
How beautiful to decorate a cake with raspberries and blueberries. Lemon cake with blueberries

Fresh juicy fruits, sweet berries - what could be more appetizing and attractive? That is why fruits are used very often as cake decorations. Fruits can be cut into thin slices and laid out on the surface of the cake, covered with a layer of special jelly, layered cakes and added pieces to the cream.

Decoration examples:

Not all fruits can be used to decorate cakes. Some of them are too juicy and will release juice that is completely unnecessary on the surface of the product. The top cake can get wet and lose its “marketable” appearance.
The best fruits for decorating homemade cakes are:

  • pineapples;
  • mango;
  • tangerines, oranges;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • kiwi;
  • apricots;
  • peach and others.
  • melon and watermelon (too much juice);
  • persimmon;
  • lime;
  • some berries - cranberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries;
  • pomegranate (stones cannot be removed).

In addition to fresh fruits, you can successfully use canned ones yourself or in a factory way. Before using the preservation, it is necessary to drain the juice and strain them on a sieve.

Preparation for registration

Fresh fruit must be prepared:

  1. Rinse them under running water.
  2. Remove stems and leaves.
  3. Remove the seeds by cutting the fruit in half.
  4. With citrus fruits, it is necessary to remove the film if possible. Divide the fruit into slices and, trying not to damage their integrity, remove the peel and remove the seeds.


  • apples, pears can be cut into slices: first, the fruit is cut in half, the half is placed on the board cut down and thin slices are cut along;
  • peaches can also be cut into slices or quarters;
  • apricots are cut along the line and laid out in halves;
  • berries are most often left whole;
  • bananas are cut into slices.

Apples darken in the air. After cutting, sprinkle them with lemon juice so that they retain their original appearance.

Registration process

There are a lot of options for decorating homemade cakes with fruits:

  1. You will need tangerines, large grapes, and fresh or canned mangoes. We cut the mango into thin slices, in the center of the cake we lay out a flower from them, slipping each new slice under the previous one. Along the perimeter of the cake, alternately put the grapes and tangerine slices cut lengthwise, forming a beautiful edging.
  2. Rainbow decoration. Take 3-4 fruits with contrasting colors: for example, green kiwi, yellow pineapple, red strawberry and light banana. Cut everything into slices, banana - circles. Starting from the center of the cake, lay out a circle, alternating colors: banana, kiwi, pineapple, strawberry. The sides of the cake can also be decorated with slices. Arrange three strawberries in the center of the cake.
  3. From thin apple slices, you can form beautiful voluminous flowers to decorate the cake. It is better to cut them with the help of a special device - a slicer. The slices are collected in a "rose", set in a recess on the cake on the cream. You can put red grapes around.
  4. Jelly cakes should be decorated with fruits even at the stage of preparing the dessert itself. If the recipe assumes that the cake will harden in the form in the cold, you can put thin slices on the bottom before pouring the mass. Then the mixture for the cake is carefully poured out, the product is removed in the cold. After hardening, the cake is turned over onto a dish, with a layer of fruit on top.
  5. Mono-decoration looks very elegant. For example, on a white cream of cream, strawberries of the same size are laid out in circles. The combination of red and white looks solemn and elegant.
  6. It looks interesting cake, decorated with diced fruits. The shape of the cake is a hemisphere. In the center of the finely chopped strawberries lay out a small circle. Divide the remaining surface into 6 equal parts, marking them. Cover the cake with sticky cream. Lay out the “shares” with cubes of orange, pineapple, kiwi, banana and red or black currant berries. It turns out a bright holiday cake.

Fruits in jelly

To make the fruits shiny, firmly held on the surface, you can fill them with jelly. Follow simple rules:

  1. Coat the surface of the cake with a thin layer of jam and confiture before decorating. So the jelly will not be absorbed into the cake, but will remain on the decoration.
  2. Place the cake in a detachable form or put a special confectionery ring on it. The diameter of the mold or ring should match the size of the cake. Then the jelly will remain at the top, will not drain on the sides.
  3. For a quicker setting of the filling, place the pastries in the refrigerator for 2 hours before decorating. Fruits that will be covered with jelly should also be as chilled as possible, then the filling will harden much faster.
  4. We start pouring from the center of the surface of the cake to the edges in a spiral. Pour the liquid jelly in a very thin stream, allowing it to evenly distribute over the fruit.
  5. The color of the fruit filling jelly is very important. The best option is colorless. It is universal, gives shine, is evenly distributed, small flaws are invisible on it. Red jelly is used for fruits and berries of the corresponding color - strawberries, raspberries, red currants. The yellow color of the jelly is suitable for apricots, bananas, pineapples and citrus fruits.
  6. Do not use the diluted gelatin immediately, let it become thicker and more viscous, and only then pour the fruit. However, do not miss the time - too thickened mass will not be evenly distributed over the surface.


  1. Glass of water;
  2. 20 grams of gelatin;
  3. A glass of juice;
  4. Sugar - about 3 tablespoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin with water, stir and leave in this state for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Pour the juice into a saucepan and add sugar if desired.
  3. Bring to a boil and slowly pour in the gelatin, stirring constantly.
  4. Stir until all the gelatin grains are dissolved.
  5. Cool until the mass thickens slightly, and pour over the slices.

Decorating cakes with carving

Carving (from the English word “carved ornament”) in cooking is a curly cut of vegetables, fruits or berries. Decorating dishes using the carving method appeared relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. The method requires some skill. The basic rule is to thinly slice the fruits in the correct sequence. Therefore, you will need some tools - a thin sharp knife, a slicer, a vegetable peeler and others.
The most famous and illustrative example of carving is watermelon carving. Craftsmen on the basis of this berry make real works of art. However, it is worth remembering that such decorations are not stored for long and you need to decorate the cake with them just before serving.

Carving - apples or pears

The most familiar fruits for us are apples and pears. You can buy them at any time of the year. Decorating a cake at home is not difficult at all, even a beginner can handle such carving.

A few simple techniques:

  1. Apple baskets. The apple is cut in half, the lower part is cleaned with a spoon to make a basket. From the upper part we cut out a flower, string it on a toothpick and insert it vertically into the lower half. We fill the basket with fruits or berries, you can decorate it with a cap of cream on top. To prevent the apple from darkening, brush it with lemon juice with a brush.
  2. Large apple blossom. Cut the fruit in half, clean the bones. We cut into thin slices and lay out the flower on the cake, it can be covered with a layer of yellow or colorless jelly, and sprinkled with lemon juice and left in its natural form.
  3. Leaves. Cut the apple into quarters, remove the seeds. Make a longitudinal notch in the center of the quarter, make the edges serrated, giving the shape of a leaf.
  4. You can make a hedgehog out of a pear. Peel the fruit from the thin side by 2/3 of the length. Put grapes on toothpicks and stick them in a pear - these are needles. From blackcurrant berries, make a nose and eyes of a hedgehog.

Fruit figurines

On the basis of almost any fruit, you can make a three-dimensional figure - a circle, a heart - and decorate the finished cake with it.

This decoration has its own characteristics:

  1. As a cutting, you can use metal cookie cutters or cut out each figure with a thin knife.
  2. The peel and seeds are removed, a slice 0.5-1 cm thick is cut off, and a figure is cut out from this piece.
  3. Too juicy fruits - melon, watermelon - are laid out on a towel before decorating to drain excess juice.
  4. If the fruits are laid out in a horizontal plane (on the surface of the cake), they can be filled with store-bought or home-made jelly. Figures can be attached to the side with a toothpick. If they are thin and light enough, you can “plant” them on cream or icing.
  5. Fruits that darken after cutting can be immediately gelled or smeared with lemon juice.

Berry carving

Berries can also be used to decorate cakes.

  1. Strawberry flowers. The berries are cut lengthwise into thin slices, flowers are laid out on the cake. It is optimal to install such a composition in a recess in the cake or in a vase of chocolate so that the flower looks more voluminous.
  2. Small grapes, currants, blackberries are suitable for creating an original pattern. Berries strung on toothpicks can fill the space in a large fruit pattern. Also, on their basis, it is convenient to make eyes, mouths, noses for figures and animals.
  3. You can make a flower out of strawberries by simply cutting the berry to the base and slightly opening the resulting petals. Then the figurine is put on a skewer and, in the planned order, is attached to the cake. These flowers can even decorate the side surfaces of the cake.

Original ideas for carving

At home, without a lot of special tools, you can make amazingly beautiful compositions based on fresh fruits and berries to decorate the cake:

  1. Peel the banana. Along it, make parallel grooves with the tip of a knife. Cut into circles. You get stars.
  2. Any round or oval fruit - apple, mango, apricot - can be made into a small basket for decoration. They are installed on the cake and filled with berries, cream or cream as desired.
  3. On children's cakes, you can attach compositions in the form of animals, trees, any cartoon characters carved from fruits.
  4. From small berries of different colors cut into halves, you can put a congratulation, a picture or any pattern on the surface of the cake. It can be gelled later.

Despite all the seeming complexity, even a novice cook can master the decoration of a cake using the carving technique. You just need to stock up on patience and some tools - and you will succeed.

Additional decoration

By laying fruits on the surface of the cake, you can additionally decorate the cake so that it looks even more impressive on the festive table:

  1. Whipped cream. You can use ready-made plant-based in a balloon or make your own. To do this, beat 300 milliliters of cream (very cold) with a mixer at high speed until lush foam, add a little powdered sugar to taste and vanilla extract. Transfer the resulting foam to a pastry bag and squeeze a pattern or small roses onto the sides and / or side surfaces of the cake.
  2. Cream. Creamy, chocolate or sour cream also goes well with both fresh and canned fruits. You can decorate the cake with a cornet.
  3. Melted chocolate. They can make thin stripes, a mesh right on top of the fruit.
  4. The side surfaces of the product, if they are not covered with slices, can simply be sprinkled with chocolate, nut crumbs or crumbled dough or biscuit remnants.

Cakes decorated with fruit and especially filled with jelly should be stored in the refrigerator. The period of use of products with berries and fruits is short, so start the design just before serving.

Bon appetit!

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And you can bake in the oven, for this I Beat eggs with sugar until creamy. Then add baking powder and mix well. Then gradually add the flour and mix thoroughly until smooth. Bake a sponge cake at a temperature of 180-190 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Cool the finished cake and cut in half.

Cooking soufflé

Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell for 20 minutes.

Whip the cream until a strong foam forms to keep its shape. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath and pour into the whipped cream, mix thoroughly. Then you can add powdered sugar to taste.

Melt the gelatin in a water bath and pour it into the cream, stirring quickly.

Put one half of the biscuit on the bottom of the detachable form, pour half of the soufflé, cover with the second biscuit and pour the remaining soufflé. Send the cake to the refrigerator until completely solidified.

We decorate the finished cake with the help of tubes laid out on the sides of the cake, decorate with blueberries and mint on top.

The cake turns out very tasty, light and certainly beautiful!

Please your loved ones. Bon appetit.

Recipes for cream and other confectionery decorations

how to decorate a cake with fruits

30 min

140 kcal

5 /5 (6 )

Even the most delicious dessert without the right, bright design does not give any idea about itself, does not carry any delicious urge. In this article, I want to talk about a dessert serving option that is available even to novice confectioners, namely, decorating cakes with fruits at home with a photo for greater clarity.

Decorating cakes with fruits: all the pros in favor of a useful decoration

What is fruit - it is a source of vitamins, first of all. And for whom sweets are most often prepared at home - for the flowers of life, our children. For me the main advantage of a cake decorated with fruits and berries is the benefits for the body, unlike, for example, colored creams or sugar figurines. Another plus: if you overdid it with sugar during the preparation of cakes or cream, fruits or berries with a sour taste will equalize and smooth out such a mistake.

List of the best fruits for decorating cakes

Fruits are an excellent material for decorating a cake, they are inexpensive, tasty and healthy, colorful, bright. Fruits and berries have always been in harmony with the dough as a filling, why not use them when decorating.

To decorate the cake with fruits, it is advisable to choose ripe, but not overripe fruits, without cracks and spots on the peel, without dents and darkening. The most popular fruits for decorating desserts are apples and almost all citrus fruits, bananas, peaches, plums, apricots, kiwis, pears. Of the berries, confectioners prefer strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and currants (black and red). Often used in the design of desserts grapes.

What fruits are not suitable for decorating a cake at home

But there is also a list of what fruits it is not advisable to decorate the cake with. Not all frozen fruits retain their color, shape and taste after defrosting, so you should be selective with them.

Cherries are not very suitable: firstly, because of the stone; secondly, after removing the stone, the cherry exudes juice, coloring the cream, on top of which the fruit is laid out. The same can be said about watermelon: it is too juicy for use in cakes.

Pineapple and kiwi do not allow the jelly to harden, so if the fruit decoration is planned to be filled with jelly, they should be poured over with boiling water before decorating. If canned fruits are used to decorate sweet dishes, liquid must drain from them.

How to decorate a cake with fruits: step by step instructions

Consider how to decorate a cake with fruits step by step. I will be decorating a sponge cake with buttercream and chocolate fudge on top, apple, raspberry and blackberry. In order to prepare the decoration, I need the following products:

Decorating a cake with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is that the composition does not float and the flowers, and I will make roses, do not fall apart.

Step one: I'm making syrup. Pour a cup (100 ml) of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then pour 100 g of sugar. Stir sugar until completely dissolved, remove from heat.

Step two: my apple and 100 g of raspberries and blackberries. I spread the berries on a towel to dry. I cut the apple in half, then into thin slices.

I dip the apple plate in syrup and roll it into a tube, I also dip the next one and wrap it over the first one.

The secret of how easy it is to decorate a cake with apple roses is that each “petal” closes the end of the previous one.

In addition, the "petals" are seized by the syrup. For one flower, you need about five apple slices.

Step three: flowers are placed in the center of the cake. The mint leaves around them imitate rose leaves. Along the edge of the cake, I have it in a round shape, I place blackberries and raspberries tightly to each other, alternating them. I put a few berries in a chaotic manner in free places on the cake. The cake decorated with fruits is almost ready, the final touch is to lightly sprinkle the berries with powdered sugar, it will look beautiful on a chocolate background.

During a famine in 1407 in the German city of Lübeck, a decision was made to make bread from almond flour. Since then, Lübeck has been considered the capital of marzipan, which is known to be made from almonds and sugar syrup.

How to decorate a homemade cake depends largely on the event for which it is prepared. If for a children's holiday, then carving animal figures or fairy-tale characters from fruits will be just a great idea.

From fruits, you can make flowers, geometric shapes, a heart, and so on, which is enough for your imagination.

From sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits, you can effortlessly lay out any ornament or a whole carpet, combining fruits and berries of several colors. The composition of fruits and berries is often filled with jelly, which gives it stability and a glossy sheen.

Fruits can be dipped in chocolate, sprinkled with powder or cinnamon, coconut, ground nuts.

If we decorate the cake with fruits and sprinkle powdered sugar on top, the fruits or berries must be dry, otherwise the powder will spread on them.

Ideas and photo examples: fruit cake decorations

1. Bouquet of orange roses with apple and kiwi leaves. The composition is filled with an almost colorless jelly, which gives it durability and does not detract from the brightness of the fruit color. Looks simple and elegant.

2. A very delicate spring composition of raspberries and the remains of a tinted cream. Although only one type of berry is used, there is a sense of completion in this design.

3. The cake is decorated with bright, juicy and appetizing berries. No complicated tricks, just a perfectly matched combination of color and shape.

4. A figure of fruit, which is perfect for decorating a cake for a children's party. On the example of this owl, you can depict any other animal or fairy-tale character.
Juicy and bright fruits in every cook have their own ideas about using them as a decoration. If you have a similar experience, your own achievements and favorite tricks on how to decorate a cake with fruits, write to me in the comments, send a photo, I will be grateful to you. It would be interesting to know your opinion on fruits that are easier to work with, on how best to combine fruits in terms of color and flavor.

Decorating a cake with fruits is the best option for decorating a dessert at home. Such a decoration is also within the power of a child, a simple fruit ornament does not require special skills. In addition, the combination of fruits and berries of bright colors looks festive and appetizing.

This blueberry lemon cake is made with three biscuit layers. You can, of course, bake one large one from the proposed products and then cut it into three parts, but I still advise you to bake each cake separately, because this biscuit with berries is too tender, and it can be wrinkled when cut.

If you do not have three identical forms available (like mine), then you will have to bake the cakes one by one. In this case, all the ingredients for the biscuit must be divided into three parts.

That is, for one biscuit you will need 2 eggs (separate the proteins from the yolks), 80 g of sugar, 30 g of flour and corn starch (mix), 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 100 g blueberries, vanillin and zest to taste.

We divide the indicated amount of sugar in half: pour 40 g into the yolks, beat the whites with the other 40 g.

Proteins begin to beat at high speed "until large bubbles", then gradually add sugar, without stopping beating. Beat until strong peaks.

Beat the yolks with sugar, lemon juice and vanilla until fluffy. At the same time, the mass should increase significantly in volume and brighten, the sugar should completely dissolve.

Then gently mix both these masses with a spatula using the “folding” method.

Add the sifted flour and starch mixture, as well as the lemon zest. Mix again, trying not to lose the airiness of the mass.

Put the dough into a mold (20-24 cm) with detachable sides, lined with baking paper, if possible, level it. Distribute the berries evenly over the surface, pressing them slightly.

Bake at 150 degrees, preheating the oven, about 30-35 minutes. Be guided by the features of your oven - the biscuit should not brown too much.

So bake three identical cakes. Cool down.

While the cakes are baking, prepare the lemon curd. Of course, you can do without it, but believe me - it tastes much better with it!

Wash the lemons well and dry. Grate the zest on a fine grater - only the yellow part, the white gives bitterness.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons and pour it into a saucepan.

Then add lightly beaten eggs, sugar and grated zest.

Put the saucepan in a water bath, stirring, heat until the mass thickens. This will take 10-15 minutes.

Cover the finished Kurd with cling film so that it touches the surface of the cream. Leave it to cool to room temperature, after which it can be stored in the refrigerator.

Prepare the cream at the very end, when the lemon curd and biscuit cakes have cooled down well.

Whip cream with sugar until creamy.

Then add the mascarpone and mix well.

Decorating cakes with fruits is the most beautiful of the simplest ways to decorate pastries. There are a lot of variations and I have collected photos of the most (from my point of view) beautiful variations of decorating cakes with fruits. Under the photo, I will list the fruits used. Some cakes are decorated with cake jelly. The easiest way is to buy semi-finished jelly in bags at the supermarket or cook it yourself using the recipe that is described at the very end of this publication.

17 most magnificent cakes decorated with fruits

Cake with fruit photo 1. Perhaps the simplest option. The outer circle uses tangerines and green grapes. And the rose in the center of the cake is lined with canned mango (can be replaced with large canned peaches.

Cake with fruit photo 2. Very beautiful and simple cake. Fruits used in decoration: strawberries, red currants (twigs) and round black currants (berries). Colored powder looks very nice on a white creamy background in combination with multi-colored fruits.

Cake with fruit photo 3 (www.momsdish.com). Just a brilliant idea: a rainbow cake. There are many variations on this idea. Starting from the use of fruits and ending with the sequence of laying out colored sectors from fruits. It is in this recipe that the following fruits and berries are used: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries. You can also add currants and canned peaches and mangoes and more and more and more.

Cake with fruit photo 4. This cake is for gourmets and aesthetes. Minimalism and elegance. As for my taste - just great: fresh raspberries with small mint leaves. It is also very tasty, when you bite off a piece of cake, your tongue will feel the fresh-sweet mint-raspberry taste.

Cake with fruit photo 5. What was put on the dark layer of chocolate icing? These are: strawberry, kiwi, mango. For greater convenience when “eating”, strawberries can be cut and laid out in halves.

Cake with fruit photo 6. Red and green is a great color combination. Strawberries and raspberries are a wonderful flavor combination. So, only 3 fruits: raspberries, strawberries and kiwi .... and such beauty!

Cake with fruit photo 7. A real homemade recipe, everything is simple and everything is available. Fan-cut large canned mango, kiwi and berries (blueberries or blueberries or blackcurrants) laid out in the center.

Cake with fruit photo 8. In this version of decorating a cake with fruits, the geometric arrangement of fruit pieces is interesting. Fruits are fixed on a gentle oily snow-white cream.

Cake with fruit photo 9. This decoration is very well suited for huge cakes, which are already cut into portioned square (or rectangular) pieces before serving. Used: pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and cherry.

Cake with fruit photo 10. This is the “Basket of Abundance” depicted and embodied. A good and very varied set of fruits: grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, canned peaches, apples. All this abundance is filled with “careless” cake jelly.

Cake with fruit photo 11. This cake is for children, it is! Side of the cake: kiwi and currant. Owl: strawberry, banana, canned peach and currant for eyes.

Cake with fruit photo 12. Sponge cake, the sides of which are lined with finely chopped nuts, and the creamy top is decorated with fruits. From fruits used: strawberries, kiwi and peaches. When decorating cakes, it is better to take canned peaches. Together with a piece of cake, a canned peach will bite softly and be a pleasure to eat.

Cake with fruits photo 13. Perhaps if the snow-white cream had not been so professionally laid out, perhaps this simple set of fruits would not have looked so beautiful. But in this snow-white cream wave, they look simply amazing: orange, kiwi, pineapple, mango, tangerine. A “cocktail cherry” soaked in sugar syrup was placed in the center of the cake.

Cake with fruit photo 14. Despite the fact that this cake is made from watermelon (yes, it’s from the pulp of a cold watermelon), the decoration idea can also be used on ordinary biscuit cakes. Beautiful leaves and flowers are cut out of kiwi and mango with the help of small molds for children's creativity. Everything else you see in the photo yourself.

Cake with fruit photo 15. I can’t help but post such a masterpiece, although most likely such a fruit design looks so impressive on a multi-tiered cake. But look how chic the colors are: red, black and blue. This is a fruit platter of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All these berries can be bought in the supermarket in the freezing department. Although raspberries are used - fresh. And this is an important rule, since it is raspberries that, after freezing, lose their elastic and chic appearance. But blackberries and blueberries can be bought frozen (but of course good quality freezing).

The berries are laid out too, it seems simple, but very thoughtfully, observing the uniformity of color and taste.

Try and delight your guests with this berry fantasy!!!

Cake with fruit photo 16. It seems that all the same fruits, they just cut and laid them out. But an interesting solution: chocolate bar sides. And now it looks like a chocolate basket filled with fruits. Great solution! The only thing is, do not stray off your feet in search of a white fruit with black dots. This is a Thai fruit called "dragon's eye". In general, it is not very tasty and not very juicy. Although it looks very bright. Replace it with something else.

Fruit cake photo 17. The cake is decorated with citrus slices: lemon, orange and red orange. Sprigs of mint are added as a contrasting color. It will be even more beautiful if, before laying the slices on the cake, dip them in a special gelatin composition (cake jelly). Fruit will sparkle!

Fruit cake photo 18. Sand dough cake (can be stuffed). Laid out fruits are covered with a special cake jelly. It gives shine and tenderness.

Cake with fruits 19. These delicate roses that cover the cake are made from orange peels. It is absolutely not easy to make. The only thing may be that you will need time to “wind up” so many roses. The cake will also be flavorful.
