
Lemon mint lemonade. Drink from lime and mint "Mint freshness from Pelagia"

28.05.2014 Pelagia Zuykova

Hello my dear readers! In the hot summer season, like now, you always want something so refreshing. Cool drinks are especially pleasant, which in stuffy weather relieve fatigue and give positive effect for the whole organism. Mint with limes / lemons has such properties.

Mint itself has unique refreshing and soothing properties, helps to get rid of stress. And lemons or limes will help to alkalize the body, and of course they will give a double dose of energy, thanks to high content vitamin C. Raw lime and mint drink is very easy and simple to prepare, and at the same time without boiling water! It only takes a few simple steps.

For a drink you will need:

  • mint - a small twig or 7 leaves;
  • lime or lemon - 1 piece;
  • clean jar liter;
  • water purified and infused with shungite.

How to find the ingredients of a drink?

Any mint is suitable for teas: peppermint, curly and lemon. You can find it in the market at some grandmothers or in online stores for raw foodists. You can also grow it at home on your own, as I do.

For a drink made from lime and mint, you can also use its wild varieties - field and water mint, which grow mainly in places with high humidity. Water mint has a very delicate taste. It is better to use fresh mint, it has more refreshing properties, but dried mint will also work in winter.

Warning! peppermint during pregnancy and lactation, it is advisable not to use it because of the antispasmodic properties. Only spearmint can be used during lactation in small doses, as only it improves milk production. But it is better to consult with a competent naturopath before use anyway. Also, children under 5-6 years old, especially babies, are generally not recommended to give any kind of mint.

For the drink, lime is most often used, as it tastes juicier than a lemon, and against the background of a bright green shade of mint infusion, their colors complement each other. When served on the table, it looks very beautiful. But you can also add lemon, it is also very useful and beautiful. You can buy both, but personally in our city limes are less common. And they cost more than lemons.

Preparing a mint drink:

  1. We take a liter jar.
  2. Put mint leaves in it. You can grind it down a bit if you like.
  3. Fill with water room temperature.
  4. We put it on the windowsill to saturate the tea with the fresh rays of the sun.
  5. If the leaves are fresh, then in 15-30 minutes it will be ready. If the mint is dried, then a little longer - 60 minutes.
  6. Before drinking, the drink can be slightly cooled for 15 minutes by placing it in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 4 degrees.
  7. Now we take a lime / lemon, carefully cut into round slices and throw into the water. For liter jar three or four circles are enough. Citrus can be peeled like an orange, and then put into the drink slices, slightly incised.
  8. Stir the drink and bark to stand for 5 minutes.
  9. Lime and mint drink is ready!
  10. Now we drink for pleasure.

For health, drinking cold infusions is very useful, you do not need to boil them. And even more so on a raw food diet, they give more more benefit than before. The mint-lemon drink prepared by us has a tonic property and gives energy for the whole day. How did you like it? Write in the comments.

P.S. You can read more about iced teas and drinks in the article How to make iced teas and infusions.

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It is not easy to quench your thirst on a hot summer day: you want a refreshing taste, not cloying, with a slight sourness ... This is where a wonderful combination of lime and mint can come to the rescue. Such green mix will give coolness and freshness. Mint cocktails are extremely popular, so it's worth learning a little more about their preparation.

The popularity of mint and lime in cocktails

Today, we can say with confidence that in any bar or cafe around the world you will be able to offer a cocktail or dessert, which will include mint and lime. Such popularity of this mix is ​​easy to explain. Mint has a very fresh taste. It brings a feeling of coolness and leaves a light unobtrusive aftertaste. Lime adds a sour flavor to this that is not overpowered by overpowering smell or sweetness. Exactly green fruit prefer the usual yellow lemon for making cocktails. First, it has a more saturated sour taste. Secondly, lime does not have a characteristic citrus smell. Mint and lime cocktails are a tradition. Each one refines this combination in their own way, depending on tastes and preferences.

simple recipes

It doesn't take much to make a refreshing and healthy summer drink. complex ingredients and intricate actions. Here are some tips on how to do simple cocktails from mint and lime yourself:

  • Mix 1 liter clean water from 0.5 liters cranberry juice. Add a few drops of mint essence or a handful of crushed fresh mint leaves. Cool the drink. Serve with an ice cube in a garnished glass.
  • Mix the juice of one lime with crushed mint leaves and pour 1 liter of carbonated mineral water. Cool the drink and serve with ice. If desired, you can add a little sugar or honey.
  • Brew green tea without additives with cinnamon, lime and mint. After cooling, add honey to taste. Dilute with water to desired fortress drink. After that, the tea should be cooled and served cold with ice cubes.

At home, you can special efforts make simple cocktails. They will not only quench your thirst on hot days, but will also be much healthier than purchased soft drinks.

Alcoholic cocktails

If any person is asked to remember alcoholic cocktails with mint and lime, then 99% of the respondents will name "Mojito". Indeed, this is a classic that is hard to argue with. Great cocktails made by professional bartenders. But you can cook a decent "Mojito" yourself. The technique is simple:

  1. Separate the leaves from several sprigs of mint. Wash them and put them in the bottom of a large glass. After that, they need to be well kneaded with a pestle from a mortar. If this is not possible, grind well enough.
  2. Put 4 lime slices on the mint, which also needs to be mashed until the juice is released.
  3. Add 50 ml white rum and 3 teaspoons of sugar.
  4. Fill the remaining space in the glass crushed ice and gently mix it with the rest of the contents.
  5. Fill a glass with chilled mineral sparkling water or Sprite.

You can decorate this cocktail with mint and lime to your liking. For example, bright tubes or umbrellas. You can improvise: add other juices from berries or fruits, use more or less alcohol. But the cooling minty taste - business card this cocktail.

Smoothies and desserts

Mint cocktails can be a great base for summer desserts. The peculiarity of sweet dishes in hot weather is that they are not too fatty and heavy. Smoothie with mint leaves good feeling coolness. The drink will relieve cloying and constant thirst. Smoothies and desserts with mint are easy to prepare. Here is a simple example of an interesting summer dish:

  • You need to mix 200 ml of lime juice and 300 ml of milk. Add 4 tablespoons of sugar to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly with a blender.
  • After that, add 4 tablespoons of white ice cream to the mixture. Beat again with a blender.
  • Pour smoothie into glasses or bowls. Garnish with berries and mint sprigs. Serve chilled.

Mint and lime go well with any berries, fruits, ice cream, cottage cheese and milk. You can decorate such desserts with nuts and chocolate. Improvise, and your desserts will be not only light and refreshing, but also healthy. Mint cocktails are lovely way quench thirst. In addition, you can enjoy a wonderful refreshing taste. And in a combination of mint and lime with other drinks and products, even the most capricious gourmet can show his imagination and creativity.

The desire to drink is a natural state human body inherent in him from birth to the end of his days. This process is the reason for numerous food experiments, the search for new recipes that can quickly, tasty quench his thirst.

On the shelves of modern retail space there are a variety of types of drinks suitable for both adults and children. However, in the world of the rapidly developing food and drink industry, there are fewer and fewer products that have natural composition safe for humans.

This makes people who care about their health and want to live a long and happy life, prepare your favorite drinks at home. One of the simplest, but no less delicious, is lemon mint lemonade.

Its taste is familiar, loved since childhood. Such a drink is especially in demand during hot days, when the sun mercilessly scorches the world around.

It is surprising that France became the pioneers of such a fortified drink. It was there that four centuries ago, a case predetermined the fate of a lemonized drink that won the hearts of millions and is still popular today.

Popularity house drink easily explained by the simplicity of the ingredients included in its composition. All of them are present in the kitchen at almost any time of the year.

Components of the future drink:

  • peppermint - its amount can be adjusted at your discretion and taste preferences to a stronger or weaker minty smell, 100 - 200 gr. is enough for lemonade. or ½ faceted glass;
  • lemons - 3 - 5 pieces, depending on the size;
  • plain water (or carbonated) - 15 glasses;
  • granulated sugar - 1 and ½ faceted glass.

The total time that will be spent on the cooking process will be from 60 to 120 minutes. And the calorie content of one glass of such a drink will vary from 30 to 90 kcal.

At the preliminary stage, we prepare the food material for consumption:

Let's start the process:

Homemade lemonade from lemons, oranges and mint

Oranges will help diversify your drinking diet and enrich it with invaluable vitamin C. They, like most citrus fruits, are a source of an important vitamin and must be present in proper nutrition.


  • 15 glasses of pure water;
  • mint leaves - 50 pcs.;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • lemons - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar (optional) - 1.5 - 2 cups or honey - 0.5 cups.

The preparation time for such a recipe is no more than one hour, and its benefits are endless. In the event that the composition is not sweetened and made only from natural ingredients, the number of calories received when it is consumed will be no more than 20, which gives it the right to be considered a low-calorie diet drink.


  1. First of all, wash the ingredients.
  2. We grind fruits, mint: first with a knife, then with a wooden crush.
  3. Add sweeteners (sugar or honey) - to taste.
  4. Fill the resulting mixture with water.
  5. We give time (30 min.) to infuse and enjoy lemonade.

If you want to make the drink colder, you can add ice cubes to it.

Mint, lime and lemon lemonade at home

Drinking with a sweet taste is not always able to satisfy the need, quench your thirst. Such drinks even more stimulate the appetite and make a person drink more and more.

For a real satisfaction of the need for a drink, one should resort to drinks that are distinguished by a sour taste.

A prominent representative of these is lime. Adding this fruit to lemonade will allow you not only to enjoy, but also to really get drunk.

To make sour lemonade you will need:

The drink contains 30 kcal. Process of creation soft drink takes about 30-60 minutes, looks like this:

How to make Non-Alcoholic Mojito with Mint and Lemon

First place among summer drinks undoubtedly takes a mojito. And this is no coincidence. It is extremely tasty and quick to prepare. In the hot season, he is the bestseller. Homemade mojito will be just as good, worth a try. The composition of the future - cocktail includes:

  • lime (or lemon) - ½ pc.;
  • fresh peppermint - 2 - 3 sprigs;
  • sparkling mineral water - 0.5 l.;
  • sugar - sand - to taste - 25 - 75 gr.;
  • ice cubes - 7 - 10 pcs.

You can make it in minutes (no more than half an hour). Its calorie content is only 20-25 kcal.

Cocktail preparation:

  1. Take one lime (or lemon), cut it in half. We cut one of the parts into rings.
  2. Grind the mint (by hand or with a blender).
  3. Mix the above ingredients glassware, pour sugar into it.
  4. Next add water and mix.
  5. Add ice cubes and a delicious mojito is ready.

You can add your favorite spices or other fruits and berries to this cocktail. A mineral water it is quite possible to replace with sweet drinks, such as sprite or schweppes.

Secrets of making homemade lemonade

Homemade lemonade is not easy natural drink, but also a means to maintain a good figure and good mood. Its advantages are that the components of the drink can be easily changed.

In order to prepare such a cocktail at any time, in a matter of minutes, you need to stock up on it in a concentrated form. Just dilute if necessary.

The base is made very simply: lime or lemon juice is squeezed out, another fruit, cut into slices, is added to it.

Thus, a highly concentrated lemonade is obtained.

Lemonade has always been a popular drink. Cooking it at home helps save money and health. Love yourself and indulge more often.

And in the next video - another recipe for homemade lemonade with mint.

At the same time, the composition of the mojito cocktail is quite simple. Mojito ingredients are rum, sparkling water, lime, mint, cane sugar and ice. Rum is better to use light, for example, as a mojito recipe with bacardi rum. Here traditional way cooking mojito. Pour sugar into a glass, squeeze juice from a lime with your hands. Put the mint on top and knead it well. Then we pour ice, but not very much. Pour the rum, then soda, as much as there is room in the glass. Here is your ready mojito, the classic recipe. Unusual novelty, it's a strawberry mojito. The non-alcoholic strawberry mojito recipe has little in common with a real mojito, nevertheless it exists and tastes very good. Strawberry mojito, non-alcoholic recipe, again, you can give it to children, just do not forget that it is served cold, so they should be treated with caution to children. The same applies to desserts such as mojito ice cream. The composition of such ice cream includes low-fat cream and all other ingredients of a non-alcoholic mojito.

Of course, no one wants to give up the pleasure of drinking a mojito at home too. Making mojito at home becomes especially relevant in summer, so with the advent of the heat, many lovers of this refreshing drink are interested in how to make mojito at home, how to make a mojito cocktail, how to make mojito properly, how to make alcoholic mojito, how to cook non-alcoholic mojito, how to make mojito, how to make a mojito cocktail, how to make a non-alcoholic mojito at home, how to make a mojito, how to make a mojito at home, how to make a non-alcoholic mojito cocktail. Recipe mojito at home does not even require a shaker or some other special equipment or utensils. But there is one secret to making mojitos: the recipe will be wrong if it does not involve rubbing mint. After all, it is essential oils mints make a unique mojito cocktail. The recipe with a photo clearly demonstrates this simple procedure. Depending on how you want to make a mojito, choose a mojito non-alcoholic recipe with photo or alcoholic cocktail mojito photo.

A mojito recipe without alcohol also exists and is very popular. Exclude from classic recipe mojito rum, here's how to make non-alcoholic mojito. There is another option, how to make a non-alcoholic mojito. Cocktail mojito non-alcoholic can be prepared with Sprite. The Sprite Mojito recipe will appeal to those who don't want or can't buy a lime. In fact, a non-alcoholic mojito recipe with a sprite can be given even to children, and of course to those who are contraindicated in an alcoholic mojito recipe. In addition, there is also schweppes mojito. So open up your refrigerators and make non-alcoholic mojitos at home.

And of course, we wouldn't be Russian if we didn't come up with a recipe mojito with vodka. In addition to vodka this case the composition of the mojito does not change in any way. An alcoholic mojito with vodka will certainly not taste like rum, but after a certain amount of alcohol you will not notice this. In addition, mojito at home alcoholic with vodka is easier and cheaper to prepare.

Not all store-bought drinks can be accurately reproduced on your own directly in your kitchen and without the help of factory technologies. But one drink still managed to find an alternative to its factory relative, and the name of this drink is homemade lemonade with lemon and mint. Simple combination available ingredients allows you to cook healthy cocktail from citrus fruits and spices in large volumes at any time of the year.

Classic Mint and Lemon Lemonade Recipe

You can even make delicious homemade lemonade from minimum quantity products. For cooking unpretentious lemon mint drink it will take about 1.5 hours, but the time spent will be fully justified by the end result.

At the exit from the banal minimum of ingredients, you get almost 4 liters. cold lemonade. How to prepare such a drink - read the step-by-step recipe.


  • Water - 3 l;
  • Lemons - 3 pcs. big size;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Mint - 0.5 cups.

Food preparation

  1. My lemons under running water.
  2. Boil citrus fruits.
  3. Wipe the lemons with a towel or paper towel.
  4. We clean the citrus from the zest and white pulp.

Making homemade lemonade

  1. Squeeze juice from fresh lemons: using 3 large citruses, you can get 1 glass (250 ml) of fresh lemon juice.
  2. Preparing syrup for lemon-mint drink:
  • boil 1 glass of filtered water;
  • add 1.5 cups of sugar to boiling water and keep the syrup on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is important to stir the syrup all the time so that the sugar grains dissolve in it better.

  1. We mix the prepared warm syrup with freshly squeezed lemon juice, the remaining water and fresh mint leaves.
  2. We put the lemonade with lemon and mint in the refrigerator. This is necessary not only for the drink to cool, but also for it to infuse.
  3. We serve lemonade in portioned glasses, necessarily decorated with a mint branch, a slice of lemon or lime. If desired, 2-3 ice cubes can be added to the drink.

How to improve homemade drink

For some housewives, to enhance the taste of lemonade, it is enough just to throw a few lemon skins into it for a couple of hours. Other culinary specialists strive to give the drink more concentrated taste. To do this, they rub the zest on a grater along with a lemon, after which they stir it with sugar, crushed mint and water.

Lemonade recipe with lime and mint


  • Lime - 1 pc. + -
  • Mint - to taste + -
  • - 3 tablespoons + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 1.5 l + -

How to make mint lemonade

Sweet drinks increase thirst, so one glass of sweet lemonade is unlikely to get drunk, but sour drinks, on the contrary, quench thirst well. That is why in the summer it is better to drink juices from sour fruit or citrus.

To prepare one of these lemonade fresh juices, lemon and lime are suitable. Sour lemon and even more acidic lime in combination give a good tonic and refreshing effect, which is reinforced fresh aroma fragrant mint.

  • Wash the lime and lemon, then pour boiling water over them.
  • Cut citrus fruits into neat rings.
  • Mash the chopped citrus with a mortar and pour the cut into a jug of cool clean water.
  • Add sugar to the drink, stir it and wait until it is completely dissolved in water.
  • Wash the mint under running water, then carefully knead it in a mortar. It is important that she let out not only the aroma, but also the juice.
  • Pour crushed mint into a jug of lemonade and stir the already prepared drink.
  • Finally, we put fresh sprigs of a spicy plant in lemonade with lime and mint.
  • Garnish with a slice of lime or lemon.

Homemade lemonade: the secrets of success

To make a large portion of the drink at once in one approach, it is enough to initially prepare the basis for it correctly. The right foundation- This is a high concentration of citric-lime acid.

To create it, it is necessary, in addition to freshly squeezed lemon juice, put more pieces of citrus in a jug of lemonade, which, together with a drink, will be infused in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

When the drink is saturated with acid, it can be diluted with ordinary boiled water. Thus, without overdoing it, you can get a large portion of refreshing lemonade at a time.

Homemade lemonade with lemon and mint is a simple drink that will always decorate summer table its freshness and aroma. In the golden collection of lemonades that we have on our website, the lemon-mint cocktail occupies one of the most honorable places. Meet you too interesting recipes vitamin miracle nectar, so that later all summer you can pamper your family with it.

Bon appetit!
