
How to make delicious lemonade at home. Homemade lemonade from lemons, grapefruit and honey

A drink called "Lemonade" appeared in the 17th century. It was originally made from lemon tincture And lemon juice. This is where the name "lemonized" came from.

Lemonade is a sweet non-alcoholic, often carbonated drink. Ideally, it should have a cooling property. By the way, lemonade was one of the first drinks that began to be produced in industrial scale. Moreover, for cooking they took not only lemons, but also other fruits, as well as berries.

Making lemonade at home is not that difficult. There are dozens of cooking methods. The most popular ones are listed below.

How to make lemonade at home?

homemade lemonade make it non-carbonated. The recipe for the drink is not difficult to remember. Of the ingredients, only lemon zest is needed, which must (according to the rules) be insisted on alcohol, lemon juice, sugar, water, as well as saffron or turmeric (as a dye, if desired). All components must be mixed and put the drink at night. By morning, the lemonade will be ready - it should be served with ice.

However, there are some recipes that do not require aging in the cold. Often in a large number of sugar is added to water and boiled until completely dissolved. And after that this sweet syrup mixed with lemon juice, diluted with water and lemonade is obtained. For extra taste you can add spicy herbs, such as ginger or mint.

lemonade recipes

For "Homemade Lemonade" you will need: 220 g of sugar (1 glass), 250 ml of lemon juice (1 glass, that is, about 5 lemons), 750 ml - 2 liters of sparkling water and 250 ml of ordinary water.

Mix sugar and water in a saucepan and set aside slow fire. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the resulting syrup and add lemon juice. If you don't want lemon pulp in your lemonade, strain it. In fact, the syrup for lemonade is ready. Before serving, add sparkling water. If you like a concentrated drink, then it is enough to add three glasses of soda, if the desired taste should still be noticeable, then you can dilute the syrup with two liters.

How to make homemade lemonade?

lovers exotic species lemonade can experiment. One option is to add to homemade recipe» small fixes. For example, add to lemonade pineapple juice, apricot nectar and ginger ale(it needs twice as much as the previous ingredients). In the end, it will turn out great. tropical cocktail. Can add garden berry such as strawberries.

Lemonade "Mrs. Thalia" is not only delicious, but also insanely healthy. After all, the composition is completely natural. However, the drink, so to speak, is not for everybody.

For lemonade you need 2 green apple, 2 fresh cucumber, 2 stalks petiole celery, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of dill and 1 bunch of fresh mint.

Cut the apples into slices, removing the seeds, but leaving the peel. Cut the celery into small cubes. Chop the cucumber into slices. It will add flavor to the drink, especially if it comes straight from the garden. Peel the lemon and remove the pits. Otherwise, the lemonade will be unnecessarily bitter. We cut into rings, the rings, in turn, into quarters. A similar procedure is done with an orange.

Next, finely chop the dill and parsley. But it is better to break the mint with your hands. We lay out the ingredients in a container, for example, in a jug in which the lemonade will be infused. The proposed amount is enough for about 4 liters. We fill cold water, put in the refrigerator and take out only after a day. Lemonade is best served with ice.

The so-called "Turkish Lemonade", however, like all the others, is very rich in vitamin C. It perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst in the heat, and it will also come in handy not to wilt during the cold season. By the way, it is valuable in that it does not need to be cooked, which means that vitamins are stored in it.

For 5 liters of water you need 7 lemons, 500-700 grams of sugar (to taste) and a few mint leaves. However, you can do without it.

Lemons must be washed thoroughly, as they will go into lemonade along with the zest. Then cut into small pieces. Put the sliced ​​lemon in a bowl, sprinkle a small amount sugar and add mint leaves. Grind the resulting mixture into a paste. After that, pour the lemons ground with water with cold water and add sugar to taste. It should be remembered here that sugar in cold water takes a long time to dissolve, so be careful not to over-sweeten. Do not pour the mixture hot water otherwise you will get a bitter drink.

Put the resulting mixture with water in the refrigerator overnight. It is in the refrigerator, at room temperature, lemonade can also become bitter. In the morning, the resulting drink is filtered through cheesecloth and served.

Easy Ginger Lemonade Recipe

Suitable for gardeners next recipe refreshing drink called Currant Lemonade. It will require: 4 liters or 16 glasses of blackcurrant, 1 glass of sugar, juice of 2 lemons and plain or sparkling water.

Pour currants with one glass of water. Boil until the berries are soft. In this case, sugar should not be added. It can make the currants tough and the berries will not give up their flavor. After that, strain the syrup, we no longer need currants. Mix the juice with sugar and heat until it is completely dissolved. After that, pour the juice into the bottle, close and let cool. Next, put it in the refrigerator. The resulting syrup is enough for 4 servings of lemonade. Mix the resulting juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1, you can also add lemon juice to the water. Serve on the table with ice. Recipes for lemonades and non-alcoholic cocktails

Meanwhile, cut one lemon in half and cut into thin slices. Next, mix with mint leaves and put in a jug or other container. Sprinkle it all brown sugar and sprinkle a little with a pestle. After the lemonade is aged, pour it into the prepared mixture and dilute with water (from 2 to 4 glasses). By the way, if in this recipe you slightly reduce the amount of lemon and lime, and then pour in alcohol, you get the popular Mojito drink.

The editors of the site wish their readers Bon appetit and advises not to be afraid to experiment. Lemonade is suitable for hot weather, as a coolant. It can also be cooked in winter using ginger and raspberries.
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An interesting story is the origin of lemonade, which, like many popular products, is considered the result of an accidental mistake. Back in the days of the Sun King at the French court, the cupbearer accidentally mixed up barrels of lemon juice and wine, but the king liked it so much new drink what's up with it light hand lemonade diluted with sparkling water became popular among the aristocracy. In Russia, lemonade appeared after it was brought by Peter I, and over time, the drink began to be consumed by all classes.

Benefits of homemade lemonade

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • sparkling water;
  • sugar (if needed)

Mixed components saturate the human body with vitamins B1, B2, D, A, C, P, enrich with calcium, copper, potassium, ascorbic acid and phosphorus. Most main ingredient homemade lemonade is a lemon that is familiar to us with its essential oils, antiseptic and bactericidal characteristics.

The healing effect of lemon extends to the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, metabolic disorders, scurvy, tonsillitis, vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis. We figured out the usefulness of the drink, but how to make lemonade at home? This will be discussed in our article.

How to make lemonade

A unique tonic is very easy to make: even a child can easily master its preparation. There are many lemonade recipes, but we will give examples of the most popular and healthy ones. It is wonderful that homemade lemonade can be safely offered to children: the main thing is to first make sure that the kids are not allergic to citrus fruits.

Classic children's lemonade

After adding sugar and boiling water, the container is closed with a lid and allowed to brew. Then the drink is cooled and served to the kids in beautiful cups. Do not forget that children love to be capricious, and therefore, during the preparation process, try not to get lemon stones and films that separate the slices into the liquid: they give the drink a bitter aftertaste.

family lemonade

For cooking, all the same products are taken: sugar, lemons and water, but in different proportions: 2 large lemons, 3 liters of water and 300 grams of granulated sugar. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the surface of citrus fruits, if possible, finely chop them, choosing seeds and films. Tip: In order not to lose precious juice when chopping, cut lemons in a plate, not on a cutting board!

How to make carbonated lemonade at home: recipe

The most popular is the option with the addition of sparkling water. We will now tell about it in more detail. To prepare the drink, take the following ingredients:

Put a container of water without gas on a small fire and add sugar there. Stirring constantly, wait for it to completely dissolve and cool sweet water. Lemons are processed in a standard way: they are washed with a brush under warm running water and cut, after which juice is squeezed out of them.

The resulting juice must be filtered, clearing the seeds and lemon films. Then add it to sugar syrup and, stirring well, strain again. Important: carbonated chilled water is added to lemon sugar syrup before drinking to taste!

Lemonade from oranges and lemons for a large company

Frozen fruits are poured over with water and cut into 8 slices, and then passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender to a mushy state. The mass must be poured with 1.5 glasses of water and left to infuse for 15 minutes. The mixture is filtered, mixed with sugar, lemon juice and the remaining water. The result is almost 5 liters of delicious natural drink!

How to make lemonade from citric acid

So, take the following components:

  1. 4 tsp citric acid.
  2. 150 gr. granulated sugar.
  3. 1 big lemon or an orange.
  4. 2-3 liters of purified water.

Wash the fruit and carefully cut the zest from it, in no case capturing the white skin, which is bitter: it is removed separately and discarded. Then the orange or lemon is crushed as finely as possible and mixed with the zest.

Meanwhile, dissolve the sugar in the water and bring the syrup to a boil. It's time to pour the zest with lemon or orange here and boil for about 5 minutes. After the drink is ready, strain it well through cheesecloth or a sieve. At the end, add citric acid to the lemonade and shake the mixture thoroughly. Refrigerate and serve.

Remember that the proportions of lemonade components can be changed depending on personal preferences. To make the drink even tastier, you can add fruits to the glass: cherries, raspberries, strawberries. And in order for the lemonade to become effervescent, pour soda into each glass at the very tip of the knife. We told you how to make lemonade at home from citric acid, and now we bring to your attention a few simple recipes tonic drinks that carry real benefit health.

The most useful lemonades: recipes

A soft drink should be pleasant to the taste and attractive to the eye. appearance. But most importantly, it should be of practical use to the body. This is the kind of lemonade we suggest you make at home.

First take care of the lemons: wash them and remove the zest. Ginger is peeled from the brown peel, then, together with the zest and pulp of the lemon, is passed through a meat grinder several times. In parallel, dissolve the sugar in heated water and pour the syrup into the twisted mixture: now let the mass infuse for 60 minutes.

Then the drink should be carefully strained and tasted: if there is too little sugar, add a spoonful and stir again. After that, feel free to put the drink in the refrigerator to cool. By the way, they store the leftovers of the drink in the same place. When serving lemonade, throw ice and mint leaves into the glass: this will further refresh the drink.

  • Useful tips: the squeezed zest left after cooking does not have to be thrown away! It is crushed with a blender or meat grinder, water with sugar and citric acid is added, and boiled over low heat until fragrant and delicious jam. From the remaining lemon zest, you can also make a decoction for rinsing the head with oily hair.
  • 1 pinch of natural saffron threads;
  • 1 lime;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 liter of water.

The preparation is the most elementary: in any way available to you, squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, mix it with sugar and saffron threads. Let the mixture brew for 10 minutes, cool and drink to your health!

Grate one cucumber coarse grater and remove the juice, and cut the second into thin rings. Cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it, and also cut the second into rings. Put chopped citrus fruits and vegetables on the bottom of a lemonade container, pour in cucumber-lemon juice, add sugar or honey to taste and fill everything with water. At the end of the preparation, throw basil sprigs into the lemonade and let the drink brew and cool. When serving, fill glasses with ice cubes and pour in lemonade.

So, we have shared with you the most popular recipes festive and everyday lemonades. In the process of cooking, you can safely experiment by adding other fruits. Whatever version of lemonade you choose, you can be sure: everyone will like the drink!

How to make lemonade at home
Do-it-yourself lemonade at home is much tastier and healthier than a purchased drink! Learn how to make lemonade at home using lemon, citric acid, and other ingredients.

Source: lady-blesk.ru

How to make lemonade

Wondering how to make lemonade at home? With our recipes and tips, it will be easy and fun.

By the way, like many amazing things, lemonade appeared due to a mistake. It happened in the courtyard french king Louis I. As the legend says, the cupbearer simply mixed up the barrels of wine and juice. He discovered the mistake already when he was carrying a glass to royal table. The poor fellow was very frightened, but he added water to the juice and served it to the king under the guise of a new drink. Louis I turned out to be a wise monarch and was able to appreciate the accidental invention of the butler.

At the beginning of the 20th century, carbonation and bottling technologies were introduced, and the production of lemonade acquired an industrial scale. Today manufacturers add to this wonderful drink many preservatives. It is better to spend a little time and make homemade lemonade that will be both tasty and healthy.

The basis of any lemonade is juice or juice mixture. Water is taken plain and mineral, carbonated and still. For sweetness, not only sugar is used, but also various syrups. If you are wondering how to make lemonade with original taste, then it is worth trying supplements from various herbs. For example, a very pleasant and refreshing drink will turn out if you add a little mint.

10 lemonade recipes for every taste

When preparing this drink, the main thing is to achieve the optimal combination of sweetness and acidity. It is due to the balance of flavors that lemonade quenches thirst so well.

classic lemonade

You will need 1 liter of quality water, juice of 3-4 lemons, ice and a little more than half a glass of sugar.

  1. In a saucepan, mix water and sugar, put on fire. Wait for the sugar to dissolve completely.
  2. Cool the syrup, mix with juice and water.
  3. Put the drink in the refrigerator.

You have little time and you are wondering how to make lemonade at home quickly? Just mix the peeled lemon with the rest of the ingredients in a blender and add water - it's quick and delicious.

Lemonade with cinnamon

You will need 10 lemons, 500 ml-2 liters of water, 300-400 g of sugar and 1 cinnamon stick.

  1. Remove the zest from the fruits, cut them in half, squeeze the juice, cool it.
  2. Boil water, add cinnamon stick, lemon peel and sugar. Mix everything and let the composition brew.
  3. Strain the infusion and cool slightly.
  4. Add juice and mix everything.

If desired, you can add grated ginger root.

spiced lemonade

You will need 5 lemons, mint, tarragon and basil (2 branches each), 500 ml of water, mint syrup taste.

  1. 1. Squeeze juice from lemons.
  2. 2. Chop the mint, basil and tarragon leaves, mix with the zest of 2-3 lemons.
  3. 3. Boil water in a saucepan, cool slightly, add a mixture of lemon zest and herbs. Let the mixture stand.
  4. 4. Strain the infusion, mix with lemon juice.
  5. 5. Chill the drink.

Strawberry Lavender Lemonade

You will need 1.5 liters of water, 250-300 g of strawberries, 2 lemons, 3 tablespoons of lavender beans, 6 tablespoons of sugar.

  1. 1. Fill the lavender with hot water (not boiling water). Leave for half an hour.
  2. 2. Strain the infusion through a sieve (if you cook with fresh lavender) or fine cheesecloth (if you chose dried lavender).
  3. 3. Mash the strawberries with a fork.
  4. 4. Mix all the ingredients in one bowl.
  5. 5. Leave the drink in the refrigerator overnight or at least for a few hours.

This drink can be poured into glasses directly with strawberry pulp, but if you serve it to festive table, then it is better to strain.

Green tea lemonade

If you are wondering how to make homemade lemonade as refreshing and invigorating as possible, then this option is just for you.

You will need 4 cups of brewed green tea, juice of 4 lemons, 2 cups of water, 0.5 cup of mint leaves. Just pour tea into a jug, add lemon juice, mint and water, chill.

orange lemonade

You don't have to limit yourself to lemons. Orange analogue is also delicious and easy to prepare.

  1. You will need 3 large oranges, 2 liters of water, 1.5 cups of sugar, 15 g of citric acid.
  2. 1. Pour boiling water over oranges, peel, place in the freezer overnight.
  3. 2. Slightly thawed orange pulp, chop it in a blender and pour a liter of water.
  4. 3. Let the drink brew for 20 minutes, filter it, add the rest of the water, citric acid and sugar - the lemonade will be ready in an hour.

Orange and rhubarb lemonade

You will need 8 stalks of rhubarb, a quarter cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of orange water, a few sprigs of mint.

  1. 1. Cut the rhubarb not too finely, put it in a saucepan, add water and sugar.
  2. 2. Bring the mass to a boil, reduce the heat, cook for about an hour. The water should boil only slightly.
  3. 3. Remove the pan from the heat, leave in the cold.
  4. 4. Rub the cooled mass through a fine sieve.
  5. 5. Add mint and orange water, pour everything into a jug and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Apple Cucumber Lemonade

  • Yes, you can add not only fruits, but also vegetables. This option is suitable for you if you are thinking about how to make homemade lemonade, which will be not only tasty, but also as healthy as possible.
  • You will need 1 sour apple, a small cucumber, 50 g of lemon juice, a handful of mint, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 liter of water, ice.
  1. 1. Grind cucumber and apple in a blender.
  2. 2. Mix with lemon juice, crushed mint and honey.
  3. 3. Bring the volume of the drink to 1 liter with water, add ice.

Raspberry Lemonade

  • You will need 500 ml of raspberry juice, 500 ml mineral water, 1-2 sprigs of mint, half a lemon and a little raspberry for decoration.
  1. 1. Squeeze juice from half a lemon, combine with chilled raspberry juice and water.
  2. 2. Beat the mixture with a whisk or just mix.
  3. 3. Put the raspberries on the bottom of the glasses, pour the drink, garnish with mint leaves.

exotic lemonade

You will need three passionfruit and lychee fruits, ice, sugar syrup (to your taste) and 1 liter of soda.

  1. 1. Mash the fruit pulp in a blender.
  2. 2. Add sugar syrup, soda and more ice.

Now you know how to make lemonade from lemon and more. We hope that this wonderful drink will give you freshness and good mood even on the hottest day.

How to make lemonade
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Source: smolko.ru

Duchess, Tarragon, Cream soda, Pinocchio, Cola and many other refreshing lemonades are popular in the hot summer among children and adults in different countries. Unfortunately, purchased in stores cannot guarantee quality, but purchased natural syrups from a trusted supplier guarantee you great product. But you can also make these drinks at home.

For the preparation of refreshing healthy drink you will need:

3 liters drinking water without gas, 2 large lemons with a thick skin, 180-200 g of sugar, white, green or fruit tea(about 3-5 sachets depending on the saturation of taste), mint leaves and ice for decoration, tubules.

  1. Boil 1l. water and make tea. Cool slightly and dissolve the entire volume of sugar in the tea.
  2. Grate the yellow part of the lemon peel fine grater. Soak it in a glass of water, after a few minutes bring to a boil and leave for 5-10 minutes. on low fire.
  3. Squeeze juice from peeled lemons.
  4. Pour the remaining water into a large container and introduce lemon juice, tea and zest decoction through a sieve. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Distribute the drink into 1-1.5 liter plastic bottles and put in the refrigerator.
  6. Prepare ice from boiled chilled water.
  7. Serve ready-made lemonade in tall glasses with ice and a straw, decorating each serving with mint.

Besides lemon drink you can make wonderful lemonades based on carbonated mineral water and ready-made natural syrups. They will need to equal proportions water and syrup of your choice.

Based on the first recipe, you can come up with many others, replacing some components with others. So, you can use lime, orange, grapefruit, grated ginger root instead of lemon. To obtain an unusual aroma, you can use tarragon, aka tarragon. So that transparent lemonade has saturated color, like Coca-Cola or Pepsi, it is recommended to tint it with burnt sugar.

An option for the brave: combine several fruits, experiment with base tea, use food coloring.

The basic storage rule is as follows: cool place without direct sunlight. In order to take a drink with you, plastic containers are most suitable, as they are lighter than glass and less traumatic.

But the easiest way to prepare a cooling drink is with the help of ready-made natural syrups that you can buy from us at Syrup Classic.

How to make lemonade at home?
Subscribe to our news: How to make lemonade at home? Duchess, Tarragon, Cream-soda, Pinocchio, Cola

A golden liquid gurgles softly in the glass, splashing small sparks and exuding a lemon scent. The hand of the guilty butler trembles, but on the face of the monarch there is a smile of approval...

Like many other discoveries, lemonade owes its appearance to chance. At least, that's what the legend tells about the error of the cupbearer Louis I, who gave his king lemon juice instead of wine, and to brighten up his oversight, diluted it with mineral water.

So it was, or otherwise, but lemonade appeared - and swept through the world in a refreshing whirlwind, appearing in every country in a new guise.

American homemade lemonade

In a pure mind, the word "lemonade" should be associated with lemons. In a mind corrupted by rows colorful bottles on supermarket shelves, it can be associated with anything. However, at the dawn of its history, lemonade was specifically and exclusively a lemon drink made from lemon juice, sugar and water. In this form, it has remained popular to this day in America, where thirst is quenched with a couple of cents and a street lemonade stand. However, it is not necessary to fly to the homeland of cocktails and jazz to treat yourself to condo lemonade. Stock up on a bag of lemons - and enjoy it in your own kitchen - make lemonade at home.

The recipe for American lemonade is simple and affordable, both in terms of ingredients and relative to improvised means.

What you need:

  • 1 glass of lemon juice, i.e. 3-5 lemons (depending on their degree of maturity and size),
  • 200 g sugar
  • 5 glasses of water

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 1.5 liters of drink are obtained.

The formula for homemade lemonade is simple: sugar syrup + juice + water. Mix everything and refrigerate.

1. Sugar syrup. Sugar for lemonade is not dissolved directly in water, but sugar syrup is prepared from it. To do this, in a saucepan you need to mix sugar with a glass of water (water from the total amount in the recipe) and slowly bring the syrup to a boil, stirring it regularly so that the sugar does not settle at the bottom.

2. Syrup + juice + water. Then, in a large decanter, combine chilled syrup, strained lemon juice and water, cool in the refrigerator.

Lemonade is served in glasses with ice, and for the sake of aesthetics it is decorated with lemon slices.

Homemade Lemonade - Turkish Mint Recipe

On a frosty January evening, there is nothing better than a cup of tea in front of the fireplace. In the 30-degree July heat, there is nothing better than a glass of mint lemonade with ice on a shady veranda. And who, if not the Turks, knows a lot about soft drinks. Connoisseurs swear that the Turkish lemonade according to this recipe is the most delicious they have ever tried. And it's easy to make at home too.

What you need

This lemonade is made from mint syrup, lemon juice and water.

For mint syrup:

  • 1 cup tightly packed mint sprigs
  • half a glass of sugar
  • glass of water
  • 2 lemons for zest.

Carefully remove the lemon zest with a grater. Keep in mind that the zest is thin upper layer peel, dyed yellow. If, removing it, capture pieces of whitish pulp, it will give a bitter aftertaste. And one more important point: wash the fruit very, very carefully before use. Lemons grown for export may be chemically treated and sometimes coated with a thin layer of wax. In order not to get zest with harmful additives wash them with a brush under hot running water.

When finished with the preparations, mix the zest, sugar and water and bring this mixture to a boil. Remove from heat, add washed sprigs of mint, cover with a lid and leave the syrup to absorb essential oils for about an hour.

We prepare lemonade by mixing all the ingredients in the following proportions: water, mint syrup and ice in equal parts, lemon juice - ½ part. Lemonade in a carafe can be decorated lemon wedges and a sprig of mint.

By the way, it is easy to replace mint with tarragon and get another expressive taste. Connoisseurs say that tarragon should be added a little less than mint, and instead of lemon, it is better to use lime zest with its special aromatic astringency. Why homemade lemonades are good: there are so many ingredients that you can experiment at least every day.

  • Read also:

Turkish lemonade made with lime and mint at home.

Fruit and berry lemonades and other delights

Adding to basic recipe lemonade juices, syrups, herbal tinctures, spices and other ingredients, you can expand the range of lemonade varieties to infinity. We will not give many recipes, but will focus on important points cooking.

Since we are talking specifically about lemonades, and not about soft drinks in general, the background taste in our case is always the task of lemon juice. If you want to dilute it with a fruity or berry flavor, replace some of the lemon juice with another. In the case of sweet berries, you need to replace a third of the lemon juice or half of it, if extra juice sour, for example, from cranberries - we replace half of the juice or two thirds of it.

ON A NOTE. If the fruit is sweet, replace it with the juice of 1/2-1/3 lemon juice. If sour - feel free to replace up to 2/3.

Herbs and hard fruits, citrus zest are brewed together with sugar syrup or infused in it.

Pay attention to the proportions of the combination of lemon and berry juice in homemade lemonade.

As an illustration of what has been said, here are two delicious recipes for homemade lemonade.

Homemade mint ginger lemonade

Ingredients: mint-ginger sugar syrup, lemon juice, water.

We cook it the same way as Turkish mint lemonade, but in sugar syrup a few minutes before removing from heat, add the ginger root (about 5 cm of rhizome), cut into pieces, and take a little less mint than for Turkish lemonade. Ginger and mint complement each other very well and the drink has a subtle pleasant taste and aroma.

raspberry lemonade recipe

What you need

  • 180 g sugar
  • 180 g fresh berries raspberries (or currants)
  • 4 glasses of water
  • glass of lemon juice

We wipe the raspberries through a sieve, filter the lemon juice, prepare the sugar syrup in the same way as in previous recipes- from sugar and a glass of water. Mix everything in a jug, cool, serve with ice.

Homemade mint and ginger lemonade

Those delicious bubbles...

"But what about the gas?" - you ask, and you will be right: no herb-berries can give lemonade amazing stinging CO2 bubbles.

However, lovers of carbonated sweet drinks should not lose heart and think that their lot is store-bought lemonade stuffed with sweeteners, thickeners, dyes, flavor enhancers, and so on and so forth.

The simplest solution is to dilute the lemonade concentrate immediately before drinking soda water. More elegant, but also more expensive, is to carbonate homemade lemonade using a household siphon.

If the thermometer outside the window grabs your head in horror, and you feel how your strength leaves you with each new mark, prepare yourself a decanter of lemonade with ice, and you will be surprised to find how the hellish heat turns into a source of pleasure.

Lemonade at home © Magic Food.RU

Without them festive feast would be boring and empty, because these cold drinks are an essential element of any menu. However, apart from excellent taste we don’t have to wait for the benefits of purchased products, and we have no choice but to make carbonated lemonade at home. Here we can already hint at vitamins, and experiment with fragrant fruits and berries in order to please ourselves and our loved ones.

Initially, lemonade was prepared without gas, simply by mixing lemon juice and sugar with water. It was in this form for the first time that this drink began to be produced on an industrial scale. And after some time, manufacturers began to make this most delicious drink from other sweet and sour gifts of nature.

Today, we can easily prepare such drinks in our kitchens, playing with the assortment depending on the fruit and berry set.

Often, to give more interesting flavor notes, classic recipes are supplemented with mint, ginger, cardamom, lemon balm, citrus peel, and to give a beautiful yellow color you can add turmeric or saffron. As for the sweetener, then you can use it as regular sugar, and fructose, and honey.

Well, what about the bubbles in the nose? Of course, it is the poppy that bribes us with the store version of lemonade. But even at home, making lemonade with gas is not difficult.

There are several ways that we can create healthy, tasty and fizzy lemonade at home.

Sparkling water

The first option is to use highly carbonated table water to dilute with fruit syrup.

Thus, we will get a real carbonated lemonade of any taste at will.

Using a siphon

The next option is more familiar to people Soviet era who were lucky enough to be the owner of such a wonderful unit as a siphon.

This device with a can carbon dioxide is able to saturate the water with bubbles so that after mixing with the syrup of such a liquid, it can be distinguished from the factory ready drink will simply not be possible.

Soda making

AND last option- This is the preparation of ordinary soda.

Mixing in a glass of water ½ tsp. citric acid or 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp soda we get a real carbonated drink. It remains only to add sweet syrup and voila, the lemonade is ready.

Well, now you can move on to culinary exploits.

Indian lemonade

We take 0.5 tbsp. freshly squeezed lime juice, 180 ml lemon juice, 80 ml maple syrup and ½-1 tsp. chopped ginger root and mix with 1.5 liters of highly carbonated water.

Serve with ice and lime slice.

For lovers exotic drinks We offer a few more unusual lemonades.

Homemade tarragon

The bright green drink was popular with our grandmothers, but today's kids can't resist the sight of this emerald lemonade. Today we will cook tarragon at home, the main thing is to find fresh tarragon.

  1. Grind in a blender to a puree state 1 bunch of fresh tarragon, also known as tarragon, 2 limes and 1 lemon.
  2. In the resulting mass, add 8 tsp. powdered sugar, then sweet mass we shift it into a 1.5 liter empty bottle and fill it with 1 liter of sparkling water.
  3. Close the container with a lid, shake and leave in the refrigerator for two hours.

Ready tarragon lemonade is poured into glasses through a strainer, and do not forget to add ice chips.

Several Yet unusual recipes lemonade with tarragon, read the following articles:

  • First, let's prepare a carbonated dry mix by mixing 4 tsp in a container. citric acid with 6 tsp. soda.
  • Next, let's move on to juice. Squeeze juice from 5 oranges and 3 grapefruits. We also rub the orange peel on a fine grater.
  • Now let's start creating the syrup. ½ st. sugar and 1 tbsp. orange peel dissolve in ½ tbsp. warm water and on low heat with regular stirring, cook the composition until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. After that, filter the syrup through a sieve and cool.
  • Once the sweet liquid has cooled to room temperature, pour into it citrus juice, 1.5 liters of chilled water and dry carbonated mixture.

It is worth noting that it is better to mix all the ingredients in a deep container, because when adding soda powder lemonade will begin to foam and threaten to overflow, but after 1-2 minutes the reaction will subside, and we will get incredibly tasty and most importantly useful analogue forfeits.

like this in a simple way we learned how to make carbonated lemonade at home. Now any celebration in your house will be filled with bright taste refreshing and healthy drinks with bubbles.

Hi all!

Summer is in full swing and pleases that only the beginning of June! It means that everything is ahead. Strawberry season has begun, cherries are ripening. And soon cucumbers, tomatoes and many more delicious and useful berries, vegetables and fruits.

Summing up about the summer, I will say that this is a great time. But there are also hot days. Here, in addition to air conditioners and fans, come to the rescue, or refreshing lemonade. Let's talk about the last one. Fortunately, it is easy to make and requires a minimum of ingredients.

The essence of preparing a healthy summer drink is very simple. Need pure water, fresh lemons and sweetener. It is important to simply observe the proportions in order to get really tasty and high-quality lemonade. As for water, you can take both carbonated and still. It depends on whether you like a fizzy dish or not.

When creating a summer drink, you need to freeze ice in advance. It will quickly cool any not too cold drink. You will also need straws. It is convenient to drink through them. These tubes have several other functions. They allow you to stir the ingredients in the glass and simply decorate the serving of the dish.

Lemon drink recipe at home

Opens our selection classic recipe with a minimum of ingredients. These are, in fact, the sour citruses themselves, water and sugar. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey or other healthy sweetener. Or add some highly carbonated water if you want pop.

Let's get a little confused with the syrup. But it is this process that will then give the drink aroma and fullness of taste.

We need:

  • Lemons - 4 pieces;
  • Granulated sugar - 150 gr.;
  • Drinking water - 1 liter.


1. Remove the zest from one lemon. To do this, rub its yellow skin on a coarse grater. We pour it into a fireproof ladle.

2. Sprinkle sugar on top. Add 200 ml of fresh water and put on fire. As it boils, immediately reduce the heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. In general, until the sugar dissolves.

3. The syrup will be saturated with the aromas of the zest. And take it off the heat and let it cool down.

4. Then we filter through a sieve into a separate container. The pins can be thrown away. They won't be of any use to us anymore.

5. Squeeze juice from the rest of the lemons.

One trick: to squeeze more liquid from fruits, you need to roll them with the palm of your hand on any hard surface. So it is guaranteed that more fresh is obtained, and from all citrus fruits. Why dont know. Maybe you know and write below in the comments?

6. We also filter it through a strainer so that later bitter seeds from citrus do not come across.

7. If you get less than 200 ml of lemon juice, then you still need to take fruit and squeeze it to the right amount.

8. Now we combine all the components by pouring them into a jug. Add water and stir well. This is where you can add sparkling water if you wish. But I add the usual.

9. Lemonade can be chilled well or served immediately in ice-filled glasses with straws. Lemon slices are just right for decoration.

Easy version with peppermint

I just love this mint recipe. First, it cooks very quickly. And secondly, it is very refreshing in the heat. Well, he saves the figure. You can sit on such lemonade all day and night and will not want another meal.

We need:

  • Lemons - 2 pieces;
  • Cool drinking water - 2 liters;
  • Honey - to taste;
  • Mint - a bunch.


1. Remove the skin from citruses. To do this, you can cut the lemons on both sides. Then cut the skin of each lemon into several pieces along its slices. Carefully remove the skin itself.

2. Then we cut the lemons into rings. We take out all the bones. It can be bitter in the drink, and besides, it is harmful to the body.

3. Put the chopped rings in a clean jar or jug ​​with a wide mouth.

4. Add honey and a few mint leaves there. Mix all ingredients well with a wooden spatula.

5. Pour the mint-lemon mixture with cold drinking water. I usually take water from a spring. Fortunately, there is such a source not far from our dacha. Therefore, with such water, lemonade is tastier!

6. Knead with a spatula and can be poured into glasses. Ice cubes are added here of your choice and mint leaves for decoration.

You can also strain the drink before serving. But sometimes it is so good to use it together with the pulp of a lemon or even a mint leaf!

Bon appetit and let's make the next gingerbread dish.

How to make lemonade with ginger?

Ginger drink is prepared on the basis of root syrup. Keep in mind that it's still useful vitamin dish not suitable for everyone. Allergy sufferers and children should be given it with caution. But, if there are no special contraindications, then cook it at least every day!

And here I propose to watch a short video with a recipe. After all, than a hundred times to hear better days see once, right?

Healthy recipe with lemon and oranges

No less popular lemonade is made with oranges. It turns out a dish that is somewhat reminiscent of the famous Fanta, if we add sparkling water. But much, much better. And do not be afraid of the large volume - 9 liters. If desired, you can simply reduce the amount of products by half.

We need:

  • Lemons - 1 piece;
  • Cool drinking water - 9 liters;
  • Sugar - 800 grams;
  • Oranges - 4 pieces.


1. We will use citruses with peel. Therefore, we will carry out several manipulations to remove bitterness from it.

2. To begin with, soak the fruit in boiling water for literally 1-2 minutes.

3. Then we cool them and put them in a bag in freezer. Let them lie down for 9-10 hours. This will finally kill all the bitter taste of citrus skins.

4. We take out a bag of fruit. Let's hold them for a while hot water and cut into small pieces.

5. We pass these still frozen pieces through a meat grinder into a saucepan.

The meat grinder is easily replaced by a powerful blender. It will just as well turn fruits into puree.

They are hard and therefore easy to grind into a yellow-orange gruel.

6. Fill the puree with three liters of water. Stir a little with a spoon and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the water becomes citrus.

8. Granulated sugar pour two liters of warm water. Stir to make syrup.

9. We combine syrup and fruit water in a large jar of 10 liters. Add the remaining 4 liters of water and knead the mass, connecting all the components.

This is where Fanta lovers can replace plain water for carbonated. Get a delicious citrus pop!

This lemonade can be consumed immediately with ice. Or you need to cool for a while in the refrigerator and then drink.

This concludes my short list. Of course, these are not all options for making lemonade. Soon we will look at some more interesting and delicious recipes drink with other ingredients.
