
The most delicious bird's milk cake recipe. Necessary components for the cake

Biscuits, by the way, I also tried different ones for this cake. In the GOST version goes shortbread dough, many confectioners prepare homemade Bird's milk with classic biscuit and soak it well, I met the option with almond biscuit ...

And we will bake something in between shortbread and biscuit cakes. And to be even more precise, we will make cupcake dough on yolks (anyway, for the soufflé we will need proteins, at the same time we will attach the yolks). Baked in thin crusts and cooled, it turns out to be moderately dense and crumbly, but does not break like a “sand”, and is in perfect harmony with a delicate soufflé.

For two cakes 16 cm in diameter, take 80 g butter room temperature and 80 g of powdered sugar or sugar. Place in a mixing bowl.

Beat well with a mixer at high speed until the mass becomes lush and light. We can add vanilla extract (1 tsp) or vanilla sugar(10 g).

Add 3 egg yolks one at a time and beat thoroughly after each.

It turns out like this.

In a separate dry bowl, sift 100 g of flour, 0.3 tsp. baking powder and a pinch of salt. Mix well with a whisk.

Add dry ingredients to butter-egg mixture.

Mix with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

Let's bake cakes!

Now we take a form of 16 cm in diameter (I have a confectionery cutter ring), line the bottom with baking paper or put it on baking paper / silicone mat. Distribute half of the dough (it is better to weigh it so that the cakes are the same!) Distribute in the form as evenly as you can. The most convenient thing is a small curved palette knife, one of those with which artists paint in oils. At the very least, help yourself. silicone spatula. How am I here.

We put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes - until golden brown. Exact time depends on your oven!

We do the same with the second cake. If your oven allows you to bake two cakes at the same time, you are in luck, use this opportunity)

Freshly baked, the cakes are very fragile, handle them very carefully. As they cool, they will harden a little, but still remain quite brittle, be careful.

While the cakes are cooling...

...let's make a soufflé!

For him we need one very important component- agar-agar. It is a natural gelling agent plant origin. It is obtained from algae. It is considered an analogue of gelatin, but it is necessary to work with agar in a completely different way, and products with it have a completely different structure than on gelatin.

Agar-agar happens different strength, however, I have never seen that the degree of this strength is somehow indicated, just as I have not seen gelatin packages written on how much bloom it is (a unit of gelatin strength). You have to learn all this on your own skin, unfortunately.

It is also worth bearing in mind that agar weakens from long term storage. Fresh is stronger. So, when buying a lot at once, plan in advance where you will use it, do not let it stale.

This time I used agar-agar from the Aidigo store, and it is downright armor-piercing, I tell you) Very good. Light, odorless, strong. I recommend it to you with a clear conscience. It is also quite convenient that it is sold in small packs of 10 g each. But, by the way, the consumption of agar is small: this package, for example, is enough for as many as three standard Cake Bird's milk!

So, we take 1 tsp. with a slide of agar-agar.

Place in a medium (not small!) saucepan. Pour in the same 270 g cold water. Mix, set aside.

Now we take 180 g of good butter at room temperature and 80 g of high-quality condensed milk (in my personal rating the first place is still occupied by Rogachevskaya).

Beat them at high speed in a light, lush cream. If we use vanilla extract (I got it from here), then add it now (1 tsp). We set aside.

We will get the proteins that we have left from the yolks when we baked biscuits. Proteins, I remind or inform those who do not know, must be separated very carefully, in a dry bowl, so that not a drop of yolk gets into the proteins. Place the whites in a large bowl and add a pinch of citric acid to them.

Let's prepare the form. This cake is convenient to make immediately on the substrate. We put a ring for assembling a cake (or a mold without a bottom) with a diameter of 18 cm on a substrate and lay the walls with an acetate film or any other dense and even film, not food: it is too thin and soft, it will lie in folds and even sides of the cake will not work.

We return to our agar.

We put the agar with water on the fire, bring to a boil. Pour in 430 g of sugar (do not be alarmed, at first I also thought that it was a lot, but the soufflé turned out not at all cloying, but very balanced, just like it should be!).

Bring to a boil. The syrup will rise very strongly and will boil! That's why you should not take a small saucepan.

We continue to boil the syrup. Actively bubbling, it will settle slightly, but will continue to bubble.

Cook for about 10-12 minutes, until a temperature of 110 degrees (if you have a cooking thermometer) or until the so-called “thin thread”, when the syrup reaches for a whisk or spoon like a thread.

But! Until the syrup reached desired consistency and temperature (at about 105 degrees or 8 minutes, but this very much depends on what kind of dishes and fire you have), you need to beat the egg whites into a strong foam.

Now the syrup is ready! It was difficult to shoot, but I hope it is clear: the syrup really reaches for the whisk with an unbreakable thread. You will see it!

Turn on the mixer again and, whisking the whites at high speed, pour the syrup into them in a thin stream. We try not to pour on whisks!

The mass brightens and increases in volume right before your eyes!

Beat another minute or two. The mass continues to grow and strengthen.

Whisk until the mass cools in no case is necessary. See, our future soufflé is already being wound on whisks? You can stop at this stage.

We add our pre-prepared buttercream.

And at low speed with a mixer, mix it into protein mass.

The mass immediately liquefies, but not too much. Mix until smooth. Soufflé is ready! Left…

...collect Bird's Milk Cake!

The souffle hardens quickly, so we also work at the pace of the waltz. But if everything is ready in advance, do not worry, do not fuss, do everything beautifully, you will have time.

We take out our pre-prepared form with a substrate. We put the first cake on the bottom.

We pour half of our soufflé on it. It is advisable to weigh and collect the cake on a scale so that the layers are the same. I didn’t do this, but it’s better to do it if you have everything at hand and you have weighed the bowl in which the soufflé was prepared in advance. Having weighed the soufflé along with the bowl, you will simply need to subtract its weight and divide the resulting number in half.

We put the second cake. He pushes himself into the soufflé a little on his own, I didn't have to help him.

And pour the second part of the soufflé.

All! In this form, put the cake in the refrigerator or freezer and keep it there until the souffle grabs. This will happen pretty quickly, but it's better to hold it longer, at least an hour, or maybe two. After the specified time...

You can make yourself and your family happy different dishes, but no one will refuse sweet and delicious dessert which will be handmade. Home cake bird's milk has many interpretations, recipes differ both in the way of preparation and in the ingredients.

Cake history

The long history of bird's milk cake suggests that it was popular many centuries ago. Classic recipes for a bird's milk cake have come down to us, but they, adapting to the modern rhythm of life, have undergone changes in the recipe. This became relevant with the development technical equipment kitchens (bread machines, multicookers, gas and electric ovens). But the classics prevail in the manufacture of this dessert.

How to make a bird's milk cake according to a traditional recipe?

The dessert itself is gentle soufflé, which is located on a biscuit cake (there may be several of them - base + top, base + middle + top).

The classic recipe contains the following soufflé ingredients:

  • sugar;
  • butter;
  • eggs;
  • cream, milk.

The main components for a biscuit cake are:

  • eggs;
  • flour;
  • sugar.

Having such products, you can start cooking to get a delicious and delicate dessert.

Biscuit for cake bird's milk


  1. Flour - 1 cup;
  2. Egg yolks - 7 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  4. Butter - 100 grams (soft, room temperature).
  5. Vanilla sugar, baking powder - 1 teaspoon each.

This bird's milk cake recipe is used with gelatin, but in different options contains agar-agar. Gelatin is a more affordable component to use.

For a soufflé you need:

  • Egg whites - 7 pieces;
  • Bulk gelatin - 20 grams;
  • Butter - 170 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Condensed milk - 200 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Citric acid - 0.25 teaspoon.

Having found the necessary components, we prepare a bird's milk cake.

Bird's milk cake step by step recipe:

  1. Separate egg yolks from proteins. Combine the yolks with the indicated amount of sugar (half a cup) on the bird's milk cake cake.
  2. Beat white sugar and yolks, add butter. Mix well.
  3. Mix vanilla sugar, baking powder with flour. The resulting mixture is gradually introduced into the beaten yolks. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Prepare a detachable baking dish - cover the bottom parchment paper, grease the edges of the mold with butter. Pour the batter into the mold and smooth out.
  5. In a preheated oven to 200 degrees, send the form with the dough, bake for 17-20 minutes. After baking, leave the finished cake in the form for about 20 minutes. After that, release the cake from the mold. Let cool completely. Next, divide the biscuit in half.
  6. While the cake is cooling, you can start preparing bird's milk soufflé for the cake.
    Pour gelatin over half a glass of water. Leave for 10 minutes. Then pour into a saucepan, put on fire, stirring, bring to 50 degrees or until the grains of gelatin are completely dissolved. Set aside.
  7. Beat butter until fluffy, add condensed milk. Mix.
  8. Whisk egg whites with citric acid to a firm foam. Add sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat well.
  9. Without stopping beating, add gradually cooked gelatin, then creamy mass. Mix well. The soufflé is ready. It remains to make a cake.
  10. In the form where the biscuit was baked, put one part of the cake. Pour half of the prepared soufflé on top.
  11. Cover with the second half of the cake, pour the rest of the soufflé. Place the cake in the refrigerator to set for an hour and a half.
  12. Remove the cake from the refrigerator, carefully separate it from the walls of the mold with a knife, remove it.

You can decorate with chocolate, whipped cream.
It was a classic bird's milk cake. Next recipes vary as ingredients for making a biscuit or soufflé.
Bird's milk cake according to GOST has a recipe that is similar to classic version, differs only in the number of ingredients taken and the use of agar-agar instead of gelatin.

Recipe according to GOST

Cake layers:

  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • Flour - 140 grams;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.


  • Egg white - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 460 grams;
  • Citric acid - ½ teaspoon;
  • Agar-agar - 2 teaspoons (replacement - 5 grams of gelatin);
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Condensed milk - 100 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Although the layout has differences in quantity, the cooking process does not differ from classic version cake.

Modern interpretations of bird's milk cake

The use of semolina, fruit, or the lack of baking are just some of the things that can separate a classic cake from possible variations.

Bird's milk cake with fruits

The cake is prepared in the same way as in the variant with classic recipe. You can take one part of the biscuit, or two. But the soufflé can have features.

Soufflé cake bird's milk with strawberries and bananas


  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cake bird's milk with semolina - gelatin - 20 g;
  • eggs - 7 proteins;
  • oil - 150 g;
  • condensed milk - 380 g (one can);
  • strawberries - 150 g.


Souffle is made in the same way as in the recipe with a traditional cake. Only at the stage, before pouring the soufflé into the mold, a banana and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bstrawberries in the same way are added with detailed half rings.
Fruit options can be either a banana with strawberries or berries (raspberries, currants, blueberries, and others). Bird's milk cake with lemon will also be the highlight of any table.
Bird's milk cake with condensed milk is prepared quite often. Thanks to condensed milk, the soufflé is cohesive and elastic and tasty.
Diet cake bird's milk is prepared according to a similar recipe, using instead regular sugar sweetener, and do not put condensed milk.

Bird's milk cake with semolina

Not always found in the refrigerator necessary ingredients For standard options cake. Semolina will come to the rescue.
For crust use classic ingredients, but from the side of the soufflé there is a cardinal change in the recipe.

For the semolina soufflé:

  • semolina - 130 g;
  • milk - 750 g;
  • sugar - 160 g;
  • butter - 300 g.

Bird's milk cake can be prepared with semolina and lemon. To do this, you need the zest of 1 lemon.


In order not to hear signs of semolina in the soufflé, the cereal must be ground in a coffee grinder to the level of flour before being steamed in milk.

  1. Combine milk and sugar, put on fire. After boiling, add semolina. Wait until it starts to thicken while stirring. Remove from fire.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, add to the semolina mixture. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  3. Beat butter until fluffy, pour into it lemon juice.
  4. Mix the semolina mixture with butter cream. Beat well.

Decoration - melted chocolate, which is poured over the finished cake.
Bird's milk cake with semolina has a simpler recipe that can be repeated many times.
Bird's milk cake from semolina does not require the addition of gelatin or agar-agar, since semolina itself gives a thickening effect.

The bird's milk cake recipe can really be done at home. Having necessary products and the oven, you can pamper yourself and your family with such a delicacy. But what if there is no oven or it does not function as we would like? You can make a bird's milk cake without baking, the recipe is below.

Bird's milk cake without baking

Without exposing dessert heat treatment maybe if you make it entirely with jelly. It will turn out such a kind of jelly cake.


  • sour cream - 1 liter (fat content 25% or 30%);
  • milk - half a liter;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • bulk gelatin - 50 grams.
  • For decoration - 1 bar of chocolate (100 grams).


  1. Pour gelatin into a bowl and pour 100 ml of milk. Stir, let stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Add sugar to sour cream, beat with a mixer. While whisking, pour in the milk.
  3. Gelatin put on fire, melt. Pour into sour cream mixture.
  4. Divide the mixture into two equal parts (you can vary). Pour melted dark chocolate into one part, and do not touch the other. chocolate part stir well.
  5. Prepare a form. Pour it in right amount mixtures of the same color (can be made in two parts, or can be alternated in several layers). Send to the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. When the first layer hardens, pour the second. Again send to the refrigerator. And so on, if the cake is planned in several layers.

Such a dessert is prepared, albeit for a long time, but the final result will definitely please.
Bird's milk cake can also be prepared in a slow cooker if it is not possible to use the oven.

Bird's milk cake in a slow cooker

For ease of preparation of a biscuit in a slow cooker, fewer ingredients are used than with the traditional interpretation.

Necessary components for the cake:

  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 6 tbsp. l.

For the soufflé, ingredients are used that are part of the traditional soufflé from the first recipe.
To prepare a cake for baking in a slow cooker, you must thoroughly mix all the ingredients (it is better to use a mixer).
Pour the dough into the multicooker bowl greased with butter. Set the “baking” mode (or a similar program), a timer for 40 minutes (many models have an automatic calculation of the time for a specific program to work). After baking, allow the cake to cool, then remove it from the bowl and form the cake. Decorate with whipped cream or chocolate.

Bird's milk cake without eggs

To make a cake without a single chicken egg, you will need:

For the crust:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp,
  • soda - 0.5 tsp

For the soufflé:

  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • semolina - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • juice of half a lemon.

The process of making a cake is similar to that offered on semolina. Only eggs will be missing.

Bird's milk cake with mascarpone

This amazing and refined option It’s easy to make a cake if you have the following products:

For the crust:

  • the classic version of the biscuit dough.

For the soufflé:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 800 g;
  • dessert wine - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water -350 g;
  • eggs - 10 pcs (squirrels);
  • sugar - 600 - 700 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • agar-agar - 10 g.

The cake is baked according to step by step instructions.

Soufflé is prepared like this:

  1. Soak agar-agar in water for a couple of hours, put on fire until completely dissolved with the addition of sugar.
  2. Whisk the whites and add them to the syrup;
  3. Add wine, mascarpone, lemon juice to the mixture and beat well (about 1 minute).

The soufflé is ready. Form into a cake and refrigerate for an hour and a half. A decoration option will be pouring with melted chocolate, or with a mirror glaze.
It is also customary to serve with such a glaze ", which has an almost identical soufflé recipe. Only chocolate of different cocoa content is used.

One of the legends tells how beautiful birds of paradise fed their chicks with their most tender "bird's" milk. This is, of course, a fairy tale, but classic dessert"Bird's milk" is a real magical delicacy. Thin cake, delicate soufflé and delicious chocolate icing.

Fans of the Bird's Milk cake often complain that the delicacy is no longer what it used to be. What to do, times have changed, the recipe has improved.

If your kitchen is equipped with a mixer, making a cake will not be difficult.

To prepare this dessert you will need:

  • fine sugar - 8 tbsp;
  • large egg - 7 pieces;
  • a little vanilla sugar;
  • 40 g of gelatin granules;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • flour - 160 g;
  • baking powder for the dough;
  • 150 g butter (softened);
  • 2 chocolates;
  • whole milk "condensed" - 100 g.

Cooking time: 1 hour. Per serving 100 g: 399 kcal.

How to do:

Classic step by step

This delicacy is based on a cream made from whipped proteins brewed with a sweet syrup.


  • for glaze: two bars of dark chocolate.

For the crust:

  • flour - 160 g;
  • 45 g butter;
  • selected egg - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 100 g.

For gentle cream:

  • 10 st. l. Sahara;
  • 3 proteins;
  • 8 art. l. oils;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 2 g of "citric" acid;
  • 100 g "condensed" whole milk.

Cost required: 2.5 hours. One serving 100 g: 415 kcal.

How to make a classic bird's milk soufflé cake:

Step 1. Soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package.

Step 2. To prepare the dough, rub the butter with granulated sugar. Add chicken eggs, mix and enter wheat flour. By consistency, you will get a mixture that resembles thick sour cream.

Step 3. Line a standard baking sheet with oiled cooking paper. Pour the dough, its layer is about 0.5 cm.

Step 4. Bake in a preheated oven for about seven minutes. Finished cake cool, cut out of it two squares or rectangles.

Step 5. Cook the syrup: in a saucepan, combine granulated sugar with water, over low heat with constant stirring, heat, bring to a boil, add lemon. Cook until sugar syrup won't get sticky. Approximately 40 min. To check, scoop up the syrup with a spoon, lift it up, if the syrup thread does not break, then everything is fine, you can add gelatin and stir. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, remove from heat.

Step 6. Make the cream: beat the whites with a mixer in lush foam, then pour in the syrup in a thin stream, continuing to beat with a mixer. Leave the resulting mass for five minutes at room temperature. Beat butter lightly, add condensed milk, mix again. Send this mixture to the proteins.

Step 7. Place a detachable form without a bottom on a sheet of cooking paper, placing a wide cutting board. Place the cake in a mold, pour the soufflé on top, leaving 100 grams for the second cake. Put the next cake, spread the remaining soufflé on top. Cool down in the refrigerator.

Step 8. The most delicate operation - carefully prepare the chocolate icing in a water bath. Make sure that the water does not have a single chance to get into the chocolate and ruin the icing.

Step 9. Remove the cake from the refrigerator, pour over the icing. Don't forget to send it back to the fridge.

Step 10 Remove the detachable form from the finished dessert. Decorate with chocolate or buttercream if desired. Serve the cake on the table immediately, then the soufflé will be tender, if you keep it in the refrigerator for a day, then the layer will become porous.

Cake "Bird's milk" with cottage cheese and gelatin

Do you want something light and unusual? And there is such a recipe. Berries, air curd cream and thin dough- everything for an exquisite tea party.


  • butter - 80 g;
  • natural honey - 8 tablespoons;
  • any crumbly biscuits- 250 g;
  • granulated gelatin - 20 g;
  • orange juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • oily curd- 0.6 kg;
  • fat cream - 200 ml;
  • fresh raspberries - 200 g;
  • 5 small sprigs of mint

Cooking time: 1 hour. Calorie content for 1 serving 100 g: 400 kcal.


  1. On low heat, dissolve the gelatin granules in the orange juice. Grind cookies in a blender bowl, add 70 g of softened butter, three tablespoons of honey and mix until smooth;
  2. Grease a detachable cake pan with the remaining butter, put the resulting mixture into it, press down to the bottom with a spoon. Put in the refrigerator;
  3. Mash the curd mass with a spatula. Whip the cream with a mixer and add them to the cottage cheese, add the remaining honey;
  4. Choose the most beautiful raspberries to decorate the dessert. The rest of the berries are slightly mashed and combined with curd cream, then introduce gelatin;
  5. Put on the crust curd soufflé, flatten. Put to freeze in the refrigerator;
  6. Decorate the finished dessert with raspberries and mint.

A simple recipe for treats with semolina

For the cream, we suggest using semolina porridge. It seems to be a completely uncomplicated ingredient, but semolina can please with a new taste, it is worth adding to it lemon peel and juice.


  • 4 eggs;
  • baking powder + a glass of flour + 30 g cocoa;
  • fine granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • 1 pinch table salt;
  • 8 tbsp softened butter.
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • 250 g of melted butter;
  • 1 small lemon;
  • 700 ml of milk;
  • 5 tbsp semolina;

Chocolate glaze:

  • sour cream and sugar - 4 tablespoons each;
  • butter and cocoa - 3 tbsp each

Time required: 1.5 hours. Value of 1 portion 100 g: 418 kcal.

How to cook a cake "Bird's milk" with semolina:

  1. Beat the yolks with a mixer until a fluffy light mass is formed. Continue beating while adding sugar and salt. Then increase the speed on the mixer and add one egg white at a time;
  2. Preheat the oven to 180. Combine flour and baking powder, add soft butter and stir until smooth. Add beaten eggs, mix a little more and divide the mass in half. Mix one part with cocoa;
  3. Grease the detachable form well with a piece of butter, put the brown dough into it and send it to hot oven for 7-10 min. Bake a light cake in the same way;
  4. The most crucial moment in the whole recipe is the cream. Pour semolina into hot milk, add sugar. Boil until thick. While you are whipping other ingredients for the cream, the porridge will cool completely;
  5. On fine grater grate the lemon zest, squeeze the juice from ½ of the fruit. Beat the softened butter with a mixer. Add zest and juice while continuing to beat. Add semolina and mix the mass into a homogeneous lush cream;
  6. Put in a form with high sides chocolate cake, on top of it all the cream, smooth it. Press down the cream light cake. wrap the shape cling film and refrigerate overnight
  7. For glaze, mix sour cream with the recommended ingredients. With gentle heating, the glaze will acquire a special texture, become tender and shiny;
  8. Take the cake out of the refrigerator, remove the form. On ready dessert Lay out the chocolate icing in a thin layer, smooth it out and send it to the refrigerator for another half hour so that the icing is well frozen.

Sweets "Bird's milk" at home

The best part about making homemade Ptichye Moloko sweets is that we do without dough.


  • egg whites - 7 pcs;
  • pure water - 250 ml;
  • a bag of gelatin - 40 g;
  • any bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • softened butter - 180 g;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste;
  • fine sugar - 125 g.

Cooking Required: 1 hour 20 minutes In 100 g of sweets: 350 kcal.

Cooking guide:

  1. Fill gelatin with water. After about half an hour, put it on the stove, with constant stirring, bring to a boil. Cool down.
  2. Whip egg whites with a mixer lush mass. Add 125 grams of fine sugar. Increase the mixer speed slightly and beat the mixture until smooth. Continuing to beat, pour in the gelatin liquid;
  3. From chocolate and butter, prepare the glaze in a water bath. To do this, put them in a small container, put it in a deep saucepan filled with hot water half the height of the container, send to the stove for 15 minutes;
  4. Put a piece of chocolate icing in a low form and refrigerate for fifteen minutes. Remove the form from the refrigerator, put the cream soufflé on the icing and smooth it out. Spread the rest of it in a thin layer. chocolate mass, smooth and put on the shelf of the refrigerator for another 30 minutes;
  5. When all the layers have hardened well, you can cut the candies into any shape you like.

"Bird's milk" with strawberries

Indispensable member modern recipes"Bird's milk" - fresh strawberries. Her taste is bright, and she gives the cream a fragrant berry note. And, of course, the red color, thanks to which the dessert looks especially appetizing.

You will need for cakes:

  • chicken egg - 7 pieces;
  • flour premium- 150 g;
  • potato starch - 50 g;
  • fine sugar - 150 g;
  • vanillin - 5 g.

Required for cream:

  • cream - 300 ml;
  • a glass of fresh strawberries;
  • natural yogurt - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 1 sachet.

Required for decoration:

  • fresh strawberries - about 100 g;
  • mint leaves - 1 handful;
  • 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

You will need: 2 hours. Energy value 100 g: 405 kcal.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 ºC. Beat the yolks with a mixer until light in color. Add fine sugar, starch and flour, beating continuously. Slightly increase the speed of the mixer and gradually introduce the proteins, knead the dough into a homogeneous mass;
  2. Lubricate a suitable form with a cube of butter, put in it biscuit dough and send it to the oven. Do not immediately take out the finished base, let it stand in the switched off oven for about ten minutes. Remove the biscuit and cut into two equal halves;
  3. For cream: soak gelatin according to package directions. Whip the cream with a mixer. Be sure to add yogurt, mix and carefully pour in the swollen gelatin, add strawberry pieces;
  4. Put the first cake on flat dish, put the cream on top, smooth. Put the second cake on the soufflé, press down lightly. Put the dessert in the refrigerator so that it freezes well;
  5. On finished cake"Bird's milk" lay out slices of fresh strawberries, decorate powdered sugar and mint leaves.

Little tricks

Cakes, before pouring cream, can be sprinkled with any cream liqueur. By the way, you can also add a tablespoon of liquor to the cream so that the taste of the soufflé is not monotonous.

Be sure to add gelatin to the cream, if there are no granules, take plates, the result will be the same. Thick chocolate icing can be diluted by adding a piece of butter.

Egg whites that need to be whipped into a fluffy mass, be sure to cool. It is important that the dishes are porcelain. The whisk must be absolutely clean, even a small drop of fat will spoil the foam. A pinch of table salt introduced into the proteins will strengthen it.

Another detailed recipe delicious treats- in the next video.

Step by step preparation:

Butter-whipped semi-finished product:

  1. Whisk butter and sugar.
  2. Add eggs and flour to the creamy mass. Knead the dough. Its consistency will be viscous.
  3. Spread the dough with a spatula on a baking sheet in a round shape and bake at 200 ° C for 10 minutes. 2 cakes should come out.
  1. Butter softened and at room temperature with a mixer or blender, beat with condensed milk and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Soak agar-agar for 3 hours in 140 g of water. When it dissolves, boil, boil for 1 minute and add sugar. Boil the syrup to the consistency of a soft ball.
  3. Whisk the whites with citric acid to stable peaks and pour into the syrup.
  4. Whisk the syrup.
  5. Add vanilla extract and a mass of condensed milk and butter to the protein mass. Mix everything with a mixer.
Cake shaping and icing:
  1. Put the cake in the form and pour half of the soufflé. Put the second cake and pour the soufflé again. Do it quickly, because the agar-agar soufflé freezes instantly.
  2. Place the cake in the refrigerator.
  3. When the soufflé has hardened, cover the cake with icing. Melt chocolate, mix with butter and pour over the product.

Do you want to cook classic "bird's milk" according to GOST and enjoy it excellent taste? Then we offer a recipe for a product that was prepared by every Soviet confectionery factory.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 150 g
  • Sugar sand - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Vanilla (extract) - 5 drops
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Proteins - from 2 eggs
  • Agar-agar - 30 g
  • Sugar - 450 g
  • Butter - 220 g
  • Lemon - 1/6 tsp
  • Condensed milk - half a can
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp
  • Chocolate black - 100 g
  • Butter - 50 g


  1. Combine softened butter with sugar and beat with a mixer.
  2. Gradually add eggs, vanillin to the butter mass and continue to beat the mass so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Stir flour into existing mixture. in small portions, knead the dough and divide it into equal 2 parts.
  4. Put the dough on the round bottom of the mold and bake at 230°C. Baking time for cakes is no more than 7-10 minutes.
  1. Soak agar-agar in 150 ml of water for 4 hours. After that, bring it to a boil over a fire, add sugar and cook for 1 minute. Boil the broth again, and when the syrup decreases in volume and a white foam appears, remove the mass from the heat. The syrup should stretch like a thread. Leave it to cool down to 80°C.
  2. Beat butter and condensed milk (room temperature) into a cream and add vanilla.
  3. Beat the whites with a mixer. Add butter-condensed cream, agar-agar and beat with a mixer.
  1. Melt chocolate with butter steam bath. Do not bring to a boil.
Cake assembly:
  1. Put the first cake in a mold with sides and pour over part of the soufflé. Repeat the same procedure.
  2. Send the cake to harden in the refrigerator.
  3. When the soufflé has hardened, cover the cake with the prepared icing and place the product back in the refrigerator.

Since agar-agar can not be found in all stores, and it is not very cheap, but delicious cake I want to cook, then we attach a recipe for a product with semolina. The cream for this delicacy will be made from semolina, and not from expensive exotic product. At the same time, “bird's milk” will taste just as tender and tasty.


  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Semolina - 4.5 tbsp.
  • Milk - 500 ml (for cream), 3 tbsp. (in glaze)
  • Powdered sugar - 4 tbsp (in cream), 3 tbsp. (for frosting)
  • Butter - 300 g (for cream), 50 g (for glaze)
  • Cocoa - 3.5 tbsp (for frosting)
  1. Boil milk and add semolina. Cook semolina, stirring constantly until it thickens. Add sugar at the end of cooking. Mix well until completely dissolved.
  2. Cool the porridge, add softened butter and beat the mass with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Pour in the condensed milk in small portions while continuing to beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour the cream into a mold with high removable sides and send it to cool in the refrigerator.
  5. When the soufflé has hardened, take it out of the mold, put it on a plate and pour it over. chocolate icing.
  6. To prepare the glaze, heat all the ingredients over medium heat, but do not let the mixture boil.
  7. Place the cake back in the refrigerator to harden.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with another option for preparing yourself famous dessert since our childhood. But for a change, we will make bird's milk not in the classic white color, but in pink.



  • Wheat flour - 80 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g
  • Softened butter - 55 g
  • Yolks - 3 eggs
  • Baking powder or baking soda - 1 tsp
  • Proteins - 6 pcs.
  • Beet juice - 250 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 400 g
  • Agar-agar - 5 tsp
  • Softened butter - 220 g
  • Lemon juice - a few drops
  • Condensed milk - 150 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Bitter chocolate (70%) - 110 g
  • Butter - 50 g


  1. Beat soft butter with a mixer with vanilla and sugar. When the mass brightens, add one yolk at a time, continuing to beat it.
  2. Sift flour with baking powder and add to creamy mixture. Knead the dough and leave to rest for half an hour.
  3. On baking paper, draw a circle with a diameter of 22 cm with a pencil. Turn the ink sheet over reverse side and with a spatula, spread the dough, forming it into a round cake.
  4. Bake the cake at 210°C for 8 minutes until lightly browned.
  5. Remove the finished cake hot from the paper and cool.
  1. Beat softened butter with condensed milk at room temperature with a mixer until fluffy white mass.
  2. agar-agar pour beetroot juice and over medium heat, stirring constantly, completely dissolve it. From a cloudy liquid, it should turn into a transparent one.
  3. Pour sugar into agar-agar and stir to dissolve. Don't let the liquid boil. Heat the mass to 112 ° C so that it has a stretchy texture. And a minute after boiling, pour in the lemon juice.
  4. Beat the whites with salt until stiff foam, and without stopping whipping, add hot beetroot syrup in a thin stream. Bring the mass to a dense consistency.
  5. Add beetroot syrup to the whipped butter mass and mix well with a spoon. The mass should be thick. Act quickly without delay, about 2 minutes, because. agar solidifies quickly.
  1. Put the biscuit in a form with removable sides and pour the soufflé on top. Level the surface and send the cake to the refrigerator.
  2. Prepare frosting. Combine chocolate with butter and heat in a water bath.
  3. Put the cake on a dish and pour over the chocolate.

A cake without baking is a real find for those who do not like to mess around with the preparation of sweet delicacies for a long time. The taste of bird's milk is tender, which just melts on the tongue.


  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Gelatin - 3 g
  • Chocolate - 100 g
  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Cookies - 100 g
  1. Grind the biscuits with prunes with a blender and tamp in the form. Send the cake to the refrigerator.
  2. Dilute gelatin with water according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Beat egg whites with lemon juice until stiff peaks form.
  4. Whisk butter with condensed milk until smooth.
  5. Mix egg whites, butter mixture and gelatin.
  6. Put the souffle on the cake and send it to the refrigerator.
  7. Melt the chocolate with butter (do not boil) and pour over the frozen cake.
Video recipes:

Although I didn’t understand from childhood where milk comes from birds, I still loved sweets and a cake with that name. It is so tender and sweet, it just melts in your mouth and you don’t feel at all that you haven’t even eaten the first piece. The whole secret is that cake-soufflé "Bird's Milk", as in the recipe with a photo below, has a lot of butter in its composition, and this makes it very tender. And it’s not that difficult to cook it, especially the dough and glaze. But with the souffle you need to do everything right. The recipe for "Bird's Milk" is a recipe classic cakewhich I associate with photo , forever hanging in my grandmother's kitchen, but he also has several different variations. But they mostly differ only by adding different ingredients for flavor in the soufflé itself, so look at my version and you will be able to make cake "Bird's Milk" and other recipes with step by step photos.

Cake "Bird's Milk" with agar-agar

Kitchen appliances: mixer, spoon, cake molds of different diameters, baking sheet, oven, saucepan, bowls.


Cooking process

First stage

  • yolks;
  • 70 g of oil;
  • baking powder;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • flour.

Second phase

  • 100 g of oil;
  • condensed milk;
  • 270 g of sugar;
  • agar-agar;
  • 100 ml of water.

Third stage

  • cream;
  • chocolate.

Video recipe for making a cake "Bird's Milk" with agar-agar at home

There are quite a lot of different parts in the recipe, so,so that you don't make a mistake, watch this video and find out how make a bird's milk cake ". So you will see how to make a soufflé, make cream "Bird's Milk" for the cake and icing for it.

How to decorate the cake "Bird's Milk"

The frozen soufflé and glaze are very easy to draw on, so you can decorate the cake in any way you want. Take pastry bag with multi-colored cream or just white chocolate, and draw patterns, flowers or write congratulations. Draw different animals or cartoon characters if you are making a cake for children. Or simply decorate it with white or dark chocolate pieces, candies or cookies. Anything you can think of can be done with this cake.

  • The crust should be smaller than the cake mold so that the soufflé can be poured evenly.
  • Pour over the soufflé without delay, as it sets very quickly.
  • Do not use hot ingredients, let cool until warm state so as not to ruin the cake.

What to serve with

We usually serve cakes with hot drinks. It is this cake that I love to eat with black coffee, and my husband always prefers tea. Children can prepare cocoa for it or hot chocolate, the main thing is not to go overboard with sweetness. You can just pour a glass of compote or juice, or take a carbonated drink from the store.

Other options

If you don’t have agar-agar in your kitchen, then you can replace it and easily make it, and it will turn out no worse. And at the same time, the soufflé itself can be made chocolate, coffee or honey, if you make another cream for it. Or even make and get a taste from childhood. If you miss your favorite sweets, then it is not so difficult to cook them yourself, if you only want to.

Have you got a cake? Soufflé tender and sweet? How did you decorate it and what did you serve it with? Tell it all in the comments.
