
Fast food cafe design: colors, music and light. Fast food, fast food restaurants, beautiful design

The majority of visitors form an order based on information from menu boards. The average check of the buyer depends on how appetizing the dishes look and whether the promotions are well located. Here, the light board is the main selling element.

How to stand out? This is especially true for the design of food courts in shopping centers (restaurant courtyards), where the standards of the landlord are very limited by the parameters of signs, decoration of stands, and the food area is impersonal.

There are different types of advertising structures:

Menu boards

Light boxes and panels

Signboards and stands

Volumetric inscriptions




Designer designs

Promo stands

The main task of decorating fast food outlets is to attract a visitor. The second, but not least, task is to give your client maximum comfort.

Traditionally, when designing fast food chains, bright colors, expressive details, spectacular designs, good lighting, and a minimum of decorative elements are used. Functional design is a hallmark of fast food interior design.

It used to be inexpensive, plastic and not very convenient in order to reduce the time spent at the table and increase the attendance of the establishment. These times are slowly passing. There were tendencies to create an atmosphere. In the design began to appreciate the individuality and style. The line between fast food and restaurants is slowly blurring. The interior of the hall (furniture, furnishings, lighting) is one of the main ways to accomplish this task.

People usually choose familiar brands and well-designed outlets. This can be seen in any food court during rush hour. A well-designed interior of a fast food outlet is an investment in your business. Recognizable design and signage. Comfortable upholstered furniture, comfortable tables and chairs, the comfort of the seating area… all this creates an impression of your brand, and the visitor decides whether he wants to come back here.

Fast food companies are expanding their chains and are one of the fastest growing sectors in the catering industry. Their number is constantly growing. The design of a fast food cafe, like any trading establishment, begins with a sign. Passing by such pavilions, most visitors make a spontaneous decision to enter it, appreciating their facade and shop window. Cafe is unity and harmony in everything. Therefore, the exterior and interior of the cafe are the key points for the growth of attendance and the development of the trading business.

Fast food cafes are of the following types:
- European level (McDonald's),
- specialized in one type of cuisine (eastern, Azerbaijani, etc.),
- specialized in one type of product (pizzeria, dumplings, pancakes).

Distinctive elements of fast food pavilions:
– placement on the street in the form of stationary pavilions or mobile vans,
- small areas
- high permeability
– duration of the visit up to half an hour,
– modern equipment adapted for small spaces and fast cooking of high quality food in large volumes,
– special furniture, distinguished by quality, but not allowing visitors to stay too long,
- Use of disposable tableware.

Fast food cafe design

Fast food cafes very often consist of a single room, divided into food preparation and customer service areas. Thus, it is possible to achieve transparency in the order processing process. This issue worries today's citizens due to the increase in the use of low-quality products in fast food systems, on the one hand, and prompt customer service, on the other hand.

Depending on the type of institution, the choice of special equipment is required. If frozen products are to be reheated, refrigeration equipment is required. If the fast food cafe prepares semi-finished products on its own, additional premises will be needed. The specifics of cooking in a fast food cafe determines the filling of the kitchen with equipment that allows you to quickly cook shawarma, pasties, french fries, hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, donuts, flour products, drinks and is designed for high traffic of visitors. The devices must be made of food-grade stainless steel, use the latest technologies in cooking, be distinguished by high productivity and be automated.

Design project to open a new fast food outlet includes:

– joint preparation by the customer and the designer of the terms of reference,
– preparation of interior sketches and planning solutions, discussion of style,
- development of technical documentation.

The design of the fast food pavilion includes a planning solution. For this format, establishments in the setting use furniture made of high-quality materials, but characterized by limited functionality so that the visitor does not linger and his visit lasts no more than half an hour.

The selection of interior items and textiles occurs after finishing work. Without such trifles, the atmosphere inside the cafe looks incomplete.

If you need to update the environment of an existing catering enterprise, then you can perform its complete reconstruction or partial change of the interior. During the consultation, the designer will talk about fashion trends in cafe design and interior solutions, reveal all aspects of the complex of upcoming work and potential costs. When opening or repairing this type of trading business, the customer will not be able to cope on his own, because the many nuances of design and placement of equipment will make it possible to rationally use the space and create a modern interior of a fast food cafe, which pedestrians will not be able to pass by indifferently.

The fast food segment took root in the Russian market very quickly. And not only in metropolitan areas, traditionally more responsive to innovations, but also in provincial cities.

Fast food has closed a niche that has not been occupied for a long time - a budget, but high-quality institution. In this regard, fast food restaurants, in addition to their main function (saving time), have also become a favorite place for young people.

Although the target audience of this format is not too limited. There are wealthy clerks taking coffee and sandwiches to the office, and students marking the session.

Of the formats in demand in Russia, fast food can be considered the easiest to implement. It does not require consumer preparation, responds quickly to the needs of the target audience, and has a completely universal template for entering the market.

The KLEN company tells you how to start to open a successful fast food restaurant.

How to open fast food from scratch?

Start with a local market analysis. Competition as such is not to be feared. Yes, fast food is common and fast food outlets can be found at every turn. But the volume of the market is so large that it is enough for everyone with a margin. Fast food is in demand every day. And if you offer a quality product, the client will always go to you.

Decide on the format. There are two ways to work in the fast food segment - street and stationary. The first assumes a certain mobility and a minimum of investments. Mobile carts and counters, kiosks and vans. Transportation and a staff of two people is all it takes to open a fast food outlet. Food is prepared right in the presence of the buyer and sold in the take away format. That is, take-out.

Stationary establishments require investments, but also significantly expand the possibilities of your kitchen. Small eateries, pizzerias, bistros and ubiquitous food courts often have more customer confidence than street outlets. And the average check here, of course, is higher.

Start from your own financial possibilities. You can find out how much it costs to open a fast food in a small town or in the capital in the "" section on the website of the KLEN company.

Choice of location and premises

The main and only rule is walking distance for the client. If establishments of large formats can afford to be far away (after all, people go to them purposefully), then fast food should be “at hand”.

The best option is places of large crowds of people:

  • Shopping centers
  • Business centers
  • Transport interchanges

Placement in these passing places will provide you with a constant influx of customers without spending on advertising.

Now about the size of the room. Here, start from the selected product. A shawarma or grilled chicken counter takes up minimal space - about 10 square meters. Pizzeria, pie, noodles already mean large areas. occupies 50 square meters. Fast food restaurant with 30 seats - 100 m². The footage is indicated taking into account both the dining room and the technological zone.


For the street format of fast food, it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. Additional licenses are not required. It is better to open the stationary format through LLC. In both cases, you will need to obtain permits from the fire inspection, the sanitary and epidemiological service, acquire certificates of conformity for equipment and documents confirming product quality.

It is often more difficult to register a food business than to start one. Therefore, even if you thoroughly know how to open a diner on your own, it is better to entrust the paperwork to professionals. Specialists of the company "KLEN" will provide you with full assistance in overcoming bureaucratic obstacles.

All other stages of opening fast food follow the classical scheme - design, equipment selection, design project, corporate identity development, staff recruitment, assortment development. How these processes will be carried out depends on the fast food format. Take for example a barbecue and a snack bar.

Format Features

Fast food offers a wide range of products, each of which has its own characteristics. This is mainly related to technological processes. That is, simply, preparations.

How to open a barbecue business?

Roasted meat has always been the "king of dishes". And all the charm of the barbecue as a format is in the natural processing of the product. However, in order to put a wood-burning barbecue, you need an appropriate room. Most often, this problem is solved by a simple tent (the same as for a summer cafe), the barbecue is taken out into the street.

But, firstly, this method is far from all-weather. Secondly, if we are not talking about a snack bar on the highway, but about a fast food restaurant in a business center, we cannot talk about open fire. What does it take to open a barbecue house open all year round? Professional electric grills and come to the rescue. Models of equipment can be found in the catalogs of the KLEN company. They are universal, and you can diversify the menu with a steak.

There is a certain (albeit a bit stereotypical) view of the proposals of "barbecue yards". In addition to fried meat, fish and poultry, the visitor expects to see shawarma, pasties, and other oriental dishes.

In addition to the electric grill, you will need neutral and technological equipment:

    If the project you are interested in is not in the catalogs, contact the KLEN specialists. 20 years of work in the HoReCa market allow us to open establishments of any complexity.

    According to forecasts, in 2015 the fast food segment will account for about 65% of all restaurant profits. Contact us and earn on this trend.

Fast food design is a tool to attract visitors, and well-known brands use it well.

What is FAST, friends? And what is FUD, comrades?

In designing such establishments, we have recently decided not to reinvent the wheel. Why? Yes, because the most popular brands, such as McDonald's, Burger King, KFS, and this can also be attributed to, for example, Subway, have developed a strategy for working out new interiors based on previously developed and rehearsed brand books. Is it worth it to come up with your own finishing technologies when the leading players have already optimized and edited everything. We are not talking about design, but about a model of high-speed interior decoration. Design, colors, etc. you can always come up with your own. But the technology... After all, you see, in the word FAST, there is a component not only for the visitor (to eat quickly), but also for the investor - to quickly open and quickly fight back.

The interiors of fast food cafes are created according to the principle of convenience, laconic decor, functionality and maximum standardization. It is also important to make the institution unique and memorable.

And how is that? And like this. If you yourself went to one of the above establishments, you probably already noted some similarity in decoration, and maybe even the color scheme of the interiors of fast food cafes, i.e. fast food.

Look, even in our interiors, or rather, the interiors designed by our bureau, there are similar elements. Saturated colors in the decoration of walls, ceilings and furniture. For what? Well, this is already a proven fact - a bright color scheme encourages the visitor to burst out of energy: an increase in the volume of purchases, an increase in appetite. But it does not work for me, some may object. But, often, you are not fans of a quick snack. You have noticed that the visitors of such cafes and restaurants are young people, or families in which there is a child. It is on them that the dynamic and positive interiors of such establishments are designed. Therefore, the pilot projects of the pizzeria chain YESCHOE Kusochek (photo above) and Burger Avenue (photo below) created by our bureau are made in a similar style and even somewhat resemble restaurants of famous labels. Yes, one of the first KFC restaurants in new brand colors (in Stavropol, back in 2012, the photo is right below the paragraph) was made by the designers of our bureau.

Further. FAST means "start" in the shortest possible time. Suspended ceilings, false walls, floating floors and mobile kitchens are very well suited for this. Yes, all this requires initial investment, but then it quickly pays off, and in the event of a “failure”, it allows a prudent investor to realize a significant cashback through a second-hand platform.

Modern technologies make it possible to build an interior, just as filmmakers "build" a stage with the help of scenery. HPL wall panels, unlike drywall, are not disposable materials. They have both a pre-formed finish at the factory (in the form of wood, stone, metal and other materials), and the possibility of applying prints with individual surfaces and their images.

Fast food design elements

All interior details must comply with the general style and emphasize the democratic price category of the diner. Advertising products are widely used: signs, banners and posters on the walls, in shop windows and columns. There are logos on countertops, napkin holders, bags, glasses, trays and food boxes.

The face of fast food is a menu board, or a light board with images of products and prices. Now this function is performed by TVs, which display pre-formed media content that induces appetite and gives the maximum idea of ​​the institution's pricing policy. This is the most important "selling" element of the interior of a fast food cafe. Pictures should look appetizing, image should be of high quality and bright.

Furniture should be inexpensive and hygienic. Usually, completely plastic furniture or furniture on a metal frame is used. You can’t sit on such chairs for a long time, but the visitor doesn’t need to stay at the table for more than half an hour.

The target audience of such establishments is young people and families with children. This should be taken into account when designing a cafe. Seating and arranging tables, here is the main strong point of giving all visitors a place and avoiding empty seating when one "butt" occupies a "multi-butt" table. A great move would be to create a children's room with a fun design.

Fast food cafe design: colors, music and light

The color scheme of the room can affect not only the mood, but also the appetite. Warm and bright colors enhance it. For this reason, the interiors of fast food cafes often have a juicy palette. Winning combinations are yellow and red, yellow and blue, yellow and green, green and red. Lighting should be bright.

The background music also affects the volume and speed of food absorption. Fast food establishments usually play cheerful, dynamic music.

It should be noted that in Western countries, the design of fast food has undergone an evolution of style, starting with a functional interior and ending with a modern post-industrial product, implying home comfort and natural materials.

But there should be a place for traditional values. So, for example, French designers offer elements for snack bars such as comfortable leather sofas and soft benches with backs, Italian tiles and parquet flooring, wood trim, etc. Undoubtedly, the new trend will also reach the CIS space, but so far the functional style prevails here.
