
Lemon drink from mint recipe. Lemon Mint Lemonade

The desire to drink is a natural state of the human body, inherent in him from birth to the end of his days. This process is the reason for numerous food experiments, the search for new recipes that can quickly, tasty quench his thirst.

On the shelves of modern retail space there are a variety of types of drinks suitable for both adults and children. However, in the world of the food and drink industry that is developing by leaps and bounds, there are fewer and fewer products that have a natural composition that is safe for humans.

This makes people who care about their health and want to live a long and happy life prepare their favorite drinks at home. One of the simplest, but no less delicious, is lemon mint lemonade.

Its taste is familiar, loved since childhood. Such a drink is especially in demand during hot days, when the sun mercilessly scorches the world around.

It is surprising that France became the pioneers of such a fortified drink. It was there that four centuries ago, a case predetermined the fate of a lemonized drink that won the hearts of millions and is still popular today.

The popularity of homemade drink is easily explained by the simplicity of the ingredients that make up its composition. All of them are present in the kitchen at almost any time of the year.

Components of the future drink:

  • peppermint - its amount can be adjusted at your discretion and taste preferences to a stronger or weaker mint smell, 100 - 200 gr is enough for lemonade. or ½ faceted glass;
  • lemons - 3 - 5 pieces, depending on the size;
  • plain water (or carbonated) - 15 glasses;
  • granulated sugar - 1 and ½ faceted glass.

The total time that will be spent on the cooking process will be from 60 to 120 minutes. And the calorie content of one glass of such a drink will vary from 30 to 90 kcal.

At the preliminary stage, we prepare the food material for consumption:

Let's start the process:

Homemade lemonade from lemons, oranges and mint

Oranges will help diversify your drinking diet and enrich it with invaluable vitamin C. They, like most citrus fruits, are a source of an important vitamin and must be present in proper nutrition.


  • 15 glasses of pure water;
  • mint leaves - 50 pcs.;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • lemons - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar (optional) - 1.5 - 2 cups or honey - 0.5 cups.

The preparation time for such a recipe is no more than one hour, and its benefits are endless. In the event that the composition is not sweetened and made only from natural ingredients, the number of calories received when it is consumed will be no more than 20, which gives it the right to be considered a low-calorie diet drink.


  1. First of all, wash the ingredients.
  2. We grind fruits, mint: first with a knife, then with a wooden crush.
  3. Add sweeteners (sugar or honey) - to taste.
  4. Fill the resulting mixture with water.
  5. We give time (30 min.) to infuse and enjoy lemonade.

If you want to make the drink colder, you can add ice cubes to it.

Mint, lime and lemon lemonade at home

Drinking with a sweet taste is not always able to satisfy the need, quench your thirst. Such drinks even more stimulate the appetite and make a person drink more and more.

For a real satisfaction of the need for a drink, one should resort to drinks that are distinguished by a sour taste.

A prominent representative of these is lime. Adding this fruit to lemonade will allow you not only to enjoy, but also to really get drunk.

To make sour lemonade you will need:

The drink contains 30 kcal. The process of creating a soft drink takes about 30-60 minutes, as follows:

How to make Non-Alcoholic Mojito with Mint and Lemon

The first place among summer drinks, of course, is occupied by mojito. And this is no coincidence. It is extremely tasty and quick to prepare. In the hot season, he is the bestseller. Homemade mojito will be just as good, worth a try. The composition of the future - cocktail includes:

  • lime (or lemon) - ½ pc.;
  • fresh peppermint - 2 - 3 sprigs;
  • sparkling mineral water - 0.5 l.;
  • sugar - sand - to taste - 25 - 75 gr.;
  • ice cubes - 7 - 10 pcs.

You can make it in minutes (no more than half an hour). Its calorie content is only 20-25 kcal.

Cocktail preparation:

  1. Take one lime (or lemon), cut it in half. We cut one of the parts into rings.
  2. Grind the mint (by hand or with a blender).
  3. We mix the above components in a glass bowl, pour sugar into it.
  4. Next add water and mix.
  5. Add ice cubes and a delicious mojito is ready.

You can add your favorite spices or other fruits and berries to this cocktail. And mineral water can be replaced with sweet drinks, such as sprite or schweppes.

Secrets of making homemade lemonade

Homemade lemonade is not just a natural drink, but also a means to maintain a good figure and good mood. Its advantages are that the components of the drink can be easily changed.

In order to prepare such a cocktail at any time, in a matter of minutes, you need to stock up on it in a concentrated form. Just dilute if necessary.

The base is made very simply: lime or lemon juice is squeezed out, another fruit, cut into slices, is added to it.

Thus, a highly concentrated lemonade is obtained.

Lemonade has always been a popular drink. Cooking it at home helps save money and health. Love yourself and indulge more often.

And in the next video - another recipe for homemade lemonade with mint.

Mint due to its unique composition and medicinal properties is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. In addition, it is known as one of the effective means for weight loss.

The composition and properties of mint

The plant in question contains the following Components, which not only help in the fight against extra pounds, but also generally have a positive effect on the body:

  • essential oils containing methanol;
  • tannins;
  • the ioflavonoid hesperidin;
  • provitamin A;
  • various acids: ascorbic, chlorogenic, coffee and others;
  • vitamin P (rutin);
  • trimethylaminoacetic acid betaine;
  • amino acid arginine;
  • vegetable saponins;
  • rhamnose deoxysaccharide;
  • grape sugar;
  • plant sterol (phytosterol).

Energy value mint is 47 kcal per 100 g of fresh leaves.

This plant has the following properties:

  • improves the digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves nausea;
  • has an analgesic effect, relieving headaches and spasms in the digestive tract;
  • is a means that strengthens the immune system, thereby actively helping in the fight against acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • has a choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • relieves flatulence by reducing fermentation processes in the digestive tract;
  • produces a sedative effect;
  • lowers high blood pressure.

How is peppermint used for weight loss?

On the basis of mint, various drinks, decoctions, and infusions are prepared, which have repeatedly proven their positive effect on well-being.

Mint can be used as an addition to cooked dishes. Peppermint has a low energy value, is not a high-calorie product, so it will not do any harm to weight-conscious people if it is regularly added to food.

This plant promotes weight loss due to the fact that digestion and psycho-emotional state improves. Eaten food does not rot in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby not causing bloating. It is well digested and absorbed.

A healthy mental state also has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight, since when stressed, the body begins to “make reserves”, increasing fats in certain areas of the body. Peppermint has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The influence of mint on certain systems of the human body directly depends not only on the composition and properties of the plant itself, but also on what other products it is combined with.

Peppermint, added to regular tea, helps to cleanse the body, and in combination with citrus fruits, it stimulates gastrointestinal motility.

Peppermint tea and decoction for weight loss

Tea in combination with the plant in question has a sedative effect, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves metabolic processes. Such a drink is prepared very simply: when pouring boiling water over tea leaves or infusing tea leaves, you must immediately add 1-2 sprigs of fresh peppermint to the teapot.

A decoction with mint has a sedative effect on the nervous system and analgesic on almost all systems of the human body. You can also disinfect the oral cavity with a decoction if an inflammatory process occurs or there are any dental problems.

Another effective mint drink is prepared as follows. We take a few teaspoons of dried peppermint (no more than 2-3) and pour boiled water in a volume of 150-200 ml. We leave to infuse in a closed container (a glass jar is perfect). After 5-10 minutes, we filter the infusion with a sieve and drink it several times a day (2-3 times a day will be enough, but the dosage and frequency of administration can be increased on the recommendation of a nutritionist).

A drink with mint can relieve pain in the chest and abdomen. Sometimes it helps with heartburn.

This video shows how to make peppermint tea for weight loss. The recipe is very easy to prepare and does not take much time.

Lemonade with mint

The use of this plant has a beneficial effect on the body and allows you to lose weight without harm to health. And in combination with lemon or lemon juice, mint gives a tonic effect for the body.

A drink that contains all these components is called lemonade. The main effect of homemade lemonade is to activate the metabolism. Also, this drink improves digestion and promotes better absorption of nutrients by the body.

One of the advantages of using such lemonade is the cleansing of the liver by activating its work and removing harmful substances.

You can make lemonade in the following way. Squeeze lemon juice into room temperature water and refrigerate to cool. Before use, add lemon sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin half rings and mint, torn by hand, into the water. We mix all the ingredients. The lemonade is ready to drink.

Such a drink is prepared not only in combination with these components. You can add honey, ginger or cinnamon to them. The cooking method will not differ from the previously described one, just add one of these components as an additional tool.

Green tea with mint

Green tea with mint is prepared as follows. We take boiling water with a volume of about 1 liter and brew ordinary green tea. After 15 minutes of infusion, when the tea is ready to drink, add mint and leave the drink to infuse for another 5-10 minutes.

This drink can be frozen in an ice mold, and wipe the skin of the face with ice cubes in the morning to give it freshness and youth.

As one of the means for weight loss, a drink consisting only of water and this plant is used. To prepare it, you will need to do the following. We take mint and brew it in water, like regular tea. After that, let it brew for 15 minutes. It is necessary to drink this drink instead of soda, purchased juices and other not very healthy drinks. It can be consumed both cold and warm.

This recipe is very simple to prepare, but this does not make it ineffective. Also, such a drink is often taken to the gym for training, since during exercise you need to drink enough water, and if you drink plain water, nausea may begin after a while. This drink will help maintain the water balance in the body and relieve nausea.

Mint and lemon for weight loss

To prepare a decoction with mint and lemon, you need to take fresh mint leaves (about 5-7 pieces), rinse them thoroughly and pour boiled water (300 ml) over them. We put the dishes with the ingredients on a slow fire and soak for about 4-6 minutes. Remove the decoction from the fire and leave it for some more time (about 8-10 minutes, but it can be longer, then the drink will have a more pronounced taste) so that it can brew. It should be drunk only in a warm form and in small sips 3-4 times a day, one glass each. Before use, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice.

You can make a drink from lemon, cucumber and mint. To make it, you need to take a carafe and pour about 1.5 liters of mineral water without gas at room temperature into it. Cucumber and lemon mode on slices and put in a prepared container with water. Here we also place chopped ginger in the amount of 1 tsp. Leave for 3-6 hours in this form. After this time, the drink must be decanted, add mint and leave for another hour. The drink is ready. It is drunk when there is a feeling of hunger during fasting days.

With caution, it is necessary to drink it for people who are allergic to ginger or simply have an individual intolerance to other components.

This video describes how to make ginger tea with mint for weight loss. In addition, other positive aspects of this drink when consumed are disclosed here.

Mint flavor to reduce appetite

The scent of mint can be used as aromatherapy. Inhaling the aromas of the plant, nervous strain is eliminated, strength is restored. Having a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the aroma of mint does not allow the instinct of self-preservation to start when there is an accumulation of fat.

Inhaling the smell of peppermint should not last more than 10-15 minutes. Aromatherapy, together with other ways to lose weight, allows you to achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

Inhalation of odors can be carried out by spreading bunches of mint around the room or using mint essential oil and an aroma lamp.

Possible contraindications

Mint, despite all its positive qualities, has contraindications:

  • allergy to mint, menthol;
  • the period of gestation (mint can cause miscarriage);
  • heavy menstruation (mint causes and increases menstruation);
  • low pressure;
  • tendency to convulsions;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • childhood.

Pros and cons of using mint for weight loss

Pluses mint uses are:

  • normalization of the digestive organs;
  • fight against inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • increase in the immune status of the body;
  • providing sedative, analgesic and choleretic properties.

cons mint uses are:

  • there are contraindications for use.

This plant is used to reduce weight or correct it. Mint has a unique composition and healing properties. It is used in combination with diet and sports to more quickly achieve the goal of losing weight.

Outside the window is hot summer weather, and of course, I want something refreshing and cold. For example, you can literally make lemonade in 10 minutes.
We will tell you how to make delicious homemade lemonade from lemons, oranges with mint, ginger. I want to note right away that you always keep ice in your freezer, you will need it in the summer when you want to make yourself lemonade.
For lemonade, you can use purified, spring water, and if you wish, you can use unsalted, unflavored mineral water, sparkling or non-carbonated, but keep in mind that sparkling water will lose some of its gas after standing. True, using carbonated water, you can get lemonade similar to store-bought lemonade, this recipe will be especially interesting for those who are nostalgic for Soviet lemonade. We also recommend our lemonade to those who want to lose weight, because it is low in calories, and ginger, which is part of lemonade, also helps to reduce weight.

Taste Info Drinks


  • orange - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • mint - 2 sprigs,
  • ginger root,
  • sugar to taste
  • purified water.

How to make homemade lemonade from lemon, orange

Such lemonade can be prepared in portions, or you can prepare a large jug of lemonade and put it in the refrigerator. I'll show you how to make a glass of this refreshing and vitamin lemonade. Wash the sprigs of mint, tear off the leaves and put them in a glass.

Peel and finely chop the ginger root, take its amount according to your taste.
By the way, in order for you to get all the vitamins from ginger and its essential oils, you need to choose it correctly in the store. Ginger should be chosen not with the eyes and not with the heart, smell it well. It should not smell musty, this will indicate that the ginger has been frozen or stored incorrectly. Tubers of good fresh ginger have a creamy golden color, smooth surface, without hard growths. If you see that the ginger is shriveled, this will mean that it has been on the store shelf for a long time. There are almost no vitamins and nutrients left in such ginger. By weight, ginger should be heavy, this will speak of its freshness. Rub the skin of the ginger with your fingernail, if it peels off easily, it is fresh and young.

Slice the lemon and orange into slices and put them in a glass. You can grate their zest and squeeze the juice out of the fruit, both options are good, the vitamin C in the lemonade will be enough.

Now add sugar or honey to taste.

Carefully crush all the ingredients with a wooden pestle, so they better give off all their aromas and tastes.

Remove the ice from the refrigerator, if the piece is large, wrap it in a towel and break it with a hammer. Pour ice into a glass.

It remains only to fill the entire contents of the glass with purified water. Instead, you can pour sparkling water.

And don't forget straws, stock up on them for the summer, especially if you have kids. If your children are bothered by lemonade ingredients, pour lemonade into them through a strainer. This refreshing homemade lemon and orange lemonade will be loved by your family and will keep asking for a glass of this drink.

Hello dear readers. Today we have a regular lemonade recipe, and an unusual one for our blog. The fact is that we mostly made soft drinks with elements of fermentation, and in short, kvass. But as you know, kvass saves well from heat, but contains a small part of alcohol. I don't want to drink alcohol while driving. And tomorrow I'm going fishing with the whole family. So I decided to make homemade lemonade from lemon and mint. I often make this kind of lemonade so that I don’t have to buy something in the store that makes my stomach hurt if I drink it on an empty stomach.

Of course, I won’t say that I don’t buy at all, sometimes I don’t want to or have no time to make homemade lemonade. But I try to do it not often, and then only when we go to nature. For home, we always have ready-made compotes and frozen berries in the refrigerator, for compotes.

We have recipes for compotes for the winter on our blog. For example, the last published recipe, from a series of compotes, was.

Today I have time, and I start the usual preparations of homemade lemonade.

Homemade Lemon Mint Lemonade Recipe

Such lemonade, unlike store-bought, quenches thirst. And after that you don't want to drink. And the secret is simple! We do not add anything extra to our soft drink.

To prepare homemade lemonade from lemon and mint, we need:

  • half a lemon
  • Two sprigs of fresh mint
  • Teaspoon of green tea
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1.5 liters of water

I will say right away, the lemonade will turn out saturated. This is so that when you add some ice, it will taste like lemonade, not sweet water. And it is better to drink such lemonade chilled, with ice, and through a straw. So you will not only quench your thirst, but also get great pleasure.

And the first thing we will do is peel the lemon from the skin. I do this all the time, even when I drink tea. You can of course not peel the lemon. But then it must be placed in boiling water for 1 - 2 minutes. Or, in extreme cases, it is good to pour boiling water over it.

If you haven't done it yet, then experiment. Smell the lemon before boiling water, and after. The difference will amaze you. Just washing it under water is not enough. Lemons are treated with such a solution for storage, which is not washed off with cold water.

It's not the season for lemons anymore, and therefore, they were stored for a long time before we bought them. So I peel the lemon zest and cut half a lemon into wedges. Our lemon is not big, only 130 grams. And we will use only half.

I put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon slices in a 1.5 liter glass jar. This is to avoid getting carried away by pouring water. You always want to do more, while saving on lemons. Therefore, we limit ourselves immediately.

Add six tablespoons of sugar. Let me tell you, it's not much. As I said, this lemonade is better to drink with ice, and this is additional water. Although we like the taste without ice, especially children. They do not always want to put ice, especially in the heat. Who wants to see the children catch a cold later. And a glass of ice-cold lemonade can make trouble, and the first is a sore throat.

Now we knead the lemons with sugar well so that they let the juice flow. So the drink will be more saturated. Pour boiling water over it all and dissolve the sugar in a circular motion.

You can crack it with a spoon, but I usually pour 1/3 of the jar, and dissolve the sugar in a circular motion. Most often I do this in the morning or in the evening, when everyone is sleeping. So I don’t want to once again pound with a spoon on the walls of the jar.

We tear our mint into several parts, and throw them into lemon water.

Tip, mint is best stored in the refrigerator in a glass of water, like flowers. So it retains its properties for a long time and does not fade. Even without a refrigerator, it is perfectly worth several days in a glass of water.

Now add one teaspoon of green tea. First, it will add flavor to our lemonade. Tried without it, the taste is not the same. The first children rejected the taste without tea. Secondly, green tea quenches thirst. Everyone around is talking about it. And we can only confirm this. I have a lot of experience making green tea with lemon and then drinking it.

Sometimes I add a tablespoon. This is when I need to cheer up. Green tea has more caffeine than coffee. But this is only when we do not prepare lemonade for children. Then I can make it without mint.

Just do not add green tea immediately, before mint or along with lemon. The brewing temperature for green tea is about 85 degrees. While we dissolve the sugar, throw in the mint, the water will just be the temperature we need. And the taste of lemonade will be completely different if you quit tea right away.

We let our homemade lemonade brew for about 30 minutes. It is possible and more, but it is already superfluous. Then we filter and let cool our lemon-mint lemonade.

It is better to drink such lemonade through a straw and with ice. Guests who do not expect such a healthy and cooling drink will especially appreciate this taste. And the presentation will not leave anyone indifferent.

I drank this lemonade in a cafe. The price for 0.5 liters goes off scale, 2.5 dollars. For that kind of money, you can buy a kilogram of lemons from us and make so much lemonade, and tastier. This I have seen from personal experience. And the idea with a bottle, with a floating lemon and mint in it, I just saw in a cafe. We do have a bigger bottle. But I liked the taste of our homemade lemonade from lemon and mint more. And the recipe is simple, everyone can cook.

You can make such lemonade in 15 - 20 minutes, not counting the cooling time.

And if you want to try other refreshing mint drinks, then check out more recipes. But if you choose, then I would stop my preference on lemonade.

Have a delicious lemonade and have a great weekend! And I go fishing.

The best escape from thirst on a hot summer day can only be a good soft drink. And if there is no store nearby, then do not despair. You can make your own great homemade lemonade.

From the history of drinks

Lemonade first appeared in France with the light hand of one of the subjects of King Louis 1. Its invention can be classified as random events. The mistake of one of the courtiers could cost him his life, but the drink, oddly enough, was to the taste of the emperor. Since then, it has been cooked in every home. In translation from English, its name means "lemonized". Indeed, in those years, homemade lemonade was usually prepared from lemon. As a rule, his juice was needed. The process did not require heat treatment and special manufacturing conditions. It was this simplicity that he bribed the townsfolk. In order to make homemade lemonade from lemon, you do not have to wait long or perform any complicated operations. It is enough to prepare the initial components and you can get to work. All you need is a glass of sugar, 6 fresh lemons and a liter and a half of water.


  1. Extract juice from fruits. To do this, you first need to knead them a little, and then, cutting them in half, squeeze them tightly with your hands. You should get about 200-250 milliliters of aromatic liquid.
  2. Collect all ingredients in one container and stir well until completely dissolved.
  3. Cool down.

This drink is usually consumed cold. You don't have to keep it in the fridge for this. You can just use ice cubes.

Additional flavor

After people learned how to make homemade lemonade from lemon, they began to experiment with flavors. It turned out that the sweetness of the drink can be given not only due to sugar. Natural bee honey may well cope with this task. In addition, it gives the soft drink a pleasant aftertaste and aroma. The ratio of components should be as follows: 2 lemons, half a liter of water and a third of a glass of honey.

The technology of the process is not much different from the previous version:

  1. Squeeze juice from lemons.
  2. Mix it with water.
  3. Add honey and mix thoroughly.
  4. Put a thin slice of lemon and a few ice cubes into a tall glass.
  5. Pour the prepared liquid on top.

The resulting drink not only perfectly cools in the heat, but also has a beneficial effect on the throat, preventing the occurrence of a cold. This is the undoubted merit of honey, which acts not only as a flavoring agent, but also as an easy prophylactic agent.

citrus drink

Over time, people wanted to diversify their usual taste somewhat, and they learned how to make homemade lemonade from oranges and lemons. This combination turned out to be very successful, and many people liked the recipe. For such a drink, you must have 500 milliliters of lemon and orange juice, 300 grams of sugar and some mineral water.

Today, you can prepare such a drink in several stages:

  1. Squeeze juice from fresh oranges.
  2. Do the same with lemons.
  3. Mix both juices together.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Put the saucepan with the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. This is necessary so that the sugar dissolves completely.
  6. Add mineral water. That's all. The drink is ready.

If desired, instead of mineral water, you can use ordinary water, carbonated with a siphon. So you can achieve a greater refreshing effect. Plus, the sizzling bubbles in the glass make homemade orange and lemon lemonade more appealing.

minty freshness

In nature, there are many herbs that can not only change the taste of the finished product, but also endow it with special properties. Additional freshness can be given by mint leaves. It creates the effect of coolness and light "draft" in the mouth. This is very nice, especially when it's hot outside and you want to feel the natural cold. In this case, you can try making homemade lemonade with mint and lemon. The components you will need are almost the same: for 3 large lemons, you need to take 1 ½ cups of granulated sugar, 3 liters of water and ½ cup of mint.

The cooking process will be as follows:

  1. Wash the lemons, dry them, and then peel them by cutting off the zest and removing the white connective tissues along with the walls.
  2. Squeeze juice from citrus fruits. It should be at least 1 cup.
  3. Prepare ordinary syrup by heating sugar with water in a ratio of 1.5:1.
  4. Place all ingredients in a glass container and refrigerate. There, homemade lemonade with mint and lemon should not only cool down, but also brew a little.

This drink should only be served cold. In extreme cases, you can add ice.

Variety of options

Delicious lemonade from lemon at home can be prepared in many ways. If there is no time and you need to quickly get the desired result, then it is better to do the following:

  1. Combine water with sugar and shake well until its crystals disappear.
  2. Put the bottle with the solution in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. It is not worth holding longer so that the container does not burst.
  3. Extract the juice from lemons in any way. This can be done by hand or with the help of technology.
  4. Combine both liquids in a jug.

It is better to drink such a mixture from tall glasses filled one-third with crushed ice. This is done to keep the drink cold for as long as possible. In the hands, as a rule, it quickly heats up and loses both its taste and its main purpose. For those who like non-standard flavors, you can suggest adding a little cinnamon powder to lemonade before cooling. The main thing here is to guess with the quantity so that the updated composition does not turn out to be too bitter.

Rich taste

Making drinks at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Work goes faster if you have the right equipment at hand. It will definitely be needed for anyone who wants to learn how to make homemade lemonade from lemons for a large company. For example, many guests are expected at home, and therefore it is necessary to prepare a fresh soft drink for the table. Squeezing juice from two dozen lemons with your hands is not an easy task. This is where kitchen appliances come in. There is a very simple option that many will like. For him, you just need to take 100-120 grams of sugar and 1.2 liters of water based on three lemons.

Everything is done in minutes:

  1. First you need to wash the citrus fruits, cut them into two parts and remove the seeds.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and add some ice.
  3. In a couple of minutes at high speed, turn the contents into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Strain the mixture.

The finished drink can be safely carried to the table.
