
How to squeeze more juice out of a lemon. How to squeeze juice from a lemon, lime, orange

Squeezing juice from a lemon or any other citrus seems to be easy. What tricks can there be? However, there is often a feeling that the fruit was not completely squeezed out, that there was still juice left in it. This is especially sad when we are talking about lime juice, because limes are expensive citrus fruits and not very juicy. Therefore, throwing out a lime only half-pressed would be a shame. All the more so.

In order not to throw away a citrus that is still full of strength, be sure to follow 5 basic recommendations on how to properly squeeze the juice from a lemon, lime, orange or any other citrus fruit.

1. Use only special citrus juicers, best of all conical ones.

2. Warm up the lemon or lime in microwave oven. The heating time should be 20-30 seconds. It is especially important to do this if you have just taken a citrus out of the refrigerator. After warming the fruit in the oven, you should not squeeze the juice immediately: you need to let it cool for one minute.

3. Before you start squeezing the juice, roll a lemon or any other citrus on the table, leaning on it with your whole body weight. This will help break the segments inside the fruit and allow the juice to flow out more freely.

4. If the citrus is oval, that is, it is a lemon or lime, and you are going to squeeze the juice out of it with your hands, cut it lengthwise, not reproach. However, do not do this if you will be juicing with a cone juicer. In this case, the fruit must be cut across.

Are you between 25 and 40 years old and do you live in big city, have higher education you work hard and make good money. Attention! You are a potential victim of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

main feature Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is ... chronic fatigue, lack of energy, which has no obvious cause, and which does not disappear after rest. If this condition lasts more than three months - it's time to look for other symptoms.

If you wake up already tired, there is reason to think!

Check if the following statements apply to your condition:

  • Any activity that requires concentration is difficult, and the numbers are generally no longer memorized
  • After a little physical exertion, the feeling is that I had to quickly and alone unload the car
  • Often a headache and the throat is not fully cured in any way
  • Emotions in Lately none, the state can be described by the word "apathy"
  • Much more often than before you want coffee or sweets
  • For some reason, successes are a little pleasing, and troubles turn in my head for a long time
  • All of a sudden, an allergy appeared to something that was previously tolerated absolutely calmly.
  • Sleepy during the day and hard to sleep at night
  • Two days after the holiday, the state of health and mood are the same as before
  • The number of cigarettes smoked per day increased
  • In recent months, the weight has changed, and for no apparent reason
  • Don't want to do anything. And it's too lazy to fight laziness

The term "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" appeared in 1988. In 1994, the first "National Chronic Fatigue Center" was opened in the United States.

If no more than 3 statements came up, you need to organize yourself a full daily rest. Counted up to 5 - seriously take care of your lifestyle from daily routine to diet and buy multivitamins. It came to 7 - contact the Clinic of Neurosis with complaints of CFS.

Stress in the big city

What causes the syndrome is not completely clear to anyone. Scientists have several versions: viruses, mental problems, genetics and social factors. Most of researchers prefer last option. They believe that CFS is a natural result of living in a modern metropolis. In large cities of developed countries, as a rule, the environment is not the best, people lack normal physical activity, but in excess - emotional pressure.

Statistics also confirm that the syndrome is a typical ailment of the urban middle class. It is officially recognized that the risk is increased by a sedentary lifestyle, overweight with stage I-II obesity (body mass index from 25 to 40), constant stress at work, irregular working hours, lack of vacation during the year, smoking and quiet household drunkenness (from 100 to 300 ml strong alcohol daily in the evening to relieve tension). It is quite logical that the second name of CFS is “manager's syndrome”.

Statistics say that more than 35 million people suffer from CFS in the world.

So far, no special success has been achieved in the treatment of the syndrome; it is almost impossible to exclude social factors that provoke the disease from life. Nevertheless, it is possible to regain normal physical and emotional well-being, and improve the quality of life. The task is divided into three parts: you need to get used to the idea that fatigue and lack of desire is a disease. Then it is necessary to remove the acute condition, and then for the rest of your life to maintain a good tone and peace of mind.

Balance is like medicine

In the mild stage of CFS - when fatigue, apathy and hatred for work appear periodically - you can cope with the problem on your own. It is necessary to balance the physical, emotional and intellectual aspects of life:

  • A schedule is a real way to simplify and structure your existence. Only plans and tasks should be achievable. This is not a progressive workout, but life (which should be fun). The correct daily routine is one in which there is simply free time.
  • Separate business from home, do not transfer problems from work home, but from home to office.
  • If possible, avoid communicating with people who are unpleasant to you, whoever they are: colleagues, relatives, neighbors. This is not snobbery, but the instinct of self-preservation.

Women suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome four times more often than men.

  • Learn to rest properly. Spend more time on fresh air, invent for yourself some easy, but regular physical activity.
  • Watch what and how much you eat, drink ordinary clean water And do not neglect multivitamins. B vitamins, magnesium and zinc are especially effective in CFS. Try herbal teas from plants containing adaptogens (ginseng, lemongrass, licorice, kombucha, echinacea, eleutherococcus, aralia, rhodiola rosea and others). These substances help the body recover from nervous exhaustion.
  • Think positively - every stressful situation can change your life for the better, you just need to figure out how to use it.
  • Be realistic and don't expect too much from yourself or others. Don't take on unnecessary obligations.

The elixir of lemon is more in demand than the nectars of other fruits. This is due to the composition of citrus, many useful properties And a wide range its application. A sour drink will relieve fatigue, make up for the lack of vitamins in the body, save you from colds, provide effective care for the skin, hair and nails, and also give dishes refined taste. And this is not the whole list of his abilities. The advantages of this fresh juice also include the simplicity of its preparation. And how to prepare lemon juice, we learn below.

How to squeeze juice from a lemon

Lemon is the most acidic citrus fruit, but it is also very healthy. yellow fruit rich in a number of vitamins: A, B2, C and P. Many dishes and drinks are decorated with slices of it, and they are also added during the cooking process to give taste. And lemon nectar is just a storehouse of vitamins. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and in everyday life. How to get the maximum of this golden liquid? There are several ways.

Using a juicer

The easiest pressing method is to apply special equipment ie juicers. They are both electric and manual.

TO modern ways refers to mechanical devices. There are different models. From the most simple juicers to fancy combines equipped with a variety of additional features. Depending on the power of the device, you can put fruits with or without peel.

It is possible that the resulting juice will have to be filtered through a sieve, as there is a high probability of getting seeds, pulp and peel. As a rule, about 50-60 ml of liquid is obtained from one medium-sized lemon.

With the help of manual devices, a lot of juice also comes out. True, you will need to make an effort. But the process does not take much time and dirty dishes will be much less. Next, let's figure out how to squeeze lemon juice without a juicer?

No juicer

If there are no special devices at hand, it does not matter. Once upon a time there was no technology at all, so you can completely cope without it. How to squeeze juice from lemons without using a juicer? We offer several methods:

  1. With forks and spoons. Rinse the citrus and cut it in half. Insert a spoon into the middle of one part so that it pierces the pulp. Turn ½ of the fruit over the bowl with the spoon facing down. Start squeezing the juice until it all drains into a container. To get the rest of the nectar, scroll the device clockwise and back.

You can also mash the unpeeled fruit with a fork. To do this, cut the fruit into 4 parts and place everything in a deep bowl.

  1. Heat treatment. How to squeeze liquid out of citrus quickly and easily? Dip the lemon in boiling water and leave it there for one minute. Then refrigerate the citrus. This will make it easier for you to get as much acidic liquid as possible by hand.
  2. Using gauze. Finely chop the pulp of the fruit and wrap it in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You can use a regular bandage.

Now we know how to squeeze lemon juice without using a device such as a juicer. However, there are several varieties citrus drink. For example, using citric acid or concentrate.

How to make lemon juice from citric acid or concentrated lemon juice

Citrus pressing is most often needed in the preparation and pickling of dishes. What to do if there is no lemon at hand, and if you only need a couple of drops and it is a pity to spend a whole fruit on it? Everything is very simple. The drink can be obtained from both citric acid and concentrate.

We use citric acid

This juice is very easy to make. By standard recipe you only need two ingredients. Namely:

  • Water;
  • Lemon acid.

Ideal Proportion lemon juice from citric acid: one part powder to two parts liquid. Its ratio to lemon juice is 1 to 6. The preparation technology is simple. The concentrate is diluted with water. To properly make a drink, it is better for the product to brew for at least 30 minutes. This will be required for better dissolution of the crystals in water.

This method has its advantages:

  • Acid in powder longer term suitability;
  • It is not whimsical to storage conditions;
  • Will not need to use whole lemon for the sake of a few ml;
  • Juice is made easily and quickly;
  • No effort is required to squeeze the citrus.

And disadvantages:

  • Lack of natural ingredients;
  • The drink should be consumed with caution, in small quantities.

If you have kept lemon peel, then add it to the lemon juice and let it brew for half an hour. This will give the artificial drink a pleasant aroma.

We use the concentrate

Almost all juices that we see on the shelves of retail outlets are obtained from a concentrated product. In other words, concentrated lemon juice is a preparation for a future drink. This also applies to other fruits.

Such raw materials are obtained after harvest. Fruits and vegetables are squeezed, then this liquid is evaporated. Thus, the concentration is obtained. It is thick and viscous in texture. It is produced in special conditions, in which all the beneficial substances of the fetus are not lost.

Why make juice from a blank yourself if purchased drinks are made in the same way? The fact is that factory production involves the addition of various preservatives, flavors and flavor enhancers to nectars. At home, only two components are taken. The main thing is to know the proportion. The recipe indicates how much liquid and concentrate is required.


  • Water - 3l.;
  • Concentrated lemon juice - 600 gr.


Juice must be diluted in water. Components in the correct ratio are thoroughly mixed with each other. Natural tasty nectar is ready.

The concentrate is measured in kilograms due to its dense consistency. It is possible to purchase the product at retail. Usually on the boxes with it they write: “reconstituted juice”.

Sweet Lemon Juice: Recipes

A drink made from yellow citrus turns out to be sour, so not everyone can use it in pure form. Basically, this product is used as an additive to various dishes or used in cosmetology.

Almost everyone loves lemonade. This is because in such a drink, acid and bitterness are softened by the addition of additional ingredients. In the end, it turns out sweet, not sour. How to cook such fruit drink at home? There are several recipes.

natural lemonade

No preservatives or others harmful substances providing negative impact on the body. And most importantly, the drink is prepared quickly, easily and from available products.


  • Sugar - 3 tsp;
  • Juice of one lemon - 50 ml;
  • Water - 150 ml;
  • Fruit peel.


  1. We put the water on the fire, throw the zest there and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Pour sugar and stir here until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Add lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. We cool the drink.
  6. Home healthy lemonade ready.

A few slices of citrus can be added to a vessel with juice to intensify the taste and add aesthetics to the drink.

Lemonade "From a cold"

Delicious treatment for cold symptoms. Take note of the prescription, and you no longer have to run to the pharmacy for the first reason.


  • Dry chamomile (flowers) - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - a glass;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 350 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. We steam the chamomile with one glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. Preferably 2-3 hours. If time is short, then 15-30 minutes will be enough.
  2. We prepare lemon juice.
  3. Pour strained herbal drink into it.
  4. We add honey.
  5. The drink is ready. Consume it warm.

Honey can be replaced with sugar or jam. Such lemon tea contains many vitamins and nutrients. It is not necessary to drink it only when colds. The drink is suitable for preventive purposes as well as for everyday use.

Despite the widespread use lemon nectar, it is difficult to find it for sale. Therefore, it is easier to make the product yourself. There are a lot of ways, as you can see in our article. You can make a drink, even if there is neither a juicer nor the fruit itself at hand.

“Squeezed lemon,” people hear and ask themselves, what kind of condition is this? Does it refer to the body or the spirit? Today we will analyze what it is, as well as how to overcome the state of a squeezed lemon.


The meaning of the expression "squeezed lemon" is not difficult to decipher: this is a person who has worked hard for a long time and now feels as if he had been put through a juicer. Everything he had, he gave to work. Mentally compare fresh citrus and the one that went through the juicer - and you will understand what is meant.

And yes, you need to understand that the state of "squeezed lemon" is not just its ultimate degree. For example, a person has not rested, has not been on vacation for 5 or 10 years. And he is so disgusted with work that he no longer finds any hidden reserves for its implementation, and such a state appears to consciousness as the ultimate degree of laziness. Therefore, if a person does not want to do something, then it's time to think, or maybe the matter is not so simple, and he has long been in a state of used citrus?


It must be said that expression is extremely democratic and does not need to be divided into physical and intellectual labor.

Life squeezes a person out in different ways: it could be a nanny who looked after children, and by the end of the day she was so exhausted that she fell on the bed without hind legs. Who will say that the nanny has not reached the state of "squeezed lemon"?

There is another example: the teacher checks the notebooks of students, of course, there are school essays. And he works tirelessly, but it still takes strength to correct mistakes. Imagine if he does this for five or eight hours straight? Inevitably, you will feel exhausted.

M. A. Bulgakov and phraseology

There is also an example that is well known to those who love filmed classics. M. A. Bulgakov in the novel "The Master and Margarita" has a chapter "The Great Ball at Satan". Woland attracted Margarita as the hostess of the evening. It is not known exactly how long she received the guests of the prince of this world, but it can be said for sure that after that the girl felt like a squeezed lemon (the meaning of the phraseologism is discussed a little higher), although, of course, this is not directly mentioned anywhere, but it is implied.

It was not for nothing that Margarita's escorts (Fagot and Behemoth) said that it was impossible to think of anything worse than such work. Neither working with an ax somewhere in the village, nor serving people in public transport can compare with it. Yes, that's right. To take endlessly selected scoundrels - the work is still the same. If we draw modern parallels, then even work in the office cannot be compared with it, which is easy physically, but completely exhausting mentally and intellectually.

From theory to practice. Causes of a state of constant fatigue

Naturally, a person who thinks: “I feel like a squeezed lemon” would like to know not only the meaning of the expression, but also how to get rid of such a state. We are ready to inform you, and absolutely free of charge, that is, for nothing. After all, the condition under consideration speaks of the incorrect construction of a person’s life, not in the moral, but in the physical sense - the daily routine, for example.

So let's briefly discuss the reasons:

  • Physical causes (diseases that do not have pronounced external signs).
  • Psychological reasons (overwork, stress, conflicts at work, insomnia or restless sleep).

Ways to Avoid the Squeezed Lemon Condition

The reasons are more or less known to everyone, but what to do?

  • Dinner, lunch and breakfast at the same time. Accordingly, going to bed and getting up is also necessary, obeying the schedule.
  • Shower 2-3 times a day. This, of course, does not imply that it is necessary to wash. This shower is taken in order to relieve tension, stress and fatigue, drowsiness. For those who work at home - 3 times a day, for the rest - before and after work.
  • healthy, balanced diet. This point, probably, is tired of everyone, but it is impossible not to say about it. Perhaps the state of constant fatigue, which the expression “squeezed lemon” (phraseologism) conveys, is dictated by the lack of vitamins in food, so this balance must be replenished.
  • Control your weight, as obesity is often the cause of nighttime snoring. In turn, snoring does not allow a person to get enough sleep, and he, having already woken up, feels like a “squeezed lemon”.
  • If a person feels tired, then he needs to properly load his body, go to the gym or do physical education. As strange as it may seem, but best holiday- this is not lying on the couch in front of the TV, but a change of activity. After work - to the gym, where at least an hour of physical activity will make a person cheerful and contented with life from a tired person.

This may sound strange: a person feels like a "lemon squeezed" not because he works hard, but because, most likely, he does not like what he does. Therefore, you need to find a hobby that will bring joy. If you didn’t manage to realize yourself in work, you need to find yourself outside of it.

Another cardinal way to feel the taste of life is to go on vacation

As Oscar Wilde said, the only way to overcome temptation is to give in to it. Therefore, if a person wants to be lazy, then one should give in to this desire. Laziness arises as a reaction to overwork and extreme satiety with work. And if every day a person feels tired, then it’s worth considering, but how long has he been resting? If the answer to the question causes difficulties, then we urgently need to pack our bags and go to hot countries, bask on the beach, start holiday romances. In a word, get out of the circle of the linear route "work-home". In general, a change of scenery greatly tones up a person if he has the opportunity at least once a year to leave in an unknown direction away from everything.

"Squeezed lemon" - a person who suffers from chronic fatigue, who lacks vitamins and a strict daily routine, as well as regular physical activity. “Squeezed lemon”, in principle, it would be good to return the taste to life, to saturate existence with impressions. Routine and satiety, of course, are not hunger or thirst, but they also kill a person, families, even entire states (remember the fate of the Roman Empire).

We hope the reader will forgive us the liberty that we have not only talked about the meaning of the expression, but also about the state that lies behind it.

Warm the lemon in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. Wash the lemon and cut it in half. Slice a lemon and squeeze a tablespoon of juice out of it into a spray bottle. In general, to get the most out of lemon juice, just heat the lemon and apply as much pressure as possible.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is a great refreshing addition to many types of food and drink, but it can be hard to get all the juice out of a lemon. Wait until the lemon is heated to room temperature.

Take it out as soon as the lemon skin is warm to the touch. The lemon should not be too hot. The disturbed molecules in the lemon's liquid will soften and loosen the flesh, making it easier for you to squeeze out the juice and making the membranes containing the juice easier to break.

Place a frozen lemon in the microwave for 30-60 seconds until it is soft enough to cut. Molecules of the liquid, disturbed also by heating, will break out of the membranes practically without any effort.

The juice may be in a dense layer of pulp, but if the pulp is visible in its entirety, then there will be less juice loss. Squeeze out the lemon juice with a fork. After cutting the lemon in half, insert the tines of a fork into the flesh of one of the halves and squeeze out the lemon juice as you normally would. When the juice flow slows down, twist the fork and continue squeezing. Turn and squeeze until the juice stops flowing, and repeat this procedure with the other half.

Roll out the lemon on the counter before squeezing the juice.

You don't need anything fancy; a simple manual lemon press will do the job by hand. If you are short on time and need a large number of lemon juice, you can buy a bottle of lemon juice already prepared at your local store.

Lemon juice can sting if it gets in your eyes, so wash your hands after handling your lemons. You should also be aware that lemons are unpredictable, so if you are about to squeeze the juice out of them, there is a risk that the lemon juice will get into your eyes during the squeezing process.

It should be remembered that the juice will be squeezed out easily and simply when you weaken or destroy the cell membranes that hold the juice in the lemon. To do this, before you squeeze the juice, do some manipulations with the lemon.

The method is certainly good and inexpensive, but still, unsqueezed juice remains along with the pulp. Now I use electric, of course more work. First you need to peel the lemon, but I get the juice to the maximum. Getting lemon or lime juice is not that hard. This is a classic but effective technique for getting lemon juice. We roll citrus fruits on a kitchen board or directly on the countertop, pressing hard with the wrist.

1. Lemons and limes need to be run in

Try placing citrus fruits in the microwave for literally 10 seconds before squeezing juice, and the result will amaze you! The process is somewhat similar to the rolling method. It is a fact. Accordingly, the thin membranes around the juice capsules will burst or become quite brittle. Then you will definitely get a juicy ball covered with zest, which is super easy to squeeze and get necessary juice down to the last drop. Juicing a lemon or lime isn't hard at all, but if you want to get the most out of your citrus fruits and save some money while doing so, here are some tips.

This method suggests putting the lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds before juicing and you will see a result that looks very convincing. The process is similar to rolling fruit, because in microwave oven there is an excitation of the pulp juice molecules, and the same effect as in the first method is obtained.

Lemon fresh is a great invigorating and refreshing drink that goes well with almost all dishes. The fact that this fruit is rich in vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances know not only adults, but even children in kindergarten. Also, it contains lemon acid, phytoncides, alimentary fiber and antioxidants.

After the lemon, you need to gently knead it with your hands or roll it on a hard countertop, which will allow it to deform a little. There is another way to squeeze a lemon without a juicer. To do this, it is recommended to pre-hold the citrus in the microwave, which will allow you to get ready drink 30-40 percent more.

Another easy way, with which you can squeeze out more fresh juice, is to first put the citrus in the refrigerator. After it should be closed in a microwave oven, a sharp temperature drop will lead to a rupture of the membranes in the citrus pulp and will facilitate the process of squeezing a refreshing drink.

Lemon at room temperature, on the contrary, has a soft structure, and the juice from such a lemon is easier to squeeze. Therefore, if you want to enjoy a refreshing citrus juice every day, you should learn how to squeeze lemon juice without a juicer.
