It doesn't matter if you've just woken up, it's past dinner time, it's the afternoon, you can't do without it. Any occasion is good for coffee.
There are a few little tricks that will make sure you always drink your coffee differently.

Milk coffee cubes

To enjoy a refreshing coffee, especially in the summer, prepare coffee cubes - brew espresso and freeze it. Once added to milk, the cubes will immediately defrost.

Coffee cubes with almond milk and cinnamon

You can make several cubes of coffee with almond milk. Pour some almond milk into a freezer container, add coffee and sprinkle with cinnamon. Delicious!

Coffee with coconut milk

Another very tasty drink is coffee with coconut milk. In order to prepare it, it is enough to pour coconut milk into a glass, add a little coffee and sweeten it.

Salt coffee

It happens that you drink coffee, the taste of which you do not like. Add some salt to your coffee and you will solve the problem.

flavored coffee

Often you want coffee with a different flavor, such as cinnamon, ginseng, lemon, or chocolate. Just add the flavor you want to the cup.
If you want a stronger coffee, brew freshly ground coffee beans. The taste will change radically!

coffee energy

If you need an extra boost of energy in the morning, add chocolate to your coffee. Its beneficial substances will help cheer up and create a special mood.

Coffee brewed with sugar

Add sugar to the cezve along with the coffee. While the coffee is brewing, the sugar will melt. The taste of the drink will be very delicate.

Foam coffee

If you like to drink coffee with foam, heat the milk and whisk. Add in coffee and cinnamon with sugar to taste.

Pour coffee into a hot cup

For coffee to be delicious, the cup must be hot. Heat it up in the microwave so the coffee doesn't cool as quickly.

Coffee with chocolate

Do you like to drink coffee with fragrant chocolate? Try putting chocolate directly into a cup and pour over hot coffee. The chocolate will begin to melt and give the coffee a special flavor.

Coffee can be sweet and bitter, cold and hot, warming and cooling. Most of the recipes for this drink appeared as a result of a random coincidence, such as glace.

The history of an unusual combination

Coffee with ice cream began to be prepared in Austria, although the name itself is of French origin, because glass, and this is the name of the drink, in French means cold or frozen.

Nothing is known about the reliability and veracity of the history of the appearance of the glase. But the story goes that 2 in 1 cool coffee was first served to Archduke Maximilian I by his personal chef. The royal was very fond of the invigorating drink and drank it too often. Once again, the duke demanded to quickly serve him a cup of coffee, but the cook hesitated, moreover, a piece of cold dessert - a frozen orange in milk - accidentally fell into a cup with a drink. In order not to anger the ruler, the cook served him coffee in this form. The drink was to the taste and became a frequent guest on the table of the Archduke.

Soon the tradition of preparing cold coffee with dessert migrated to the people, acquired new interpretations and was called glace. This is how this word is spelled correctly, and not in the glass, as many mistakenly do.

Original presentation of a relative of the glace - affogato

But glace is not the only option for making a cold drink. What is another name for ice cream coffee? This is an affogato, the preparation technology of which differs from the classical one. These two types of drinks have one thing in common - a combination of an invigorating effect from ground grains and a pleasant taste sensation from a dessert. Undoubtedly, the calorie content of both is much higher than the classic espresso and is approximately 125 kcal. Therefore, regularly drinking such delicious coffee is harmful to the figure.

During the preparation process, depending on the technology, ice cream can be put first and pour coffee over it, or vice versa, cold ice cream can be added to espresso. In addition to these two ingredients, chocolate, caramel, syrup, milk and even alcohol in the form of cognac can be used. Most espresso or latte based recipes can be replicated at home.

cooking recipes

Traditionally, black coffee with ice cream is served in tall Irish glasses or wine glasses with straws and a long-handled dessert spoon.

To make classic coffee glaze, you need:

  1. Prepare 2 shots of espresso (from 2 tsp. ground beans to 140-150 ml of water) in a coffee machine or Turk.
  2. Cool down to 10 degrees.
  3. Pour into a glass and put creamy ice cream (regular ice cream without fillers).

The correct proportion is 1:4. This means that the ice cream should be 1/4 of the espresso. Black coffee with ice cream can be prepared on the basis of an instant drink. The technology is the same.

whipped glace recipe

  1. Brew 200 ml of natural coffee, cool.
  2. Pour into a shaker, add 2 tbsp. l. ice cream, sugar optional and 3-4 ice cubes.
  3. Shake until foamy, pour into tall glasses.

Such a drink quenches thirst well and gives strength.

Recipe for coffee with ice cream and cream

  1. Brew 150 ml espresso.
  2. Beat 2 tbsp. l. heavy cream (33%) with 1 tsp. powdered sugar.
  3. Pour chilled coffee after ice cream, which is placed 50 grams at the bottom of the glass.
  4. Pour whipped cream on top and sprinkle with chocolate.

In this recipe, an unusual way to prepare the coffee itself. To deprive him of bitterness, 1 tsp is first put in the Turk. sugar, a pinch of salt and then ground grains. Next, the ingredients are poured with water and put on fire. The first foam is removed and laid out in a glass. Again put the Turk on the fire and warm up to a new portion of foam. Remove the cezve from the fire and throw in an ice cube to cool.

Such a drink has a rich and delicate taste, they drink it through a straw.

Recipe with cognac

  1. Boil 100 ml of espresso with sugar in a Turk, let it cool.
  2. Pour into an Irish glass and top with a scoop of ice cream.
  3. Top with 5 ml brandy.

If cognac is not suitable for this dessert due to its high strength, it can be replaced with liquor.

Recipe for white glace with milk

  1. Boil 100 ml of strong espresso with sugar, cool.
  2. Add 100 ml of chilled milk.
  3. Put in a scoop of ice cream.
  4. Decorate the dessert with chocolate chips.

This is a very gentle, beautiful and delicious coffee with a cap of ice cream, it is not for nothing that it is called white.

There are recipes for how to make coffee with ice cream called affogato. It uses hot espresso coffee, which is traditionally poured over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Additionally, liqueurs or toppings can be used, which are poured over ice cream, and after that everything is poured with espresso. Dessert is served in glass bowls with a spoon. Ordinary vanilla ice cream can be replaced with chocolate ice cream or another, but not fruit or berry. These are all variations on the affogato theme.

They make delicious summer cocktails with ice cream and coffee. Their preparation involves the use, in addition to the two main ingredients, also milk, syrups, sugar, ice. The easiest way is to beat the ingredients in a mixer or blender until thick and airy and serve in cocktail glasses.

Glace and affogato are seasonal drinks from the 2 in 1 series. Their popularity peaks in July-August in summer cafes. It is also very easy to repeat them at home, the main thing is to find your favorite recipe.

A very interesting article for coffee lovers, which offers many options for what to add to it in order to diversify the taste of the drink. Ideas from simple to the most unusual and sophisticated combinations! […]

A very interesting article for coffee lovers, which offers many options for what to add to it in order to diversify the taste of the drink. Ideas from simple to the most unusual and sophisticated combinations!

Coffee, coffee, coffee... He's everywhere. The enticing smell from the cezve will decorate the beginning of any day. A hastily drunk cup of black coffee in the morning will give energy on weekdays. A coffee machine in the office gathers colleagues for casual conversations and a break in the middle of the working day.

On a rainy and windy day, a cup of coffee to go warms and reconciles us with adverse weather conditions. This article is for those who cannot live without coffee and, moreover, like to experiment. Today we’ll talk about how to diversify the taste of this wonderful drink.

We offer you options for coffee additives from the widely known to the most unexpected. The taste of coffee goes very well with a wide variety of products. And, perhaps, some of the proposed ingredients will genuinely surprise you! So, let's start to understand what is added to coffee to make the drink truly original.

What do they drink coffee with?

Spiced coffee

Cinnamon and cardamom are probably well-known and common coffee additives, but they are not the only spices that can emphasize and set off coffee flavor. When boiling, you can also add cloves, ginger, nutmeg, even allspice, bay leaf and ... salt to the drink!

If coffee with sugar has long been a classic favorite by most, then a variation with salt is definitely an option for gourmets. Connoisseurs of this combination say that salt more fully reveals the deep taste of coffee. Why not try? These ingredients are always at hand!

Coffee with milk

A cup of coffee with milk, condensed milk or cream has not surprised anyone for a long time. But if you add not cow's milk, but, for example, coconut milk to a black drink, we get a completely new shade of taste.

Well, lovers of experiments will be interested to know that there are recipes for making coffee with fermented milk products: kefir. Sour cream and yogurt. Usually, very strong coffee is brewed for this, poured into a glass with the second ingredient and whisked for a short time until smooth.

Coffee with sweets

A real little feast for coffee lovers with a sweet tooth: coffee with ice cream (glaze), milk, white and dark chocolate or delicate marshmallows called marshmallows.

For a change, marmalade or toffees boiled with milk are added to the hot drink.

Coffee with alcohol

Alcoholic drinks with coffee is another winning tandem in terms of taste. In addition to the usual combination of espresso with cognac, brandy and whiskey, you can try adding sweet liquors to the drink, as well as tequila, rum, and even fortified sweet wines.

Fruits and dried fruits

An unusual and, moreover, useful combination - coffee with lemon is known to many. But few people know that there are recipes with orange, peaches, as well as dried fruits - raisins, figs and dried apricots.

Best Coffee Syrups

Americans and Europeans began to add syrup to coffee in coffee shops several decades ago. Why not try this experiment at home? Any sweet syrups will do: mint, caramel, maple, berry.

Coffee with nuts

Chopped roasted nuts added to coffee will not only enhance its taste, but also make a cup of drink more satisfying, replacing a full-fledged snack. Any nuts of your choice will do: peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts.

Original coffee recipes

Here is a twist - unusual additives in coffee. If you think that nothing will surprise you anymore, here are the most unexpected ingredients to add to coffee:

  • Butter. Yes Yes exactly! Butter coffee is reminiscent of some traditional drinks from around the world, which also include an invigorating drink, local spices and oil. It is definitely worth a try - such a cocktail has a velvety creamy taste and is very nutritious, besides, the oil enhances the tonic effect of coffee.
  • Egg. Every coffee lover should replenish his collection of impressions by drinking a cup of such an unusual drink. Egg yolk and egg white are beaten separately with sugar, coffee is brewed and decorated with this delicate foam on top.
  • Cocoa. Oddly enough, such an independent drink as cocoa can also be a great addition to coffee, giving it chocolate notes and softening the taste.
  • Cheese. Put a piece of cream cheese in a cup of coffee, mix. The cheese melts a little, acquires a pleasant coffee flavor, and you can have a snack with it, having finished the drink itself.

As we can see, you can combine the world's most popular tonic drink with almost anything. Do not be afraid to experiment and find new flavors!

Warm days have already arrived, which means that summer is just around the corner, with its inherent heat in many regions of our country. And many coffee lovers will be forced to cut down on the amount of invigorating drink they consume, or even completely abandon it during the heat.

After all, a hot drink during this period does not cause much desire to drink it. But, dear coffee lovers, do not despair! You can still recharge your energy and maintain your blood pressure in the normal range if necessary.

Iced coffee will come to your rescue in the summer. It may come as a surprise to some, but iced coffee is quite common and there are many recipes that use it as a base.

Here we will take a closer look at one of the most common chilled coffee drinks - coffee with ice cream. After all, what is the most popular product in the summer?

Of course - ice cream, cool, with a variety of flavors and fillings. Coffee with such an additive acquires an amazing creamy taste.

Glace - that's what coffee with ice cream is called

Coffee paired with ice cream is called glace, which comes from an interpretation of the French pronunciation of the word "frozen". History is silent about the specific era and place of appearance of this drink.

Many tend to Austria, someone believes that the drink came from France, probably because of the name of the drink. Most likely, in any country where a drink made from coffee beans was popular and the technology for the production of ice cream was known, sooner or later people came to this drink.

It's just that France and Austria have always been more visited by tourists, and there were quite a lot of travelers from these countries.

But all this does not matter, the main thing is that coffee-glace has become known to the general public, and we have the opportunity to enjoy its taste.

You can easily prepare it yourself, but besides this, coffee-glase is common in many cafes and coffee houses, even at McDonald's. In the menu of this institution, the drink is listed as “Coffee Glace”, and its serving contains 120 kilocalories. You can reduce the calorie content of your homemade drink by reducing the amount of sugar.

But due to ice cream, this type of coffee will have a weighty calorie content, albeit not very large. But coffee alone is rarely drunk, right? Therefore, if you follow your figure, then you should not drink it too often.

And isolated cases of consumption will not particularly affect your figure.

How to cook

There are a lot of options for making coffee with a glass, but remember one significant nuance: for a glass, it must be chilled. You can safely add ice cream to a hot coffee drink, but it will be just a drink with an additive and nothing more.

Here are some examples of recipes that will allow you to enjoy chilled coffee.

classic glace

The most common delivery option.

First of all, coffee is prepared: it is brewed in a coffee maker or a Turk.

Then you need to let it cool down. After the base has cooled, we take a glass goblet, put ice cream on the bottom, preferably in the form of a ball, pour coffee on top.

Spread whipped cream on top of this. In principle, the drink is ready, but for a brighter taste, you can rub chocolate on top of the drink.

For faster cooling, you can add an ice cube to the base.

coffee breakfast

In hot weather, it is very difficult for many people to eat at least something for breakfast. Just for such cases, this coffee-glace recipe is very suitable - you will drink an invigorating drink and saturate your body with calories, which will be enough for the entire beginning of the working day.

To prepare a drink you need:

  • Egg yolks - 1-2 pieces;
  • Natural ground coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ice cream - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar to taste.

Put the coffee on to brew. At this time, beat the yolks with sugar. When the coffee is ready, put the yolks on a slow fire and pour the base over them, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes thick.

Let the drink cool down. Then add ice cream to the mixture. Your breakfast is ready. The calorie content of such a drink lies within 300 kilocalories, depending on the amount of sugar and ice cream.

Coffee shake with ice cream

Why not treat yourself to a whipped coffee smoothie? What is required for this:

  • Chilled coffee - 1 cup;
  • Ice cream, soft - 4 tablespoons;
  • Chocolate syrup - 1 tablespoon;
  • Whipped cream - to taste;
  • Milk - as needed.

Place coffee and ice cream in mixing bowl. Mix with a blender. If the mixture is too thick, thin with milk to your desired consistency.

Pour the mixture into a glass, place a cap of whipped cream on top. Garnish with syrup. This drink should be served immediately after preparation.

Serving coffee glass

The classic serving of this coffee is to fill the drink in a special glass in the Irish style. These glasses have thick walls and a thick handle. But if you don’t have such dishes, then you can serve the glass in transparent tall glasses.

What is required to serve is a dessert spoon, designed to scoop up cream and ice cream, and a cocktail straw, through which they drink coffee.

You can decorate such drinks with syrup stains, chocolate chips, you can serve without decorations. In addition to them, you can provide cakes, chocolates, berries.

On this acquaintance with this delicious drink is over. Now you know how not to deprive yourself of coffee in the summer, and in any other season this drink will be in place.

In cold and damp weather, you can not cool it, but add ice cream immediately. But if you follow the figure, then remember that you should not drink such coffee too often, you should also not put too many additives, it is better to reduce them to the minimum possible.

Bon appetit!

Ice cream coffee is an amazing combination that can be enjoyed all year round - today there are plenty of them: with cinnamon and whipped cream, alcohol and chocolate, refreshing, tonic and invigorating. Particular attention is paid to etiquette - for convenience, drinks are served with straws in tall transparent glasses.

How to make coffee with ice cream?

Glace is a recipe that allows you to create a tonic drink from just two components - coffee and ice cream. To do this, freshly brewed coffee must be cooled to 40 degrees to prevent the rapid melting of ice cream, and strain. Pour into a tall glass, fill half, add ice cream and serve.

  1. Coffee with the addition of ice cream and egg yolks will appeal to fans of rich drinks. To prepare 80 g of powdered sugar, beat with two yolks and 150 ml of freshly brewed coffee. Heat the mass in a water bath for 15 minutes, pour into glasses, put on a ball of ice cream and pour over caramel syrup.
  2. At the end of the working day, a cup of coffee with ice cream will help relieve fatigue. To prepare, you need to boil in 250 ml of water and 30 g of ground coffee. Strain, pour into a blender bowl and beat with 40 g of ice cream and 20 ml of liquor.

Coffee with ice cream is a recipe that allows you to move away from the classic glaze and serve the drink hot. This solution will be an excellent tonic for breakfast, when there is no time at all to prepare the classic version. In this case, you do not need to bother with cooling, you can simply put ice cream in a hot drink and enjoy the taste in a couple of seconds.


  • ground coffee - 25 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • ice cream - 40 g.


  1. Pour cold water over coffee and bring to a boil twice.
  2. Strain, add sugar and stir.
  3. Gently place ice cream on top.
  4. Wait for the ice cream to melt a little.
  5. Coffee with melting ice cream should be served immediately.

Fans of non-standard solutions can serve with frappe-style ice cream. A refreshing drink made from coffee, milk and ice, which comes from hot countries, is incredibly popular this season. It owes this to its excellent taste and ease of preparation: you only need to whip milk and ice cream into a lush foam, add coffee and ice cubes.


  • espresso coffee - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • ice cream - 120 g;
  • ice cubes - 4 pcs.


  1. Whip milk with ice cream until foamy.
  2. Place ice cubes in glasses.
  3. Pour in milk with ice cream.
  4. Add coffee.
  5. Cold coffee with ice cream is served with a straw immediately after preparation.

Coffee with a scoop of ice cream is distinguished not only by its appetizing serving, but also by its original taste, if you use fruit. Its widest range, not high calorie content and reasonable cost allows you to easily, quickly and cheaply create fragrant and healthy invigorating drinks, in accordance with the classic glasse coffee recipe.


  • water - 450 ml;
  • ground coffee - 60 g;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • fruit ice cream -50 g.


  1. Pour ground coffee into water, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  2. Let it brew a little, strain.
  3. Cool, pour into a glass, put a scoop of ice cream on top.
  4. Sprinkle coffee with popsicles with cinnamon and serve.

Coffee with ice cream at home is always unlimited possibilities for new solutions. So, you can make changes to the traditional recipe using a regular banana. This exotic fruit will add vitamins, a light fruity flavor and nutrition to the drink, which will turn coffee into a quickly satiating healthy dessert.


  • strong coffee - 250 ml;
  • ice cream - 60 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.


  1. Strain the coffee and refrigerate.
  2. Pour into a blender bowl, add ice cream and banana.
  3. Whisk until smooth, pour into glasses and season with cinnamon.
  4. Garnish coffee with ice cream and banana with cinnamon.

Those who have already tried the classic sundae drink can make black coffee with ice cream using the chocolate variety. Such ice cream will not only give the drink a rich taste and amazing aroma, but also enhance the tonic effect, since it contains chocolate, which is an excellent tool for giving vivacity and good mood.


  • black natural coffee - 250 ml;
  • chocolate ice cream - 30 g;
  • chocolate - 20 g;
  • chocolate sauce - 10 ml.


  1. Strain hot coffee, add chocolate and hold on fire until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Remove from heat, cool slightly, put ice cream on top.
  3. Garnish with ice cream coffee before serving.

White glasse is one of the popular desserts, the peculiarity of which is that it is prepared with milk taken in equal proportions with chilled coffee. Thanks to this, the drink acquires a soft, delicate creamy taste and a pleasant light beige shade. The recipe is simple: coffee and milk are mixed, a scoop of ice cream is placed on top and served.


  • strong coffee - 180 ml;
  • milk - 180 ml
  • ice cream - 100 g.


  1. Strain the brewed coffee, cool and mix with milk.
  2. Pour coffee into glasses, put a scoop of ice cream on top.

Traditionally, glassee coffee is served in tall glass goblets with a capacity not exceeding 250 ml, set on a saucer, with an ice cream scoop and a couple of straws for easy drinking. Such serving etiquette implies certain rules for drinking this drink, the main methods of which can be found below.

  1. Before drinking glasse, determine the temperature. If the drink is cold, you can eat part of the ice cream with a spoon, and stir the rest with coffee. This method will allow you to achieve an interesting layered texture and experiment with taste.
  2. If the coffee is still warm, use a straw. It will not only protect tooth enamel from temperature differences, but also allow you to enjoy the same taste difference that goes from bitter to sweet.
