
What to eat first in a restaurant. Movements are precise and precise

The rules of etiquette are necessary for all people without exception. Without knowing them, you are unlikely to be known as a polite person. The rules of etiquette in a restaurant are especially important. Our article will tell you how to behave for girls and guys at the table. Do you want to know how to behave in a restaurant at the highest level? Read, memorize and tell your friends!

Etiquette rules for girls in a restaurant: 11 top tips

  • The girl has the right to be the first to order the desired dish to the waiter. If this is your first time in this establishment and you don’t know what the chef cooks best, ask your companion to make an order instead of you.
  • Table etiquette in a restaurant says that you should not leave a small bag in the dressing room, along with outerwear. A clutch is allowed to be placed next to you on a table, a larger bag should be placed on a special chair.
  • Restaurant etiquette allows girls to keep their hats on. But gloves are best left in the wardrobe or put on the edge of the table next to you.
  • If a girl needs to fix her makeup, you should not do it at the table. Politely apologize to those present at the table and leave for the restroom.
  • If you are going to dinner with a man for the first time, be sure to bring enough money with you to pay your share of the bill if necessary. Equal payment will not oblige you to anything if the man has other intentions. If you and your companion have agreed in advance that he pays the bill, try not to order too much. expensive meals a lot.
  • Don't laugh too loud - it's bad manners in a public place, cover yourself while laughing.
  • Take your phone off the table and put it in your purse. It’s not beautiful when it lies on the table, and if you also correspond with someone in viber, then even more so.
  • Don't let the amount of utensils on the table intimidate you. It is important to take them in the following order: first the farthest from the plate, and then with each new dish you take those that are closer to the plate itself.
  • When you eat the first thing, it is important that the spoon is always in the plate, do not put it on the table or saucer.
  • When you eat vegetables or salad, take a fork and help yourself with a knife - this is considered proper etiquette.

  • Never wear old jeans, T-shirts and sneakers to the restaurant. If you are going to a restaurant for the first time, it is not necessary to buy a tuxedo specifically, it will be enough to wear dress pants with a shirt and jacket.
  • If you invite a girl to a restaurant, sit either in front of her or to her left.
  • Having met acquaintances in a restaurant, greet them without getting up from your seat. You should only get up if they join you for a meal. If you want to invite them to your table, ask permission from those present.
  • If you do not remember all the rules of etiquette in a restaurant, it is important to hold cutlery as follows: a knife in your right hand, and a fork in your left. If you are left-handed, do the opposite. If it is not very convenient to eat like this, at least cut the dishes in this way, and then you can feast on them, holding the device in your right hand.
  • Do not put your phone on the table - this is bad manners, which is now neglected by many, it is better to hide it in your pocket or bag.
  • Do not slurp and splash - eat quietly 🙂
  • A man can place an order only after consulting with a girl.
  • At the end of lunch or dinner, when the waiter brings the bill, the man must take it first, and if he is ready to pay in full, then he does so, and tells the girl that I treat you. If you are unfamiliar or always pay 50/50, then tell the girl your amount and hers, consult on the topic of what tips to leave to the waiter.
  • Never start eating first if your lady has not yet been served dishes. It is important to start at the same time.
  • Never tilt a bowl of soup towards you in order to scoop out the whole soup with a spoon - you can do this at home)
  • While you are waiting for the main course, invite the girl to drink juice or a glass of light wine with you.
  • Address the waiter only by name, if you don’t remember, specify it. It’s not nice to shout: a girl, a young man, a waiter, etc.

Remember that the girl is the first to start the meal and the last to finish, men should not rush to eat everything in 5 minutes. The girl is also the first to get up from the table, while the man should be a little ahead of her, while turning a little towards her in order to open the restaurant door or help put on a coat in the wardrobe.

Knowing all these rules of etiquette in a restaurant at the table, you will not hesitate to go to even the most expensive restaurant!

There are a lot of different establishments offering a quick bite, a leisurely lunch in a relaxing environment or a romantic dinner, you can choose a place for every taste. And in order for a visit to a restaurant to be pleasant and without ridiculous consequences, you need to know a few simple rules etiquette.

It is better to call the restaurant in advance: find out the price level, get an idea about the cuisine and dishes from the menu. Reserving a table is also helpful.
Clothing must correspond to the level of the establishment. Some restaurants have a strict dress code, so dress appropriately for the type of establishment.
A woman should enter the restaurant first, while a man should gallantly open the doors. But about halfway through, the man must get ahead of her and lead her to a free table. Usually in restaurants there is a dressing room, clothes and bulky bags should be left there. If a table is not booked in advance, it is better to use the maitre d' service. The most convenient places are usually considered: near the wall - facing the hall, in the middle of the hall - facing the entrance, overlooking the landscape outside the window, the musicians, good overview hall. The man accompanying the lady must give the latter a more comfortable seat at the table. You need to sit down at the table after the lady has sat down. If you met acquaintances in a restaurant, then you should not sit down at their table if they do not invite you.

Ordering meals
According to the rules of etiquette, a man is in charge of choosing the menu. At the same time, he must offer his companion the choice of one or another dish indicated on the menu.
According to modern rules, a woman can place an order herself or give this right to a man.
It is customary to order at least three dishes in a restaurant. Start with cold appetizers or salad. Then soup or main course. The choice of dessert should be made only after the main course has been eaten.
If you find it difficult to choose, you can ask the waiter for advice. He can recommend a "dish of the day", tell in more detail about the dishes from the menu. A sommelier will help with the wines.
It goes without saying that the restaurant begins to eat when all the guests are served food. Ladies are usually served first. indicator good service is, if possible, the simultaneous serving of dishes to all guests.

Often the napkin causes alertness. So what should be done with it? The answer is simple - unfold it, fold it in half and put it on your knees. The purpose of the napkin is to keep clothes from accidental splashes, drops of fat, crumbs. Fingers accidentally soiled while eating are also wiped with the top half of the napkin without removing it from the knees. If the napkin accidentally fell on the floor, do not pick it up and put it back, ask the waiter for a clean one. At the end of the meal, the napkin does not need to be folded, just carefully place it to the right of your plate. Never tuck a napkin into the collar. It is also considered bad manners to remove her lipstick.

Several forks and knives next to a plate should not cause panic. Here the rule is the simplest: start with the cutlery located farthest from the plate, and with each change of dishes, take those knives and forks that lie closest to it. Normal serving provides no more than three forks and the same number of knives. Closest to the plate is a knife for meat dish. Snack knives and forks are smaller than him. Often dessert cutlery and a bread knife are placed on top in front of the plate. In the pauses between meals, the knife and fork are placed on the dish as they were held: the knife with the handle to the right, the fork with the handle to the left. If you put the fork and knife in parallel (so that their handles protrude slightly from the edge of the plate), this will be a sign to the waiter that you have completed the dish.

It is necessary to eat in a certain order: vegetables - fish delicacies- meat gastronomy. If there is both fish and meat on the table, then you need to start with fish.
Soup. We scoop from ourselves with a spoon. We don’t put it on the table either during or after eating - it always rests in a plate. Even if the soup is very tasty, restrain yourself, do not tilt your plate to eat the last drops.
Broths. They are served in cups - broths. From a broth pot with one handle, the contents can be drunk like tea, and from a cup with two handles, you should eat with a spoon.
Fish. Served with fish special knife spatula-shaped. They separate and push back the fillet pieces, and also choose the bones. If, nevertheless, the bone gets into your mouth, you can push it out with your tongue onto a fork or remove it gracefully with your fingers and put it on a special plate (if one is served) or on the edge of your own. To overcome a fish served whole, the following sequence of actions is necessary: ​​if the skin is inedible or scales remain on it, carefully remove it from tail to head, then eat the fillet from the upper side, then the back, and, finally, turning the carcass over, proceed to the second side.
Exception from general rule- marinated or salted herring, hot or cold smoked fish, eel - they are eaten with a knife and fork.
Game. Many are embarrassed to order chicken or other game, because they do not know how to eat it according to etiquette. It's not all that difficult. The meat is cut as far as possible with a knife, after which the bones can be taken by hand and gnawed. The waiter should bring a plate of acidified water to wash his hands.
Meat. From the served meat, carefully cut off piece by piece, holding the fork in the left hand, and the knife in the right. The "American" version is also possible, when the whole piece is immediately cut into many small ones, then the knife is put aside, the fork is shifted to the right hand, and they start eating. But it is believed that with this option, the meat cools faster, and you will not be able to fully enjoy and feel its taste.
Vegetables. Vegetables are eaten with a fork, helping yourself with a knife. Peas and corn are collected in the recess of the fork. Olives and pitted olives can be taken by hand if there is no special spoon. Gracefully spit the bone onto a fork and place on a plate. It is also not forbidden to take asparagus and artichokes, large cherry tomatoes with your hands. Meals served in pots are not laid out on plates.
Spaghetti. We hold the spoon in our left hand. We lower the edge of the spoon into the plate, wrap the spaghetti on the fork, rotating it in the deepening of the spoon. Cut off the excess with a spoon. It is possible to do without a spoon. Then dip the prongs of the fork into the pasta and wind the desired portion. We draw the hanging part into the mouth, trying to do it as quietly as possible.
Bread. Bread and butter plates are always placed to the left of your main plate. Bread is taken with hands, not with a fork - and during the meal they break off little piece. You shouldn't hold a whole piece in your hand. If there is a common butter dish on the table, take from it right amount on your bread plate and spread on the broken piece of bread.

While you are waiting for your order, you can order an aperitif. Depending on what you will be drinking, the waiter will offer you the drinks they have available. If it is wine, then in some restaurants they may bring you an unopened bottle of wine so that you can evaluate it and make a choice. The visitor carefully examines the label, then the waiter pours a small amount of wine in a glass, the customer takes a sip to taste the wine. Only after receiving the approval mark for the quality of wine or other alcoholic beverage, the employee of the restaurant hall fills the glasses. It is worth noting that this ritual is conditional. Therefore, it is considered not quite decent to refuse the ordered alcohol, excluding only cases of providing poor-quality goods. A badly chilled drink can also serve as a reason for refusing the ordered wine. In the event that the drink is served in tall glasses and with a straw, then there is no need to drink it to the end. The gurgling sound made at the same time can only interfere with a pleasant conversation.

In upscale restaurants, visitors are served by a waiter. He shifts the food from common dish into the plate of everyone sitting at the table and pours wine. IN good place It is considered bad manners to pour your own wine. The waiters themselves will fill the empty glass. Empty plates should be placed on the right side of the table. Food is served on the left side. Alcoholic drinks are also poured from the right side. Using the service of a waiter, every time you need to thank him. In restaurant etiquette, it is customary to observe temporary pauses between dishes. Usually it is 10-15 minutes. Therefore, if the meat was brought to you before you finished the soup, you can safely ask to send this dish to the kitchen.
Appeal to the waiter "girl", "garcon", "waiter" are unacceptable. Therefore, if for some reason the waiter did not introduce himself (although he should), do not hesitate to ask his name yourself. The work of a waiter is hard physically and mentally. You can not humiliate the waiter, or be indignant without an obvious reason - his work is already not sugar. It is also possible that it was not his fault that the order had to wait a long time.

A man pays for a lady who invites for a guest. In the presence of a lady, it is indecent to discuss the bill or argue. The only thing - you can fix a random error.
Tipping has become a good old tradition in restaurants all over the world. All over the world they are treated calmly. However, "to give or not to give", the client must decide only for himself. The waiter is obliged to give him an invoice and count the change, and the client already takes it or, on the contrary, makes it clear that he leaves the money. Unlike Europe, we do not always adhere to the tradition of tipping at a rate of 10% of the bill, most often the amount is simply rounded up. They don’t tip if the guest is dissatisfied with the restaurant, if he doesn’t want to spoil his mood and make a fuss, this good way correctly show the restaurant their dissatisfaction.
By the way, the expression "tip" is originally Russian. Throughout Great Rus', it became a custom to ask for “tea, for tea” at every opportunity, and there were few places left where, in the old way, they asked for “vodka”. The expression “for vodka” was replaced by a more delicate request “for tea”, and the saying “nowadays even a drunkard does not ask for vodka, but everything for tea” has developed. Most likely, the request for tea spread among the coachmen, and then moved on to other working strata of Russian society.
Giving tips to coachmen became the duty of a traveler and, as it were, constituted one of the links of Russian customary law, it was so ingrained that it was even established by law for people traveling on official business and not paying runs to give an increase to coachmen. Refusal of this was recognized as something unnatural and incredible.
After the coachmen, tea handouts became a habit among the servants of hotels, restaurants, taverns, etc., and then passed to other lower strata of the population. All those employed for some service also received a tip as a normal addition to the agreed wage, as well as people who provide fleeting services, such as porters, footmen, messengers, porters, etc. The term "tip" has become common throughout Russia.
In others, the etymology of "tip" is quite different. For example, tips in French are called "pourboire" (pourboire - literally: "to drink"). In Greek, tips are called “philodorima”, which means “friendly gift”. IN Eastern countries"baksheesh".

The woman gives a sign to the beginning of the meal, she also finishes it, rising from the table. Leaving the restaurant, the man goes first to the door, but not allowing the lady, as it were, to catch up with him. He goes, slightly turning to the lady, opens the door in front of her and lets her go ahead (the gentleman always goes through the revolving door first, waiting for the lady at the exit); in the wardrobe, the man first helps the lady get dressed, and only then puts on his coat.

An invitation to a restaurant is a pleasant and significant event. But do not relax, preparation for visiting a cultural institution requires special care. And it's not about the hairstyle and festive attire. The first thing that the guests present and the culprit of the planned event will pay attention to is your manners. Make sure you know the rules of restaurant etiquette.

Etiquette is not a whim of aesthetes, but a social necessity, expressed by a respectful attitude towards each other.

Who meets whom and where?

The initiator of the event should meet guests in the restaurant, and not vice versa. Therefore, he simply must be in the appointed place first. If the inviter is late, guests can sit down at their favorite table and wait for the “violator” over a cup of tea. At the same time, the latecomer must state the reason for the delay, of course, a valid one.

For a romantic date, modern couples usually come together, meeting outside the restaurant. Some companies also prefer to enter the institution not alone, but in a group. Especially closed or located in an unfamiliar place. In these 2 cases, being late is extremely indecent. And they choose the meeting place that is more convenient for the female half to get to.

IN big company it is customary to wait no more than a quarter of an hour for latecomers, after which you need to sit down at a table and start the event. Late-arriving guests should apologize, being careful not to interrupt the speech or toast, take their place, and remember to introduce themselves to their neighbors or drop a polite phrase.

in the lobby

And so, a young couple enters a restaurant. The gentleman must hold the front door and let the lady go ahead. Then help take off her coat and give her time to preen in front of the mirror. At this time, you can undress yourself and hand over your outerwear to the cloakroom.

A man must take off his hat at the entrance. And put on after leaving the restaurant.

In front of the mirror in the lobby, you are only allowed to straighten your hair with your hands. If you need more significant manipulations, you can briefly go to the ladies' room. Or men's, if you need to straighten your tie.

On the way to the table

The door to the restaurant hall itself is also opened by a man, letting the woman go ahead. Then he must overtake her and be the first to greet the approaching head waiter.

If the hall is big company, as a rule, the initiator of the banquet passes first. The waiter will contact him during the order and payment of the bill.

On the way to the table, the man again lets the lady go ahead, allowing her to follow the head waiter. But he chooses a table himself or, if there is no choice, the head waiter will point to a free one.

Having proceeded to the indicated table, the woman independently chooses the place she likes. And the man helps to take it by pushing and moving a chair. He himself takes a place to the left of the lady or opposite for a more comfortable conversation.

It is not civilized to move a chair to the table in a sitting position. If you are uncomfortable, it is better to just sit on its edge.

It happens that the lady is delayed. In this case, the gentleman must inform the head waiter about what awaits the companion. Then the administrator will be able to meet the guest and lead to her table. The man, at the same time, gets up and helps her sit down.

Place a napkin from the table on your knees. At the end of the meal - on the table, without turning.

Contacting the waiter and ordering food

The menu is usually served to each guest, but there are exceptions. If there is only one instance, the first course is chosen by the lady. And here there are several points that many prudes "stumble" about:

  • You can not limit yourself to the cheapest dishes, this indicates doubts about the viability of a man.
  • The most exquisite and unreasonably expensive dishes are also not an option, because you are not one of those people who would take advantage of the opportunity. It is better to give preference to the golden mean.
  • The phrase "Order to your taste" is not acceptable at all. But you can get off with the request "What do you advise"?

It just so happened that it was a man who communicates with the waiter. And the woman expresses her wishes to her companion, this is another great opportunity to show her care and resourcefulness to the lady. But just do not call the waiter to order. He himself will understand that the guests have already made their choice.

If a large company of guests is sitting at the table, the waiter will approach the initiator of the banquet. To the one who booked a table or entered the restaurant first. In this case, the inviter must consult with the others and place an order on his own, taking into account the general wishes.

After the waiter has opened the wine brought for testing, it is already indecent to refuse it. You can afford such a step only if the drink turned out to be spoiled.


The way a person eats food, what appliances he uses and how he holds them in his hand, speaks of his culture and upbringing. Therefore, everyone should know the general ones by heart. And even more so if we are talking about the restaurant.

They start eating when the dish is in front of each guest. If the banquet is too large, and the dishes are brought for a long time, the waiting guests may offer to start without them. Or you yourself can politely ask if you can start the meal.

An excellent piece of etiquette - not to keep your elbows on the table - is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In a friendly company, no one will focus on this, but at a banquet with the older generation it is better not to risk your reputation.

Eat slowly and calmly. You can not grimace, slurp and knock with a fork or spoon. You can't talk while eating. But at a banquet, you can be contacted at any second, in such a situation it is better to quietly apologize and chew your food than to mumble with a full mouth.

When a man and a woman dine at the table, the lady should start eating earlier, but finish after the gentleman. According to the rules restaurant etiquette you can’t rush a man for a meal, and even more so ask the waiter to bring the bill before it ends.

Different situations during a banquet

Even the people knowing the rules etiquette from A to Z, can get into an awkward situation during dinner at a restaurant. Help to avoid them following rules behavior in the institution:

  1. Do not pick up appliances that you have dropped on the floor. The waiter will do it himself and replace them with new ones.
  2. Broken dishes in a restaurant are no cause for fuss. You just need to ask the waiter to remove the fragments, and the cost of damage will automatically be included in the bill.
  3. It is not cultural to fall apart in a chair, talk loudly, bend over a plate.
  4. If the dish is absolutely not to your taste, discreetly spit the food into a paper napkin, and not into a plate, so as not to spoil the appetite of other guests.
  5. Talking on the phone right at the table is the height of indecency. It is better to apologize and leave the table if the conversation is urgent.
  6. If necessary, leave, even for a short time, you need to politely ask permission from friends.
  7. Don't shout at the people at the next table. Need to talk? Invite a friend to your table or sit down at his table, asking permission from your friends.
  8. If a familiar person has entered the restaurant, you can greet him with a nod of your head. As a rule, no one lingers at the table. If the fleeting conversation dragged on, it is better to leave the table and go into the hall. Or invite a person to sit at your table, but only if you yourself organized a banquet.
  9. When late guests approach the table, the men stand in greeting, while the women remain in their places. If a lady has joined the banquet, everyone stands up.
  10. A negative impression is made by people loudly calling the waiter. Insinuate your need for his presence with a simple nod of your head.
  11. The organizer of the evening speaks about the end of the banquet. romantic dinner the man ends, but if the lady urgently needs to escape, she can do this by apologizing to the gentleman.

Who pays the bill

It is better to discuss payment of the bill in advance; it is unacceptable to do this in the presence of a waiter. After he brought the bill, you need to look into it and immediately pay.

Large banquets are most often paid for by the organizer, while it is not nice to expose the amount spent to the public. A friendly dinner can be paid together or asked for a separate bill for each. Alcohol in this case, men can pay for the ladies, which will be a sign of good manners.

If a couple ate at the restaurant, the man pays the bill himself. And the lady should not feel awkward and obligated. And in combination, when a man and a woman are friends, you can share the costs.

How to leave beautifully

At the end of the meal and payment of the bill, you must thank the waiter and the head waiter. After that, the man escorts the lady to the exit, opening the door for her. He takes outerwear from the wardrobe, dresses himself, and only then helps the lady to dress. She is patiently waiting for help.

Everyone should follow the rules of etiquette in a restaurant in order to make a good impression of themselves.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette will help you have a great evening, and leave a good impression on others about yourself. Don't know how to behave in a restaurant? Relax and enjoy. But don't forget about etiquette.

  • We all love to have lunch and dinner at home. But sometimes such constancy bothers, and you want to go to an expensive restaurant, taste real culinary masterpieces.
  • Often ladies are invited to the restaurant by their fans, grooms or husbands. How to make a good impression of yourself? What should you say to the waiter, and what can you ask him?
  • It often seems to us that nothing can spoil the rest, destroy the holiday atmosphere. But a lot depends on behavior. If everything is done correctly, good memories of the holiday will remain.

It is better to book a table in advance, but if the decision to go to a restaurant was spontaneous, you should resolve all issues with the administrator. Do not immediately go into the hall and take the first free seat. After all, perhaps the table is already booked by other guests.

The administrator is usually located at his desk near the entrance. If he is not there, then you need to wait, he can deal with visitors who came before you.

So, the administrator invited you to a table. Now the question arises: how to behave in a restaurant, how to communicate with a waiter? Etiquette and rules of conduct:

  • Relax and keep at ease. Remove excess stress, enjoy the evening. Nice atmosphere, Beautiful design hall, gallant waiters, beautiful outfit - all this makes you want to be the hero of the evening. Spend time with pleasure.
  • Start eating with everyone. If food has been brought to you, but other people from your company have not yet, you do not need to immediately grab a fork and knife and use them for their intended purpose. You can warn the waiter in advance to bring the dishes at the same time.
  • Consider the specifics of the restaurant, forget about your tastes. If you go to a fish restaurant, don't order meat. In the famous restaurant that serves delicious steaks You don't have to limit yourself to salad.
  • Don't be afraid to ask the waiter questions. If there are incomprehensible names of dishes on the menu, ask the waiter what this dish is made of. This is especially important if you are allergic to certain foods.
  • Always ask the price if you are interested. There is nothing shameful in this. The waiter can offer specialty of the house restaurant, and you can ask its price.
  • Leave a tip. According to the rule of etiquette, you need to leave 10% (of the value of the check) or more to the waiter for a tip. It's a shame not to leave a tip if you've been well served.

Customers mostly don't talk to waiters. The restaurant employee must take the order, serve the guest at the highest level and ask to pay for dinner. Visitors should have a good rest and not bother about the fact that they can do something wrong or say the wrong thing.

Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery: how to use, how to put after a meal?

In a restaurant, you usually have to use more than one fork and knife. But you don't have to be scared a large number utensils next to your plate. Here are some tips on how to use it, how to put cutlery after eating. The rules of etiquette in a restaurant on this occasion say the following:

  • Remember the order in which the dishes are served. First, a salad - cold or hot, then the first course, if you ordered it, and the second course.
  • Start your meal with the forks and knives furthest away from your plate., and move to those that are closer.
  • If the fork or knife has fallen off the table, do not focus on it.. Call an employee of the institution, and ask to replace the device for you.

Remember: The length of the salad knife is the same diameter as the appetizer plate, the appetizer fork is slightly shorter. The length of the second course knife is equal to the diameter of the plate in which the dish was brought to you. The table fork is long, and a long spoon and knife are used to serve portions from a shared plate.

  • TO dessert dishes other appliances are supplied: knife with a sharp tip, a fork with three cloves and a small spoon.
  • Fruits are served with special cutlery: fork and knife for eating fruits are smaller than dessert cutlery.
  • Separate spoons are used for drinks: for coffee - coffee, for tea - tea. A teaspoon can be used for soft-boiled eggs, as well as for cocoa drink and smoothies.
  • Additional devices: tongs, special forks, spoons and knives. With a two-pronged fork, you can take a piece of herring, as well as eat crab or shrimp. A small spoon, which is in the salt shaker, helps to add salt to the dishes. With the help of tongs put on a plate confectionery, sugar, marshmallow, candy and marmalade.

Restaurant etiquette - cutlery

Important: If there is red or black caviar on the table, then there is a special spatula to put this dish on a plate. A large rectangular spatula is designed for shifting meat or vegetables. A small figured spatula is used for pate.

General rules for using cutlery:

  • The knife should always be in the right hand.
  • When you eat food with a fork or spoon, keep the utensils parallel to the table.. Do not blow on a hot dish.
  • If there is some soup left in the bowl, you can finish it. tilting the plate away from you. Scoop up the rest of the soup carefully, do not hit the plate.
  • During a pause or conversation at the table, cutlery must be placed on a plate, next to food.
  • If the knife and fork lie parallel to each other on the plate, and the knife is turned with the tip towards the fork, which indicates the end of the meal. For the waiter, this suggests that the plate can be removed.

In the following video, an etiquette specialist will tell you how and what a well-mannered person should do at the table, and how to use forks and knives correctly.

Video: How to use cutlery correctly

You should not take with your hands at the table what you can eat with the help of cutlery. A dish that can be eaten with a fork should not be eaten with a spoon. There are many nuances of behavior at the table, like eating a barbecue, a burger or an expensive dish. Here are some rules:

  • Shish kebab pieces are removed from the skewers and eaten with a knife and fork..
  • Burger should be held with hands. Cutlery is not used. bite off in small portions and chew the dish for a long time.
  • Expensive dish, for example, lobsters are served with special cutlery. With help sharp knife with a hole, break out the claws. Use a two-pronged fork to eat lobster meat. To the left of the plate will be a bowl of water. In it, you can rinse your hands after a meal.

The main thing in a restaurant is to eat silently. But, if you can’t, for example, cope with a lobster, ask the waiter to help.

The napkin always accompanies us at the table. This is not only a decor item, but also a unique serving item that helps to facilitate the meal. Often in a restaurant you can see that a person ignores the napkin or pretends that it does not exist. No need to be afraid of this serving item.

How to use napkins in a restaurant - rules:

  • This hygiene product should be on your lap, not on your neck or on a table.
  • If the napkin is dirty, you can ask the employee of the institution to replace it with a fresh one.
  • At the end of dinner, the napkin is left to the left of the plate. You should not put this item on a plate, no matter you used a cloth napkin or a paper one.

If you need to leave during dinner, a napkin is also placed next to the plate on the left. It is unacceptable to hang it on the back of a chair or put it on its seat.

As soon as the waiter or your companion poured beer into glasses, you need to start drinking it. This drink is usually poured according to a special mark. If there is no such mark, then no more than 3/4 of the glass should be poured.

According to beer etiquette in a restaurant, one should not drink a lot of beer or stretch the process for a long time. First, half a cup is drunk, and the rest is divided into two doses. Do not mix beer with other types of alcohol. Dark varieties beer is worth drinking in the cold season with salads and hot dishes. Light beers are good to drink in summer with shrimps or pistachios.

If you came to the restaurant before the rest of your friends from your company, then you should wait for everyone outside. The waiter pushes the chair back to the girl as she sits down at the table. But, if there are several girls, then their companions help them.

Rest important rules etiquette in a restaurant at the table for a girl:

  • Hide your excitement. If you don't know how to use certain appliances correctly, see how others do.
  • At the table you need not only to eat, but also to keep up the conversation. There are forbidden topics: about illness, death, sex, religion and politics.
  • No smoking at the table even if it doesn't bother anyone. There are designated smoking areas in the restaurant.
  • When the wine is poured into glasses, do not rush to drink it.. The host must say a toast or take the first sip. Before drinking a drink, you need to wipe your lips with a napkin, otherwise there will be greasy marks on the glass.
  • When the waiter starts serving the dishes, take the napkin from the plate and place it on your lap.
  • If you are allergic to a certain food, you should not talk about it in full hearing or scandal. Just leave the plate with this dish untouched.

Wrap long pasta with a fork and knife. After that, quickly put them in your mouth. Bones from meat or fish that ended up in the mouth are placed on a fork, and then on a plate. If they are too small, you can take them out with your index finger and put them on a plate.

When entering a restaurant, a man opens the door to a woman. The door to the hall is also opened by a man and the lady is let in first. Near the table, the woman chooses the place she likes, and the man must move the chair so that she sits down.

The rest of the rules of etiquette in a restaurant at the table for a woman with a man:

  • It is indecent to pull up a chair if you are sitting uncomfortable.. You can just move to the edge.
  • If there are two menus, then they are served to both the woman and the man. If there is only one menu, then the lady chooses first.
  • Don't limit yourself to the cheapest dishes- this will indicate doubts about the viability of a man.
  • Do not order the most expensive dishes, because you do not consider yourself a woman who will take advantage of the opportunity. Pick something in the middle for the price.
  • A girl should not say "Order to your taste". One can only ask, “What do you recommend?”
  • The order is made by a man, and the lady expresses her wishes to her companion who shows care and resourcefulness in this way.
  • Previously, it was impossible to keep your elbows on the table- this rule of etiquette is a thing of the past. In the company of a young man or with friends, no one will pay attention to this. If you are dining with the older generation, then it is better not to risk your reputation.
  • Eat slowly and calmly. Don't talk while eating. Start the meal before the man, and finish the meal later.
  • Do not rush a man when he eats and don't ask the waiter to bring the bill. He will do it himself.
  • A man finishes a romantic dinner. But, if the lady wanted to leave earlier, she can do this by apologizing to her gentleman.
  • The man usually pays the bill, and a woman should not feel embarrassed about it. If the man and woman are friends, then you can pay the bill in half.
  • Leave beautifully This is also the main thing in the restaurant. You can thank the waiter for dinner and the head waiter. The man leads the lady to the exit, opening the door for her. He picks up outerwear in the wardrobe and dresses himself. Only then does he help the lady get dressed. She must patiently wait for help from her companion.

If you do something not according to etiquette - do not worry. A man will still see you as a well-mannered prude who behaves beautifully in a restaurant and at the table.

Many transactions are concluded not in the company's meeting room, but in the restaurant. Everything affects the result - behavior, the ability to eat mussels or spaghetti, and much more.

Business etiquette in a restaurant - rules for a dinner to be held at its best:

  • Guests should not come hungry. After all, the purpose of a business lunch is to resolve specific issues.
  • If you are invited to a business lunch, then you need to book a table in advance and study the restaurant menu.
  • Both parties should be well versed in cutlery.
  • It's indecent to complain about service or food. Don't discuss your diagnosis when refusing a meal if you have an allergy, ulcer, or other illness.
  • Before drinking wine or water from a glass, blot your lips. so as not to leave traces of food on the glass.
  • Do not eat if invited guests have already finished their meal.
  • Topics of religion, medicine and politics are not discussed at the table. Talk only about work. You can talk about children, touch on the topic of weather, history or sights.
  • business papers laid out after the waiter clears the table from plates and food.

A business lunch helps to establish friendly contacts with partners and contributes to successful teamwork.

Shouldn't be used mobile phone in a restaurant. Turn off the sound and leave your cell in your coat pocket. Telephone etiquette in a restaurant forbids talking at the table. If you are waiting for an important call, then put your phone in your pocket or purse. When the mobile rings, apologize to your companion and leave the room to talk.

Often when going to a restaurant, many people ask themselves: “Who pays in a restaurant?” If you go with a man romantic evening then he pays. If you have friendly relations, pay in half. At the banquet, the initiator of the feast pays.

Remember: Who will pay for dinner should be agreed in advance. It is indecent to find out when the waiter has already brought the bill.

Communicate with the waiter politely, and he will help you choose the most tasty dish in this restaurant. Next time, the waiter will definitely tell you which dish the chef turned out to be very tasty, and which one is better to try another time.

Video: Etiquette. How to behave in a restaurant

How to behave in a restaurant? What kind of food and how to eat? Helpful Hints and recommendations for girls

Restaurant etiquette

If you were invited to a restaurant or cafe, but you do not feel free in the field of etiquette, then this article is for you. One wrong move with a fork, and ... However, the tips below will help you feel more confident.

First of all, delicately find out from your lover: is this place too expensive, not the most romantic topic for conversation, but explanations with a waiter, director or law enforcement agencies are much more unpleasant. Well, if one of your friends or acquaintances has already been to this place. Do not be too lazy, if possible, to ask them about the prices and features of the dishes served. Be sure to bring cash with you. Of course, your chosen one is a real gentleman, but it is better to be prepared for all unforeseen circumstances. Consider the 16 most dangerous moments to meet with which you must be prepared.

Give the gentleman the opportunity to show gallantry and good manners: to seat you at the table. If he is confused or too slow, try to sit down yourself as quietly as possible. Do not drag the chair, but carefully rearrange it on the floor. Don't cross your legs. Do not prop your cheeks with your hands; while waiting for an order, you should not beat out melodies with cutlery that has turned up under your arm. A linen napkin in front of you so that you spread it on your knees, and not stuff it behind your collar.

Cutlery. Let’s reassure right away: a large number of cutlery is extremely rare, but it’s still better to deal with them in advance. The enemy must be known by sight.

At first glance, there are a lot of knives and forks. No panic. There will definitely not be more than three pairs of them. Easy to remember: appetizer, fish, main dish. We start from the edge and move to the plate. First, as a rule, there is an appetizer. Then there may be a fish, a special fork and knife for it in the middle. Then comes hot. The soup spoon is to the right of the plate. You definitely can't confuse her with anything. To your left should be a small plate for bread.

sausage, ham put on your plate with a fork, eat, cutting into pieces. Big hot sandwiches eat with a fork and knife. Put the bread on your plate and do not bite, but break off small pieces.

Salads should only be eaten with a fork, do not pick up the crumb of the remains of gravy or sauce on a plate.

For fish there is a special knife, similar to a spatula, and a trident fork. If they are not there, breathe a sigh of relief and eat fish with an ordinary fork, in extreme cases, you can help yourself with bread.

Meat eat only with a knife and fork. And keep the knife in your hand all the time, even if at some point you only eat with a fork. If for some reason you are distracted from eating, put the cutlery on the plate crosswise. If you no longer want to eat, put the knife and fork parallel to each other with the handles to the right side.

If you can’t separate the poultry meat from the bone with a knife and fork, there’s nothing you can do, leave everything that you haven’t eaten on a plate. It’s better not to finish eating a little than to catch ironic glances from neighboring tables. chicken bones put on the edge of the plate. Although sometimes a separate plate is served for the bones.

cutlets and other products from minced meat do not cut with a knife. Scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs too.

Green pea lightly press down with a fork so that the peas do not roll on the plate, and only then pick them up on the fork.

If you feel embarrassed and your boyfriend can’t start a conversation either, then talk about the weather, music, movie news, mutual acquaintances, you can’t talk about illnesses, show scratches, sores, or colorfully describe your favorite callus.

Don't remark to anyone. If something spilled, someone dropped something, broke it, knocked it over, do not show curiosity, do not shout, do not show it to others. Don't touch someone else's handkerchief. Show it to the owner with your eyes and just say: "You dropped it."

Most likely no one will violate your tete-a-tete. The situation when someone comes up to the table and invites the girl to dance is unlikely to happen, because they prefer to go to such places in pairs, but if someone still came up and invited, then you must either refuse or agree with an eye on his cavalier. Etiquette allows you to refuse an invitation to a dance without explaining the reasons for the refusal. But it's better to say: "Thank you, you are very kind, but I don't like slow dancing." If you agreed, do not forget to thank the gentleman with a smile after the dance.

Majority fruits eat with a knife. Orange, tangerine are cut with an asterisk - from the middle of the fruit, several small cuts are made in different sides, and do not dig into its peel with nails. A banana is peeled little by little, not all at once.

Shortbread small cakes you can eat with your hands. But if the cake is served on a plate with separate appliances, then use them.

Before getting up from the table, a napkin from the knees is placed on the table to the left of the plate. For lips, as a rule, there are paper napkins. But if there are only cloth napkins on the table, then you can use your own.

Even if your boyfriend boasts of a thick pack banknotes, do not order everything more expensive and more. Greed and gluttony, in any case, will not lead to good. Be careful and considerate. Do not rush. And you can always orient yourself on the spot.
