
Recipe for orange lemonade from one orange. Homemade lemonade from lemons and oranges - a recipe with a photo, how to cook at home

Dilute lemon juice still mineral water for the first time, the butler of the French monarch Louis I ventured back in the 17th century.

Over the years, royal homemade lemonade, the recipe for oranges and lemons of which we will consider today, has ceased to be a “nectar” for only one person. Now it is a drink loved by many, which is prepared even at home, just for this self cooking We have selected the best recipes.

Lemon-orange lemonade: hot way

Traditionally, lemonade is prepared in a cold way, but in cooking there is another way to create it. summer drink- hot. In time, the process of its manufacture will take no more than the usual cold one.

Vitamins and others useful material from lemonade with orange and lemon due to hot cooking will not be lost, since citrus juice will not succumb heat treatment. Only fruit skins will be cooked. Read more about cooking in the recipe.


  • Orange - 2 pcs.;
  • Still water - 3 l;
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 150 g;

Food preparation

Since our main ingredients are citrus fruits, they must be carefully prepared for the processing process.

  • To start, wash the fruit under running water, it is advisable to also brush them with a brush or simply pour boiling water over them.
  • Next, wipe the lemons and oranges. paper towel.
  • We clean citrus fruits from skins, white pulp and seeds.

Making lemonade

  1. Cut the peeled fruit into slices or small pieces(to whom it is more convenient) and twist them in a meat grinder.
  2. You can use a blender or juicer to process lemon and orange. But then (if you use a juicer), peeling citrus fruits and chopping them into pieces is not worth it. You just need to cut each fruit into 2 halves and squeeze the juice out of them in turn.
  3. Cut citrus peels into medium-sized strips.

How to make syrup

Cooking syrup for lemon-orange lemonade:

  • not to the top, pour water into the pan and put it on the fire;
  • boil water, and only then throw sugar and chopped zest into boiling water;
  • again give the drink the opportunity to boil;
  • boil the skins in water for no more than 4-6 minutes, then remove them from the pan. If you overexpose the peel of citrus fruits, then the future lemonade will be bitter.
  1. Add freshly squeezed juice from lemon and orange to the boiled syrup, then mix it thoroughly.
  2. Ready lemonade must be filtered through gauze (we use a double layer).
  3. We put the orange-lemon drink in the refrigerator or in any other cool place to let it cool down.
  4. When the lemonade has cooled, serve it in portions to the table.

To make it beautiful and tasty, you can add a couple of ice cubes, a slice of orange, lemon, lime or even grapefruit to the glass. A completely exotic drink will turn out if you decorate it with a sprig of tarragon or mint.

Additions to lemonade recipe

  1. To make lemonade from oranges and lemons, you need to take only ripe fresh fruits. Stale, missing or overripe citrus fruits will not work, they will only spoil the taste of the drink.
  2. The proportions of the main ingredients, i.e. lemon and orange, may be different. In our recipe it is 2:2. But the ratio can be freely changed, depending on your taste preferences.

Use orange citrus fruits more than yellow ones, but only if you prefer sweet drinks with a slight sourness. The perfect combination in this case it will be: 2 oranges - 1 lemon. But with a large amount of cooking, you can take 3-4 oranges for 1 lemon.

If you love distinctly sour taste, then you need to put more lemon than orange. In this case, the proportions will be as follows:

  • 2 lemons - 1 orange;
  • 3-4 lemons - 2 oranges;
  • 5-6 lemons - 3-4 oranges, etc. Everything will depend on the volume of the drink.

Freezing fruits for lemonade

You can also make lemonade from frozen fruits. The technology of their processing is the same as for ordinary fresh citrus fruits. To freeze food - you need:

  • to start, wash the fruit;
  • then pour boiling water over them;
  • and then put it in the freezer overnight.

The next day, oranges and lemons are processed according to the same prescription technology that we have given above in the recipe.

Homemade lemonade: recipe without syrup


  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 3 l + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • Oranges - 4 pcs. + -


When preparing a lemon-orange drink for a complex and long technology there is no time at all, but to buy carbonated juice with chemical additives- desires, then a simple recipe for lemonade from oranges and lemons without syrup will do.

Sometimes, it is the syrup that takes the maximum amount of time in the process of creating a drink. According to the recipe that we suggest you consider, for cooking you will need all the same products as for classic lemonade. Only the preparation of the drink will be faster and easier.

  1. We select ripe, but not overripe, large fruits and traditionally prepare them for the processing process:
  • wash in clean running water;
  • dry with a paper towel (or napkin);
  • then we peel the fruit from the zest (if you do not squeeze juice from oranges and lemons with a juicer, then you do not need to remove the peel).
  1. Squeeze juice from 4 oranges and 1 lemon in turn.
  2. Mix orange-lemon juice in a saucepan with boiled water(but definitely room temperature) and sugar.
  3. Grind the peel of one of the citrus fruits (at your discretion) with fine grater. Only the white pulp does not need to be rubbed, we remove it from the fruit in advance.
  4. Pour the finished drink into glasses, add a little grated citrus peel to each of them, then put ice in portions.
  5. Serving at the table, lemon and orange lemonade can be decorated with anything, from the most simple products and ending with exotic:
  • mint;
  • mango;
  • banana
  • lemon
  • blackberry;
  • strawberries, etc.

How to improve the recipe

Water sparkling and still

Prepare lemon- orange lemonade Available with or without gas. If you prefer a carbonated drink, then use carbonated or mineral unsalted water in the preparation.

For those who are a supporter of non-carbonated drinks, it is better to add a simple drinking water(necessarily boiled) or taken from the pump room.

Adding ice

A drink prepared at home should not be inferior in terms of the "effect of freshness" to a store-bought one. And for this, you need to add as much ice as possible to the lemonade.

Sometimes, as a decoration, a layer of colored ice is laid out on the bottom of the glass, as a result it turns out beautifully and freshly.

Natural raw materials

To make lemonade, you only need to use natural ingredients. Add to drink canned fruits, packaged juices and other products not in their in kind not worth it. Only freshly squeezed juices and slices raw fruit able to provide maximum drink pleasant taste And great benefit from use.

Knowing all the rules of preparation, it is easy to make homemade lemonade on your own. This orange and lemon recipe is just one variation on a summer drink, so don't be afraid to experiment and add new ingredients to your lemonade.

Listen to tips on how to make a refreshing drink at home, and boldly implement them. Prepare with pleasure vitamin "nectar" in the summer for the whole family - and be healthy all year round.

Bon appetit!

As soon as the heat strengthens its position, almost immediately various drinks are used: they are drunk at work, during leisure, and, of course, at home. You don’t have to bother too much - buy ready-made lemonades, juices, fruit drinks, but how far they are from home-made ones in terms of workmanship: an example of this is homemade lemonade from oranges.

The recipe for the drink is very simple, and its benefits in comparison with store-bought products are undoubted: orange lemonade is saturated with vitamins, it lacks food colorings, and it is not required to store it for a long time - family members quickly drink it. The drink has many options in production, and the difference in ingredients that modify the taste is only in the hands of many housewives - they like to pleasantly surprise and pamper tasty things their households.

Homemade lemonade from oranges and lemons - a fragrant drink

The combination of various citrus fruits has been practiced for a long time: some of them have an amazing smell, others have the necessary elements of vitamins and acids, and others give the taste an extraordinary astringency. One such drink that has all of these qualities is homemade lemonade made from oranges and lemons.

Lemonade from oranges and lemon in its combination is a classic drink option. The recipe and the rules for its manufacture do not require a lot of time, equipment and ingredients, that's all you need:

  • a glass of sugar (if you want sweeter - you can add);
  • two medium-sized citrus fruits: oranges and lemons;
  • three liters of filtered or bottled water.

This recipe has been in effect since the beginning of the 17th century, it was very fond of King Louis, and it appeared thanks to the curiosity of the royal cupbearer. The fruits are washed thoroughly, you can pour over boiling water or use a brush. The surface of the peel is wiped to dryness, and the fruits themselves are cleaned, leaving only fragments of the pulp, while the skin is not thrown away.

The pulp can be knocked down at low speed with a blender, or twisted into a meat grinder, until mashed. The reserved skin is part of the syrup: it is finely chopped, sprinkled with sugar and poured with water. Constantly stirring the syrup closer to the moment when it boils, it is boiled for 5 minutes, and then removed and cooled. It is better to strain the zest, it can give bitterness, after the syrup has cooled to room temperature, it is poured into it earlier harvested juice from oranges and lemons.

Frozen orange lemonade - an unusual recipe

Frozen orange lemonade is a prime example of the fact that citrus fruit drinks can be made from more than just fresh fruits. If for some reason previously used citrus fruit, but part of them, as unnecessary, had to be thrown into freezer, that's okay - they make great homemade orange lemonade.

When preparing orange lemonade at home from previously frozen fruits, you will need the following ingredients:

  • non-carbonated water (juice is diluted with each individually);
  • half a kilo of ripe large oranges;
  • half a glass of natural honey.

A feature of citrus fruits is a slight bitterness, which easily disappears if the fruits are placed overnight in the freezer, but they must first be washed and dried very well. To make lemonade from frozen oranges at home, you will need to do the following processes. First, the oranges are taken out and not completely thawed - the main thing is that they can be cut into slices and grind with a blender or meat grinder. Puree is poured with water (0.6 liters) and put on fire, honey is transferred separately into water (0.4 liters), and mixed until completely dissolved. After boiling, the cooled broth is added to the syrup and the pulp is separated by straining.

Orange peel lemonade - an economical drink option

Another interesting recipe is homemade lemonade from orange peels. Many housewives, cooking fruit dishes, are not in a hurry to throw orange peels in the trash, as they can be used when making orange lemonade at home. The recipe for such a drink is similar to orange-lemon lemonade, you can also use the zest and peel of citrus fruits there. What does it take to make lemonade from orange peels and the drink was not the worst quality than the one sold in grocery stores.

  • peels of one or two medium oranges;
  • one liter of water;
  • sugar (at your discretion);
  • one-third of a teaspoon of citric acid, or the juice of half a medium-sized lemon.

Lemonade from orange peels at home requires following preparations. You will need a meat grinder, with which the skin of the fruit is crushed. The resulting mass is poured with boiled and cooled to room temperature water. Lemonade from orange peels must be aged, so you will need to wait a day until the skin gives the juice and smell to the water. In a drink filtered through cheesecloth, add citric acid, with the amount of sugar, you can do it at your own discretion: everyone has a different taste, so you can solve the problem yourself.

The drink belongs to a number of primitive extracts of citrus fruits, but, nevertheless, in the skin of oranges there are a number of the most valuable for human body vitamins and say that lemonade is absolutely useless.

Cucumber-orange lemonade - an unusual drink

An amazing combination is cucumber-orange lemonade. Although most people are used to drinking lemonade from oranges made only from citrus fruits, there are many recipes that use vegetables as ingredients. For the manufacture of vegetable and fruit drink Requires a minimum of time and ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of water (you can use carbonated);
  • three medium-sized cucumbers;
  • two large oranges;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar.

Cucumbers are washed and cut off the tails, you do not need to peel them, you can cut them with the skin to make medium-sized cubes. Using a blender, the cucumbers are mashed. With an orange, everything is much simpler: the juice is squeezed out with a juicer and sugar, water and cucumber puree are added. Actually, that's all - the drink can be illuminated by straining it on gauze or a sieve, and either add ice cubes and drink immediately, or put it in the refrigerator to cool.

Fanta lemonade - the taste of childhood

Fanta lemonade is one of the most popular drinks. As in previous recipes special costs for products will not be required, as well as time for cooking: it will take no more than 15 minutes. What do you need to cook classic version fantas at home:

  • two large oranges;
  • two and a half glasses of sugar;
  • five liters of water (filtered or boiled);
  • a little less than two teaspoons of citric acid.

Well-washed fruits are scalded with boiling water, and wiped dry (napkin, towel), this gets rid of the unpleasant bitterness that is present in the skin. At night, oranges are placed in the freezer and removed shortly before use. Chopped fruits are crushed (meat grinder, blender) and diluted with water (1.5 liters). After mixing until a homogeneous mass, strain the cake with gauze and add the rest of the water, citric acid and sugar. The taste (sourness, sweetness) can be modified, this is a matter of taste, as well as in what state the drink is drunk: pre-chilled, with ice cubes, or as it is.


homemade lemonade is a wonderful drink. Delicious and refreshing, it will be a real find on a hot day. It will not only quench your thirst, but also give a lot of positive emotions. In addition, it is impossible not to mention the benefits of such lemonade. Since its ingredients are water, sugar and some citrus fruits, we can conclude that such a drink is rich in vitamin C. And it, in turn, helps to strengthen the immune system, thanks to which the body's resistance to harmful effects external environment increases many times. In addition, vitamin C stands guard over beauty and youth. Of course, homemade lemonade is not a panacea for all diseases, but neglect it useful properties not worth it.

If you are faced with the dilemma of making lemonade at home or buying this drink in a store, then we definitely advise you to make it yourself. It is quite easy to prepare and takes no more than 15 minutes. True, it will take several hours to cool the drink. But homemade lemonade does not contain flavors, preservatives, dyes and other nutritional supplements, which is rich in its store counterpart. By the way, lemonade produced in industrial scale, it is better not to use at all, as it can harm your health irreparable harm especially if you use it a lot.

In order to prepare delicious lemonade, we, first of all, prepare everything necessary components: oranges and lemons, water, sugar. Then we will go to the kitchen and act in accordance with the recommendations of the recipe with step by step photos which is presented below.

Any non-alcoholic cold drinks always very popular, but especially the demand for them increases in summer heat. Store shelves are bursting with various carbonated drinks and lemonades, but, as you know, there is little useful in them. Rather, they can be attributed to products not of the food industry, but of the chemical industry, since they contain many additives and dyes.

Isn't it better to make lemonade from oranges or other citrus fruits at home and get not only a tasty, thirst-quenching tonic drink, but also replenish your body with vitamins? Homemade lemonade has excellent taste and aroma, and, most importantly, it does not contain any chemicals and preservatives.

How to make lemonade

Making lemonade from oranges, lemons or limes is very simple and quick. But in order to make a really healthy and tasty drink and get the most out of it, you need to take into account some subtleties:

  • citrus fruits must be ripe and without rot;
  • bones from them must be removed;
  • take juice not store-bought in cardboard packs, but only freshly squeezed;
  • use boiled or filtered water, can be carbonated;
  • put ice;
  • serve homemade lemonade from oranges in beautiful glasses, decorating them with fantasy with citrus slices, mint sprigs and a sugar rim.

In addition, there are many recipes for it, so you can choose any one to your taste and pamper your family in the summer heat.

Traditional Orange Lemonade Recipe

To prepare this delicious drink, you will need 4 large oranges, 10 liters of water, 700800 g of sugar and citric acid (no more than 10 g).

The recipe for orange lemonade is so simple that any novice housewife will master it, and the result will surpass all your expectations

  • oranges should be washed well and poured over with boiling water;
  • after they have cooled, they must be placed in the freezer for 1012 hours;
  • taking them out of the refrigerator, they are again doused with boiling water and cut into pieces;
  • cut oranges, along with the peel, are crushed in a blender or with a meat grinder;
  • the resulting slurry is poured with cold boiled or filtered water (3 l) and left for half an hour;
  • then, using gauze or a fine sieve, the infusion is filtered and the remaining 7 liters of water, sugar and citric acid are added to it.

An hour later, homemade orange lemonade is ready. To make it even more delicious and natural, citric acid can be replaced with juice squeezed from one lemon.

gourmet drink

There is one more interesting recipe orange lemonade.

To prepare it, you need to take one piece of orange and lemon, 250 g orange juice(freshly squeezed), 1 cup sugar and 2 cups water.

  • From one fourth of the lemon, you need to peel off the zest, add it to a container where water and sugar are mixed, and boil.
  • Then boil on low heat for another 5 minutes, remove from the stove, cool and strain the resulting syrup.
  • Then add sliced ​​orange, juice and ice cubes to it. Orange lemonade is ready to drink!
  • If you don’t really like the citrus bitterness that the zest gives, then you can extract it from the syrup immediately after it boils.

Naturally, lemonade can be prepared not only from oranges. Saturation and piquant sourness are given to this drink by lemons. The combination of these two citrus fruits makes the lemonade even more fortified and aromatic.

Lemon-orange mix

To make lemonade from oranges and lemons, take 3 oranges, 2 lemons, 150200 g of granulated sugar and 3.5 liters of water.

  • Pour the required amount of water into the saucepan and put on fire. While it boils, wash the citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them.
  • Do not discard the remaining zest, but cut into small pieces. When the water boils, put the chopped zest into it and cook for no more than 10 minutes, then add sugar, stir and remove the saucepan from the heat.
  • After the infusion has cooled, strain it and add the juice of lemonade from oranges and lemons no longer requires your participation. Now just enjoy the natural drink.

refreshing cocktail

Mint is the highlight of this drink. You will need 3 oranges, half a lemon, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, half a liter of water (carbonated), mint (several sprigs) and ice.

  • Mix citrus fruits and sugar well in a blender, making a fresh juice. Separately, crush the ice. A few mint leaves should be cut, crushed with a mortar and put on the bottom of the glass.
  • Sprinkle ice on top and let stand for a couple of minutes. Then add fresh juice to taste and pour mineral water.
  • The resulting lemonade from oranges must be mixed and served as a cocktail with a straw, for decoration, taking a sprig of mint, as well as a slice of lemon and orange.

Citrus lemonade options

Many refreshing drinks are based on citrus fruits. And this is not surprising. After all, these fruits are not only the most affordable now and are present on store shelves all year round, but also very useful. Vitamins and minerals included in their composition play a huge role for the human body, and drinks made from citrus fruits perfectly quench thirst and have a tonic effect.

In addition, when preparing lemonade from oranges, you can experiment: add not only lemons and limes to the drink, but also strawberries, kiwi, ginger, green tea or Pineapple juice changing flavor and aroma. Fantasy is not limited here, and such lemonade not only saves you from thirst, but is also an indispensable drink for any festive feast.

If you don’t know how to make lemonade from oranges at home, then see this recipe with a photo that you can easily repeat at home in your kitchen. The main thing is to buy oranges and everything will work out for you in the best way. Instead of buying fizzy drinks from the store, make homemade lemonade. It will be not only fresh, invigorating and fragrant, but will also surpass palatability all store sodas. homemade drink you will cook from oranges for any holiday, and all guests will be delighted.
Fill decanters and glasses with orange lemonade, decorate it with a mint leaf, and you will understand that tastier drink never drank. If you cool the lemonade in the refrigerator or just add a couple of ice cubes to it, then in the summer you will quench your thirst. Oranges are good in any form and for any holiday. Making only cuts from oranges has become somehow banal, so make lemonade out of them, and you will not regret it. Also, try to do it.

Required products:
- 2 liters of water,
- 1 large orange,
- 3-4 sprigs of mint,
- 100 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We filter the water, then boil, pour granulated sugar. Turn off the fire and stir the water. The sugar will melt quickly and the water should be left aside to cool to room temperature.

Wash oranges with a brush. Slice large slices so that they pass and fit into the meat grinder. If you feel to the touch that the oranges are sticky and have not washed off, then you can get rid of such a coating, it is called waxy, by putting the oranges in the freezer for 1-2 hours. After freezing, oranges will get rid of this terrible sticky coating.

Twist oranges and washed mint leaves in a meat grinder. You will get a thick orange mass.

Fill it with water, which by this time has cooled down. Let such a completely unprepared drink infuse in this form for about 30-45 minutes.

Now we filter through a sieve, and it is possible through several layers of gauze.

Pour into glasses. Cool down and serve.

Ready-made homemade lemonade from oranges will decorate your table and surprise everyone. It is not a shame to treat all guests with such a drink. Bon Appetite!
And here is getting ready
