
Sublimated does not mean unnatural. Sublimated is a quality product, preserved for a long time thanks to high technology

On the shelves of stores you can find many varieties of instant coffee: powdered, granulated, and freeze-dried. Real "coffee lovers" certainly prefer to buy natural bean or ground coffee. But it also happens that there is no time or opportunity to brew a cup of natural aromatic drink.

This is where instant coffee comes in. The sublimated drink is considered the most high-quality and expensive of all its varieties. So what is freeze-dried coffee, and how is it different from granulated or powdered coffee?

Freeze-dried coffee: what does it mean

Freeze-dried coffee is also called freeze dried which means "freeze dry". It is an instant drink obtained by vacuum evaporation of liquid from coffee beans. This procedure is quite lengthy and expensive. They invented the technology of sublimation of coffee raw materials back in the 60s. last century. It consists in instant freezing, and simultaneous vacuum drying of coffee powder. This preserves the aroma, taste and strength of natural coffee. But, it is worth noting that a sublimated drink is made from coffee beans of the lowest quality.

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Production process: how this type of coffee is made

Probably, many lovers of a strong morning drink wondered how freeze-dried coffee is made. This procedure is quite complicated and consists of several stages.

It is worth noting that for expensive brands of coffee, only natural extracts and essential oils are used. In cheaper types, synthetic substitutes predominate. You can read more about how much coffee is in instant coffee.

It is thanks to this Freeze Dry technology that freeze-dried instant coffee retains not only the taste and rich aroma of ground coffee, but many useful properties of a natural drink as much as possible.

You can find out how many calories are in coffee with milk, sugar and without.

What is the difference between freeze-dried coffee and granulated coffee?

Often, most coffee buyers have a question: what is the difference between freeze-dried coffee and instant granulated or powdered coffee. I must say that the difference is not only in price or taste, but also in production technology.

The difference is that freeze-dried coffee is made by quick freezing, with vacuum drying of raw materials without the formation of liquid. And for the production of a granulated or powdered drink, the coffee extract is sprayed, and excess water is simply evaporated from it. For granulated coffee, the resulting powder is slightly moistened. As a result, loose, loose granules, dark brown in color, are obtained. To make the cheapest, powdered drink, the coffee “dust” obtained by evaporation is immediately packaged in bags or cans, without pre-treatment.

Freeze-dried coffee differs richer taste, light caramel color and neat pyramidal shape of granules. Manufacturers claim that such a drink retains the taste and aroma of real coffee beans, since the sublimation process does not destroy the structure of coffee molecules. But it is not so. After all, any instant drink must be processed with flavorings before packaging. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the completely natural origin of freeze-dried coffee.

The benefits and harms of this type of instant coffee

There is an opinion that freeze-dried coffee is not as harmful to health as regular instant coffee. The benefits of using it are obvious. The freeze-dried drink contains quite a lot nicotinic acid, caffeine, antioxidants, and very few different chemical additives. But do not forget that excessive passion for freeze-dried coffee (as well as instant) can cause serious harm. Any instant coffee contributes excretion of calcium from the body, causes disorders of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, has a strong diuretic effect, negatively affects male potency, can cause female infertility. Read more about the benefits and dangers of instant coffee.

Rating of the best brands

From a huge number of names and manufacturers of freeze-dried coffee, it is not easy to choose the best product. The Test Purchase program compiled a rating of the most popular brands of such a drink.

This list includes:

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When choosing freeze-dried coffee, the first thing you need to pay attention to is package integrity and expiration date(it should not be more than 2 years old). All granules should be uniform, whole, light brown, large. You should not buy coffee if there is powder at the bottom of the jar. For a high-quality, natural sublimated drink, the packaging must indicate percentage of Arabica and Robusta.

Of all types of instant drinks, it is better to choose freeze-dried coffee. It has the least chemical and synthetic additives. It has a richer flavor and is less harmful to health. All of his brands are quite famous and popular. And which one is better to choose is a matter of taste.

Video with tips to help you make delicious coffee:

How wonderful it is to drink a cup of fragrant - steaming coffee in the morning, capable of endowing with a charge of vivacity for the whole day ahead! And of course, it is best if you take a handful of fragrant coffee beans and grind them into powder. And then brew your portion of the magic drink in a small copper cezve, or in a coffee maker. Only very often we simply do not have enough time for unnecessary chores, and especially in the morning. And then, in order not to deny ourselves the pleasantness at all, we find an alternative and, instead of freshly brewed, we drink instant coffee.

Of all types of instant coffee drink, and there are three of them - granulated, powdered and freeze-dried, the latter has a higher rating and its price is an order of magnitude higher. Why does this happen and what is freeze-dried coffee?


Coffee sublimation (crystallization) is the process during which a substance immediately passes from a solid to a gaseous state. The technology consists in instant freezing with simultaneous vacuum drying of the coffee concentrate. At the same time, frozen coffee crystals do not turn into a liquid state and bypass the melting phase, and therefore retain their taste, color and aroma.

Sublimate is also called freeze dried (“frozen-dried”). The technology was developed back in the 60s of the last century. This is a rather lengthy and expensive process. Producers of the sublimated drink claim that both in terms of properties and quality it is absolutely similar to freshly brewed, and therefore its rating is quite high. True, to be honest, the raw materials used for the production of freeze-dried coffee are chosen, alas, not of the highest grade. However, as for the manufacture of any other type of instant coffee.


Each manufacturer tries to keep the details of the coffee drink production technology a secret. But the general description of the process is still known. So, how is freeze-dried coffee made?
First of all, coffee beans (mostly they try to use an inexpensive Robusta variety) are roasted and ground to a state of flour.

The coffee powder is then boiled for several hours in high pressure extraction tanks.
After that, part of the moisture is evaporated from the coffee extract placed in special tanks, collecting a vapor of essential oils.

Then there is a very fast freezing of raw materials with simultaneous vacuum drying. During this procedure, all the liquid evaporates in an instant, and the coffee concentrate is converted into a dry substance. It remains only to crush the dried coffee bar into small granules.

And the final stage is the enrichment of coffee granules with essential oils collected at the beginning of the process, additional flavors and flavor enhancers.


When purchasing instant coffee, the question may arise: which of its types is better? To understand this, let's consider how freeze-dried coffee differs from its granulated or powder counterpart.

First, it is the production technology. Unlike the complex and time-consuming process of producing freeze-dried coffee, less effort is spent on the powder and granular version. Yes, and it can be done much faster. After roasting and grinding the coffee bean, the extract is also boiled out of it. But then the coffee extract is simply sprayed and evaporated. What remains is the powder - the basis for the cheapest version of the instant drink. And the coffee granule is obtained as a result of light wetting of this powder.

As we can see, the production process of granulated and powdered instant drinks is less labor-intensive, and therefore the price of such coffee should be different. And it is 30-50% lower than sublimated. And this is the second distinguishing point.

Also, due to the special processing, freeze-dried coffee differs from granulated and powdered coffee in its organoleptic properties. It has a richer taste. And its appetizing light caramel color and neatly shaped granules look much more attractive. Undoubtedly, it is these properties that help the freeze-dried drink to keep its rating in the coffee market.


Doctors have long found out that instant coffee is not very useful for humans and does more harm than good. But, at the same time, it is believed that its sublimated version is less harmful. All this, again, thanks to production technology. So, freeze-dried coffee - the benefits and harms. Let's start with the negative impact on the human body:

Tannins - irritate the walls of the stomach and can cause problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

A large amount of caffeine can lead to an excess of adrenaline in the blood and, as a result, cause unpleasant symptoms - nausea, dizziness.
The withdrawal of the necessary calcium from the body is also very harmful to the body.
Excessive consumption of coffee drink can negatively affect male potency.
Since the composition of the instant drink contains aromatic additives, its frequent use can cause allergic reactions and dermatitis.

But, not everything is so sad. Freeze-dried coffee, the harm of which we have already found out, also has useful properties.

The same caffeine for people with low blood pressure can be a real salvation.
Nicotinic acid, which appears during processing, is necessary for our vessels, as it lowers cholesterol.
Antioxidants help us maintain beauty and youth.
In addition, coffee improves mood and performance, relieves fatigue, activates brain activity.


Freeze-dried coffee, which brand to prefer? Let's try to figure it out based on the ranking of the "top 5 best samples":

  1. Bushido, manufacturer: Switzerland;
  2. Grandos, Germany;
  3. Maxim, South Korean coffee;
  4. Egoiste, Switzerland;
  5. Today Pure Arabica, British brand, prod. Germany.

In the early morning, many of us want to drink a cup of freshly brewed energy drink. But for its preparation it takes some time, which, as a rule, is always not enough. Drinking instant drink does not give such pleasure, and sometimes it even causes unpleasant taste sensations. In these moments, only sublimated will save you. It will invigorate you and give you energy for the whole working morning.

Freeze-dried coffee - what is it and how is it different from other coffee drinks?

The quality has improved in recent years. This category of drinks differs from granulated and powdered coffee in that a special technology has been developed for its manufacture.

Freeze-dried coffee is crystalline particles formed during the drying of frozen coffee beans. The unique manufacturing technology of this product is quite complex and expensive. It is for these reasons that it has a higher price than a powdered or granular drink.

"Sublimation" is the process during which a substance changes from a solid to a gaseous state. However, the melting phase and the transition of crystals to a liquid state are absolutely excluded.

The first step in the manufacture of a freeze-dried coffee drink is to obtain an extract from ground beans. Then, using special equipment, the extract is frozen to -42 0 C. After that, the resulting substance is crushed, sieved and loaded into a dryer under vacuum. Due to the vacuum, the liquid evaporates from the granules and they become solid.

This technology of making coffee is considered perfect. Thanks to it, the rich aroma and taste of real coffee is preserved.

In fact, good freeze-dried coffee is an instant drink. Thanks to the technology described above, 95% of the vitamins, enzymes and, in general, all the useful substances that natural coffee contains are preserved.

Freeze-dried coffee - what is it?

Like any variety, it has certain characteristic features:

  • the shape of the granules resembles crystals and pyramids;
  • color - light brown.

Preparing a freeze-dried drink is quite simple. It just needs to be filled with boiling water. A cup of aromatic and healthy coffee is ready. And on the surface of the liquid drink, foam is formed, which makes its taste richer.

Caffeine should not be consumed by people with hypertension, glaucoma and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can drink, but only if your doctor allows it.

Freeze-dried coffee - what is it and what can be prepared from it?

Freeze-dried coffee can be used to make some pretty original drinks. For cooking you will need:

  • coffee and hot chocolate 80 ml;
  • orange peel - 5 g;
  • whipped cream - the amount to your taste.

The cooking algorithm is very simple. Fill the glass with 1/3 coffee, 1/3 hot chocolate. Garnish with whipped cream and orange zest.

To date, vacuum freeze drying is the most advanced method of preservation. Freeze-drying method allows to keep high taste qualities and nutritional value of food products for a long time (up to 5 years!) at irregular temperatures (from -50 to +50C!).

In food production, sublimation is a technology for removing moisture from fresh products by vacuum, which allows them to almost completely (up to 95%) preserve nutrients, vitamins, microelements, and even their original shape, natural smell, taste and color. Sublimation of food eliminates the use of any flavors, dyes and preservatives. One of the most important advantages of sublimation is the low shrinkage of the original product, which makes it possible to avoid their destruction and quickly restore sublimated products with a porous structure during hydration.

The freeze-drying method perfectly preserves fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish, soups and cereals, mushrooms, seasonings. Freeze-dried products have the widest possibilities for use both as ready-made instant products and as semi-finished products for further industrial processing (confectionery, food concentrate, meat and dairy, perfumery and other industries).

Sublimation technology includes two main steps: freezing and drying. During vacuum freeze drying, moisture is removed from the product by evaporation of ice. When soaked in water, freeze-dried products quickly return to their original shape. The high quality and biological usefulness of finished sublimated products is explained by the fact that only fresh raw materials can be processed. Stale products of processing do not stand. For example, it is allowed to store berries on the raw site for no more than 8 hours from the moment of harvesting, apricots - 12 hours, and peaches - 24 hours.

Preservation by freeze-drying does not require the addition of any chemical or other flavors, preservatives and stabilizers, etc., which is another advantage. This fact is remarkable in that freeze-dried products are absolutely suitable for baby and diet food.

The weight of sublimated products is taken on average from 1/5 to 1/10 of the initial mass. Such a low weight of sublimated products is extremely important for a significant reduction in costs during their transportation.

Sublimated products are packaged in three-layer metallized nitrogen-filled bags weighing from 2 g to 5000 g, depending on the product.

Many people prefer to start the morning with a cup of hot aromatic coffee. This drink invigorates, creates a great mood and allows you to recharge your batteries for the whole day. By far, the most delicious drink can be obtained from freshly ground coffee beans.

But the brewing process can take quite a long time if there is no coffee machine. Therefore, many prefer to use a soluble product. Its harm and benefits have long caused a lot of controversy. Therefore, the question invariably arises of how freeze-dried coffee is made.

The whole production process of the granular product can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Roasted coffee beans are ground. The result is a fairly fine powder.
  2. Ground coffee is placed in specialized containers, hermetically sealed. They carry out the cooking process for three hours.
  3. The steam that is generated during the cooking process is removed using separate pipes. All essential oils contained in coffee beans evaporate with steam.
  4. The resulting coffee mass is placed in the freezer. The freezing process is very fast. All the liquid contained in the mass is frozen out.
  5. The product prepared in this way is broken. The result is a large number of pyramidal granules.
  6. The granulated product is odorless at this stage. Therefore, it is impregnated with the steam allotted at the very beginning with essential oils. Some manufacturers add various flavors to enhance the effect.

It is believed that sublimation allows you to get a product as close as possible in terms of characteristics to natural coffee. In terms of taste and aroma, it practically does not differ from. Such a drink is much better than a simple one, which is prepared under high pressure. If you want to get a fragrant instant drink and not harm your health, then you should buy freeze-dried coffee. Although it is much more expensive than its counterparts.

Of course, it is impossible to determine the quality of coffee only by appearance. And it’s not easy to navigate the price, because expensive does not mean quality. However, there are several recommendations, following which you can choose a delicious drink:

  • Choose a product packaged in a glass jar or soft packaging. But it is better to refuse the purchase of granules in a plastic container.
  • Examine the packaging. It must contain the name and address of the manufacturer, the date of manufacture and the expiration date of the product. The shelf life of coffee produced in compliance with the technology should not exceed two years.
  • The instant product is usually made from Arabica coffee. But often unscrupulous manufacturers try to replace it with cheaper varieties, for example, a variety. Information about the raw materials used in the production must also be printed on the packaging.
  • Make sure that the packaging provides sufficient sealing. This means that the aroma has been preserved in it.
  • If you buy instant coffee in a glass jar, then try to carefully consider the granules. They must be the same size and shape. Often at the bottom of the jar you can see a fine powder. This phenomenon indicates that the production technology has been violated.

What are the health benefits of drinking freeze-dried coffee?

The benefits and harms of such a product still cause a lot of controversy among experts. Manufacturers unanimously claim that such premium coffee is absolutely harmless.

An instant drink can cause harm only if you use it. The tannins contained in it can irritate the walls of the stomach and give an increased load on the liver. In addition, caffeine can trigger the excretion of calcium from the body.

But in fact, the harm of this product is greatly exaggerated. Such an instant drink helps to improve the well-being of people suffering from hypotension. Caffeine gently raises blood pressure, bringing it back to normal.

Which drink is better is up to you. But if you want to get a cup of aromatic coffee in a matter of minutes, then you should give preference to a sublimated product. Such a decision will turn out to be the most rational, since freeze-dried coffee is a very worthy replacement for ground coffee and practically does not differ from it in taste.
